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魔芋辐照接枝丙烯酸及其产物吸水性能的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了魔芋-丙烯酸辐照接枝共聚条件及产物的吸水性能,结果表明接枝最佳配方为:魔芋粉∶丙烯酸∶NaOH(9.5mol/L)∶水=3g∶21ml∶17.8ml∶131ml。丙烯酸与魔芋粉配比为7∶1(体积质量比);丙烯酸中和度55%;辐照后胶体最佳烘干温度30℃,该温度下40~80目颗粒吸水倍数较大,常温120min时达最大吸水866.5倍。温度对产物吸水和胶体保水有一定影响,以60℃以下为宜。pH对产物吸水倍数影响明显,但不及离子浓度对产物吸水倍数的影响大。  相似文献   

不同类型保水剂性能及其对玉米生长效应的比较   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
为了比较各类保水剂在同等条件下的性能和应用效果差异,促进保水剂在抗旱节水中的合理应用。本文对国内聚丙烯酸钠、淀粉接枝丙烯酸钠、凹凸棒(无机)/聚丙烯酸钠(有机)、腐殖酸/聚丙烯酸钾4种主要类型农用保水剂进行性能测定,比较其吸水倍率、吸水速率、抗离子特性、pH值、反复吸水性等性能的差异。结果表明,不同类型保水剂的性能差异较大,单一性保水剂聚丙烯酸盐在吸水倍率、吸水速率和保水性等方面表现最好,但反复吸水时吸水率降低较快;淀粉接枝丙烯酸钠第7次吸水时已丧失吸水性;复合型保水剂凹凸棒/聚丙烯酸钠、腐殖酸/聚丙烯酸钾抗二价(Ca^2+,Mg^2+)和三价(Fe^3+)离子特性明显,反复吸水性能好;盆栽玉米实验证明,复合型保水剂及其与菌根配比使用能显著促进玉米生长。  相似文献   

4种剂型保水剂吸水和保水特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对旱宝贝保水剂(B)、植物体保水剂(D)、营养型保水剂(N)、生态功能型保水剂(L)等4种剂型保水剂的吸水与保水特性,粒径与吸水倍率关系以及冷冻对吸水和保水性的影响进行了研究。结果表明,不同剂型保水剂均具有较好的吸水性,但剂型不同,吸水特性不同。吸水过程中,L型保水剂具有明显的吸水高峰;B3和N型保水剂吸水曲线平缓,达到吸水饱和所需时间较长;吸水初期,D型保水剂的吸水速率大于B3和N型保水剂,之后则变小。同种溶液中,保水剂的吸水倍率表现为L型保水剂最大,B3和N型保水剂次之,D型保水剂最小;不同溶液中,保水剂吸水倍率表现为:蒸馏水〉井水〉土壤提取液。剂型不同,保水性不同;充分吸水情况下,保水剂吸水倍率越大,完全失水所需时间越长;相同吸水量下,4种保水剂间保水性差异可分为差异显著期和差异不明显期。成份相同的保水剂,小颗粒吸水较快,大颗粒吸水较慢。水溶液中的离子对保水剂影响较大,能显著降低其吸水倍率。经冷冻处理后,保水剂的吸水倍率和保水性变化不大。  相似文献   

于2006年7~8月通过对京西百花山区6种植物群落凋落物的不同分解层次的蓄积量、自然含水率、最大持水率、吸水速度以及有效拦蓄水量进行测定。研究结果表明:凋落物蓄积量油松(Pinus tabulaef ormis)群落最高达到18.5 t/hm^2,杂类草凋落物最低只有3.9 t/hm^2,同一植物群落凋落物不同层次蓄积量未分解层低于半分解层,自然含水率未分解层低于半分解层,不同层次自然含水率差值最大的青杨(Populuscathayana)凋落物差值为97.1%;同一植物群落凋落物不同层次持水能力,半分解层高于未分解层,从中证明凋落物的持水能力与其分解程度有关;研究结果还表明,所有的凋落物按其吸水速度的快慢都可将其吸水过程分为3个阶段:快速吸水阶段(0~1.0 h)、缓慢吸水阶段(1.0~5.0 h)、停滞吸水阶段(24.0 h);不同植物群落凋落物层对降雨的有效拦蓄量由高到低的排列顺序依次为青杨〉刺槐〉油松〉野艾蒿〉荆条〉杂类草,相关分析得出凋落物对降雨的有效拦蓄量与凋落物蓄积量、最大持水率成正相关关系,特别是与最大持水率相关系数(0.839 6)达极显蓍水平。  相似文献   

吉林省西部苏打盐碱土改良研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
通过盆栽及田间生物试验,结合室内分析,重点研 究了改良剂硫酸铝和地膜覆盖对盐碱地旱田的改良效果.结果表明:强碱性苏打盐碱土中添 加改良剂硫酸铝后,土壤平衡溶液的pH值明显下降,Ca2++Mg2+、K+及Na+ 离子浓度明显增加,土壤的吸水量和吸水速度、毛管水上升高度和速度明显提高.旱田施用 硫酸铝后,大粒径微团聚体数量明显增多,土壤容重变小,孔隙度增大.盆栽条件下,随硫酸铝用量(0%-0.8%)的增加,作物出苗率及生长状况逐渐变好;田间条件下,施用改良 剂和覆膜对玉米出苗率及苗期生长均有良好作用,但玉米产量则以硫酸铝加覆膜的处理最高.  相似文献   

生物降解聚氨酯包膜尿素化肥的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王勇  陈小幺  万涛 《土壤通报》2005,36(3):375-377
以天然吸水剂魔芋为掺杂料,参与合成生物降解型聚氨酯泡沫材料,用作为尿素化肥缓释包膜材料,研究结果表明通过调整魔芋粉的数量、水的份量及控制包膜的厚度,可控制尿素氮的缓释速度及包膜材料的降解速度。用水溶解方法测定试样缓释速率,用埋入法测定包膜材料的降解情况,结果表明该材料能够自然降解。  相似文献   

以本实验室设计的配方来制备水泥-粉煤灰基固沙材料,以3~4个月释放期的美国Osmocote 14-14-14为控释肥肥源,以PAM、自制SAP1和SAP2为吸水保水剂,采用沙柱法对植生固沙材料的吸水剂种类、吸水剂用量、肥料用量和水灰比材料参数进行正交优化试验,研究材料参数与NPK释放速率和材料抗压、抗折强度的关系。结果表明,影响N释放速率的主要因素是肥料用量和吸水剂种类,影响抗折强度的主要因素是水灰比和吸水剂种类,优化配方是1.5%PAM,0.8 g Osmocote/100 g沙和水灰比为1.2。在水泥-粉煤灰基固沙材料中NPK的28 d初期释放量大小顺序为K>N>P,其原因是水泥基材料富钾和固磷特性使得增K减P,水泥基材料毛细孔多孔特征使得N将以气态氨和液态銨释放。N的初期释放率受N的水溶肿胀和控释肥薄膜孔缝扩大速度的影响。  相似文献   

土壤特性对保水剂吸水性能的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
该文测试了保水剂与砂壤土、壤砂土、砂黏壤土1和砂黏壤土2四种土壤混合后的吸水倍率,研究了土壤特性对保水剂吸水性能的影响,混合时土壤为风干土,保水剂与土壤的混合比例为0.5%。结果表明:与对照相比,保水剂与土壤混合后明显降低了吸水倍率,且随着吸水时间加长,降低幅度增大。吸水10 min后,吸水倍率下降14.4%~58.0%,70 min后,下降41.8%~90.2%。研究认为:吸水初期,吸水倍率主要受土壤孔隙特性的影响,随着吸水时间的加长,土壤溶液中离子增多,对保水剂吸水倍率产生了影响。土壤溶液中离子量与黏粒含量有关,黏粒含量高,土壤溶液中离子量大,反之则小,保水剂在黏粒含量高的土壤中的吸水倍率较在黏粒含量低的土壤中低。与土壤混合还改变了保水剂的吸水规律,对照中,吸水倍率随着吸水时间加长而加大,达到最大后趋于稳定;而在土壤中,短时间内吸水倍率达到最大,随着吸水时间加长,吸水倍率逐渐下降。  相似文献   

陕北丘陵沟壑区常见树种叶片的吸水性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了比较不同树种叶片的吸水性能,在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区采用浸水法测定刺槐、臭椿、小叶杨、新疆杨、河北杨、84K杨(银白杨×腺毛杨)6种常见树种叶片的吸水能力。结果表明:1)不同树种叶片的吸水量均随浸水时间的增加而增加,与浸水时间呈对数关系;吸水速率均随浸水时间的增加而降低,与浸水时间呈幂函数关系;叶片浸水后0~60min吸水速率较大,是叶片的主要吸水阶段。2)不同树种叶片吸水量、吸水速率表现为:新疆杨〉刺槐〉84K杨〉臭椿〉河北杨〉小叶杨,其中新疆杨叶片的吸水量为0.415g/g,小叶杨为0.179g/g。3)不同树种中,新疆杨的吸水量、吸水速率最大,新疆杨在树冠截留方面应具有更重要的作用。  相似文献   

保水剂是功能性高分子材料,由于结构交联,网格所吸的水不能用简单物理方法挤出,故有良好的保水性(参见图1)。它所吸水分一则随土壤水势平衡释放出来,二则是植物根从中吸水。保水剂绝不同于一般吸水剂,其核心是反复吸放水和保水性。我司经过十年与民智的互动,不仅开发出多种规格的保水剂,还建立了不完全同于国外的实用工法。[第一段]  相似文献   

香菇双螺杆挤压膨化机的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有双螺杆挤压膨化设备生产香菇膨化产品时存在物料堵塞、预熟度低、作业参数缺失等问题而导致生产的产品膨化率低、吸水性差、硬度高等缺陷,该研究设计了一种香菇双螺杆挤压膨化设备,并对设备中的关键部件喂料搅拌防堵装置、预熟调质装置与双螺杆结构参数进行了设计与确定。同时,为探究设备中的作业参数对产品膨化性能的影响,研究了设备的螺杆转速、膨化温度、物料含水率对产品的膨化率、硬度、脆度、吸水性的影响。结果表明:影响膨化率的显著性顺序依次为螺杆转速、物料含水率、膨化温度;影响硬度的显著性顺序依次为螺杆转速、膨化温度、物料含水率;影响脆度的显著性顺序依次为膨化温度、物料含水率、螺杆转速;影响吸水性的显著性顺序依次为膨化温度、物料含水率、螺杆转速。其次,结合各因素交互作用的影响规律与目标优化结果,得出设备的最佳作业参数为:螺杆转速167.23r/min,膨化温度151.68℃,物料含水率16.83%,此时,产品的膨化率、硬度、脆度、吸水性分别为4.04%、18.61N、-8.46mm/cm^2、313.86%。将优化后的参数值在设备中进行了生产性应用,得到生产值与优化值的误差均小于4%,最大生产率为165 kg/h。与扬州大学机械工程学院实验室内的现有设备相比,在提高物料送料的连续性与调质熟化度的基础上,膨化率提高了25.00%,硬度降低了48.21%、脆度提升了40.55%、吸水性提高了62.35%。因此,该机的设计可为香菇膨化产品的开发提供了一种较为成熟的技术装备。  相似文献   

Brown rice kernels (japonica type) were soaked in water at different temperatures (25 or 50°C) before cooking to a moisture content of 20 or 30%. Soaked brown rice was cooked in either the soaking water (SW) or in distilled water (DW) (rice solids to water ratio 1:1.4). Color, texture, and in vitro digestive properties of the cooked rice were examined. When the soaking temperature was higher (50°C vs. 25°C), water absorption and starch leaching were greater. To reach 20% moisture, the rice required 1 hr of soaking at 50°C but 2 hr of soaking at 25°C. Both the moisture content of the soaked rice and the soaking temperature affected the texture of the cooked brown rice. Rice that attained 20% moisture content during soaking was harder and less adhesive when cooked compared with rice that attained 30% moisture content. The rice soaked at 50°C was slightly softer but more adhesive when cooked than rice soaked at 25°C. The soaking temperature and moisture content of the rice kernels also affected the digestive properties of the cooked rice. The cooked brown rice that had attained 30% moisture before cooking was digested to a greater extent than rice that had attained 20% moisture. Even at equal moisture content, the rice soaked at the higher temperature (50°C) was digested more readily. It was assumed that the amount of soluble material leached during soaking differed according to the soaking temperature and moisture content, which subsequently affected the texture and digestive properties of the cooked brown rice. The rice cooked in its own soaking water was harder and more adhesive, had higher levels of resistant starch (RS), and exhibited smaller glycemic index (GI) values than its counterpart cooked with distilled water. This result indicated that the soluble material leached during soaking made the cooked rice harder and less digestible, perhaps due to interactions between these molecules and the gelatinized rice during cooking.  相似文献   

雏鸡对~3H-维生素A的吸收及其在体内的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡辉益  张姝 《核农学报》1992,6(3):169-173
选用出壳后12时龄的Arbor Acres肉雏鸡165只,用放射性同位素~3H示踪法进行了~3H二维生素A(~3H—V_A)的吸收利用试验。结果表明,1—3日龄的雏鸡对V_A吸收较快,且主要集中在摄食后的2—4小时内进行,5日龄后的雏鸡对V_A的吸收速度减慢;V_A在肠道申的吸收是一个持续过程,约为24—72小时;1周龄的雏鸡对各种不同形态外源V_A的利用率分别为:乳化剂89.43%,微囊型粉剂82.91%,油剂80.67%,对乳化剂V_A利用最佳。  相似文献   

The potential of triticale as a partial or total substitute for wheat in flour tortilla production was evaluated. Different mixtures of triticale and wheat flours were tested in a typical hot‐press formulation. Both grains yielded similar amounts of flour. Wheat flour contained 1.5% more crude protein, 1.6× more gluten, and produced stronger dough than triticale. Triticale flour significantly reduced optimum water absorption and mix time of blends. Flour tortillas with 100% triticale absorbed 8% less water and required 25% of the mix time of the control wheat flour tortilla. The yield of triticale tortillas was lower than the rest of the tortillas due to lower moisture content and water absorption. Triticale dough balls required less proofing and ruptured during hot pressing, thus producing defective tortillas. The 50:50 flour mixture produced doughs with acceptable rheological properties and good quality tortillas. Addition of 1% vital gluten to the 75:25 triticale‐wheat flour mix or 2% to the 100% triticale flour significantly increased water absorption and mix time and improved dough properties and tortilla yields. Textural studies indicated that increasing levels of triticale flour reduced the force required to rupture tortillas. For all tortilla systems, rupture force gradually increased, and extensibility decreased during seven days of storage at room temperature; the highest rate of change occurred during the first day. Sensory evaluation tests indicated that triticale could substitute for 50% of wheat flour without affecting texture, color, flavor, and overall acceptability of tortillas. For production of 100% triticale flour tortillas, at least 2% vital gluten had to be added to the formulation.  相似文献   

A synthetic superabsorbent polymer used to improve water-holding capacity of soils was investigated. Two water qualities, two irrigation intervals, and two application rates were administered to 24 treated soil columns. Polymer absorbance of water was proportional with time but inversely proportional to salinity levels. After a threshold period, which was longer for the lower water application rate, cumulative evaporation (E = √ct) increased with decrease in irrigation interval and the type of amendments added in order of control > peat moss > the absorbent copolymer. The value of c was largely determined by the water application rate and the type of the soil amendment. Salt and moisture distributions were governed by the amount of water conserved. Peat moss was more effective in leaching salts. The quantity of water applied per irrigation, rather than cumulative amount, seemed to affect water conservation, whereas the cumulative amount of water affected electrical conductivity–sodium absorption ratio (EC-SAR) distributions.  相似文献   

本试验利用~45Ca示踪法,研究了小麦对钙的吸收和运转。结果表明,用0.1%~45CaCl_2浸种,~45Ca能被吸入籽粒内,并且48小时的吸收量比24小时的吸收量高1倍以上。涂抹试验表明,无论苗期还是后期,叶片涂抹~45Ca均能被叶片吸收,吸收的钙能转移到邻近的叶片。土壤引入的钙可以被根系吸收并能转移到地上部。钙在石灰性土壤中移动性很差,在淋溶条件下,1周时间仅有0.4%的钙下移1cm。PEG胁迫试验表明,干旱条件影响小麦幼苗对钙的吸收,在一定范围内,随胁迫程度增大,吸收钙量下降,但当溶液水势低于—0.18MPa时,小麦对钙的吸收量又逐渐增高。  相似文献   

Cast zein films are brittle at room conditions, so plasticizers are added to make them more flexible. The tensile properties of these films are known to be affected by the relative humidity (RH) of the ambient air. However, little is known about how the plasticizers are affected by RH. Cast zein films were plasticized with either glycerol (GLY), triethylene glycol (TEG), dibutyl tartrate (DBT), levulinic acid (LA), polyethylene glycol 300 (PEG), or oleic acid (OA). Mechanical properties and moisture content (MC) of the films were measured after one week of storage at 3, 20, 50, 70, 81, and 93% RH. The relative humidity of the films' storage had a great effect on the films' tensile properties. All the films' tensile strength and Young's modulus values decreased as RH increased. Films containing DBT, TEG, LA, or PEG showed an increase in the percent elongation with increasing RH. Films containing GLY, OA, or no plasticizer did not show any increase in percent elongation as RH increased. The changes seen in tensile properties with increasing RH are because of zein's hygroscopic nature. The absorbed water will further plasticize the zein. The type of plasticizer used determined the extent of the changes seen in the tensile properties of films stored at different RH values. Depending on the plasticizers used in the film, there were large differences in the amount of water absorbed. Films increasingly absorbed water depending on the plasticizer they contained in the order GLY > TEG > LA > PEG > NONE > DBT > OA. Films containing hygroscopic plasticizers like TEG absorbed too much water at high RH and became weak, but they absorbed enough water at lower RH values to not be brittle. While films containing the more hydrophobic plasticizer DBT were brittle at intermediate RH values, they had good mechanical properties at high RH values.  相似文献   

超声波土壤含水量检测装置的模型建立与验证   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
李君  徐岩  姜锐  杨洲  陆华忠 《农业工程学报》2017,33(13):127-133
为探究利用超声波脉冲速度检测土壤体积含水量的可行性,以广东省红壤、赤红壤、水稻土为研究对象,设计了一种超声波土壤含水量检测装置,并利用ZBL-U510型非金属超声波检测仪在3种不同温度环境下(10、20、30℃)对不同含水量的土壤样本进行声速测定,构建了土壤体积含水量与超声波差值声速的温度效应数学模型。结果表明:超声波在水稻土中的传播速度比红壤、赤红壤快,且温度对超声波声速随土壤体积含水量变化节律的影响不同。20℃环境下超声波在土壤中的传播速度最快,10℃其次,30℃最慢。采用Richards模型表征土壤体积含水量与超声波差值声速关系的预测误差在3%左右,采用分段结构温度效应模型的预测误差在5%以内,证明该文提出的超声波脉冲速度-土壤体积含水量的温度效应模型可用于动态温度条件下的土壤含水量预测。该研究可为超声波技术在土壤水分检测领域的应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

苜蓿气体射流冲击联合常温通风干燥装备设计及试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对苜蓿干燥存在的处理量小、耗能高、叶片损失率高的问题,该文将紫花苜蓿的干燥过程分为高温和常温两个干燥段,设计了气体射流冲击联合常温通风干燥装备,包括基于狭缝型气体射流冲击管的气体射流冲带式干燥机和基于环境条件自动控制的常温通风箱式干燥机。利用计算流体动力学软件Fluent对狭缝型气流冲击管内部的流场进行数值模拟。结果显示增设扰流板可以改善狭缝型气体射流冲击管喷嘴出口气流速度分布的均匀性,速度变异系数由不设扰流板情况下的51.1%降为7.7%;利用单片机控制系统进行信息采集并控制通风的进行,解决夜间物料吸湿回潮、发热的问题。以紫花苜蓿作为原料对干燥装备的性能进行试验验证,结果表明:气体射流冲击联合常温通风干燥的苜蓿具有批次处理量大(150 kg/h)、叶片损失率小(干草的叶片损失率为1.5%)、能耗低(单位去水能耗3 408 k J/kg)的优点。研究结果为低能耗、低叶片损失率的苜蓿干燥技术与装备提供参考。  相似文献   

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