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长期以来,深圳湾福田红树林自然保护区已形成滩涂—红树林—基围鱼塘的生态格局,基围鱼塘对保护水鸟具有积极的生态作用,而抛荒后的基围鱼塘生态功能严重退化,成为红树林湿地的生态短板.本文总结了深圳市红树林湿地保护基金会(MCF)实施的"红树林保护区水鸟栖息地生态项目",项目采用生态系统植被修复、生态系统裸滩修复、生态系统水文...  相似文献   

广西海滩红树林主要建群种的生态分布和造林布局   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
广西红树林分布区位于北热带,北纬21°24′~21°54′。组成红树林的植物计有14科21属22种。在潮间带,参与建群的植物种类主要是海榄雌、秋茄、桐花树、红海榄和木榄。这些植物在广西海岸的地理分布主要受冬温及淡水河流分布的制约,因而出现了地理上的间断分布;在潮间带的分布又受制于土壤质地、养分状况、环境盐度和潮汐泛滥程度,以及红树植物自身对盐渍生境的适应性,呈现出带状分布序列。在调查分析的基础上,提出了主要红树林建群种的造林布局意见。  相似文献   

[目的] 红树林是热带、亚热带典型的海岸带湿地生态系统。分析不同植物群落条件下红树林湿地的土壤活性有机碳组成、土壤酶活性现状以及两者间的相互作用,进而预测东寨港红树林片区的生态结构和功能发展趋势,为东寨港红树林湿地的生态恢复与保护提供科学依据。[方法] 通过实地采样,对9种红树植物群落类型〔红海榄(Type 1)、白骨壤(Type 2)、角果木(Type 3)、海莲+角果木(Type 4)、桐花树+海莲+秋茄(Type 5)、海莲+榄李+桐花树(Type 6)、秋茄+海莲+榄李(Type 7)、海莲+无瓣海桑+桐花树+秋茄(Type 8)、海莲+无瓣海桑(Type 9)〕的土壤酶活性、土壤活性有机碳组分含量和理化性质进行化验分析。[结果] ①该区表层土壤有机碳介于6.57~74.87 g/kg之间,在不同群落类型间以Type 7群落显著最高,Type 1群落低至6.57 g/kg。②各群落类型湿地表层土壤酶活性变化规律为:脲酶>磷酸酶>过氧化氢酶>蔗糖酶,其中脲酶以Type 8群落最高,显著高于Type 1—6群落;磷酸酶以Type 8群落最高,显著高于Type 1—3群落;过氧化氢酶以Type 5最高,显著高于其余群落(Type 6和Type 7除外);蔗糖酶以Type 9群落最高,显著高于Type 2,Type 5和Type 8群落。③土壤脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶与土壤活性有机碳各组分含量呈显著及极显著正相关;土壤脲酶、磷酸酶与土壤pH值呈极显著负相关,与全氮、全磷呈极显著正相关;土壤过氧化氢酶与全氮、全磷呈极显著正相关;土壤蔗糖酶与全氮、全磷呈显著正相关。④冗余分析结果显示:土壤轻组有机碳、土壤总有机碳、土壤颗粒有机碳和土壤微生物生物量碳是影响东寨港红树林植物群落土壤酶活性的主要因子。[结论] 土壤酶活性与多种土壤活性有机碳组分呈紧密正相关,因此可用土壤酶活来表征东寨港红树林湿地土壤碳库活跃程度。  相似文献   

桂东北常绿阔叶林分布于海拔1300m以下,类型多、分布广、面积大,在广西中亚热带森林具有重要地位。本文着重对其五个主要群系(栲树林、荷木林、云贵山茉莉林、米椎林、甜槠林)的生态地理分布、形态与结构、建群植物营养元素特征、群系发展中的稳定性进行比较研究。结果表明各主要群系在结构上相差不大,种类组成和外貌特征由于各个群系的生境不同而表现出某些差异;在建群植物灰分和主要营养元素(P,K,Ca,mg)的含量,以云贵山茉莉最高,栲树、荷木次之,米椎、甜槠最低,并与其所分布的土壤中相应元素的有效含量相一致;各建群植物对铝、锰的吸收具有选择性,荷木、米椎含高量铝、锰,栲树含高量锰,而云贵山茉莉和甜槠含铝、锰均中量;云贵山茉莉钾含量高于氮;栲树林、米椎林、甜槠林是处在较为成熟阶段的相对稳定的森林类型,而荷木林和云贵山茉莉林是在森林遭受局部破坏的情况下形成,并能迅速发展,属于不同环境的次生林。  相似文献   

红树林湿地土壤CH4产生率及其土壤理化因素影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对海南东塞港和厦门西港的两个红树林(白骨壤群落)的土壤CH4产生率及其土壤理化因子的影响进行了研究。海南红树林和厦门红树林的土壤CH4产生率平均值分别为3.59和11.59ng/gd,高于海岸光滩的值不(1.62ng/kg)而低于红树林伐迹地的值(48.96ng/gd),说明红树林植对显地CH4的产生有促进作用,且这种促进作用主要是通过根系腐解来实现的。相隔约5个纬度的两个红树林的土壤CH4产  相似文献   

以乐清湾西门岛海域相同高程断面中国移植最北界的人工红树林(秋茄林)、光滩和互花米草带土壤为样品,比较分析了2种植被带和光滩土壤有机质、速效钾、碱解氮、速效磷、全钾、全氮、全磷含量的时空变化。结果表明:(1)在冬季和夏季,植被带土壤有机质含量均高于光滩。(2)在冬季,光滩土壤有机质、速效钾、碱解氮、速效磷、全钾、全氮、全磷含量均随土层深度增加而减少,而互花米草带除土壤速效钾、碱解氮、全氮、全磷含量变化与光滩相似外,土壤有机质、全钾和速效磷均随土层深度增加而增加;在夏季,光滩和互花米草带土壤各营养元素含量存在极为复杂的变化。(3)在冬季和夏季,土壤有机质和速效钾含量随秋茄树龄增加而增加,而其他土壤营养元素含量却并未因树龄、季节不同而出现较强性规律变化。(4)从土壤有机质与营养元素间的关系来看,土壤有机质与速效磷、速效钾、全氮间均存在极显著正相关。研究表明,植被能增强湿地土壤营养,其中50年代秋茄林较其他移植年代更具有规律性。  相似文献   

红树林作为海岸潮滩优势植物群落受到广泛的关注,其特有的防风、防浪、固砂、护堤造陆和调节生态小气候等生态效益,为当地的经济发展提供了良性的自然环境和重要的保障作用。湛江市有海岸线1538km,沿海岸现已有2.3万hm2的防护林,约覆盖了沿海大部分砂地而成为湛江的第一道沿海防护林带。湛江红树林是我国大陆海洋滩涂分布面积最大的红树林。由于人为的对滩涂资源的过度开发利用,湛江红树林而今呈现群落物种多样性减少,群落矮化和稀疏等退化现象。然而作为第二道红树林防护林带,由于海岸线的不规则和受人为对海堤外滩涂的经济开发的影响,红树…  相似文献   

基于不同森林类型所受干扰不同,以中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所清原森林生态实验站为例,构建一套适合于该区域的森林干扰度评价指标体系,在此基础上应用最优距离法对不同类型的森林干扰度进行定量化评价。根据多样性(5个指标)、生产力(3个指标)、林分结构(4个指标)、生态功能(3个指标)、林分健康水平(3个指标)等指标,以阔叶红松林为目标森林,应用距离法评价了清原森林生态实验站现有8个林型的森林干扰度。结果表明,森林干扰度老龄林(0.3178)和阔叶混交林(0.3989)最小,与目标森林的距离最近;其次是蒙古栎林(0.4262)、水曲柳林(0.4870)、花曲柳林(0.4983)、胡桃楸林(0.5016);红松人工林(0.6358)和落叶松人工林(0.6864)最大,表明人工林与目标森林的距离最远。  相似文献   

黄土高原生态经济区划研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
黄土高原的生态环境存在明显的区域差异,如何针对区域的自然生态环境特点发展适应环境的农林牧生态经济,这是做生态经济分区的目的。生态经济区划原则是地带性原则、非地带性原则和社会经济学原则。根据各方面的条件,把黄土高原生态经济区划拟定为二级分区,一级为生态经济带,二级为生态经济区。根据区域生态环境的相似性和相异性特点将黄土高原分成4个一级生态经济带,即暖温带半湿润落叶阔叶林生态经济带(Ⅰ)、暖温带半湿润半干旱森林草原生态经济带(Ⅱ)、温带半干旱草原生态经济带(Ⅲ)、温带干旱草原和荒漠草原生态经济带(Ⅳ)。在各个一级生态经济带内又根据地貌形态类型的差异性划分出42个二级生态经济区。  相似文献   

[目的] 探讨海南岛热带海岸防护林带不同起源树种叶片及土壤生态化学计量特征差异,为海岸防护林生态修复工作提供理论参考。 [方法] 采用样方调查的方法,调查了海南岛万宁市海岸线200 m范围内木麻黄、青皮、拉关木和水椰4个树种叶片和土壤C,N,P的生态化学计量特征。 [结果] ①不论是非红树还是红树植物,同一类型下,本土天然树种叶片C,N,P含量显著大于或等于外来人工种植树种,其中青皮叶片C,N,P含量分别为457.04,16.77和1.17 g/kg,均显著高于木麻黄; ②从叶片养分变化特征来看,红树植物的生长可能受到N的限制;而非红树植物的生长可能受到P的限制; ③从土壤养分变化特征来看,4种树种林地土壤N元素偏低,主要限制性元素为P。 [结论] 在海岸生态修复过程中,可以首选本土天然林树种作为海岸防护林种植优势树种。  相似文献   

张希然  罗旋  陈研华 《土壤学报》1991,28(1):94-102
雷州半岛东海岸潮间带及其紧邻5m等深线以上海涂约211万亩,土壤分1个土类(潮滩土)3个亚类和8个土种。因腹地植被生长较差和成土母质的矿质养分较低,故海涂土壤的有机质和磷、氮含量不高,铜、锌、锰等微量元素含量也低于全国土壤平均水平。土壤含盐量是随质地和滩面水的总盐量的变化而不同,如潮滩沙土由小于0.5%至3.3%。本区地表水量不充裕,但滩面平坦和避浪条件较好,适宜发展海水养殖,部分泥质或沙泥质潮滩土尚有围垦种植的可能。  相似文献   

[目的]研究沿海滩涂开发空间优化方法与管制策略,为探寻滩涂资源保护与开发的高效路径提供依据。[方法]以江苏省盐城市大丰区为例,通过集成开发适宜性评估与部门规划协调方法,揭示该区沿海滩涂资源开发空间优化格局;引入空间管制理念,讨论该区滩涂资源开发的空间管制路径。[结果]实证分析认为,该区沿海滩涂地区的生态保护、农业生产以及港口—工业—城镇开发三类空间适宜开发的规模分别为401,323和444km2,分别占34.3%,27.7%和38.0%。[结论]生态空间的环境质量底线保护和港工城空间的高效集约利用是滩涂区域空间管制的核心准则;同时,滩涂区域开发规模和强度控制仍然需要深入跟踪与分析。  相似文献   

Many commercially important fish species use coastal marine environments such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds. The ecological importance of spatially connected habitats to conservation is well established for terrestrial environments. However, few studies have applied spatial metrics, including measures of structural connectivity to marine environments. We examined the relationship between catch-per-unit-effort for commercially caught species and the spatial patterning of mapped benthic habitat types along the coast of Queensland, Australia in their dominant fisheries (trawl, line, net or pot fisheries). We quantified the composition and spatial configuration of seascapes and calculated coastline length, number of estuaries, river length and geographical latitude using 12 metrics within ninety 30-nautical-mile grid cells, which supported inshore fish catch data from 21 species groups. Multiple regression analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling plots indicated that ecological linkages may exist between geomorphic coastal features and nearshore fisheries production for a number of species groups. Connectivity indices for mangroves, salt marsh and channels explained the largest proportion (30–70%), suggesting the importance of connected tidal wetlands for fisheries. Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) catch-per-unit-effort was best explained by the number of wetland patches, mangrove connectivity and wetland connectivity (r2 = 0.38, n = 28). Catch-per-unit-effort for the Gulf of Carpentaria was highly correlated with wetland connectivity, the number of estuaries and seagrass patch density (r = 0.57, n = 29). The findings could guide the spatial design of marine protected area networks to maintain ecosystem services and avoid potential disruption to connectivity caused by habitat removal or modification. Application of the same approach to analyses of finer spatial scales would enable catch information to be related to particular estuarine habitats and provide better understanding of the importance of habitat connectivity for fisheries.  相似文献   

Mangroves as indicators of coastal change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In view of the unique biological characteristics of mangroves, it is interesting to assess the extent to which these ecosystems can be used as indicators of coastal change or sea-level rise. From recent studies of mangrove mortality at several locations (including Guiana, Gambia, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, India and Bangladesh), it appears that these coastal ecosystems are so specialized that any minor variation in their hydrological or tidal regimes causes noticeable mortality. Each species of mangrove (but particularly those belonging to the genera Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Sonneratia, Heritiera and Nypa) occurs in ecological conditions that approach its limit of tolerance with regard to salinity of the water and soil, as well as the inundation regime. If the duration of daily immersion were to be modified by tectonic, sedimentological or hydrological events, the species either readjusts to the new conditions or succumbs to unsuitable conditions. Consequently, the use of remote sensing data for mangrove ecosystems offers excellent potential as a tool for monitoring coastal change.  相似文献   

The Hg accumulation in sedimentary environments of a mangrove ecosystem in Sepetiba Bay, SE Brazil, was investigated. These environments include sediments of a mangrove forest, the main tidal creek that drains the forest, and the bare seaward-edge mud flat adjacent to forest and tidal creek. Maximum Hg concentration peaks in sediments from the mud flat (184 ng g-1), tidal creek (98 ng g-1), and mangrove forest (60 ng g-1) correspond to enrichment factors of 6.1, 3.3, and 2.0 above the estimated average background level, respectively. Average inventories of Hg excess (background-corrected) concentrations were substantiallydifferent between environments, decreasing from mud flat sediments (5.2 mg m-2) to creek sediments (3.3 mg m-2)to mangrove forest sediments (0.9 mg m-2). Mercury concentration profiles indicated a consistently higher accumulation of Hg in surface layers of mud flat and tidal creeksediments, whereas mangrove forest sediments showed a higher Hgaccumulation in root-rich subsurface layers, in agreement with an enrichment of Fe and organic matter contents. While Hg distribution in mud flat and tidal creek sediments appears to belargely affected by contamination, its distribution in mangrove forest substrate appears to be greatly affected by root-sedimentinteractions. Mercury levels in the study site were comparable tothose observed in coastal sediments under moderate Hg contamination at local and regional scales. Results indicate thatsedimentary environments surrounding the mangrove forest retain most of the anthropogenic Hg reaching the ecosystem. Since tidal waters have been previously demonstrated as the main source of metals to the site, it is suggested that the Hg retention in mudflat sediments precede and may avoid a higher Hg accumulation inlandward environments.  相似文献   

The removal of 65Zn from tidal water by underlaying sediment cores collected in a mangrove forest and a tidal creek that drains this forest in Sepetiba Bay (SE Brazil) was investigated. After 30-h experiments in laboratory microcosms, the 65Zn half-removal times from tidal creek and mangrove forest sediments were 8.7?±?1.8 and 9.2?±?0.9 h respectively. Depth penetration of 65Zn was mainly restricted to the upper 3 cm in mangrove forest cores, while detectable 65Zn activities were found in all layers (0–7 cm depth) of tidal creek cores. An unexpected 65Zn release back to the overlaying water was observed for one of the tidal creek experiments in the 12–18 h interval (corresponding to a return of 17% of the initial 65Zn activity in overlaying water), suggesting a reversibility of the 65Zn removal process (e.g., by adsorption) in tidal creek sediments. The results indicate that mangrove-vegetated sediments allowed a lower vertical mobility of Zn than observed in creek sediments and mangrove sediments appear to be less susceptible to a reversion in the process of zinc removal from overlaying water, suggesting a greater capacity to retain this metal near the water–sediment interface. This first radiotracer approach on the mangrove sediments removal of Zn from tidal waters supports earlier experimental studies employing stable Zn, contributing for a better understanding of the metal uptake kinetics by such sediments and suggesting that these sediments act as active sinks for trace metals.  相似文献   

Mangroves are highly threatened ecosystems yet their community ecology is poorly understood. We examined the ecological determinants of bird community assemblage in floristically depauperate mangroves. Birds were surveyed using line transect methods. Large mangrove patches supported fewer species than smaller patches. Patches did not comprise nested species subsets and the bird species richness of several small patches combined was greater than a single large area. The number of mangrove dependent species in a patch was area-dependent suggesting these species may be resource limited, although there was no species density compensation. There was a clear effect of the surrounding habitat, with matrix species accounting for ∼45% of bird species in a patch. Patches surrounded by tropical savanna were relatively species-poor, while regardless of size, patches including monsoon rainforest were relatively species rich. Null model analysis of non-random assemblage structure (nestedness and species co-occurrence) revealed no deterministic structure to the overall mangrove species assemblage. These analyses described a random pattern of bird distribution and with no evidence of density compensation this suggests that competition is a weak structuring force of mangrove bird assemblages. The lack of nestedness and the random co-occurrence of species are consistent with the matrix-dependence of bird community composition. Conservation plans should treat mangrove patches as part of a habitat mosaic and incorporate many smaller mangrove patches rather than just big ones. Consideration of the nature, extent and diversity of the surrounding matrices is vital in managing and conserving mangrove bird communities.  相似文献   

为研究闽江河口湿地典型植被群落带及交错带硅素空间分布特征,以鳝鱼滩湿地为研究对象,于2015年7月由陆向海方向设置2条样带,对植物生物硅含量及储量分配比、表层土壤生物硅及有效硅含量进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)闽江河口湿地典型植被群落带植物生物硅含量均低于交错带,且不同类型植物硅含量差异较大(p0.05),其中芦苇、短叶江芏、互花米草和扁穗莎草硅含量分别为15.66,9.09,7.17,7.77mg/g。从空间来看,高潮滩不同植物生物硅含量均高于低潮滩。就不同器官而言,不同植物地上部分均高于地下部分,具体表现为枯体茎叶根,其含量分别为13.40,12.49,11.72,6.58mg/g。(2)交错带植物(短叶茳芏与芦苇)地下根系生物硅分配比大于地上各器官,而典型群落带植物生物硅分配比则与之相反。(3)湿地表层土壤近岸方向2条样带生物硅含量变化趋势基本一致,近海方向2条样带则呈现相反的变化趋势;由岸及海方向2条样带表层土壤有效硅含量变化趋势基本一致。研究表明,植物的生态学特性及其生长环境条件不同、地形条件和潮汐作用带来水文条件的差异对湿地硅素的空间分布具有一定的影响,这对研究河口潮汐湿地硅素生物地球化学循环有重要意义。  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - The export and import of Fe and Cr through a mangrove tidal creek and their further accumulation in bottom sediments were studied in a mangrove forest at the...  相似文献   

Microcosm experiments on the behaviour of Se, Cr and Co were carried out with mangrove sediments from Sepetiba Bay, Brazil. Three 8-cm length sediment cores were covered with tidal water spiked with 75Se, 51Cr and 60Co to evaluate its behaviour within the sediments. Two cores retained almost all activities (99?C100?%) within the uppermost centimetre layer, while the third core presented a deeper penetration of all radiotracers, displaying a second activity peak at the 3?C4-cm depth interval, which evidenced benthic fauna bioturbation influence. This influence extended the diffusion into depths in which mangrove rhizosphere can retain the elements, suggesting increased retention efficiency. This mechanism of retention enhancement was proposed in addition to previous conceptual models describing trace elements behaviour in mangrove sediments. Increased bioturbation and rhizosphere development will probably increase this effect, while mangrove plant cover losses may promote a less efficient retention of elements recently diffused from tidal water.  相似文献   

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