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高抗性淀粉水稻研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国居民生活水平的提高,糖尿病、肥胖症、高血压和高血脂等代谢综合病症患者日益增多。而富含抗性淀粉(resistant starch,RS)的淀粉类食物有益于预防与控制人体代谢综合症的发生,且在维持肠道健康,如预防和控制结肠癌、大肠息肉及肠炎等方面具有潜在应用价值。稻米是我国约65%人口的主食,其75%的干物质是淀粉,普通水稻品种RS含量低于1%,富含RS的稻米具有与高RS功能食品相同的作用,因此开展高RS水稻品种的选育及高RS稻米产品的开发具有重要意义。本文从稻米RS的分类及影响RS含量的相关因素、水稻RS形成的分子遗传机制、国内外高RS水稻开发应用现状3个方面进行综述,并对高RS水稻开发应用前景进行了展望,以期为高RS水稻育种及高RS稻米产品开发提供参考。  相似文献   

抗性淀粉形成的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗性淀粉(Resistant starch,RS)是不被健康人体小肠吸收的淀粉及其降解产物的总称。日常食物中抗性淀粉大多为回生淀粉(RS3),其形成受作物其他性状如淀粉特性、蛋白脂肪等的影响,同时还受食物加工方式等的影响。本文就影响RS形成的因素进行了简要综述,为从遗传育种及食品加工方面提高RS含量提供参考。  相似文献   

空间诱变引起水稻9311的品质变异   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
水稻品种 931 1种子经返回式卫星搭载诱变后研究表明 ,空间诱变引起的SP1生理损伤轻 ,SP2 的叶绿素缺失突变和早熟突变频率较低 ,但品质突变丰富 ,筛选鉴定了不同表观直链淀粉含量、富含抗性淀粉以及高无机磷低植酸等突变体。  相似文献   

抗性淀粉在食品中的应用及功效研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱平  孔祥礼  包劲松 《核农学报》2015,29(2):327-336
淀粉是人类从饮食中获取能量的主要来源,对维持人体正常生命活动有着重要意义。抗性淀粉是指在小肠中不能被消化吸收,但2h后可到达结肠并被结肠中的微生物菌群发酵,继而发挥有益的生理作用的淀粉。因此,抗性淀粉被看作是膳食纤维的组成成分之一。长期以来研究学者将抗性淀粉分为4种,即RS1-4,现在认为还存在第5种类型,即RS5。当淀粉与脂类之间发生相互作用时,直链淀粉和支链淀粉的长链部分与脂肪醇或脂肪酸结合形成的复合物称为RS5。抗性淀粉已广泛地应用在面条、面包及油炸食品中。抗性淀粉具有预防结肠癌、降低血液胆固醇含量、减少肥胖和结石的发病率、增加矿物质吸收、控制糖尿病等生理功能。本文主要对抗性淀粉的5种类型、抗性淀粉在食品中的应用以及对人体健康的影响进行综述,旨在为富含抗性淀粉产品的开发及其对人体健康状况的改善提供理论依据。  相似文献   

回生抗性淀粉种类对米淀粉凝胶形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为寻找改善普通米淀粉制品的结构及品质的新型食品添加剂,该文以普通米淀粉为原料,采用快速黏度分析仪、扫描电子显微镜、质构分析仪、全自动X射线衍射仪及示差扫描量热仪等手段,研究添加锥栗、马铃薯与绿豆回生抗性淀粉(retrograded resistant starch,RSⅢ)对米淀粉凝胶微观结构及理化性质的影响。结果表明:添加锥栗、马铃薯及绿豆RSⅢ对米淀粉凝胶的结构及性质产生显著影响(P0.01),以锥栗RSⅢ的作用最为突出。添加锥栗、马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ对米淀粉糊的黏度特性没有影响(P0.05)。未添加RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶存在很多不规则、深浅不一的大洞,而加入RSⅢ使米淀粉凝胶的网状结构变得更为规整、致密,且其胶着性与黏聚性变化不大(P0.05);添加锥栗、马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ后能加速米淀粉凝胶的形成,与未添加RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶比,其硬度分别增加了2.38、1.97和1.25倍(P0.01),黏着性分别增加2.56、1.99和1.32倍(P0.01),弹性增加1.07、0.81和0.53倍(P0.01)。米淀粉以A-型晶体占优,锥栗RSⅢ以V-型晶体占优,马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ均以B-型晶体占优;不加或加入RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶粉末都转变为以V-型晶体为主,且总相对结晶度没有改变(P0.05)。加入RSⅢ后的米淀粉糊除有低温吸热峰外还出现高温吸热峰,是否添加RSⅢ对低温吸热峰的温度参数影响不大(P0.05),但吸热焓显著降低(P0.01);而对于高温吸热峰,添加马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ的各项参数没有差别(P0.05),但比添加锥栗RSⅢ的显著增高(P0.01)。可见添加不同来源的RSⅢ可以有效改善米淀粉凝胶的结构与品质。该研究结果为抗性淀粉用于提高米制品品质与营养功能的研究和生产提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

水稻胚乳突变体筛选与特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
左晓旭  郑涛  舒小丽  舒庆尧  吴殿星 《核农学报》2006,20(2):118-122,89
本文在简要介绍胚乳的发育、组成及品质性状遗传的基础上,综述了与淀粉、蛋白质和微营养相关的系列胚乳突变及相关性状的基因定位。胚乳突变主要包括糯性、暗色、云雾状、糖质、皱缩、粉质米、低直链淀粉、高直链淀粉、低粘滞性、高抗性淀粉、低水溶性蛋白、蛋白体缺失、高赖氨酸、高铁、低植酸等方面。  相似文献   

以高抗性淀粉含量功能性粳稻品系“降糖稻1号”稻米为主要材料,研究其与不同比例稻米混配后经蒸煮、膨化、制作米粉及发酵加工后,对稻米产品直链淀粉含量和抗性淀粉(RS)含量的影响。结果表明,稻米中RS含量随加工温度和加工压力的提高而大大降低,表明“降糖稻1号”不宜高温高压蒸煮、膨化、加工米粉和发酵食品。“降糖稻l号”与“金丰”稻米按不同比例混合蒸煮后,其直链淀粉含量、RS含量及蒸煮品质有明显改善,“降糖稻1号”与“金丰”稻米以2:1混配,不仅明显改善米饭的食味,而且RS含量能保持较高的水平。  相似文献   

以高抗性淀粉含量功能性粳稻品系"降糖稻1号"稻米为主要材料,研究其与不同比例稻米混配后经蒸煮、膨化、制作米粉及发酵加工后,对稻米产品直链淀粉含量和抗性淀粉(RS)含量的影响。结果表明,稻米中RS含量随加工温度和加工压力的提高而大大降低,表明"降糖稻1号"不宜高温高压蒸煮、膨化、加工米粉和发酵食品。"降糖稻1号"与"金丰"稻米按不同比例混合蒸煮后,其直链淀粉含量、RS含量及蒸煮品质有明显改善,"降糖稻1号"与"金丰"稻米以2:1混配,不仅明显改善米饭的食味,而且RS含量能保持较高的水平。  相似文献   

稻米功能性成分育种研究进展   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
本文介绍了稻米中主要功能性成分 ,概述了富含铁、钙和锌、富含 β 胡萝卜素、富含必需氨基酸、低水溶性蛋白及新型胚乳等稻米成分方面的研究进展 ,并讨论了我国开展功能性成分育种的必要性及研究策略  相似文献   

应用稳定同位素L2-H5苯丙氨酸一次性大剂量(1.5mmol/kg)腹腔注射法,研究了日粮淀粉来源对断奶仔猪内脏器官蛋白质合成率的影响。结果表明,玉米淀粉促进了仔猪内脏器官蛋白质的合成,其蛋白质合成率高于糙米淀粉(P>0.05)和糯米淀粉(P<0.05)。其中十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠、胰脏和肝脏的蛋白质合成率分别比糯米的高85.87%、47.47%、37.29%、56.29%、43.55%和17.63%。  相似文献   

As the staple food of over half the world's population, hot cooked rice high in resistant starch (RS) is of particular interest, which will have greater impact in the dietary prevention of diabetes and hyperlipidemia. A mutant rice high in RS in hot cooked rice, described as RS111, was comparatively studied with the wild type and common rice. Despite obviously low RS content in the raw milled rice, the RS content in the hot cooked rice of mutant RS111 was significantly higher than that of the wild type and common rice and, correspondingly, in vitro starch hydrolysis by porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase tends to be incomplete with low hydrolysis extent for the cooked mutant rice high in RS. Obvious differences in physicochemical properties, starch granule morphology, pasting properties, thermal properties, and X-ray diffraction pattern were observed among the mutant RS111, wild type, and common indica rice. The high-RS mutant was characterized by significantly higher apparent amylose content and crude lipid content, higher percentage of oval-shaped granules and bigger oval size, reduced paste viscosity, and low onset temperature, peak temperature, final temperature, enthalpy of gelatinization, and crystallinity.  相似文献   

Starch can be classified into rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS), and resistant starch (RS) according to its resistance to amylolytic enzymes. This study investigated the effects of cultivar and feedstock under varying parboiling conditions on the physicochemical properties and starch fractions of parboiled rice. Rice (rough or brown) was soaked, steamed under pressure, dried immediately or stored at room temperature for 24 hr prior to drying, and then treated with or without a repeated steam cycle prior to milling. The storage treatment significantly increased the retrograded amylopectin enthalpy and amylose‐lipid complex melting temperature of parboiled rice. Parboiled rice samples prepared from brown rice feedstock had higher peak melting temperatures but lower enthalpy values of retrograded amylopectin than samples prepared from rough rice after the storage treatment. The pasting viscosity of parboiled rice was most affected by the repeated autoclaving treatment and cultivar. Starch fractions in parboiled rice were significantly affected by cultivar and storage and by the interactions of cultivar and parboiling conditions. The storage treatment significantly increased SDS and generally decreased RDS in parboiled rice. Parboiled rice with different SDS and RS contents can be produced by varying rice cultivar and parboiling conditions.  相似文献   

稻米淀粉的理化特性及其应用现状和进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文概述了稻米淀粉的基本理化性质,分析了国内外稻米淀粉的市场现状,重点介绍了稻米淀粉的产品研发进展,旨在为稻米淀粉的综合利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The effect of starch–protein–lipid interaction on the in vitro starch digestibility and expected glycemic index (eGI) of kodo millet flour (MF) was investigated. Debranned MF and the flour with lipid removed, protein removed, or both lipid and protein removed (MF‐L‐P) were subjected to digestion assays. The in vitro starch digestibility and eGI of the millet samples and millet starch were compared with rice or wheat flour. Rapidly digestible starch, slowly digestible starch, and resistant starch (RS) of the samples were also calculated. Protease treatment and defatting resulted in significant reduction (P < 0.05) in protein and lipid contents of samples. Significant increases in the in vitro starch digestibility and eGI of samples were observed after removal of protein, lipid, or both. The effect of lipid removal on in vitro starch digestibility of kodo millet was found to be more significant, compared with when proteins were removed. The eGI increased from 49.4 for cooked MF to 62.5 for MF‐L‐P. The eGI of cooked kodo millet starch was significantly lower than that of cooked rice flour. The RS (1.61%) of cooked rice was the least among the samples. The in vitro starch digestibility and eGI of rice were significantly higher than those of MF. Processes applied to kodo millet, such as decortication, that result in the removal of proteins, lipids, or both (especially lipids) would result in an increase in its in vitro starch digestibility and eGI. We therefore advocate for the development of acceptable products from whole millets to maintain its hypoglycemic property.  相似文献   

High-amylose cereal starch has a great benefit on human health through its resistant starch (RS) content. Enzyme hydrolysis of native starch is very helpful in understanding the structure of starch granules and utilizing them. In this paper, native starch granules were isolated from a transgenic rice line (TRS) enriched with amylose and RS and hydrolyzed by α-amylase. Structural properties of hydrolyzed TRS starches were studied by X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transform infrared, and differential scanning calorimetry. The A-type polymorph of TRS C-type starch was hydrolyzed faster than the B-type polymorph, but the crystallinity did not significantly change during enzyme hydrolysis. The degree of order in the external region of starch granule increased with increasing enzyme hydrolysis time. The amylose content decreased at first and then went back up during enzyme hydrolysis. The hydrolyzed starches exhibited increased onset and peak gelatinization temperatures and decreased gelatinization enthalpy on hydrolysis. These results suggested that the B-type polymorph and high amylose that formed the double helices and amylose-lipid complex increased the resistance to BAA hydrolysis. Furthermore, the spectrum results of RS from TRS native starch digested by pancreatic α-amylase and amyloglucosidase also supported the above conclusion.  相似文献   

The influence of amylose content, cooking, and storage on starch structure, thermal behaviors, pasting properties, and rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS), and resistant starch (RS) in different commercial rice cultivars was investigated. Long grain rice with high‐amylose content had a higher gelatinization temperature and a lower gelatinization enthalpy than the other rice cultivars with intermediate amylose content (Arborio and Calrose) and waxy type (glutinous). The intensity ratio of 1047/1022 cm–1 determined by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT‐IR), which indicated the ordered structure in starch granules, was the highest in glutinous and the lowest in long grain. Results from Rapid ViscoAnalyser (RVA) showed that the rice cultivar with higher amylose content had lower peak viscosity and breakdown, but higher pasting temperature, setback, and final viscosity. The RDS content was 28.1, 38.6, 41.5, and 57.5% in long grain, Arborio, Calrose, and glutinous rice, respectively, which was inversely related to amylose content. However, the SDS and RS contents were positively correlated with amylose content. During storage of cooked rice, long grain showed a continuous increase in pasting viscosity, while glutinous exhibited the sharp cold‐water swelling peak. The retrogradation rate was greater in rice cultivars with high amylose content. The ratio of 1047/1022 cm–1 was substantially decreased by cooking and then increased during storage of cooked rice due to the crystalline structure, newly formed by retrogradation. Storage of cooked rice decreased RDS content and increased SDS content in all rice cultivars. However, no increase in RS content during storage was observed. The enthalpy for retrogradation and the intensity ratio 1047/1022 cm–1 during storage were correlated negatively with RDS and positively with SDS (P ≤ 0.01).  相似文献   

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