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农业景观组成对玉米螟天敌数量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高比例和多样的非耕作生境带来的农田景观高异质性是维持农业生物多样性的关键,推测提高非耕作生境组成能够促进农田中玉米螟天敌数量和种类增加。为揭示不同非耕作生境组成对玉米螟天敌数量的影响,本文选取东北平原玉米种植典型县——辽宁省昌图县,按照5个非耕作生境比例(0~10%、10%~20%、20%~30%、30%~40%和40%~50%)选取20个直径为600 m的样区。陷阱法采集玉米螟天敌,并用体视显微镜鉴别到科。主成分分析法筛选主要非耕作生境类型,逐步回归模型对非耕作生境组成(比例和类型)与玉米螟天敌数量进行拟合。并采用"赤池信息准则(AIC)"模型筛选,评估不同非耕作生境组成对玉米螟天敌数量的影响。研究结果表明,随着非耕作生境比例增加,玉米螟天敌数量呈先增后减的趋势,非耕作生境比例为20%~30%时天敌数量达最大值。非耕作生境比例20%~30%时,非耕作生境组成与玉米螟天敌数量关系最优模型(AIC=4.24,为最小值)是Y=b0-b1D+b2PC2,最优模型表明PC2(β=3.787,P=0.005)代表以林地为主的非耕作生境组成与玉米螟天敌数量呈显著正相关,景观多样性指数Dβ=-3.173,P=0.005)与玉米螟天敌数量呈显著负相关。该比例的非耕作生境组成与玉米螟天敌数量关系的其他模型表明,以草地和村落为主(PC1)的非耕作生境与玉米螟天敌呈显著正相关(β=1.957,P=0.000)。而其他比例下,所有关系模型说明农田周边林地生境和其他作物耕地有利于提高农田中天敌数量。最适宜玉米螟天敌聚集的非耕作生境比例为20%~30%,以林地为主或村落、草地为主的非耕作生境,以及分布有其他作物的耕作生境能够提高玉米螟天敌数量。研究结果可为今后从景观生态角度构建适宜非耕作生境组成来防治玉米螟提供理论依据和方法。  相似文献   

农田景观因其巨大面积和更高的生产力,在全球生物多样性维持,甚至濒危物种的维持中扮演着重要角色。而农田景观中非农生境被蚕食的现象较为突出,尤其城市周边农田景观中更为普遍。本文以沈阳市沈北新区为例,采用景观紊乱度法将其划分为城市、城市边缘区和乡村3个区域,利用GIS技术分析3个区域农田景观中非农生境类型、数量与面积比例,探讨城市扩张对农田景观中非农生境影响程度。结果表明,随着与城市中心距离的增加,由城市、城市边缘区至乡村,非农生境类型呈现逐渐增加趋势,靠近城市中心的非农生境仅有林地,而在乡村区域有草地、林地、水域和农村道路4种类型。非农生境斑块数量比例呈现总体增加趋势,城市平均比例为8.63%、城市边缘区平均比例为17.08%、乡村平均比例为22.48%。非农生境面积比例呈现先增后减的倒"U"字型变化,城市边缘区的非农生境面积比例最高,值为1.93%。非农生境斑块密度呈现先增加、再减少和后增加的变化趋势,城市边缘区的非农生境斑块密度最小。最大斑块指数和聚集度指数呈现先减少后再增加的趋势,城市边缘区的非农生境最大斑块指数和聚集度指数最小。景观形状指数和多样性指数呈现先增加后减少的趋势,城市边缘区景观形状指数和多样性指数最大。总体而言,距离城市中心最近的城市区域受城市化强烈影响后,保留在城市景观之中的农田景观重新建立一种相对稳定的景观格局,残留其间的非农生境类型单一、斑块数量低,斑块较大、形状规则;正在受到城市建设切割的城市边缘区农田景观中非农生境面积比例、景观形状指数和多样性指数表现为虚高,但其斑块密度、最大斑块指数和聚集度指数均较小;距离城市中心最远的乡村区域非农生境受城市化影响较弱,类型趋于多样、斑块数量比例高、景观异质性较高。  相似文献   

农业景观异质性对生物多样性及其 生态系统服务的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农业景观中生物多样性具有特殊重要的意义,本文首先综述了农业景观异质性的组成和特征。农业景观的异质性不仅包括空间组成和构型异质性以及时间异质性,更应包括基于物种或功能类群认识的农业景观功能异质性,这对于讨论景观异质性与生物多样性的关系十分关键。纵览景观空间异质性和时间异质性对生物多样性的多尺度影响发现,很多研究证实非农生境对于维持农业景观中生物多样性十分必要,由非农生境斑块和农田基质组成异质性较高的农业景观往往促进生物多样性,不同生物类群对景观异质性的响应尺度不同。景观结构和种间作用的复合影响是异质性农业景观维持生物多样性的机制。景观异质性通过生物多样性的组成和分布进而影响其提供的生物控制、授粉和物质循环等生态系统服务。结合黄河中下游平原农业景观异质性特征及其对生物多样性影响系列研究结果,在联产承包责任制下小田块管理的农业景观中,未来相关研究应基于功能景观的时空异质性深入讨论农业景观对生物多样性及其生态系统服务的影响机制,为可持续农业景观的构建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

 为黄土高原土地资源合理利用及区域可持续发展提供参考,以上黄试区为例,在地理信息系统支持下获得计算景观多样性的有关参数,选取斑块大小及数量、分维数、斑块伸长指数、多样性、优势度、均匀度和破碎度等指标,对黄土丘陵小流域10年来景观多样性动态变化进行分析。结果显示:1995—2004年,该试区总斑块数增加了6个,斑块变化明显的主要表现为:坡耕地及天然草地斑块分别减少19个和12个,人工草地斑块及梯田分别增加15个和9个;平均斑块面积及平均斑块周长分别下降了0.14hm2和185.36m2;梯田、天然草地、疏林地、园地及居民点用地分维数,都有不同程度的下降,而坡耕地、人工草地、灌木林地及未利用地景观的分维数有所上升,水浇地、川台地、乔木林地、水域景观分维数保持不变;上黄试区景观异质性特征表现为:均匀度指数下降5.86,景观破碎度指数上升0.002,人为干扰度增加1.95,景观类型多样性指数下降0.25,优势度指数上升0.25。目前,试区从耕地及草地为主的景观生态系统,转变为以林地和草地景观为主的高度异质化的景观生态系统,人类活动的干预,是驱动该试区景观空间格局变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

干旱是北方多数农业区作物的主要灾害之一。农田系统内的水塘,沟渠等非耕作土地可为旱季作物提供一定水源,但其形态、大小和空间格局不同对作物干旱减缓效应可能会有所不同。基于此,以下辽河平原台安县为研究区,选择典型干旱年(2014年),采用作物干旱敏感指数(DSI)和非耕作土地景观指数,对非耕作土地景观特征与作物干旱等级进行相关性分析。结果表明:2014年8月台安县农田作物干旱主要为中度和轻度,受极端干旱气候影响较为明显。台安县农田非耕作土地景观整体异质性不强,破碎度和多样性相对较高。非耕作土地的景观指数与作物干旱敏感指数(DSI)有显著相关性。当地块的非耕作土地景观破碎度(景观分离度指数、景观形状指数)和多样性(香农多样性指数、香农均匀度指数)增加时,作物受旱程度也增强。研究结论可为通过优化农田中非耕作土地的景观格局来减缓作物干旱等土地生态整治提供有益参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

生境质量评价对生物多样性保护有至关重要的作用,为探究未利用地开发对唐县生境质量的影响,本文运用InVEST模型中的Habitat Quality模块分析2000年、2007年和2016年河北省唐县未利用地开发前后的生境质量变化情况。研究表明:1)2000—2016年,未利用地开发方向主要以草地、林地和耕地为主,未利用地比例从100%(以2000年未利用地面积为基数)减少到33.70%,草地、林地和耕地比例从0分别增加到27.43%、 21.30%和10.46%。2)唐县未利用地斑块所占景观面积比逐年减少,其平均斑块面积由开发前的94.73 hm~2减少到开发后的6.15hm~2;林地、水域和草地所占景观面积比例增加。未利用地开发后均匀度指数和多样性指数都有所增加,各景观组分所占面积比例差异减小,生态系统稳定性提高。3)未利用地开发后,研究区生境质量明显提升,生境质量得分由2000年的0.09上升到2007年的0.28,2016年又上升到0.39。研究结果可以为制定合理的土地规划以及土地开发工作中的生境及生物多样性保护等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

五陵原景观空间格局动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于地理信息系统支持计算景观多样性的有关参数,选取斑块大小及数量、分维数、斑块伸长指数、多样性、优势度、均匀度和破碎度等指标,对五陵原地区近17多年来景观多样性动态变化进行分析。结果显示:1988-2005年,研究区总斑块数减少了67个,斑块增加明显的主要是耕地及林地斑块,分别增加90个和27个;斑块数减少明显的是水体、果园和建设用地,分别减少了11个、121个和51个。平均斑块面积及平均斑块周长,分别增加4.036hm2和966.69m;耕地、林地、水体及未利用土地分维数,都有不同程度的下降,而果园和建设用地景观的分维数有所上升。五陵原地区景观异质性特征表现为:均匀度指数上升了0.13,景观破碎度指数上升了0.001,景观类型多样性指数上升了0.27,优势度指数下降了0.27。研究期间该区景观空间格局从以耕地及建筑为主的景观生态系统,转变为以耕地、果园和建筑景观为主的高度异质化的景观生态系统,人类活动是其景观空间格局变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

豫北低山丘陵区农田边界系统植物多样性的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过野外调查研究了豫北低山丘陵区不同农田边界的植物丰富度、均匀度、生态优势度和多样性指数。结果表明: 植物丰富度指数依次为灌草丛>水渠边>稀疏林地>路旁>果园边际>作物边界带, 灌草丛物种丰富度显著大于其他边界类型, 作物边界带的物种丰富度显著小于其他农田边界类型; 植物均匀度指数依次为稀疏林地>灌草丛=水渠边>路旁>作物边界带>果园边际, 稀疏林地均匀度指数显著大于其他边界类型, 果园边际地的均匀度指数显著小于其他农田边界类型; 植物多样性指数和生态优势度指数变化趋势一致, 依次为水渠边>稀疏林地>灌草丛>果园边际>路旁>作物边界带, 水渠边的生态优势度和多样性指数均显著大于其他边界类型, 作物边界带的生态优势度和多样性指数均显著小于其他边界类型。灌草丛、路旁、水渠边、稀疏林地和果园边际地相互间的共有植物种较多, 其物种相似系数均在0.7以上, 而作物边界带与其他边界类型间的共有植物种较少, 物种相似系数也较低, 均在0.7以下, 其中, 作物边界带和灌草丛相似系数最低, 为0.47。  相似文献   

以位于典型黄土丘陵沟壑区的延安赵庄村为例,选取多样性、优势度、均匀度、破碎度和偏离度等主要指标,对村庄尺度上的土地利用景观格局动态变化进行分析研究。结果表明:1)研究期间,研究区景观斑块数与景观斑块密度增加,而平均斑块面积减少;2)研究区2个时期的景观异质性差异显著,景观指数变化表现为:优势度指数与偏离度指数减小,多样性指数、均匀度指数和破碎度指数都有不同程度的增大;3)6年来,随着退耕还林(草)政策的实施,研究区土地利用景观格局有了较大变化,生态环境整体状况趋于改善,农民收入有所增加,产业结构趋向合理,其中,工副业比例增大与种植业、养殖业、果菜比例减小是研究期间农民收入构成的主要变化特点,农民收入以工副业、果菜为主。  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的西昌市土地利用及景观格局变化   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
为了解西昌市土地利用及景观格局时空变化特征,以3期遥感影像(1989年TM、1998年ETM和2008年ASTER)为数据源像,利用RS、GIS技术和景观生态学方法,对研究区1989-2008年土地利用和景观格局时空变化特征进行分析研究。结果表明,研究区景观要素类型以林地、草地和耕地为主,其中林地面积最大,占50%以上。近20年来,耕地、草地、未利用地和水域面积持续减少,其中耕地减少幅度最大,减少了20.01%;建设用地和林地显著增加,分别增加4?861.31和7?609.46 hm2,其中建设用地增加了64.55%。景观要素明显变化的区域主要集中在地势低平,工、农业集中,人地矛盾异常突出的中部安宁河谷和东部邛海盆地。由于人类活动的干预,研究区景观要素类型相互转化较为频繁,主要表现为耕地转为建设用地和林地,草地转为林地和耕地,未利用地转为耕地和草地,水域转为耕地和建设用地。1989-2008年研究区多样性指数和均匀度指数分别从1.323和0.738下降到1.256和0.701,优势度从0.469上升到0.536,表明景观异质性程度有所降低。  相似文献   

Small marginal habitats in the rural landscape may play an important role for plant species richness as refugias. Little is known how the surrounding landscape and landscape history influence these patterns. I analysed how plant species richness was affected by isolation, habitat area, past and present land use, and if landscape context matters. Plant species occurrence in two different types of small marginal habitats were analysed, road verges and midfield islets. The study was conducted in two different agricultural landscapes in Sweden; one open modern agricultural landscape and one traditional rural landscape, and the results compared. Present and past land use, and landscape change was analysed using aerial photographs and old maps. There was a large grassland reduction more than 50 years ago in the modern landscape, when there still were quite a lot of grasslands left in the traditional landscape. Area and connectivity were more important for plant incidence in small remnant habitats in the modern landscape, compared to the less fragmented, traditional rural landscape. On the other hand there were more grassland specialists, 23% in the traditional landscape compared to 16%. Species richness became higher on midfield islet if grazing was re-introduced. The legacy of surrounding landscape remains in the species pool for a long time, atleast 50 years, even in small grassland fragments. Although small grassland remnants are more sensitive to fragmentation effects compared to larger grasslands, they still encompass a substantial part of the grassland species pool and may be valuable for reconstructing grassland management at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Past semi-natural grassland extent is thought to have a major influence on contemporary species richness in rural landscapes. The loss of grasslands over the last 300 years was reconstructed for 12 rural landscapes in Sweden, ranging from open modern agricultural landscapes to more forested landscapes. Old maps and aerial photographs from 1950s and today were used to reconstruct landscape patterns in four time-steps to investigate how present plant species richness relates to past grassland extent and decline in old and new grassland habitats. The relative importance of soil properties on the timing of grassland decline was assessed. Plant species occurrence was recorded in managed and abandoned grassland habitats in each landscape.Past and present grassland distribution was a major factor in determining plant species patterns found in grasslands today. All landscapes had an average of 80% grassland 300 years ago. Since then grassland has declined by 90% across all landscapes. Proportion of clay soils influenced the timing of grassland decline, where grasslands in landscapes dominated by clay soils were conversed to crop-fields more than 100 years ago. Grasslands on coarser soils declined later, primarily to forest. Landscapes with more than 10% semi-natural grassland left today had 50% higher species richness in all grasslands, including both abandoned and new grassland. Time since major grassland decline also seems to have an effect on the landscapes’ species richness. The results show that plant species patterns in grasslands at local scales are determined by broader landscape processes which may have occurred many centuries ago.  相似文献   

Over the past 100 years species-rich semi-natural grasslands have decreased dramatically in Western Europe, where former arable fields (ex-fields) are used instead as pasture. The disappearance of semi-natural grasslands has caused a threat to the biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Many typical grassland plants are dispersal limited, thus grazed ex-fields can be used to investigate if species spontaneously colonise these new grassland habitats. We examined the relationship between surrounding landscape, field area, shape, distance between edge and centre, and plant species diversity in ex-fields that had been grazed for 15-18 years. The results showed that there were 35% more plant species in fields surrounded by commercial forestry production compared to those surrounded by open agricultural landscape. Area and shape did not influence species richness, although there was increasing number of species in the centre with decreasing distance from the edge. Twenty-five percent of the species where typical grassland species, and ex-fields surrounded by forest had 91% more grassland species compared to those in the open landscape. It is possible to increase grassland plant occurrences by grazing ex-fields surrounded by forest or other grassland remnant habitats, particularly in landscapes where grazed semi-natural grasslands are scarce.  相似文献   

Lately there has been a shift in Sweden from grazing species-rich semi-natural grasslands towards grazing ex-arable fields in the modern agricultural landscape. These fields normally contain a fraction of the plant species richness compared to semi-natural grasslands. However, small remnant habitats have been suggested as important for plant species diversity and conservation as they may function as refugia for grassland specialists in fragmented and highly modified agricultural landscapes. In this study, we examined whether plant communities on small remnant habitats, i.e. midfield islets, can function as sources for grassland species to disperse out into surrounding grazed ex-fields (former arable fields). We examined species richness and grassland specialists (species favoured by grazing) and their ability to colonize fields after 5 and 11 years of grazing. The fields that had been grazed for a shorter time were fairly species-poor with few grassland specialists. A longer period of grazing had a positive effect on total and small-scale species diversity in both islets and fields. Species composition became more similar with time, and the number of grassland specialists in both habitats increased. We found that grassland specialists dispersed step-wise into the fields, and the number of grassland specialists decreased with distance from the source. Our study suggests that remnant habitats, such as midfield islets, do function as a source community for grassland specialists and enhance diversification of grassland species when grazing is introduced. For long-term conservation of plant species, incorporating small refugia into larger grazing complexes may thus enhance species richness.  相似文献   

Increasing habitats diversity in agricultural landscapes has been proposed as a key measure for reversing the decline of farmland biodiversity in Europe. However, indicators used for assessing such a potential compensation effect usually only rely on species diversity and abundance while ignoring variations in species-specific vulnerability. The extent to which habitat diversity may reverse the decline of specialist species in Europe to farming systems is thus still unclear. In this study, we investigate whether the effect of non-cropped habitat diversity on farmland birds’ occurrences was dependent on species’ specialization for habitats. In particular, we focused on the relative effects of non-cropped habitat diversity on species’ abilities to persist or to colonize new vacant areas. We used a capture-recapture statistical framework to study the spatial dynamics of 20 farmland bird species in France monitored from 2001 to 2007. We found that non-cropped landscape diversity reduces both the probabilities that a species becomes extinct locally and that a species colonizes new vacant areas, and the occupancy rate. Although this suggests a possible stabilizing effect of the surrounding habitat diversity on species occurrence in farming systems, the occupancy was only weakly affected. Moreover, we found that the most specialist species were the more negatively affected by this landscape diversity in terms of colonization abilities. We argue that accounting for the differences in habitat specialization among farmland species can improve conservation policies dedicated to the management of landscape diversity.  相似文献   

The study explores whether small-scale species diversity, species evenness and species richness in semi-natural grassland communities are similarly associated with present management regime and/or present and historical landscape context (percentage of different land-cover types in the surroundings). Species diversity, evenness and richness were recorded within 441 50 × 50 cm grassland plots in 4.5 × 4.5 km agricultural landscape on Öland, Sweden. Recent and historical land-cover maps (years 2004, 1959, 1938, 1835, and 1800) were used to characterize the present and past landscape context of the sampled vegetation plots. Partial regression and simultaneous autoregressive models were used to explore the relationships between species diversity measures (Shannon diversity, richness and evenness) and different explanatory variables while accounting for spatial autocorrelation in the data. The results indicated that species richness was relatively sensitive to grassland isolation, while the response of species evenness to isolation was characterized by a degree of inertia. Because the richness and evenness components of species diversity may respond differently to habitat fragmentation, we suggest that monitoring projects and empirical studies that focus on changes in biodiversity in semi-natural grasslands should include the assessment of species evenness - as a complement to the assessment of species richness. In addition, our results indicated that the development and persistence of a species-rich and even grassland vegetation was favoured in areas that have historically (in the 19th century) been surrounded by grasslands. Information on landscape history should, whenever possible, be incorporated into the planning of strategies for grassland conservation.  相似文献   

Agro-ecosystems still retain part of the original biodiversity, although agricultural intensification threatens to eliminate refuge patches from farmland mosaics. Landscape complexity resulting from networks of uncultivated corridors associated with fencerows may play a key role in sustaining biodiversity across scales, and may further influence diversity in adjacent, cultivated fields. We evaluated the relationship between farmland complexity and plant diversity of fencerows and crop fields at local and landscape scales in the Rolling Pampas of Argentina. We surveyed 222 fencerows and fields cultivated with winter or summer crops, and characterised farmland complexity by the perimeter/area ratio of cropland in 2-km diameter circles surrounding each field. Plant diversity was additively partitioned into alpha, beta, and gamma components. Fencerows had noticeably higher richness than cropped fields at local and landscape scales. Gamma and beta diversities of fencerows and fields were positively related to farmland complexity, supporting the role of spatial heterogeneity in maintaining plant diversity in agro-ecosystems. Landscape complexity did not influence alpha diversity of fencerows but significantly increased diversity within fields, a likely result of enhanced mass effects from uncultivated habitats in more varied farmland. More complex landscapes contained greater gamma diversity of exotic perennials in fencerows, and of exotic and native annuals within fields. Importantly, alpha and gamma diversities of native perennials from the pristine Pampa grassland increased with landscape complexity within cropped fields. In the face of ongoing landscape homogenisation under agricultural intensification, maintaining fencerow networks may become critical for conserving habitat heterogeneity and farmland biodiversity.  相似文献   

以遥感图像为数据源,运用专业遥感图像处理软件、Arcgis软件和Fragstats 3.3软件提取了塔里木盆地农垦区19761、9902、0002、006、2010年5个时期的部分景观指数,对研究区景观格局动态进行了分析。结果表明:近35年来,未利用土地大规模减少,耕地和建筑用地面积增加,林地和牧草地逐步退化;1976—2006年,景观多样性指数和均匀度指数增大,表明人类适当的干扰可使景观异质性增强;2006—2010年,由于耕地的持续发展,景观多样性指数和均匀度指数减小,景观异质性降低。在以后的土地开发利用中,要减缓土地开垦,加强防护林、人工草地的建设,优化景观格局,以实现土地的可持续利用。  相似文献   

Recent declines in North American honeybee populations have highlighted the importance of native bee conservation, and the need for research on the ecological requirements of native bees in farmland. In this study, we investigated the value of hedgerows as foraging habitat for native bees in mosaics of small-scale agriculture and natural vegetation in two riparian landscapes in southeast Arizona, USA. In the summers of 2002 and 2003, we surveyed bees and flowers in four habitats: hedgerows, agricultural fields, woodlots, and native woodland. We asked: (1) How do hedgerows compare to other available habitats in bee abundance and species richness? (2) How does bee species composition in hedgerows compare to species composition in agricultural fields and woodland? (3) How do flower resources in hedgerows compare to those in fields and woodland?We found that hedgerows were attractive foraging habitat for native bees, especially in early summer, when hedgerows tended to have higher species richness than other agricultural or natural habitats. Cumulative species richness was highest in agricultural fields, although cumulative species richness did not significantly differ among fields, hedgerows, and woodland. While bee faunas overlapped among habitats, bee assemblages in hedgerows were more similar to those in woodland than to those in fields. The hedgerow herbaceous flora was roughly intermediate to that of fields and woodland; hedgerows also supported high densities of woodland-characteristic shrubs. These flowering shrubs were important in attracting bees that were otherwise uncommon in the landscape, including some species that are potentially valuable pollinators of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Road verges should play a crucial role as a refuge for native flora and fauna in human dominated landscapes. However, the influence of construction choices, such as plantation of woody species, on the biodiversity supported by roadsides has received little attention, although the presence of hedgerows in roadsides is likely to enhance their role as a refuge, notably for woodland species. Using standardised methods, we assessed the impact of planted hedgerows on two taxonomic groups (plants and spiders) inhabiting highway verges within an intensive agricultural landscape. We examined community richness, taxonomic and functional composition in sites with and without planted hedgerows. At the site level, the response of plant and spider communities to the presence of planted hedgerows differed markedly: hedgerows were associated with significantly higher plant richness (higher α-diversity), but similar spider richness. Plant communities in sites without hedgerows appeared as a subset of communities in sites with hedgerows, whereas spider communities in non-planted sites were complementary to that of planted sites (increased β-diversity). The presence of planted hedgerows was also associated with increased taxonomic and functional trait diversity at the landscape level (γ-diversity), through an increased β-diversity in both plants and spiders. Our results thus suggest that a mosaic of planted hedgerows and grassland habitats is crucial for the maintenance of biodiversity at a landscape scale. By providing information for road practitioners and policy makers regarding their potential impact on biodiversity, these results have important direct implications for the management of road networks.  相似文献   

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