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油-稻轮作条件下土壤硫形态消长规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤无机硫主要是水溶和吸附态SO42-,它能被作物直接吸收。有机硫是作物利用硫的主要来源,分为HI还原有机硫(硫酸酯)、碳键硫(C-S)和惰性硫。有机硫只有转化为SO42-后才能为作物吸收[1]。土壤硫形态转化规律室内培养和盆栽研究较多[1,2],田间试验研究较少,国外探讨了油菜一休闲制中土壤硫形态转化规律[3]。水一早轮作制是中国主要轮作制之一,该轮作制中土壤处于干一湿交替之中,土壤硫转化规律可能有其特异性。本研究选择油一稻轮作制为研究对象,研究土壤硫形态消长和分配规律。其结果将为评价土壤供硫能力和了解土壤硫肥力维持机制提供依据。  相似文献   

轮作对设施蔬菜大棚中次生盐渍化土壤盐分离子累积的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
2007 年8 月在江苏省宜兴市采集10 个典型大棚土壤及其邻近露地蔬菜地土壤调查其离子组成和电导率, 并选择2 个土壤具有次生盐渍化特征的大棚研究轮作(蓖麻-白菜-蓖麻、辣椒-白菜-辣椒)对土壤电导率(EC)和离子组成的影响。结果表明, 大棚蔬菜地土壤EC 显著高于露地蔬菜地土壤, 20%的大棚土壤已发生次生盐渍化(EC>500 μS·cm-1); 大棚土壤的SO42-、NO3-离子浓度显著高于露地蔬菜土壤, 说明SO42-、NO3-是影响大棚次生盐渍化的主要离子。2 年3 茬大棚蔬菜地轮作试验结果表明, 蓖麻-白菜-蓖麻轮作导致土壤EC 下降5%, 辣椒-白菜-辣椒轮作使土壤EC 下降33%, 表明后者对土壤次生盐渍化改良效果优于前者。两轮作系统盐分离子累积差异主要在于SO42-, 辣椒-白菜-辣椒轮作能降低土壤SO42-的累积, 而蓖麻-白菜-蓖麻轮作则不然。建议根据次生盐渍化土壤主控盐分离子以及不同作物对盐分离子吸收累积偏向性选择合适的轮作系统, 实现轮作改良次生盐渍化最佳效果。  相似文献   

利用长期定位试验 ,比较了长期施用含SO42-和Cl- 化肥 22年后稻田土壤的 pH值、养分状况及其吸附解吸特性。结果表明 ,长期施用含SO42-化肥 ,土壤有机质、速效氮和速效钾的含量较高 ,但全量氮磷钾的含量较低 ;长期施用含Cl- 化肥 ,土壤全量氮磷钾和速效磷的含量较高 ,但pH值相对较低。长期施用含上述二种阴离子的化肥后 ,土壤对H2PO4-的最大吸附量均较大 ,且在Cl- 处理下土壤对H2PO4-吸附的结合能较大 ,而SO42-处理下土壤在同等吸附量时对H2PO4-的解吸量相应较多。长期施用含SO42-的化肥亦使土壤对钾素的供应强度较大 (ΔK0的绝对值较大 )、缓冲能力增强 (AR0值较高 ) ,而长期施用含Cl- 的化肥时则与SO42-相反  相似文献   

以克拉玛依人工碳汇林区的土壤可溶性盐分离子、地下水矿化度和植被为研究对象, 综合运用描述性统计和相关性分析等方法, 研究其景观地球化学特征, 旨在通过对克拉玛依人工碳汇林区的景观地球化学特征的研究, 为这一地区盐渍化土壤改良和沙漠化防治提供理论依据。结果表明: 克拉玛依人工碳汇林区土壤Cl-、SO42-、Ca2+在0~80 cm范围内变异系数较大, 80~100 cm范围内, 土壤总盐和各离子变异系数相对较小; 盐分表聚现象严重; 该地区盐土类型主要是硫酸盐型, 其中SO42-和Na++K+为土壤可溶性盐的主要成分。研究区地下水呈弱碱性, 除HCO3-外, 其他离子和矿化度表现出较强的变异性; 地下水的化学类型主要为Cl·SO4-Na, 矿化度和Cl-、SO42-、Na++K+相关系数较为显著。种植人工碳汇林后, 除土壤HCO3-含量有轻微上升外, 其他离子均有所下降, 其中SO42-含量的降低趋势最为明显。俄罗斯杨林分土壤含盐量随种植年限的增长明显降低, 种植后的土壤盐渍化状况有明显改善。  相似文献   

氮肥对镉在土壤-芥菜系统中迁移转化的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以芥菜为研究对象, 采用盆栽试验, 探讨了不同用量的5种氮肥对污染农田土壤中镉(Cd)在土壤–根系–地上部迁移累积的影响。结果表明: 5种氮肥均促进了芥菜根系对Cd的吸收, 且根系Cd含量随施氮量的增加而增加; 但根系吸收转运Cd的能力随氮肥施用量的增加呈先降后增的变化趋势。在≤200 mg(N)·kg-1(土)的施氮水平下, CO(NH2)2和Ca(NO3)2处理能显著降低芥菜地上部Cd含量, 降低幅度分别为13%~29%和24%~30%。在施氮量相同的条件下, NH4Cl和(NH4)2SO4显著降低了土壤pH, 增加了土壤DTPA-Cd含量, 促进了芥菜对Cd的吸收。本试验条件下, 200 mg(N)·kg-1(土)的CO(NH2)2在增加芥菜产量和降低芥菜地上部Cd含量等方面优于其他氮肥处理。  相似文献   

[目的] 探究川中丘陵地区施用经无害化处理的生活污水后,不同类型土壤在不同深度土层中各养分指标的变化特征,为农村生活污水的无害化处理和资源化利用提供科学支撑。 [方法] 对三格化粪池处理后的农村生活污水进行资源化利用。在耕地中设置G0(37.5 L/m2),G2(75 L/m2),G0(空白)3种施用处理;在林地中设置L1(37.5 L/m2),L2(75 L/m2),L3(112.5 L/m2),L0(空白)4种施用处理。结合层次分析法(AHP)与主成分分析法(PCA)对各养分指标权重进行计算,对各处理在不同深度土层中的施用效果进行综合评分。 [结果] 在生活污水不同的资源化利用处理除L3土壤养分评价等级为“良”外,其余处理皆为“优”。各处理下,耕地中各深度土层养分评价得分排序一致表现为:G1>G0>G2;林地中0-20 cm土层表现为:L0>L2>L1>L3;20-40 cm土层表现为:L1>L0>L2>L3。耕地施用对提升土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效磷、速效钾有明显的效果;林地少量施用对提升20-40 cm除速效钾外其余土壤养分的效果较好。 [结论] 短期来看,在农村生活污水资源化利用时,适量的施用可改善耕地土壤的养分,对于林地无需施用土壤养分就可较好保持。  相似文献   

赵时来 《土壤》1975,7(6):309-313
氮和硫都是植物生长发育所必需的营养元素,氮可以NH4+形式、硫以SO4=形式被植物所吸收,而SO3=则不宜作为植物营养的硫源,因此在已往的文献中,没有见到关于用亚硫酸铵做肥料的记载。  相似文献   

盐渍化土壤水分有效性是制约土地生产能力的关键因素之一。研究不同盐分类型及矿化度的盐溶液对土壤水分有效性的影响, 可为微咸水合理灌溉以及促进土壤生产潜力的发挥提供科学依据。本研究采用离心法在室内研究了脱水过程中灌溉水的溶质类型(NaCl和Na2SO4)与矿化度(0、1 g·L-1、3 g·L-1、5 g·L-1、10 g·L-1)对半干旱盐渍化地区果园土壤水分有效性的影响。结果表明: 不同矿化度的NaCl和Na2SO4处理均可使田间持水量、暂时萎蔫系数、永久萎蔫系数、迟效水和无效水较对照有所降低。不同矿化度的NaCl处理以及1 g·L-1的Na2SO4处理土壤全有效水和速效水都较对照增加, 3 g·L-1、5 g·L-1和10 g·L-1的Na2SO4处理土壤全有效水和速效水都较对照减小。不同矿化度的NaCl和Na2SO4处理均可使土壤通气孔隙和毛管孔隙相对减少, 非活性孔隙增大, 其中矿化度为5 g·L-1的NaCl和Na2SO4处理对其影响最为明显, 通气孔隙分别较对照减小16.8%和14.8%, 毛管孔隙分别较对照减小5.2%和6.5%, 非活性孔隙分别较对照增加15.7%和14.4%。NaCl对于土壤比水容量和毛管断裂的延迟效果比NaSO4明显。且土壤溶液盐分含量增加, 土壤持水能力下降、供水性能增加而土壤抗旱性降低。  相似文献   

在野外GPS定点定位调查、土壤样品分析的基础上,借助Excel和ArcGIS9.3等软件,对新疆自治区喀什市岳普湖县塔吉克阿巴提镇0-30cm土层的盐离子特征、灌区土壤盐渍化现状及空间分布特征进行了分析。结果表明,0-30cm土层土壤中的离子以Cl-,SO42-,Na+,Ca2+为主Na+与Cl-呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数为0.98,HCO3-与其它6种离子(Na+,Ca2+,Mg2+,K+,Cl-,SO42-)呈负相关关系受灌排系统影响较大的农田0-30cm土壤中Cl-/SO42-比值远小于不受灌排系统影响的荒地农田和荒地0-30cm土壤中的Cl-/SO42-比值与总盐呈正相关关系,相关系数依次为0.68和0.32。现阶段对塔吉克阿巴提镇灌区农业危害最严重的是氯化物-硫酸盐盐渍化土,硫酸盐盐渍化土表现为盐渍化土地向非盐渍化土地转变的过渡类型非盐渍化农田及轻度盐渍化农田主要分布在开垦较早,灌排系统畅通的区域,灌排系统不畅通的区域仍然处于脱盐缓慢或持续积盐的状态。  相似文献   

本文介绍了采用电导频散装置测量分别含有10-4mol/LHCl、5×10-5mol/L H2SO4和10-4mol/L H3PO4的黄棕壤、棕壤、黑土和砖红壤悬液(20-30g/kg)的电导频散曲线,频散曲线上均呈现频率范围相当宽的坪区,频散曲线的特性分析结果表明,黄棕壤和棕壤在3种酸溶液中的始散频率(0.6-1kHz)低于黑土悬液(16-28kHz),而砖红壤的始散频率最高(25-47kHz;Cl-、SO42-和H2PO4-离子与4种土壤的相对亲合力(REC1.5/RECtp-1)顺序为Cl- < SO42- < H2PO4-,在不同土壤之间的顺序则随酸溶液而异.  相似文献   

We observed the presence of reduced sulfur compounds in the buried soil layer of a paddy field on Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture. We sampled the paddy field soil from 0 to 300 cm depth and analyzed the physico-chemical properties of the soil and the numbers of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and iron-oxidizing bacteria in order to elucidate both the sulfur-oxidizing mechanism and the function of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in the subsoil. Based on the physico-chemical properties of the soil, layers 4 and 5, which were located below 1 m in depth, were found to be potential acid sulfate soils and to be under semi-anaerobic conditions. However, the concentrations of water-soluble sulfate ions in layers 4 and 5 (88.2 to 444 mg S kg−1) were higher than those in layers 1 and 3 (16.1 and 8.29 mg S kg−1, respectively) and a significant number of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (102–6 MPN g−1) was detected in layer 4. These results suggested that the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria had occurred in layer 4. Since no iron-oxidizing bacteria were detected in any layers, and it was reported that sulfur-oxidizing bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans could not oxidize pyrite directly, it was considered that the oxidation of the reduced sulfur compounds in layer 4 occurred through the following processes. At first, reduced sulfur compounds such as pyrite were oxidized chemically by ferric ions to intermediary sulfur compounds such as thiosulfate ions. Subsequently, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in layer 4 oxidized these intermediary sulfur compounds to sulfate ions. However, it was considered that the oxidation rate of the reduced sulfur compounds in layer 4 was far slower than would occur under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   


Pyrite in hydromorphic soils is oxidized when it is exposed to the atmosphere. The sulfide oxidation releases hydrogen (H+) ions and other ions into the aqueous solution, and subsequently hydroxy‐sulfates are formed. A laboratory aging experiment was conducted using coastal sulfate‐rich soils in Malaysia to identify and determine the nature and composition of the hydroxy‐sulfates and to explain the mechanism of their formation. Powder X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that incubating the pyrite‐bearing soils in the presence of added electrolyte (KCl and NaCl) resulted in the formation of jarosite, natrojarosite, and/or alunite. Subsequent transmission electron microscopy‐energy dispersive X‐ray (TEM‐EDAX) analysis showed that a hydroxy‐sulfate crystal was composed mainly of hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), sodium (Na), aluminum (Al), sulfur (S), potassium (K), and iron (Fe) which was accounted for as jarosite, natrojarosite, and/or alunite by powder XRD. The small amount of fluorine (F), nickel (Ni), titanium (Ti), and manganese (Mn) occurring within the same hydroxy‐sulfate crystal was presumably originated from pyrite. This result points to the formation of hydroxy‐sulfates in acid sulfate soils via psuedomorphic replacement of pyrite under an oxidizing environment.  相似文献   

Potential acid sulfate soils (PASS) are drained for agriculture, resulting in the formation of active acid sulfate soils (AASS), which gradually evolve into post-active acid sulfate soils (PAASS). Various redox concentrations (precipitates, costings, and mottles) occur in these soils as a result of pedogenic processes including biological activity and effects of land management. Although several studies have determined the mineralogy and geochemistry of ASS, the mineralogy and geochemistry of redox concentrations occurring in a sequence of ASS through PASS to PAASS have not been investigated. This study examined the mineralogy and geochemistry of redox concentrations and matrices within 5 PASS, 8 AASS, and 5 PAASS in Thailand. The labile minerals were predominantly controlled by oxidation status and management inputs. The unoxidized layers of PASS, AASS, and PAASS contained pyrite and mackinawite. The oxidation of Fe sulfides caused acidification and accumulation of yellow redox concentrations of jarosite and Fe (hydr)oxides at shallow depths. As the soils became well developed, they were recognized as PAASS, and the jarosite and goethite transformed to hematite. As ASS were drained, Co, Mn, Ni, and Zn moved downward and were associated with Fe sulfides and Mn oxides in the unoxided layer. Concentrations of As, Cu, Cr, Fe, and V did not change with depth because these elements became associated with jarosite and Fe (hydr)oxides in yellow and red redox concentrations, as well as the root zone, in the partly oxidized layer of AASS and PAASS. Arsenic was associated with pyrite under reducing conditions.  相似文献   

The detailed characterization of mineralogical changes with depth in pyrite-rich tailings from an abandoned mine provides insight into the future geochemical progression of the tailings. Based on the pH and mineralogical characterization, the Guryong mine tailings can be divided into four zones: jarosite zone, iron (Fe)-sulfate zone, Fe-oxyhydroxide and gypsum-bearing pyrite zone, and calcite-bearing pyrite zone. The jarosite zone was approximately 50 cm deep from the surface and had secondary gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6]. The pH of the jarosite zone ranged from 2.3 to 4.0, and the ratio of total Fe to total sulfur (S) ranged from 0.7 to 4.3. These results show that the solid phase, schwertmannite or jarosite, is associated with the total sulfate (SO4) content. The Fe-sulfate zone had low pH values caused by strong pyrite oxidation and greatest amounts of the secondary minerals and acid-leachable heavy metals. The Fe-oxyhydroxide and gypsum-bearing pyrite zone reflects partial alteration of pyrite resulting in the coexistence of secondary gypsum and primary pyrite. The calcite-bearing pyrite zone had pH values exceeding 7.0 at greater depths and contained primary calcite (CaCO3). However, the GS6 and GS10 profiles, which contained coarse particles near the water table, were the most acidic and their calcite contents were not dectected. The oxidation of pyrite is the most important factor in the mineral cycling of Guryong mine tailings, controlling the changes in pH, the precipitation of secondary mineral phases, and the behavior of heavy metals through the profile.  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对太湖地区水稻土铜吸附—解吸的影响   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
以太湖地区三种典型的水稻土(黄泥土、白土、乌泥土)为例,利用模拟-培养试验,着重研究模拟酸雨对土壤的铜吸附解吸能力的影响,研究结果表明:与未淋溶土壤相比,经模拟酸雨淋溶的三种土壤对铜的吸附量有所增加,随着淋溶液pH的降低,增幅减小:易解吸态铜的解吸量则随淋溶液pH的降低而增大,模拟酸雨降低了土壤对重金融污染的缓冲能力;虽然黄泥土、乌泥土对铜的吸附量远大于白土,但模拟酸雨对乌泥土的吸附-解吸能力的影响速度也大于白土。  相似文献   


A refined scheme for the semi micro chemical analysis of sulfur fractions in soils is presented. Pyrite is analyzed, as iron, after extraction in HNO3. Non‐pyrite iron is excluded by a pretreatment with HF/H2SO4. Water‐soluble sulfate and jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6], the other dominant sulfur fractions in acid sulfate soils, are analyzed turbidimetrically, as sulfate, after successive extractions by EDTA.3Na (water soluble plus exchangeable SO4) and by hot 4 M HCl (jarosite). These methods are simpler, less bulky and more specific than most existing procedures.

Introduction of elemental sulfur analysis permits estimation of organic sulfur fraction as well. Sums of individual sulfur fractions agree well with separate total sulfur determinations.

The proposed analysis of pyrite permits also distinction of the components Fe2O3, FeO and FeS2 in soils and rocks2.  相似文献   

【目的】酸性硫酸盐土(ASS)酸含量极高,Fe、 Al、 Mn、 As等有毒金属移动性强。许多开发利用方式不仅影响其成土母质黄铁矿的氧化程度并可能带来生态风险,稻作利用被认为是生态风险较低的方式。本研究开展水田和荒地两种利用条件下ASS中酸含量调查研究,探讨稻作利用方式对ASS酸含量的影响。【方法】于2013年8月,在广东省台山市发育于珠江三角洲滨海ASS的水稻田和严重酸化的长期撂荒地采集土壤样品,从土表向下0—300 cm范围内采用宽45 mm的土钻每20 cm采集1个样品,每个剖面共采集15个样品。比较两种利用方式下ASS各土层土壤pH值、 水溶性酸、 交换性酸、 吸持性酸含量,探讨稻作利用方式对ASS酸分布及运移的影响。【结果】珠江三角洲平原ASS的酸含量极高,在0—80 cm深度范围内,总存在酸含量随着土层深度加深而提高,土层深度每下降20 cm,总存在酸含量就平均提高61.62%; 80 cm以下土层总存在酸含量随着土层深度下降逐渐降低,其中80—180 cm深度范围内的降幅较大,土层深度每下降20 cm,总存在酸含量就平均降低61.62%; 当土层深度下降至220 cm时,pH值上升到6.0,酸含量非常低。稻作利用方式显著影响ASS的酸含量及其在土壤剖面的迁移情况。与荒地比较,稻田0—80 cm土层的总存在酸含量显著降低,其中水溶性酸、 交换性酸和吸持性酸含量平均降幅分别为77.01%、 36.75%、 27.74%,水溶性酸和交换性酸的差异达到显著水平,吸持性酸仅在0—20 cm 和60—80 cm土层的差异达到显著水平; 100—120 cm深度范围内稻田的总存在酸含量显著高于荒地,其中水溶性酸、 交换性酸和吸持性酸含量的增幅分别为128.19%、 54.87%、 154.96%,120—240 cm土层中,稻田的交换性酸和吸持性酸含量稍高于荒地,但差异不显著; 240—300 cm土层中,稻田的酸含量与荒地基本相同。总体上,稻作方式改变了ASS中酸在土壤剖面的分布,其中0—80 cm土层中酸含量显著降低,而100—120 cm土层的酸含量显著提高,并以吸持性酸为主要形式固定累积下来。稻田在0—80 cm深度范围内的水溶性硫含量显著低于荒地; 而稻田100—120 cm土层的水溶性硫含量则显著高于荒地,其他土层的差异不显著。水溶性硫与水溶性酸、 交换性酸和吸持性酸均显著正相关,表明稻作利用方式可能通过影响硫酸盐矿物的转化过程而改变ASS的酸分布及迁移。【结论】稻作利用方式显著降低上层土壤酸含量,并加强了酸淋洗下移作用,使100—120 cm土层中的酸含量大幅提高,并以黄钾铁矾等羟基硫酸盐次生矿物暂时吸持固定下来。因此,稻作利用方式有效降低ASS酸含量水平,降低ASS对实地作物的危害作用,但因其强淋溶作用可能加大了对地下水体污染的风险。  相似文献   

Increasing lines of evidence have suggested the functional importance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) rather than bacteria (AOB) for nitrification in upland soils with low pH. However, it remains unclear whether niche specialization of AOA and AOB occurs in rice paddy wetlands constrained by oxygen availability. Using DNA-based stable isotope probing, we conclude that AOA dominated nitrification activity in acidic paddy soils (pH 5.6) while AOB dominated in alkaline soils (pH 8.2). Nitrification activity was stimulated by urea fertilization and accompanied by a significant increase of AOA in acid soils and AOB in alkaline soils. DNA-based stable isotope probing indicated significant assimilation of 13CO2 for AOA only in acidic paddy soil, while AOB was the solely responsible for ammonia oxidation in the alkaline paddy soil. Phylogenetic analysis further indicated that AOA members within the soil group 1.1b lineage dominated nitrification in acid soils. Ammonia oxidation in the alkaline soil was catalyzed by Nitrosospira cluster 3-like AOB, suggesting that the physiological diversity of AOA is more complicated than previously thought, and soil pH plays important roles in shaping the community structures of ammonia oxidizers in paddy field.  相似文献   

改良剂对镉污染酸性水稻土的修复效应与机理研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
为探明田间条件下施用石灰、钙镁磷肥、海泡石和腐殖酸等改良剂对Cd污染酸性水稻土的修复效应和作用机理, 通过在Cd污染区建立田间小区试验, 研究了改良剂单施和与石灰配施对Cd污染酸性水稻土中Cd作物有效性的影响。结果表明, 施用改良剂有效地改变了土壤中Cd的存在形态, 除腐殖酸外, 其他改良剂均使土壤酸提取态Cd不同程度地转化为可还原态Cd和残渣态Cd; 施用改良剂可使0.1 mol·L-1 NaNO3和 0.01 mol·L-1CaCl2提取态Cd 降低26%~97%, 降低效果为石灰+海泡石>海泡石>石灰+钙镁磷肥>钙镁磷肥>石灰>石灰+腐殖酸>腐殖酸; 改良剂使水稻地上部分的Cd吸收量降低6%~49%。试验结果还显示, 施用改良剂提高土壤pH是引起土壤中Cd作物有效性降低的主要原因之一。根据田间试验的结果, 海泡石可推荐作为Cd污染酸性水稻土的改良剂, 而腐殖酸则不宜使用。  相似文献   

氮肥去向的研究--Ⅰ.稻田土壤中氮肥的去向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈荣业  朱兆良 《土壤学报》1982,19(2):122-130
氮肥施入土壤后的去向,直接关系到作物增产和环境保护,是农业和环境科学研究中的基本资料。对氮肥去向的研究,以在田间条件下进行的意义比较大。因此,1978-1980年,我们在华东地区三种不同土壤上,采用田间微区15N示踪的方法,分别测定了施用于水稻和小麦的几种常用氮肥的去向,并以尿素为重点,研究了施肥方法、施肥时期、土壤水分状况以及硝化抑制剂等对氮肥去向的影响。所得结果将分别整理。本文是稻田试验方面的初步总结。  相似文献   

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