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施用生物炭(BC)可改善土壤理化性质并影响微生物群落组成,从而恢复并提升土壤生态功能,然而生物炭如何影响退化盐碱湿地土壤微生物群落结构特征尚不清楚。本研究以吉林西部退化盐碱湿地土壤为研究对象,设置对照(不添加生物炭,CK),低量添加生物炭(生物炭:土的比例添加生物炭分别为0.5%、1%、2%,LK),高量添加生物炭(生物炭:土的比例添加生物炭分别为5%、10%、20%,HK),通过1个生长季监测土壤磷脂脂肪酸(Phospholipid fatty acids,PLFA)的变化,分析短期内微生物群落结构变化对生物炭添加的响应特征,探究生物炭添加条件下土壤微生物变化的主要驱动因素。结果表明,低添加量处理下,生物炭对除真菌之外的微生物PLFA均具有抑制作用;高添加量处理下,生物炭对微生物PLFA起促进作用;除原生动物外,其余微生物PLFA均呈现增加趋势,其中细菌与真菌PLFA均增加了50%左右。不同生物炭添加处理下微生物群落中物种结构变化不大,微生物群落的香农指数、辛普森指数以及均匀度在三种处理下差异不显著;生物炭添加改变了土壤养分,其中生物炭添加对有机碳(SOC)影响不显著,但会增加可溶性...  相似文献   

为探索减氮条件下生物炭对植烟土壤的烤烟根系生长及土壤微生物种群数量的影响,采用大田试验方式,研究减氮40%条件下添加不同用量的生物炭对旺长期烤烟根系形态指标、根系活力以及土壤微生物数量的影响.结果表明,减氮条件下施用生物炭料可有效增加烟株根系各形态指标,同时增强根系活力,并且对增加土壤酶菌和细菌数量有显著促进作用.相对...  相似文献   

施用生物炭抑制塌陷区复垦土壤硝化作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生物炭具有培肥土壤和影响土壤氮素转化的效应,但对于不同肥力尤其是极低肥力的采煤塌陷复垦区土壤氮素转化方面缺乏研究。该文采用室内恒温控湿好气培养的方法,研究生物炭在不同氮肥水平下对肥力差异较大的两种土壤(肥力高的菜地土壤、肥力极低的塌陷区复垦土壤)硝化作用的影响。试验设2种氮肥水平、3种生物炭施用量。结果发现,相对于菜地土壤,塌陷区复垦土壤硝化作用缓慢,土壤最大硝化速率仅为菜地土壤的17.32%,且最大硝化速率出现的时间延迟4.2 d。高氮条件下,土壤硝化作用进行得较慢,施入生物炭后对硝化作用的抑制增强,并使土壤硝化加速阶段延长6 d(塌陷区复垦土壤)至11 d(菜地土壤)。塌陷区土壤尤其在高氮条件下最大硝化速率出现的时间明显随生物炭添加量增加而逐渐延迟,而土壤最大硝化速率不受生物炭及氮肥水平的影响。但菜地土壤土壤最大硝化速率值、最大硝化速率出现的时间值显著受氮肥水平及生物炭施用量影响。因此,生物炭对硝化作用的抑制主要表现在硝化作用的加速阶段,抑制强度受氮肥水平和土壤类型交互作用影响。  相似文献   

添加生物炭改善菜地土壤氨氧化细菌群落并提高净硝化率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  【目的】  氨氧化过程是硝化作用的限速步骤,对氮循环有着重要影响。本研究通过分析生物炭输入下土壤氨氧化微生物群落的变化,揭示其影响土壤硝化作用的生物学机制。  【方法】  以华北潮土区设施菜地土壤为对象,设置生物炭梯度 (C0、C0.5、C1.5、C4.0) 土壤培养试验,结合PCR和T-RFLP等分析技术,观测生物炭输入下土壤氨氧化细菌群落变化动态,解析生物炭、土壤硝化作用与氨氧化细菌群落之间的关系。  【结果】  添加生物炭明显改变了土壤氨氧化微生物群落结构及氮素硝化过程。与未添加生物炭处理相比,生物炭添加处理培养前期土壤氨氧化细菌群落Shannon、Evenness指数分别升高5.4%~18.8%、26.2%~33.8%,后期Shannon指数降低20.7%~34.2%。生物炭输入对AOA群落没有明显影响,AOB群落256、58 bp代表物种丰度分别增加61.4%~56.0%、60.6%~78.6%,488 bp代表物种丰度降低22.8%~26.9%。21 bp代表物种丰度前期增加后期降低,与491 bp代表物种丰度变化相反。添加生物炭土壤AOB amoA基因丰度增加48.9%~53.2%。土壤NO3–-N含量提高1.7%~25.6%,NH4+-N含量下降13.4%~31.1%,土壤净硝化速率提高21.8%~70.2%。  【结论】  生物炭的输入可以改善以AOB为主的土壤氨氧化微生物群落结构,提高amoA酶活性,但是对氨氧化古菌微生物群落结构未产生明显影响。因此,生物炭提高土壤净硝化速率的作用与其对土壤氨氧化细菌群落和组成的影响密切相关。  相似文献   

利用田间试验,探讨生物炭与强还原处理(RSD)对退化设施蔬菜土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)的影响.处理为对照(CK)、生物炭修复(BC)、淹水(SF)、淹水覆膜(SFF)、强还原修复(RSD)、RSD与生物炭联合修复(RSD+BC),对比研究不同处理对0-20,20-40 cm 土壤DOM含量及光谱特征的影响.结果表明:0...  相似文献   

生物炭对退化蔬菜地土壤及其修复过程中N_2O产排的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
高氮投入的设施蔬菜地土壤易发生次生盐渍化、酸化、板结化等土壤退化现象,也会引起地下水污染、N_2O大量排放等环境后果,严重影响了蔬菜农业的可持续发展。强还原土壤灭菌(reductive soil disinfestation,RSD)作为新兴的退化设施蔬菜地土壤修复方法,能够有效缓解土壤退化,但也导致N_2O大量排放。本研究选用生物炭作为调节剂,评估不同生物炭施加量对退化设施蔬菜地土壤及其强还原修复过程中N_2O排放的影响,并测定反硝化功能基因(一氧化氮还原酶基因nor B和氧化亚氮还原酶基因nos Z)丰度来反映反硝化微生物活性。结果显示:RSD法显著降低了土壤硝酸盐含量、提高了土壤p H,缓解了土壤退化,但其N_2O累计排放量是非修复土壤的950倍以上;施加生物炭具有减排效果,其中施加5%的生物炭显著降低了退化设施蔬菜地土壤及其强还原修复过程中的N_2O排放,其减排量分别为68.7%和16.0%;Pearson相关分析显示,非强还原修复过程和强还原修复过程中土壤N_2O排放速率均与p H显著负相关,而在强还原修复过程中土壤N_2O排放速率还与NO_3~--N含量显著正相关;施加生物炭显著改变了土壤nor B和nos Z基因,线性回归分析表明,非强还原修复过程和强还原修复过程中土壤N_2O排放的微生物机理不同,前者显著受nos Z基因丰度影响,而后者显著受nor B基因丰度影响。在退化设施蔬菜地土壤中施加5%生物炭可有效减低退化设施蔬菜地土壤及其强还原修复过程中的N_2O排放。  相似文献   

杉木凋落物及其生物炭对土壤微生物群落结构的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以福建建瓯万木林自然保护区内的杉木人工林土壤为研究对象,设置单独添加生物炭、单独添加凋落物以及混合添加凋落物和生物炭处理,进行一年的室内培养实验,研究不同添加物处理对土壤性质及微生物群落结构的影响。结果表明:与对照(S)相比,单独添加凋落物与混合添加凋落物和生物炭均使土壤磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)总量、真菌丰度以及真菌/细菌比值显著增加;单独添加生物炭与混合添加凋落物和生物炭均使革兰氏阳性细菌/革兰氏阴性细菌比值显著增加。混合添加凋落物和生物炭处理的放线菌丰度显著高于单独添加凋落物处理的。主成分分析表明,不同添加物处理的土壤微生物群落结构存在显著差异;典范对应分析表明,不同添加物处理通过改变土壤p H、全碳、全氮、C/N、可溶性有机碳(DOC)和可溶性有机氮(DON)等性质,进而影响土壤微生物群落结构。  相似文献   

生物炭对干旱区绿洲农田土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究不同粒径秸秆生物炭添加对绿洲农田土壤CO2排放及Q10的影响,以新疆典型绿洲农田土壤灰漠土为供试材料,采用室内土柱培养的方法,研究添加>5、1~5、0.25~1和<0.25mm共4种粒径棉花秸秆生物炭和葡萄藤生物炭对农田土壤CO2释放的影响。结果表明:(1)试验周期内(0~85d),添加生物炭处理土壤呼吸速率呈先增加后降低的趋势,前10d土壤呼吸增速较高;添加生物炭的土壤呼吸速率(1.27μmol·m-2·s-1)高于不添加生物炭的对照处理(1.01μmol·m-2·s-1),棉花秸秆生物炭处理土壤呼吸速率(1.43μmol·m-2·s-1)高于添加葡萄藤生物炭处理(1.08μmol·m-2·s-1)。培养期内土壤CO2累积过程符合一级反应动力学方程,生物炭添加改变了土壤CO2潜在排放量、周转速率和半周转期。(2)添加棉花秸秆和葡萄藤两种生物炭处理与土壤CO2累积排放量(y)分别符合y=7.51x+88.53和y=2.68x+75.85的线性关系(x为生物炭粒径)。(3)添加生物炭处理土壤呼吸速率与空气温度和土壤温度显著相关,棉花秸秆生物炭处理土壤呼吸速率与温度的相关性高于葡萄藤生物炭处理,土壤温度敏感系数随粒径的减小而增加。综合土壤呼吸速率和温度敏感系数考虑,建议绿洲农田施用1~5mm中等粒径生物炭。  相似文献   

在温室盆栽条件下,采用Biolog微平板法和氯仿熏蒸浸提法,研究了玉米施用等养分量的无机肥、有机无机复混肥和生物复混肥后土壤微生物群落功能多样性及土壤微生物量的变化。结果表明:生物复混肥处理的土壤微生物平均颜色变化率(AWCD)、微生物群落Shannon指数(H)和微生物群落丰富度指数(S)均最高;施用生物复混肥可明显提高土壤微生物对碳源的利用率,尤其是多酚化合物类和糖类;不同处理土壤微生物碳源利用特征有一定差异,生物复混肥在第1主成分上的得分值为正值,其他各处理在第1主成分上的得分值基本上为负值,起分异作用的主要碳源是糖类和羧酸类。在玉米生长期间各处理土壤微生物量大致呈先升高后逐渐平稳的趋势,且土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷的含量均以生物复混肥处理最高,最高值分别为333.21mg.kg 1、53.02 mg.kg 1和22.20 mg.kg 1。研究表明,生物复混肥的施用比等养分量的有机无机复混肥处理能显著提高土壤微生物群落碳源利用率、微生物群落丰富度和功能多样性,显著增加土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷的含量,有利于维持良好的土壤微生态环境。  相似文献   

研究生物炭和功能菌剂协同调控沙化土壤养分和微生物多样性与功能,可为沙化土壤肥力培育提供理论依据。选择毛乌素沙地典型生态经济林沙化土壤为研究对象,采用田间定位试验,运用高通量扩增测序技术,解析不同添加量(2%,4%,8%)生物炭处理及其配施定量功能菌剂(枯草芽孢杆菌+巨大芽孢杆菌+胶质芽孢杆菌)处理对土壤化学性质及细菌菌群多样性与功能的影响。结果表明:(1)与单一生物炭处理相比,生物炭+功能菌剂处理组土壤有效氮、磷养分含量分别提升44.71%和187.36%;(2)生物炭单施或者配施功能菌剂均使酸杆菌门相对丰度显著降低,而生物炭+功能菌剂处理中厚壁菌门的相对丰度,分别增加163.80%,155.15%,100.21%,并且不同程度上调土壤细菌物种丰富度和多样性;(3)功能菌剂与生物炭配施改变土壤细菌介导的碳氮循环功能,如显著提高土壤细菌的有机物质分解功能,壳聚糖和木聚糖分解过程较对照组分别上升186.54%,242.46%,增强细菌的氨化和呼吸功能,而单施生物炭处理提升细菌的反硝化与固氮功能。综上,生物炭和功能菌剂的添加提高土壤有效氮磷养分含量,显著改变土壤细菌群落多样性与群落功能,生物...  相似文献   

生物炭施入土壤被认为是一种有效的固碳减排措施,可增加土壤有机碳及矿质养分含量,提高土壤的持水能力及保肥能力。为探明其施入土壤后对土壤微生物活性及多样性的影响,本文在盆栽试验条件下,采用Biolog与高通量测序相结合的方法,研究了CK(不施生物炭)和施用5 g·kg~(-1)、10 g·kg~(-1)、30 g·kg~(-1)、60 g·kg~(-1)玉米秸秆生物炭对土壤微生物碳源利用能力(AWCD)、功能多样性指数以及土壤细菌的丰度和多样性的影响。结果表明,随着生物炭施用量的增加,表征土壤微生物活性的AWCD值呈下降趋势,表现为:5 g·kg~(-1)处理≈CK10 g·kg~(-1)处理30 g·kg~(-1)处理60 g·kg~(-1)处理,其中CK和5 g·kg~(-1)处理间差异不显著(P0.05),而10 g·kg~(-1)、30 g·kg~(-1)和60 g·kg~(-1)处理在整个培养期间的AWCD值显著低于CK处理(P0.05);土壤微生物群落代谢功能多样性指数(H′)、碳源利用丰富度指数(S)均随生物炭施用量的增加而呈下降趋势,但均匀度指数(E)表现出相反趋势,5g·kg~(-1)、10 g·kg~(-1)、30 g·kg~(-1)、60 g·kg~(-1)各处理的H′较CK处理分别增加0.16%、-0.88%、-3.14%、-11.09%,S分别增加-2.82%、-11.27%、-18.31%、-47.89%,E分别增加1.14%、3.00%、3.73%和13.76%。主成分分析表明,与CK处理比较,5 g·kg~(-1)处理对土壤微生物群落碳源利用方式没有显著影响(P0.05),而10 g·kg~(-1)、30 g·kg~(-1)和60g·kg~(-1)处理对土壤微生物群落碳源利用方式影响显著(P0.05)。随着生物炭施用量的增加,土壤细菌OTU数目及丰富度指数(Chao1)呈增加趋势,5 g·kg~(-1)处理与CK处理差异不显著,而10 g·kg~(-1)、30 g·kg~(-1)、60 g·kg~(-1)处理的OTU数目较CK处理分别增加1.09%、5.26%、24.42%,Chao1分别增加5.73%、10.21%、37.68%。土壤中施用生物炭后土壤细菌变形菌门(Proteobacteria)的丰度在CK处理和5 g·kg~(-1)处理间差异不显著(P0.05),而10g·kg~(-1)、30 g·kg~(-1)、60 g·kg~(-1)处理较CK处理分别增加32.3%、21.1%、16.7%,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)的丰度随着生物炭施用量的增加各处理较CK处理分别减少22.1%、55.3%、66.8%、50.5%。生物炭施入土壤后降低了土壤可培养微生物的活性,减少或改变了土壤微生物碳源利用的种类,使土壤原有微生物群落组分发生改变,生物炭也影响了土壤细菌各菌群在土壤中的丰度,使其分布的均匀性降低。为了不影响微生物群落结构和功能,石灰性褐土上生物炭一次还田量不能超过5 g·kg~(-1)(干土)。  相似文献   

淹水添加有机物料改良退化设施蔬菜地土壤   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
设施蔬菜种植易引起土壤酸化和次生盐渍化及土传疾病的发生,严重影响蔬菜生产的可持续发展,亟需发展快速有效改良退化土壤的方法和技术。通过盆栽试验,比较研究了稻草、黑麦草和鸡粪用量分别为1%、3%和7%时,淹水15 d改良退化设施蔬菜地土壤的效果。结果表明,与不淹水不加有机物料处理(CKd)和淹水不加有机物料处理(CKf)相比,淹水添加有机物料加速土壤Eh的下降,能有效消除土壤积累的硝态氮,降低硫酸根含量,显著提高土壤pH,其变化幅度随有机物料添加量的增加而增大。退化设施蔬菜地土壤改良后,除稻草和鸡粪添加量为7%处理外,各有机物料处理黄瓜长势和产量均高于CKd和CKf处理。有机物料对退化土壤的改良效果表现为黑麦草稻草鸡粪,而有机物料添加量增大,并不显著改善黄瓜长势和提高产量。  相似文献   

The use of biochar as soil improver and climate change mitigation strategy has gained much attention, although at present the effects of biochar on soil properties and greenhouse gas emissions are not completely understood. The objective of our incubation study was to investigate biochar's effect on N2O and NO emissions from an agricultural Luvisol upon fertilizer (urea, NH4Cl or KNO3) application. Seven biochar types were used, which were produced from four different feedstocks pyrolyzed at various temperatures. At the end of the experiment, after 14 days of incubation, soil nitrate concentrations were decreased upon biochar addition in all fertilizer treatments by 6–16%. Biochar application decreased both cumulative N2O (52–84%) and NO (47–67%) emissions compared to a corresponding treatment without biochar after urea and nitrate fertilizer application, and only NO emissions after ammonium application. N2O emissions were more decreased at high compared to low pyrolysis temperature.Several hypotheses for our observations exist, which were assessed against current literature and discussed thoroughly. In our study, the decreased N2O and NO emissions are expected to be mediated by multiple interacting phenomena such as stimulated NH3 volatilization, microbial N immobilization, non-electrostatic sorption of NH4+ and NO3, and biochar pH effects.  相似文献   

Understanding and improving environmental quality by reducing soil nutrient leaching losses, sequestering carbon (C), reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and enhancing crop productivity in highly weathered or degraded soils have always been the goals of agroecosystem researchers and producers. Biochar production and soil incorporation strategies have been recently proposed to help attain these goals. However, the effect of such approaches on soil GHG fluxes is highly uncertain and needs to be further assessed before biochar can be used on a large scale. In addition, the duration of these GHG reductions is not known and is of pivotal importance for the inclusion of biochar in climate abatement strategies. In a field trial cultivated with Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis) and radish (Daucus carota L. var. Sativa Hoffm), rapeseed (Brassica campestris L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) straw-derived biochar was added to the soil at rates of 0, 26, 64 and 128 t ha?1, in the whole growing season (October 2011–March 2012) to monitor the effect of treatments on soil GHG production/consumption and soil quality 16 months after biochar addition. The results showed that biochar amendment increased soil pH, nitrate nitrogen content, available phosphorus content and soil water content, but decreased soil bulk density. In biochar-treated plots, soil carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes were from 20.1 to 87.0% higher than in the control. Soil methane (CH4) uptakes were increased significantly, by 33.2 and 80.1%, between the biochar amendment at the rate of 64 and 128 t ha?1 and the control. Soil nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes showed no significant difference between biochar amendment and the control. Overall only the CH4 uptake-promoting effect continued into the long term, 16 months after biochar incorporation. This study demonstrates that the beneficial effects of biochar addition might first come through soil quality improvement and carbon sequestration, rather than through effects on the repression of soil C mineralization or the nitrogen cycle.  相似文献   

魏媛  张金池  俞元春  喻理飞 《土壤》2010,42(2):230-235
采集不同恢复阶段的土壤样品,采用微生物培养法研究了退化喀斯特植被恢复对土壤微生物数量、群落功能多样性的影响。研究结果表明随着退化喀斯特植被的恢复,土壤微生物数量增加,表现为乔木群落阶段灌木群落阶段草本群落阶段裸地阶段。土壤微生物群落代谢功能分析表明:植被恢复往往导致较高的平均颜色变化率、物种丰富度和功能多样性。乔木群落阶段的平均诱导底物利用率最高,明显地与其他3个恢复阶段不同。总之,植被恢复使得土壤微生物数量增加,碳源平均利用率增强。因此,创造了更好的土壤条件更有利于退化喀斯特植被的恢复。  相似文献   

We investigated the behavior of biochars in arable and forest soil in a greenhouse experiment in order to prove that these amendments can increase carbon storage in soils. Two qualities of biochar were produced by hydrothermal pyrolysis from 13C labeled glucose (0% N) and yeast (5% N), respectively. We quantified respiratory losses of soil and biochar carbon and calculated mean residence times of the biochars using the isotopic label. Extraction of phospholipid fatty acids from soil at the beginning and after 4 months of incubation was used to quantify changes in microbial biomass and to identify microbial groups utilizing the biochars. Mean residence times varied between 4 and 29 years, depending on soil type and quality of biochar. Yeast-derived biochar promoted fungi in the soil, while glucose-derived biochar was utilized by Gram-negative bacteria. Our results suggest that residence times of biochar in soils can be manipulated with the aim to “design” the best possible biochar for a given soil type.  相似文献   

种植年限对设施大棚土壤次生盐渍化与酸化的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以京郊设施大棚为研究对象,分析了不同种植年限设施大棚土壤盐分含量、离子组成和pH值状况。结果表明,新建设施大棚在第3或第4年就出现了土壤次生盐渍化,5年以上的老设施大棚土壤电导率超标(0.5 m S·cm~(-1))率远高于新建设施大棚。设施大棚土壤盐分在0~20 cm表聚明显,盐分含量随着土层的加深而逐渐降低。盐基离子以SO_4~(2-)为主,其次是C~(2+);盐基离子含量大小顺序:阳离子为Ca~(2+)Na~+K~+Mg~(2+);阴离子为SO_4~(2-)HCO_3~-Cl~-。设施大棚土壤pH值随着种植年限的延长而下降;连续种植15年后,设施大棚土壤盐分平均增加了1.25倍,pH值平均下降9.3%。土壤次生盐渍化与酸化两者伴随出现,已成为限制设施生产可持续发展的重要障碍。  相似文献   

Biochar addition to soils has been frequently proposed as a means to increase soil fertility and carbon (C) sequestration. However, the effect of biochar addition on greenhouse gas emissions from intensively managed soils under vegetable production at the field scale is poorly understood. The effects of wheat straw biochar amendment with mineral fertilizer or an enhanced‐efficiency fertilizer (mixture of urea and nitrapyrin) on N2O efflux and the net ecosystem C budget were investigated for an acidic soil in southeast China over a 1‐yr period. Biochar addition did not affect the annual N2O emissions (26–28 kg N/ha), but reduced seasonal N2O emissions during the cold period. Biochar increased soil organic C and CO2 efflux on average by 61 and 19%, respectively. Biochar addition greatly increased C gain in the acidic soil (average 11.1 Mg C/ha) compared with treatments without biochar addition (average ?2.2 Mg C/ha). Biochar amendment did not increase yield‐scaled N2O emissions after application of mineral fertilizer, but it decreased yield‐scaled N2O by 15% after nitrapyrin addition. Our results suggest that biochar amendment of acidic soil under intensive vegetable cultivation contributes to soil C sequestration, but has only small effects on both plant growth and greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

Strongly acidic soil (e.g. pH < 5.0) is detrimental to tea productivity and quality. Wheat, rice and peanut biochar produced at low temperature (max 300 °C) and differing in alkalinity content were incorporated into Xuan‐cheng (Ultisol; initial pHsoil/water = 1/2.5 4.12) and Ying‐tan soil (Ultisol; initial pH soil/water = 1/2.5 4.75) at 10 and 20 g/kg (w/w) to quantify their liming effect and evaluate their effectiveness for acidity amelioration of tea garden soils. After a 65‐day incubation at 25 °C, biochar application significantly (< 0.05) increased soil pH and exchangeable cations and reduced Al saturation of both tea soils. Association of H+ ions with biochar and decarboxylation processes was likely to be the main factor neutralizing soil acidity. Further, biochar application reduced acidity production from the N cycle. Significant (< 0.05) increases in exchangeable cations and reductions in exchangeable acidity and Al saturation were observed as the rate of biochar increased, but there were no further effects on soil pH. The lack of change in soil pH at the higher biochar rate may be due to the displacement of exchangeable acidity and the high buffering capacity of biochar, thereby retarding a further liming effect. Hence, a significant linear correlation between reduced exchangeable acidity and alkalinity balance was found in biochar‐amended soils (< 0.05). Low‐temperature biochar of crop residues is suggested as a potential amendment to ameliorate acidic tea garden soils.  相似文献   

The slow alteration of the surface of charred biomass (biochar) over time may contribute to an improved nutrient retention and thus fertility of tropical soils. Here, we investigated soils from temperate climates and investigated whether a technical steam activation of biochar could accelerate its positive effects on nutrient retention and uptake by plants relative to nonactivated biochar. To this aim, we performed microcosm experiments with sandy or silty soil, mixed with 2.0, 7.5 and 15.0 g/kg soil of fine (<2 mm) or coarse‐sized (2–10 mm) biochar from beech wood (Fagus sp.). After initial fertilizer (NPK), ashes and excess nutrients were leached with water, and the microcosms were planted for 142 days with Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum ssp. italicum). Thereafter, leachate, soil and plant samples were analysed for their nutrient contents. The results showed that biochar additions of ≤15 g/kg soil left elevated contents of available P and N in the surface soil but reduced their uptake into the plants. As a result, total biomass production was unchanged. Different particle size and application amounts influenced these findings only marginally. Nitrate leaching was enhanced in the sandy soil (+41% for nitrate, but reduced in the silty soil ?17%) and P was immobilized. Hence, the fertility of the temperate soils under study was only marginally affected by pure biochar amendments. Steam activation, however, almost doubled the positive effects of biochars in all instances, thus being an interesting option for future biochar applications.  相似文献   

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