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利用137Cs示踪农业耕作土壤侵蚀速率的定量模型   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:28  
建立了一个根据农业耕作土壤剖面中^137Cs的损失量与土壤侵蚀量之间关系的定量模型,在假设^137Cs在耕层中得到充分的混合而变得均一的基础上,根据质量平衡模型推导而成,模型显示^137Cs的衰变常数,年沉降分量,耕层厚和采样年份对年平均土壤侵蚀速率都有重大影响,模型结果还说明,^137Cs的损失量与年平均土壤侵蚀量之间的关系既非线性关系亦非指数关系,而是一种复杂的曲线关系。  相似文献   

基于^137Cs地表富集作用的土壤侵蚀速率的定量模型   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
建立了一个根据农业耕作土壤剖面中^137Cs的损失量与土壤侵蚀量之间关系的定量模型,定量模型是在假设^137Cs在耕作层中得到充分的混合而变得均一前,沉降的^137Cs在土壤表层产生地表富集作用,根据质量平衡模型推导而成,在建立模型的过程中,充分考虑了地表富集层的厚度,^137Cs在此层中的分布特征,^137Cs的衰变常数,年沉降分量,犁层厚度和采样年份等因素,模型结果还说明,^137Cs的损失量(CR-CE)/CR与年平均土壤侵蚀量之间的关系既非线性关系亦非指数关系,而是一种复杂的曲线关系。  相似文献   

通过137Cs技术获得土壤净侵蚀量,并用此值来检验泥沙分布模型所预测得出的沉沙量估计值。137Cs技术的应用需要一个标定过程,以便将测量的137Cs总量转换为土壤净侵蚀率估计值。在种植桉树的卡拉布里亚流域上,用该地1978~1994年的年平均降雨量和沉沙量来检验形态单元和流域范围上SEDD模型的可用性。随后,用质量守恒模型和137Cs总量空间分布模型来获得土壤净侵蚀量估计值。检验质量守衡模型的可靠性是通过比较由137Cs量获得的流域上土壤净侵蚀量和在流域出口处测量的年平均沉沙量来确定。结果证明,无论是在单个的形态单元还是在整个流域范围上,坡地的年平均沉沙量和土壤净侵蚀量之间有很好的一致性,表明了SEDD模型的有效性。  相似文献   

对137Cs在卧龙自然保护区内不同生态系统土壤中的分布特征进行测量分析的结果表明:137Cs在耕地土壤中均匀分布,在其余6种非耕地土壤中呈明显的指数递减分布;非耕地土壤在0~10 cm土层内存在一个137Cs富集层,富集层以下137Cs含量有一个骤降的过程;137Cs在耕地土壤中的分布深度大于耕层厚度20 cm,在非耕地土壤中的分布深度在24 cm左右;137Cs的面积浓度在高山草甸土壤中最大,在适温灌丛土壤中最小,前者是后者的2.6倍。  相似文献   

在东南部的沿海平原区,应用放射性微粒Cs—137估算了7.25ha农林系统的土壤侵蚀和沉积。从农田中侵蚀的土壤,沉积在河岸林区和农田下部坡面。Cs—137总的放射量、最大放射深度及最小放射深度,从农田到河流逐渐增加。根据未受影响林区单位面积Cs—137的变化,估算了侵蚀和沉积率。结果表明,此法估算的侵蚀和沉积分别是63和256t/ha·yr,总沉积量是总侵蚀量的二倍,沉积超过侵蚀的部分来自流域上游的沉积。两种不同的方法所估算的侵蚀和沉积率非常相近,且估算结果比早期研究所获得的结果高得多,其原因是没有考虑粘粒上Cs—137移动的速率不同。 河岸林区相当于一个非常有效的沉沙池。  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪方法,对宁南黄土高原阳洼流域纵断面土壤137Cs分布及相关影响因子进行了初步研究。结果表明:流域纵断面137Cs面积活度随坡面海拔和水平距离的变化,表现为一种不规则的波动振荡趋势。随海拔降低,纵断面上、中部137Cs面积活度逐步下降,有明显的土壤侵蚀发生;坡面下部137Cs面积活度最高,泥沙沉积的再分布现象明显。流域内林草地剖面土壤137Cs呈指数型分布,坡耕地、梯田137Cs在耕层内呈均一分布,其分布模式与各土地类型土壤有机质的分布状态完全一致。相关分析表明,两者在P<0.01水平达到极显著相关(r2=0.336,n=417)。土壤137Cs的损失和土壤有机质的移动具有相同的物理路径和运移机制;农耕坡地土壤137Cs面积活度随坡度增加有逐步降低的趋势;土地利用方式、坡度、耕作活动是影响纵断面土壤137Cs空间异质性的主要因素。137Cs示踪方法是研究土壤侵蚀空间分布的一种有效工具。  相似文献   

紫色土坡耕地土壤物理性质空间变异对土壤侵蚀的响应   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  
为了研究不同坡度和坡长的耕地上土壤侵蚀对土壤物理性质空间变异的影响,通过地形测量、137 Cs示踪、土壤物理性质分析等方法对川中丘陵紫色土区土壤物理性质对土壤侵蚀的响应进行了研究,结果表明:在中等坡度(16.60%~25.10%)的梯坡地上,耕作侵蚀处于主导地位,是导致耕层土壤物理性黏粒含量和容重在梯坡地上总体差异不大(CV<6.3%),且与137Cs含量不相关的主要原因;在已退耕还林的陡梯坡地上(35.60%),水蚀占据主导地位,导致耕层土壤物理性黏粒含量和容重均与137Cs的含量显著相关。在长坡耕地上(10.10%),具有分选搬运能力的水力侵蚀占据主导地位,致使耕层土壤物理性黏粒含量与137Cs的含量具有显著的相关关系,而容重却与137Cs含量没有显著的相关关系。川中丘陵区坡耕地上,耕作侵蚀和水蚀共同作用于土层深度,使土层深度在坡顶、上坡最浅,在坡脚最深,顺坡向下逐渐增加。因此,在川中丘陵区不同坡长的坡耕地上,占主导地位的土壤侵蚀类型导致坡耕地上土壤物理性质出现相应的变化。  相似文献   

宁镇地区黄棕壤土壤颗粒组成与~(137)Cs含量关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤粒组组成对137Cs含量及其再分配过程具有决定作用,因此,137Cs吸附的粒度效应研究是运用其示踪土壤侵蚀的重要环节。宁镇地区代表性样点的土样测试与数据分析结果表明,黄棕壤耕作土不同粒级的土壤颗粒对137Cs有着不同的吸附效应:(1)2μm和2~5μm粒级土壤颗粒对137Cs有着较强的吸附能力;(2)5~10μm和10~50μm粒级的土壤颗粒含量与137Cs质量活度之间存在着明显的负相关;(3)50μm粒级的土壤颗粒含量与137Cs质量活度之间的关系较为复杂;(4)数据分析结果中出现的一些偏差可能与侵蚀作用所造成的颗粒分选以及沉积区物源复杂有关。  相似文献   

针对张信宝先生用137Cs断代法计算黔西北麻窝山岩溶盆地土壤沉积速率,以及对谢良胜等研究成果提出的质疑,笔者从黔西北麻窝山岩溶盆地环境现状、环境演变、土壤堆积、137Cs活度等方面进行论述。认为:易地堆积土壤来源的不确定性导致土壤层中137Cs来源复杂,不能根据其峰值确定沉积年代,但可以作为定性判定土壤侵蚀强度的依据;在资料匮乏和无测站数据时,沉积量测量法是盆地型喀斯特山区土壤侵蚀计算的有效方法;麻窝山特殊的环境地质条件为喀斯特石漠化系统研究提供理想场所。  相似文献   

137Cs在耕作土壤中的均一性分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王小雷  杨浩  桑利娟  刘晓海  赵其国 《土壤》2009,41(6):897-901
选择一块面积为35m×30m较为平坦的农耕地作为研究对象,采集68个样点,共计112个样品,对~(137)Cs在土壤中的垂直分布和水平分布进行了探讨.结果表明,~(137)Cs在耕作土壤剖面中分布主要集中在耕层以内,且各个层的质量活度介于2.92~4.01Bq/kg之间,在土壤表层中水平面上质量活度介于28.77~30.98Bq/kg之间,该核素在土壤剖面和地表水平面上都呈现均一性分布特征.  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪技术评价东北黑土侵蚀和沉积过程   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Soil and water losses through erosion have been serious in the black soil region of Northeast China. Therefore, a sloping cultivated land in Songnen Plain was selected as a case study to: 1) determine the ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area; 2) calculate erosion and deposition rates of black soil on different slope locations; 3) conduct a sensitivity analysis of some model parameters; and 4) compare overall outputs using four different models. Three transects were set in the field with five slope locations for each transect, including summit, shoulder-slope, back-slope, foot-slope, and toe-slope. Field measurements and model simulation were used to estimate a bomb-derived ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area. Soil erosion and deposition rates were estimated using four ^137Cs models and percentage of ^137Cs loss/gain. The ^137Cs reference value in the study area was 2 232.8 Bq m^-2 with ^137Cs showing a clear topographic pattern, decreasing from the summit to shoulder-slope, then increasing again at the foot-slope and reaching a maximum at the toe-slope, Predicted soil redistribution rates for different slope locations varied. Among models, the Yang Model (YANG-M) overestimated erosion loss but underestimated deposition. However, the standard mass balance model (MBM1) gave predictions similar to a mass balance model incorporating soil movement by tillage (MBM2). Sensitivity analysis of the proportion factor and distribution pattern of ^137Cs in the surface layer demonstrated the impact of ^137Cs enrichment on calculation of the soil erosion rate. Factors influencing the redistribution of fallout ^137Cs in landscape should be fully considered as calculating soil redistribution rate using ^137Cs technique.  相似文献   

Caesium-137 (137Cs) has been widely used for the determination of soil erosion and sediment transport rate. However, depth distribution patterns of 137Cs in the soil profile have not been considered. As a result, the erosion rates may be over-estimated or underestimated. This paper presents the depth distribution of 137Cs fallout in different soil profiles using published data. Three types of depth distribution functions of 137Cs are given by using statistical regression methods, the exponential type, the peak type and the decreasing type (including uniform distribution). Relationships between 137Cs loss and soil erosion rate are given by introducing the regression functions. The influence of depth distribution of 137Cs on the estimation of the soil erosion rate was simulated. Simulation results showed that very different soil erosion rates could be deduced for different depth distributions when 137Cs loss is the same, which indicates that the depth distribution pattern should be considered when soil erosion is estimated by using 137Cs. Simulation results also suggested that it is most important to determine the depth distribution of 137Cs near the soil surface and the annual relative loss of 137Cs by using the depth distribution of 137Cs as a criterion to estimate the soil erosion rate.  相似文献   

农耕地土壤137Cs与210Pbex深度分布过程对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了137Cs与210Pbex在农耕地土壤深度分布过程的差异。基于137Cs与210Pbex的不同沉降过程,考虑到核素由犁耕层向犁底层的扩散,对农耕地土壤137Cs、210Pbex的深度分布过程进行了理论推导,并以杨凌符家庄麦田剖面的实测数据予以验证,同时讨论了实测符家庄麦田剖面137Cs、210Pbex深度分布的规律特征及其原因,以此阐明了137Cs与210Pbex在农耕地土壤深度分布过程的差异。137Cs源于大气核试爆,没有持续沉降补充,犁耕层和犁底层土壤137Cs深度分布一直处于随时间变化的非稳定态;而210Pbex是天然核素,存在大气沉降的持续补充,犁耕层和犁底层土壤210Pbex深度分布最终呈稳定态。农耕地土壤137Cs、210Pbex深度分布的实测值曲线与理论值曲线的差异,尤其210Pbex,可能与耕作深度的变化历史或土地利用(覆被)变化有关。  相似文献   

为查明"三北"防护林建设前后农耕地和退耕地土壤保持效益变化,利用137Cs和210Pbex双核素示踪技术,选择了防护林建设较为成功的张家口坝上地区(风力侵蚀区)作为典型区,研究了农耕地以及退耕地土壤137Cs和210Pbex的剖面变化规律及其示踪的土壤侵蚀变化。结果表明:1)由于耕作的混匀作用,农耕地土壤剖面中137Cs和210Pbex均呈均匀态分布;退耕地土壤剖面中137Cs和210Pbex则表现为表层(0~5cm)浓度最高、下层(5~25cm)浓度均相对较低且分布相对均匀的形态,这表明退耕后坡地土壤137Cs和210Pbex剖面形态均会发生一定变化,退耕驱动土壤137Cs和210Pbex剖面变化导致运用土壤核素估算侵蚀模型在该区域难以适用;2)基于土壤137Cs和210Pbex剖面变化规律,利用210Pbex质量平衡方程,提出了退耕地土壤210Pbex土壤侵蚀估算模型;3)利用137Cs比例模型估算退耕地土壤侵蚀速率为27.94±11.92 (t/hm2·a),农耕地侵蚀速率为29.11±14.42 (t/hm2·a),而利用修正后的210Pbex转换模型估算得到"三北"防护林区退耕地造林前平均侵蚀速率为82.16±14.36 (t/hm2·a),造林后平均侵蚀速率为-41.28±33.91 (t/hm2·a);农耕地造林前平均侵蚀速率为68.55±22.11 (t/hm2·a),造林后平均侵蚀速率-8.52±47.32 (t/hm2·a)。这表明137Cs示踪技术主要表征了1963年以来该区坡地土壤侵蚀和沉积的平均结果,而210Pbex示踪技术则可以较好地示踪防护林建成前后的土壤侵蚀变化。此外,研究结果也表明,相比于"三北"防护林建成之前,建成之后该区农耕地和退耕地的土壤侵蚀速率均呈显著下降趋势,且均由前期的风沙侵蚀转变成了风沙沉积。  相似文献   

Several studies have documented the severity of recent soil erosion on the Canadian prairies where cultivation started about a century ago. Little quantitative information is available on erosion before 1960. This study attempts to quantify post- and pre-1960 soil erosion in a small cultivated basin near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, by measuring 137Cs and magnetic susceptibility (χ) distribution with depth. Soil cores were collected along six transects (three across closed depressions and three across the drainage channel) in the cultivated field, and one transect across an uncultivated depression. The cores were sliced into 3-cm layers and the soil analyzed for 137Cs, χ, and organic and inorganic C. High variability in χ with depth in eroding areas (as indicated by 137Cs) made it impossible to use χ to quantify past soil losses in these locations. However, these eroding upper and middle slope positions have a much higher χ than lower slope areas where soil deposition occurs and where the variability in χ with depth could be used to estimate soil deposition. Estimating soil deposition from the χ vs. depth profiles was more successful in the closed depressions than in the drainage channel, where the χ profiles may reflect the variable source areas of the materials rather than the pedological conditions. The data indicated that soil deposition since 1960 has been about 30 to 50% of that prior to 1960. This suggests that soil deposition rates, and by implication, soil erosion rates, have been relatively steady since cultivation of these soils started, although there are clear indications that the spatial pattern of deposition has varied.  相似文献   

Radionuclide fallout during nuclear accidents on the land may impair the atmosphere, contaminate farmland soils and crops, and can even reach the groundwater. Previous research focused on the field distribution of deposited radionuclides in farmland soils, but details of the amounts of radionuclides in the plough layer and the changes in their proportional distribution in the soil profile with time are still inadequate. In this study, a lysimeter experiment was conducted to determine the vertical migration of 137Cs and 60Co in brown and aeolian sandy soils, collected from the farmlands adjoining Shidaowan Nuclear Power Plant(NPP) in eastern China, and to identify the factors influencing their migration depths in soil. At the end of the experiment(800 d), >96% of added 137Cs and 60Co were retained in the top 0–20 cm soil layer of both soils;very little 137Cs or 60Co initially migrated to 20–30 cm, but their amounts at this depth increased with time. The migration depth of 137Cs was greater in the aeolian sandy soil than in the brown soil during 0–577 d, but at the end of the experiment, 137Cs migrated to the same depth(25 cm) in both soils. Three phases on the vertical migration rate(v) of 60Co in the aeolian sandy soil can be identified: an initial rapid movement(0–355 d, v = 219 ± 17 mm year-1), followed by a steady movement(355–577 d, v = 150 ± 24 mm year-1) and a very slow movement(577–800 d, v = 107 ± 7 mm year-1). In contrast, its migration rate in the brown soil(v = 133 ± 17 mm year-1) was steady throughout the 800-d experimental period. The migration of both 137Cs and 60Co in the two soils appears to be regulated by soil clay and silt fractions that provide most of the soil surface area, soil organic carbon(SOC), and soil pH, which were manifested by the solid-liquid distribution coefficient of 137Cs and 60Co. The results of this study suggest that most 137Cs and 60Co remained within the top layer(0–20 cm depth) of farmland soils following a simulated NPP accident, and little reached the subsurface(20–30 cm depth). Fixation of radionuclides onto clay minerals may limit their migration in soil, but some could be laterally distributed by soil erosion and taken up by crops, and migrate into groundwater in a high water table level area after several decades.Remediation measures, therefore, should focus on reducing their impact on the farmland soils, crops, and water.  相似文献   



The area of southeastern Serbia, the P?inja and South Morava River Basins, is under the influence of very strong erosion, and the aim of this study was to investigate the vertical and spatial distribution of the 137Cs in the eroded soils of this area.

Materials and methods

Vertical soil profiles were collected with 5-cm increments from the uppermost layer down to 20, 25, 30, 40, and 50 cm of depth, depending on the thickness of the soil layers, i.e., down to the underlying parent rocks. Measurements of 137Cs activity concentration were performed by using the HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer ORTEC-AMETEK (34 % relative efficiency and high resolution 1.65 keV at 1.33 MeV for 60Co), from its gamma-ray line at 661.2 keV.

Results and discussion

The mean 137Cs activity concentration across all 18 soil profiles (for all soil layers) was found to be 20 Bq kg?1. In the greatest number of soil profiles, the 137Cs activity concentration was generally highest in the first soil layer (0–5 cm) and decreased with soil depth, while in a few soil profiles, the peak of either the 137Cs activity concentration occurred in the second soil layer (5–10 cm) or the 137Cs activity concentration was almost equal throughout the entire soil profile. The mean 137Cs activity concentration in the first soil layer (0–5 cm) was found to be 61 Bq kg?1, and the high coefficient of variation of 92 % pointed out high spatial variability and large range of the 137Cs activity concentrations in the study area.


The obtained results indicate that in the greatest number of soil profiles, 137Cs is present in the upper layers, with concentration decreasing with depth, as is typical in uncultivated soil. Its spatial distribution was very uneven among the surface soil layers of the investigated sites. One of the main reasons for such pattern of 137Cs in the study area may be soil erosion. Additional investigations which would support this hypothesis are required.

Concentrations in the soil of anthropogenic and natural radionuclides have been investigated in order to assess the applicability of the 137Cs technique in an area of typical Mediterranean steep slopes. This technique can be used to estimate net soil redistribution rates but its potential in areas with shallow and stony soils on hard rock lithology have not been evaluated so far. In this research, the validity of using this technique in stony shallow soils at very steep slopes is discussed together with the relations between radionuclide concentrations and other soil properties, lithology, slope morphology and land use in a Mediterranean environment. Both natural Potassium-40 (40K), Uranium-238 (238U), Thorium-232 (232Th) and anthropogenic Caesium-137 (137Cs) radionuclides have been determined in samples taken along slope transects on uncultivated serpentinite soils and cultivated gneiss soils. In addition to the radionuclide concentrations, parameters such as slope position, slope angle, aspect, soil depth, surface stone cover, moss, litter, vegetation cover, soil crust, stone content and bulk density have been quantified.All the natural radionuclides 40K, 238U, 232Th show significantly higher concentrations in the gneiss than in the serpentinite soils, opposed to the 137Cs concentration, which is found significantly higher in the serpentinite soils probably because of the difference in clay mineralogy. The exponential decreasing depth distribution of 137Cs and its homogeneous spatial distribution emphasise the applicability of the 137Cs technique in this ecosystem.Lithology determines the concentration of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides. Land use determines the relations between 137Cs concentration/inventory and some soil characteristics. Higher 137Cs concentration and inventory are associated with higher percentages of vegetation cover, higher percentage of stones in the soil and higher values of soil bulk density in cultivated gneiss soils. Slope morphology and land use influence the soil redistribution at slope scale. The gneiss slopes show a zonation of four to five areas of differential erosion/accumulation processes corresponding with more regular slopes and soil redistribution due to water erosion and to tillage translocation and erosion. The serpentinites, as an example of a more unstable slope type, show more erosion areas with less accumulation downslope and soil redistribution due to water erosion.  相似文献   

三峡库区紫色土坡耕地土壤侵蚀的137Cs示踪研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
坡耕地是三峡库区的重点水土流失区和河流泥沙的主要来源地.采用~(137)Cs示踪技术对三峡库区紫色土坡耕地的土壤侵蚀速率进行了定量研究.结果表明,新政小流域的~(137)Cs本底值为1 420.9 Bq/m~2;平均坡度为11.4°的缓坡耕地的~(137)Cs面积活度介于398.5~1 649.6 Bq/m~2之间,坡长加权平均值为816.0Bq/m~2;采用改进的简化质量平衡模型计算了坡耕地的土壤侵蚀速率,结果得出该坡地的土壤侵蚀模数介于-3 358.8~4 937.4 t/(km~2·a),其加权平均值为1 294.6 t/(km~2·a).受犁耕作用的影响,坡耕地两个坡段的土壤侵蚀速率随坡长增加大致都呈下降趋势,并在坡段下方出现了堆积.坡耕地土壤侵蚀速率不高的原因,一方面是由于所研究坡耕地属于缓坡,坡度较小,另一方面则是由于当地农民总结出了一套有效防止水土流失的耕作方式,使得土壤侵蚀强度大大降低.  相似文献   

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