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A set of salinization maps (1983–2000) for the former Yusupov State Farm in the irrigated area of the Golodnaya Steppe (Uzbekistan) were developed with the use of aerial and satellite images taken in the early autumn season. A unified approach based on the analysis of the mottled patterns of the cotton fields was used. The soil cover of the farm consists of irrigated hydromorphic moderately saline soils with the participation of nonsaline and strongly saline soils. The long-ter m dynamics of the soil salinity were studied via superposing two or more maps for different years. It was shown that the long-term salinization dynamics could not be determined on the basis of the comparison of only two maps for different years. Maps of the trends of the salinization for the entire period of the observations, a map of the salinization dynamics showing the degree of changes in the soil salinity for the particular areas, a map of the areas with stable salinization through the entire period, and some other maps were developed. A considerable part of the investigated area was characterized by highly unstable soil salinity and active salinization-desalinization processes. The degree of the soil salinity varied from slight to strong and vice versa. For the entire period, the soils were mainly medium saline in the upper meter with a weakly expressed tendency for further salinization and a drop in the area of nonsaline and slightly saline soils.  相似文献   

On the basis of soil studies along routes and on key plots, 35 new areas of soils with definite features of vertigenesis have been identified in Belgorod and Voronezh oblasts and in the northern part of Volgograd oblast (in the Don River basin). Earlier, vertic soils were not noted for these areas. In the studied region, their portion in the soil cover is much less than 1%. All the delineated areas of vertic soils are confined to the outcrops of swelling clay materials of different origins (marine, lacustrine, glacial, and colluvial sediments) and ages (Quaternary or Tertiary) that may be found in four landscape positions: (1) in the deep closed depressions within vast flat watersheds; (2) in the bottoms of wide hollows on interfluvial slopes and, sometimes, on steeper slopes of local ravines; (3) in the hydromorphic solonetzic soil complexes, and (4) on step-like interfluvial surfaces with the outcrops of Tertiary clays. Within the studied areas, soils with different degrees of expression (six grades) of vertic properties are present. These soils belong to the type of dark vertic soils proper and to vertic subtypes of different soil types according to the Russian soil classification system; according to the WRB system, they belong to Vertisols proper and to reference soil units with a Vertic prefix in the groups of Chernozems, Phaeozems, and Solonetzes. Statistical data on the morphometric indices of the vertic properties (the depth and thickness of the soil horizons with slickensides, a wedge-shaped structure, and cracks filled with material from the upper horizons) and the depth and thickness of the Vertic horizon are analyzed.  相似文献   

The Pyrenean and Pre‐Pyrenean mountain areas have been intensively used at least since roman times, but nowadays depopulation has lead to widespread land abandonment without a steering land‐management. Vegetation recovery is weak in most abandoned fields. Soil formation and characteristics are conditioned by this fact, and for this, soils show past degradation processes and are mostly predominant factors for continuing land degradation or restoration. Three study areas were set up along a climatic gradient with increasing summer water deficit in the sub‐humid zone between the Central Pyrenees and Pre‐Pyrenees. Soil survey combined with experiments for the determination of infiltration, runoff and erosion were applied for understanding the degradation history and the future development of the soils. All areas are dominated by Entisols, but also Inceptisols and Alfisols are found, and even soils with hydromorphic features. The soils show signs of heavy erosion. The parental material determines the nutrient supply and the general chemical properties. All sites show a weak water storing capacity, as a result of the removal of fine material by erosion and due to the depletion of soil organic matter. In addition, infiltration capacity and runoff generation are high within the studied areas, averaging between 27 and 37 per cent. The driest area studied shows an ongoing trend to degradation, with high erosion rates combined with a high degradations status of the soil. The other areas are characterised by a patchy pattern of soil degradation and regradation processes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nodules (nodules) forming in the chernozem-like soils of flat-bottomed closed depressions on the northern part of the Tambov Plain differ in their morphology and chemical composition as related to the degree of hydromorphism of these soils. The highest are the coefficients of Mn, P, and Fe accumulation in the nodules from these soils. The Fe to Mn ratio grows with the increasing degree of hydromorphism. Under surface moistening, the maximal amounts of mobile Mn and Fe compounds were extracted from the nodules of the most hydromorphic podzolic chernozem-like soils; under the ground moistening, their greatest amounts were extracted from the least hydromorphic soil—the weakly gley soil. In the first case, the content of organic phosphates in concretions amounted to 30–50%; in the second one, 2–3% of their total content. Under surface moistening, the proportion of active mineral phosphates becomes higher with the increasing hydromorphism: from 30 (podzolized soil) to 70% (gleyic podzolic soil). Under ground moistening, on the contrary, their proportion decreases from 70–89% in the weakly gley soil to 40–50% in the gley chernozem-like soil. The possibility to determine the degree of hydromorphism of chernozem-like soils based on the coefficients of bogging is shown. The expediency of using Schvertmann’s criterion in these studies is assessed.  相似文献   

The particle-size distribution and mineralogical composition of the clay (< 2 μm) and fine-sand (0.25--0.10 mm) fractions in soils of two inland valleys in Abakaliki and Bende, Southeast Nigeria, were investigated to provide basic information on soil-forming processes and agricultural potentials. These soils were silty or clayey, deriving from Cretaceous or Tertiary shale materials. The particle-size distribution and its computation on a clay-free basis revealed relatively remarkable lithologic breaks in a couple of pedons. The effect of lithologic discontinuities on soil mineralogical composition was not, however, conspicuous. Petrographic investigation revealed that quartz predominantly comprised the fine-sand fraction in the soils at both study sites. Nevertheless, the clay mineralogical composition of the soils was a mixture of kaolinite, irregularly interstratified smectite-illite intergrades (S/I), hydroxyl-Al interlayered 2:1 type clays (HICs), vermiculite, smectite, halloysite and illite along with fine-sized quartz in Abakaliki. The soils of Bende predominantly contained smectite, which was partially interlayered with hydroxyl-Al and kaolinite. It is suggested that seasonal floodwater has slowed the disintegration of weatherable clay minerals inherited from the shale, while quartz originating from the sandstone is predominant in the fine-sand fraction. Additionally, a possible soil-forming process observed at the both study sites was ferrolysis, which was indicated by a clear decreasing pattern of HICs downward in the soil profiles. The entry of S/I and vertical distribution patterns for a couple of clay minerals in the pedon suggested that the soils in Abakaliki have developed under the significant influence of aeolian dust delivered by the harmattan. The findings might describe a site-specific deposition pattern of harmattan dusts as well as hydromorphic soil-forming processes in the wetlands of the inland valleys.  相似文献   

The long-term dynamics of humus parameters and bioproductivity of soddy-podzolic soils in an agrocenosis under the conditions of well-pronounced microfeatures of topography and agrotechnical impact of different intensity has been studied. Unfavorable changes in qualitative and quantitative parameters of humus in soils of depressions and their role in the productivity of phytocenoses have been analyzed. The difference between the pronouncement rate of humus degradation and a drop in productivity of phytocenoses in depressions in comparison with elevated areas and its dependence on the kind of agrotechnical impact has been revealed.  相似文献   

Studies on the structure of the soil cover (SSC) on three sites under different environmental conditions showed that the traditional combination of SSC, the characteristics of soil and landforms indicate the structure of the soil at the level of elementary soil areas (ESAs) virtually independently from the features of the area under study. The waterlogging of the black soil is of a pronounced cyclical character; seasonal signs and periodic hydromorphic features are not retained in the SSC such that a conclusion about the transformation of ordinary black soil, for example, in meadow black soils, could be drawn, or the manifestation of this process in a variety of SSCs that differ in ecological features and landscape use of the Kamennaya steppe could be found.  相似文献   

Processes taking place at different levels of the soil structural arrangement in irrigated and rainfed soils of the Lower Volga region are analyzed. Interactions between these processes and the dependence of their rates on the duration of irrigation are discussed. It is shown that irrigation-induced changes are more pronounced and proceed faster in soils of poorly drained landscapes in comparison with well-drained landscapes. Interaction of the processes taking place at different hierarchical levels of soil arrangement is observed. At the ionic-molecular level, migration and transformation of the composition of soil humus and soluble salts and various exchange reactions take place; at the level of elementary soil particles, the processes of disintegration, peptization, transformation, and the destruction of minerals; at the aggregate level, changes in the water stability of soil aggregates and the degree of soil micro- and macroaggregation; at the level of particular morphological elements, horizons, and pedons, reorganization of soil material (changes in the thickness and bulk density of soil horizons, synthesis and destruction of various neoformations, etc.); finally, at the level of the soil cover pattern, irrigation leads to a higher complexity of the soil cover; the degree of contrast in the soil cover pattern increases, and the soil development at different sites proceeds with different velocities.  相似文献   

Soil salinization features in semidesert, dry steppe, and chernozemic steppe zones within intermontane depressions in the central part of the Tuva Republic are discussed. Chernozems, chestnut soils, and brown desert-steppe soils of these zones are usually nonsaline. However, salinization of these zonal soils is possible in the case of the presence of salt-bearing parent materials (usually, the derivatives of Devonian deposits). In different natural zones of the intermontane depressions, salt-affected soils are mainly allocated to endorheic lake basins, where they are formed in places of discharge of mineral groundwater, and to river valleys. The composition and content of salts in the natural waters are dictated by the local hydrogeological conditions. The total content of dissolved solids in lake water varies from 1 to 370 g/L; the water is usually of the sulfate–chloride or chloride–sulfate salinity type; in some cases, soda–sulfate water is present. Soil salinity around the lakes is usually of the chloride–sulfate–sodium type; gypsum is often present in the profiles. Chloride salinization rarely predominates in this part of Tuva, because chlorides are easily leached off from the mainly coarse-textured soils. In some cases, the predominance of magnesium over sodium is observed in the composition of dissolved salts, which may be indicative of the cryogenic transformation of soil salts. Soda-saline soils are present in all the considered natural zones on minor areas. It is hardly possible to make unambiguous statements about the dominance of the particular type of salinity in the given natural zones. Zonal salinity patterns are weakly expressed in salinization of hydromorphic soils. However, a tendency for more frequent occurrence of soda-saline soils in steppe landscapes and chloride–sulfate salinization (often, with participation of gypsum) in the dry steppe and semidesert landscapes is observed.  相似文献   

Vegetation of the Tihany Peninsula in Hungary has undergone serious changes caused by heavy trampling and overgrazing during the last century. In Tihany, the vegetation started to change towards anthropogenic associations. After grazing ceased, vegetation started to rearrange. There were no significant changes in species composition on trampled areas (on the ridge of the hill) between the examinations in 1994 and 2002. As a result of ceased grazing, the proportion of natural species was high in the grasslands of the S Nyereg Hill in 1994, while during the 2002 investigations, forest and scrub expanded at a rate that did not leave space for grassland on shallow soils and slope steppe (closing dry grasslands on hilly areas). The coverage of Elymus repens decreased, while Festuca species increased. The possible effects of plant‐cover change on soil loss were examined with the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) model on the sloping areas. Eliminating harmful effects can decrease soil degradation, but the original state of soils can be restored only after a long period (hundreds of years). Further degradation of soils assists the expansion of drought‐resistant species and weeds in the associations. In 2007, soil‐thickness measurements and on‐site examinations were carried out to check the results of the former surveys and modeling.  相似文献   

The relationships between soil salinization and the zonal and provincial bioclimatic conditions, the lithological composition of the sediments, and the geomorphic features of the territory have been analyzed for the Southern federal okrug of Russia. It is shown that the lithological and geomorphic conditions (relief, salinity of parent materials, degree of drainage, and the depth of saline groundwater) play an important role in the distribution of salt-affected soils against the background of the more general regularities specified by the climate. The participation of salt-affected soils in the soil cover of the Southern federal okrug increases in the eastward direction from the forest-steppe zone to the semidesert zone in agreement with an increase in the aridity and continentality of the climate. The chemical composition of soil salts also changes: the sulfate and soda-sulfate types predominate in the forest-steppe zone; the sulfate type or the sulfate type with the participation of soda, in the steppe zone; the sulfate-chloride type, in the dry steppe zone; and the chloride type, in the semidesert zone. The lithological and geomorphic conditions within the particular zones and provinces affect the distribution pattern of the salt-affected soils and the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization. The areas of salt-affected soils were calculated with the use of a digital version of the Map of Salt-Affected Soils of Russia (1: 2.5 M scale) with due account for the participation of these soils in the soil cover of the particular delineations and the data on the depth of the upper boundary of the salt-bearing horizons, the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization, and the area of solonetzes and solonetzic soils.  相似文献   

Regularities of soil distribution in the basin of the Vorovka River on the northern macroslope of the Tsagan-Daban Ridge are discussed, and the grouping of soil cover patterns in this area is suggested. Dissected middle-mountain areas covered by taiga forests are characterized by a combination of predominate soddy podburs with small homogeneous areas of podburs and lithozems. Within the piedmont part of the basin, components of soil combinations are different. The major areas are occupied by sandy soils under dry grassy pine forests; poorly developed soils are formed on recent alluvial and colluvial deposits in the depressions and hollows.  相似文献   

We sampled soil at four sites in the Laguna Mountains in the western Sonoran Desert to test the effects of site and sample location (between or beneath plants) on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and carbon substrate ulilization (Biolog) profiles. The four sites differed in elevation, soil type, plant community composition, and plant percent cover. Soil pH decreased and plant density increased with elevation. Fertile islands, defined as areas beneath plants with greater soil resources than bare areas, are present at all sites, but are most pronounced at lower elevations. Consistent with this pattern, fertile islands had the greatest influence on FAME and Biolog profiles at lower elevations. Based on the use of FAME biomarker and principal components analyses, we found that soil microbial communities between plants at the lowest elevation had proportionally more Gram-negative bacteria than all other soils. At the higher elevation sites there were few differences in FAME profiles of soils sampled between vs. beneath plants. Differences in FAME profiles under plants among the four sites were small, suggesting that the plant influence per se is more important than plant type in controlling FAME profiles. Since microbial biomass carbon was correlated with FAME number (r=0.85,P<0.0001) and with FAME named (r=0.88,P<0.0001) and total areas (r=0.84,P<0.0001), we standardized the FAME data to ensure that differences in FAME profiles among samples were not the result of differences in microbial biomass. Differences in microbial substrate utilization profiles among sampling locations were greatest between samples taken under vs. between plants at the two lower elevation sites. Microbial substrate utilization profiles, therefore, also seem to be influenced more by the presence of plants than by specific plant type.  相似文献   

The specific features of the microbial population in the soils of alases (thermokarst depressions) of Central Yakutia were revealed: a high number of microorganisms of all the groups (1.1 × 103–3.9 × 108 cell/g), which is compatible with the microbial density in the steppe soils of Transbaikalia; a particular distribution of the microorganisms along their profiles without decreasing of their number with the depth; and insignificant fluctuations of their population density in some soil horizons. The enrichment of these soils with microorganisms depends on the hydrothermal conditions. The microbial number gradually increases from the elevated peripheral parts of the alases to their centers and drastically decreases towards the lower lakeside areas of the alases. At the same time, the composition of the microorganisms changes, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria appear.  相似文献   

Adverse environmental impacts of human activities are the main causes of soil degradation in the desert of Kuwait in general, and in Kabd area in particular. In this study, assessment of soil degradation in open and protected sites has been carried out using field measurements and laboratory investigations. The overall status of vegetation is nearly twice as low in vegetation cover in the open sites than in the protected ones due to overgrazing and off‐road transport. Compaction of soil due to pressure exerted on the soil by vehicles led to a significant reduction in its porosity, permeability and infiltration capacity. The average infiltration rate of the compacted soils is 51 per cent lower than that of the non‐compacted soils. The bulk density of the non‐compacted soils is 3.4 per cent lower than that of compacted soil. The average topsoil resistance of compacted soils has increased by 83 per cent in comparison with non‐compacted soil. Using the least squares method a relation between infiltration rate (IR) and penetration resistance (PR) of the topsoil for the study areas is found (i.e. IR = −0.148 PR + 1.85 with R2 = 25 per cent). Soil strength within the soil profile shows maximum penetration resistance readings at 11.5 cm depth in average in compacted soils, while it shows maximum readings at 34.6 cm depth in average in non‐compacted soils. The adverse changes in the chemical properties due to soil compaction is also investigated. A restoration plan is needed in order to reduce land degradation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Specific features of the genesis of chernozem-like, solonetzic chernozem-like soils, and hydromorphic chernozem-like solonetzes were investigated on the southern Tambov Plain. Typical chernozems occupy well drained areas. The yield of cereals is limited by the amount of precipitation. On the flat surface of weakly drained watersheds, deeply gleyed chernozem-like soils are formed under the influence of bicarbonate-calcium ground water and water stagnation on the plow sole. In closed depressions with the 1.5- to 2.0-month long stagnation of surface water on the compact lower horizons, podzolized gleyic chernozem-like soils are formed. They have favorable physical properties, weak eluvial differentiation, and rather high acidity. In humid and moderately humid years, the cereals on these soils are waterlogged; in dry years, their yield increases by 20% as compared to that on the typical chernozem. In the low undrained areas of the watersheds, solonetzic chernozem-like soils and hydromorphic chernozem-like solonetzes are formed under the influence of bicarbonate-sodium water. Despite the unfavorable physical properties of the solonetzic horizons, their better supply with moisture determines the possibility to obtain stable high yields of cereals on the solonetzic chernozem-like soils. The productivity of the gleyic chernozem-like solonetzes is low irrespective of the humidity of the year.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic features of soils of two catenas developed on sandy to loamy sandy moraine deposits in the forest-tundra and northern taiga zones on denudation plains of the Kola Peninsula are discussed. It is shown that these catenas are similar with respect to the major directions of soil formation, regularities of soil distribution by the elements of mesotopography, and the factors of the soil cover differentiation. The differences between the catenas are of quantitative character and are related to the intensities of manifestation of the particular processes and features. Both catenas are characterized by the pronounced differentiation of soils with respect to their moistening with hydromorphic peat bog soils in the subordinate positions and Al–Fe-humus podzols in the automorphic positions.  相似文献   

Though knowledge about the distribution and properties of soils is a key issue to support sustainable land management, existing knowledge of the soils in Tigray (Northern Ethiopian Highlands) is limited to either maps with a small scale or with a small scope. The goal of this study is to establish a model that explains the spatial soil variability found in the May-Leiba catchment, and to open the scope for extrapolating this information to the surrounding basalt-dominated uplands. A semi-detailed (scale: 1/40 000) soil survey was conducted in the catchment. Profile pits were described and subjected to physico-chemical analysis, and augerings were conducted. This information was combined with information from aerial photographs and geological and geomorphologic observations. The main driving factors that define the variability in soil types found were: 1) geology, through soil parent material and the occurrence of harder layers, often acting as aquitards or aquicludes; 2) different types of mass movements that occupy large areas of the catchment; and 3) severe human-induced soil erosion and deposition. These factors lead to “red-black” Skeletic Cambisol–Pellic Vertisol catenas on basalt and Calcaric Regosol–Colluvic Calcaric Cambisols–Calcaric Vertisol catenas on limestone. The driving factors can be derived from aerial photographs. This creates the possibility to extrapolate information and predict the soil distribution in nearby regions with a comparable geology. A model was elaborated, which enables the user to predict soil types, using topography, geomorphology, geology and soil colours, all of which can be derived from aerial photographs. This derived model was later applied to other catchments and validated in the field.  相似文献   

Factual materials on salt-affected soils in the Barguzin Depression (Buryat Republic) are generalized. A geomorphic map of the depression has been developed. The distribution of salt-affected soils and the specificity of salinization in different geomorphic regions are characterized. These soils tend to be developed within the low lacustrine–alluvial plain of the depression, on the floodplain of the Barguzin River and its tributaries. Smaller areas of salt-affected soils are found on the river terraces. They are virtually absent on ancient sandy ridged terraces (kuituns). The genesis and chemistry of soil salinization are mainly related to the discharge of slightly saline deep water along tectonic faults and fissures. An additional source of soil salinity is represented by surface water flows. The presence of permafrost preventing the leaching of salts and the cryoarid climate favoring the migration of salts toward the soil surface during the dry spring and early summer periods and during the soil freezing in the winter contribute to the soil salinization. Slightly saline hydromorphic solonchakous soils predominate among salt-affected soils of the depression; the portion of semihydromorphic saline soils is smaller. Automorphic saline soils rarely occur in the depression. Strongly saline soils— solonchaks—are widespread within lacustrine depressions around salt lakes. Soils of the soda and sulfate salinization predominate. The content of chlorides is small; their increased amounts, as well as the presence of sulfates, are indicative of the discharge of dee ground water onto the surface. The soda type of salinization is also related to the discharge of deep stratal water with further transformation of salt solutions during freeze–thaw cycles. Under anaerobic conditions, the formation of soda is favored the processes of sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

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