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为发掘陆地棉纤维品质性状基因/数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL),本研究以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)优质品种渝棉1号分别与贝尔斯诺和中棉所35杂交获得F1代,随后利用两个F1再次杂交得到复合杂交群体.利用6565对SSR引物筛选渝棉1号、中棉所35和贝尔斯诺,获得155对多态性引物.对检测[(渝棉1号×中棉所35)x(渝棉1号×贝尔斯诺)]F1复合杂交群体标记基因型获得的158个位点进行遗传连锁分析,构建的遗传图谱包含102个位点,覆盖1199.0 cM.利用多QTL(multiple-QTL model,MQM)作图法,检测到11个纤维品质性状QTL,包括4个纤维长度、2个长度整齐度和5个纤维比强度QTL.11个QTL分布于4条D基因组染色体.本研究表明,陆地棉不同品种同一纤维品质性状QTL等位基因存在差异;三亲本杂交群体不仅可以提高群体多态性分子标记比例,而且可以显示同一QTL在不同遗传背景的等位基因表现差异.  相似文献   

137Csγ射线对陆地棉花粉及其M1的辐射效应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本以浙棉9号和浙102花粉为材料,研究了^137Csγ射线对陆地棉花粉及其M1,F1M1的辐射诱变效应。研究结果表明:1.辐射剂量与芬分活力呈高度负相关,浙棉9号和浙102花粉的半致死剂量分别为5.17和4.69Gy;2.7.51Gy以上剂量辐射花粉后,对其AM1,F1M1的出苗,幼苗生长均有明显的抑制作用,辐射的致畸作用因品种而不同;  相似文献   

辐照埃及棉选育陆地棉性状的长绒棉突变体的研究   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
1985年用60Coγ射线279Gy辐照埃及棉“Ashrnouni”,于1991年选出了4个表现陆地棉性状、绒长达33~35mm以上的长绒棉突变体。如突变体90197-1。绒长35mm,生育期135天,株高91.9cm左右,株型紧凑,结铃性强(43.4个/株).衣分40%左右,其纤维品质:2.5%跨越长度为34.9~35.6mm,整齐度48.5%~50.2%,断裂比强度19.2~20.4g/特克斯,麦克隆值3.9~4.0。这些突变体有待进一步过育和产量鉴定。经初步分析,诱变后代的染色体仍为四倍体,过氧化物酶和酯酶同工酶酶谱与亲本有显著差异。  相似文献   

棉花纤维素沉积特性的遗传分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究利用~3H标记,对陆地棉(Goossypium hirsuturn L.)和海岛棉(Goossypiumbarbardense L.)不同品种及海岛棉×陆地棉杂种F_1代的纤维素沉积特性进行了分析。结果表明,与亲本比较,杂种F_1明显改善了纤维素沉积状况,沉积峰期较陆地棉明显后移,尤以前期纤维素沉积较快的品种,如鲁棉二号与海岛棉杂交后,纤维素沉积状况较陆地棉亲本改善更大。  相似文献   

为精确分析中国棉花纤维品质的区域特征、分布规律及综合性评价,以2005-2014年国家棉花品种区域试验531个参试品种纤维品质数据为材料,运用作物育种同异性分析理论对杂交棉和常规棉品种的纤维品质进行综合评价。结果表明:1)常规棉品种纤维品质符合审定标准Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型的品种数分别占参试常规棉品种数的1.58%、28.42%和14.74%,杂交棉纤维品质符合审定标准Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型的品种分别占参试杂交棉品种数的0.59%、19.94%和10.56%。黄河流域常规棉品种、杂交棉品种纤维品质综合同一度分别为0.869 3和0.888 8,长江流域杂交棉纤维品质综合同一度为0.864 3,西北内陆棉区常规棉纤维品质综合同一度为0.890 5。2)不同棉区常规棉与杂交棉纤维品质性状比较表明,西北内陆棉区常规棉品种纤维品质性状优于黄河流域杂交棉;而黄河流域杂交棉又优于黄河流域常规棉和长江流域杂交棉,黄河流域常规棉与长江流域杂交棉纤维品质性状差异不显著。可见,黄河流域棉区适宜种植推广中长绒、高比强和高马克隆值的常规棉品种;长江流域棉区适宜种植中长绒、高比强度和高马克隆值的杂交棉品种;西北内陆棉区适合种植长强细的优质常规棉品种,可作为棉纺工业纺中高支纱的优质棉生产基地。本研究对优化我国优质棉区域布局和种植结构调整有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

陆地棉优质新种质主要经济性状配合力分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
两个陆地棉型优质新种质— 95 42 2系和 95 1 78系同鲁棉 1 4号、中棉所 1 6号和Acala4 42共 5个亲本配成 5× 5 =2 5个杂交组合 ,按Criffing方法 1、模式Ⅰ设计分析了F1 纤维长度、纤维强度、马克隆值、皮棉产量、衣分率、单株铃数、单铃重和籽指共 8个主要经济性状的配合力、遗传力。经分析 ,3个纤维品质性状的遗传主要受加性效应控制。纤维长度的加性效应远比非加性效应的作用重要 ,并估算出较高的广义遗传力 (94 8% )。加性效应为控制马克隆值遗传最主要的成份 ,非加性效应虽占比重小 ,但特殊配合力仍达极显著水平 ,马克隆值的广义遗传力较高 (84 1 5 % )。纤维强度为加性效应所控制 ,非加性效应作用微小。 5个产量性状的广义遗传力中等偏下 ,其中以皮棉产量最高 (6 5 31 % ) ,一般配合力和特殊配合力效应方差均达到极显著水平  相似文献   

离子注入法导入外源DNA引起陆地棉性状变异的研究   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
通过30keV不同剂量的Ar^+注入和DNA溶液浸滴法将比克氏棉和红麻DNA导入泗棉2号。结果表明:离子注入可显地促进外源DNA导入受体,增加受体后代性状的变异频率和变异类型,而且多数变异可迅速趋于稳定。在供试剂量中,以2×10^15Ar^+/cm^2介导外源DNA引起受体性状变异的频率最高,达16.2%。经选育已获得了一批抗枯萎病、早熟、种子少腺体和优质等各具特色的陆地棉新种质系。  相似文献   

棉花DNA遗传转化系的农艺性状变异和SSR标记分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用花粉管通道技术,将海岛棉(Gossypium barbadense)DNA导入陆地棉(G.hisutum)栽培品种豫棉17号中,获得了HB1、HB2、HB3和HB44个遗传转化系,其纤维品质、衣分、铃重与供体和受体相比有显著的差异。通过145对SSR引物的筛选和鉴定,检测出4对引物的多态性。BNL786、BNL2449等SSR引物在子代变异系HB1~HB4的扩增产物的带型明显不同于其受体,表明海岛棉DNA进入了受体并得到了遗传。海岛棉DNA导入陆地棉的HB5~HB73个子代选系在T2-T4代的衣分、铃重、纤维长度、强度、细度、伸长率、DNA的SSR标记等特征,都与其受体豫棉17号基本一致,表明海岛棉DNA可能没有导入这些选系中。此外,外源DNA导入子代的T2-T4代系的农艺经济性状分析和SSR分子标记检测都表明,一旦外源DNA导人受体变异性状在低世代就可以表现稳定遗传。  相似文献   

根据植物基因的密码子选择偏向、总G+C含量和密码子第三位碱基的G+C含量,同时天真核系统中影响基因转录、翻译及影响mRNA稳定性等因素,在不改变所编码的氨基酸序列的基础上,设计并人工合成了适合于在植物中高效表达的AaIT基因。合成的AaIT基因总G+C含量和密码子第三位碱基的G+C含量分别由原AaIT基因的34.6%,32.3%提高到48%,71.3%。合成的基因被克隆并进行了序列分析。  相似文献   

种子蛋白质电泳在陆地型长绒棉种质鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶法 ,进行单粒种子醇溶蛋白质电泳分析 ,参试材料有陆地型长绒新种质 9830 1系、4个海岛棉品种和 8个陆地棉品种。 9830 1和中棉所 1 2号、石远 32 1在试验中 ,同一品种 (系 )内的不同种子之间的蛋白谱带基本一致。对分别取样于山东省 7个不同地区试验点的 9830 1种子谱带进行比较 ,没有发现差异。胶板上陆地棉品种均具有 3条与海岛棉相区分的带 ,同样各海岛棉品种也共同具有 3条特征带。 9830 1显出 3条陆地棉特有带 ,证明其谱带主要倾向于陆地棉 ;同时也稳定地出现 1条海岛棉的特有带 ,表现出其属于海陆杂交种的遗传特性。 9830 1分离出一条独有带 (“1”带 ) ,凭借此带和另一条带 (“1 0”带 )可较容易地和其它陆地棉品种相区分  相似文献   

Nutrient requirements o£ plants during their various phases of growth are affected by several internal and external factors. The changes in rate of uptake by root with age are an important factor to meet the increasing plant demand for nutrients. Nutrient culture experiments were carried out under controlled greenhouse conditions with corn (Zea Mays L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to investigate the relationship of stage of growth to changes in plant parameters and nutrient uptake properties. With advancement of age. both plant species increased their ambient growth medium pH towards neutrality. With increasing age in alfalfa there was very little change in observed S:R ratio and root growth rate. On the other hand in corn plants the S:R ratio increased and growth rate for root and shoot decreased with age. Alfalfa contained higher concentrations of N, K, Na, and Ca than corn; while ion concentrations in both crops decreased with plant age. At all stages of growth, alfalfa absorbed less nutrients than corn. The rates of nutrient influx, In in both the crops showed various degrees of correlation with age and rate of shoot growth. In corn. In for ions reached a maximum at 25 days growth; whereas, in alfalfa, In reached maximum at 30 days of growth. The differences in influx rates for different ions in the two species are probably due to the difference in development of shoot and root parameters and shoot demand for the ions.  相似文献   

In a laboratory study on the distribution of phenols in rice soils, a humus-rich acid sulphate soil liberated more alkali-extractable phenols than an alluvial soil under both flooded and nonflooded conditions. Nonflooded conditions appeared to favour the release of phenols from the acid sulphate soil whereas in the alluvial soil no difference was apparent under the two water regimes. The addition of calcium carbonate to the acid sulphate soil further increased the production of phenols. Analysis of the solvent extract of the soils by thin-layer chromatography showed that both the soils contained vanillic acid and two unidentified phenols.  相似文献   

In the period 1994–1996 a post-harvest survey was conducted in wheat, barley and oats to assess the occurrence and geographic distribution of Fusarium species in Norwegian cereals. The number of samples investigated was adjusted proportionally to the production of each cereal species within the regions. A total of 695 grain samples were analysed. The amount of Fusarium infection varied with cereal species and region of origin. The most frequently isolated Fusarium spp. from all samples were F. avenaceum, F. poae, F. tricinctum and F. culmorum. Other important toxigenic Fusarium spp. were F. graminearum, “powdery F. poae”, F. equiseti and F. sporotrichioides. A north-south gradient was valid for F. tricinctum, F. poae and in 1994 for “powdery F. poae”. In 1994 “powdery F. poae” was the most abundant potential producer of HT-2 and T-2 toxins in Norwegian cereals. Distribution of F. graminearum and F. culmorum demonstrated in this study, corresponded to previously reported DON-distribution, although DON seems to be produced by different species in different regions. Distribution of the isolated Fusarium species and comparison between cereals and locations are discussed.  相似文献   

镉胁迫下磷供应对芥菜生长和镉吸收的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用土培和水培试验,研究了镉胁迫下磷供应对芥菜生长和镉吸收的影响。土培试验表明:施磷可以提高镉胁迫下小叶芥菜和雪里蕻种子的发芽率,提高小叶芥菜的生物量,而对雪里蕻生物量影响不大;施磷可以减少土壤中有效态镉含量,明显降低植株体内镉含量;植株体内的全磷含量随外加磷浓度的提高而显著增加。水培结果表明:镉胁迫下,磷供应对雪里蕻植株生物量影响不大;随着磷供应水平的增加,植株体内的全磷含量明显增加,但植株地上部镉、锌、钙、镁、锰等元素的含量明显降低。  相似文献   

本试验采用二次通用旋转组合设计,通过计算机分析,建立了氮磷钾与大棚青椒早期产量及总产量的数学模型。初步揭示了在本试验条件下,氮磷钾对大棚青椒产量形成的影响规律及其边际效应,探讨了氮磷钾之间的交互作用。结果表明氮对青椒产量影响最大,钾最小,前期磷钾有显著的交互作用。讨论了最佳氮磷钾配比及适宜范围。  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L.) is the most widely cultivated crop in the world and an important commodity. Besides its main role in human nutrition, this grain is also used in animal feed and production of biofuels, among other purposes. Due to these factors, soybean became important in the global economy and is the most exported agricultural product from Brazil. Fungal diseases are among the limiting factors on soybean production; sudden death syndrome, caused by Fusarium spp., has been responsible for severe losses on this crop in Brazil. Four species of Fusarium can be considered causal pathogens: F. brasiliense, F. crassistipitatum, F. tucumaniae, and F. virguliforme. The Fusarium spp. isolates characterized in this work were collected in different soybean-producing regions in Brazil. The genetic variability of these isolates was determined through the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Disease severity was evaluated on moderately resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars in greenhouse trials. RAPD analysis demonstrated a great genetic diversity among the isolates and a clear tendency to split into two main species groups, F. tucumaniae and F. brasiliense, both prevalent in Brazil. The disease severity experiments, in which soybean plants were artificially inoculated, have shown that all isolates caused significant damage to the seedling root system. In fact, the genetic diversity of isolates does not correlate with disease severity, and also does not correlate with geographic distribution.  相似文献   

This study investigates the efficiency of seaweed liquid fertilizer (SLF) prepared from combinations of different seaweeds (Sargassum polyphyllum, Turbinaria ornata, Gelidiopsis sp., Padina tetrastomatica, Gracilaria corticata) as a stimulant for the growth of Vigna radiata (Mung) as well as its antagonistic activity against fungal pathogens (Alternaria solani, Rhizoctonia solani., Sarocladium oryzae). 100% SLF was prepared, which was further diluted to 60%, 40%, and 20%. Seeds were soaked in four different concentrations of the SLF (20%, 40%, 60%, and 100%) for 12 hr and planted. After 60 d, the root and shoot length were increased by 14% and 16%, respectively, with SLF (100%). The carbohydrate and protein concentrations were also increased by 70% and 86%, respectively, at 100% SLF. The concentration of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids were found to be increased by 20%, 43%, and 28%, respectively, with 100% SLF. Further, the SLF (60% and 100%) successfully inhibited the growth of fungal pathogen A. solani but the other tested strains were found to be resistant. The present study indicates that 100% SLF concentration acts as both biostimulant and biofungicide for A. solani and thus, this SLF could be used as a potential alternative to the chemical fertilizers.  相似文献   

The effects of the cultivation of preceding plants on the inhibition of Fusarium wilts, vessel diseases of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum (FOC) and yellows of daikon (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. raphani (FOR), were examined. When the cucumber or daikon plant was cultivated as a succeeding plant in the pots where the soils had been inoculated with a spore suspension of FOe or FOR and then various preceding plants had been cultivated, the percentage of disease of the succeeding plants was lower in some plots than in the control plot without preceding plants. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea, cv. Atlas) and burdock (Arctium lappa, cv. Takinogawa) inhibited significantly the vessel disease caused by FOe. Thrnip (Brassica rapa, Parental Line Nou No.1) and spinach (S. oleracea, cv. Try) suppressed the yellows caused by FOR. When the number of FOC or FOR was estimated by the recovery using Komada med.ium and by testing their pathogenicity to the host plant, cucumber or daikon, the numbers of both were not reduced in the plots even where these plants had been cultivated initially. The soil extract from the pots, where preceding plants had been cultivated, did not affect the conidia of FOC and FOR. In both FOC and FOR experiments, the cultivation of preceding plants increased the number of bacteria in soil. Additionally, in the FOR experiment, preceding plants, turnip and spinach, increased the number of F. oxysporum (FOX) except for FOR and decreased the proportion of FOR to FOX. It was suggested that these preceding plants might affect the pathogens of Fusarium wilt indirectly by the changes in the numbers and flora of soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

In this paper, the uptake kinetics of various nitrogens (nitrate (NO3?), ammonium (NH4+), urea, amino acid) by Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. Bailey) were studied under hydroponic condition. The results indicated that the uptake kinetics of organic and inorganic nitrogen (N) by Chinese kale conform to the Michaelis–Menten equation, and the maximum uptake rate (Vmax) and affinity index (1/Km) showed nitrate (NO3N) > ammonium (NH4+-N) > urea-N > Gly-N, with significant differences between treatments (p < 0.05). Adding different types of N to NO3? nutrient solution had little impact on its affinity, but significantly decreased the NO3? Vmax, which showed NO3N > NO3? + NH4+ > NO3? + urea > NO3? + Gly. Chinese kale preferred inorganic N to organic N, with NO3? preceding NH4+. Adding organic and NH4+ N to nutrient solution reduced the NO3? uptake capacity by the plant.  相似文献   

Pistacia is a common wild plant in the Southeast Anatolia part of Turkey. The experiment was planned to screen and select the most suitable arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) for enhancing Pistacia species seedling growth by improving phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) uptake. This study was carried out under greenhouse condition at the Department of Soil Science, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey. Two genotypes from each of P. vera (cvs ‘Siirt’ and ‘Kirmizi’), P. eurycarpa, P. atlantica, and P. terebinthus species were tested with ten different mycorrhizal species. Plants were grown in a growth medium with a mixture of sand, soil and compost with 6:3:1 ratio, respectively. Seedling plants were harvested after eight months and transplanted to pots. There were significant differences between Pistacia species in growth, nutrient uptake and the percentage of mycorrhizal infection. Also mycorrhizal species were different in terms of enhancing plant growth and nutrient uptake. The results were that Siirt, Genotype 08, 11, 13, and 14 gave a high response to the mycorrhizal inoculation and Glomus clarium gave the best improvements in growth and nutrition, resulting in greater plant biomass and Zn and P uptake. Following this, G. etunicatum, G. intraradices, G. caledonium, and G. mosseae species were effective species. In general, G. mosseae and G. fasciculatum mycorrhizae enhanced plant growth; G. clarium was the most efficient species in terms of P and Zn uptake.

It has been concluded that these mycorrhizae species significantly enhance the Pistacia plant growth and nutrient uptake. Also using AM fungi in the pistachio nursery should be taken into consideration for better seedling production. Further work needs to be done to determine how much inoculum is needed for sufficient inoculation and how the mycorrhizal seedlings can be adapted under field conditions especially under drought and high calcareous marginal soil conditions.  相似文献   

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