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黄河三角洲不同刺槐混交林的土壤持水能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在黄河三角洲盐碱地,以无林地作为对照,调查刺槐臭椿混交林、刺槐白榆混交林、刺槐白蜡混交林、刺槐纯林4种林分不同土壤层的盐碱度、容重和孔隙度、枯落物层和土壤持水能力等指标。结果表明:(1)除刺槐白蜡混交林土壤表层有一定的返盐现象外,其余林分均具有一定的压盐抑盐效果,且pH值多随土壤深度的增加而升高;(2)不同混交林的枯落物层总蓄积量范围为2.03~12.15t/hm2,半分解层大于未分解层,表现出造林地显著高于无林地,但是刺槐混交林略小于刺槐纯林;(3)不同林分的枯落物最大持水量与其蓄积量的趋势基本一致,在3.79~19.59t/hm2之间,有效持水量在2.74~13.48t/hm2之间,二者的变化趋势并不完全一致;(4)与无林地相比,林地的土壤容重显著减小,而土壤孔隙度增加,其中混交林好于纯林,其土壤饱和蓄水量、毛管蓄水量从大到小依次为刺槐白蜡混交林、刺槐白榆混交林、刺槐臭椿混交林、刺槐纯林、无林地。因此,为发挥刺槐在黄河三角洲盐碱地的改良土壤、涵养水源等方面的作用,建议营造混交林。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲长期人工林地对土壤有机碳库的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]探讨黄河三角洲长期人工林对盐碱土壤有机碳库的作用效果,为充分发挥其生态功能与经济效益提供科学依据与技术参考。[方法]以刺槐、白蜡、白榆和臭椿纯林以及刺槐—白蜡、刺槐—白榆和刺槐—臭椿混交林等近30a的7个长期人工林为研究对象,并分别设置标准池,采用多点混合采样法,研究土壤活性有机碳、碳库管理指数的变化规律。[结果]3个混交林地土壤的微生物量碳含量较高,并显著高于其他林地,其中刺槐—白蜡混交林较未造林荒地、刺槐、白蜡、白榆和臭椿纯林分别提高26.16%,17.62%,88.41%,47.99%和21.64%。与未造林荒地相比,长期人工林地的水溶性有机碳含量均明显升高,而在各个不同造林措施中,刺槐—白蜡混交林的水溶性有机碳含量显著高于其他措施。各人工林地较荒地均显著提高了土壤总有机碳含量,其中3种混交林模式的土壤总有机碳含量明显高于对应纯林;同时,林地土壤不同活性有机碳含量的总体变化规律为:惰活性有机碳中活性有机碳高活性有机碳,其中刺槐—白蜡混交林更利于惰性有机碳的积累。此外,各人工林地土壤碳库指数较未造林荒地明显上升,其中刺槐—白蜡混交林的碳库管理指数达最高值,与刺槐—白榆、刺槐—臭椿混交林无显著性差异,但分别较刺槐、白蜡、白榆和臭椿纯林明显高出46.51,34.88,27.55,33.38。[结论]混交林模式较纯林对林地土壤有机碳库的改善效果更显著,对土壤具有较好的培肥作用,并处于良性管理状态,有利于林木的生长发育。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱地不同混交林土壤可溶性有机碳氮的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对黄河三角洲盐碱地刺槐纯林、刺槐+白蜡、刺槐+白榆和刺槐+臭椿混交林土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和土壤可溶性氮(TNS)进行了研究。结果表明,4种人工林中,腐殖质层DOC和TSN含量显著大于0-20和20-40cm层土壤。刺槐+臭椿混交林的DOC含量最高,为257.70mg/kg。另外,总氮(TN)和TSN含量分别为1065.79和55.80mg/kg,均显著高于其他三种林型。各层土壤DOC和TSN含量由高到底的顺序依次为:刺槐+臭椿混交林 > 刺槐+白榆混交林 > 刺槐纯林 > 刺槐+白蜡混交林。相关分析结果表明,土壤DOC和TSN与土壤的全氮、有效磷、速效钾和含盐量相关性显著。  相似文献   

在调查林分长期生长特征的基础上,以未造林荒地为对照,系统研究黄河三角洲不同退化程度刺槐林、刺槐白蜡混交林和白蜡纯林等人工林地土壤的水盐动态变化特征。结果表明:人工刺槐林的退化程度越高,其林地表层土壤含水量越低,深层土壤盐分含量则越高。与刺槐、白蜡纯林相比,混交林土壤含水量相对较高、土壤盐分则较低。春、秋、冬三季,严重退化刺槐林土壤含水量随土层深度增加而升高,而轻度退化刺槐林土壤含水量季节变化较复杂。春、冬两季随土层深度增加土壤含水量呈现出先升高后降低的趋势,夏季则相反,而秋季逐渐降低。混交林及相应纯林的土壤含水量在春季随土层深度增加均表现出先降后升的趋势;夏季有很大程度的降低,但混交林高于纯林;秋、冬季时纯林土壤含水量由表层向深层递减,混交林则先下降后上升。轻度退化刺槐林的土壤含盐量在全年中均较低,而严重退化刺槐林深层土壤含盐量较高。相比之下,混交林降低土壤含盐量的能力最强,刺槐纯林次之,白蜡纯林最弱。总之,在滨海盐碱地区营造人工林,能在一定程度上改善土壤含水量和含盐量,明显影响土壤中水分、盐分的时空分布。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱地人工刺槐混交林细根分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究黄河三角洲盐碱地人工刺槐混交林及纯林细根空间分布格局,选取绒毛白蜡刺槐混交林、臭椿刺槐混交林、刺槐纯林,采用土柱法取样,从细根生物量密度、表面积密度、体积密度、根长密度等方面研究盐碱地中不同林分中树木细根的垂直分布情况,从细根生物量分析不同林木细根垂直分布情况,研究不同人工林细根分布差异及土壤影响因子。结果表明:绒毛白蜡刺槐混交林在细根的生物量、表面积、体积、根长等方面都显著高于臭椿刺槐混交林和刺槐纯林;绒毛白蜡刺槐混交林95.77%细根生物量分布在0~60 cm土层,臭椿刺槐混交林85.37%细根生物量分布在0~40 cm土层,而刺槐纯林的细根在土壤中分布则比较均匀,0~40 cm土层细根占生物量总量的66.38%。绒毛白蜡细根生物量最高,显著高于其他林木。绒毛白蜡刺槐混交林细根表面积密度、体积密度、根长密度显著高于刺槐纯林;臭椿刺槐混交林高于刺槐纯林,差异不显著。绒毛白蜡刺槐混交林、臭椿刺槐混交林细根总根尖数分别是刺槐纯林的2.34倍、1.23倍,总分叉数分别为刺槐纯林的6.15倍、1.66倍。绒毛白蜡刺槐混交林、臭椿刺槐混交林、刺槐纯林树木细根生物量与土壤有效磷、速效钾含量呈显著正相关关系;绒毛白蜡刺槐混交林细根生物量碱解氮、有机质含量呈极显著正相关关系。适当的混交模式在一定程度上提高了人工林细根生物量,增强植物吸收土壤营养物质的能力,混交使人工林在盐碱立地条件下适应能力提高。  相似文献   

以黄河三角洲盐碱地26年生刺槐+臭椿混交林(RA)、刺槐+白榆混交林(RU)和刺槐+白蜡混交林(RF)为研究对象,以刺槐纯林(RP)和无林地(CK)为对照,研究刺槐混交林对土壤脲酶活性的影响。结果表明:1)同一林分中,土壤脲酶活性随土层深度的增加而减小;2)不同林分之间表现为刺槐混交林〉刺槐纯林〉无林地,RP、RU、RF、RA的脲酶活性分别是CK的4.02、4.74、5.08和5.01倍;3)在影响土壤脲酶活性的土壤因子方面,刺槐混交林较其纯林表现为降低了土壤密度、pH值和含盐量,增大了总孔隙度,增强了蓄水性能,增加了全氮、碱解氮和有机质的质量分数,增加了细菌和固氮菌的数量;4)总孔隙度、细菌、固氮菌、全N和有机质等土壤因子对刺槐混交林土壤脲酶活性的影响较大,建议用这些土壤因子作为评价刺槐混交林土壤脲酶活性的主要指标。  相似文献   

黄土高原刺槐林对土壤养分时空分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以不同树龄刺槐纯林林地和撂荒地作对比,研究了黄土高原刺槐人工林对土壤养分时空分布特征的影响。结果表明,刺槐林地土壤有机质、pH值、全氮、有效氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换性钙和交换性盐基总量随刺槐树龄增加无明确变化规律,土壤全磷和交换性镁含量则呈现波动性变化;刺槐林地土壤有机质、全氮、有效氮含量随土壤深度增加按幂函数衰减,有效磷含量有递减趋势,土壤全磷、速效钾、交换性钙、交换性镁和交换性盐基总量随土壤深度增加无明显变化规律,而土壤pH随深度呈波动性变化;与撂荒地相比,刺槐林地土壤有机质、全氮、有效氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换性钙、交换性镁含量及交换性盐基总量分别增加21.6%~96.8%,34.3%~160.1%,191.5%~238.4%,2.1%~24.1%,19.82%~92.71%,64.2%~80.0%,25.0%~46.5%和67.2%~89.5%,表明刺槐林对改善土壤养分状况具有重要作用。  相似文献   

鲁中南石灰岩山地针阔混交林土壤理化性状及水文效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为选择出适宜鲁中南石灰岩山地的针阔混交林模式,以山东省新泰市扒石山小流域栽植的5种10a生针阔混交林为研究对象,采用野外调查与室内测定相结合的方法,系统分析针阔混交林模式下的枯落物蓄积量、土壤理化性质、土壤渗透速率、土壤水文效应等指标,研究不同针阔混交林对林地土壤理化性状和土壤水文效应的改良效果。结果表明:5种混交林模式下的各项指标均差异显著,且针阔混交林的各项指标均优于侧柏纯林,其中针阔混交林的各项指标均以侧柏刺槐混交林最优,侧柏黄连木混交林较差;林地土壤理化性状和水文效应的改良效果依次为:侧柏刺槐混交林侧柏苦楝混交林侧柏五角枫混交林侧柏臭椿混交林侧柏黄连木混交林。在鲁中南石灰岩山地营造针阔混交林时,应优先选择侧柏刺槐混交林和侧柏苦楝混交林,其次可选择侧柏五角枫混交林和侧柏臭椿混交林,应尽量避免大面积营造侧柏黄连木混交林及侧柏纯林。  相似文献   

为探索黄河三角洲重度退化刺槐林不同改造模式的改良土壤效果,以改造后的棉田、纯林(白蜡林)、农林间作(白蜡+棉花)、混交林(白蜡+刺槐)为研究对象,未改造的重度退化刺槐林作为对照,分析比较不同改造模式下的土壤酶活性、养分特征及其相关关系。结果表明:4种改造模式对土壤养分含量和酶活性均有显著性差异,土壤剖面表层普遍高于20-40cm土层,农林间作与混交林在退化刺槐林土壤修复中具有较好的效果;棉田属于掠夺式的土地利用方式,虽能暂时提高表层土壤的养分,但不利于土壤的持续利用。磷酸酶、脲酶、多酚氧化酶及过氧化物酶和土壤养分等具有较强的相关性,可用来指示该区域不同改造模式下土壤质量的变化特征。4种改造模式土壤酶指数从大到小依次为混交林、农林间作、纯林、棉田。从土壤酶活性和养分特征等改良土壤效应来看,混交林和农林间作改造模式较好,其次为纯林,棉田不宜作为长期营建方式。  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱丘陵区不同树种纯林土壤性质极化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
人工或天然纯林土壤性质呈现偏离原平衡态并朝某个方向非平衡或极端化发展的现象被作者称为极化。作者提出了抗极化域(W)、抗极化度(R)、极化度(P)和极抗比(I)等土壤极化的表征指标,并采用多样地多样点混合采土法对黄土高原半干旱丘陵区进入成熟生长期的不同树种纯林和混交林土壤性质进行了广泛测定和极化分析。结果表明:(1)不同树种林地属于极强度极化(P>0.20)的土壤性质分别为:油松纯林的化学性质,侧柏、刺槐和沙棘纯林的化学和生物学性质,白榆纯林的化学、生物学性质和微量元素,白桦纯林的生物学性质,茶条槭纯林的生物学和物理性质。(2)总体而言,油松和刺槐纯林会引起土壤的严重贫养化;侧柏纯林会引起土壤的严重富养化;白榆纯林虽然会引起土壤的富养化,但却使得微量元素越来越缺乏;白桦纯林主要会引起土壤生物学性质的恶化;茶条槭纯林土壤有偏贫养化和生物学性质恶化的趋势;沙棘纯林会导致土壤严重贫养化和生物、物理性质的恶化;小叶杨纯林土壤性质尚未发生明显极化。(3)总体而言,小叶杨、油松的抗极化能力均较强,而白榆的抗极化能力最低;相对于林木抗极化能力,土壤的绝对综合极抗比属于中等以上(Ia>0.40)的性质分别为:油松纯林的化学、物理性质,侧柏、刺槐和白榆纯林的所有性质,白桦纯林的生物学、物理和化学性质。  相似文献   

In order to identify key adaptive traits which affect productivity in Mediterranean grain and forage legumes and simultaneously determine the agricultural potential of a wide range of Vicia species, germplasm collected from the wild throughout the eastern Mediterranean was grown under semi-arid conditions in Tel Hadya, Syria (313 mm growing season rainfall). These included species currently in use in Mediterranean agriculture, such as V. sativa L., as well as those more widely used in the past-such as V. ervilia L., but also a broad selection from Section Narbonensis (B. Fedtsch. ex Radzhi) Maxted, including V. narbonensis L, V. johannis Tamamsch., V. hyaeniscyamus Mout., V. serratifolia Jacq., and V. kalakhensis Khattab et al. V. faba, a near relative of the taxa in Section Narbonensis, was included as a domesticated control. Where applicable, a representative range of subspecies was used. Accessions were chosen from a wide range of habitats in terms of latitude (31.02–40.72 decimalo), longitude (27.1–43.17 decimalo), altitude (20–1510 m), rainfall (180–1700 mm/yr) and soil depth (5–50 cm) in order to maximise diversity within species. Agricultural potential was determined by measuring seed, hay and biological yield, as well as agronomic traits such as harvest index, standing crop height, and seed size. The comparative influence of phenology and key agronomic traits such as plant habit and seed size on productivity varied tremendously between species, depending on their reproductive strategies. In V. sativa and V. ervilia, the smaller seed species which rely on long vegetative phases and growing seasons to accumulate sufficient biomass to set seed, and in which there was comparatively little agronomic variation, phenology had a large impact on yield. In early emerging taxa such as V. ervilia and V. s. subsp. sativa, with built-in long vegetative phases and growing seasons, seed yield was negatively correlated with flower ing (r = –0.86 to –0.88), whereas the opposite was the case for later emerging taxa such as V. s. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh. (r = 0.95). Within V. narbonensis and relatives, the larger seeded Vicia species which rely on more conservative reproductive strategies where high seedling vigour associated with large seeds enables the species to enter reproductive phases relatively early, phenology had a much smaller impact on yield than did variation of key traits such as seed weight, plant habit and pod shattering. Among the undomesticated germplasm harvest indices ranged from 0.09–0.31, hay yields from 0.1–3.4 t/ha, seed yield from 0–2.0 t/ha, and dry matter at maturity from 1.6–6.5 t/ha. Sub-specific taxonomy was crucial in determining agronomic potential. V. narbonensis var. aegyptiaca Kornhuber ex Asch. et Schweinf. showed the most potential, combining an upright habit, large seeds (212 mg) and tendency to retain intact pods after maturity, with the highest yield, harvest index and crop height of all the wild Vicia species. V. sativa subsp. sativa, V. ervilia and V. narbonensis var. narbonensis were less productive, but still showed agricultural potential. The smaller seeded V. narbonensis, var. affinis, var. jordanica H. Schäf. and var. salmonea (Mout.) H. Schäf., and their close relatives V. johannis, V. hyaeniscyamus, V. serratifolia and V. kalakhensis have little to offer Mediterranean agriculture on the basis of poor agronomy.  相似文献   

The powerful mass-flow of melt water during the brief period of spring thaw provides a surge of pollutants and causes extremely toxic short term conditions. Together with the increase in total metal concentrations during this period, a redistribution in metal speciation occurs that increases the proportion of more toxic forms. Concentrations of ion-exchangeable fractions of nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), aluminium (Al), and manganese (Mn) show strong negative correlations with pH. The sum of complex metal species shows a strong positive correlation with total organic carbon (TOC). A data analysis model based on relationships observed between key parameters and metal behaviour together with gidrological data allowed an assessmrnt of the metal impact on waterbodies from accumulated airborne pollution (Ni, Cu) as well as from accelerated leaching from watersheds (Al, Mn).  相似文献   

The difficulty and problems encountered in the study of cultivated plants, in general and sugarcane, in particular has been indicated. In order to understand these problems, a brief review on the taxonomy of Saccharum and closely related taxa, namely, Erianthus, Sclerostachya, Narenga and Miscanthus (generally known as ‘Saccharum complex’) has been given. A short account on the important morphological features that are specific to sugarcane has also been stated as classification is commonly based on such morphological characters. A note has been added on the chromosome number, origin, and distribution of the species of ‘Saccharum complex’ members. Taxonomic keys have been devised for identification of the genera of Saccharinae and for the species of Saccharum and Erianthus occurring in India. A new combination, Sclerostachya fallax (Balansa) Amalraj et Balasundaram, has also been proposed.  相似文献   

Summary Feeding by the isopod, Oniscus asellus, produced changes in the sulfur constituents of leaf litter substrates (Acer negundo, A. saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Picea rubens, and Tsuga canadensis). Isopod consumption of leaf litter generally accelerated the mineralization of carbon-bonded S and increased the formation of ester sulfate in all substrates. After the isopod egestion of A. negundo leaves, fecal decomposition over 6 weeks increased total S concentration from 68 to 120 mol S/g due to the catabolism of organic carbon. During the same period sulfate decreased from 34 to 20 mol S/g and carbon-bonded S increased from 34 to 100 mol S/g. Thus the total S pool in aged feces became enriched with organic S (83% of total S). Macroinvertebrate consumption accelerated the transformation of S constituents and the carbon-bonded S concentration approached that of the Oa organic horizon of a northern hardwood forest.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. M.S. Ghilarov  相似文献   

A collection of 136 accessions of Aegilops umbellulata (39), Ae. comosa (75) and Ae. markgrafii (22) was analysed for high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits composition. The homogeneity of the accessions was studied and 55.1% of the collection was homogeneous for HMW glutenin subunits (29 Ae. umbellulata, 33 Ae. comosa and 14 Ae. markgrafii). The HMW glutenin subunits of Ae. umbellulata are encoded by the Glu-U1 locus; in Ae. comosa results showed that this proteins are encoded at the 1M chromosome, and the locus was named Glu-M1. In Ae. markgrafii it was assumed that HMW glutenin subunits were encoded by an homoeologous locus and it was named Glu-C1. All the accessions of Ae. umbellulata and Ae. markgrafii expressed both, x-type and y-type subunits. Among the Ae. comosa accessions, only one expressed an x-type subunit alone. All the accessions of Ae. umbellulata and some of Ae. comosa had x-type glutenins of higher molecular weights than those commonly present in bread wheat. A total of 8 alleles were detected at the Glu-U1 locus, 11 at the Glu-M1 and 4 at the Glu-C1. The new HMW glutenin variation found in this work suggests their possible utilisation in breeding for wheat quality.  相似文献   

We investigated the diversity of rhizobia isolated from different indigenous legumes in Flanders (Belgium). A total of 3810 bacterial strains were analysed originating from 43 plant species. Based on rep-PCR clustering, 16S rRNA gene and recA gene sequence analysis, these isolates belonged to Bradyrhizobium, Ensifer (Sinorhizobium), Mesorhizobium and Rhizobium. Of the genera encountered, Rhizobium was the most abundant (62%) and especially the species Rhizobiumleguminosarum, followed by Ensifer (19%), Bradyrhizobium (14%) and finally Mesorhizobium (5%). For two rep-clusters only low similarity values with other genera were found for both the 16S rRNA and recA genes, suggesting that these may represent a new genus with close relationship to Rhodopseudomonas and Bradyrhizobium. Primers for the symbiotic genes nodC and nifH were optimized and a phylogenetic sequence analysis revealed the presence of different symbiovars including genistearum, glycinearum, loti, meliloti, officinalis, trifolii and viciae. Moreover, three new nodC types were assigned to strains originating from Ononis, Robinia and Wisteria, respectively. Discriminant and MANOVA analysis confirmed the correlation of symbiosis genes with certain bacterial genera and less with the host plant. Multiple symbiovars can be present within the same host plant, suggesting the promiscuity of these plants. Moreover, the ecoregion did not contribute to the separation of the bacterial endosymbionts. Our results reveal a large diversity of rhizobia associated with indigenous legumes in Flanders. Most of the legumes harboured more than one rhizobial endosymbiont in their root nodules indicating the importance of including sufficient isolates per plant in diversity studies.  相似文献   

Gorse (Ulex europaeus) infestation occupies over 4,000 ha of agriculture and conservation lands on the southeastern slope of Mauna Kea on the Island of Hawaii. The aim of this investigation is to identify ecological features associated with this weed invasion by comparing the gorse-infested areas to the surrounding uninfested areas of this landscape. The soils within the gorse infestation are more acidic, resulting in higher levels of KCl-extractable Al and lower levels of Mehlich III-extractable Ca, Mg, Mn, and Zn. Yet, gorse accumulates higher concentrations of Ca, Zn and, Cu than the kikuyu grass (Pennesitum clandestinum), which is ubiquitous throughout the site. The Ca:Al and Mg:Al molar charge ratios of the soils are lowest within the epicenter of the gorse infestation, while the molar ratios are highest in the gorse apical stem tissues. All gorse plants are nodulated and have higher nitrogen contents than the surrounding kikuyu grass. Furthermore, the δ15N of the gorse stem tissues approaches 0‰, suggesting that nitrogen is being symbiotically fixed from the atmosphere. Characterization of the Bradyrhizobium isolated from gorse nodules shows similarities and distinctions to Bradyrhizobium isolated from the endemic legume koa (Acacia koa) within the same location. Population densities of the indigenous Bradyrhizobium are higher within the gorse rhizosphere than the kikuyu grass. Soil acidification, nutrient depletion, and symbiotic nitrogen fixation distinguish gorse-infested areas from the surrounding uninfested areas. These observations suggest that gorse has a competitive advantage over kikuyu grass under conditions of soil nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

Ten leguminous trees, four exotic species (Australian Acacia) and six indigenous species (three Sahelian Acacia spp. and three Sesbania spp.), were grown for 4 months in a natural Sahelian soil inoculated with or without the endomycorrhizal fungus, Glomus intraradices. In control trials, the determinant factor structuring the soil nematode fauna was the plant species, related plants having a similar influence on the nematode community in the soil. Soil nematode abundance increased from exotic acacias (3.3 g-1 dry soil) to native acacias (11.5 g-1 dry soil) and Sesbania species (17.6 g-1 dry soil). Plant feeding nematodes (mainly Scutellonema and Tylenchorhynchus) were significantly less abundant under exotic acacias (1.4 g-1 dry soil) than under native acacias (7.2 g-1 dry soil) or Sesbania species (7.3 g-1 dry soil). Bacterial feeding nematode density increased from exotic acacias (1.2 g-1 dry soil) to native acacias (3.0 g-1 dry soil) and Sesbania species (7.7 g-1 dry soil) as total densities. However, the differences in the structure of the nematode communities between plant groups were suppressed in the presence of the mycorrhizal fungus. In fact, no difference in nematode densities remained between plant groups when G. intraradices developed in several dominant taxa belonging to different trophic groups, particularly: Tylenchorhynchus, Apelenchina, Cephalobus and Dorylaimoidea. This study clearly indicated that inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus G. intraradices diminished the plant-specific effect on the structure of the soil nematode community.  相似文献   

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