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Siliciumcarbide — is it an alternative to suction cups made of aluminumoxide? Siliziumcarbide (SiC) is a novel non‐oxide ceramic material. We tested differently preconditioned SiC and aluminum‐oxide ceramics (P80) with respect to their influence on the solution passing through. For this we used a cation standard, an anion standard and a soil solution. Both ceramics released considerable amounts of Na and Al. However, in most cases SiC showed better results for anions and dissolved organic carbon. Therefore it may be a promising task to improve the properties of SiC by minimizing sinter additives and optimized conditioning procedures, and develop improved suction cups.  相似文献   

The current, globalised food system supplies 'cheap' food to a large proportion of the world's population, but with significant social, environmental and health costs that are poorly understood. The present paper examines the nature and extent of these costs for both rural and urban communities, by illustrating the financial pressures on food producers and manufacturers to produce cheap food, the disconnection people experience with how and where their food is produced, and the rise in obesity levels that plague the globe. The paper then proposes that community food systems may play an important role in mitigating the adverse environmental, economic and social effects of the dominant food system, by the use of more sustainable food production methods, the development of local economies and enabling closer connections between farmers and consumers. There are many opportunities for public health nutritionists to contribute to the local food system literature to ascertain whether these systems improve inequities, provide better access to healthy food and help stem the tide of rising global obesity levels. Public health nutritionists can play a key role in supporting people to become food citizens and to advocate for democratic and sustainable food systems.  相似文献   

The correct diagnosis of boron deficiency is not yet completely resolved for species where boron is phloem immobile. As some deficiency reactions in the extension zone of young roots cannot be reversed after only one hour of deficiency, boron should be supplied continuously. Several early deficiency reactions are shown to be related to the concentration of ”︁free” boron. It is suggested that there is a ”︁minimum” or ”︁critical level” of soluble boron (i.e. not tightly bound to rhamno‐galacturonan II) which is needed in the most boron requiring tissues to avoid deficiency reactions. Determination of this ”︁soluble” or ”︁exchangeable” boron fraction might improve the diagnosis of boron deficiency.  相似文献   


Veterinary antibiotics can enter the environment especially agricultural soils via animal manure application in which Sulfadiazine (SDZ) is considered as one of the most used antibiotic. After soil application, it may be transported into subsurface water. The sorption behavior of SDZ is not only influenced by the soil type but also by soil organic matters as well. Hence, an experiment was executed aimed to study sorption/desorption processes of SDZ under experimental conditions in three various soils treated by different bio fertilizers including rice husk compost (RHC), rice husk biochar (RHB) and Micrococcus yunnanensis (My) bacterium. Sorption/desorption data of soils with and without bio-fertilizers were well fitted with Freundlich model (R2 = 0.97). Results showed that bio-amended soils had higher values of kd sorption ranged from 1.16 to 52.4 without and with bio-fertilizers application respectively, proposing low sorption of SDZ with substantial risk of leaching without bio-fertilizers application. Also for the desorption cycle values of Kd increased from 1.03 to 39.1 without and with bio-fertilizers application, respectively. Furthermore, there was a hysteresis effect using organic matter. As a result of bio-fertilizers application, a significant value of SDZ was strongly adsorbed on the soil particles which was not desorb through desorption process.  相似文献   

Biohydrogels such as microbial exudates and root‐derived mucilage are soil‐born cross‐linked polymers, able to form porous three‐dimensional networks during water uptake. The gel effect is the variation of soil properties, such as soil hydrology and soil structural stability, resulting from biohydrogel swelling in soil. Conventionally, soil–water–hydrogel interactions are investigated by measuring soil bulk properties such as water retention curves and porosity, without further analyzing the effect of biohydrogel phases in soil on a quantitative basis. Therefore, the evaluation of advanced and novel methods for the characterization of biohydrogel phases in soil and soil–water–hydrogel interactions is necessary. This review evaluates currently available methods for their potential to analyze processes associated to the gel effect. A promising approach to investigate the spatio‐temporal distribution of biohydrogel phases in porous media is based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) such as 1H‐NMR relaxometry, as well as on imaging techniques such as Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM). Especially NMR techniques enable the identification of different water populations based on their differences in the relaxation, and thus the mobility of water molecules in biohydrogels and non‐gel water in soil pores. Rheology measures the flow behavior of biohydrogels, providing information on the structural behavior of the hydrogel network and its gelling mechanism. Soil rheology further quantifies the effect of the biohydrogel phases on the interactions between soil particles, and thus the impact on soil microstructural stability. However, rheology does not elucidate the spatio‐temporal distribution and structural state of biohydrogel phases in soil. All in all, a systematic combination of rheology, NMR and suitable imaging methods seems promising and necessary in order to elucidate the still widely unknown gel effect in soil.  相似文献   

Feeding the world’s population in 40 years will require improved efficiency in the use of plant nutrients and enhancement of soil resources. Over the past 60 years, agricultural production has rapidly increased; however, continued degradation of soil may limit further increases. Improving the soil through enhanced soil biological activity has been proposed as a method of increasing the capacity of the soil to produce crops. Ongoing evaluations of one soil biological fertilizer with a patented process to convert and complex manure into stable finished products (AgroBiotic fertilizers) have been conducted in research plots and producer fields and have shown positive effects on grain yield and potato production. These effects are larger in soils with limited biological activity, suggesting that adding this unique AgroBiotic fertilizer helps restore the biological nutrient cycling in the soil. New developments and innovations that improve nutrient availability and the efficacy of soil biological fertilizers have the potential to help restore degraded soils and improve their production efficiency and capacity to feed the world’s population.  相似文献   

A method to estimate the amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) physically protected within macroaggregates (>200 μm) consists of crushing soil samples and measuring the following SOC mineralization increase. This study investigated the effect of grinding the plant residues during soil crushing on the calculated amount of the protected SOC on two tropical soils (Arenosol and Ferralsol). Incubations of crushed and uncrushed soil samples amended with ground or unground plant residues were conducted. Our results showed that soil crushing increased SOC mineralization and that the presence of plant residues enhanced soil respiration also. The plant residues of the two soils had different decomposition rates, but grinding plant residues did not increase the amounts of cumulative carbon (C) mineralized after the 28 days of the experiment. We propose that the extra C mineralized after soil crushing is due to the breakdown of the soil structure and not to the grinding of plant residues.  相似文献   

Transnational land deals are among the most contested but inadequately understood topics. In this paper, we focus on the features of large‐scale transnational land deals (LSTLDs) in the Global South through an examination of Ethiopia. We apply a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) research design.Results indicate that in 2005–2015, the government leased nearly 2·47 million ha of the country's approximate total 114 million ha area and offered 11·5 million ha of cultivable land to domestic and transnational investors. We explore the prevalence of LSTLDs deals by companies of the Global South, particularly entrepreneurs from India. Ethiopia's example validates emerging arguments on the rise of South–South investment deals rather than the established explanation of North–South capital flows. However, 75% of the land deals show poor performance. The study shows that LSTLDs have contributed to raising domestic agricultural production but have resulted in non‐performing loans of the banks of the host country. In sum, the land deals have resulted in financial grabbing, where Ethiopian banks end up with non‐performing loans and then must chase investors to settle the approximate €791 million in loans that investors borrowed for their projects. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Application of ultrasound to disperse soil aggregates has been critical in enabling researchers to separate and analyze aggregate building blocks that include organic and mineral particles as well as mineral associated organic matter. But the forces generated in the process may also alter the dispersion products and, thus, potentially interfere with the interpretation of experimental results. This review summarizes present knowledge on experimental conditions that may lead to physical damage and chemical modifications of aggregate building blocks. The energy level at which physical disintegration of organic particles could be detected was as low as 60 J mL–1. Physical damage of sand‐ and silt‐sized mineral particles was observed to commence at energy levels exceeding 700 J cm–3. No evidence was found for the disintegration of particles within the clay‐size fraction of soils even though studies analyzing pure minerals such as kaolinite revealed particle breakage after application of energy amounts > 12,000 J cm–3. Here we outline a strategy to minimize artifacts such as physical damage of mineral or organic particles resulting from ultrasonication by adopting a stepwise dispersion protocol involving successively higher energy levels, accompanied by a sequential separation of organic and mineral compounds.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2003,22(2):175-180
Large variability is often observed in results of the Folsomia candida reproduction test [ISO 11267, Soil quality—inhibition of reproduction of Collembola (Folsomia candida) by soil pollutants. Inter. Stand. Org. Ed. Genève. (1998) 1–16] and can be detrimental to the test sensitivity. So, we investigated the effects of certain parameters (small differences of ambient temperature and age of the animals) on the variability of reproduction of F. candida. We show that a 1 °C difference has no perceptible effect but that a 1 day difference in age has. Studying the reproduction of isolated individuals shows that a strong apparent interindividual variability exists. Lastly, we compared the variability of reproduction in two tests differing from one another in duration; variability was clearly decreased by lengthening the test.  相似文献   

White sand heath forests (WS) or kerangas, an unusual variant of tropical forests in Borneo, characterized by open scrubby vegetation, low productivity, and distinctive plant species composition and soil microbial community, are regarded as a stressful low-pH and/or nutrient environment. We investigated whether the functional soil metagenome also shows a predicted set of indicators of stressful conditions in WS. Based on stress-tolerant strategies exhibited by larger organisms, we hypothesized that genes for stress tolerance, dormancy, sporulation, and nutrient processing are more abundant in the soil microbiota of WS. We also hypothesized that there is less evidence of biotic interaction in white sand soils, with lower connectivity and fewer genes related to organismic interactions. In Brunei, we sampled soils from a WS and a normal primary dipterocarp forest, together with an inland heath, an intermediate forest type. Soil DNA was extracted, and shotgun sequencing was performed using Illumina HiSeq platform, with classification by the Metagenomics Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (MG-RAST). The results, on one hand, supported our hypothesis (on greater abundance of dormancy, virulence, and sporulation-related genes). However, some aspects of our results showed no significant difference (specifically in stress tolerance, antibiotic resistance, viruses, and clustered regularly interspaced short palindrome repeats (CRISPRs)). It appears that in certain respects, the extreme white sand environment produces the predicted strategy of less biotic interaction, but exhibits high soil microbiota connectivity and functional diversity.  相似文献   

The near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) method was used in the present study to compare earthworm-made soil aggregates to aggregates found in the surrounding bulk soil. After initially assessing the daily cast production of Metaphire posthuma, boxes with soil incubated with M. posthuma and control soils were subjected to wetting in order to reorganize the soil structure. After two months of incubation, soil aggregates produced by earthworms (casts and burrows), soil aggregates that were appeared to be unaffected by earthworms (bulk soil without visible trace of earthworm bioturbation from the earthworm treatment) and soil aggregates that were entirely unaffected by earthworms (control – no earthworm – treatment) were sampled and their chemical signatures analyzed by NIRS. The production of below-ground and surface casts reached 14.9 g soil g worm?1 d?1 and 1.4 g soil g worm?1 d?1, respectively. Soil aggregates from the control soils had a significantly different NIRS signature from those sampled from boxes with earthworms. However, within the earthworm incubation boxes the NIRS signature was similar between cast and burrow aggregates and soil aggregates from the surrounding bulk soil. We conclude that the high cast production by M. posthuma and the regular reorganization of the soil structure by water flow in and through the soil lead to a relatively homogenous soil structure. Given these results, we question the relevance of considering the bulk soil that has no visible activity of earthworm activity as a control to determine the effect of earthworms on soil functioning.  相似文献   

Primary minerals of the parent material undergo weathering during the formation of terrestrial soils to varying extent. As a result, secondary minerals develop, which comprise, among many others, hydroxy‐interlayered minerals (HIMs). These minerals have formed by interlayering of hydroxy‐metal complexes (especially of Al3+, also Mg2+, Fe2+/3+) into micas, expansible 2:1 phyllosilicates and forming oligomers, or by weathering of primary chlorite. The degree of interlayer filling and the stability of these fillings affect several physico‐chemical soil properties, for instance the cation exchange capacity. Although many studies have been conducted on formation, occurrence, and properties of HIMs in soil during the last decades, several challenges still exist. These challenges include analytical identification and quantification of HIMs in soil, the nature of the interlayer filling and the identification of favorable conditions in soil for the formation of HIMs. In order to deepen the understanding of formation, properties, and fate of HIMs in soil, we critically reviewed the available literature. Based on the review, we recommend using a new structural model that enables quantification of hydroxy‐interlayered smectite in soil by X‐ray diffractometry, laboratory experiments on the formation and preservation of different types of interlayers and considering the temporal and spatial dimension of the formation of HIMs in soil in more detail.  相似文献   

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