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Most ammonia (NH3) emissions (85%) in Canada come from agricultural sources (400 kt/yr). There are international conventions that require countries to mitigate NH3 emissions but there are no federal or provincial guidelines in Canada stipulating emission targets or best practices for agriculture. This study examines the potential for mitigating atmospheric NH3 using a range of approaches. Taking current farm practices into account, employing proven low‐cost measures (low‐emission slurry application and slurry storage covers) would reduce annual emissions from livestock operations by 16 kt NH3‐N, while using all available low‐cost measures would reduce emissions by 79 kt NH3‐N or 26% of livestock emissions. Another 36 kt/yr could be avoided by improving fertilizer practices, so that the total potential reduction would be about 29% of all agricultural emissions. Emissions from beef cattle and pig production could be reduced by 18% if consumption was cut by 50%, with greater mitigation if production for export was reduced, although the economic and social consequences need to be considered. Mitigation practices must be viewed in the context of possible pollution swapping especially in surplus nitrogen situations. Emissions must also be considered in terms of atmospheric NH3 transport to and from the USA, therefore bi‐national agreements to jointly reduce emissions might be needed. It may be more cost‐effective in Canada to strategically reduce emissions to minimize risks to health (from particulate matter) and the environment rather than to reduce annual national emission targets.  相似文献   

The importance of ammonia (NH3) in the atmosphere andits role in acidification is increasingly recognized. Adetailed emission inventory of NH3 for South Korea iscarried out for different sources using emission factors.Results indicate that the emission of ammonia has increasedby 21% over the last 11 yr from 143 000 t yr-1 in1988 to 181 000 t yr-1 in 1998. The major contributorsto the NH3 emission in South Korea are livestock andfertilizer application that account for 70 and 26% oftotal NH3 emission, respectively. The 11 × 14 km (0.125° long. × 0.125° lat.) grid distribution of emission of ammonia shows an maximum in the Yochon area due to the largest fertilizer factory and relatively wide regions of high NH3 emission in thenorthwestern part of South Korea due to a great number of livestock. It is found that the nitrogen ratio of wet deposition of NH4 + to emission of NH3 in SouthKorea is averaged to be 0.45.  相似文献   

Ammonia emissions originate from different and widely distributed sources. The bulk of anthropogenic NH3 emissions are connected with agriculture and a smaller part with industry. The default emission factors recommended by the Economical Commission for Europe are applied to evaluate NH3 emissions from the former USSR. The following categories of agricultural activities are considered: cattle, pigs, poultry, horses, sheep, goats, fur animals, rabbits, reindeers and fertiliser application. Human and home pet metabolism as a source of NH3 is also considered. Industrial sources include combustion processes and production of fertilisers, ammonia, coke. Emissions from landfills are also considered. Uncertainties of emission values for each category of sources are estimated. Ammonia emissions are calculated separately for all former republics for the year 1990. The total emissions for Russia are spatially distributed over the territory with 1° × 1° resolution. The data on NH3 emissions can be used in model calculations of long-range (transboundary) transport of acidifying compounds.  相似文献   

中国农业氨排放的时空演变趋势与减排潜力分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中国雾霾成因比发达国家更为复杂,人为源氨气(NH_3)污染是中国PM2.5指数被持续推高的重要因素,却一直被全社会所忽视。已有研究表明,人为源NH_3排放主要来自农业,农业NH_3减排是雾霾治理最经济有效的方法,因此,研究中国农业NH_3减排潜力对中国控氨治霾具有重要现实意义。本文基于各类统计年鉴和研究成果中的相关数据,参考《大气氨源排放清单编制技术指南(试行)》,构建农业NH_3减排潜力分析模型,应用排放因子法和情景分析法,测算并分析了中国2004—2013年农业NH_3排放演变和2020—2030年农业NH_3减排潜力。结果表明:1)2013年中国农业NH_3排放总量为1 193.92万t,比2004年增长18.59%。2)农业年NH_3排放总量在60万t以上的省市,2004年有河南、山东、河北和内蒙古4省,到2013年演变为河南、内蒙古、河北、山东、新疆和四川6省。3)趋势照常情景(business-as-usual,BAU)下,2020年、2025年和2030年中国农业NH_3排放将比2013年分别提高15.26%、23.60%和30.23%。4)减排情景下,2020年、2025年和2030年的中国农业NH_3排放将比BAU情景分别减少319.40万t、501.31万t和660.40万t,将比2013年分别下降11.49%、18.39%和25.08%。5)未来中国农业NH_3减排的关键取决于中国居民消费畜禽产品的数量和结构,其次是中国畜禽养殖的饲料营养水平改变。6)未来中国农业NH_3减排重点区域在河南、山东、河北、内蒙古和四川。由此可见,BAU情境下未来中国农业NH_3排放将失控,未来中国农业NH_3减排必须从大力削减重点区域排放和加速转变居民畜禽产品消费行为两方面入手。  相似文献   

We determined N2O fluxes from an unfertilized control (CON), from a treatment with mineral N‐fertilizer (MIN), from cattle slurry with banded surface application and subsequent incorporation (INC), and from slurry injection (INJ) to silage maize (Zea mays, L.) on a Haplic Luvisol in southwest Germany. In both years, amount of available N (total N fertilized + Nmin content before N application) was 210 kg N ha?1. In the slurry treatment of the 1st year, 140 kg N ha?1 were either injected or incorporated, whereas 30 kg N ha?1 were surface applied to avoid destruction of the maize plants. In the 2nd year, all fertilizers were applied with one single application. We calculated greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) on field level including direct N2O emissions (calculated from the measured flux rates), indirect N2O emissions (NH3 and NO 3 - induced N2O emission), net CH4 fluxes, fuel consumption and pre‐chain emissions from mineral fertilizer. NH3 losses were measured in the 2nd year using the Dräger‐Tube Method and estimated for both years. NH3 emission was highest in the treatment without incorporation. It generally contributed less than 5% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from silage maize cultivation. The mean area‐related N2O emission, determined with the closed chamber method was 2.8, 4.7, 4.4 and 13.8 kg N2O‐N ha?1 y?1 for CON, MIN, INC, and INJ, respectively. Yield‐related N2O emission showed the same trend. Across all treatments, direct N2O emission was the major contributor to GHG with an average of 79%. Trail hose application with immediate incorporation was found to be the optimum management practice for livestock farmers in our study region.  相似文献   

Organic amendments recycle nutrients, but N2O emissions are both environmental and agronomic concerns. We conducted a 4-year field experiment to determine no-till barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yield and nutrient uptake and soil N2O emissions following a single application of six amendment treatments: (1) no amendment (Check); (2) synthetic N fertilizer (Fert); (3) fresh beef cattle feedlot manure (ManureF); (4) beef cattle feedlot manure compost (CompostR); (5) beef cattle feedlot manure composted with cattle mortalities (CompostM); and (6) separated solids from anaerobically digested cattle feedlot manure (ADM). Barley grown in Year 1 (2006), Year 2 (2007), and Year 4 (2009) (with Year 3 (2008) under fallow) had higher grain yields from ManureF (4.73 Mg ha?1) in Year 2 and ADM (6.30 Mg ha?1) in Year 4 (p < 0.05) than other treatments. The grain N and P contents were not affected (p > 0.05), but N uptake over 3 years (112.8 kg N ha?1 yr?1), and P uptake in Year 1 (19.1 kg ha?1 yr?1) and Year 2 (14.3 kg ha?1 yr?1) from ManureF, were higher (p < 0.05×) than other treatments. The cumulative N2O emissions from ManureF in Year 1 (1.488 kg N ha?1) and from ADM in Year 2 (1.072 kg N ha?1) were higher (p < 0.05) than other treatments while the fraction of applied N emitted as N2O was small (0.00 to 0.79%) and not affected by treatment. However, the percentages of applied N emitted as N2O from compost and ADM were similar to synthetic fertilizer and livestock manure.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) is an important atmospheric pollutant that threatens ecosystem and human health. Synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizer applications are a major source of atmospheric NH3. Most of current bottom-up estimates assume that the NH3 emission response to increasing N application rates is linear, and thus constant emission factors (EFs) are used. However, increasing evidence suggests that NH3 emissions increase exponentially with increasing N inputs. In the present study, we conducted a meta-analysis to generalize the relationship between N inputs and NH3 emissions. Overall, the change in EF per unit of additional N fertilizer input (ΔEF) was positive from 70 experiments with at least three N application rates, suggesting that NH3 emissions in response to increasing N additions grow at a rate higher than linear. Compared to our ΔEF model, the 10% EF model used by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change overestimated NH3 emissions when fertilizer N is applied at low levels, but underestimated NH3 emissions when N is applied in excess. Therefore, our results suggest that replacing the constant EF with the N-rate-dependent EF could improve the accuracy of NH3 emission estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract. Measures to reduce ammonia (NH3) emissions by incorporating livestock manures into the soil may increase the potential for nitrate (NO3) leaching. The Manure Evaluation Routine (MANNER) model estimates the amount of N available to crops following livestock manure applications after calculating losses due to NH3 volatilization and NO3 leaching. The main objective of this study was to use the MANNER model to quantify the impact on NO3 leaching of introducing measures to reduce NH3 emissions, following application of livestock manures. The data produced were also used to make preliminary estimates of the likely effect of selected NH3 abatement techniques on the potential for nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. At typical UK rates of application, the potential for increased NO3 leaching following either injection of slurry or rapid incorporation of solid manures was greatest for broiler/turkey manure (22–58 kg N ha–1) and least for straw‐based cattle manure (6–10 kg N ha–1). The results suggest that in order to avoid substantially increasing the potential for NO3 leaching as a consequence of NH3 abatement, livestock manures should not be applied by low NH3 emission techniques prior to autumn‐sown crops in the UK. Instead, low‐emission applications should be made from October onwards to grassland and where possible, late autumn‐sown combinable crops or to arable land which will be planted in the spring. However, in several areas of England and Wales there is currently insufficient land planted to spring crops on which to incorporate the livestock manures produced in those areas.  相似文献   

Soil temperature plays an important role in organic matter decomposition, thus likely to affect ammonia and gaseous emission from land application of manure. An incubation experiment was conducted to quantify ammonia and greenhouse gas (GHG) (N2O, CO2 and CH4) emissions from manure and urea applied at 215?kg N ha?1 to Fargo-Ryan silty clay soil. Soil (250?g) amended with solid beef manure (SM), straw-bedded solid beef manure (BM), urea only (UO), and control (CT) were incubated at 5, 10, 15, and 25 °C for 31 days at constant 60% water holding capacity (WHC). The cumulative GHGs and NH3 emission generally increased with temperature and highest emission observed at 25 °C. Across temperature levels, 0.11–1.3% and 0.1–0.7% of the total N was lost as N2O and NH3, respectively. Cumulative CO2 emission from manure was higher than UO and CT at all temperatures (P?<?0.05). Methane accounted for <0.1% of the total C (CO2?+?CH4) emission across temperatures. The Q10 values (temperature sensitivity coefficient) derived from Arrhenius and exponential models ranged 1.5–3.7 for N2O, 1.4–6.4 for CO2, 1.6–5.8 for CH4, and 1.4–5.0 for NH3. Our results demonstrated that temperature significantly influences NH3 and GHG emissions irrespective of soil amendment but the magnitude of emission varied with soil nutrient availability and substrate quality. Overall, the highest temperature resulted in the highest emission of NH3 and GHGs.  相似文献   


Microbial nitrification and denitrification are responsible for the majority of soil nitrous (N2O) emissions. In this study, N2O emissions were measured and the abundance of ammonium oxidizers and denitrifiers were quantified in purple soil in a long-term fertilization experiment to explore their relationships. The average N2O fluxes and abundance of the amoAgene in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria during the observed dry season were highest when treated with mixed nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (NPK) and a single N treatment (N) using NH4HCO3as the sole N source; lower values were obtained using organic manure with pig slurry and added NPK at a ratio of 40%:60% (OMNPK),organic manure with pig slurry (OM) and returning crop straw residue plus synthetic NH4HCO3fertilizer at a ratio of 15%:85% (SRNPK). The lowest N2O fluxes were observed in the treatment that used crop straw residue(SR) and in the control with no fertilizer (CK). Soil NH4+provides the substrate for nitrification generating N2O as a byproduct. The N2O flux was significantly correlated with the abundance of the amoA gene in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (r = 0.984, p < 0.001), which was the main driver of nitrification. During the wet season, soil nitrate (NO3?) and soil organic matter (SOC) were found positively correlated with N2O emissions (r = 0.774, p = 0.041 and r = 0.827, p = 0.015, respectively). The nirS gene showed a similar trend with N2O fluxes. These results show the relationship between the abundance of soil microbes and N2O emissions and suggest that N2O emissions during the dry season were due to nitrification, whereas in wet season, denitrification might dominate N2O emission.  相似文献   

Assessment of NH3 emissions after application of cattle slurry Over a two year period at different sites following application of cattle slurry measurements of NH3 emissions have been carried out using the Integrated Horizontal Flux Method. The objective of these studies was to quantify NH3 losses under field conditions and to investigate the influence of various environmental factors on the NH3 emission. Depending on environmental conditions and infiltration rates NH3 volatilization losses in the described experiments ranged from 12 to 65 per cent of the applied NH4-N. Of the many factors influencing NH3 emission three factors were chosen which can easily be measured or at least estimated. Using these factors a framework for an assessment of NH3 emissions has been set up. Within this framework the expected NH3 losses are estimated depending on infiltration rate of the slurry, mean aerial temperature, precipitation and time after application (with or without incorporation of manure). This framework offers a practical tool for evaluation of NH3 losses after application of cattle slurry and may be used to avoid NH3 losses under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

广东省是经济强省也是农业大省。为保障粮食安全,近年来农业发展速度加快,化肥、农药、地膜的大量使用以及畜禽养殖业的迅猛发展等,使得广东省农业面源污染问题日渐凸显。为揭示广东省农业面源污染物排放量和排放来源,阐明农业面源污染的主要特征及发展趋势,该研究基于1991—2021年历史统计数据分析,运用排污系数法估算了广东省各农业面源污染物排放负荷,阐明了农业面源污染的主要来源及其随时间发展的变化趋势。结果显示:1)1991—2021年广东省农业源化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)、氨氮(ammonia nitrogen,NH3-N)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)和总磷(total phosphorus,TP)排放量整体呈现增加趋势,近4年来各污染物排放量出现小幅度降低。与1991年相比,2021年农业源COD、NH3-N、TN和TP排放量分别增长至1.9、1.9、1.7和2.1倍。2)种植业和畜禽养殖业是广东省农业面源污染的主要来源,种植业对农业源NH3-N、TN排放量的贡献率最大(占比分别为48%、52%),而畜禽养殖业对农业源COD、TP排放量的贡献率最大(占比分别为90%、51%);此外,水产养殖业对农业源各项水污染物排放总量的贡献率在10%~16%之间,但其排放量及贡献率均呈逐年上升趋势。研究客观分析了1991年来广东省农业面源污染特征及变化趋势,结果可以为农业面源污染防治对策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gases are known to play an important role in global warming. In this study, we determined the effects of selected soil and climate variables on nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a tropical grassland fertilized with chicken slurry, swine slurry, cattle slurry, and cattle compost. Cumulative N2O emissions did not differ between treatments and varied from 29.26 to 32.85 mg N m-2. Similarly, cumulative CH4 emissions were not significantly different among the treatments and ranged from 6.34 to 57.73 mg CH4 m-2. Slurry and compost application induced CO2 emissions that were significantly different from those in the control treatment. The CH4 conversion factors measured were 0.21%, 1.39%, 4.39%, and 5.07% for cattle compost, chicken slurry, swine slurry, and cattle slurry, respectively, differing from the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The fraction of added N emitted as N2O was 0.39%, which was lower than the IPCC default value of 2%. Our findings suggest that N2O emissions could be mitigated by replacing synthetic fertilizer sources with either biofertilizer or compost. Our results indicate the following:N2O emission was mainly controlled by soil temperature, followed by soil moisture and then soil NH4+ content; CH4 fluxes were mainly controlled by soil moisture and chamber headspace temperature; and CO2 fluxes were mainly controlled by chamber headspace temperature and soil moisture.  相似文献   


Ammonia (NH3) volatilization from fertilizer applications reduces efficiency and poses environmental hazards. This study used semi-open static chambers to measure NH3 volatilization from organic fertilizers (feather meal, blood meal, fish emulsion, cyano-fertilizer) to evaluate the impacts of fertilizer source, application method, and rate on NH3 volatilization. In 2014, two application rates (28 and 56 kg N ha?1) were applied to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Solid fertilizers (feather meal, blood meal) were preplant applied in a subsurface band, whereas liquid fertilizers (fish emulsion, cyano-fertilizer) were applied weekly through drip irrigation beginning two weeks after transplanting. In 2015, a single application rate (28 kg N ha?1) was applied to cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Solid fertilizers were applied in either subsurface or surface bands. There was a significant difference in NH3 volatilization among fertilizers, but there was little difference between application rates. Liquid fertilizers had lower NH3 emissions than solid fertilizers due to their timing and placement. In 2014, blood meal at 56 kg N ha?1 and feather meal at both rates had the highest NH3 fluxes. In 2015, surface-banded blood and feather meal had the highest NH3 fluxes. Fertilizer decisions for organic systems should consider NH3 emission losses and practices for their reduction.  相似文献   


We examined the effects of manure + fertilizer application and fertilizer-only application on nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a volcanic grassland soil in Nasu, Japan. In the manure + fertilizer applied plot (manure plot), the sum of N mineralized from the manure and N applied as ammonium sulfate was adjusted to 210 kg N ha?1 year?1. In the fertilizer-only applied plot (fertilizer plot), 210 kg N ha?1 year?1 was applied as ammonium sulfate. The manure was applied to the manure plot in November and the fertilizer was applied to both plots in March, May, July and September. From November 2004 to November 2006, we regularly measured N2O and CH4 fluxes using closed chambers. Annual N2O emissions from the manure and fertilizer plots ranged from 7.0 to 11.0 and from 4.7 to 9.1 kg N ha?1, respectively. Annual N2O emissions were greater from the manure plot than from the fertilizer plot (P < 0.05). This difference could be attributed to N2O emissions following manure application. N2O fluxes were correlated with soil temperature (R = 0.70, P < 0.001), NH+ 4 concentration in the soil (R = 0.67, P < 0.001), soil pH (R = –0.46, P < 0.001) and NO? 3 concentration in the soil (R = 0.40, P < 0.001). When included in the multiple regression model (R = 0.72, P < 0.001), however, the following variables were significant: NH+ 4 concentration in the soil (β = 0.52, P < 0.001), soil temperature (β = 0.36, P < 0.001) and soil moisture content (β = 0.26, P < 0.001). Annual CH4 emissions from the manure and fertilizer plots ranged from –0.74 to –0.16 and from –0.84 to –0.52 kg C ha?1, respectively. No significant difference was observed in annual CH4 emissions between the plots. During the third grass-growing period from July to September, however, cumulative CH4 emissions were greater from the manure plot than from the fertilizer plot (P < 0.05). CH4 fluxes were correlated with NH+ 4 concentration in the soil (R = 0.21, P < 0.05) and soil moisture content (R = 0.20, P < 0.05). When included in the multiple regression model (R = 0.29, P < 0.05), both NH+ 4 concentration in the soil (β = 0.20, P < 0.05) and soil moisture content (β = 0.20, P < 0.05) were significant.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of repeated application (once every 2 d) of a fertilizer solution with different ratios of NH4 + - and NO3 ?-N on N2O emission from soil. After the excess fertilizer solution was drained from soil, the water content of soil was adjusted to 50% of the maximum water-holding capacity by suction at 6 × 103 Pa. Repeated application of NH4 +- rich fertilizer solution stimulated nitrification in soil more than NO3 ?-rich fertilizer. Although the evolution of N2O through nitrifier denitrification tended to increase with the repeated addition of a fertilizer solution rich in NH4 + rather than in NO3 ?, the contribution of nitrifier denitrification remained at levels of 20 to 36% of the total emission regardless of the inorganic N composition. The total emission of N2O also tended to increase with the application of NH4 +- rather than NO3 ?-rich fertilizer. It was suggested that the coupled process of nitrification and denitrification at micro-aerobic sites became important when fertilizer rich in NH4 + was applied to soil under relatively aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Drip‐fertigated systems have variable distributions of water and nutrients in the soil, which influence soil microbial activity. Because there is a lack of data on greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes for these systems, a field experiment comparing drip irrigation systems (fertigated and non‐fertigated) was carried out in a melon crop. For the fertigated treatment, nitrogen (N) as NH4NO3 was dissolved in irrigation water and split into six applications (Fertigation treatment). In the non‐fertigated soil (ANS treatment), granular NH4NO3 was incorporated homogeneously into the upper part of soil surface at planting. A control treatment without N fertilizer was also included. In order to evaluate the pattern of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4), measurements were made at six different distances from the irrigation distributor point (dripper). An additional field experiment with 15N‐labelled N fertilizer was carried out in parallel, with the aim of evaluating the contribution of nitrification and denitrification to the total N2O flux. Two different sources of 15N were applied: 15NH4NO3 (20 at% excess 15N) (15NH4+ treatment, TR1) and NH415NO3 (20 at% excess15N) (15NO3? treatment, TR2). Results indicated that both treatments (ANS and Fertigation) had small emission fluxes of N2O (< 0.1% of N applied). However, Fertigation produced larger emissions (175.3 g N2O‐N ha?1) than ANS (90.1 g N2O N ha?1), with the pattern of N2O emission being strongly influenced by nitrification in both systems. Denitrification also contributed to emissions of 15N2O but mainly on the day after fertilizer application in the Fertigation treatment. Methane fluxes were also affected by N fertilizer, with a decrease in the sink effect for CH4 when NH4+ was present in the soil.  相似文献   

Klimont  Z.  Cofala  J.  Schöpp  W.  Amann  M.  Streets  D.G.  Ichikawa  Y.  Fujita  S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,130(1-4):193-198
Starting from an inventory of SO2, NOx, VOC and NH3 emissions for the years 1990 and 1995 in East Asia (Japan, South and North Korea, China, Mongolia and Taiwan), the temporal development of the emissions of the four air pollutants is projected to the year 2030 based on scenarios of economic development. The projections are prepared at a regional level (prefectures or provinces of individual countries) and distinguish more than 100 source categories for each region. The emission estimates are presented with a spatial resolution of 1×1 degree longitude/latitude. First results suggest that, due to the emission control legislation taken in the region, SO2 emissions would only grow by about 46 percent until 2030. Emissions of NOx and VOC may increase by 95 and 65 percent, respectively, mainly driven by the expected increase in road traffic volume. Ammonia, mainly emitted from agriculture, is projected to double by 2030.  相似文献   

In the context of their role in global warming, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soil under different management practices were studied in Hokkaido, northern Japan. To assess the impacts of reduced tillage, composted cattle manure-based fertilization and amendments with crop residues and green manure on N2O emissions from soil, a field experiment was conducted under a four-year crop rotation on a well-drained Andisol. The crop rotation included potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) or sweet corn (Zea mays L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The cumulative N2O emissions for the four-year study period differed widely (0.33 to 4.90?kg?N?ha?1), depending on the treatments imposed, being the greatest for a combination of conventional moldboard plow tillage, composted cattle manure-based fertilization and increased plant residue input, and the lowest for a combination of conventional tillage, chemical fertilizer-based fertilization and normal plant residue input treatments. The cumulative N2O emissions under reduced tillage were all small, irrespective of fertilization and plant residue input treatments. Composted cattle manure-based fertilization (P?≤?0.01) and increased plant residue input (P?≤?0.01) significantly increased cumulative N2O emissions. Tillage showed a significant interaction with fertilization and plant residue input, indicating that N2O emissions were enhanced when composted cattle manure, crop residues and green manure were incorporated by conventional tillage. In the present study, the N2O emission factors for chemical fertilizer, composted cattle manure and crop residues were 0.26?±?0.44, 0.11?±?0.16 and ?0.03?±?0.52%, respectively, all much lower than the country-specific emission factor for Japan's well-drained soils (0.62%) and the default emission factor used in the IPCC guideline (1%).  相似文献   

NMVOCs and CO Emission Inventory in East Asia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For analyzing acidification in East Asia, long range transportation models has been developed, which require emissions inventories of the precursors. SO2 and NOx emissions inventories were reported previously; here emissions of NMVOCs (Non methane volatile organic compounds) and CO in East Asia; China, Republic Korea, Japan and Taiwan area, are estimated. For the years 1994–95, the total emissions of NMVOC and CO in East Asia are estimated at 17.7 and 94.1Tg/y respectively. Small coal boiler and biomass use for residences are dominant sources of NMVOCs in the area, especially in China. More than half of CO emission comes from biomass use in residences in China. Regionally at east costal area in China high density emission is seen in the 1×1 degree grid emission map.  相似文献   

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