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以往的研究表明有机管理有利于生物多样性保护,但在不同农业生境类型中是否都存在这个结论呢?基于此问题,本研究在一个多生境的有机管理农场与一个相邻的多生境常规集约化管理农区,采用陷阱法进行蜘蛛取样,对比有机和常规管理措施下大棚菜地、果园、稻田田埂、露天田块及农田边界等5种生境类型的农田蜘蛛多样性的差异,并分析土壤因子对蜘蛛多样性的影响。研究发现:1)有机管理与常规管理的蜘蛛物种数没有显著差异,但有机管理的果园中蜘蛛个体数比常规管理的果园中多139%,且差异显著。同一管理措施下,仅常规管理农田区的农田边界蜘蛛个体数和物种数分别显著高于其他生境均值104%和59%。2)有机管理农场比常规管理农田的蜘蛛物种组成差异略大,且在有机管理下不同生境间的蜘蛛群落组成差异更明显。3)土壤因子中有机质、全氮、全磷含量等对蜘蛛群落结构有显著影响,但对蜘蛛个体数和物种数没有显著影响,仅土壤Cu含量和蜘蛛个体数呈显著负相关。在本研究中虽然有机管理和土壤因子对蜘蛛多样性有一定影响,但不同生境间管理强度、植被结构等差异对蜘蛛多样性的影响更大。因此,发展多种农业生境类型的有机农业可提升物种β多样性。同时,在常规集约化管理农区,保留农田边界等半自然生境、适当减少化肥和农药等投入、降低农田内部的管理强度、防止土壤重金属污染等措施均有助于保护蜘蛛多样性。  相似文献   

近年来全球范围内蜜蜂多样性的下降引起了各国科学家与政府对与农业可持续生产密切相关的传粉服务的关注。为了认识和了解区域传粉服务的供给和需求状况,为制定区域传粉管理策略奠定基础,本研究在2016年对北京昌平7种常见生境的野生蜂多样性、植被组成、土壤紧实度、作物种植面积等数据进行了调查,根据野生蜂的物种组成、飞行距离、筑巢偏好和活动季节,生境的植物资源数据和筑巢适宜性数据,结合In VEST模型对研究区传粉服务的供给进行了评估;根据研究区传粉依赖作物种植面积和各种作物对传粉服务的依赖程度,对研究区传粉服务的需求进行了评估;通过叠加传粉服务供给和需求分级图,评估了研究区的传粉服务供需匹配状况。结果显示,自然林是最适宜野生蜂的生境,其次是人工林、荒草地和边界生境;果园既是野生蜂的生境,也对传粉服务有较高的需求;大棚几乎不供给传粉服务,但对传粉服务有较高需求。对传粉供需等级匹配的结果显示,昌平区供给等级高于需求等级的区域占34.2%,大部分分布于山区,有较高的传粉服务供给和较低的传粉服务需求,具有较高保护价值;供给等级低于需求等级的区域占13.9%,多分布于靠近山区的平原地区,虽然具有较高的传粉服务供给,但也具有最高的需求等级;供给等级与需求等级持平的区域占51.9%,远离山区的平原地区由于具有较多半自然生境,传粉服务的供需基本是匹配的。最后,文章对研究区传粉服务提升提出了管理建议:对于高供给-中/低需求的区域(重点保护区),建议发展低管理强度的有机农业,保护区域内的生境;对于中/低供给-高需求的区域(重点提升区、一般提升区),建议使用养殖蜜蜂提升传粉服务,同时在景观尺度上增加自然/半自然生境比例,建立生态廊道以增加生境之间的连通度;对于供需等级较为一致的区域(重点维持区、一般维持区),建议降低农业区域的管理强度,同时增加生境间的连接度,以实现传粉服务的可持续供给。  相似文献   

生境特异性(habitat-specific)在维持生物多样性上发挥着重要作用。本研究旨在了解在区域景观中,不同类型生境对不同类群昆虫多样性的贡献及群落结构差异,从大尺度上探讨昆虫多样性分布格局和维持机制。于2019年8—9月,在西双版纳地区利用样线调查法,调查了保护区、次生林、人工林和农田4种生境中蝴蝶、蝽和甲虫的物种数、特有物种数,分析了昆虫群落的生境特异性指数、群落结构相似性及物种丰富度与生态因子的关系。共采集昆虫2588头,其中蝴蝶94种(744头),蝽197种(1094头),甲虫129种(750头),保护区的昆虫物种数和特有物种数均高于其余类型生境。保护区昆虫群落的生境特异性指数实测值高于期望值,而其余类型生境昆虫群落的生境特异性指数实测值均低于期望值;不同类型生境间,3个类群的昆虫群落汇总的生境特异性指数不存在显著差异(F_(3,57)=2.054),甲虫生境特异性指数差异显著(F_(3,55)=3.478),蝴蝶(F_(3,38)=1.504)和蝽类(F_(3,53)=1.153)生境特异性指数差异不显著。群落结构相似性分析显示,保护区和农田的3个类群昆虫群落汇总的群落结构差异显著;次生林和人工林的蝴蝶群落结构差异显著,保护区和次生林的蝽类群落结构差异显著,甲虫昆虫群落结构差异不显著。本研究还发现,只有生境类型对昆虫群落的物种丰富度产生的影响极显著(P0.01),而其他生态因子的影响不显著。在大尺度区域景观中,保护区对昆虫群落的多样性影响最大,生境类型与昆虫群落的物种丰富度密切相关,保护较好的天然林是维持区域昆虫群落分布格局和多样性的重要机制。  相似文献   

非耕作生境是农业景观中的重要组成部分,为生物提供食物和栖息地,对生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文以辽宁省昌图县为例,选取了20个非耕作生境比例为0~50%的网格(1 km?1 km)为样区,采用典型样地法对调查区域内农业景观中的林地、田间路、草地、沟渠、果园5类主要非耕作生境中的植物群落进行调查,探讨不同非耕作生境类型和比例中植物多样性及其与景观异质性之间的关系。研究结果表明,随着非耕作生境比例增加,植物物种多样性和均匀度先增加后减小,在20%~30%时达到峰值;非耕作生境比例在0~40%范围内时,植物物种丰富度同样呈现先增加后减小,且在20%~30%时达到峰值;非耕作生境比例高于40%时,植物物种丰富度再次出现峰值且高于20%~30%。随着非耕作生境比例的增加,农业景观香浓多样性、香浓均匀度指数和景观斑块形状复杂程度逐渐增加,蔓延度恰好相反。不同生境中重要值最高的均为禾本科植物,但植物种不同;优势种优势度为果园沟渠草地田间路林地。果园、草地和沟渠的物种多样性和均匀度指数显著高于林地和田间路,丰富度指数为草地林地沟渠果园田间路,且草地、果园和田间路的不同调查区域间植物群落指数存在较大的变异性。草地、果园、沟渠、田间路和林地中景观异质性与物种多样性相关性顺次降低。研究结论表明,东北平原典型玉米种植区农业景观中,最适宜非耕作生境比例为20%~30%;非耕作生境中林地、沟渠对物种多样性维持、湿生植物多样性保护具有积极作用;不同生境干扰类型和方式不同,景观异质性与植物物种多样性相关性程度也不同。在今后农业景观生物多样性保护中应综合考虑非耕作生境的类型和比例,干扰的类型和方式等多种因素对生物多样性、生态服务及农业产量的影响。  相似文献   

以武夷山风景名胜区植物群落调查样地资料为基础,运用物种丰富度、多样性指数及均匀度指数对构成该区森林景观的6类森林类型(马尾松林、杉木林、经济林、竹林、阔叶林和茶园)的物种多样性进行测定与分析。结果表明:6类森林景观不同生长型的物种丰富度存在差异,表现为灌木层物种丰富度较高,而乔木层与草本层物种丰富度较低,除个别森林类型外,各森林类型物种丰富度的垂直结构为灌木层>乔木层>草木层;不同森林景观类型的物种多样性亦存在较大差异,总体趋势为阔叶林>马尾松林>杉木林>竹林>茶园>经济林,符合物种多样性的一般性规律,即天然林景观>半人工林景观>人工林景观;基质景观天然马尾松林不同演替阶段的物种多样性随演替进展而逐渐增加。不同研究区物种多样性比较结果表明,武夷山风景名胜区具有较高的物种多样性。  相似文献   

滇东南南瓜传粉昆虫密度对生境丧失的差异性响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
响应多样性理论认为不同传粉蜂对环境胁迫的响应尺度和过程在时空上存在差异,然而目前尚不清楚我国重要农林生态系统传粉蜂对环境胁迫的响应规律。试验以云南省文山州广南县南瓜农田生态系统为研究对象,根据农田景观中自然半自然生境数量和面积的变化梯度和离自然半自然生境的距离梯度选择南瓜样地,抽样调查南瓜样地内熊蜂密度和蜜蜂密度。解译卫星影像获取土地类型数据,分析熊蜂密度和蜜蜂密度同自然半自然生境面积百分率和耕地面积百分率的相关系数,在最大相关系数对应的空间尺度下探索蜜蜂密度和熊蜂密度对生境丧失的响应规律。研究发现,熊蜂密度随自然半自然生境面积百分率的增加而显著增加,但蜜蜂密度并不受自然半自然生境面积的影响。同时,熊蜂密度随耕地面积百分率的增加而显著下降,但蜜蜂密度不受耕地面积的影响。此外,熊蜂密度随离自然半自然生境的距离增加而显著下降,但蜜蜂密度不受距离作用的影响。由此可见,云南省文山州南瓜传粉熊蜂和蜜蜂多度对生境丧失表现出多样的响应规律。熊蜂和蜜蜂对生境丧失的差异性响应可能是保障该区域南瓜受粉的重要机制。  相似文献   

农业在生物多样性维持方面扮演重要角色,农业既是生物多样性的传递者,同时集约化农业也是导致生物多样性降低的主要原因。"土地共享"和"土地分离"是重要的协调粮食产量和生物多样性保护的土地利用策略,前者关注的是农田环境的改善,后者指通过土地利用集约化,提高作物单产,释放出更多土地用于自然保护。目前,对于哪一种土地利用方式更有利于生物多样性保护仍是有争议的。本研究综述了上述两种土地利用策略的优缺点及其对生物多样性的影响,并分析归纳了应用和选择土地利用方式时应考虑的因素,如:对集约化敏感的物种;景观背景、景观尺度和景观结构;社会经济因素等。在此基础上,展望了该理论对我国未来农业发展的启示,包括:因地制宜规划农业景观格局,如考虑区域的产量潜力和特有物种;发展可持续集约化农业和加强"溢出效应"的管理,提高生态系统自我恢复能力;在不同景观尺度上建立土地共享-分离混合模式,在集约化农业地区适度恢复农用林业。  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性功能和保护对策   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究表明,农业集约化生产和农业景观均质化导致农业景观生物多样性降低,致使生物多样性相关野生资源保护、自然授粉、害虫调节、水土涵养等生态系统服务功能受损,进而影响了农业可持续发展。本文对国内外农业景观生物多样性及其生态系统服务功能研究和实践进行了综述。分别探讨了农业景观在生物多样性保护、授粉服务、调节服务、水土涵养等多方面生态服务功能中发挥的作用及其生物多样性保护的意义,总结了欧美在农业景观生物多样性保护所采取的实践措施,指出中国虽然在生物多样性保护方面做出很多努力,但却忽略了对农业景观的保护,近些年的城市化和集约化发展都进一步加剧了农业景观生物多样性的丧失,亟需借鉴欧美国家经验提出我国的农业景观生物多样性保护策略。我们认为保护和提高农业景观生物多样性的生态集约化对维护农作物产量,改善品种具有重要的作用。农业景观生物多样性保护需要从农田生态系统和农业景观两个尺度上开展农业景观综合管理,提高农田作物和景观植物多样性和异质性,恢复和提高生物多样性及其生态服务功能。最后,针对我国农业可持续发展面临的问题和需求,建议从政策和法规、监测和评估、工程技术研发、技术集成示范、生态补贴制度、培训和推广等方面,开展农业景观生物多样性保护。  相似文献   

中国的农业生物多样性保护及持续利用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
中国农区内分布有丰富的野生珍稀濒危物种、生境和遗传基因资源,是农业生物多样性保护的重点。中国农业栽培、繁殖及野生生物物种种类繁多,其物种和生境类型都具特有性,由于农业土地的过度开发和不合理利用,以及农业生态环境污染、过量采集等因素,造成我国农业生物多样性品种和分布面积缩小或消失。我国从50 年代开始保护生态系统的工作,特别是在改革开放以来,我国政府在就地保护、迁地保护、保护规划、法制建设、机构建设、宣传培训等方面,采取了一系列的保护措施,农业生物多样性保护和持续利用取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

生态农业景观与生物多样性保护及生态服务维持*   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
现代集约化的农业生产极大地改变农业景观生物多样性状况及生态系统服务功能,进而影响到农业可持续发展。大量研究显示,农业生态系统中物种多样性维持、害虫控制、传花授粉等生态系统服务功能受到景观结构的影响,仅仅改变集约化的生产方式,并不足以促进生物多样性的恢复及生态系统服务的维持,尚需考虑景观结构的调整和管理。从不同尺度上优化景观要素的空间配置和景观管理方式、建设生态农业景观成为促进农业景观生态系统服务功能维持、保护生物多样性和农业可持续发展的重要措施,具体包括:1)在区域和景观尺度上合理规划和配置种植区域和非种植区域以确保生态安全与稳定性;2)在地块间尺度保护、建设和管理甲虫带、野花带等生态设施,为农业生产提供必要生态系统服务;3)在地块内尺度通过多样化的种植和优化管理措施以获取农业生产和自然保护之间的平衡;4)整合景观规划设计与生态循环工程以促进农业景观资源的高效利用。  相似文献   

Pollination provided by bees enhances the production of many crops. However, the contribution of wild bees remains unmeasured for many crops, and the effects of anthropogenic change on many bee species are unstudied. We experimentally investigated how pollination by wild bees affects tomato production in northern California. We found that wild bees substantially increase the production of field-grown tomato, a crop generally considered self-pollinating. Surveys of the bee community on 14 organic fields that varied in proximity to natural habitat showed that the primary bee visitors, Anthophora urbana Cresson and Bombus vosnesenskii Radoszkowski, were affected differently by land management practices. B. vosnesenskii was found primarily on farms proximate to natural habitats, but neither proximity to natural habitat nor tomato floral abundance, temperature, or year explained variation in the visitation rates of A. urbana. Natural habitat appears to increase B. vosnesenskii populations and should be preserved near farms. Additional research is needed to determine how to maintain A. urbana. Species-specific differences in dependency on natural habitats underscore the importance of considering the natural histories of individual bee species when projecting population trends of pollinators and designing management plans for pollination services. Thus, to maintain an entire bee community, multiple approaches, including maintaining natural habitat, should be implemented.  相似文献   

Local habitat structure and resource availability appear to be of great importance for the diversity, abundance, and community structure of bees. We examined the contribution of three different habitat types (farmland, forest edge, forest understory) to bee diversity in a tropical forest-agriculture mosaic in Western Kenya and analysed differences and overlap in plant-bee community interactions between nearby habitats. We used network properties (network size and specialization indices) and bee species turnover to examine temporal and spatial variation of flower-visitation interaction networks in general and in bee species composition in detail across habitats. In total we found 121 bee and 89 plant species involved in the interactions. Results suggest that bees were limited by floral resources because the largest networks, highest diversity, and largest abundances were found at the forest edge and in the farmland which hosted higher amounts of flowers and a more homogeneous distribution of resources in space and time. Forest in the study area is characterized by (1) lower flower density and (2) more humid conditions relative to the farmland. We therefore suggest that the species-rich and structurally diverse farmland acts as a “pollinator rescue” which supports bee communities in the natural forest. We advise conservation managers and politicians to conserve the structural richness of the farmland to (1) preserve bee diversity within the farmland and (2) conserve positive effects of the farmland on bee activity in the forest remnant.  相似文献   

Mediterranean landscapes comprise a complex mosaic of different habitats that vary in the diversity of their floral communities, pollinator communities and pollination services. Using the Greek Island of Lesvos as a model system, we assess the biodiversity value of six common habitats and measure ecosystemic ‘health’ using pollen grain deposition in three core flowering plants as a measure of pollination services. Three fire-driven habitats were assessed: freshly burnt areas, fully regenerated pine forests and intermediate age scrub; in addition we examined oak woodlands, actively managed olive groves and groves that had been abandoned from agriculture. Oak woodlands, pine forests and managed olive groves had the highest diversity of bees. The habitat characteristics responsible for structuring bee communities were: floral diversity, floral abundance, nectar energy availability and the variety of nectar resources present. Pollination services in two of our plant species, which were pollinated by a limited sub-set of the pollinator community, indicated that pollination levels were highest in the burnt and mature pine habitats. The third species, which was open to all flower visitors, indicated that oak woodlands had the highest levels of pollination from generalist species. Pollination was always more effective in managed olive groves than in abandoned groves. However, the two most common species of bee, the honeybee and a bumblebee, were not the primary pollinators within these habitats. We conclude that the three habitats of greatest overall value for plant-pollinator communities and provision of the healthiest pollination services are pine forests, oak woodland and managed olive groves. We indicate how the highest value habitats may be maintained in a complex landscape to safeguard and enhance pollination function within these habitats and potentially in adjoining agricultural areas.  相似文献   

Though it is undoubted that tropical bees are influenced by habitat composition, few studies have investigated the relative importance of both local and landscape-level habitat parameters in supporting large and diverse bee communities. The conservation of native bee communities within agroforestry landscapes is particularly urgent given the importance of pollination services within these systems. In this study, we examined tropical bee communities within a largely deforested shade coffee-growing region in Chiapas, Mexico. We used regression tree modeling to examine the response of bee functional groups to local and landscape-level habitat management. Our models revealed that the most predictive factors for bee abundance and species richness were the number of tree species, the number of tree species in flower, and the canopy cover of the local agroforestry landscape. Solitary bees were most abundant in habitats with high canopy cover, while social bees were most abundant in habitats with greater tree species richness. Cavity-nesting and wood-nesting bee abundance was positively affected by the amount of canopy cover in the farm, while ground-nesting bees were most abundant in habitats with a large number of tree species in flower. Our results demonstrate that across bee sociality groups, nesting guilds, and tribes, the most critical factor impacting native bee communities was within-farm local vegetation management. These results reveal the important role that agroforestry managers can have on biodiversity conservation, and the potential contribution they can make by creating resource-rich agricultural matrices. Specifically, our findings highlight the importance of diverse overstory tree management in supporting native bee communities within tropical agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

The land area covered by powerline easements in the United States exceeds the area of almost all national parks, including Yellowstone. In parts of Europe and the US, electric companies have altered their land management practices from periodic mowing to extraction of tall vegetation combined with the use of selective herbicides. To investigate whether this alternate management practice might produce higher quality habitat for native bees, we compared the bee fauna collected in unmowed powerline corridors and in nearby mowed grassy fields at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (MD). Powerline sites had more spatially and numerically rare species and a richer bee community than the grassy fields, although the difference was less pronounced than we expected. Powerline sites also had more parasitic species and more cavity-nesting bees. Bee communities changed progressively through the season, but differences between the site types were persistent. The surrounding, non-grassland landscape likely has a strong influence on the bee species collected at the grassland sites, as some bees may be foraging in the grasslands but nesting elsewhere. Improving habitat for native bees will help ameliorate the loss of pollination services caused by the collapse of wild and managed honeybee populations. This study suggests that powerline strips have the potential to provide five million acres of bee-friendly habitat in the US if utilities more generally adopt appropriate management practices.  相似文献   

Recent declines in North American honeybee populations have highlighted the importance of native bee conservation, and the need for research on the ecological requirements of native bees in farmland. In this study, we investigated the value of hedgerows as foraging habitat for native bees in mosaics of small-scale agriculture and natural vegetation in two riparian landscapes in southeast Arizona, USA. In the summers of 2002 and 2003, we surveyed bees and flowers in four habitats: hedgerows, agricultural fields, woodlots, and native woodland. We asked: (1) How do hedgerows compare to other available habitats in bee abundance and species richness? (2) How does bee species composition in hedgerows compare to species composition in agricultural fields and woodland? (3) How do flower resources in hedgerows compare to those in fields and woodland?We found that hedgerows were attractive foraging habitat for native bees, especially in early summer, when hedgerows tended to have higher species richness than other agricultural or natural habitats. Cumulative species richness was highest in agricultural fields, although cumulative species richness did not significantly differ among fields, hedgerows, and woodland. While bee faunas overlapped among habitats, bee assemblages in hedgerows were more similar to those in woodland than to those in fields. The hedgerow herbaceous flora was roughly intermediate to that of fields and woodland; hedgerows also supported high densities of woodland-characteristic shrubs. These flowering shrubs were important in attracting bees that were otherwise uncommon in the landscape, including some species that are potentially valuable pollinators of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation in agricultural landscapes lead to severe declines of abundance and richness of many insect species in the remaining isolated semi-natural habitats. We analysed possible barrier effects of large hedges and corridor effects of narrow grass strips that were hypothesized to affect foraging and dispersal of hymenopterans. We selected calcareous grasslands in the vicinity of Göttingen (Germany), which harbour high Hymenoptera diversity and are starting points for foraging and dispersal in the landscape. We installed pan traps to sample bees (i) on the grasslands; (ii) on grassland edges behind adjacent hedges (potential barriers) and without hedges; (iii) on grass strips in 100 m distance to the grassland, which were connected or unconnected to the grassland; and (iv) unconnected (isolated) grass strips in 300 m and 750 m distance to test for corridor and isolation effects on abundance and species richness of foraging wild bees. Additionally we provided trap nests for bees, wasps and their parasitoids on the grasslands and the strips. Species abundance and richness declined with increasing isolation from grasslands for foraging solitary bees, trap-nesting bees, wasps and parasitoids, but not for foraging bumblebees. Hedges did not confine movement of foraging bees. We found no mitigating effects of (100 m) corridor strips on any of the observed groups. We conclude that conservation of semi-natural habitats as sources of bee and wasp diversity is important and that grass strips act as sinks rather than corridors when high quality patches are nearby.  相似文献   

为探索太行山区农业景观中不同生境类型对蜘蛛多样性的影响,采用陷阱法对河北省武安市西部太行山区5种类型生境(核桃林、玉米地、苹果-芍药套作园、次生林、绿海花廊景观带)的地表蜘蛛多样性进行调查。通过分析5种类型生境中蜘蛛多样性分布及其与局部生境因子的相关关系,探讨半自然生境对蜘蛛的保护作用。结果表明:人为干扰会显著降低生境中蜘蛛丰富度和多度;增加植被群落结构的复杂程度会使生境中蜘蛛丰富度显著增加,而蜘蛛的多度显著降低;蜘蛛的多度随生境中枯落物厚度的增加而增加。其中核桃林的蜘蛛Shannon-Wiener多样性显著高于其他4种类型生境,核桃林、次生林和绿海花廊的蜘蛛丰富度显著高于苹果-芍药套作园和玉米地,苹果-芍药套作园和绿海花廊的蜘蛛多度显著高于其他3种生境。玉米地、苹果园-芍药套作和绿海花廊中蜘蛛的群落组成具有较高相似性,而核桃林与次生林中蜘蛛群落结构具有较高异质性。地表枯落物厚度是影响当地蜘蛛群落结构的最主要因素。研究区在农业景观与自然景观的过渡区种植核桃林、苹果-芍药套作园和绿海花廊间作板栗,对蜘蛛多样性的保护都有积极作用;不同的生境因子与不同蜘蛛群落的关系不同,如狼蛛偏向人为干扰较大的苹果-芍药套作园和绿海花廊景观带,所以生产管理时要结合特有的生境条件,对相应的蜘蛛进行合理的保护和高效的利用。研究结果对当地的农业景观生境管理和生物多样性保护具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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