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以郑单958为材料,采用盆栽试验,以原状土壤不打破犁底层为对照(CK),设置容重1.2、1.3、1.4、1.5、1.6 g/cm3共6个处理水平,探索了山东省褐土不同土壤容重条件下玉米生长发育和产量差异。结果表明:随着土壤容重增加,玉米株高、茎粗、单株叶面积、总根量、植株干物质累积和籽粒产量总体呈现减少趋势,且容重越大,降幅越显著。土壤容重1.5 g/cm3时,玉米生长发育受到明显抑制,土壤容重由1.2 g/cm3增加到1.6g/cm3,玉米株高、茎粗、单株叶面积分别降低15.7%、12.6%、28.7%,且玉米生长中后期叶片衰老速率加剧;玉米根条数、根长、根干重、根冠比、植株干重分别降低17.9%、47.0%、36.8%、20.1%、20.7%,容重增加对根系生长的影响明显高于地上部。与CK相比,容重1.2~1.6 g/cm3各处理的穗粒重分别增加11.1%、18.0%、4.6%、-4.5%、-14.6%。因此,适当降低有效耕层内土壤紧实度,可促进玉米根系生长和干物质积累,提高单株生产能力。  相似文献   

土壤紧实胁迫对黄芩生长、产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨土壤紧实胁迫对黄芩生长的影响,为提高黄芩产量与品质提供科学依据。通过采用土壤容重分别为1.20、1.35和1.50 g/cm3的土壤模拟不同紧实度进行盆栽试验,研究土壤紧实胁迫对黄芩生长、产量及品质的影响。结果表明,当土壤容重增大时,黄芩的株高、茎粗、根系芦头、根长、地上部质量、根系质量呈现递减趋势,土壤容重1.35和1.50 g/cm3处理的黄芩地上部质量比1.20 g/cm3处理分别减少了5.88%、22.35%,黄芩的根系干根质量分别减小10.72%、18.76%,且均在土壤容重1.35和1.50 g/cm3处理之间表现差异极显著;土壤容重1.35 g/cm3处理和1.50 g/cm3处理的黄芩苷含量较1.20 g/cm3处理分别减少了23.95%、52.75%,且土壤容重1.35与1.50 g/cm3处理之间差异显著;黄芩的根系活力下降,叶片可溶性蛋白质、叶绿素含量降低,丙二醛(MDA)含量升高;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)及过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性增强。在本试验条件下,土壤容重为1.20 g/cm3时黄芩生长发育良好,生物产量、有效成分含量最高。  相似文献   

VA菌根菌丝对紧实土壤中磷的吸收   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文采用三室隔网盆栽试验方法,选择三种土壤容重(1.3;1.6;1.8g/cm3)来模拟自然条件下不同紧实度对植物根系生长的抑制情况,探讨了接种VA菌根真菌Gmosseae对三叶草植株生长和对土壤磷吸收的影响。结果表明随着土壤容重的增加,三叶草根系生长受到抑制的程度随之加重。当土壤容重为1.8g/cm3时,根系基本不能生长,而菌丝却能在其中伸展并吸收养分。表现为1.8土壤容重的处理菌根植物的含磷量明显高于无菌根植物。而在低容重的处理中两者却没有显著差异。说明VA菌根真菌能缓解甚至消除土壤机械阻力对植物生长的胁迫。  相似文献   

为研究翻耕、旋耕、免耕对作物根系生长影响的机理,以耕层棕壤(0-20cm)和犁底层棕壤(20-40cm)为试验材料,采用盆栽的方法模拟了不同耕作模式及容重,并研究了这些条件对土壤过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶、脲酶、磷酸酶、转化酶活性的影响。结果表明:中、下层不同土样及不同容重对土壤酶活性均有显著影响(P<0.01)。与1.2g/cm3容重相比,容重为1.4g/cm3和1.6g/cm3的土壤分别在不同程度上降低了土壤酶的活性,中、下层容重变化对表层酶活性影响相对较小,但中层受下层容重变化影响较大,容重由1.4g/cm3升到1.6g/cm3时酶活性下降尤为明显。多数情况下,模拟保护性耕作的土壤多酚氧化酶、脲酶、磷酸酶、转化酶活性在对应土层与生育期总比模拟翻耕的高,模拟翻耕土壤处理的中、下层土壤过氧化氢酶活性明显高于保护性耕作处理的酶活性。  相似文献   

为探讨不同耕整地方式对甘蔗地耕层土壤结构特性和产量的影响,以1.4 m和1.6 m两种种植行距为主处理,以深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm、深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm、不深松(旋耕25 cm)3种耕整地作业方式为副处理,对甘蔗产量性状,土壤容重、紧实度、孔隙度、三相容积率、田间持水量、土壤贯入阻力和抗剪强度等土壤结构特性进行研究。结果表明:1.6 m行距处理甘蔗蔗茎产量显著低于1.4 m行距处理;1.6 m行距处理土壤紧实度显著小于1.4 m行距,容重显著高于1.4 m行距处理,1.6 m行距处理显著改善土壤贯入阻力和抗剪强度。与对照不深松(旋耕25 cm)相比,深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm及深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm处理通过增加土壤耕作深度,显著改善了耕层土壤紧实度和耕层土壤容重,改善了耕层的整体疏松程度;深松作业通过提高耕层土壤总孔隙度,尤其增加了30~40 cm土层的毛管孔隙度,提高了深层土壤的保水能力,对甘蔗中后期株高伸长和茎径增粗产生显著的促进效应。深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm与深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm均显著降低了耕层土壤贯入阻力,但对土壤抗剪强度的改善效果不显著;深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm的固相容积率最小,气相容积率最大,不深松(旋耕25 cm)耕作措施的固相容积率最大,气相容积率最小,3种耕作措施的液相容积率没有显著差异。深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm和深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm均对土壤物理结构的改善具有积极作用,能显著提高甘蔗产量,在具有大马力拖拉机和高质量深松器的蔗区建议采用深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm的耕整地方式,在缺乏大马力拖拉机和高质量深松器的蔗区,可以采用铧式犁深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm的耕整地方式来代替深松,以达到增厚耕层的目的。  相似文献   

阐明保水剂在道地丹参种植中的应用效果有助于保水剂在丹参节水抗旱种植中的合理应用.利用盆栽试验,比较不同保水剂用量下丹参物质形成、氮磷钾养分的吸收与利用效率的差异.结果表明,施用保水剂能促进干物质的积累与分配,增加根/冠比和丹参产量;保水剂施用降低了土壤容重,适度的土壤容重减小有助于丹参高产;不同保水剂用量下氯磷钾养分在丹参根系与地上部中的吸收分配与积累、农艺利用效率存在明显差异,过高的剂量不利于丹参的生长与养分的吸收利用,适宜剂量能显著提高丹参产量和氮磷钾肥农艺利用效率.1.2~1.8 g/kg干土的保水剂用量可作为田间丹参节水抗旱种植的参考用量.  相似文献   

土壤紧实度及层次对小麦生长的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
黄细喜 《土壤学报》1988,25(1):59-65
本试验结果表明:小麦产量与土壤容重呈二次曲线关系,最高产量出现在容重为1.23—1.31g/cm3之间,当容重大于1.4g/cm3、穿透阻力大于15kg/cm2时,根系生长开始受阻;容重大于1.5g/cm3、阻力大于25kg/cm2时,则严重地阻碍了根系生长。因此,当土壤容重未超过1.4g/cm3、穿透阻力小于15kg/cm2时,即使不进行耕翻,实行少免耕种植,土壤强度也不至于影响小麦根系的生长。土壤养分在土体中呈上肥下瘦的垂直T型分布,这与作物根系上多下少的生长特性是一致的。不翻乱土层,保持原状土的肥力分布状态,有利于协调土壤与作物对养分的供求关系,为作物早发、壮苗、稳长提供了良好的土壤条件。  相似文献   

紧实胁迫对土壤呼吸强度及黄瓜生长和品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
孙艳  王益权  徐伟君  蒲亚锋  吴英 《土壤学报》2008,45(6):1128-1134
用容重为1.2和1.5 g cm-3的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究了紧实胁迫对土壤剖面各层中呼吸强度及CO2浓度的影响,调查了黄瓜植株及果实品质对土壤紧实胁迫的反应。结果表明:紧实土壤(高容重)土面下CO2浓度及呼吸强度均大于疏松土壤(低容重)。紧实土壤中黄瓜根系伸长生长受到抑制,根系重量显著减小,根冠比(地下部干重/地上部干重)降低;地上部的鲜重及干重也减小,但干物质含量却有一定程度增加;展开的叶片数减小,黄叶数增加,植株衰老提早。果实增大速度受到抑制,糖/酸比大幅度下降,风味变差。  相似文献   

土壤紧实胁迫对黄瓜碳水化合物代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用容重分别为1.25 g/cm3(疏松土壤,即对照)和1.55 g/cm3(紧实土壤)的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究了土壤紧实胁迫对“津春4号”黄瓜(Cucumis sativusL.)不同生育期叶片和根系碳水化合物代谢的影响,以探讨土壤紧实胁迫对黄瓜生长产生影响的机理.结果表明,在土壤紧实胁迫条件下,黄瓜不同生育期叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)均显著下降,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)显著升高,光合作用受到抑制;叶片中蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性显著降低,蔗糖合成酶(SS)、酸性转化酶(AI)和中性转化酶(NI)活性显著增强,蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖和淀粉含量显著增加,蔗糖的合成与输出受到抑制;不同生育期根系SPS、AI和NI活性显著下降,而SS活性显著增强,蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量显著增加,淀粉含量基本不变.这表明,土壤紧实胁迫抑制了黄瓜叶片中同化物的合成和输出,降低了碳水化合物向根系中的输入,阻碍了根系对碳水化合物的利用,使植株矮小,产量下降.  相似文献   

  【目的】  土壤耕层结构与肥力水平是影响玉米生长及其产量的重要因素。厘清辽西褐土区不同产量玉米田的土壤结构与肥力水平及其与玉米产量之间的关系,进而提出土壤合理耕层构建的评价指标,最终为该地区玉米产量的提高提供理论基础。  【方法】  本研究在辽西褐土区选取不同产量玉米田共56块,将其分为产量 < 6000、6000~9000和 > 9000 kg/hm2 3个水平,分析调查土壤耕层与犁底层厚度、紧实度、容重、孔隙度、有机质、有效磷、速效钾、碱解氮含量和玉米根系生长状况。采用预测变量重要性分析方法明确影响玉米产量的主要因素,提出辽西褐土区玉米高产所需的土壤耕层结构与肥力特征。  【结果】  玉米产量随土壤耕层厚度增加而增加,随犁底层厚度增加而减小。不同产量玉米田的紧实度、容重和孔隙度在0—10 cm土层差异不大,而在10 cm—犁底层和犁底层差异较大,即产量 > 9000 kg/hm2玉米田的各项结构指标均优于产量 < 9000 kg/hm2玉米田。土壤有机质、有效磷、速效钾和碱解氮等肥力状况在产量 > 9000 kg/hm2玉米田同样优于产量 < 9000 kg/hm2玉米田。不同产量地块的玉米根系生长情况出现明显差异。产量> 9000 kg/hm2玉米田的根干重和根长均明显高于产量 < 9000 kg/hm2玉米田。分土层来看,所有玉米田的根系都主要分布在0—20 cm土层,产量 < 6000、6000~9000和 > 9000 kg/hm2玉米田在0—20 cm土层的根干重分别占0—40 cm总量的83.3%、79.8%和81.1%,根长分别占83.0%、74.6%和71.7%。这不但说明根系对水分和养分的吸收主要集中在0—20 cm土层,同时也表明产量 > 9000 kg/hm2玉米田在20—40 cm土层的根系分布仍然比产量 < 9000 kg/hm2玉米田要丰富。所有结构性质与肥力因素中,耕层厚度和有效磷含量是影响辽西玉米高产的最重要因素。  【结论】  辽西褐土区高产玉米田具有以下特征:耕层厚度18~26 cm,平均23 cm;紧实度低于1000 kPa;耕层土壤容重处于1.14~1.39 g/cm3,平均1.27 g/cm3;耕层土壤总孔隙度为47.4%~58.5%,平均52.2%,毛管孔隙度平均33.5%,通气孔隙度平均18.7%;耕层土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾平均含量分别为14.8 g/kg、34.7 mg/kg、21.2 mg/kg、159.9 mg/kg。提高土壤有效磷含量、增加耕层厚度是培肥中低产田最迫切的任务。  相似文献   

为探究不同土壤容重和不同程度水分亏缺条件下冬小麦-夏玉米生长指标及产量的变化。采用桶栽土培法,分别设置3种土壤容重(1.2,1.4,1.6 g/cm~3)和3个土壤水分控制下限(低水分50%田间持水量、中水分60%田间持水量和高水分70%田间持水量),研究不同土壤容重和水分亏缺对冬小麦—夏玉米根系、生长指标、耗水量、产量和水分利用的影响。结果表明:随水分亏缺程度的加剧,冬小麦和夏玉米生长指标、生物量、耗水量和产量均呈降低趋势。随土壤容重增加,冬小麦生物量和产量呈先升高再降低的趋势,冬小麦耗水量和水分利用效率呈降低趋势;而夏玉米产量、耗水量和水分利用效率均呈降低趋势。试验中,1.4,1.2 g/cm~3分别为冬小麦和夏玉米生长的最适土壤容重。土壤容重与水分处理互作对夏玉米株高、耗水量和水分利用效率有极显著影响,而对冬小麦和夏玉米生物量及产量无显著影响。研究结果可为黄淮海地区作物绿色增产增效及水土资源高效利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同放水流量条件下坡面土壤的侵蚀产沙规律,揭示渭北台塬区新增坡耕地坡度及土壤容重对侵蚀程度的影响,为该区坡耕地开发利用提供理论支持和实践指导。[方法]通过室内模拟试验开展研究。[结果]土壤入渗率随放水流量的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势,且存在明显的转折点,并随容重的增大而减小,径流量随容重和放水量的增大而增大;土壤容重越大,产沙量也越大,容重1.6g/cm3较1.2g/cm3,1.4g/cm3的坡耕地产沙量明显增大;坡度越大,土壤侵蚀越剧烈,在5°坡时,产沙量存在临界值;放水流量越大,产沙量越大,当放水量超过6L/min时,增加趋势更加明显。[结论]渭北台塬区新增坡耕地的易侵蚀程度与土壤容重和坡度密切相关,为减少侵蚀,应控制容重在1.4g/cm3左右,坡度不宜超过15°。  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the performance of maize (Zea mays L.) on Iwo Soil in relation to different levels of soil moisture, soil compaction and K fertilization. Reductions in dry matter yields of maize were closely associated with soil moisture stress and compaction. There was significant interaction between soil moisture and bulk density, with highest yields occurring at 17% and 21% soil moisture levels for 1.6 and 1.2 g/cm3 bulk densities, respectively. Moisture stress and compaction resulted in greater reductions in the yield of roots than that of shoot. Yield and K uptake were more adversely affected by compaction compared to soil moisture stress. Addition of K increased yield and plant K content but the 60 ppm and 120 ppm rates were not significantly different in terms of improving crop performance. Implications of the results relative to long-term management of Iwo Soil are discussed.  相似文献   

Soil compaction prevents turfgrass roots from growing deep into the soil and may limit access to water and nutrients. The objective of this study was to characterize the ability of turfgrass roots to penetrate a compacted subsurface layer. Seven turfgrasses were grown in soil columns. Each column was divided into three sections with the top and bottom packed to a bulk density of 1.6 g cm?3, and the middle (treatment) layer packed to 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, or 2.0 g cm?3. Subsurface compaction reduced root mass for two of the species, and inhibited deep root growth in all seven species, with the greatest reduction occurring between 1.7 and 1.8 g cm?3. There appears to be little difference between species in ability to penetrate compacted soils, suggesting that soil preparation and routine management practices, rather than grass selection, is the more viable way to handle soil compaction problems in turf.  相似文献   

 The influence of compaction on Diplocardia ornata (Smith) burrowing and casting activities, soil aggregation, and nutrient changes in a forest soil were investigated using pot microcosms. Treatments included two levels each of compaction, organic matter, and earthworms. Both burrowing and casting activities were more abundant in uncompacted soil than in compacted soil. Bulk density decreased in microcosms of compacted soil containing D. ornata from 1.76 g cm–3 to 1.49 g cm–3 over the study period. The overall percent of aggregates in the same size classes in compacted soil was less than the percent of aggregates in uncompacted soil. The mean percent of aggregates in earthworm casts for size classes 0.25–1.00 mm was higher for compacted soil than for uncompacted soil. The reverse was true for aggregates in class sizes 2.00–4.00 mm. Soil compaction also affected soil microbial biomass carbon and soil inorganic N concentrations. These results indicate that the burrowing and casting activities of earthworms in compacted forest soils, as in soils of agricultural and pastured lands, can help ameliorate disturbed soils by improving aggregation, reducing bulk density, and increasing nutrient availability. Received: 1 September 1999  相似文献   

Farmyard manure (FYM) improves various soil parameters and to a large extent, the availability of water and nutrient to crops when it is applied to the soil. This study aims to further investigate the short-term effects of different levels of FYM on maize plants and soil parameters. Maize plants grown in pot culture were treated with no FYM (control), recommended NPK (inorganic fertilizers), and FYM at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 t ha?1 along with recommended NPK, and the cultures were analyzed 8 weeks after germination. Soil bulk density and soil pH decreased with the increasing levels of FYM, whereas soil porosity, soil organic matter (SOM), soil water content, plant height, root and shoot yield, and NPK uptake of maize were increased compared with the control or recommended NPK, respectively. The present results indicate that short-term application of higher FYM levels improves soil properties. Furthermore, the application of FYM at only higher rates significantly increases the nutrient uptake of maize plants due to improved soil properties. The supply of different amounts of nutrients increases biomass and nutrient uptake in plants.  相似文献   

Sugar beet growth is often impaired by cold and compacted soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil temperature and soil compaction on the growth and function of sugar beet roots. For this purpose a pot experiment with sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) was conducted in a growth chamber in which the soil temperature was kept constant either at 10°C or 20°C and air temperature at 20°C. The soil was uncompacted (1.30 g cm?3) or compacted to a bulk density of 1.65 g cm?3. In order to find out whether growth restriction was caused by insufficient P supply of the plant the experiment was run without and with P application (300 mg per kg soil). Root growth was much smaller at 10°C compared to 20°C, whereas root/shoot ratio was not affected by soil temperature. Hence, root and shoot growth was inhibited to the same extent. P content of the plants was not reduced, neither by cold nor by compacted soil, although parameters of acquisition such as root length and morphological root properties were altered. Soil temperature strongly affected P influx, whereas compaction did not. The calculation with a simulation model showed that at 10°C soil temperature the predicted P uptake of the plants agreed with the measured P uptake irrespective of compaction and P application. However, at 20°C the model underestimated the P influx at low soil P availability even if allowance was made for root hairs. It is concluded that under conditions of high shoot P demand and low P availability in soil P has been mobilized by mechanisms not taken into account by the model.  相似文献   

Dry soil bulk density increased from 1.42 g/cm3 with ordinary ploughing to 1.69 g/cm3 with puddling twice and to 1.80 g/cm3 with soil compaction. Consequently, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 113 mm/day with ordinary ploughing to 48 mm/day with puddling twice and to 29 mm/day with soil compaction. The irrigation requirement was 2295 mm with ordinary ploughing compared with 1350 mm with soil compaction. Dry weight of weeds was only 0.6 and 0.7 t/ha with puddling twice and soil compaction, respectively, and 3.9 t/ha with ordinary ploughing. The highest grain yield of rice (4.5 t/ha) was obtained with puddling twice, due to effective weed control. Weeds shared 57 and 35% of the nutrient (N+P+K) with ordinary ploughing and puddling once, respectively, as compared with only 8 and 15% with puddling twice and soil compaction, respectively. The ratio of total biological yield (grain + straw + weeds) to total nutrient (N+P+K) uptake was 59.0 with puddling twice and soil compaction as compared with 53.5 with puddling once and 50.0 with ordinary ploughing. This suggests that tillage practices may affect the efficiency of the use of soil and applied nutrients by the rice crop.  相似文献   

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