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高速公路边坡水土保持植物防护设计方案探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对我国高速公路边坡水土流失防护存在形式多样、效果不一的问题 ,以洛界高速公路为例 ,介绍了边坡水土流失植物防护的设计方案 ,在采用人工模拟该区间百年一遇暴雨和径流试验对方案可行性验证的基础上 ,进行了效益分析 ,经过讨论认为该方案可供河南省及周边地区其它高速公路边坡采用植物防护时借鉴和参考 ,高速公路边坡应大力提倡采用植物进行防护 ,为保证施工质量应推行招投标制和监理制等。  相似文献   

山区高速公路的建设面临着大量边坡坡面防护的任务,而目前我国大部分公路边坡的防护还基本上遵循"工程措施为主、植物措施为辅"的原则,单纯从稳定、安全角度考虑,这种措施是可行的。但随着人们环境意识的提高及对防护措施美学特性要求的提高,这种原则的适用范围和适用度正面临着严峻的考验。以福州长乐国际机场高速公路边坡防护为例,探讨了山区高速公路边坡"工程+植物"一体化防护设计方案。  相似文献   

高速公路边坡生态防护技术研究进展与思考   总被引:53,自引:2,他引:51  
随着我国高速公路建设快速发展以及人类环境保护意识的不断增强,边坡生态防护技术越来越受到重视,在高速公路建设中被广泛应用。边坡生态防护技术具有良好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益,是公路建设工程中可持续发展的重要对策之一。目前,边坡生态防护技术在我国尚缺乏系统的研究和总结。结合工程实践,从边坡生态防护原理、护坡植物选择、生态防护施工方法及其经济效益比较等四个方面,研究和总结我国高速公路边坡生态防护技术的发展现状,指出存在的问题,提出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

本研究以青海省平阿和宁大高速公路为对象,采用布设简易试验小区及标签法测定公路不同部位土壤侵蚀量、不同植物组合的水土保持效果和不同工程防护形式水土保持效果。结果表明,路基边坡工程防护措施对防止土壤侵蚀有显著的作用,就水土保持效果来说,应优先采用拱形格的水土保持工程防护形式;在框架内采取生物防护措施时,可采用柠条+扁穗冰草+碱茅、扁穗冰草+苜蓿、白刺+扁穗冰草+碱茅等植物组合。  相似文献   

通过6个不同坡度、土壤和植物措施配置的高速公路边坡模拟试验小区,探讨了暴雨和径流冲刷条件下模拟边坡的细沟形成机理及其侵蚀特征。结果表明,草地几乎郁闭的沙砾土坡面只在降雨末期产生少量细沟;而种植灌木的褐黄土和料礓石的坡面细沟发育明显、形态变化复杂,细沟最大宽度为18.4 cm,最大深度为16.5 cm。因此采取工程措施与生物措施二者相结合的办法,才能达到真正的边坡防护效果。  相似文献   

公路边坡防护与绿化对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
防止水土流失和恢复生态环境是高速公路边坡生态防护绿化的主要目的。根据目前国内外边坡生态防护的现状和发展趋势,介绍了几种主要的边坡生态防护方法,将促进我国边坡生态防护事业的发展。  相似文献   

为了探索严寒地区边坡生物防护模式,将厚层基材(TBS)技术引入呼和浩特抽水蓄能电站边坡生物防护治理工程中,以此实例介绍了TBS工艺流程及寒冷地区边坡防护植物的选择,对绿化后的植被生长情况进行了跟踪调查。结果表明,只要合理选择防护物种和初期进行认真养护,TBS工艺在严寒地区边坡生物防护中完全可以达到预期效果。  相似文献   

公路边坡防护与生态恢复   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
主要论述了公路边坡植物防护的主要形式如种草、铺草皮、液压喷播植草护坡、框格防护、合成材料植被网草皮护坡、喷混植生植物护坡、绿化笼砖护坡、香根草生物边坡防护技术、客土喷播技术等,在目前,公路防护工程设计要紧紧抓住设计对象的土质、水文、气候等特点,灵活采用不同的防护型式,确保公路边坡的可持续性。  相似文献   

公路边坡是公路建设中破坏最为严重的区域之一。根据在陕西省西安市至安康市高速公路进行的试验研究,总结出了护面墙、框格防护、铺砌片石护坡、排水固结等19种边坡防护形式。施工中应根据具体的工程特点确定合适的防护方式。在该段高速公路具有代表性边坡和二级边坡设定了22个监测点,以观测包括灌木的干茎、冠径、高度的变化,草坪的覆盖度、成活率、出苗率、生长势等项目,并且分析了植被生长情况与环境条件的关系。研究结果可为高速公路边坡绿化模式的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

公路的建设带来了一系列的生态问题,为了实现公路的生态防护、保持生态平衡、减少水土流失、稳固路基、美化环境、减轻视觉疲劳等目标,重点是选择边坡的植被防护措施。本文通过阐述国内外公路建设边坡防护的发展历史和现状,介绍了边坡植物防护措施的方法,以期能为公路边坡防护及水土保持起到积极作用。  相似文献   

Yields of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] are affected by the manner in which available resources are partitioned into component plant parts. Little is known about these partitioning processes and much of what has been reported describes indeterminate cultivars or comes from other than field studies. A field investigation was conducted, therefore, on a Goldsboro loamy sand (Aquic Paleudult) to characterize in detail the growth and development of a determinate soybean cultivar ‘Bragg’. Soybean were grown in well watered field plots in four replications from each of which 4 nested samples of 0.3 m2 each were combined at each sampling. Leaf area, dry matter production, internode length, and sample variability were determined nodally at 10‐ to 14‐day intervals from 7 July to 17 October. Plant components at each node were separated into stems, leaf blades, pods, and petioles. Primary and secondary branches were combined in the petiole fraction.

Maximum above ground plant dry weight achieved was 1027 g/m2 and maximum combined nodal dry weight was 92 g/m2 (at node 8), both occurring at the R7 growth stage. Canopy dry weight distribution over time was unique for each plant part. Growth analyses showed that RGR, NAR, LAR, and LWR declined with plant age at a rate that could be described with either linear or exponential models. A maximum CGR of 16.24 g/m2/day occurred at mid‐podfill and declined thereafter due to maturity. Leaf area per node peaked between nodes 7 and 12, decreasing uniformly toward the top of the canopy. Maximum nodal LAI was 0.79 at node 7 on 31 August.

Distribution of dry weight among parts varied with plant age and node position. Maximum dry weights of stems (276 g/m2), petioles (253 g/m2), and leaves (263 g/m2) were found during mid‐podfill. During mid‐August, the dry weights of the stems, petioles, and leaves were similar and approximately 250 g/m2. Stem dry weights had the lowest coefficients of variation of all plant fractions once maximum dry weight was achieved. Internode length varied along the stem with the maximum at node 12. By bloom, expansion of the internodes lower than 12 had ceased; expansion of the eight higher internodes ceased three weeks later. During vegetative growth, the ratio of stem internodal dry weight to internodal length had peak values at the lowest and highest internodes. During reproductive growth, the ratio decreased linearly with internode number. Coefficients of variation (CV) for the combined weight of plant parts, and for stems, petioles, leaves, and pods were relatively constant during the season and were 24.8, 23.4, 38.2, 25.5, and 26.8%, respectively. The CV's for the combined weight of plant parts were somewhat higher at the lowest and uppermost nodes. This variability resulted from the abscission of petioles and leaves in the lower nodes and the initiation of leaves, petioles, and pods in the upper nodes where rapid growth and development was occurring. Time from node initiation to achievement of lowest stable CV was determined for each node and plant part. Plant node position and morphological part with the lowest CV was identified for each sampling date (and growth stage).  相似文献   


Stem bases from wheat plants in a glasshouse pot experiment conducted under varying nitrogen and two water regimes, were analysed for nitrate (NO3) concentration. The concentration of NO3 at three stages of growth i.e. tillering, jointing and anthesis were related both to rates of applied nitrogen and to shoot dry matter yield at time of sampling. Plotted against rate of increasing nitrogen application, the response curve of NO3 concentration in wheat stem bases was sigmoidal. The level of nitrogen application at which NO3 began to accumulate in the plants was the supply at which plants reached maximum dry matter yield. The concentration of NO3 at which plant yield was 90% of maximum dry matter was taken as the critical level. This concentration was around 1000 ppm NO3‐N at all stages. Compared with plants supplied with unlimited water, plants under moderate water stress accumulated relatively more NO3 but had a similar critical NO3 concentration.

Maximum grain yield was obtained from plants which stayed above the critical level throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

Lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) were grown in nutrient solution in controlled environment plant growth chambers to characterize certain qualitative responses to above ambient levels of CO2. Increased plant material produced under high CO2 levels did not differ nutritionally from plants grown under ambient levels. No differences were found in chloroplast pigment content, protein content, or in carbohydrate content on a weight basis. Sequential harvests did reveal, however, that there is a greater accumulation of carbohydrate, under high CO2 conditions, prior to an increased growth rate as the plants reach maturity.  相似文献   

Various microorganisms live in association with different parts of plants and can be harmful, neutral, or beneficial to plant health. Some microbial inhabitants of plants can control plant diseases by contesting with, predating on, or antagonizing plant pathogens and by inducing systems for plant defense. A range of methods, including plant growth-promoting microorganisms(PGPMs) as biological control agents(BCAs)(BCA-PGPMs) are used for the biological management and control of plant pathogens. S...  相似文献   

Many new coleus (C. hybridus cv.) cultivars are vegetatively propagated and require different fertilization practices from seed propagated cultivars. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate growth responses of Henna, Indian Summer, Mint Mocha, New Orleans Red, Red Head, and Trusty Rusty to 0, 70, 140, 280 and 420 mg·L?1 nitrogen (N), and Henna, Mint Mocha, Red Head, and Trusty Rusty to 0, 6.2, 12.4, 24.8, or 49.6 mg·L?1 phosphorus (P) to determine optimum constant liquid feed rates to produce marketable size plants from rooted cuttings. Positive growth responses in terms of biomass were found with increasing N rates but not P rates. For medium-sized cultivars such as Henna, Indian Summer, and New Orleans Red, quadratic responses were found in aboveground biomass, and N at 280 mg·L?1 resulted in similar plant size and dry weight as those fertilized at 140 and 420 mg·L?1 N. For large-sized cultivars such as Mint Mocha, Red Head and Trusty Rusty, plant dry weight responded linearly within the N range tested and were greatest at 420 mg·L?1. However, plant visual quality was negatively affected by N rates at 280 and 420 mg·L?1 in that, leaf color became less intense at these high N rates. Plants fertilized at 70 mg·L?1 were smaller than those fertilized at 140 mg·L?1, however, they received similar visual quality ratings because of more intense leaf color. Therefore, N at 70 to 140 mg·L?1 can be used to grow most vegetative coleus for similar marketable quality. Mint Mocha and Henna were the only cultivars responded to P treatments that, 12.4 mg·L?1 P rate resulted in greater biomass than the no-P control. All other cultivars had no response to supplemental P except a linear response in tissue P%. Therefore, supplemental P is not required during the 8 week production period when there is an initial P charge in the substrate. We found that substrate pH decreases with higher P rates, therefore supplemental P fertilizer can be used for adjusting pH. Both N and P rates found optimum in this study are lower than current industry practices (N at 150 to 250 mg·L?1 and P at 24 mg·L?1) and can significantly lower production cost and potential leaching of excessive nutrient into waterway. Nutrient treatments in further study on postharvest performance of vegetative coleus will be selected based on this study.  相似文献   

Evaluations of fruit quality and nitrogen, potassium, and calcium concentration of apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cvs. Gala and Golab) grown with five treatments of NO3?:NH4+ ratios were made in pot culture. The concentrations of NO3?:NH4+ ratios were 2.5:0.1, 6:1, 6:0.7, 6:0.5, 6:0.3 meq L?1. Fruit size, percent dry matter, total dissolved solids, total acidity, or juice pH was not affected by increased ammonium in the ratio. Firmness decreased as the proportion of NH4+ increased. Gala and Golab differed in some of these parameters. Concentrations of N and K increased as NH4+ increased, whereas Ca had no trend or decreased. Generally, the treatment of 2.5:0.1 produced fruits with lower N but higher K and Ca concentrations than the other treatments. This research showed that some parameters such as fruit weight, length, and diameter, juice pH, and dry matter were not affected significantly by NH4+ concentration whereas composition was affected.  相似文献   

植物营养生物学研究方向探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
植物营养生物学是重点研究植物活化、吸收、转运与利用养分的生理、分子及遗传机制的科学。在过去的30年,我国植物营养生物学研究取得了长足的发展,但从国家自然科学基金资助情况分析,与相关学科相比,近10多年来植物营养生物学总体研究力量相对薄弱,缺乏新一代领军人才。一些研究更接近于“纯”植物生物学,与植物营养应用研究出现脱节,对农业绿色发展及化肥产业升级的支撑不够。植物营养生物学研究者应该重视与作物育种、耕作栽培、生态环境、植物保护及化肥产业的合作,跟踪这些领域的研究现状及生产中面临的技术需求,围绕这些领域的技术“瓶颈”开展植物营养基础研究,在提供解决途径的同时创新植物营养生物学机理,从而丰富植物营养学理论。在研究内容上,建议重视控制养分响应度的生理与遗传机制,养分信号与环境信号互作,养分×土壤×管理互作及其对根系生长的影响,养分供应与抗生物胁迫,高产高效的植物营养生理学基础,特种作物的营养机理,化肥产品升级的生物学途径等方向的研究。  相似文献   

采用野外调查与室内实验分析相结合的方法,以哈尔滨市街道广场绿地、单位附属绿地、苗圃生产绿地的“乔灌草密林、乔灌草疏林、灌木密林”植物群落为研究对象,综合评价不同植物群落土壤的重金属Zn、Cu、Pb含量与污染程度,对比分析不同植物群落的重金属修复效应及树木含水量、全氮、全磷含量与土壤重金属富集的相关性.结果表明:土壤重金属修复能力为乔灌草密林>灌木密林>乔灌草疏林;植物根系重金属富集能力最强,其中小根对锌、铜富集能力较强,大根、中根对铅富集能力较强;树种富集重金属能力显著不同,梓树、黄檗对铜富集能力较强,铺地柏、红皮云杉、小叶丁香对铅富集能力较强,紫丁香、胡桃楸对锌富集能力较强;树木富集铜和锌的能力与其叶片含水量、叶片全磷含量密切相关.为了有效修复土壤重金属污染,提出了优先选用耐重金属植物、努力提高乔灌木小根数量、科学营造乔灌草复层群落等种植对策.  相似文献   


A rapid colorimetric method for the determination of boron in soil extracts, plant materials, composts, manures, water and nutrient solution is proposed. The method is rapid, reliable and carried out in aqueous solution. A marked advantage is that boron can be determined in the same soil extract or plant material digest used for determination of other elements.  相似文献   

钾在植物抗病性中的作用及机理的研究进展   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
本文对近些年来有关钾营养与植物病害关系的研究进行综述。主要从钾对酚代谢、碳、氮代谢及其活性氧代谢调控的角度,评述钾素营养提高植物抗病性的机理;同时讨论了钾肥的施用方式、钾肥形态、施用量、土壤本身钾素状况等共同影响钾素对植物的抗病性及其可能机理。最后提出这一研究领域存在的若干问题。  相似文献   

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