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对辽宁省农村饮用水水源地的水质、水量和水环境进行安全评价,结果表明全省的农村饮用水水源地的安全形势十分严峻。为此,提出了对农村饮用水水源地的山泉水、农村饮用水水源地的水库水、农村饮用水水源地的地下水和已建集中供水工程水源地采取了一系列的工程和非工程的安全保障措施,确保农村饮水安全,为经济又好又快地发展提供基础保障。  相似文献   

重要饮用水水源地的供水水质,直接关系到居民的基本生存生活问题,也是老百姓比较关心的热门话题。2016年5月,选择土门井片、汾河水库、兰村水厂和枣沟水厂四处重要饮用水水源地,进行了水质取样分析。结果表明:汾河水库地表水水质为Ⅱ类,水质良好,饮用安全;其他三处为地下水,水质类别均为Ⅲ类,亦能满足集中式生活饮用水及工农业用水要求。  相似文献   

宁波城乡供水水源已逐步由河网转向大中型水库,极大地改善了城乡居民饮用水水质,保障了饮用水安全。作为宁波市重要饮用水水源地的五大水库,水质状况总体较好,但是水源地上游以农业生产、生活旅游、畜禽养殖等为主的污染问题仍未得到系统治理,水环境保护的各种矛盾仍然较为突出。分析了宁波中心城区饮用水水源地水环境现状以及影响水库水环境的主要因素,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

根据山西省水利厅《关于开展全省城市饮用水水源地安全保障规划编制工作的通知》精神,吕梁市组织了有关部门对全市13座县级城市的需水情况、供水情况及33处饮用水水源地进行了调查。根据调查结果,2004年城市总的用水量为2 860.79万m3,其中居民生活用水量为1 517.49万m3,第三产业用水量601.5万m3,第二产业用水量653.99万m3,城市生态用水量87.81m3;33处水源地,地表水2处,地下水31处,年供水总量为2 860.79万m3,其中地表水供水量322.0万m3,地下水供水量2 538.39万m3。地表水水质类别为Ⅰ级,地下水水质达到Ⅰ级的5处,Ⅱ级的7处。城市饮用水水源地总体安全状况为安全和基本安全。  相似文献   

[目的]为有效防止水质的不可逆污染和破坏,以喀斯特高原区域的百花湖为研究对象,揭示其历年水质及其变化情况,为相关的水资源管理部门科学开发、利用及保护该水源地提供依据。[方法]利用百花湖2013—2016年的8项水体实测理化参数参与分析,为使水质评价结果更为客观,采用模糊综合评价法、灰色关联分析法对百花湖水质进行综合评价。[结果]百花湖整体为Ⅰ类水质,但Ⅱ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类隶属值都较大。[结论]百花湖水质有变差的趋势,其生态环境防治对策势在必行。  相似文献   

为了对延安市宝塔区南泥湾镇土地整治项目区地表水进行水质调查与健康分析,检验其是否符合农田灌溉水质标准和生活饮用水卫生标准,对该地区水质的常规指标以及重金属指标(锌、镉、铅、铬、锰、镍、铜、镉)进行检测。结果表明:土地整治项目区阳湾沟和九龙泉沟水样常规指标pH值、氯化物、全盐、化学需氧量(COD)、硬度等指标值均在农田灌溉水质和生活饮用水卫生标准要求范围内,重金属含量也在灌溉水质标准和生活饮用水卫生标准的要求范围内。项目区水质标准均符合农田灌溉水质标准和生活饮用水卫生标准,能满足农田作物的灌溉使用和生活健康饮水的需求。  相似文献   

饮用水水源地生态补偿机制研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
饮用水水源地是对饮用水资源安全负有重要责任的区域,将其作为研究对象,从人与自然、人与人的关系两个层面上剖析了水源地生态补偿的内涵,并确定了水源地补偿主体、补偿客体和对象。通过对饮用水生态效益和生态损失的分析,确定水源地的收益和成本。结合水源地生态保护的相关属性特点,以水量修正系数、水质修正系数作为约束,建立水源区生态补偿标准测算模型。以水源地的政府主导和市场主导两种补偿模式及以资金补偿、财政转移支付、实物补偿等6种补偿方式构建了饮用水水源地的生态补偿机制。  相似文献   

水资源保护监测存在问题及建设初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,辽宁省水质站网基本满足了掌握全省主要江河湖库、重点水功能区、省管湖泊及重要饮用水水源地水质状况的需要。但是仍然存在着水功能区监测覆盖面不够、排污口监测不全面、基本水源地水质监测不够、水生态监测刚刚起步等诸多问题,与经济社会发展要求、水资源的可持续利用仍存在差距。为此,需要我们加大水资源保护监测站网基础设施建设和加强水资源保护监测能力建设,为水资源的合理开发和利用,为经济社会的发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

目前辽宁省农村饮用水集中式供水工程主要有水库供水、山泉水和地下水3种类型。全省大部分水源地管理仍存在重建设、轻管理、水价低、运行效益差、水源地监控能力不强等问题。为此,针对辽宁省不同类型的农村饮用水水源地实际情况,提出相应的保护措施,为省内各市县农村饮用水水源地保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

对清河水库饮用水水源地2001—2014年实测水质资料进行统计,分析主要监测指标演化特征和演化趋势,发现水质总体较好,只有氮质量浓度超标,对其超标成因进行分析,并提出防控措施。  相似文献   

通过对全球及我国水资源短缺现状的分析,针对性地提出按流域成立有权威的、统一的水资源分配和管理机构是解决水资源矛盾的有效措施;高效节水是解决水资源矛盾的主要手段;依靠科技进步,实行开源与节流并举的对策与建议.  相似文献   

A hilly to mountainous watershed in Chonju in central Korea does not receive acid rain (average pH: 6.2); however, the stream water in the granite watershed is slightly acidic (6.4–6.7) and contains a low concentration of Ca compared to the stream water in sedimentary and volcanic rock watersheds (6.8–7.6). Although the concentrations of Ca and Sr and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the stream water change in accordance with the watershed geology, the stream 87Sr/86Sr ratios are closer to the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of rain than to those of the substrate rocks, suggesting the selective but sluggish weathering of Ca-containing minerals neutralizes acid. The concentrations of trace metals (As, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb) in the water are lower than those in rain and less dependent on the watershed geology, indicating that they originated dominantly from the atmosphere. This result is consistent with the stream water having Pb isotope ratios close to that of rain but distinct from that of the rocks. We assume that the soil pool of exchangeable ions dominantly contains atmospherically derived heavy metals, which are subsequently discharged into streams. It is likely that the poor acid-neutralizing capacity of granite makes the aquatic systems in the granite watershed in Chonju sensitive to atmospheric acidification.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution -  相似文献   

华北平原水氮优化条件下不同种植制度的水分效应研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以华北平原冬小麦夏玉米一年两熟制、冬小麦夏玉米春玉米两年三熟制和春玉米一年一熟制轮作体系为对象,研究了不同种植制度下作物的产量、根层土壤水分动态变化和水分利用效率。结果表明,不同种植制度对产量、耗水和水分利用方面影响显著。一年两熟制下作物的产量、耗水量和水分利用效率均显著高于两年三熟制和一年两熟制,但是降雨量仅能满足总耗水量的72.9%,仍需较多地下水补充灌溉。两年三熟制降雨量能够满足作物耗水量80.4%,产量、耗水量和水分利用效率较一年两熟制分别减少23.1%,12.0%和15.8%。一年一熟制降雨量能够满足作物耗水量的89.2%,产量、耗水量和水分利用效率较一年两熟制分别减少45.2%,27.3%和30.7%。一年两熟制和两年三熟制的各层土壤水分在两年内呈现波浪型变化趋势,一年一熟制各层变化趋势较为平缓。两年三熟制和一年两熟制有利于提高土壤蓄水量,减少灌溉量,进而减少对地下水资源的抽取。两年三熟制降雨量能够较好地满足作物耗水量,产量和水分利用效率介于其它两种种植制度之间,与其它两种种植制度相比;能够兼顾水资源的可持续利用和粮食安全。春玉米高产的适宜栽培措施有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

论水土、水土生态与水土生态保持   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
在论述水土在陆地生态系统中的地位和作用的基础上,提出了水土生态的概念,认为植被与水土不可分割的整体观念是水土生态的重要特征。同时,对水土生态保持的含义作了新的定义,并将水土生态保持划分为四大类型,即生态型、自然型、生产型、建设型。从水土生态的高度,从源头上、要素的联系中去认识和防治水土流失,是一种主动的、有机的、整体的水土保持观念,是水土保持认识观的深化和发展,将使水土生态保持事业进入一个崭新的时代。  相似文献   

Acid deposition is considered to be a major environmental problem in China, but information about effects on soils and waters is scarce. To contribute to increased knowledge about the problem a small catchment (about 7 ha) in the outskirts of Guiyang, the provincial capital of Guizhou in south-western China, was instrumented for collection of precipitation, throughfall, soil water and stream water. In addition soil samples have been collected and analyzed for key properties. Median pH in the precipitation is 4.40 (quartiles: 4.19 and 4.77) and the median sulfate concentration 228 µeq/L (quartiles: 147 and 334 µeq/L). The dry deposition of both SO2 and alkaline dust is considerable. The sum of wet deposition of sulfate and dry deposition of SO2 has been estimated to about 8.5 gSm-2yr-1. The total S-deposition may be somewhat higher due to dry deposition of sulfate and occult deposition. In soil water, SO4 2- is the major anion, generally ranging from 300 to 2500 µeq/L in the different plots. Calcium is an important cation, but there is also a considerable contribution of aluminum from the soil. In some of the plots the concentrations of inorganic monomeric aluminum (Ali) are typically between 200 and 400 µm. Potential harmful levels of aluminum and/or high Ali/(Ca2+ + Mg2+) molar ratios occur in the catchment, but damages to vegetation have not yet been reported. In most cases exchangeable aluminum accounts for between 75 and 95% of the total effective cation exchange capacity (CECE) in the mineral soils. The aluminum chemistry cannot easily be explained by conventional models as the Gaines-Thomas ion-exchange equation or equilibrium with an Al(OH)3 mineral phase. The stream water is generally less acidic and has considerably lower concentrations of aluminum than the soil water, even though quite acid events have been observed (pH < 4.4). The median pH values are 4.9 and 5.0 in the two first order streams and 6.3 in the dam at the lower boarder of the catchment.  相似文献   

This paper begins by discussing the detection of a trend in water quality time series. Using the method of Box and Jenkins, an example of trend identification in sediment loading in the Iowa River is presented. Subsequent to the identification of a trend, an approach is suggested whereby the factors giving rise to the trend can be detected. For the example being considered, it is indicated that the cropping practices in the watershed have a significant impact on the detected trend. Thus, each 1% increase in the area of corn and soybeans planted results in about a 0.42% increase in sediment loading.  相似文献   

水土保持综合治理与水资源保护利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水土保持综合治理、具有拦蓄小流域降水径流、调节河川径流、减少河流泥沙等多重作用,从而起到改善水环境,调节水资源时空分配,提高水质标准和水资源利用率的目的。  相似文献   

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