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通过玉米盆栽试验,研究了添加富含铝盐的造纸污泥堆肥对酸性赤红壤理化性质的影响。结果表明,添加造纸污泥堆肥能有效减缓土壤酸化,增加土壤有机质和有效磷含量,提高土壤质量;同时添加堆肥的各处理土壤中的总酸溶性铝和总单核铝浓度在盆栽初期较CK有显著增加,并随堆肥用量的增加而增加,但随着玉米生长时间推移,各处理(除了CK)总酸溶性铝和总单核铝浓度明显下降,在盆栽结束时各处理总酸溶性铝浓度均低于原赤红壤中总酸溶性铝浓度,可见造纸污泥堆肥农用不会对酸性土壤形成活性铝累积问题。  相似文献   

污泥堆肥可以有效地用作土壤改良剂和肥料,通过温室盆栽文冠果试验,研究了复垦土壤添加污泥堆肥对复垦植被生长量及土壤含水量和凋萎点的影响.结果表明,污泥堆肥不仅可以促进文冠果的生长,而且可以增强栽培基质的保水性能和植物的抗旱能力.但是,污泥堆肥的用量并不是越多越好,当其用量超过60%时,继续增加污泥堆肥的比例,则植物的吸水能力反而会下降.可见,采用经过堆肥化处理的污泥作为矿区复垦植物栽培基质是可行的无害化途径.  相似文献   

施用污泥堆肥对作物和土壤的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
张桥  黄焕忠 《土壤与环境》2000,9(4):277-280
污泥中的有机质、营养成分可为农业生产提供重要的有机肥源,但污泥中重金属是制约污泥农用的重要因素,为检验污泥堆肥施用后对作物及土壤的影响,文章对污泥与稻草或木屑堆肥的产品进行了盆栽试验研究。结果表明,污泥与稻草或木屑的堆肥作为肥料施用于萝卜(Brassica campestris)和菜心(Brassica parachinensis),产量明显提高,部分堆肥产品增产效果优于化肥,且后效明显。堆肥施用使土壤中有机质、各养分含量增加,微生物活动增强、数量增加,然而作物和土壤中的重金属含量也有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

城市污泥和污泥与垃圾堆肥的农田施用对土壤性质的影响   总被引:61,自引:2,他引:61  
本利用太原市污泥和污泥堆肥分别作肥源进行了二年的盆栽试验和田间试验,结果表明:每公顷施污泥75t和污泥堆肥240t时,土壤中的Cu,Pb,Cd,Ni等有害金属含量未超过土壤的安全控制标准,随着污泥及污泥堆肥用量的增加,土壤中可供植物吸附的氮,磷,有机质等营养成分相应递增。污泥和污泥堆肥的施用不同程度的提高了土壤水分含量,田间持水量和阳离子代换量等,从而改善了土壤的物理性质  相似文献   

污泥堆肥对盐碱土土壤环境和作物生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以城市污水处理厂污泥堆肥为研究对象,采用盆栽试验方法研究不同用量(0%,5%,10%,20%)污泥堆肥施入盐碱土后,对玉米、大豆生长情况及土壤环境的影响。结果表明,施用污泥堆肥可降低盐碱土pH值和总盐含量,提高土壤养分及酶活,增加土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮,同时施用污泥堆肥土壤重金属Zn、Cu含量增加,当施用量为20%时,土壤Zn含量超标。另外,玉米和大豆在污泥堆肥施用比例分别为10%和5%时长势最佳,且作物籽粒中重金属含量在国家食品卫生标准范围内。  相似文献   

垃圾堆肥对铬污染土壤的修复机理研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
运用二次通用旋转组合试验设计,通过模拟土培试验,研究垃圾堆肥对铬污染土训中有效铬含量的影响,铬的形态变化。结果表明,垃圾堆肥可显著减少铬污染土壤中有效铬含量,垃圾堆肥主要是促进水溶志铬向结晶形沉淀态铬转化;垃圾堆肥用于修复铬污染土壤是安全的。  相似文献   

堆肥污泥连续施用对酸性砂土肥力影响及养分积累风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴杰  常会庆  王启震 《核农学报》2021,35(11):2606-2615
为研究添加堆肥污泥对酸性砂土养分和肥力的影响,并探究污泥施用后的养分积累风险,本研究采用盆栽试验,通过施用不同量堆肥污泥,研究两年连续小麦-玉米轮作模式下酸性砂土养分和肥力变化规律,并利用有机指数(OI)和单因子标准指数(Si)分别针对砂土有机碳(OC)和全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)进行积累风险评价。结果表明,连续两年在酸性砂土上施用污泥提高了土壤的有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、速效磷、有效钾含量、pH值和土壤综合肥力指数(IFI),均随污泥施用量的增加呈上升趋势。砂土中连续两年污泥施用,土壤有机指数(OI)等级表现为Ⅰ级清洁型,故污泥添加导致土壤有机碳的淋失风险较小;全氮的Si等级同样为Ⅰ级清洁型,而土壤全磷的Si在2017年小麦和玉米季污泥施用量为37.50 t·hm-2时,达到Ⅱ级较清洁型,因此与氮素相比,污泥施用增加了砂土磷素淋失风险。可见,污泥农用可以改善酸性砂土的养分状况,但也需要注意污泥过量施用造成的养分积累风险。本研究结果为污泥在酸性砂土的合理施用提供了依据。  相似文献   

The effect of annual additions of composted sewage sludge (CS) and thermally dried sewage sludge (TS) at 80 t ha-1 on soil chemical properties was investigated for three years in a field experiment under semiarid conditions. Humic acids (HAs) isolated by conventional procedures from CS, TS, and unamended (SO) and sludge amended soils were analysed for elemental (C, H, N, S and O) and acidic functional groups (carboxylic and phenolic) and by ultraviolet-visible, Fourier transform infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies. With respect to CS, TS had similar pH and total P and K contents, larger dry matter, total organic C, total N and C/N ratio and smaller ash content and electrical conductivity. Amendment with both CS and TS induced a number of modifications in soil properties, including an increase of pH, electrical conductivity, total organic C, total N, and available P. The CS-HA had greater O, total acidity, carboxyl, and phenolic OH group contents and smaller C and H contents than TS-HA. The CS-HA and TS-HA had larger N and S contents, smaller C, O and acidic functional group contents, and lower aromatic polycondensation and humification degrees than SO-HA. Amended soil-HAs showed C, H, N and S contents larger than SO-HA, suggesting that sludge HAs were partially incorporated into soil HAs. These effects were more evident with increasing number of sludge applications.  相似文献   

城市污泥和污泥垃圾堆肥作为肥源对作物重金属积累的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本利用太原市污泥和污泥堆肥分别对谷子、玉米和白菜进行了两年的盆栽和田间试验。结果表明:每公顷施污泥7.5万公斤和污泥堆肥24万公斤时,植物可食部分和茎秆中的铅、镉、汞、砷等重金属元素的含量均未超过国家食品卫生标准。影响污泥与污泥堆肥的重金属向植物体转移、积累的主要因素是:可供植物直接吸收利用的重金属形态、有机质及pH值。在一般情况下,污泥及土壤中的可给态重金属元素含量愈低,有机质和pH值愈高,其  相似文献   

污泥堆肥对迎春和紫穗槐生长的影响及其施用量确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽土培试验的方法,研究了污泥堆肥对水土保持措施常用植物迎春(Jasminum nudiflo-rum)和紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)生长的影响。结果表明,迎春和紫穗槐在污泥堆肥施用比例分别为栽培土量的0~5%和0~10%时,株高、冠幅及植物干重均随污泥堆肥施用比例的增加而增加。施用适量的污泥堆肥有利于植物的生长。并根据重金属不同形态的环境风险引入毒性响应系数,最终确定了北京市通州区污泥堆肥合理施用量为3.62 t/(hm2.a)。  相似文献   

Abstract. Two field trials were established in 1991 to determine the effects on crop yield, N uptake, soil moisture content and heavy metal concentration of applying de-inked paper mill sludge (DPMS) over the period 1991 to 1993. In the first year, during decomposition of the DPMS, N immobilization occurred resulting in loss of cereal yield ( P < 0.05) at low rates of N fertilizer. Approximately 40 kg extra N fertilizer/ha was required per 100t DPMS/ha to compensate for this N immobilization. Soil volumetric moisture content was increased ( P < 0.001) by c. 20% at both sites by 200 and 300t DPMS/ha. DPMS did not significantly increase ( P > 0.05) soil concentrations of total Zn, Cu and Pb. Soil nitrate concentrations after harvest were reduced ( P < 0.01) by c. 17 mg N/kg per 100t DPMS/ha with increasing rates of DPMS up to 200 t/ha. In the second year following the DPMS application, there were no significant effects on grain yield indicating that very little or no N was immobilized. By the third year, the soil N supply was 7 kg N/ha higher where a single dressing of 100t DPMS/ha had been applied compared to the control. This resulted in an overall yield increase of 7% ( P < 0.10). Soil N supply was lower (N.S.) but crop yields were similar ( P > 0.05) to the control where single dressings of 200 and 300t DPMS/ha had been applied.  相似文献   

造纸厂污水对不同品种大豆中钾、钙、钠和镁浓度的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A field experiment was conducted on a sandy loam soil at an Experimental Farm in Taejon, South Korea, to determine the effects of paper mill sludge compost application rates on K, Na, Ca and Mg concentrations of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) aboveground tissues and the genotypic effects on the concentrations of these elements. Sludge compost treatments of 0, 75, and 150 t ha-1 were applied to 30 diverse soybean cultivars. Concentrations of K, Na, Ca, and Mg in aboveground tissues harvested 69 days after planting (DAP) varied with the genotype and the application rate of paper-mill sludge compost, with the sludge compost application rate exerting stronger influence on these concentrations than the genotype. The magnitude of variation caused by both genotype and sludge compost application was in the order of Mg > K > Ca > Na. Significantly positive correlations were observed between K and Na (P < 0.01), Na and Ca (P < 0.05), and Ca and Mg (P < 0.01). Also, the lower the sludge compost application rate, the larger the variation in the concentrations of K, Na, and Ca. From this several cultivars were identified for use as an accumulator for one or more of these elements.  相似文献   

Abstract. Paper sludge composted or stored in static piles for six months was compared to raw and lime-stabilized sludge in a three-year pot experiment (loam) and a four-year field experiment (silt loam) at rates of up to 40 t DM ha-l. The original sludge contained equal amounts of fibre sludge and biological sludge, mixed with bark in 1:1 ratio to improve the structure. The N content in composted sludge (1.30%) was markedly lower than that of the uncomposted piles (1.98%), indicating significant loss during composting. The yield results were generally inversely proportionate to the C:N ratios of the sludges applied. Sludge from the uncomposted piles gave significant grain yield increases in the year following sludge application, while the other sludge types gave variable results. In the residual years there was, generally, a small but positive effect on yield from all the sludge types. The N and P content in grain generally increased with sludge application, but only the higher rates gave statistically significant increases. Sludge application also increased the Zn content in grain, while Mn, B and Cu was less affected. The increase in Cd content was very small. The 40 t ha-l sludge rate tended to increase the residual mineral N in soil at the field site and thus the risk of nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

有机物料对酸性红壤铝毒的缓解效应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用盆栽试验研究了施用不等量稻草对酸性红壤旱耕地铝毒的缓解效应。结果表明,添加不等量的秸秆碳(C)后,土壤pH值显著提高,土壤交换性铝和吸附态羟基铝的含量则明显降低,土壤有机络合态铝的含量也呈增加趋势。添加铝盐并不影响秸秆碳对降低土壤交换性铝和吸附态羟基铝含量的作用。在本研究中,土壤pH值与土壤交换性铝和土壤吸附态羟基铝均呈显著负相关,方程分别为y=-2193.9x+11545,R2=0.9798**,y=-655.34x+9748,R2=0.7837**。土壤交换性铝和吸附态羟基铝与玉米主根长,地上部磷、钾含量均呈显著负相关,是抑制玉米吸收养分的主要限制因素,土壤吸附态羟基铝是次于交换性铝的又一活性较大的铝化合物。  相似文献   


We previously reported that heating sewage sludge significantly changes the rate of N mineralization. The present study was undertaken to examine the extent to which these changes affect plant growth and nutrient supply after application to different soils. A pot experiment in which komatsuna plants (Brassica campestris L. var. rapa) were grown in a Fluvisol or an Arenosol indicated that the amount of N taken up by the plants increased significantly by heating air-dried sludge at 120°C and decreased significantly by heating at 180°C. Heat-drying of the sludge at 120°C or 180°C also increased the N uptake significantly. These plant responses could be explained by the heat-induced changes in the release of inorganic N from the sludge. In contrast to N, the sludge materials containing Fe as a coagulant immobilized soil soluble P. When the sludge was applied to an Andosol, the N-supplying effects on plant growth were offset by P adsorption onto the sludge and soil. In a successive pot experiment conducted without additional sludge application, it was further suggested that frequent sludge application is required to maintain plant growth. However, it will also lead to the accumulation of sludge components in the soil because less than 40% and 15% of the sludge N and P, respectively, were apparently recovered in two harvests of the plants. In conclusion, heated sludge materials can act as an effective organic N fertilizer provided that they are applied to a suitable soil and that the short-term effects on soil productivity are balanced with the long-term effects on environmental quality.  相似文献   

目前关于污泥及其生物质堆肥的土地利用过程中土壤性质变化和温室气体排放数据十分缺乏,难以满足农田土壤氮素保存和温室气体减排的需求。该研究通过在番茄种植过程中添加800 kg/hm2新鲜污泥(S-H)、400 kg/hm2新鲜污泥(S-L)、800 kg/hm2秸秆堆肥(VM-S)和800 kg/hm2猪粪堆肥(VM-M),开展土壤性质、无机氮形态、作物生长以及N2O排放特征的研究。结果表明:堆肥处理显著增加了土壤电导率(electric conductivity,EC)(P0.05),其中猪粪堆肥时土壤EC值最大。添加污泥和堆肥都使土壤p H值显著上升(P0.05),最终趋于中性,且VM-M对土壤酸化的抑制效果略优于VM-S。污泥和堆肥处理时土壤NO3--N浓度显著高于对照,且各处理组NO3--N浓度均随时间逐渐下降,NO3--N主要被番茄吸收,部分NO3--N从土壤上层淋溶至下层;NH4+大多数被氧化为NO3-,部分NH4+被植物吸收。在施入的无机氮量相等情况下,VM-M、VM-S、S-H处理组中番茄地上部分生物量分别为1 515、1 383、1 103 g/株,株高分别为56.8、54.5、51.3 cm,对番茄生长的促进效果为VM-MVM-SS-H,而S-H比S-L多施入的氮肥对番茄生长并未起到明显促进作用(P0.05)。与对照相比,污泥或生物质堆肥都显著提高了土壤N2O的排放(P0.05),各处理组N2O的排放均集中于施肥后的前20天,且土壤N2O的排放通量大小顺序为S-L(0.76 kg/(hm2·a))VM-M(0.95 kg/(hm2·a))VM-S(1.19 kg/(hm2·a))S-H(1.71 kg/(hm2·a))。因此,在进行污泥及其生物质堆肥的土地利用时,应考虑有机肥的种类及其施用量,以在提高作物产量的同时改善土壤并减少温室气体排放,在进行污泥的农田利用时可先将污泥与畜禽粪堆肥。  相似文献   

A recycling of Phosphorus (P) from the human food chain is mandatory to secure the future P supply for food production. However, many available recycled P fertilizers from sewage sludge do not have an adequate P bioavailability and, thus, are not suitable for their application in soils with pH >5.5–6.0, unless being combined with efficient mobilization measures. The aim of the study was to test the P mobilization ability of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) from two thermally recycled P fertilizers for a subsequently grown maize. Two sewage sludge ashes (SSA) were investigated in a pot experiment at soil pH 7.5 with red clover differing in its nitrogen (N) supply (added N fertilizer or biological N2 fixation (BNF)), followed by maize (Zea maize L.). Shoot dry matter of maize was almost doubled when N supply of previous grown clover was covered by BNF, instead of receiving added N fertilizer. Similarly, shoot P removal of maize following clover with BNF was significantly increased. It is suggested that the P mobilization is related to the BNF, and a proton release of N2 fixing clover roots led to the measured decrease in soil pH and thereby increased P availability of the tested fertilizers.  相似文献   

Paper de‐inking sludge is processed during the recycling of paper, and is sometimes used as a soil amendment. In this study the effect of a compost application on the cyanide (CN) status in soils of a public park was investigated. The compost was a mixture of chipped limbs and paper de‐inking sludge. Furthermore, the cyanide solubility was studied by conducting batch experiments with different pH levels. Total cyanide in the amended soils ranged from 540 to 740 mg CN kg—1, and water soluble cyanide from 170 to 370 μg CN l—1 as determined by means of an aqueous extract. Easily‐liberatable cyanides, which include the toxic free cyanide (HCN and CN) and weak metal‐cyanide complexes, were not present in the soil. From this result and the fact that iron blue pigments are used during paper printing, it can be inferred that cyanides occurring here were exclusively stable iron‐cyanide complexes [Fe(CN)6]. With increasing pH the solubility of cyanide increased. In contrast to soils of coking plants, in which cyanide occur as Berlin blue, Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3, the cyanide solubility in the paper de‐inking sludge amended soils was substantially lower, especially in the neutral and alkaline range. Thus, cyanides in paper de‐inking sludge could be present as sparingly soluble metal‐cyanide compounds with the general formula A2B[FeII(CN)6] with A = K+, Na+ and B = Ca2+ or divalent transition metals and B2[FeII(CN)6] with B = divalent transition metals. Pollution exposure by the pathways soil → human, and soil → air → human can be neglected. However, since leaching of iron‐cyanide complexes into the ground water cannot be excluded, and since they are decomposed to HCN when exposed to day light, environmental hazards by the pathway soil → ground water → surface water are possible. This is the risk arising from paper de‐inking sludge applications to soils.  相似文献   

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