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斥水剂作用下非饱和土壤抗剪强度测定及其变化规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为获得斥水性土壤抗剪强度的变化规律,采用二甲基二氯硅烷(dimethyldichlorosilane,DMDCS)作为斥水剂,获得了不同斥水程度的改性砂土。在此基础上配制了不同斥水剂体质比和不同含水率的改性砂土及不同亲水黏土质量分数的改性混合土,并采用非饱和土直剪仪开展了不固结不排水剪强度试验。结果表明:1)不同DMDCS体质比下的5种改性砂土斥水等级均为极度。改性混合土的斥水等级受DMDCS和黏土含量的共同影响。相同DMDCS体质比下,随着黏土含量的增加,改性混合土的斥水性能不断减弱;相同黏土含量下,随着DMDCS体质比的增加,改性混合土的斥水性能不断增大。2)不同DMDCS体质比、含水率及黏土含量下的改性土壤抗剪强度均可用摩尔-库仑强度准则描述。DMDCS体质比从0增至1%时,黏聚力从19.6陡降至10.4 kPa,随后缓慢降低,最终趋于稳定。内摩擦角则随着DMDCS体质比的增加缓慢减小,从0时的16.2o降至3%时的11.8o;随着含水率的增加,改性砂土黏聚力逐渐减小,而内摩擦角呈先升后降形态;随着黏土含量的增加,改性混合土黏聚力显著增大,内摩擦角表现为先升后降,变幅不大。纯改性砂土的黏聚力仅为9.3 kPa,而掺入5%的黏土时,其黏聚力骤升至27.2 kPa;当黏土质量分数为50%时,混合土黏聚力为55.1 kPa;内摩擦角最大值为16.2°(黏土质量分数15%),最小值为9.7°(黏土质量分数50%)。该成果可为深入研究斥水性土壤力学性能及工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

杨松  黄英豪 《农业工程学报》2023,39(24):127-133
由于对斥水性黏土的斥水稳定性缺乏认识,斥水土应用仅针对斥水干砂,而干砂的力学性质较差,应用范围非常有限。为充分扩展斥水土的应用范围,该研究用十八胺对吸附性较强的膨胀土进行斥水改性,并对不同斥水度的松散膨胀土吸附水蒸气后的斥水稳定性展开研究,在此基础上进行5种膨胀土击实试样(亲水膨胀土、亲水膨胀土+亲水砂、亲水膨胀土+斥水砂、斥水膨胀土、斥水膨胀土+斥水砂)的水力稳定性研究。结果表明:水气吸附试验前不同斥水度(包括轻微斥水)的膨胀土在吸附稳定后都变成了极度斥水,且各测试点都均匀斥水。击实后的斥水膨胀土与斥水膨胀土+斥水砂试样,在较大的含水率变化范围内均表现出了斥水性。与其他试样相比,斥水膨胀土+斥水砂的水力性能最好,它使膨胀土的膨胀率从33.9%下降为3.45%,收缩裂隙度从18.75%下降为3.6%,与亲水膨胀土相比,斥水膨胀土的基质吸力与强度参数并没有出现明显的改变。膨胀土较强的吸附性及斥水团聚体的存在是斥水膨胀土产生特殊的斥水性与水力特性的主要原因。研究可为斥水性黏土在农业工程中的应用及推广提供思路,同时也为扩展斥水性土壤的应用范围提供相应的试验基础。  相似文献   

砂土和黏土的颗粒差异对土壤斥水性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
斥水性土壤广泛存在于自然界中,并且对土壤环境和作物生长等有重要影响。建立理想化的土壤颗粒模型对砂土和黏土的斥水特性进行计算分析。结果表明:当接触角很小时,砂土中不存在斥水现象。随着接触角的增大,砂土斥水性与含水率密切相关,砂土的密实度对其斥水性也有重要影响,当砂土比较密实时,土壤的"亲水"与"斥水"特性对含水率特别敏感,随着含水率的变化,砂土可能由亲水性较好的土壤转变为斥水性土壤;当砂土比较松散时,土壤颗粒的斥水性对含水率并不敏感。当黏土接触角略小于90°且湿润半径b也较小时,黏土也存在斥水现象。如果黏土颗粒的接触角较小或接触角小于90°且湿润半径b较大,黏土总是亲水的。黏土含水率较大时,斥水特性由土壤颗粒的接触角决定。  相似文献   

再生水灌溉对土壤斥水性的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
深入探求再生水灌溉条件下不同土壤中水分和溶质的分布及斥水性变化规律,能为再生水灌溉条件下土壤斥水性产生原因及其影响因素的研究提供一定的参考。选用砂土、砂姜黑土、塿土和盐碱土进行土柱再生水灌溉试验,取样测定不同灌水量条件下剖面土壤的潜在斥水性、含水率、Cl-、有机质(organicmatter,OM)含量及电导率(electrical conductivity,EC)等。结果表明:再生水灌溉后,塿土及盐碱土分别出现0~2,1~3级斥水性,砂土及砂姜黑土为0级斥水性,4种土表层表现出较强的斥水性。土壤斥水性随再生水灌水量和灌溉时间的增加而显著增强,并且灌水量越大,斥水性差异性越显著。4种土有机质含量OM与土壤斥水持续时间变化值TR呈正相关关系,Cl-含量、EC值与土壤斥水持续时间变化值TR呈负相关关系。相比较其他3种土而言,砂土更适合再生水灌溉。  相似文献   

十八胺化学改性下壤土的斥水性与入渗性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以壤土为研究对象,将十八胺基伯胺作为斥水剂掺入天然风干重塑壤土中,配置了不同十八烷基伯胺含量和初始含水率的改性试样,采用滴水穿透时间法测定了改性壤土的斥水等级,提出并获得了改性壤土的临界含水率,分析了十八烷基伯胺含量、壤土斥水等级、初始含水率的关系。在此基础上,采用全自动三轴渗透仪,开展了改性壤土在不同水头差作用下的渗透试验,揭示了不同斥水等级壤土的入渗性能,获得了改性壤土的稳定入渗率。结果表明:十八烷基伯胺含量和土壤含水率是影响土壤斥水性的重要因素。十八烷基伯胺含量越高,土壤斥水等级越大,上限含水率越低,而下限含水率越高。土壤斥水等级相同时,初始入渗速率受水头差影响较小,如十八胺基伯胺质量分数为0.6%的土壤,20和60k Pa水头差条件下其初始入渗速率分别为0.210和0.238cm/s;入渗持续一段时间后,入渗速率突然降低,降至0.005 cm/s,进入稳定入渗阶段。土壤斥水性越强,稳定入渗速率和稳定入渗率均呈下降趋势,壤土防渗效果越好。起始出渗时间随水头差的增大而减小,随土壤斥水性的增大而增大。上述研究成果可为斥水性土壤应用于土木水利工程领域提供试验基础。  相似文献   

杨松  王磊  周明凯  马泽慧  李铭 《土壤》2019,51(6):1196-1201
处于地表的各类土壤总是处于不断的干湿循环过程,土壤性质也会因此而发生改变。本文通过试验对干湿循环过程中斥水性土壤的"斥水–亲水"特性展开研究,试验结果表明:干湿循环对斥水性土壤的接触角及斥水性有重要影响。在干湿循环过程中,增湿时的初始状态不同则其初始接触角会发生变化,土壤斥水性对初始状态的敏感性随着黏粒含量的增加而增大。干湿循环开始时,土壤越干则初始接触角越大。当黏土和黏壤土试样含水量减小时,增湿或脱湿过程中滴水穿透时间(waterdroppenetrationtime,WDPT)先增加后减小,在某一时刻达到峰值,试样含水量相同时,脱湿过程所对应的WDPT要明显小于增湿过程,两种类型的土样在干湿循环中均没有临界含水量。随着含水量的降低,壤质砂土的WDPT是不断增加的,且干湿循环过程中斥水性砂土并没有出现峰值,存在明显的临界含水量。  相似文献   

[目的] 分析改性黑垆土出现斥水性的条件及其影响因素,为研究气候暖干化背景下当地降雨入渗行为对斥水性的响应问题提供参考。[方法] 试验在黄土旱塬陕西省长武县农田试验场进行。选取玉米地和苜蓿地0—20 cm土壤作为试验对象,对2种作物下的土样设计4水平土壤含水量、3种容重和3水平十八烷基伯胺(OCT)添加量进行组合配制土样,用滴水穿透时间法进行斥水性测试。[结果] 土壤斥水性(SWR)随着土壤含水量(0%~6%范围)和容重的增加及OCT添加量的增加而增大,其中土壤含水量、OCT添加量和土壤容重对SWR的影响存在多因素交互效应。在逐步回归分析中,OCT和含水量共同参与下的拟合模型更优。1.3 g/cm3土壤容重下,在0%含水量和0.15% OCT添加量及2%含水量和0.10% OCT添加量条件时,非斥水的黑垆土土壤会转变为轻微斥水性土壤。[结论] 在黑垆土低水条件下的降水入渗过程中,应更多关注不同土地利用土壤含水量和极性物质的积累变化对斥水风险的影响。  相似文献   

四种入渗模型对斥水土壤入渗规律的适用性   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
土壤斥水性影响入渗,进而影响作物产量。国外学者进行了一定的研究,但在中国研究的还很少。该文基于实测资料探讨几种常规的入渗模型在斥水土壤中的适用性。采用室内土柱进行积水入渗试验,对比了不同积水高度和斥水度条件下的土壤入渗规律,并采用4种模型分析了土壤入渗率变化特征。结果表明,累积入渗量随入渗历时的变化可用幂函数描述,不斥水土壤累积入渗量明显大于斥水土壤;累积入渗量与湿润锋推进距离呈良好的线性关系;利用Green-Ampt模型、Philip模型、Kostiakov公式和指数公式对入渗率与入渗历时间的关系进行拟合,其中Kostiakov公式更接近于实测值,其他模型拟合效果因斥水程度等因素的不同而异。  相似文献   

斥水红黏土的增湿强度特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨松  吴玉琴  周明凯 《土壤》2021,53(1):183-189
在红黏土中加入十八胺使其由亲水变为斥水,分别对亲水和斥水土进行不同容重下增湿和不增湿直剪试验,通过试验对不增湿条件下红黏土由亲水变为斥水后的抗剪强度变化规律及增湿对亲水和斥水红黏土抗剪强度的影响展开研究。试验结果表明:不增湿条件下,亲水土壤变为斥水后其强度会降低,且随着正应力的增大斥水土壤抗剪强度降低越明显;增湿对亲水土壤影响较大,而对斥水土壤的影响则较小。随着容重的增大,亲水与斥水土的抗剪强度都会增大,增湿对两类土壤的影响随着容重和正应力会发生改变,利用土壤的斥水特性来提高土壤增湿条件下的抗剪强度时,需要综合考虑土壤的容重及所处的应力状态。  相似文献   

两种常用方法测定土壤斥水性结果的相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
土壤斥水性不利于农业生产和环境的可持续性发展,引起了很多土地利用问题。为了合理地选择土壤斥水特性的测定方法,该文采用常用的滴水穿透时间法与酒精溶液入渗法两种方法测定了内蒙古锡林浩特羊草草原土壤的斥水性,并分析了两种方法的相关性。结果表明:两种方法测定的土壤斥水性具有较强的相关性,在一定范围内可以通过文中提出的多项式进行转换,并获得了中度斥水性等级以下的酒精溶液入渗法的土壤斥水性等级指标。  相似文献   

Summary The hypotheses that disruption of soil structure increases mineralization rates in loams and clays more than in sandy soils and that this increase can be used to estimate the fraction of physically protected organic matter were tested. C and N mineralization was measured in undisturbed, and in finely and coarsely sieved moist or dried/remoistened soil. Fine sieving caused a temporary increase in mineralization. The relative increase in mineralization was much larger in loams and clays than in sandy soils and much larger for N than for C. The combination of remoistening and sieving of the soil gave a further increase in the mineralization flush after the disturbance. Again, the extra flush was larger in loams and clays than in sandy soils, and larger for N than for C. In loams and clays, small pores constituted a higher percentage of the total pore space than in sandy soils. The fraction of small pores explained more than 50% of the variation in the N mineralization rate between soils. There was also a good correlation between the small-pore fraction and the relative increase in N mineralization with fine sieving. For C, these relations were not clear. It is suggested that a large part of the organic matter that was present in the small pores could not be reached by microorganisms, and was therefore physically protected against decomposition. Fine sieving exposed part of this fraction to decomposition. This physically protected organic matter had a lower C: N ratio than the rest of the soil organic matter. The increase in N mineralization after fine sieving can be regarded as a measure of physically protected organic matter.  相似文献   

适量砒砂岩改良风沙土的吸水和保水特性   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
该文研究了不同砒砂岩改良风沙土模式下的土壤入渗特征、饱和导水率和水分特征曲线,分析了不同模型对砒砂岩改良风沙土水分特征曲线的适用性和不同改良模式的土壤水力学特征,以期为评价砒砂岩改良风沙土水力学特性以及筛选合理改良模式提供科学依据。结果表明:砒砂岩可以有效降低风沙土的入渗率和饱和导水率,增加风沙土的饱和含水量和滞留含水量,增强风沙土的持水能力。VGM(m,n)模型可以拟合砒砂岩改良风沙土土壤水分特征曲线。同一改良模式下,土壤的入渗率、饱和导水率和饱和含水量随容重增大呈减小趋势;容积含水量在低吸力段随容重增大逐渐减小,在中高吸力段逐渐增大。砒砂岩和风沙土以25∶75比例混合的复配模式,可以有效改良风沙土的吸水和保水特性,可在实践中推广。  相似文献   

风化煤对晋陕蒙矿区排土场新构土体土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨风化煤添加对晋陕蒙矿区排土场沙黄土及砒砂岩掺混沙黄土等新构土体土壤呼吸特征的影响,该文设置沙黄土、沙黄土+风化煤、沙黄土+风化煤+砒砂岩掺混、沙黄土+砒砂岩掺混的4种新构土体,采用Li-8100土壤呼吸测量系统测定田间土壤呼吸,分析了不同土体重构方式土壤呼吸特征及其与土壤水热因子的相互关系。结果表明:1)风化煤添加后沙黄土+砒砂岩土体与沙黄土土体土壤呼吸速率分别提高了35.2%(P<0.05)和17.1%,沙黄土土壤呼吸日变化为单峰曲线,风化煤添加后日变化呈双峰曲线。2)各土体土壤呼吸与土壤温度均呈极显著的指数函数关系,vant' Huff模型可用来模拟各土体土壤呼吸对土壤温度的响应。3)监测期内土壤含水率整体较高,土壤呼吸与土壤水分具有一定的线性关系,但不显著。土壤呼吸与土壤温度、水分多元线性分析结果也表明,监测期内新构土体土壤呼吸与土壤温度显著相关,与土壤水分相关性不显著,土壤温度可以解释土壤呼吸的大部分变异。综合研究结果表明风化煤促进了新构土体土壤呼吸,提高了碳释放速率,同时也改变了土壤呼吸日变化格局。研究阐明了添加风化煤对矿区新构土体碳通量释放的影响,对评估风化煤添加土体优缺点,估算未来局部碳变化具有积极意义。  相似文献   

土壤母质与茶叶质量的关系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Six tea plantations with different soil-forming parent naterials,the same tea variety and tea age and similar landforms and management were selected to conduct a systematic study on the realtionship between soil properties and tea quality.The results showed that the quality of tea grown on the soil derived from dolomites,Quaternary red clays,were inferior.Further study showed that sandy soils were beneficial to improving amino acid content of tea ,and clayey soils made it decrease;high content of bases might decrease the contents of tea polypenols,caffeine,water extracts,but promote the content of amino acds;available phosphorous was significantly positively correlated with water extracts ,but significantly negatively correlated with caffeine;slowly avaiable potassium was positively correlated with amino acid content .Soil parent materials should be regarded as an important factor in eveluating the adatability of tea to soils.  相似文献   

This study aimed at quantifying nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) released from winery solid waste (WSW) composts during laboratory incubation to address deficiency in two texturally distinct soils. Composts had 4, 10, 20, 30, 40% (w/w) of filter materials (FMs) mixed with grape marc and pruning canes. The composts were mixed with the soils at equivalent rate of 200 kg N ha?1 and incubated for 42 days. Quantitatively higher (p < 0.05) ammonium N content was recorded in sandy than sandy loam soil during the incubation duration while exchangeable K was increased in K-deficient sandy soil. Cumulative total mineralized N (TMN) measured during the incubation duration ranged from 59 mg kg?1 to 672 mg kg?1 depending on compost type and soil texture while a 10-fold increase in compost FMs content resulted in 144% and 139% increases in cumulative mineralized K in sandy and sandy loam textured soil, respectively. Percent N mineralized from the composts relative to the amount applied during the incubation duration was less than 54% reflecting the composts and soils inherent characteristics. The high ammonium N and K mineralized suggests that farmers must be cautious in utilizing these composts for field crops production due to the potential environmental risks.  相似文献   

When API-9 kaolinite and Willalooka illite clays were mixed in various proportions, the pore-size distributions obtained using nitrogen sorption and mercury injection techniques were found to be characteristic of neither of the components but showed a progressive reduction in the pore size as the concentration of illite was increased. The plate separation of the mixtures showed a marked decrease with initial added illite, approaching that of the illite when the mixture contained approximately 40 per cent illite. This is indicative of a homogeneous mixture in which the fine illite particles fill in the pores bounded by the relatively coarse kaolinite particles. The relationship between particle dimensions (derived from crystallographic parameters and specific surface area) and pore size of single clays and clay mixtures is consistent with a model in which slit-shaped pores result from the parallel interleaving of clay crystals for the single clays. Some deviations occur for the mixtures.  相似文献   

J. Chretien  E.B.A. Bisdom   《Geoderma》1983,30(1-4):285-302
For this study thin sections have been prepared of natural and artificial sands mixed with 20% and 40% clay. These and other samples had already been examined using soil physical and soil mineralogical methods for loose samples. Initial thin section studies, with the help of the light microscope alone, have been enlarged upon in this investigation using backscattered electron scanning images and an image analyzer (Quantimet 720). This allowed quantitative information to be obtained on the development of different types of soil porosity patterns using various clay admixtures. Information was also obtained on the influence the form of mineral grains had on the shape of pores in the mixtures of sand and clay. It was also possible to obtain quantitative information on the amount of clays and larger mineral grains in the thin sections. Much of the present data cannot be obtained automatically but must be manually controlled by using the image editor of the Quantimet. This type of work, however, may provide basic data which can subsequently be used to help explain various processes which occur in soils.  相似文献   

The research was carried out to determine the effect of basin‐based conservation agriculture (CA) on selected soil quality parameters. Paired plots (0.01 ha) of CA and conventional tillage based on the animal‐drawn mouldboard plough (CONV) were established between 2004 and 2007 on farm fields on soils with either low (12–18% – sandy loams and sandy clay loams) or high clay levels (>18–46% – sandy clays and clays) as part of an ongoing project promoting CA in six districts in the smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe. We hypothesized that CA would improve soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, aggregate stability, soil moisture retention and infiltration rate. Soil samples for SOC and aggregate stability were taken from 0 to 15 cm depth and for bulk density and soil moisture retention from 0 to 5, 5 to 10 and 10 to 15 cm depths in 2011 from maize plots. Larger SOC contents, SOC stocks and improved aggregate stability, decreased bulk density, increased pore volume and moisture retention were observed in CA treatments. Results were consistent with the hypothesis, and we conclude that CA improves soil quality under smallholder farming. Benefits were, however, greater in high clay soils, which is relevant to the targeting of practices on smallholder farming areas of sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Aggregate slaking is linked with rapid pressure buildup within aggregates. Soil water repellency may help hamper the pressure buildup within aggregates by reducing their wetting rates. We examined the effects of animal manure in improving aggregate stability, the hydrophobic effects of green manure, and the possibility of using organic manure mixtures to increase the aggregate stability for Sri Lankan red yellow podzolic soils using model aggregates. Almost all the cow dung (CD) added samples showed extremely low percentages of water stable aggregates (%WSA) demonstrating rapid destruction of aggregates. Although the addition of ≥ 10% goat dung (GD) improved the %WSA, aggregate floating occurred, showing the risk of aggregate floating with runoff water. Addition of 5% GD would be an acceptable solution if the %WSA can be improved. Casuarina equisetifolia L. leaves (CE) was found to be a hydrophobic green manure. Although addition of ≥ 5% CE increased the %WSA up to about 90%, aggregate floating occurred. The possibility of improving %WSA using 1–2% hydrophobic green manure in organic manures mixtures was tested. Samples with 5% GD + 2% CE manure mixture showed the highest and the most stable %WSA without showing aggregate floating. Additions of compost and poultry litter were found not to be effective in improving aggregate stability with or without CE. Strong or higher water repellency was not observed in any of the samples with manure mixtures, showing that the addition of 1–2% hydrophobic CE would not induce detrimental effects of water repellency. There was no clear correlation between %WSA and the hydrophobicity of soils. However, the %WSA can be considered to show a tendency to increase with increasing hydrophobicity, because the %WSA was very high in samples with hydrophobic CE, the %WSA increased when mixed with 1–2% CE, and samples with highest water drop penetration time (WDPT) among all the manure mixtures showed the highest %WSA.  相似文献   

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