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国外生物液体燃料发展和示范工程综述及其启示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
概述了国内外利用农林废弃木质纤维素、能源作物和生活垃圾等生物质制备生物液体燃料的发展现状和工程进展动态,着重讨论了美国、巴西、欧洲、加拿大等国促进生物液体燃料发展的政策和法规,介绍了各国在纤维素乙醇、油脂加氢、气化-费托合成液态烃等生物液体燃料制备技术的大型运行及在建工程装置,分析了中国该领域的基础,分析了生物液体燃料发展中存在的主要障碍,如原料成本高及供给不确定,高生产成本及政策不确定性。提出继续研发高效的生物液体燃料技术路线、加大中试和示范工厂建设和投入、开展生物液体燃料生产企业与航空公司及与传统能源化工公司的合作等促进其未来发展的建议与方向。同时应立足国情,加强国家层面的生物液体燃料使用目标,完善政策保障,建立反映各类能源环境成本的能源价格和税收制度,为生物液体燃料能源产业发展建立公平的竞争环境。  相似文献   

生物液体燃料可持续发展评价系统   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
该文分析了国内外生物液体燃料能量平衡研究现状。在综合考虑能量平衡、污染物排放、土地、水资源成本等各种因素的基础上,基于线性规划法和电子数据表工具(SPREADSHEET),利用生命周期理论研究开发了生物液体燃料可持续评价系统(BSAS),该系统主要有基础数据库、分析模块和优化模块3部分组成,以中国内蒙古和黑龙江两地发展甜高粱茎秆燃料乙醇为案例,利用该系统进行了可持续性评价。研究表明,利用该系统可实现国家、省以及特定地区等多个层面对发展生物液体燃料的可持续性进行优化分析和综合评价,得出选定地区在满足设定情景条件下优化的生物液体燃料产业发展规划,为政府部门科学决策提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

中国生物质能产业发展现状及趋势分析   总被引:63,自引:35,他引:63       下载免费PDF全文
该文在综合评价中国生物质能资源、产业发展和政策环境的基础上,分析未来生物质能产业发展趋势。中国具有丰富的生物质资源,生物质能产业初具规模:沼气产业基本形成,燃料乙醇年生产能力已达到102万t,开发了甜高粱茎秆等非粮作物生产燃料乙醇的技术,秸秆直燃发电示范工程正式并网运行;促进生物质能产业发展的宏观政策环境逐渐形成。因此得出结论:未来中国生物质能产业发展的重点是沼气及沼气发电、液体燃料、生物质固体成型燃料以及生物质发电;促进生物质能产业发展的政策环境将进一步完善;技术水平进一步提高;将有更多的大型企业参与;生物质能产业必将成为中国国民经济新的增长点。  相似文献   

大豆油和地沟油制备生物柴油生命周期评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
该研究应用生命周期评价方法,以大豆油和地沟油分别制备1 t生物柴油为研究对象,计算生物柴油全生命周期过程中的能源消耗和周期排放,结果表明:以大豆油为原料制备生物柴油全生命周期总能耗约为地沟油的2.65倍,且以地沟油为原料制备生物柴油过程中CO2、SO2、NOx、CO和粉尘各项排放与大豆油为原料时相比分别降低了82.92%、45.68%、94.91%、53.40%和90.61%。通过对制备生物柴油生命周期排放的废气和废物对环境造成的影响进行量化分析,结果表明以大豆油为原料时生命周期环境影响潜值约为地沟油的11.70倍,其数值分别为8.42和0.72,大豆油制备生物柴油过程中对环境的影响主要是全球性的变暖,地沟油制备生物柴油过程中对环境的影响主要是地区性的酸化。  相似文献   

通过分析皋兰县高原夏菜产业发展现状,找出制约该区高原夏菜产业发展的问题,并提出了扶持壮大龙头企业,形成产业群;建立订单与追溯制度,实现产业链的增值模式;健全农产品质量安全监测体系,建立市场准入准出制度;大力发展品牌,提升产品竞争力;扩展营销网络,实现“农超对接”等高原夏菜产业发展的建议。  相似文献   

该文依据对江汉平原农产品加工业调研资料,通过对十三个农产品加工行业进行聚类分析,确立纺织业作为江汉平原农产品加工业优先发展领域,运用层次分析方法找到了制约江汉平原农产品加工业发展的技术和资金两大瓶颈。藉此分析了江汉平原农产品加工业现存的四个基本问题,提出了发展江汉平原农产品加工业必须创造投资环境、加大科技投入、增强农产品竞争力;选择规模大、创汇多、效益好的优势行业重点扶持;发展信息网络,开拓国际市场;加强政策导向,构建农产品加工企业群等对策。  相似文献   

随着农业技术的进步,以及国家惠农政策的实施,农产品产量逐年增加,给农产品物流产业的发展提供了机遇,同时也带来了挑战。本研究就我国农产品物流发展和现状进行了深入分析,找出农产品物流发展过程中存在的问题,并提出现代农产品物流发展的对策,对解决农产品“卖难买贵”问题有着现实意义。  相似文献   

发展特色农产品产业是增加农民收入的有效途径,以山东省烟台市牟平区的特色农产品为例,结合牟平区的特色农产品目前发展现状分析了其特色农产品具有的优势和劣势,并针对牟平区的特色农产品存在问题,依据牟平区发展特色农业的基本思路,提出了牟平区的特色农产品发展的思路规划与政策建议。  相似文献   

本文运用时间序列分析方法,对2000-2009年吉林省农产品加工业的波动情况进行了分析,并在此基础上分析了吉林省农产品加工业的波动给吉林省带来的影响,且提出了与这些影响相对应的政策、市场等方面的建议。  相似文献   

柴油机燃用乙醇-柴油-生物柴油混合燃料的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
研究了乙醇-柴油-生物柴油混合燃料的互溶性和理化性质,测量了柴油机燃用柴油、乙醇-柴油-生物柴油混合燃料的动力性、经济性与排放特性。结果表明,当温度高于10℃、生物柴油的体积分数大于17.6%时,乙醇、柴油和生物柴油可以任意比例稳定互溶。随着乙醇掺混比例的增大,燃用乙醇-柴油-生物柴油混合燃料的燃烧与排放情况是:燃油消耗率逐渐增大,但能量消耗率变化不大;转矩逐渐减小;烟度排放大幅度降低,中高负荷下CO排放大幅度减少,HC排放量明显增加,NOx排放变化不大;最大燃烧压力和放热率峰值逐渐升高并后移。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the vulnerability and adaptation of the agricultural sector of China to global warming. Based on a summarization of Chinese agricultural and general circulation model trends, adverse impacts on China's agriculture caused by a warming and drying climate were identified. Because of limited irrigation potential, the sustainable development of Chinese agriculture will be difficult. Six sensitive agricultural areas located on the edges of different agroecological zones, and seven provinces with high vulnerability to the impacts on agriculture, were identified. On the basis of an estimation ofthe potential supply of agricultural products and demand for food, the annual incremental costs for adaptation to climate change would be US$0.8–3.48 billion; without adaptation, the annual agricultural loss due to global warming would be US$1.37–79.98 billion from 2000 to 2050. Adaptive measures discussed include intensive management and the possibility of a tripartite structure of planting that would entail coordinated development of gain crops, feed crops, and cash crops.  相似文献   

从传统农业到低碳农业*-- 国外相关政策分析及启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
改革开放30年后,我国经历了从传统农业向高耗能、高排放、高产出生产方式的转变,虽然取得了粮食增产、农民收入增长等重大成就,但这种农业模式给自然环境和农业的可持续带来的巨大挑战,在自然生态环境和资源利用等方面面临增长的瓶颈。总结和分析世界上主要发达国家促进低碳农业发展的相关政策,具体包括:通过具体目标控制温室气体排放;加强对肥料和废料的管理和使用,规范农业生产环节;实施能源税,鼓励新能源应用;加强技术研究,保护以及进行生态环境综合治理;实施农业补贴,通过经济手段达到促进政策的有效性;鼓励公众和私营部门参与低碳农业实践;在农业生产中,通过碳评估对农业能源消耗和污染进行有效的监督和控制;对有机食品进行严格的标准控制等。阐述了目前发达国家的主要政策性工具,及其主要目的和作用。为应对全球气候变化的环境,探索新型农业发展模式和增长方式,从政策创新上为实现农业低能耗、低排放和低污染发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国农业生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未来气候变化下中国农业的稳定事关中国的长远持续发展,国内外气候变化研究界和农业气象研究界对气候变化对中国农业生产的影响的评估未有一致的认识。本文从农业科学角度讨论了气候变化对中国农业生产涉及的气象资源、土地资源、农业生物环境和生态系统的影响,并从作物生长和经济产量形成的角度讨论和分析了气候变化对中国种植业、养殖业不同产业行业的影响,气候变化中一些趋势性变化因不同作物和不同区域而异,例如温度和CO2浓度变化对农业生产的影响因不同作物和不同时相而异,反之,极端性气候/天气事件对农业不同行业的生产都显得危害很大,而气候变化中区域性干旱将成为我国未来农业生产愈来愈严重的挑战。气候变化对中国农业生产的影响甚为复杂,一些气候变化因子的实际影响还存在很大不确定性。当前,定量评价气候变化对中国农业生产的影响还存在困难。  相似文献   

黄淮南片粮仓现代农业发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皖北、苏北、鲁西南和豫东南的4省交界地区,有以淮北平原为主的砂姜黑土、黄泛区为主的风沙盐碱地等易旱易涝中低产田面积400万hm~2以上,虽然处于南北过渡带的黄淮南片,温热降水等自然资源条件较好,但因地理偏远、交通不便,科技文化和社会经济发展相对落后,农业高产潜力还未发挥。加快黄淮南片中低产田改造,建设黄淮南片第二粮仓,可以新增粮食50亿kg,在区域现代农业发展和保障我国粮食安全中具有重要作用。根据气候变暖和绿色提质增产增效的现代农业发展态势,提出以下黄淮南片粮仓现代农业发展战略:在种植业方面,第1是培育抗赤霉病的小麦品种,利用综合防治措施减轻小麦赤霉病的危害;第2是培育耐旱耐涝、脱水快适合机械化粒收的玉米新品种并快速示范推广;第3是扩大吨粮田建设,确保黄淮南片和国家粮食安全。在区域治理方面,重点改造淮北砂姜黑土、黄泛区的风沙盐碱地等易旱易涝区的中低产田,加强农田排灌系统基础投入,建设旱涝保收、林网路、渠井电配套的高标准农田。在现代科技装备方面,要加大农机补贴,增加大中型农机的数量,加强深翻深松农机的示范推广,普及农作全程机械化。在绿色提质增效方面,积极推行化肥农药减施,扩大环境友好型的绿色生物肥料制剂等应用,加强秸秆还田和生物资源等循环高效利用。在科技教育方面,要扩大职业教育规模,培养知识农民,专业服务工人,打造社会化服务的专业队伍。在区域经济发展方面,在皖北做强做大粮食品牌化生产,在苏北做大粮食规模化生产和培育现代新型产业,在鲁西南做好农林牧协同高效发展,在豫东南打造中国食品深加工的旗舰。在农业信息化建设方面,加大"互联网+"农业的普及,带动订单农业、外销农业、观光农业等的快速发展。建议国家及早启动黄淮南片第二粮仓重点科技专项,将黄淮南片粮食主产区和经济塌陷区建设成为国家主体粮仓和农业经济新兴区及环境优美的可持续发展区。  相似文献   

Water scarcity in agriculture is becoming a major problem due to increasing demand from nonagricultural uses and intensive crop management on existing croplands to meet the needs of an expanding global population. Efficient use of the available irrigation water is therefore of important concern. Even though intensive research in the areas of crop physiology, irrigation engineering, agronomy and agricultural economics has developed several ways to improve the efficiency of irrigation water, a multidisciplinary approach is often regarded as the best future path to achieve further enhancements in meeting the forthcoming challenge of producing more and safety foods. Failure of irrigation production has profound effects on the welfare of all those employed in it and also their customers. Indeed, the scale of the industry is such that world food prices will be influenced by the overall performance of the irrigation farmers, but low food prices are essential to the welfare of the poorest people. The contribution of irrigation and water management to increased food production must come through both expansion of irrigation and improved management of existing water supplies. This review presents the past, current and future panorama of irrigation as a viable tool in ensuring food security on the globe. Considering past trends, this review empathizes that future irrigation technologies should be focused on providing the leadership and capacity to capture, develop and promote new irrigation practices and management systems to optimize production.  相似文献   

Many industrial products and functional foods can be obtained from cheap and renewable raw agricultural materials. For example, starch can be converted to bioethanol as biofuel to reduce the current demand for petroleum or fossil fuel energy. On the other hand, starch can also be converted to useful functional ingredients, such as high fructose and high maltose syrups, wine, glucose, and trehalose. The conversion process involves fermentation by microorganisms and use of biocatalysts such as hydrolases of the amylase superfamily. Amylases catalyze the process of liquefaction and saccharification of starch. It is possible to perform complete hydrolysis of starch by using the fusion product of both linear and debranching thermostable enzymes. This will result in saving energy otherwise needed for cooling before the next enzyme can act on the substrate, if a sequential process is utilized. Recombinant enzyme technology, protein engineering, and enzyme immobilization are powerful tools available to enhance the activity of enzymes, lower the cost of enzyme through large scale production in a heterologous host, increase their thermostability, improve pH stability, enhance their productivity, and hence making it competitive with the chemical processes involved in starch hydrolysis and conversions. This review emphasizes the potential of using biocatalysis for the production of useful industrial products and functional foods from cheap agricultural produce and transgenic plants. Rice was selected as a typical example to illustrate many applications of biocatalysis in converting low-value agricultural produce to high-value commercial food and industrial products. The greatest advantages of using enzymes for food processing and for industrial production of biobased products are their environmental friendliness and consumer acceptance as being a natural process.  相似文献   

生态农业与食品安全   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
赵其国  黄国勤  钱海燕 《土壤学报》2007,44(6):1127-1134
食品安全已引起国内外的广泛关注。我国食品安全与提高人民生活质量、保证人民健康,维护社会稳定、建设和谐社会等密切相关。维护食品安全,就是维护生态安全、维护经济安全、维护国家安全。目前,我国食品安全面临的主要问题,一是食品数量不足,合格率不高;二是食品中有毒有害物质残留量高,食物中毒事件增多;三是资源、生态、环境问题突出,食品可持续生产能力面临潜在威胁;四是食品安全的法律、法规尚不健全,执法与管理力度不够。生态农业是当今社会农业发展的重要方向,具有显著的增产、增收、增效和环境保护功能,对改善和优化农业生态环境、生产健康优质的安全食品具有重大意义。生态农业在解决当前及今后我国面临的食品数量、质量安全及食品可持续生产能力等方面,将发挥着重要与不可替代的作用。为保障新世纪我国的食品安全,必须大力发展生态农业。主要措施包括:提高对生态农业的认识;大力普及生态农业知识;全面应用与推广生态农业技术;加强生态农业的科学研究;重视实行生态农业的产业化。  相似文献   

Navjot Sodhi and we often discussed how growing global demands for food are placing increasing pressures on tropical forests. Although more consumers are demanding for ‘greener’ products associated with sustainable production, green consumerism and improved production practices per se might not adequately curtail destruction of forests and biodiversity. Instead, we argue that consumers in emerging and developed countries need to avoid wasteful and excessive consumption. We demonstrate how reasonable recalibration of consumer aspirations and changes in consumption levels in China, India, the European Union and United States might substantially alleviate environmental impacts associated with oilseed production in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil and Argentina. We do so through a scenario analysis that projects oilseed demands and expansion from current levels to 2100 under three alternative consumption trends. We show that pursuing a business-as-usual course of consumption would impose severe pressures in producer countries to clear land for oil-palm and soybean agriculture (up to an additional ~12 million hectares by 2040), which could exacerbate rates of deforestation and biodiversity loss in these tropical regions. On the other hand, if each person in the EU and US reduces his/her daily vegetable oil consumption by an average of 25 g – roughly equivalent to forgoing one large serving of French Fries – the pressure to convert tropical forests for oilseed expansion could be reduced by up to ~70%. Our analysis demonstrates how changes in consumer behavior in industrialized nations could substantially alleviate environmental impacts associated with agricultural production in the developing tropics.  相似文献   

For the soil and plant analysis community, development and expansion of biofuels will create many opportunities to provide a wide variety of analytical services. Our objective is to explore potential areas where those services could be marketed to support sustainable development of biofuels. One of the first is to provide soil fertility and plant nutrition information for sustainable feedstock production. Chemical, physical, and biological indicators of soil quality should also be monitored and interpreted using tools such as the soil management assessment framework (SMAF) to ensure soil resources can continue to meet global food, feed, and fiber demands as well as the new demands for biofuels. Feedstock sugar profile information will be needed to help manage conversion processes, calculate economic drivers such as the minimum ethanol selling price (MESP), and determine suitability for other bioproducts. There will also be an increasing need to evaluate a variety of coproducts created by corn (Zea mays) milling, soybean (Glycine max Merr.) processing, and the fledgling lignocellulosic conversion processes. For coproducts produced from wet or dry corn milling and dry grind ethanol production, accurate and efficient analysis and digestibility of fiber components [neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and total dietary fiber (TDF)], amino acids (lysine, trypotophan, and methionine), fatty acids, and minerals (phosphorus and sulfur) will be needed. In addition, a capacity to accurately and rapidly detect contamination by mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, zearalenone, and fumonisisn or the presence of antibiotics such as penicillin or virginiamycin could potentially be important. For the biodiesel industry, methanol concentrations in crude glycerin must be reduced to meet Food and Drug Administration guidelines and quantified to ensure this coproduct is safe for use in livestock feeds. Finally, monitoring for several processes and coproducts associated with pyrolysis, a thermochemical platform for biomass conversion to bio-oils, biochar, and other products will be needed. We conclude that sustainable development of biofuel industries will have many positive benefits for soils, plant, and animal production systems and the analysts who will provide analytical services for monitoring all aspects of the biofuels industry.  相似文献   

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