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稻米功能性成分育种研究进展   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
本文介绍了稻米中主要功能性成分 ,概述了富含铁、钙和锌、富含 β 胡萝卜素、富含必需氨基酸、低水溶性蛋白及新型胚乳等稻米成分方面的研究进展 ,并讨论了我国开展功能性成分育种的必要性及研究策略  相似文献   

抗性淀粉及预防糖尿病和肥胖症功能稻米研究进展   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
吴伟  刘鑫  杨朝柱  舒小丽  吴殿星 《核农学报》2006,20(1):60-63,22
抗性淀粉(RESISTANT STARCH,RS)是指不被健康人体小肠所吸收的淀粉及其降解产物的总称。本文在简述RS的定义、分类、检测及其生理功能与影响RS形成因素的基础上,介绍了富含RS功能食品的研发途径、富含RS稻米制品及利用诱变技术选育富含RS水稻品种的最新进展。  相似文献   

HPT-ELISA方法的建立及其在转基因水稻监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
汪海燕  叶庆富 《核农学报》2007,21(2):168-172
本文改进了HPT-ELISA检测法,利用一种简便并且高效的微生物表达体系,将hpt基因的全编码序列克隆到原核表达质粒pGEX-KG上,在E.Coli菌株BL21(DE3)-pLys中进行诱导表达,获得了融合蛋白GST-HPT,经Thrombin凝血酶酶切过夜,再经过柱纯化后获得不含GST且具有生物活性的HPT纯蛋白,所得蛋白纯度>90%。MALDI-TOF-MS分析表明,HPT蛋白分子量为39.4KD。用HPT纯蛋白免疫家兔,制备了高效价的多克隆抗体,进而构建了双抗夹心酶联免疫检测方法,其灵敏度为0.31ng/ml。应用该HPT-ELISA方法,测定了不同生育期转Bt基因水稻植株中HPT蛋白的表达水平以及成熟期稻米中的HPT蛋白含量。结果表明,不同生育期转Bt基因水稻植株中HPT蛋白的表达量约为15.67~60.12ng/g.FW,转Bt基因稻米中HPT蛋白的含量为5.28ng HPT/g.FW,而在非转基因亲本的植株和稻米中均未检测到HPT蛋白。  相似文献   

巨胚功能稻的营养成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别测定了巨胚稻和相应非巨胚稻(对照)糙米的粗白质、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分等4种主要营养成分,17种氨基酸、9种矿物质、5种维生素和γ-氨基丁酸含量。结果表明:(1)同对照相比,巨胚稻糙米的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维和粗灰分含量均有提高,平均增幅分别为11.14%、106.09%、42.21%和10.17%;(2)较对照,巨胚稻的17种氨基酸含量普遍提高,必需氨基酸含量提高2.52%-35.62%,氨基酸总量提高4.77%~37.09%;(3)巨胚稻的矿物质元素含量丰富,相比非巨胚对照,其Ca、Fe、Zn、Mn、Mg、P、K、Na和Cd的平均含量分别提高了42.89%、47.96%、38.08%、37.75%、1.75%、5.51%、13.88%、16.13%和36.69%;(4)巨胚稻的VB1、VB2、VPP、VE和叶酸含量均高于相应非巨胚对照,增幅为2.50%~214.81%;(5)巨胚稻糙米的功能成分γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)含量比相应非巨胚对照增加,平均增幅达286.58%。巨胚稻富含各种营养成分,是一种高营养功能型的稻米品系。  相似文献   

水稻胚性愈伤诱导及其遗传转化的几个技术参数研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以日本晴成熟种子及幼嫩种子为材料诱导形成胚性愈伤组织,经农杆菌介导将水稻隐花色素基因的4个RNAi和2个反义RNA表达载体分别转化日本晴愈伤组织,再经抗性筛选和分化培养诱导形成植株,经分子检测筛选出阳性转基因苗。对胚性愈伤诱导率、抗性愈伤率、分化出苗率及转化率进行统计分析。结果表明,成熟种子、新鲜成熟种子及幼嫩种子愈伤诱导率均大于81%,平均为86.67%,其中以新鲜成熟种子愈伤诱导率最高,达96.89%;抗性愈伤率成熟胚为22.21%~40.71%,平均为28.49%,幼胚为36.79%~43.21%,平均为40%,幼胚的抗性愈伤率高于成熟胚;分化出苗率成熟胚为59.29%~80.43%,平均为71.59%,幼胚为63.16%~72.73%,平均67.95%,幼胚与成熟胚差异不明显;转化率(Gus检测阳性率)成熟胚为43.07%~81.08%,平均61.59%,幼胚为58.33%~76.67%,平均67.50%,幼胚转化率稍高于成熟胚。  相似文献   

研究了苹果离体叶片直接体细胞胚胎发生体系和外植体直接体细胞胚胎发生过程中的形态学特征。结果显示 ,苹果直接体细胞胚胎发生过程经历原胚、球形胚、心形胚、子叶形胚、成熟胚等阶段 ;子叶形胚以前的阶段没有观察到形态学多样性 ,发育至子叶形胚期的直接体细胞胚胎表现出形态学多样性 ,分别观察到一子叶胚、两子叶胚、三子叶胚、杯状胚、多子叶胚、畸形胚等 ,这些类型的胚最终都能发育成正常的成熟胚进而发育成小植株。  相似文献   

  【目的】  巨胚水稻富含对人体具有多种调节功能的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA),明确施氮量对巨胚水稻产量和品质的影响,以期为巨胚水稻合理施用氮肥提供科学依据。  【方法】  于2020—2021年在四川农业大学崇州市现代化农业科研园区进行大田试验,以巨胚水稻J20和常规水稻越光为材料,设置0 (N0)、90 (N90)、135 (N135)、180 (N180)、225 (N225) kg/hm2 5个施氮水平,测定了不同处理下巨胚水稻产量、加工品质、外观品质、淀粉RVA谱特征值、食味值、蛋白质含量、17种水解氨基酸含量及功能成分γ-氨基丁酸含量。  【结果】  两水稻品种的产量均以N135处理最高,这与其具有较高的有效穗数和每穗颖花数有关。随着施氮量增加,稻米的糙米率、精米率、整精米率、GABA含量和胚重量呈先增后降的趋势;垩白粒率、垩白度呈先降后增的趋势,均以N135处理最低;米质、功能成分GABA含量和胚重量在施氮量高于135 kg/hm2后均下降。随着施氮量的增加,稻米的峰值黏度显著下降,各施氮处理的平均峰值黏度较N0处理分别下降了7.44% (J20)和9.74% (越光),崩解值、消减值和糊化温度对施氮量总体上不敏感;J20外观、口感和食味值随着施氮量增加而显著下降,各施氮处理的平均食味值较N0处理下降了10.73%,越光水稻外观、口感和食味值表现为N135>N0>N90>N180>N225,但N135与N0处理外观品质差异不显著。随着施氮量增加,两个品种的蛋白质含量均呈增加趋势,N225处理达到最大,分别较N0处理增加了10.29% (J20)和8.62% (越光);各水解氨基酸的含量也整体呈增加趋势,N225处理下两个品种的氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸含量、非必需氨基酸含量分别较N0处理增加了29.25%、23.49%、31.68% (J20)和19.34%、14.88%、21.33% (越光)。根据水稻产量、糙米率、整精米率、垩白粒率、GABA含量与施氮量建立的效应方程计算得出,两品种高产优质的适宜施氮范围为130~140 kg/hm2。与常规水稻越光相比,巨胚水稻J20的产量、整精米率、崩解值和食味值对氮肥更敏感,且相同施氮量下J20的蛋白质含量、水解氨基酸总量及GABA含量均高于越光。  【结论】  合理施用氮肥可有效提高巨胚水稻的产量,改善加工、外观及营养品质,但过量施氮导致稻米蒸煮食味品质变劣;在本试验条件下,实现巨胚水稻J20高产优质、功能特性俱佳的适宜施氮量为130~140 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

玉米未成熟胚胚性愈伤组织诱导率与内源激素含量的关系   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
以胚性愈伤组织诱导率高低不同的9个玉米自交系未成熟胚为外植体,用改良N6培养基诱导培养愈伤组织。酶联免疫法测定不同培养时间后未成熟胚,以及由此诱导的胚性和非胚性愈伤组织,内源脱落酸(ABA)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉素(GA3、GA4)和细胞分裂素(DHZRI、PA、ZR)含量。结果发现,胚性愈伤组织诱导率与未成熟胚ABA和IAA含量正相关,与胚性和非胚性愈伤组织ABA含量正相关,与胚性愈伤组织GA3含量负相关。在胚性愈伤组织开始发生之际,外植体的ABA和IAA含量出现峰值,GA3含量出现低谷。因此认为,未成熟胚高水平的ABAI、AA含量和低水平的GA3含量,有利于胚性愈伤组织的诱导。但是胚性愈伤组织的ABA含量却低于非胚性愈伤组织,且胚性愈伤组织诱导率与胚性愈伤组织IAA含量负相关。由此看来,胚性愈伤组织的诱导和保持,可能还与各种激素的协同作用有关。  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂在植物体细胞胚发生中的应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
合理应用植物生长调节剂是成功诱导体细胞胚的决定因素,也是影响体细胞胚高频率发生的主要因素。本文从生长素类、细胞分裂素类、赤霉素、脱落酸以及各类植物生长调节剂间组合使用等几个方面综述了外源植物生长调节剂在体细胞胚发生中的应用进展,为植物体细胞胚的诱导提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

产γ-氨基丁酸的乳酸菌株筛选及诱变   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
夏江  梅乐和  黄俊  盛清  许静  吴晖 《核农学报》2006,20(5):379-382
γ-氨基丁酸(-γaminobutyric acid,GABA)是中枢神经系统一种重要的抑制性神经递质。本研究从鲜奶中分离得到1株高产GABA的乳酸菌株hjxj-01,经初步鉴定为短乳杆菌。实验结果表明,在含5%的L-谷氨酸钠的GYP培养基中,此乳酸菌产GABA最大积累浓度为7 g/L。在此基础上,又先后使用了紫外线和γ射线对出发菌株进行了诱变处理。以正突变率为标准确定诱变条件。30W的紫外灯下,距离45cm照射及照射时间50 s为紫外线诱变的较佳条件;60Co射线诱变的适宜剂量为300 Gy。诱变后得到1株突变菌株hjxj-08119,经连续传代12次,遗传性状稳定,平均GABA产量达到17 g/L,较出发菌株hjxj-01提高142.9%。  相似文献   

稻米功能性成分的生理活性及其产品开发   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王忠华 《核农学报》2005,19(3):241-244,201
本文就稻谷主副产品如淀粉、碎米、米糠、米胚和稻壳等中的主要功能性成分,包括抗性淀粉、γ氨基丁酸、多磷酸肌醇、谷维素、维生素E和二十八烷醇等的生理功能及富含特定功能因子产品的开发研究进展进行了简要综述,以期为开发与研制新型功能食品提供思路。  相似文献   

Two previous studies have reported that pu-erh tea contains a high level of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and has several physiological functions. However, two other researchers have demonstrated that the GABA content of several pu-erh teas was low. Due to the high value and health benefits of GABA, analysis of mass-produced pu-erh tea is necessary to determine whether it is actually enriched with GABA. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed for the determination of GABA in tea, the results of which were verified by amino acid analysis using an Amino Acid Analyzer (AAA). A total of 114 samples of various types of Chinese tea, including 62 pu-erh teas, 13 green teas, 8 oolong teas, 8 black teas, 3 white teas, 4 GABA teas, and 16 process samples from two industrial fermentations of pu-erh tea (including the raw material and the first to seventh turnings), were analyzed using HPLC. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the GABA content in pu-erh tea was significantly lower than that in other types of tea (p < 0.05) and that the GABA content decreased during industrial fermentation of pu-erh tea (p < 0.05). This mass analysis and comparison suggested GABA was not a major bioactive constituent and resolved the disagreement GABA content in pu-erh tea. In addition, the GABA content in white tea was found to be significantly higher than that in the other types of tea (p < 0.05), leading to the possibility of producing GABA-enriched white tea.  相似文献   

Germinated brown rice is popular in Asia for its increased γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) content and sweeter and softer texture compared with conventional brown rice. However, most studies investigated germinated rice properties on medium‐grain or aromatic rice. The objective of this study was to compare differences between a medium‐grain (Jupiter) and a long‐grain (Wells) rice under similar germination conditions on their milling, physicochemical, and textural properties over the course of germination. Rough rice was soaked in water at 25°C for 12 h and then incubated at 30–34°C for four germination durations. Wells had a higher breakage percentage and a greater weight decrease than Jupiter during germination. Wells had a significantly lower GABA content before germination and at the first two germination durations than Jupiter, but the GABA content in Wells significantly increased at the third germination duration to become significantly higher than that of Jupiter. There were no significant changes in gelatinization temperatures and pasting properties of germinated rice from both cultivars at different germination durations. The cooked rice hardness from Wells decreased at the longest germination duration, whereas Jupiter showed a more significant decrease in cooked rice stickiness from germination. The results demonstrate that the impacts of germination on physical, chemical, and textural properties of rice were affected by grain type and germination duration.  相似文献   

提高发芽糙米得率的复合酶预处理工艺优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为解决传统工艺生产发芽糙米浸泡时间长、生产效率低等问题,提出以纤维素酶和木聚糖酶的复合溶液代替蒸馏水浸泡发芽前糙米的新工艺。以糙米为原料,探究复合酶预处理工艺中酶解时间、酶解温度、复合酶浓度及配比对发芽糙米得率的影响规律,采用二次正交旋转中心组合设计试验,建立了各因素对发芽糙米得率影响的数学模型。结果表明:酶解时间、酶解温度、复合酶浓度及酶配比对发芽糙米得率影响显著(P0.05),得到优化参数组合为:酶解时间135 min,酶解温度35℃,复合酶浓度0.57 g/L、纤维素酶和木聚糖酶质量比1.86:1,在此条件下,与传统工艺相比浸泡时间缩短62.5%、发芽糙米得率及γ-氨基丁酸含量分别提高约3.90%和3.86 mg/(100 g)。通过对酶解后糙米皮层微观结构的观察分析,糙米皮层在复合酶作用下部分降解,胚乳中淀粉更易与水分子相结合,从而吸水速率提升。研究结果可为发芽糙米生产提供参考。  相似文献   

In greenhouse experiments, Aychade, a fragrant rice variety, was grown under one level of salt solution (EC of 3800 ± 400 μS·cm(-1)) sufficient to induce salt stress in rice. Timing and duration of salt solution application varied according to the growth stages. 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP), a characteristic flavor compound of fragrant rice as well as biogenetically related compounds, proline, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were quantified. Salt treatments induced 2AP synthesis in the leaves, but the increase was often higher in the vegetative phase. This increase was correlated with proline level but not with that of GABA. Interestingly the grains from all the salt treated plants contained significantly higher levels of 2AP (733-998 μg·kg(-1)) than those from the control (592 μg·kg(-1)). The highest 2AP synthesis occurred when the plants were subjected to salt treatment during whole vegetative or reproductive phases. However in the latter case crop yield decreased significantly.  相似文献   

富铁水稻研究进展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
本文简述了水稻品种间铁含量的差异性及其遗传控制,综述了采取提高铁绝对含量及增加其生物有效性开展富铁水稻的研究进展,包括常规育种、诱变育种、转基因技术。对富铁水稻研究中存在的问题及诱变技术在该方面的应用前景也作了探讨。  相似文献   


Soil acidity is one of the main limitations for optimal use of land resources for better crop production. And, long-term fertilization experiments found to be helpful in increasing the nutrient supply in these acidic soils. Keeping this in view, a field experiment on rice was carried out by applying biofertilizers and enriched compost in an acidic Inceptisol of Assam over 10 successive years (2006–15) to examine its effects on nutrient availability and soil enzymatic activity. This experiment had five treatments viz. absolute control (T1), 100% recommended doses (RD) of inorganic NPK (T2), 50% RD of inorganic NP + 100% K +biofertilizers (T3), 50% RD of inorganic NP + 100% K +1 tonne enriched compost ha?1 (T4) and 25% RD of inorganic NP + 100% K +2 tonnes enriched compost ha?1 (T5) under randomized block design with four replications. After completing 10 years of experiment, it was observed that integrated use of enriched compost and biofertilizers with reduced doses of inorganic fertilizers enhanced the soil enzymatic activity as well as nutrient availability in rice grown in acidic clay loam soils of Assam. Application of biofertilizers and enriched compost had positive impact on plant accessible nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soil as compared to inorganic fertilizers. Also soil organic matter content increased considerably by these treatment. Integrated nutrient management practice in rice had also significantly enhanced the dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate and phospho-monoesterase activity in soil.  相似文献   

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