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沙地土壤pH值、养分含量对微地形变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]针对浑善达克沙地土壤pH值、碳、氮、磷含量的微地形变异性进行研究,系统分析浑善达克沙地不同微地形条件下土壤营养物质含量的的变化规律,为浑善达克沙地环境建设和合理开发利用提供理论参考。[方法]以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟白音锡勒牧场境内的中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位站长期围封的沙地样地为研究对象,测定坡位对土壤pH值、碳、氮、磷含量。[结果]不同坡位pH值平均值大小顺序为:阳坡坡底阴坡坡顶;有机碳含量平均值大小顺序为:坡底阴坡阳坡坡顶;全磷含量平均值大小顺序为:坡底阴坡坡顶阳坡;土壤含氮量阴坡和坡底显著高于坡顶和阳坡。[结论]不同微地形条件下各层土壤pH值、全碳和全磷含量的变异系数均表现为阳坡和坡顶高于阴坡和坡底;同一坡位不同土层营养物质含量变异系数大小关系没有规律可循,因坡位和土层不同而表现出不同的大小关系。  相似文献   

衡阳盆地紫色土丘陵坡地土壤水分变化动态研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
2007年对衡阳盆地紫色土丘陵坡地0-50 cm土壤进行研究.结果表明:(1)在同一水平空间位置上,土壤平均含水量总的变化趋势是阴坡>阳坡.而土壤水分变异系数则呈现出相反的变化规律;(2)在同一垂直空间位置上,阴坡与阳坡不同坡位的土壤含水量的变化规律均为:下坡>中坡>上坡.阳坡的土壤水分变异系数的大小顺序是:阳坡上坡>阳坡中坡>阳坡下坡;而阴坡则呈现出相反的变化趋势;(3)土壤含水量的消长与同期的降雨量有关,1-6月为雨季水分补偿期,7-12月属于旱季水分亏缺期;(4)在同一水平空间,不同坡向土壤含水量剖面变化明显.随着土层深度的增加,土壤含水量增加.从土壤水分的变异系数来看,阳坡土壤水分的变异系数随土壤的加深而变大,阴坡土壤水分的变异系数随土壤深度的加深而变小,土壤水分的最稳定层均出现在10-30 cm处.  相似文献   

不同坡位条件对毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃林地土壤水分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]揭示半干旱区固定沙丘不同坡位条件下土壤水分空间变化规律,为固定沙丘土壤水分合理利用提供决策依据。[方法]在毛乌素沙漠东南缘陕西省神木市生态协会毛乌素治沙造林基地,以固定沙丘12 a龄人工长柄扁桃林地为研究对象,建立土壤水分定位观测小区,使用CNC503DR型中子仪对2018年7—10月0—300 cm土层土壤水分进行测定,并分析不同坡位条件下长柄扁桃林地生长季土壤水分时空变化特征。[结果](1)坡顶与坡上0—300 cm土壤剖面含水量随土层深度的增加呈先增加后减小,之后趋于稳定的变化趋势,而坡中(上、下)与坡底表现为类似S形的变化规律,土壤含水量表现为:坡底坡中(上)坡上≥坡顶坡中(下);(2)坡底土壤含水量表现出强变异性,其他4种坡位条件下为中等变异;(3)不同坡位条件下蒸散发表现为:坡底坡顶坡中(下)坡上坡中(上),坡上属强变异,而坡底则表现出中等变异且变异系数最小。[结论]不同坡位条件对固定沙丘土壤水分及蒸散耗水具有重要影响,坡底土壤含水量及蒸散发量均最大,且具有较强的不稳定性。  相似文献   

为探究不同立地条件下沙棘土壤水分分布特征和生长情况,采用样地试验,设置2种坡向(阴坡、阳坡)和3种坡位(坡顶、坡中、坡底)进行研究。研究表明:(1)各样地内的土壤水分季节变化可划分为消耗期(5—6月)、快速补充期(6—7月)和消退期(7—9月),天然降水对土壤含水率影响较大;(2)各样地内的土壤水分垂直分布为土壤水分显著变化层(Cv>0.2)、土壤水分次变化层(0.2>Cv>0.1)和土壤水分相对稳定层(Cv<0.1);(3)不同立地条件对土壤水分及植株的生长具有显著影响。阴坡土壤水分明显高于阳坡,土壤水分由坡顶向坡底呈递减趋势;沙棘的生长指标及存活率表现为阴坡>阳坡,不同坡位表现为坡底>坡中>坡顶。研究结果可为玛纳斯县前山地带沙棘造林提供参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

高艳鹏  赵廷宁  骆汉 《水土保持通报》2011,31(1):103-108,261
以长武王东沟小流域径流小区为试验点,研究了于黄土高原高塬沟壑区坡面表层土壤水分特征,分析了降雨量、植被覆盖度对地表土壤水分的影响,旨在为该区植被恢复和水土流失治理提供科学的理论依据。研究结果表明,0—30cm土层土壤含水量呈现中等变异。15°阳坡土壤含水量小于35°半阳坡土壤含水量。土壤水分的变化趋势与降雨量的变化趋势基本一致,0—10cm土层土壤含水量与降雨量具有良好的同步性,而10—20cm土层和20—30cm土层土壤含水量的同步性较差。植被覆盖度越高,其土壤平均含水量就越高,植被覆盖度达到40%时,中坡和下坡的剖面各层土壤含水量随深度增加而减少的趋势更加明显。土壤平均含水量从坡顶到坡底逐渐增加。0—30cm土层土壤含水量随深度增加而减少。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区侵蚀环境不同坡面及坡位土壤理化特征研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究了黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域阴阳坡面及不同坡位土壤水分、物理和养分特征,结果表明,与坡顶距离越远,表层土壤含水量由小变大。阴坡蒸发量小,土壤含水量较大。容重阴坡<阳坡,距坡顶越远,土壤容重、非活性孔度越小,孔隙比、活性孔度越大,同一坡向阳坡随土层加深土壤容重增大,阴坡表层土壤容重增加幅度较下层小,容重在剖面趋于均化。阴坡对土壤的改善优于阳坡,有利于植被生长。表层土壤全氮含量阴坡>阳坡,且随土层加深而减少。全氮和有机质在坡中下部累积。全磷在不同坡向和坡位变化不明显。速效钾在各坡位变化幅度较小且阴坡>阳坡。阴阳坡土壤各养分有向表层富集的趋势。坡面土壤容重与土壤孔隙比、活性孔度、毛管含水量和有机质呈极显著负相关,与土壤非活性孔度和表层土壤含水量呈显著正相关,土壤有机质和土壤全氮、速效钾呈极显著正相关。在对坡面进行植被恢复时,需结合坡面土壤变化规律,因地制宜,合理利用和开发土地资源,促进植被恢复演替。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区侵蚀环境不同坡面及坡位土壤理化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域阴阳坡面及不同坡位土壤水分、物理和养分特征,结果表明,与坡顶距离越远,表层土壤含水量由小变大。阴坡蒸发量小,土壤含水量较大。容重阴坡〈阳坡,距坡顶越远,土壤容重、非活性孔度越小,孔隙比、活性孔度越大,同一坡向阳坡随土层加深土壤容重增大,阴坡表层土壤容重增加幅度较下层小,容重在剖面趋于均化。阴坡对土壤的改善优于阳坡,有利于植被生长。表层土壤全氮含量阴坡〉阳坡,且随土层加深而减少。全氮和有机质在坡中下部累积。全磷在不同坡向和坡位变化不明显。速效钾在各坡位变化幅度较小且阴坡〉阳坡。阴阳坡土壤各养分有向表层富集的趋势。坡面土壤容重与土壤孔隙比、活性孔度、毛管含水量和有机质呈极显著负相关,与土壤非活性孔度和表层土壤含水量呈显著正相关,土壤有机质和土壤全氮、速效钾呈极显著正相关。在对坡面进行植被恢复时,需结合坡面土壤变化规律,因地制宜,合理利用和开发土地资源,促进植被恢复演替。  相似文献   

土壤水分变化受地形地貌、土壤质地、土地利用方式等多种因素的影响.为了分析东北典型黑土区土壤水分变化规律,以该区农业小流域为研究对象,采用野外实验的方法,从坡向和坡位出发,系统分析土壤水分在不同坡向和坡位的变化特征.结果表明:1)半阴坡平均土壤含水量低于阳坡和半阳坡;各坡向土壤水分剖面变化趋势不同,坡向仅对0 ~ 35 cm深度范围内土壤含水量变化有显著影响.2)3坡向(阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡)土壤含水量均为下坡位>上坡位>中坡位,各坡向不同坡位土壤含水量剖面变化呈现不同趋势,坡位对测量范围内的阳坡和半阴坡,以及25 ~ 100 cm范围内的半阳坡土壤水分变化有显著影响,但对半阳坡0~ 25 cm土壤水分影响不显著.研究结果可对该地区小流域农作物合理配置及农田土壤水分管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

黄土高原干旱阳坡微地形土壤水分特征研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
黄土高原地区坡面内地表的起伏形成微地形,利用其土壤含水量的差异来提高植被成活率已经成为黄土高原生态恢复建设的重要方向.采用探针式TDR对陕西省吴起县合家沟流域内的微地形及其相应原状坡的土壤含水量进行测定.结果表明,微地形对土壤含水量有显著影响,阳坡各微地形土壤水分顺序为:塌陷>切沟底>缓台>浅沟底>原状坡>陡坎.0-20cm土层土壤水分变异系数最大的是切沟底为405,最小的是缓台仅0.226,阴坡原状坡各层的变异系数均小于阳坡的微地形.最后指出黄土高原地区植被恢复建设时,在按传统立地类型划分原则所确定的植被恢复单元内,还应该按照微地形的水分特征有区别地配置植被类型.  相似文献   

选择了黄土高原安塞县境内的纸坊沟、县南沟、西沟、郭阳湾等不同流域,对黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕地植被恢复过程中的土壤水分变化规律进行了研究.研究结果表明,随着退耕年限的增长,60 cm以下土层的土壤水分含量逐渐减少;对于不同地形条件的土壤含水量,阴坡>半阴坡>阳坡,坡下>坡中>坡上,并且随着坡度的增大,土壤含水量减小;不同的植被类型土壤水分含量也不同,在选择的草地、灌木地、林地3种植被类型中,以草地的土壤含水量最高,林地最小,灌木地介于两者之间;从恢复方式看,自然恢复的土壤水分含量相对较高,人工恢复的土壤水分含量相对较低,自然+人工恢复介于两者之间.另外,对于同一种植被类型,生物量越大,土壤水分含量越小.  相似文献   

微地形对高寒草地土壤有机碳及氮含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]系统分析高寒草地不同微地形条件下土壤有机碳及氮含量的变化规律,为高寒地区合理利用草地提供理论参考。[方法]在天祝高寒草地区选取7类不同微地形作为研究对象,测定其表层(0—30cm)土壤有机碳及氮含量。[结果]随着土层深度的增加,位于坡底平地,土壤全氮和铵态氮含量呈减小的趋势,位于阴坡不同坡位,土壤全氮含量呈"V"型变化,土壤铵态氮呈减小的趋势,位于阳坡不同坡位,土壤全氮含量呈减小的趋势,土壤铵态氮含量呈先增大后减小的趋势;所有微地形中,随着土层深度的增加,土壤有机碳含量呈减小的趋势;随着土层深度的增加,坡底平地,中坡阳面和中坡阴面微地形中,土壤水解氮含量呈减小的趋势,下坡阳面和下坡阴面微地形中,土壤水解氮含量呈先减小后增大的趋势,上坡阳面和上坡阴面微地形中,土壤水解氮含量呈先增大后减小的趋势。土壤表层全氮、水解氮、有机碳的含量的变化为:下坡位上坡位中坡位,而铵态氮的含量呈现先减小后增大的趋势。[结论]地形的微变化明显影响土壤氮有机碳和素的含量。  相似文献   

Precipitation, throughfall, stemflow and soil water content were measured, and interception, transpiration, evaporation, runoff, deep percolation and soil water recharge were estimated in the natural Liaotung Oak (Quercus liaotungensis) and regrown Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) forestlands in the hill and gully region of the China Loess Plateau. Four stands (south- and north-facing slopes) of two forests were studied between May 27, 2006 and October 31, 2007. Hydrological fluxes were calculated using a coupled water and heat flow model called CoupModel. Throughfall, stemflow and soil water content were used to calibrate the model. The simulations indicated that, interception, vegetation transpiration and soil water evaporation were the main components of water consumption in the 4 stands, accounting for about 90% of the precipitation. The simulated interception and vegetation transpiration in the south-facing slope (154 and 327 mm in regrown forestland and 173 and 338 mm in natural forestland) were lower than those in the north-facing slope (219 and 344 mm in regrown forestland and 203 and 342 mm in natural forestland). Soil water evaporation in the south-facing slope (416 mm in regrown forestland and 373 mm in natural forestland) was larger than that in the north-facing slope (325 mm in regrown forestland and 330 mm in natural forestland) in the same vegetation stands. This was mainly due to greater vegetation density in the north-facing slope than in the south-facing slope. For the regrown forestlands, the simulated soil water recharge was larger under north-facing slope stands (90 mm) than under south-facing slope stands (76 mm), and the natural forestland in the north-facing slope had the largest soil water recharge (104 mm). The results indicated that vegetation species and slope aspects significantly influenced the water balance budget in the soil–vegetation–atmosphere system. The water budget differences among the 4 stands indicate that care is required for properly selecting regrown tree-species. Soil and water conservation measures must be applied scientifically when converting farmland to forest in the Loess Plateau of China, especially on the south-facing slopes.  相似文献   

半干旱黄土区不同土地利用的土壤水分效应是农业生产、植被恢复和土地合理利用的重要依据.通过对孙家岔流域不同土地利用格局实测土壤水分资料分析,结果表明,梯田区阴坡的土壤含水率高于阳坡;梁峁顶区封闭荒地不同累积深度的土壤含水率均高于农地;缓坡区(<15°)农地土壤平均含水率高于荒地;灌木林地表层(0-80 cm)土壤含水率高于荒地,而较深层(80-180 cm)低于荒坡;松树林地平均土壤含水率高于杏树林地.说明在半干旱黄土区,梯田的保水效益最好;杏树林相对于松树林耗水量更大,不适宜在无灌溉条件的半干旱黄土区大面积种植;柠条灌木林改善地表土壤水分状况的效应明显,并且能充分利用较深层的土壤水分;缓坡区种植农作物比荒地更有助于土壤水分的改善.  相似文献   

The opposite slopes of lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel, designated “Evolution Canyon”, display physical and biotic contrasts, although both are cut in Upper Cenomanian calcareous limestone. The three-fold greater solar radiation makes the south-facing slope warmer, drier and more variable than the north-facing slope and valley bottom. Consequently, biodiversity is greater. Microclimate (mesic–xeric) is a major force driving adaptive evolution, and causing soil divergence. The soils on both slopes are Terra Rossas in the Israeli classification system (Rhodoxeralfs in US taxonomy). However, selected properties (pH, humus content, NH4–N content, cation exchange capacity and others) display greater interslope than intraslope differences. The north-facing Terra Rossas have a dark-coloured A1 humic horizon, which is better developed than in south-facing Terra Rossas. Differences in soil morphology, moisture regime and microfabric between the north- and south-facing soils suggest that they belong to different taxonomic classes. These differences probably result in part from the forested ecosystem of the north-facing slope versus the savanna-like ecosystem of the opposite slope.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of slope aspect and position on microbial biomass C (MBC) and some hydrolytic enzyme activities involved in soil N, P, and S cycles in a rangeland ecosystem of west central Iran. Soil samples were collected from three slope positions (summit, backslope, and footslope) of contiguous north- and south-facing slopes. Results indicated higher silt and clay content, soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), and C/N ratio on the north-facing slope. Furthermore, MBC, alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP), acid phosphomonoesterase (ACP), arylsulfatase (ARS), urease (URS), L-asparaginase (LAS), and L-glutaminase (LGL) activities were greater by 46.1, 65.9, 58.6, 59.6, 52.6, 62.8, and 65.7%, respectively, on the north-facing slope compared to the south-facing one. Higher ratios of enzyme activities to MBC were observed on the north-facing slope. In contrast, per cent of inorganic N and microbial quotient were greater on the south-facing slope. The activity of ALP, ACP, ARS along with SOC, TN, and MBC values decreased from summit to footslope. Overall, our findings indicate that north-facing slope and summit position support greater microbial biomass and hydrolytic diversity.  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古农牧交错带缓坡丘陵区不同部位和深度处土壤水分的观测和分析 ,发现 :农牧交错带缓坡丘陵的土壤水分分布受坡度、坡向、坡位、植被类型等因素的影响 ,表现出一定的空间变异特性。在坡度为 3°~4°的缓坡丘陵上 ,土壤水分以阳坡 (南坡 )为最高 ,阴坡 (北坡 )次之 ,顶部最低。不同部位因贮水量不同造成植物生物量存在差异 ,顶部的生物量小于南北坡的生物量。同时发现 ,不同部位土壤中有干土层出现 ,不同季节干层深浅不同。  相似文献   

The present paper includes the first comprehensive list of a collembolan community in a site in Israel. Comparison was made between the assemblage of collembolan species on the north- and south-facing slopes of Lower Nahal Oren, Mt. Carmel, Israel. The valley runs from east westward. Its slopes, only 100 m apart at the bottom, contrast sharply due to the much higher solar radiation on the south-facing slope. The assemblage of Collembola found includes 50 Arthropleona and 20 Symphypleona species, including 14 species that are new to science. Arthropleona species richness was very similar on the north slope (43) and the south-facing slope (41). In contrast, a rich assemblage of Symphypleona was recorded on the north-facing slope (19 species), but only eight were recorded on the south-facing slope. Differences in species richness were found between and within slopes according to altitude zone, soil depth and vegetation. Collembola of the alluvial zone on the contrasting slopes were more similar to each other than those of the alluvial zone on each slope with its adjacent altitudinal zone on the same slope.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the spatial patterns of soil nitrogen (N) transformations in relation to slope aspect and position, and to investigate the main factors controlling N transformation patterns during both the growing and dormant seasons in cool-temperate deciduous natural forests and larch plantations in eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan. Net rates of N mineralization (NRminN) and of nitrification (NRnit) in surface soils on north-facing and lower slopes were higher than those on south-facing and upper slopes, whereas the net rate of ammonium-N production (NRamm) on south-facing and upper slopes was higher than that on north-facing slopes in both the natural forests and larch plantations. Both NRminN and NRnit were higher in the growing than in the dormant season, whereas NRamm was higher in the dormant season. The soil C/N ratio, water content, soil pH and frequency of freeze–thaw cycles were important variables affecting N transformation patterns in any season. In relation to seasonality, the solar radiation index, daily temperature range and earthworm biomass were important controlling factors only during the growing season, and watershed area and soil N concentration only during the dormant season, suggesting that biological control accompanied with wet–dry events were important factors affecting N transformations during the growing season, but that run-off water and chemical controls were important determinants of spatial variation in N transformations during the dormant season.  相似文献   

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