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薛勇  胡雪峰  叶荣 《土壤通报》2016,(5):1245-1252
以上海宝山区为例,开展表土磁化率与其重金属含量相关性研究。根据研究区域土地功能特征,选取工业区表土、公路边表土、居民区表土和农田表土(0~5 cm)作为研究对象,共采集80个样品,进行磁化率和重金属元素(Fe、Zn、Cr、Ni、Mn、Cu、Pb和Cd)含量分析。结果表明,宝山各功能区表土多数重金属含量和磁化率,均不同程度地超出上海土壤背景值。其中,工业区表土重金属Zn、Cr、Pb元素含量以及公路边表土Zn、Pb、Cd元素含量均超出上海土壤背景值的4倍以上,且空间分异性较大。工业区和公路边表土磁性增强显著,且空间变异性大。工业区表土磁化率与Zn、Mn、Pb和Cd含量呈极显著正相关(P0.01);公路边表土磁化率与Zn、Cr、Mn、Cu、Fe2O_3含量呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。表明受工业和交通影响的表土,其磁化率对重金属污染有很好的指标作用。居民区和农田表土的磁化率,只与个别重金属元素呈显著相关,表明以土壤磁化率来指示重金属污染会受到土地利用方式及周边环境等因素的限制。  相似文献   

电厂煤粉尘沉降特征及其对周边土壤主要性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过室外定期观测及室内分析,研究了太原市某电厂储煤场周围下风向900 m范围的总降尘和煤粉尘的沉降规律,及其对该范围内土壤的主要化学性质和微生物数量的影响。结果表明,在此距离内,降尘总量和煤粉尘量随着离储煤场距离的增加而显著减少,离储煤场300 m的最近观测点在3月份降尘总量和煤粉尘量最高,分别为84.38和34.48 t.30 d-1.km-2。距污染中心越近的地方,土壤表层0~10 cm的有机碳及土壤活性有机质含量均显著增加,土壤微生物也随着煤粉尘降落量的增加有活跃的趋势。但是除土壤速效钾外,全氮及速效磷含量尚未有规律性变化。总之,煤粉尘的降落明显增加了土壤表层有机碳及土壤活性有机质的含量,同时也促进了土壤微生物的活跃。  相似文献   

依艳丽  谷微微  张大庚  栗杰 《土壤》2008,40(5):806-811
通过对185个地表土样、4个剖面土样的磁参数与化学分析测试,对葫芦岛市土壤磁化率与重金属元素分布规律、成因及两者的相关性进行了研究。结果表明:①研究区表层土壤磁化率值高低悬殊,部分土样明显超过一般棕壤的正常磁化率值。并且其基本理化性质的值均在正常范围以内,说明还有其他因素对土壤磁化率产生影响。②剖面土壤磁化率值与重金属元素含量总体上均呈向下递减的相同趋势。土壤重金属元素含量与土壤磁化率值垂向变化特征基本一致。③研究区土壤磁化率值与重金属元素Pb、Zn、Hg、Ni的含量呈极显著正相关,与Cu的含量呈显著正相关。且土壤磁化率值与Pb含量的相关性在Pb含量达到污染的地区呈极显著正相关,反之则不显著,这有力说明过量的重金属Pb很可能对土壤磁化率产生影响。  相似文献   

选取云南沧源和个旧两个矿区周边土壤,研究土壤磁化率与重金属之间的相关性。结果显示,沧源矿区周边土壤低频磁化率χlf只与有效态Cd含量呈显著正相关,而个旧矿区周边土壤低频磁化率χlf与总Pb含量呈显著正相关,与总Zn含量极显著正相关,与有效态Cd含量呈显著负相关;两个矿区土壤低频磁化率χlf与有机质、pH和电导率的相关性均未达到显著水平。本研究为矿区土壤磁化率和重金属的关系作了有益的探索。  相似文献   

为研究大气颗粒物沉降对城市土壤性状的影响,对上海宝山区典型工业区、交通区、居民区和农业区表土和道路灰尘的磁化率(χlf)、重金属元素含量进行了监测分析。结果表明,上海宝山各功能区表土磁性普遍增强,χlf平均值为130.7×10-8 m3?kg-1,86.2%表土样χlf高于当地土壤背景磁性。与各功能区表土相邻的道路灰尘χlf增强更加显著,平均值达903.3×10-8 m3?kg-1。各功能区道路灰尘重金属的累积量也远高于相邻表土。其铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、镍(Ni)、铬(Cr)、钴(Co)、锰(Mn)、铁(Fe)的平均含量分别为表土的3.4倍、2.4倍、4.7倍、2.2倍、1.5倍、2.8倍、1.2倍、1.4倍和1.6倍。宝山区表土χlf与Cu、Zn、Mn、Cr、Ni、Cd含量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与Pb、Fe含量呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。道路灰尘χlf与Zn、Mn、Cr、Co、Ni、Fe含量呈极显著相关性(P<0.01),与Cu呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。但是,不同功能区表土和道路灰尘χlf与重金属元素含量间的相关程度有差别,农业区土壤这种相关性较弱。研究区域道路灰尘的特异性状,揭示了城市大气颗粒物包含一定量人为成因的富集重金属元素的磁性颗粒。这类污染颗粒的长期、连续沉降,使得城市表土的磁性和重金属含量同步增强,并对城市土壤的性状产生深刻影响。  相似文献   

[目的]研究宁东能源工业基地大气降尘携带的营养物质、重金属与土壤养分、重金属含量之间的关联性,为该区域的土壤利用和环境保护提供科学依据。[方法]本研究在宁东能源工业基地马莲台电厂主导风向下风向采集不同距离的表层土壤和大气降尘样品,分析土壤和降尘样品的粒径组成、分形维数以及6种重金属(Zn,Cu,Cd,Cr,Pb,Ni)的空间分布特征及其潜在生态风险;利用Pearson相关性分析法对表土与大气降尘中重金属含量的相关性进行探讨。[结果](1)宁东能源工业基地大气降尘的成分来源复杂,包括了自然源和人为源降尘。其中自然源降尘主要来自于境内沙尘,主要成分为石英、方解石、斜长石、绿泥石和高岭石等。人为源降尘则主要源自燃煤烟尘,主要成分涉及Ag,Cr,Pb,Co,Mn,As,Cu和二硫化硅以及多环芳烃化合物(PHAs)等。(2)大气降尘和表土的粒径分布曲线在不同距离上均呈非正态性及双峰和多峰分布,说明大气降尘和表土颗粒组成具有多源性。(3)大气降尘和表土综合潜在生态风险指数表明,距离污染源越远降尘中重金属的生态风险指数越大,而土壤中重金属的生态风险指数越小。Pearson相关分析分析表明,表土与大气降尘中Cr和Cu两种重金属元素具有一定的正相关性。(4)大气降尘携带的营养物质沉降到地表改变了土壤的养分供给,尤其是有机质的增加量最为显著。[结论]宁东能源工业基地大气降尘成分复杂,对土壤组成有显著影响,且增加了其潜在生态风险指数,尽管其颗粒粒径组成、分布、养分、重金属含量与大气降尘的关联性相对较弱,但其累积效应仍然值得关注。  相似文献   

上海嘉定区表土磁性强度的空间分异及环境指示意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在上海嘉定区,按土地利用方式的多样性和空间分布的均匀性,采集31个表土(0~5 cm)样品,分析表土磁化率(χlf)和重金属元素(Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Mn)含量。结果表明:表土χlf普遍增强,且空间分异很大,变幅在35.1×10-8~1 676.9×10-8m3kg-1,平均值为177.9×10-8m3kg-1。表土磁化率随土地利用方式的不同呈现出显著差异,总体看:工业土壤>马路绿地>农耕土壤>林地土壤。表土磁性的增强与重金属元素的累积有密切联系:表土χlf与Zn、Cr、Cd的含量呈极显著正相关(p<0.01);表土χlf与重金属综合污染指数呈显著正相关(p<0.05)。嘉定表土磁性特征的研究进一步表明,磁学方法可作为监测和评估上海土壤重金属污染的有效手段。  相似文献   

宝鸡市街尘重金属元素含量及其环境风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了宝鸡市街尘中重金属元素的含量,结果表明:宝鸡市街尘中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Cd、As和Hg的平均含量分别为123.2、408.4、715.1、126.7、5.5、19.8和1.1μg g-1。在工业区、交通区及商业区,除Cr和As略微高于陕西省土壤元素背景值(1.6~2.2倍),其他重金属元素均远远高于陕西省土壤元素背景值(5~64倍)。不同功能分区街尘中重金属元素含量存在显著差异,Hg在交通区含量最高,其他重金属元素均在工业区最高。地累积污染指数法的评价结果表明,宝鸡市街尘中除Cr和As的污染较轻外,其他重金属元素的污染均比较严重,尤其是Cu和Pb在工业区尤为突出。潜在生态风险指数法的评价结果表明,宝鸡市街尘中重金属元素的污染水平和生态危害达到了严重程度,其中,Cr和As属于中等污染,其他重金属元素达到了重度以上污染,Cu、Zn、Cr、As和Pb属于中等潜在生态危害,Hg和Cd达到严重潜在生态危害。  相似文献   

目前,城市土壤中重金属污染研究仍是一个热点问题,大气降尘作为土壤-植物系统中重金属的重要来源之一,关于降尘对土壤-植物系统的影响研究则较少,对沈阳城市土壤、大气降尘、旱柳中的铅、镉分布特征研究表明:城市表土中铅含量在8.82~93.9 mg kg-1之间,镉含量在0.62~5.28 mg kg-1之间;城市土壤铅、镉含量在剖面均表现出相同的分布特点,且剖面迁移不明显。不同季节降尘中铅、镉含量变化为冬季春季秋季。旱柳中铅含量为叶片枝条,镉含量为枝条叶片。大气降尘铅含量分别与城市表土和旱柳叶片铅含量呈极显著相关,镉含量与旱柳叶片中镉含量呈极显著相关;旱柳枝条中镉含量与0~100 cm土壤镉含量呈极显著相关。  相似文献   

北京市平原区农田土壤蚀积特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用野外观测、风洞模拟和实验室分析等手段,对北京市平原区土壤风蚀和大气降尘两种自然过程共同作用下的农田土壤蚀积状况及其对土壤理化性质的影响问题进行了研究。结果表明,2009年研究区农田土壤风蚀强度为0.64t/hm2,风蚀物颗粒以粒径在20~80μm的尘粒为主;大气降尘强度为1.00t/hm2,降尘颗粒以粒径在10~50μm的尘粒为主。降尘强度大于土壤风蚀强度,农田地表以沉积为主,强度约为0.36t/hm2.a。降尘粒径比风蚀物粒径明显偏细,长期的蚀积作用导致土壤粒度组成变细。降尘中重金属元素的含量明显大于土壤和风蚀物中的含量,长期沉积作用导致土壤中重金属元素的累积。  相似文献   

中国原油污染区重金属空间分布模式及其潜在来源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-two soil samples were collected at the subregional scale (50 km2) around Gudao Town, a typical oil-producing region of the Shengli Oilfield in the Yellow River Delta, China to determine the spatial distribution patterns and potential sources of heavy metals in soils of crude oil-polluted regions. The concentrations of total petroleum hydrocaxbons (TPHs) and heavy metals as well as other soil properties were determined and the enrichment factor values were calculated for the heavy metals measured. Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were used to estimate potential sources contributing to the concentrations of heavy metals in the soils. The results revealed that the soils were slightly alkaline (pH = 7.33-8.05) and high in salinity (1.43-41.30 g kg-1), TPHs (0.51 28.40 g kg-1) and organic matter (1.74-31.50 g kg-1). The mean concentrations of the measured heavy metals Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni and V were 18.4, 78.2, 20.8, 0.19, 56.6, 26.3 and 62.1 mg kg-1, respectively. Although the concentrations of all the metals measured in this study were not high enough to exceed the national control standards, there was a significant enrichment of Cd in the study area and Zn and Ni were in the category of deficiency to minimal enrichment. The spatial distribution patterns of Cu, Cr, Ni and V were similar and partially affected by oil exploitation and petroleum hydrocarbon spills. Potential sources of Cr, Ni, V and Cu in the soils were both natural sources and petroleum hydrocarbon spills, while Zn, Pb and Cd were probably from anthropogenic sources such as farming activities and traffic.  相似文献   

J.J. Rothwell  J.B. Lindsay 《CATENA》2007,70(3):465-474
Small-scale spatial variability in the concentration of magnetic minerals in peat soils has been explained by differences in the deposition and interception of magnetic minerals at the soil surface and the retention of magnetic minerals within the soil. Each of these processes is controlled by topographic conditions. Recent advances in the field of digital terrain analysis and the availability of fine-resolution digital elevation models means that the relationship between the concentration of magnetic minerals in peat soils and topography can be explored using quantitative methods. Alport Moor is an ombrotrophic peat moorland in the Peak District National Park, UK. 24 peat cores were collected from Alport Moor covering an area of 0.1 km2. Each core was analysed for mass specific magnetic susceptibility. Three topographic attributes (topographic wetness index, difference from mean elevation and elevation as a percentage of elevation range) were extracted from a high resolution LiDAR digital elevation model of Alport Moor. Stepwise multiple regression analyses show that topographic wetness index and difference from mean elevation are excellent predictors of variation in peak magnetic susceptibility and total magnetic susceptibility inventories for peat soils of this upland area. The results demonstrate that the contemporary concentration of magnetic minerals in the peat soils of Alport Moor is controlled by micro- and local-scale variations in water table position. The results also suggest that the contemporary level of magnetic minerals in the peat soils of Alport Moor is controlled by the retention of such particles in the soil environment. Differences in the deposition and interception of magnetic minerals play a secondary role in controlling magnetic mineral concentrations. Spatial maps of magnetic susceptibility reveal that peat soils adjacent to gully edges at Alport Moor have the highest concentration of magnetic minerals. The mapping approach used in this study could be applied to other peatland environments.  相似文献   



The concentration of human activities in urban systems generally leads to urban environmental contamination. Beijing is one of ancient and biggest cities on the world. However, information is limited on Beijing’s soil contamination, especially for roadside and campus soils. Thus, the aims of this study were to investigate the contents and chemical forms of toxic heavy metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the road-surface dust, roadside soils, and school campus soils of Beijing. In addition, enrichment and spatial variation of these toxic heavy metals in the soils and dust were assessed.

Materials and methods

Topsoil samples were collected from the schools and roadside adjacent to main ring roads, and dust samples were collected from the surface of the main ring roads of Beijing. These samples were analyzed for total contents and chemical forms of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sc, Zn, Al, and Fe. Enrichment factors (EFs, relative to the background content) were calculated to evaluate the effect of human activities on the toxic heavy metals in soils.

Results and discussion

Heavy metal contents in the road dust ranged from 0.16 to 0.80, 52.2 to 180.7, 18.4 to 182.8, 11.9 to 47.4, 23.0 to 268.3, and 85.7 to 980.9 mg kg?1 for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, respectively. In the roadside soil and school soil, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn contents ranged from 0.13 to 0.42, 46.1 to 82.4, 22.7 to 71.6, 20.7 to 29.2, 23.2 to 180.7, and 64.5 to 217.3 mg kg?1, respectively. The average EF values of these metals were significantly higher in the dust than in the soils. In addition, the average EF values of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the soils near second ring road were significantly higher than those near third, fourth, and fifth ring roads. Anthropogenic Cd, Pb, and Zn were mainly bound to the carbonates and soil organic matter, while anthropogenic Cu was mainly bound to oxides. The mobility and bioavailability of these metals in the urban soils of Beijing generally decreased in the following order: Cd?>?Zn?>?Pb?>?Cu?>?Ni?>?Cr; while in the dust, they decreased in the following order: Zn, Cu, and Cd?>?Pb?>?Ni?>?Cr.


Both EF and chemical forms documented that Cr and Ni in the soils and dust mainly originated from native sources, while Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn partially originated from anthropogenic sources. In overall, Beijing’s road dust was significantly contaminated by Cd and Cu and moderately contaminated by Cr, Pb, and Zn, while Beijing’s roadside soil and school soil were moderately contaminated by Cd and Pb. However, the maximal hazard quotients (HQs) for individual Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn and comprehensive hazard index (HI) of these metals in the dust and soil were less than 1, indicating that the heavy metals in the dust and soil generally do not pose potential health effects to children, sensitive population.  相似文献   

Potential N2-fixation was investigated in a number of samples representing soils and water courses under the effect of some industrial wastes in Helwan area of Egypt. Microbiological analysis of soil and water samples showed the general enrichment of fungi, actinomycetes and bacteria including N2-fixers. Among asymbiotic N2-fixers, azospirilla compared to azotobacters and clostridia were found to be present with rather higher densities in all samples tested. Generally, the microbial numbers increased by increasing the distance from the Industrial Complex at Helwan, which could be attributed to the high levels of salinity and total heavy metals near the factories. The results indicated that the industrial wastes near the factories exerted inhibitory effects on the acetylenereducing activity in soils, which seriously reduces their biological fertility. Such effects were decreased by getting away from the factories. Significantly negative correlations were recorded between densities of N2-fixers or N2-ase activity and salinity and total heavy metals content in both soil and water samples.  相似文献   

The study was performed on the area of the three countries involved in the MAGPROX project (Poland, Czech Rep., Germany). In the first stage the basic map of magnetic susceptibility based on the field topsoil measurement was compiled with an average grid density of 10 km. In the second stage of the study, vertical distribution of magnetic susceptibility of ca. 600 topsoil cores (0.3 m long), collected over central Europe, was examined with respect to the anthropogenic or lithogenic influence on magnetic susceptibility of the soil surface, with the focus being on the interpretation of the areas showing high surface susceptibility values. The maximum values were mostly observed in depths of 3–4 cm. In general seven different types of susceptibility profiles from forest areas and one typical for urban soil are presented. They are a result of a combination of natural (litho- and pedogenic) and anthropogenic contributions. Our results prove that soil profiles, dominated by anthropogenic influence due to atmospherically deposited dust, are characterized by magnetically enhanced humuous layer, corresponding to layer with the highest concentration of heavy metals. Moreover, forest soils show in these cases higher magnetic susceptibility than soils in open areas (grassland, meadows or arable soils).  相似文献   

【目的】加强高速公路沿线土壤重金属污染管控及农业安全生产,亟需明确高速公路周边土壤重金属的分布特征与影响因素。【方法】选择贯穿江苏省境内的4条典型高速公路(沪宁、京沪、宁通和连霍)周边土壤为研究对象,利用高精度X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)测定土壤重金属含量,从而分析高速公路沿线土壤重金属的空间分布特征,并探究其主要影响因素。【结果】(1)高速公路沿线表层土壤镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)含量总体呈南高北低、南北向公路小于东西向公路的分布特征,部分点位土壤Cd存在超标现象;(2)距公路路肩距离是影响两侧土壤重金属含量的重要因素,主要影响范围在50 m内,不同土地利用类型条件下土壤金属含量差异较大,路龄越长,土壤重金属富集系数越大。【结论】高速公路沿线表层土壤均存在重金属累积现象,其中Cd的累积最为明显,深层土壤重金属受到公路交通的影响较小。公路交通对沿线土壤重金属含量的影响主要在50 m以内,并且受到沿线土地利用类型、路龄和车流量的共同影响。在高速公路两侧设置不同范围的绿化带种植防护林,可在一定程度上防控重金属向周边农田的扩散与风险。  相似文献   

Spring wheat was grown in soils near a non-ferrous metals mining and smelting base in Baiyin city, Gansu province, P.R. China. The area studied is 501 km2. Some of the croplandshad been contaminated by heavy metals mainly through wastewaterirrigation or aerial deposition. The soil samples were analyzedfor pH, organic matter and available phosphorous (P); also fortotal cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) contents. Spring wheat grains were also analyzed for heavy metals. The results were interpreted using multiple linear correlation and stepwise regression analyses. The increment oftotal soil contents of selected heavy metals could enhance grain Cd accumulation, and the increment of total Zn content of soil could lower the grain Pb accumulation. The correlationswere markedly increased by including other soil properties forgrain Cd and Pb. Stepwise regression analyses indicated that the effect of soil pH and available P on the uptake of grain Cd were greater than that of the other total soil contents ofheavy metals. Grain Cd and Pb could be reliably predicted bythe total soil contents of Cd and Pb while the uptake of grainZn and Cu were not satisfactorily predicted.  相似文献   

In Illinois, atmospheric deposition is one major source of heavy metal inputs to agricultural land. The atmospheric Pb deposition and transport record in agricultural soils in Champaign, Illinois, was established by studying surface and subsurface soil samples collectedduring the past 100 years from the Morrow Plots on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Pb content in the soilsamples was measured and the Pb deposition fluxes were calculated. ThePb content in surface soils increased sharply in the first half of the20th century, and stayed invariant since. The maximum Pb flux from theatmosphere was estimated to be 27 (±14) μg cm-2 yr-1around 1940. The major pollution source for this increase probably was residential coal burning. It was estimated that in 50 yr, morethan 50% of the Pb input had been lost from the surface soils.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式土壤对铜、镉离子的吸附解吸特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一次平衡法对Cu2+、Cd2+在城市及城郊农田、林地、草地3种土地利用方式土壤中的吸附解吸过程进行比较研究, 结果表明: Cu2+、Cd2+在3种土地利用方式土壤中的吸附量均随平衡液浓度的增加而增大, Cu2+、Cd2+在农田土壤上的吸附量均高于林地和草地土壤。分别用Langmuir和Freunlich两种等温吸附方程对吸附过程进行拟合, 3种土壤对Cu2+的吸附过程运用Langmuir方程拟合效果好, 而对Cd2+的吸附过程运用Freunlich方程拟合效果更好。Cu2+在3种土壤的解吸量大小顺序为农田>林地>草地, Cd2+在3种土壤的解吸量大小顺序为农田>草地>林地。两种离子在3种土壤中的动态吸附是个快速反应的过程, 随时间延长, 吸附反应趋于平衡。运用双常数函数方程和Elovich方程能较好地拟合重金属在土壤上的吸附动力学过程。Cu2+、Cd2+的吸附与土壤黏粒含量、有机质含量、CEC和pH均有关。  相似文献   

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