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人工诱变改良大豆品质的研究   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
为了创造大豆新种质,近几年采用γ射线、热中子等核辐射,以及甲烷磺酸乙酯(EMS) 、叠氮化钠( NaN3) 等化学诱变剂处理,经过多年的研究,选育出黑农41 大豆的蛋白质含量为45-23 % 、脂肪含量为18-8 % ;选育出90 3527 突变系为早熟、高蛋白(47-53 % ) 、高抗大豆病毒病及大豆灰斑病;同时筛选出一批高蛋白(49 % ~50 % ) 、高亚油酸(60 % 以上) 、低亚麻酸的优良突变系,为大豆基因库增添了新的优质资源,确定了有效的诱变技术。  相似文献   

理化因素诱发大豆突变的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
γ射线加化学诱变剂复合处理大豆种子,M_1主要表现为生理损伤,出现不同类型的畸形株,影响生育进程。M_2出现质量性状和数量性状的突变类型,突变率为3.29%,其中有百粒重超过原品种8g以上的突变体。复合处理的效果大于单一因素处理的效果。  相似文献   

化学诱变及其在农作物育种上应用   总被引:35,自引:6,他引:35  
综述了化学诱变育种的发展历程 ,分析了常用化学诱变剂EMS、NaN3和PYM的诱变机制、诱变效应及化学诱变育种的特点 ;介绍了EMS 石蜡油处理玉米成熟花粉和苯甲酰胺与EMS、PYM复合处理 2种新的诱变技术。  相似文献   

航天搭载大豆SP_2农艺性状诱变效应初报   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
对卫星搭载的大豆合丰25诱变SP2代与合丰50诱变SP2代的一些农艺性状进行研究,结果表明:2份材料的株高、单株结荚、单株粒数、主茎节数变异系数均大于各自地面对照品种,且2份材料航天搭载后的株高、单株结荚、单株粒数、主茎节数等性状均有正向增加的趋势,可以为育种所利用;合丰50诱变SP2的单株结荚数和单株粒数变异幅度较合丰25诱变SP2的变异幅度大;合丰25诱变SP2代株高、主茎节数的变异幅度较合丰50诱变SP2代大。从后代变异规律可以看出,航天可作为大豆育种的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

CO2激光与叠氮化钠,γ射线复合处理水稻的诱变效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用CO2激光与叠氮化钠、γ射线复合处理迟熟晚糯浙糯2号水稻种子。各处理对M1株高影响较小,对每穗总粒数和千粒重表现为刺激效应,发芽率、出苗率、幼苗高度、有效穗数、结实率和单株重等表现这一。对M2突变考查表明,激光单一处理未发现叶绿素突变,株高、育性、熟期、叶绿素等指标的总突变频率最低,仅1.08%;激光与叠氮化钠或γ射线复合处理,叶绿素和高秆突变频率比叠氮化钠和γ射线单一处理有所降低,而早熟突变  相似文献   

磷素水平对不同大豆品种产量和品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
选用近年来在黑龙江省推广面积比较大并具有代表性的东农42(高蛋白品种)、合丰25(中间型品种)、东农46(高油品种)3个基因型大豆品种作为试验材料,采用盆栽的方式,在每千克土壤施N和K2O各为0.033g基础上,设P1、P2、P3、P4 4个施P处理(即每千克土壤分别施P2O5 0、0.033、0.067、0.100g),进行了3个大豆品种产量和品质的研究。结果表明,3个基因型大豆品种在单株产量、品质方面存在着差异。东农42和合丰25以P3处理单株产量和蛋白含量最高,东农46以P2处理单株产量和蛋白质含量最高;3个品种都是P4处理脂肪含量最高。同一处理不同品种间子粒蛋白质含量是东农42>合丰25>东农46;子粒脂肪含量是东农46>合丰25>东农42。  相似文献   

用0、50、100、150、200、250和300Gy的γ射线及0、1、2、3mM的叠氮化钠复合处理水稻品种广陆矮4号的干种子。结果表明,M_1的损伤效应随γ射线剂量和叠氮化钠浓度的提高而增加。复合处理在苗高、根长、苗高活力指数和根长活力指数方面表现累加效应,在染色体畸变方面存在协同作用。复合处理的最佳剂量组合为200Gyγ射线+2mM叠氮化钠,其叶绿素、抽穗期和株高突变频率均最高,分别为2.833%、3.473%和1.828%,相互作用系数分别为1.649、1.329和1.449。  相似文献   

离子注入法获得大豆-小麦分子远缘杂种及后代的变异分析   总被引:60,自引:4,他引:56  
吴丽芳  余增亮 《核农学报》2000,14(4):206-211
通过能量 30keV、剂量 7× 1 0 1 6 离子 /cm2 的Ar+注入 ,将两个大豆品种的全DNA(4 0 0 μg/ml)分别导入两个小麦栽培品种皖 92 1 0和扬麦 5号。经过离子注入和大豆DNA处理的种子发育成为植株后 ,当代未表现出明显不同于受体的变异性状。经转化处理的植株成熟后 ,按株分别收获脱粒 ,并对籽粒蛋白质含量等性状进行分析 ,发现有两个单株的蛋白质含量分别达到 2 0 46 %和 2 5 35 % ,明显高于受体。说明通过离子束介导外源DNA转化技术 ,可以绕过复杂的组培过程而由成熟种子直接发育为植株 ,也可获得带有目的性状的转化后代 ,为远缘物种间遗传物质交流提供了一种简便有效的途径  相似文献   

矮秆大豆突变体的获得   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
郝再彬  吴东岚 《核农学报》2004,18(3):204-206
用NaN3 处理大豆种子 ,在M1植株群体中筛选出许多突变体 ,其中 1株突变体为矮秆HK80 8,株高为原品种东农 42的 5 0 %。HK80 8已经稳定遗传。该突变体的培育将为大豆基因结构和功能调节以及“窄行矮杆密植”模式的研究奠定基础  相似文献   

本试验研究钕玻璃激光,CO_2激光以及钕玻璃激光和CO_2激光复合处理诱变小麦数量性状的遗传效应和相关性。结果表明,各处理后代主要农艺性状对单株产量的最优多无线性回归方程的显著自变数为穗粒重、单株有效穗数、穗粒数和株高等,且多元相关系数极显著。通径分析表明,小麦激光后代的选择应注意穗粒重、单株有效穗数和穗粒数等综合性状。  相似文献   

大豆“南农94-16”突变体库的构建及部分性状分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本研究对"南农94-16"大豆种子用NaN3-60Coγ射线复合诱变以及EMS诱变来构建大豆突变体库。两种方式诱变大豆分别获得54份和66份叶、茎、花、种子、子叶等性状变异的突变体。用644对SSR标记分别对其中的14株耐涝突变体和1株叶色浅绿突变体进行了鉴定。结果表明,14株耐涝突变体,有2株与对照有超过100个标记的差异,其余植株分别有1到7个标记的差异;叶色浅绿突变体与对照有39个标记的差异,遗传分析表明该性状由细胞核单基因隐性遗传控制。这些突变体可以作为新的种质资源,构建的突变体库也有助于大豆功能基因组研究的开展。  相似文献   

经NaN3诱变获得的大豆叶绿素缺失突变体HS 821,其植株高度约为原品种的1/2,节位数、叶片大小、叶柄长度、单株荚数、粒数、粒重都较原品种低,但结荚密集,表现出一定的田间抗虫性;成熟期比原品种提早约10d。突变体表现为叶片黄化,叶片叶绿素平均含量是原品种的71%,但叶绿素a/b比值不变,为2∶1,表明该突变体是总叶绿素缺陷型。突变体的SOD活性和脯氨酸含量都比其原品种高,但MDA含量则较原品种含量低,表明突变体具有较强的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

Application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer is an important factor for improving the tolerance to water deficit in many plants. A pot experiment was conducted to identify the effects of P application on soybean adaptability to water deficit at the R1 (initial flowering) and R4 (full pod) stages through the investigation of root morphological traits, plant P uptake and resultant yield in two soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) cultivars (Dongnong 46 and Heisheng 101). The four levels of P application were 0, 7.3, 14.6 and 29.2 mg kg?2, respectively. The three water treatments were (1) 65–75% of field water capacity (FWC) as a well-watered control, (2) 30–40% of FWC at the R1 stage, and (3) 30–40% of FWC at the R4 stage. Root traits, plant uptake of P and yield were significantly reduced by water deficiency at different growth stages, especially at the R4 stage. Application of P enabled to alleviate the adverse effects of water deficit, to increase the root dry weight, root length and root surface area, and to slow root senescence after the R5 (initial pod filling) stage. The response of soybean genotypes to both water and P deficit was different. In the absence of P application, Dongnong 46 showed relatively low adaptability to water deficit at the R4 stage, whereas Heisheng 101 showed a lower reduction of root traits and yield. The beneficial effects of P application for Dongnong 46 were more pronounced than those for Heisheng 101. Based on this experiment, we suggested that P fertilizer application to soybean may be justified in low-rainfall years because of its ability to enhance the soybean adaptability to water deficit stress by improving the root morphology, P uptake and consequently yield.  相似文献   

Application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer is an important factor for improving the tolerance to water deficit in many plants. A pot experiment was conducted to identify the effects of P application on soybean adaptability to water deficit at the R1 (initial flowering) and R4 (full pod) stages through the investigation of root morphological traits, plant P uptake and resultant yield in two soybean ( Glycine max L. Merrill) cultivars (Dongnong 46 and Heisheng 101). The four levels of P application were 0, 7.3, 14.6 and 29.2 mg kg−2, respectively. The three water treatments were (1) 65–75% of field water capacity (FWC) as a well-watered control, (2) 30–40% of FWC at the R1 stage, and (3) 30–40% of FWC at the R4 stage. Root traits, plant uptake of P and yield were significantly reduced by water deficiency at different growth stages, especially at the R4 stage. Application of P enabled to alleviate the adverse effects of water deficit, to increase the root dry weight, root length and root surface area, and to slow root senescence after the R5 (initial pod filling) stage. The response of soybean genotypes to both water and P deficit was different. In the absence of P application, Dongnong 46 showed relatively low adaptability to water deficit at the R4 stage, whereas Heisheng 101 showed a lower reduction of root traits and yield. The beneficial effects of P application for Dongnong 46 were more pronounced than those for Heisheng 101. Based on this experiment, we suggested that P fertilizer application to soybean may be justified in low-rainfall years because of its ability to enhance the soybean adaptability to water deficit stress by improving the root morphology, P uptake and consequently yield.  相似文献   

盆栽试验选用东农42(高蛋白品种)、合丰25(中间型品种)、东农46(高油品种)3个基因型大豆品种,在每千克土壤施N和K2O各为0.033g基础上,设P0、P5、P10、P15 4个P处理(即每kg土壤分别施P2O5 0、0.033、0.067、0.100g),研究了不同磷素水平对大豆生育期功能叶片及子粒谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性的影响。结果表明,东农42和合丰25均为P10处理功能叶片和子粒GS活性最高;东农46为P10处理功能叶片GS活性最高,P5处理子粒GS活性最高。同一处理不同品种间东农42功能叶片和子粒GS活性最高,东农46最低,合丰25处于二者之间;3个品种不同处理功能叶片GS活性最高值均出现在结荚期,东农42子粒GS活性处于高值时间较长,东农46最短,合丰25处于二者之间。施磷对3个大豆品种叶片及子粒GS活性有影响,适宜的施磷量有利于提高其活性。  相似文献   


Drought affects many physiological and biochemical processes and thus reduces plant growth. Phosphorus (P) fertilization improves tolerance to drought stress in many plants. A greenhouse experiment examined the interactive effects of P nutrition and drought stress on P accumulation and translocation, yield, and protein concentration in grains of two cultivars of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Plants of cultivars ‘Heisheng 101’ (high protein in grains) and ‘Dongnong 464’ (low protein) were grown in a P-deficient soil supplied with 0–30 mg P kg?1 soil. Drought stress was imposed at the initial flowering (R1) or the podding (R4) stage. Drought stress limited P accumulation and reduced P translocation to the seed. The addition of P enhanced the concentration and accumulation of nitrogen (N) and P in shoots and seeds of both cultivars. Drought stress decreased shoot biomass, grain yield, and P accumulation; the decrease was greater in ‘Dongnong 46’ than ‘Heisheng 101,’ and even more so if drought stress was imposed at R4 than at R1. In contrast, drought stress increased the concentration of N in shoot and protein in grains. The addition of P alleviated the effect of drought stress on plant growth, P accumulation, and grain yield in both cultivars but to a greater extent in ‘Dongnong 46’. The results suggest that application of P fertilizers could mitigate drought stress at the reproductive stage, resulting in less yield penalty and improvement of grain quality of soybean grown in P-deficient soils.  相似文献   

用60Coγ射线和叠氮化钠(NaN3)处理玉米愈伤组织,在含1.0%NaCl的高渗培养基上筛选,对再生植株株系进行耐旱性鉴定。结果表明,20 Gy的辐射和1 mmol/L NaN3是较为适合玉米愈伤组织诱变的处理组配。22个再生植株株系中,有5个诱变株系的耐旱性高于未诱变对照,其中1个株系的耐旱性与耐旱自交系“81565”接近。此外,从M1代株系中发现了1个雄性不育株,鉴定为细胞核隐性单基因控制的孢子体雄性不育。  相似文献   

Leguminous plants form nitrogen-fixing root nodules and the number of nodules is controlled by a self-regulating mechanism called autoregulation. However, signaling substances involved in nodule regulation have not been identified. In the present study, we used brassinolide, a most effective molecular species of plant hormone brassinosteroids, and brassinazole, an effective inhibitor of brassinosteroid biosynthesis to determine whether brassinolide played a role in systemic regulation of noduel formation in wild type soybean and its super-nodulating mutant. Foliar application or direct injection of brassinolide into the root base inhibited nodule formation and root development in the super-nodulating mutant (En6500), but not in the parent line (cv. Enrei). The internodes in the plants subjected to foliar application were significantly longer than those in the untreated plants. In contrast, the application of brassinazole on mature leaves or into the culture media resulted in the increase of the nodule number in Enrei. These treatments also inhibited internodal growth in Enrei. The results indicate that brassinosteroids may regulate the nodule number in soybean plants. The function of brassinosteroids for the systemic regulation of nodule formation was examined.  相似文献   

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