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以水稻抗、感细菌性条斑病亲本杂交F2代构建的抗、感近等基因集团为材料,研究了接菌前后细菌性条斑病抗性与过氧化物酶活性及其同工酶酶谱的关系。结果表明,细菌性条斑病对抗病和感病水稻叶片过氧化物酶活性的影响不同,尽管两者酶活性都存在先降低后升高的过程,但感病植株酶活性上升的上于抗病植株。过氧化物酶同工酶谱带的差异主要表现在等电点(pI)为4.2~5.3之间的酶带,暗示细菌性条斑病菌能诱导过氧化物酶的某些  相似文献   

辐照埃及棉选育陆地棉性状的长绒棉突变体的研究   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
1985年用60Coγ射线279Gy辐照埃及棉“Ashrnouni”,于1991年选出了4个表现陆地棉性状、绒长达33~35mm以上的长绒棉突变体。如突变体90197-1。绒长35mm,生育期135天,株高91.9cm左右,株型紧凑,结铃性强(43.4个/株).衣分40%左右,其纤维品质:2.5%跨越长度为34.9~35.6mm,整齐度48.5%~50.2%,断裂比强度19.2~20.4g/特克斯,麦克隆值3.9~4.0。这些突变体有待进一步过育和产量鉴定。经初步分析,诱变后代的染色体仍为四倍体,过氧化物酶和酯酶同工酶酶谱与亲本有显著差异。  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶(PAGE)电泳法研究了喷施农药对棉花植株同工酶谱的影响,分析了不同农药,不同棉花品种,施药后不同时间间隔,不同生育期棉株过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶谱的变化和差异,结果表明,喷施不同农药,不同棉花品种,不同生育期及施药后不同时间间隔均对棉株POD同工酶产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

苹果种质资源矮生基因型的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文测定了38个杂交组合的2597个F_1代苹果实生苗新梢伸长区节间皮层或相应部位叶片中的过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱,统计了3种杂交类型(即普通型品种之间、普通型与矮生型品种之间、矮生型与矮生型品种之间)的过氧化物酶同工酶酶9带的比例。研究表明,该比例与杂交后代出现矮生型和普通型实生苗的理论比例相符,表明苹果新梢伸长区节间皮层和相应部位叶片申的过氧化物酶同工酶酶9带是矮生型苹果岭标记,而且可能是受两对互补基因所控制。  相似文献   

不同剂量的γ射线、电子束单因子及其与不同浓度的苯甲酰胺复因子处理大豆种子,均能诱发其生育期、孕性和株高等农世性状的突变,同时还能诱发蛋白质、氨基酸等品质突变,而且复因子处理较单因子处理的突变频率高。此外,筛选出的不同类型的突变体,其过氧化物酶海性及过气体物酶同工酶酶谱均有明显差异。因此,可应用过氧化物酶等同工酶酶谱分析法对突变体进行检测。  相似文献   

低剂量^60Coγ射线辐照对白菜苗期酶活性及同工酶的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本报道白菜种子经低剂量γ射线辐照后,苗期植株体内抗坏血酸氧化酶、多酚氧化酶过氧化氢酶活性及过氧化物酶同工酶、酯酶同工酶酶谱的变化。辐照后白菜幼苗的抗坏血酶氧化酶、多酚氧化酶活性提高,过氧化物酶同工酶、酯酶同工酶酶谱发生变化。但辐照对白菜轩过氧化氢酶活性的影响表现有高有低,这些变化的总效应可能是促使植物抗性增强,刺激生长,促进发育,提高产量的重要原因。  相似文献   

栽培大麦辐射敏感性与进化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大麦幼苗组织的过氧化物酶同工酶有3个酶带区,8条酶带。辐照后,在偏负极端出现一个新的酶带区,增加1—3条酶带。辐射剂量效应可用线性回归方程Y=A+BX拟合。大麦品种的过氧化物酶同工酶变化与辐射敏感性有关,与进化类型直接相关。协方差分析表明,裸大麦对辐射的敏感性显著高于皮大麦,四棱和六棱大麦则显著高于二棱大麦。据此可以认为,在进化上属原始类型的品种,辐射敏感性较低。  相似文献   

几种农药对棉花过氧化氢酶过氧化物酶活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过在棉花生育期喷施不同种类农药,试验测定棉叶内过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶活性的变化趋势。结果发现,喷施农药后,棉叶的过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶均一定程度表现出“涨落现象”,表明了在本地区特有的农业环境条件下,农药可能会影响植物的正常生理代谢过程。  相似文献   

以6个抗旱性不同的冬小麦品种为试验材料,研究了土壤干旱对拨节期冬小麦功能叶片过氧化物酶同工酶、生物产量及某些经济性状的影响。结果表明:一定程度的土壤干旱可导致小麦功能叶片过氧化物酶同工酶发生相应的变化,抗旱性不同的小麦品种其同工酶酶谱不同,其酶谱变化与抗旱性间存在着一定的相关性。  相似文献   

乙烯利对甘蔗节间过氧化物酶活性的影响及酶细胞化学   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
酶细胞化学研究显示:甘蔗茎杆节间薄壁细胞中过氧化物酶主要分布在细胞的液泡膜内表面和液泡液中,线粒体、叶绿体和高尔基体等细胞器膜表面也有过氧化物酶存在,而细胞核、细胞壁和胞间隙中很少或末见过氧化物酶分布。在甘蔗工艺成熟过程中,节间过氧化物酶活性是波动性变化的,不同品种表现不一致,但存在一个基础酶活性。乙烯利处理对过氧化物酶活性有影响,能提高和(或)维持较高水平的过氧化物酶活性,影响酶活性时间在处理后1~3周,因品种不同而差异。3个参试品种中有2个品种(桂15和新台糖16号)在乙烯利处理后酶活性表现趋势一致。  相似文献   

韭菜的雄性不育无性系育种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田间发现的韭菜(Allium tuberosum)无花粉单株经鉴定为雄性不育而雌性可育后,利用组织培养技术将此雄性不育单株迅速扩繁为雄性不育无性系并作为杂交的母本,与其它优良父本杂交,从F1中快速选出了优良品系J-54和新品种海韭一号。雄性不育无性系能长期稳定地试管保存。从3个F1杂种后代和2个品种的后代中选育出无花粉单株,并用组织培养建立了5个相应的雄性不育无性系.  相似文献   

利用胚珠培养技术培育棉属种间杂种植株的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究利用陆地棉×中棉,陆地棉×海岛棉,独秆突变体×海岛棉,海岛棉×中棉杂交,进行胚珠培养,获得种间杂种植株,结果表明:这4个杂交组合均获得一定频率的胚(包括成熟胚和不成熟胚)及成熟胚萌发的苗;同一组合的杂种胚珠,在不同培养基上获得的胚和成熟胚的效率不同,不同组合的杂交胚珠,在同一培养基上培养的结果有明显差异;进行了杂种胚珠培养的适宜时期的授粉后4~6d,2d的胚珠培养易产生愈伤组织,成胚率低,8  相似文献   

中国特有小麦资源主要遗传性状评价与利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔运兴  马缘生 《核农学报》1988,2(3):129-138
研究了我国特有的西藏、新疆、云南小麦和西藏半野生小麦57份材料。根尖染色体观察;2n=42,具有2对随体染色体。花粉母细胞观察:云南小麦、西藏半野生小麦减数分裂过程仍处于相对不稳定状态。酯酶同工酶分析表明:存在组织特异性。聚类分析结果:云南和西藏半野生小麦亲缘关系相近,同属一种类型;新疆小麦具有独特的进化途径。利用其与黑麦杂交,鉴评了可杂交性基因型,西藏半野生小麦三个变种T_(494)(Var.zhassi H.M.G.),T_(511-1)(Var.sangrium H.M.G.)T_(473)(Var.yayunum H.M.G.)与黑麦杂交结实率比中国春小麦与黑麦的杂交结实率还高,推测基因型为kr_1 kr_1 kr_2 kr_2。西藏半野生小麦与黑麦杂种F_1花粉母细胞中期Ⅰ的染色体交叉数超过中国春小麦杂种F_1,推测T_(445-3),T_(499-2),T_(488),T_(511-1)等西藏半野生小麦可能有ph_2基因。  相似文献   

For breeding programs of the tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum), both wild and cultivated diploid relatives are valuable sources of genetic diversity. While both types of germplasm are used in breeding programs, there are several advantages to using wild relatives. Diploid relatives are typically crossed with haploids (2n = 2x = 24) from tetraploid S. tuberosum to improve daylength adaptation. Most haploids are male sterile, so they are typically used as female parents. Cultivated diploids, such as members of the Phureja Group, produce male sterile hybrids when crossed as females to haploids; wild relatives, such as S. tarijense, often produce male fertile hybrids. Tuber yield following crosses of haploids to cultivated or wild relatives is often high. However, cultivated relatives generally produce hybrids with a high set of small tubers; hybrids from wild relatives are variable, but many are similar to cultivars in tuber size and set. While tubers of hybrids from cultivated relatives are typically rough, with deep eyes and raised internodes, those from wild relatives are often smooth. Tuber dormancy in hybrids with cultivated relatives is generally short, while that in hybrids with wild species is longer, allowing for storage over winter. Finally, resistance to several major diseases and stresses has been found in wild species and their hybrids with S. tuberosum haploids. The desirable traits in hybrids are transmitted to tetraploids via unilateral sexual polyploidization (4x × 2x or 2x × 4x crosses in which the diploid parent produces 2n gametes). Wild Solanum species are recommended for use in potato breeding programs as sources of genetic diversity that can be adapted easily following hybridization with S. tuberosum haploids.  相似文献   

Triticum tauschii (Coss.) Schmalh. (Aegilops squarrosa auct. non L., 2n=2x=14, DD genome) with its diverse range of accessions and distribution provides a unique opportunity for exploiting novel genetic variability for wheat (T. aestivum L.) improvement associated with biotic/abiotic stress factors. From our working collection of 490 T. tauschii accessions we have so far produced 430 different synthetic hexaploids (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) resulting from the chromosome doubling of Triticum turgidum L. s. lat. x T. tauschii F1 hybrids (each synthetic involving a different T. tauschii accession). We present here our results on hybrid production, plantlet regeneration, cytology, colchicine induced doubling of the 2n=3x=21 chromosome F1 hybrids, seed increase of the doubled progeny and screening for a biotic stress; Cochliobolus sativus Ito and Kuribay (syn. Helminthosporium sativum Pamm. King and Bakke); of 250 of these synthetic hexaploid (2n=6x=42) amphiploids. Application of the direct crossing methodology involving susceptible T. aestivum cultivars with resistant T. tauschii accessions is also alluded to.  相似文献   

Knowledge of gene flow is essential for designing strategies of germplasm multiplication. Inter and intra-plot gene flow and pollen dispersion between small plots in a field of Vicia faba germplasm multiplication were measured under four isolation zones at two locations. The four isolation zones were: a barren zone, a nucleocytoplasmic Vicia faba male sterile line, a Vicia faba tetraploid genotype and a Vicia narbonensis L. population. Genotypes fixed for alternative isozyme and allozyme alleles allowed the identification of inter and intra-plot hybrids through progeny testing. A set of log-likelihood ratio (LLR) G tests were used to analyze the effects of geographical location, isolation zone and genotype on the different components of gene flow. Considerable heterogeneity among the genotypes in all the components, inter and intra-plot gene flow and pollen dispersion, of gene flow has been found. It has been shown that gene flow is location, isolation zone and genotype dependent. Planting a barrier surrounding the plots rather than using a non cultivated area between plots seemed more or less efficient for preventing inter-plot gene flow depending on the genotype and the location. Specific associations between genotype and male sterile or tetraploid border rows for every location can bring about gene flow as high, or even higher, than those produced by a barren zone. Differences among the genotypes and borders in flowering overlapping appear not to be the major factor influencing the pattern of gene flow. Implications of the pattern of gene flow observed are discussed in relation to crop diversity managed by farmers.  相似文献   

A perennial version of grain sorghum [S. bicolor (L.) Moench] would create opportunities for greatly reducing tillage and preventing soil degradation. Efforts to select for perenniality and grain production among progeny of hybrids between S. bicolor (2n = 20) and the weedy tetraploid perennial S. halepense (L.) Pers. (2n = 40) are complicated in that F1 hybrids produced by diploid × tetraploid sorghum crosses are usually tetraploid. In 2013, a set of random pollinations between 19 diploid cytoplasmic male-sterile inbred lines and 43 tetraploid perennial plants produced 165 F1 hybrid plants, more than 75% of which had highly atypical plant, panicle, and seed phenotypes. Phenotypic segregation in F2 populations derived from atypical hybrids was also anomalous. Examination of mitotic metaphase cells in F1 or F2 root tips revealed that 129 of the 165 hybrids were diploid. Parentage of the diploid progenies was confirmed using simple-sequence repeat analysis. The mechanism by which diploid hybrids arise from diploid × tetraploid crosses is unknown, but it may involve either production of monohaploid (n = 10) pollen by the tetraploid parent or chromosome elimination during early cell divisions following formation of the triploid zygote. The ability to produce diploid germplasm segregating for S. bicolor and S. halepense alleles could have great utility, both for the development of perennial sorghum and for the improvement of conventional grain sorghum.  相似文献   

Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino, also known as jiaogulan, has been shown to have antioxidant, antiproliferative, and anti-inflammatory activities. Flavonoid is considered a major contributor for these beneficial effects. To obtain chemical patterns of flavonoids in G. pentaphyllum of different genotypes (di- versus tetraploids) and different parts (leaf versus whole plant) of plants, the extraction condition was optimized and a fingerprinting approach was established by means of high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection and mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MS). Eight flavonoids were identified, among which rutin and quercetin were quantified. The highest levels of rutin and quercetin were 23.03 and 12.10 mg/g, respectively, observed in the diploid leaf sample 2L3 and 2L2, while the lowest levels of rutin and quercetin were 1.92 and 0.25 mg/g in the tetraploid whole-plant sample 4W3. The chemical patterns were further analyzed by similarity calculation and principal component analysis (PCA). Seven common characteristic peaks were found in all of the tested samples. Flavonoid patterns of tetraploids were significantly different from those of diploids, whereas different parts of plants showed less difference. The flavonoid pattern of the diploid leaf sample was most similar to that of the reference botanical G. pentaphyllum. The combination of chromatographic fingerprint and quantification analysis could be used for quality assessment of G. pentaphyllum and its derived nutraceutical products.  相似文献   

White-seeded cultivated amaranth [Amaranthus caudatus L., A. cruentus L., and A. hypochondriacus L.] grain is less valuable if contaminated with brown off-type seeds from the hybrid weedy progeny of spontaneous crop–weed crossing. Crop–weed crossing frequency was estimated by using two grain amaranth cultivars. Both cultivars were planted at the same nine locations in the Midwest United States and exposed to pollen from local weedy Amaranthus species. Harvested seeds were grown in a greenhouse, and the frequency of crop–weed hybrids was determined by observing dominant weed traits in the progeny. The cultivar ‘Plainsman’ was approximately tenfold more likely to hybridize with weedy amaranths than was ‘D136-1’. These are the first amaranth cultivars to be evaluated in this way. The reduced hybridization potential of ‘D136-1’ or similar material can be exploited to reduce the occurrence of off-type seed contamination in grain amaranths.  相似文献   

种子蛋白质电泳在陆地型长绒棉种质鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶法 ,进行单粒种子醇溶蛋白质电泳分析 ,参试材料有陆地型长绒新种质 9830 1系、4个海岛棉品种和 8个陆地棉品种。 9830 1和中棉所 1 2号、石远 32 1在试验中 ,同一品种 (系 )内的不同种子之间的蛋白谱带基本一致。对分别取样于山东省 7个不同地区试验点的 9830 1种子谱带进行比较 ,没有发现差异。胶板上陆地棉品种均具有 3条与海岛棉相区分的带 ,同样各海岛棉品种也共同具有 3条特征带。 9830 1显出 3条陆地棉特有带 ,证明其谱带主要倾向于陆地棉 ;同时也稳定地出现 1条海岛棉的特有带 ,表现出其属于海陆杂交种的遗传特性。 9830 1分离出一条独有带 (“1”带 ) ,凭借此带和另一条带 (“1 0”带 )可较容易地和其它陆地棉品种相区分  相似文献   

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