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小麦免耕播种机性能指标的关联度分析与灰色聚类评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
免耕播种是保护性耕作技术最重要的作业环节之一。为了在华北旱作区推广保护性耕作技术,选择适宜免耕播种机作业的地表覆盖状况,对当地目前使用的2BMF-9型小麦免耕播种机在8种地表试验处理下进行田间播种试验,得出8种不同地表试验处理下各项性能指标、出苗率和冬前分蘖数。通过灰色关联度分析得出:小麦免耕播种机的播种均匀程度、覆土性能、机具通过性对出苗率和冬前分蘖数影响很大。运用灰色聚类的原理,对被评估的8种试验处理进行类型划分,结果表明:秸秆覆盖量为3?000~3?750?kg/hm2、留茬高度25?cm以下的地块可直接播种,若适当进行粉碎处理,则播种质量更好;秸秆覆盖量为4?500?kg/hm2左右的地块必须进行粉碎处理;秸秆覆盖量大于5?250?kg/hm2的地块,除进行粉碎处理外,还应在播种前进行地表处理(如浅旋、浅耙、浅耕),降低秸秆覆盖率。研究为该地区小麦免耕播种地表处理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

玉米-小麦一年两熟保护性耕作体系试验研究   总被引:46,自引:18,他引:46  
采用将夏玉米、冬小麦两季作物作为整体来研究适合华北一年两熟地区保护性耕作技术体系,确定了耕作和覆盖两个因素,包括免耕、深松、耙地、翻耕4种耕作方法,以及100%秸秆覆盖,50%秸秆覆盖和0覆盖3种秸秆覆盖水平。筛选设计了8种保护性耕作和2种传统翻耕共10种体系的试验方案。试验中测定了土壤含水量、容重、地温等参数和根系、产量等作物指标。试验结果表明,我国华北地区实施保护性耕作有利于节约用水,提高水分利用效率,增加作物产量。试验得出最适合的两种保护性耕作体系是:玉米-小麦全程免耕100%秸秆覆盖体系、玉米深松100%秸秆覆盖+小麦免耕100%秸秆覆盖体系。  相似文献   

往复切刀式小麦固定垄免耕播种机   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
针对西北灌溉农业区固定垄保护性耕作条件下玉米秸秆覆盖地垄作免耕播种小麦存在的机具堵塞、垄形破坏等问题,设计了一种集切茬、播种和修垄于一体的往复切刀式小麦固定垄免耕播种机。该机通过利用动力切刀往复垂直切茬和刀刃型开沟器水平切茬相结合的方式实现秸秆防堵,同时采用圆柱熟地型修垄犁解决垄形修复问题。田间试验表明,该机能有效地解决玉米秸秆堵塞问题,防堵能力强,修垄效果好;播种、施肥平均深度分别为46 mm和91 mm,均匀性好,可较好地满足西北灌溉农业区小麦垄作免耕播种的要求。  相似文献   

螺旋刀型垄台清理装置的设计与试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
针对现有玉米垄作免耕播种机存在的堵塞,功耗大,播种后种带存有大量秸秆影响播种质量等问题,研究设计了一种与玉米垄作免耕播种机配套使用的螺旋刀型垄台清理装置。在玉米秸秆覆盖垄作地试验结果表明,该装置的土壤扰动量约为18.3%~26%,秸秆覆盖率降低了35%~53%,能够满足免耕播种要求,有利于提高播种质量。相比条带旋耕式垄台清理装置,免耕播种机单位面积耗油量降低了13.8%,能够减少拖拉机的动力消耗。因此螺旋刀型垄台清理装置不仅解决了条带旋耕式垄台清理装置动力消耗大的问题,而且能够创造清洁的种床,对垄作保护性耕作技术的推广具有重要意义。  相似文献   

小麦免耕播种机性能指标体系的建立与灰色评估   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
探索科学合理的小麦免耕播种机性能指标评价方法,对保护性耕作技术的推广应用有重要意义。该文以2BMF-9型小麦免耕播种机为研究对象,以农艺和生产要求为基础,通过试验、专家咨询与层次分析法,对小麦免耕播种机评价指标体系构建、指标测定方法与权重进行研究;通过双因素试验设计了秸秆状态不同的8种试验处理,测出各地表处理的性能指标值与反映播种质量的出苗率和冬前分蘖数;采用灰色评估模型,给出各指标高、中、低级别的参考值。结果表明:该机播深合格率、种肥间距合格率性能较好,播种均匀性一般,通过性和覆土性能较差;改善免耕播种机的性能,要以提高播种均匀性、通过性和覆土性能为目的,从机具结构设计和作业地表处理方面着手。  相似文献   

中国北方一年两作区保护性耕作技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文主要研究适于中国北方半湿润偏旱区一年两作保护性耕作的技术模式。介绍了在“杨凌农业机械化保护性耕作新技术新机具试验示范园地"建立的小麦玉米一年两作区10种不同机械化保护性耕作的模式、试验方案以及自主研制开发的配套机具的性能;将不同模式与传统犁耕作业模式进行了对比试验与分析研究。结果表明:小麦生长全程秸秆粉碎还田、麦收后玉米免耕播种作业模式与传统犁耕无秸秆覆盖相比,小麦增产53%,玉米增产25%,土壤蓄水量增加1%~1.2%,各类保护性耕作模式土壤有机质平均增加1.03 g/kg 。另外,深松作业增产节水效果优于深耕作业;前茬小麦高留茬玉米免耕播种效果优于低留茬的玉米免耕播种。经济分析还表明,由于作物增产并降低了机械作业成本,保护性耕作技术模式的经济效益明显优于传统犁耕作业。  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱区保护性耕作适应性评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在黄土高原半干旱区连续4年保护性耕作试验的基础上,利用层次分析法,对5种保护性耕作法与传统耕作法适应性(生态与经济)进行综合评价,探究适合黄土高原半干旱区的保护性农业技术体系.结果表明:在两种轮作次序(小麦/豌豆、豌豆//小麦)、两种投入方式(计秸秆和不计秸秆)下,保护性耕作法免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)综合适应性指数(PI)均显著高于其他几种耕作方式,且PI在0.76~0.86之间,是传统耕作法(T)的2~2.5倍,NTS在该地区的适应性最强;NTS、免耕不覆盖(NT)、免耕结合地膜覆盖(NTP)3种耕作方式的PI高于传统耕作结合秸秆还田(TS)、T、传统耕作结合地膜覆盖(TP),说明NTS、NT、NTP在该区的适应性优于TS、T、TP.因此,在黄土高原半干旱区实施保护性耕作措施NTS,更能促进该区农业的持续发展.  相似文献   

小麦/玉米免耕处理对产量及土壤水分和风蚀的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过3年田间定位试验,研究在小麦、玉米间作条件下,免耕高留茬、免耕秸秆覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖+播前耙地、传统耕作4种耕作处理对小麦/玉米产量、土壤含水率、土壤风蚀的影响.结果表明:1)免耕处理小麦玉米间作混合产量比传统耕作产量增产2.6%~6.6%,其中玉米产量比传统耕作处理增产8.6% ~ 13.2%,小麦产量比传统耕作降低5.2%~8.8%;2)免耕处理可增加耕作层土壤蓄水量13.4%~15.9%,降低土壤风蚀量55.6%~100.0%.说明小麦秸秆高茬收割覆盖、玉米秸秆立地过冬的间作免耕技术可在甘肃河西、沿黄地区及国内同类型的小麦玉米间作地区进行示范推广.  相似文献   

华北平原缺水区保护性耕作技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对华北平原缺水地区农田生产效益偏低和地下水严重超采导致的生态环境问题,以建立节水、高产、固碳的华北平原缺水区保护性耕作集成技术为目标,在国家科技支撑计划长期支持下,建立了华北平原历时最长的保护性耕作长期定位试验平台(2001年—),开展了小麦/玉米两熟制保护性耕作理论和关键技术研究,集成了农机农艺结合的高产节水型保护性耕作技术体系,并在河北省进行广泛示范推广。主要结果:1)华北平原冬小麦/夏玉米一年两熟区保护性耕作具有固碳、减排、节水、提高土壤质量等生态效应。长期保护性耕作具有土壤养分分层表聚现象:0~5 cm土层的土壤C、N、P、K、有机质含量高于5~10 cm土层,旋耕(RT)和免耕(NT1:秸秆直立免耕;NT2:秸秆粉碎免耕;NT3:整秸秆覆盖免耕)处理土壤有机碳(SOC)的层化比率为1.74~2.04,显著高于翻耕处理(CK和CT)的1.37~1.45。保护性耕作的固碳效应与机制:保护性耕作实施9年后不同耕作方式年固碳量(0~30 cm)NT2处理为840 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、RT处理为780 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、CT处理为600kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),14年后土壤有机碳(0~30 cm)发生了变化,NT2处理为540 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、RT处理为720 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)、CT处理为710 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1);长期免耕减少了土壤的扰动而降低了土壤碳的矿化率,土壤碳的累积主要固定在土壤大团聚体的颗粒有机碳中,固定态碳首先进入活性易分解有机碳库,然后缓慢转入稳定碳库。保护性耕作的减排效应:不同耕作系统全球增温潜力的计算结果表明,免耕是大气增温的碳汇,而其他耕作系统为碳源。NT处理每年农田生态系统净截留碳947~1 070 kg(C)·hm-2;CK、CT和RT每年向大气分别排放等当量碳3 364kg(C)·hm-2、989 kg(C)·hm-2和343 kg(C)·hm-2。保护性耕作的土壤微生物多样性机制:保护性耕作显著提高了土壤中真菌、细菌、氨氧化古菌和亚硝酸还原酶(nir K)基因的反硝化微生物的多样性,但对氨氧化细菌与含nir S基因的反硝化微生物的多样性影响不大。保护性耕作节水保墒的土壤结构与水力学机制:常规耕作对土壤有压实的作用,而保护性耕作改善了土壤结构,有效提高了储水孔隙、导水率、田间持水量和有效水含量,秸秆覆盖又能有效减少土壤蒸发,具有开源与节流双重节水机制。2)建立了趋零蒸发的麦田玉米整秸覆盖全免耕种植模式。在小麦/玉米一年两熟种植区,首次提出了玉米整秸秆覆盖小麦全免耕播种的种植模式,实现了小麦玉米全程全量秸秆机械化覆盖,形成土壤无效蒸发趋于零的保护性耕作体系与方法;研制了实现趋零蒸发的4JS-2型梳压机和2BMF-6型小麦全免耕播种机组,比目前推广的2BMFS-6/12小麦免耕播种机减少作业动力45.2%,降低作业费用33.3%。3)建立了3年一深松(翻)的少免耕-深松轮耕模式,集成了节水高产保护性耕作技术体系。制定了华北平原冬小麦/夏玉米一年两熟区保护性耕作技术体系等河北省地方标准,与农业、农机部门联合示范,推动了河北省保护性耕作技术的推广和应用。成果在河北平原冬小麦/夏玉米一年两熟区进行了示范推广,社会效益和生态效益显著,2013年获河北省科技进步一等奖。  相似文献   

防堵和播深控制机构提高玉米免耕精量播种性能   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
免耕播种技术能够提高土壤的蓄水保墒能力、增加土壤有机质含量,因此在华北平原农作区被广为接受。该地区的耕作制度为小麦与玉米周年轮作,冬小麦在6月份收获,随后在小麦秸秆覆盖地上直接进行玉米免耕播种作业。受小麦秸秆的影响,播种后玉米种子的粒距均匀性和播种深度一致性很难保证,另外,玉米苗由于被小麦秸秆覆盖容易发生病虫害。为了解决以上问题,发明了一种安装防堵机构和播深控制单体的玉米免耕精量播种机,对该播种机和不带防堵机构和播深控制单体的普通播种机在4、6和8 km/h 3个播种速度下的播种性能进行了对比试验,测量并得出了拨草性能、播种深度、出苗率和粒距分布均匀性(合格率、重播率和漏播率)等指标参数。试验结果表明:防堵机构和播深控制单体能显著提高播种机的拨草性能、播种深度一致性、出苗率和粒距分布均匀性;防堵机构使播种机不易堵塞,播种速度为8 km/h时的凉籽率仅为1.8%;播深控制单体使播种机在所有播种速度下平均播深接近理论播深,播种速度为8 km/h时的播深变异系数仅为9.2%,使得出苗时间更集中,出苗整齐度高。以上结果说明:设计的安装防堵机构和播深控制单体的玉米免耕精量播种机能够满足小麦秸秆覆盖田玉米免耕精量播种的要求。  相似文献   

Many sulfonylurea herbicides have been used under a wide variety of agronomic conditions in numerous crops. An understanding of dissipation rate of herbicide is fundamental for predicting the fate of herbicide in soil. In order to study the sulfosulfuron persistence under different cultivation systems of wheat, a four replicated experiment was carried out in the Hashemabad Reaserch Center of Gorgan, Iran in 2010 in a split plot design with two factors. Cultivation system as the main factor consisted of six levels, including conservation tillage by Combinate, no-tillage by Baldan grain drill, conservation tillage by Chizelpacker, conservation tillage by Delta Model, surface tillage by heavy disk, and conventional tillage by moldboard plow and twice disk. Secondary factor included two levels of sulfosulfuron application(with and without sulfosulfuron). Soil samples were taken at 6 stages and soil microbial respiration and soil pH were measured as factors affecting sulfosulfuron persistence. Results showed the least time of sulfosulfuron persistence belonged to the cultivation system of no-tillage by Baldan grain drill with a half-life of 4.62 d. Then, conservation tillage by Combinate and conventional tillage with a half-life of 6.30 d and conservation tillage by Delta Model with a half-life of 9.90 d were ordered. The most time of sulfosulfuron persistence(11.55 d) was related to conservation tillage by Chizelpacker. Ninety percent reduction of sulfosulfuron concentration occurred 15.34, 20.92, 32.88, and 36.38 d after sulfosulfuron application, respectively, for no-tillage system, conservation tillage by Combinate and conventional tillage, conservation tillage by Delta Model and surface tillage, and conservation tillage by Chizelpacker. In all the cultivation systems, toxicity symptoms were not observed 40 d after spraying sulfosulfuron onto the tomato plants which were used as test plant. Effects of different cultivation systems on soil microbial respiration were also significant.  相似文献   

在黄淮海平原小麦-玉米一年两熟地区,试验设置了5个处理,分别为玉米小麦每年均翻耕(CTWT)、玉米免耕+小麦每年翻耕(CNTWT)、玉米免耕+小麦每2年翻耕(CNTW2T)、玉米免耕+小麦每4年翻耕(CNTW4T)、玉米小麦每年均免耕(CNTWNT),所有处理的农作物地上秸秆全部移出。调查结果显示,中小型土壤动物在数量上占总数的比例为83%~91%,土壤动物主要分布在表层,占有其总量的71.9%~73.2%。土壤动物存在显著的季节性动态,其丰富度在玉米季高于小麦季。土壤动物Shannon多样性指数在整体上表现为翻耕高于免耕处理,玉米季翻耕处理下有更高的均匀度指数,但小麦季均匀度指数差异不显著。多元典范冗余分析表明,耕作方式主要是对土壤动物的时间动态和垂直分布产生影响,从而间接地影响了土壤动物的数量和组成。  相似文献   

水稻连续免耕抛栽对土壤理化和生物学性状的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
于2005~2007年在双季稻田以翻耕处理为对照,研究了水稻连续免耕抛栽对土壤理化和生物学性质的影响。结果表明,稻田免耕1年(2季),有利于土壤物理性状的改善,随着免耕时间(3年6季)的延长,土壤物理性质变差。但免耕2年后,采用紫云英和稻草还田能降低免耕稻田的土壤容重,提高总孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度。免耕有利于土壤养分在表层土壤富集。土壤中三大类微生物总量免耕处理小于翻耕处理,免耕土壤细菌的数量增加,而放线菌和真菌的数量减少。土壤中脲酶活性增加,而过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶的活性均降低。脲酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶的活性均与土壤有机质、全氮含量呈极显著相关,而过氧化物酶活性则与土壤全氮和速效钾含量呈极显著相关。该结果有水稻免耕抛秧栽培技术的推广应用的参考意义。  相似文献   

Large amounts of soil are eroded annually from tilled, hilly upland soils in the humid tropics. Awareness has been increasing that much of this erosion may be due to tillage operations rather than water-induced soil movement. This field study estimated soil translocation and tillage erosion for four tillage systems on Oxisols with slope gradients of 16–22% at Claveria, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. Soil movement was estimated using ‘soil movement tracers' (SMT) which consisted of painted 12-mm hexagonal steel nuts. The SMT were buried in three replicate plots of the following tillage treatments: (1) contour moldboard plowing in the open field (MP-open); (2) contour ridge tillage in the open field (RT-open); (3) contour moldboard plowing plus contour natural grass barrier strips (MP-strip); and (4) contour natural grass barrier strips plus ridge tillage (RT-strip). Two hundred SMT were placed at the 5-cm depth at 5-cm spacings on 10 rows and 20 columns in two microplots within each plot. The microplots were oriented with the boundaries running downslope and along the contour of each 8-m-wide × 38-m-long (downslope) tillage plot. After tilling the land for four successive corn (Zea mays L.) crops (20 tillage operations), the SMT were manually excavated and their positions recorded. Recovery of SMT ranged from 82% to 85%. Displacement of SMT was directly related to slope length, percent slope, and tillage method. Mean displacement distance of SMT during the four corn growing seasons was 3.3 m for MP-open, 1.8 m for RT-open, 1.5 m for the RT-strip, and 2.2 m for MP-strip. Based on tillage operations associated with two corn crops per year, mean annual soil flux was estimated to be 241, 131, 158 and 112 kg m−1 for MP-open, RT-open MP-strip, and RT-strip, respectively. Compared to the mean annual soil loss for MP-open of 63 Mg ha−1, soil loss was reduced by 30%, 45%, and 53% for the MP-strip, RT-open, and RT-strip systems, respectively. Both ridge tillage and natural grass barrier strips reduced soil displacement, soil translocation flux, and tillage erosion rates.  相似文献   

The impact of tillage systems on soil CO2 emission is a complex issue as different soil types are managed in various ways, from no-till to intensive land preparation. In southern Brazil, the adoption of a new management option has arisen most recently, with no-tillage as well as no burning of crops residues left on soil surface after harvesting, especially in sugar cane areas. Although such practice has helped to restore soil carbon, the tillage impact on soil carbon loss in such areas has not been widely investigated. This study evaluated the effect of moldboard plowing followed by offset disk harrow and chisel plowing on clay oxisol CO2 emission in a sugar cane field treated with no-tillage and high crop residues input in the last 6 years. Emissions after tillage were compared to undisturbed soil CO2 emissions during a 4-week period by using an LI-6400 system coupled to a portable soil chamber. Conventional tillage caused the highest emission during almost the whole period studied, except for the efflux immediately following tillage, when the reduced plot produced the highest peak. The lowest emissions were recorded 7 days after tillage, at the end of a dry period, when soil moisture reached its lowest rate. A linear regression between soil CO2 effluxes and soil moisture in the no-till and conventional plots corroborate the fact that moisture, and not soil temperature, was a controlling factor. Total soil CO2 loss was huge and indicates that the adoption of reduced tillage would considerably decrease soil carbon dioxide emission in our region, particularly during the summer season and when growers leave large amounts of crop residues on the soil surface. Although it is known that crop residues are important for restoring soil carbon, our result indicates that an amount equivalent to approximately 30% of annual crop carbon residues could be transferred to the atmosphere, in a period of 4 weeks only, when conventional tillage is applied on no-tilled soils.  相似文献   

基于离散元的排种器排种室内玉米种群运动规律   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4  
高寒干旱地区免耕地表播种作业时,排种器振动与种群运动状态对气吸式排种器的吸种性能有较大影响。为研究气吸式免耕播种机在免耕地表作业时排种器振动参数及振动对排种器内玉米种群运动的影响规律,该文采用BK加速度传感器和Pulse LAN-XI振动测试系统,对2BM-5型气吸式免耕播种机在免耕地表作业时排种器振动特性进行了测试,并应用Matlab软件对振动信号进行了分析。在此基础上基于离散元法模拟了在田间作业振动条件下玉米种群运动规律,并基于室内台架试验进行了验证。播种机田间作业振动信号分析结果表明:播种机前进速度为2、3、4、5、6、7 km/h时,排种器振动的位移功率谱密度较大值的频率为5、6、7 Hz,排种器振动的幅值由2.4到7.9 mm线性增加。由离散元方法仿真得到了种子室内玉米种群最大速度、种群平均速度与播种机作业速度的拟合曲线。台架验证结果表明:气吸式排种器排种性能较好的作业速度为3~5 km/h,较好的振动幅值为6 mm;种群最大速度范围为0.120 3~0.224 3 m/s,种群平均速度范围为0.080 7~0.141 3 m/s,吸种区种群最大速度范围为0.127~0.26 m/s时,气吸式排种器吸种性能较好。该研究可为免耕播种机气吸式排种器吸种性能的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

Soil Hydraulic Properties: Influence of Tillage and Cover Crops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the effects of cover crops and tillage on soil physical properties is important for determining soil productivity. This study was conducted at Lincoln University's Freeman Center, USA to evaluate the effects of tillage and cover crop management on soil hydraulic properties. The field site included three replicate blocks in a randomized complete block design with each plot measuring 21.3 m in length and 12.2 m in width. Treatment factors were tillage at two levels(moldboard plow tillage vs. no tillage) and cover crop at two levels(cereal rye(Secale cereal) cover crop vs. no cover crop). Soil samples were collected in late spring/early summer from each treatment at 10-cm depth increments from the soil surface to a depth of 40 cm using cores(76.2-mm diameter and 76.2-mm length). Soil bulk density was 13% lower with tillage compared with no-tillage. Volumetric water content was significantly higher at 0.0 and -0.4 k Pa pressures with tillage compared with no tillage. Tillage increased the proportion of coarse mesopores by 32% compared with no tillage, resulting in 87% higher saturated hydraulic conductivity(K_(sat)). Cover crop increased the proportion of macropores by 24% compared with no cover crop; this can potentially increase water infiltration and reduce runoff. As a result of higher macroporosity, Ksat was higher under cover crop compared with no cover crop. This study demonstrated that tillage can benefit soil hydraulic properties in the short term, but these effects may not persist over time. Cover crops may slightly improve soil hydraulic properties, but longer term studies are needed to evaluate the long-term effects.  相似文献   

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