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采用分室根箱试验,研究了油菜-水稻轮作条件下红壤性水稻土根区与非根区土壤不同形态钾素含量变化特点。结果表明,轮作前季(油菜季)前期,根区土壤水溶性钾和交换性钾首先出现相对亏缺。随着油菜生长和吸钾强度的增大,非根区内、中、外区土壤水溶性钾向根区迁移,交换性钾向水溶性钾转化,含量均逐渐降低,且距根区越近,降低幅度越大。轮作后季(水稻季)前期,淹水促进了非根区水溶性钾向根区的扩散,交换性钾向水溶性钾的转化。随着水稻生长和吸钾强度增大,根区与非根区土壤交换性钾含量均显著降低。水稻季末期作物吸钾强度减小,根区土壤水溶性钾含量降低至一定程度时就不再减少,而非根区水溶性钾继续向根区扩散。整个轮作期,根区与非根区土壤非交换性钾含量与不种作物处理相比差异不显著。可见,作物首先吸收利用根区土壤钾,非根区钾逐渐向根区迁移,距根区越近,对作物吸钾量的贡献越大。在一个轮作期内,交换性钾和水溶性钾是红壤性水稻土主要供钾形态,作物吸收利用的非交换性钾较少。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究了黑麦草-水稻轮作条件下不同类型土壤供钾能力及钾素动态变化,以期为土壤供钾机制研究及合理的钾素调控提供依据。结果表明:不施钾条件下(NP处理),潮土上种植作物的生物量和吸钾量最高,黄褐土次之,红壤最低;施钾条件下(NPK处理),3种土壤上种植作物的生物量无显著差异,作物吸钾量为黄褐土>潮土>红壤。整个轮作期,红壤、黄褐土和潮土NPK处理的作物生物量较NP处理分别增加55.6%、45.2%和23.2%,作物吸钾量分别增加368.8%、166.8%和74.5%。轮作前季(黑麦草季),NP处理的3种土壤水溶性钾含量和交换性钾含量均降低,潮土非交换性钾含量明显降低,红壤和黄褐土非交换性钾含量在前期变化不大,中期有升高的趋势,后期显著降低;NPK处理的土壤钾含量均高于NP处理,且各种形态钾含量的变化趋势与NP处理基本相同。轮作后季(水稻季),NP处理的3种土壤水溶性钾含量变化不大,交换性钾含量呈先降低后升高的趋势,非交换性钾含量呈先升高后降低的趋势;NPK处理的土壤交换性钾含量在水稻生长前期明显升高,中期下降,后期有略微上升,水溶性钾和非交换性钾含量有先升高后降低的变化趋势。综上所述,在不施钾条件下,轮作期内各土壤钾素消耗量较大,水溶性钾和交换性钾含量降低,并促进了非交换性钾的释放;施钾能提高土壤水溶性钾和交换性钾含量,并向非交换性钾方向转化,施钾对黑麦草和水稻有显著增产效果,可以有效地提高土壤供钾水平。  相似文献   

钾在潮土肥际微域中的迁移与转化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用室内土柱实验研究了钾在潮土肥际微域中的迁移和形态转化.结果表明,在室温25℃、土壤含水量332 g/kg和容重1.22 g/cm3的条件下,经过7 d和28 d的扩散,钾在潮土中的迁移距离为40~75 mm,前期移动较快.在迁移距离内,土壤水溶性钾和交换性钾含量与距施肥点距离呈极显著线性负相关.施肥量和培养时间对水溶性钾和交换性钾含量在肥际微域中的分布均有显著影响,但对非交换性钾含量没有显著影响.外源钾进入土壤后在肥际微域中被固定的部分仅占5.6%~21.5%,绝大部分仍以有效态存在.  相似文献   

【目的】以水稻连作为对照,研究玉米?水稻水旱轮作模式对稻田作物根际和非根际土壤氮素含量及酶活性的影响,为稻田系统玉米?水稻轮作对土壤氮素转化与稻田土壤质量的影响提供科学依据。【方法】利用根际袋盆栽试验进行水稻连作与玉米?水稻轮作,在玉米喇叭口期、抽穗期及成熟期,水稻分蘖期、孕穗期及成熟期分别采取根际与非根际土样,测定土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、全氮含量与脲酶、硝酸还原酶活性变化。【结果】两种种植模式及作物生育期对土壤氮素含量和酶活性均有显著影响。不同种植模式下土壤酶活性变化趋势基本相同。与水稻连作相比,玉米?水稻轮作土壤铵态氮减少了24.7%;土壤硝态氮含量增加了153.4%,主要表现在第一季。与水稻连作相比,玉米?水稻轮作条件下两季作物成熟期土壤全氮含量降低,土壤脲酶活性整体提高24.3%,土壤硝酸还原酶活性整体降低34.6%。水旱轮作对各个指标的影响可持续到第二季。根际土壤铵态氮含量及脲酶活性整体低于非根际土壤,玉米根际土壤硝态氮含量低于非根际,水稻根际土壤硝态氮含量高于非根际土壤,根际土壤硝酸还原酶活性高于非根际土壤。【结论】在本试验中,轮作在第一季对土壤氮素及酶活性的影响可持续至第二季。与水稻连作相比,玉米?水稻轮作可以提高作物根际与非根际土壤的脲酶活性及硝态氮含量,有利于氮素有效性的提高。  相似文献   

水稻土肥际微域铵对钾形态转化与迁移的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过室内土柱培养试验,研究了水稻土肥际微域铵对钾形态转化与迁移的影响。结果表明,钾自肥际向非肥际的扩散距离随钾肥用量增加而增加,施同等铵态氮条件下,施钾量增加2.4倍,导致肥际钾含量最高区域水溶态钾含量提高了2.1倍,交换态钾和非交换态钾则分别提高了1.7和 0.3倍,而钾的迁移距离提高了16.4%(12 mm),说明肥际钾的固定能力有限,钾肥量增加导致更多的钾以有效性较高的形态存在。同等钾量条件下,施用铵态氮肥显著提高了水稻土肥际钾含量最高区域水溶态钾含量,使钾的迁移距离较未施铵时增加了23.2%(16 mm);铵钾共施还显著提高了肥际到普通土壤过渡区域中交换态钾含量,降低了所有土样中的非交换态钾含量。铵钾共施显著抑制了肥际微域中肥料钾向非交换态的转化,这种抑制作用随距肥际距离的增加而减弱。利用不同回归方程拟合由肥际到非肥际钾的分布曲线,无论是水溶态钾还是交换态钾,反S型曲线 y = a / [1 + b exp (c×x)] 可以很好地拟合由肥际到非肥际K+ 的分布。  相似文献   

孙浩燕  张洋洋  任涛  薛欣欣  丛日环 《土壤》2014,46(4):669-673
通过盆栽试验研究了不同形态钾肥的施用对连续3季作物(油菜、油菜、水稻)生物量、钾素(K2O)吸收量、作物-土壤系统钾素平衡以及土壤速效钾和缓效钾含量的影响。研究结果表明,不同形态钾肥施用后,枸溶性钾硅肥(K枸)与水溶性钾肥(K水)效果一致,与不施钾相比,3季作物生物量都显著增加,钾素总吸收量增加155%,钾素平衡系数为0.79,钾素的供应缓解了土壤钾素亏缺,利于维持土壤钾素平衡;而粉碎性钾矿粉(K矿)钾素不能被作物充分吸收利用,增产效果不显著。第一季油菜收获后K枸、K水处理土壤速效钾、缓效钾含量显著高于K0、K矿,但随着作物的收获各处理间差异逐渐变小,最终趋于一致。枸溶性钾硅肥和水溶性钾肥均能补充土壤的有效钾素,缓解土壤钾素的消耗,维持土壤钾素肥力水平的稳定,有利于作物增产。  相似文献   

广东省酸性硫酸盐水稻土作物产量的主要限制因子分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】酸性硫酸盐水稻土(ASPS,简称反酸田)因强酸严重限制水稻生长,其产量远低于全国平均水平,是我国南方典型中低产田。为了进一步提高反酸田的水稻产量,需要对反酸田土壤的主要限制因子进行分析,以更好地对症下药,有效合理地改良土壤。本研究调查了不同产量水平下酸性硫酸盐水稻田的理化性状,探讨限制水稻生长的关键土壤化学因子,为反酸田的改良提供理论依据。【方法】 根据前期调查结果,选择3种产量水平(4500、 3000、 1500 kg/hm2)的代表性反酸田为研究对象,并以因强酸而撂荒的水稻田作为对照,于2013年6月28日在不同采样点各采集8个耕作层土壤样品,测定其有机质, 酸度, 氮、 磷、 钾养分以及微量元素含量等化学性状指标,比较不同田块间各种化学性状的差异,并通过相关分析、 主成分分析探讨影响反酸田水稻生长的关键土壤化学因子。【结果】反酸田的酸度水平极高,其pH值在3.0~4.0之间,水溶性酸、 交换性酸和吸持性酸含量分别达到0.6~5.6、 2.7~6.3和1.3~14.1 cmol/kg; 不同调查田块的酸度水平差异显著,高产田块的各种形态酸含量均显著低于低产田块,尤以水溶性酸和吸持性酸的差异更明显。随产量水平的降低,反酸田的有效磷、 速效钾含量显著降低,而水溶性硫、 交换性硫、 交换性锰、 交换性铝含量显著提高,交换性钙、 交换性锌、 交换性铜含量差异不显著,反映出缺磷、 缺钾、 硫酸盐含量过高、 铝毒、 锰毒显著限制了反酸田的水稻产量。相关分析表明,土壤有效磷、 速效钾与各种形态酸含量和硫酸盐含量显著负相关,而交换性钙、 锰、 铜、 锌、 铝与各种形态酸含量和硫酸盐含量显著正相关,表明反酸田水稻产量的主要限制化学因子受土壤酸含量及硫酸盐含量的水平影响。主成分分析表明,水溶性硫、 交换性硫、 交换性铝、 交换性酸、 交换性锰、 水溶性酸、 吸持性酸、 pH值、 有效磷、 速效钾等组成一个相对均质的变量群组,概括了64.99%的不同产量水平下反酸田理化性状的总变异度,为影响反酸田产量的主要土壤化学因子。其中水溶性硫、 交换性硫、 交换性铝、 交换性酸、 交换性锰、 水溶性酸、 吸持性酸为影响反酸田产量水平的负效应变量,而pH值、 有效磷、 速效钾为影响反酸田产量水平的正效应变量。【结论】硫酸根含量过高、 铝毒、 锰毒、 酸毒、 缺磷、 缺钾是限制反酸田产量的主要土壤化学因子。酸、 硫酸盐是反酸田的发育产物,是影响广东省反酸田水稻生长的原生及根本性障碍因素,而铝毒、 锰毒、 缺磷、 缺钾等是因土壤中酸、 硫酸盐含量较高时引起的次生障碍因素。因此,在反酸田的改良过程中需以减缓黄铁矿氧化、 促进黄钾铁矾水解,降低耕层土壤酸、 硫酸盐含量为主要目标。  相似文献   

采用FACE(Free air carbon dioxide enrichment)技术,研究了不同施N水平下,大气CO2浓度升高对水稻/小麦轮作土壤速效钾的影响。结果表明,相对于对照处理,在不同氮水平下CO2浓度升高使作物生物量增加,导致作物生长季对土壤钾的吸收增加,但并没有降低作物主要生长期土壤(0―5、5―15 cm土层)速效钾的含量;CO2浓度升高使土壤速效钾增加的幅度在作物根际达6.3%~22.3%,在行间达3.7%~11.2%,且土壤速效钾增加的幅度在小麦季大于水稻季。表明根系对土壤速效钾的影响很大,因此,短期内土壤钾含量不会成为限制因素而影响作物对高CO2浓度的响应,反而会增加土壤钾的有效性。但在土壤肥力较低的土壤上可能会产生消极影响。  相似文献   

腐殖酸对钾在褐土中迁移和转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杜振宇  王清华  刘方春  马丙尧 《土壤》2012,44(5):822-826
采用室内土柱实验研究了腐殖酸与钾共施时腐殖酸对钾在褐土施肥点附件微域中迁移和形态转化的影响。研究结果表明,与单施KCl处理相比,共施腐殖酸没有明显改变肥料钾在褐土中的迁移距离,在培养7天时增加了肥际微域中的水溶性钾含量,而在培养28天时则降低了其含量;共施腐殖酸明显增加了交换性钾含量以及在土壤中的迁移量,但减少了非交换性钾的含量和迁移量。说明共施腐殖酸减少了土壤晶格对钾离子的固定,提高了外源钾在褐土中的有效性。  相似文献   

山东主要土壤供钾能力和非交换性钾释放的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
用生物耗竭方法,研究和比较了山东省主要农业土壤:棕壤、褐土和潮土的供钾能力。结果表明,以土壤交换性钾、缓效钾含量和耗竭过程中作物吸钾总量和吸收来自土壤非交换性钾的数量、比率及土壤非交换性钾释放速度和数量为依据,评价土壤供钾能力有褐土>潮土>棕壤的总趋势。  相似文献   

Biochar has been suggested as a possible means for enhancing soil fertility, including soil potassium (K). However, understanding of the effects of biochar on soil K dynamics remains limited. In this study, a pot trial was conducted to investigate the influence of biochar application (0, 5, 10, and 25 g kg?1 soil) on soil K dynamics and crop K uptake under a winter wheat–maize rotation in two types of soil (an Alfisol, which contained a high initial available K and an Entisol, which contained a high abundance of 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals). Changes in soil K in various forms following biochar application and cropping were determined, and their contributions to plant K uptake were evaluated. Soil microbial activity, especially the development of K‐dissolving bacteria (KDB), was evaluated to obtain insights into its effects on the weathering of K‐bearing minerals in the soils. During the wheat growth period, crop K uptake was more enhanced (13.6–40.5% higher) in the Alfisol than in the Entisol due to the higher availability of water‐soluble and exchangeable K, while K fixation occurred in the Entisol because of the higher content of 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals. During the maize period, crop K uptake was generally higher in the Entisol soil due to the release of non‐exchangeable K. In addition, biochar application enhanced the growth of KDB in both soils, which was associated with changes in soil pH and water‐soluble K. However, improved mineral K release was observed only in the Entisol. It is concluded that biochar application could be a feasible soil amendment to improve soil K availability, but crop K uptake responses may vary depending on soil types. Soils abundant in 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals tend to prolong biochar effects on crop K uptake. Biochar application enhanced the growth of KDB, which may facilitate mineral K weathering in soils with abundant K‐bearing minerals.  相似文献   

Uptake of K was measured using a single onion root technique with four soil cylinder diameters, and measuring changes in exchangeable K in the soil. Baldwin's model fitted the measured uptake when only exchangeable K was taken up, but that of Heming & Rowell allowed predictions of uptake of both exchangeable and non-exchangeable K (Knes) after fitting the necessary parameters. Release of Knex occurred in both 3 mm and 6 mm cells (root densities of 14cm cm"−3 and 3.5 cm cm−3) in 10 days. Predictions were made for longer times and differing soil water contents: after four weeks at a water content midway between field capacity and wilting point the contribution of Knex to total uptake was significant (up to 60%) for plants with high root densities.  相似文献   

通过连续13年的钾肥定位试验,研究了施钾对草甸土耕层土壤钾素各形态含量和比例的影响。结果表明,长期施用钾肥较不施钾处理可以增加耕层土中水溶性钾、非特殊吸附钾、特殊吸附钾、非交换性钾的含量和在全钾中的比例,施钾量增加促进了这种状况,同时降低了矿物钾在全钾中的比例。随土层加深,大部分处理的水溶性钾、非特殊吸附钾、特殊吸附钾和非交换性钾含量和比例随之降低,而矿物钾和全钾含量相应处理却随之升高,其中施钾处理的效果明显。  相似文献   

Significance of K-depletion in the rhizosphere and clay minerals for the release of nonexchangeable potassium and its determination with HCl Experiments were carried out with four different soils (basaltic soil, C-horizon of a keuper, sea alluvium, and a podsolic brown earth from loess) to investigate whether the fractions of exchangeable K and HCl-soluble nonexchangeable K are decreased in root vicinity by the K uptake of ryegrass (Lolium perenne). After a growth period of 70 days with five cuts distinct K depletion profiles were obtained showing that in the direct vicinity of the root the decrease in exchangeable K was the most pronounced. The K depletion in this fraction extended to 2 cm distance from the root zone. Also the concentration of HCl-soluble nonexchangeable K of the interlayers was decreased in root vicinity. It is assumed that the decrease in K concentration in soil solution is a prerequisite for the net release of interlayer K. The decrease in exchangeable K plus HCl soluble nonexchangeable K was equal to the amount of K taken up by the grass from the basaltic- and the alluvial soil. In the case of the podsolic brown earth and the keuper soil, however, much more K was taken up by the grass than was found in the decrease of exchangeable K plus HCl soluble nonexchangeable K. It is assumed that in these two soils the fraction of the HCl soluble K was more altered by the expansion of interlayers during the growth of rye-grass. The net release of interlayer K was neither related to the concentration of exchangeable K, HCl-soluble non-exchangeable K, the K fixation power nor the clay concentration. It is supposed that the net release of interlayer K also depends on clay mineral characteristics.  相似文献   

长期施肥红壤钾素在有机无机复合体中的分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】土壤中的有机无机复合体是承载土壤养分的重要结构单元,土壤钾素含量的变化反映在不同粒级有机无机复合体中。本研究选用始于1990年(祁阳)和1986年(进贤)的旱地红壤长期定位试验,研究长期不同施肥对土壤交换性钾、非交换性钾、全钾在不同粒级有机无机复合体中分布的影响。【方法】祁阳和进贤试验点均选择不施肥(CK)化学氮、磷肥配施(NP)、NP基础上施用化学钾肥(NPK)及NPK基础上配施有机肥(NPKM)四个处理,采集0-20 cm深度的土壤样品通过Stokes定律计算各粒级复合体沉降速率,采用虹吸管法分离出不同粒级有机无机复合体。采用1.0 mol/L中性醋酸铵浸提土壤交换性钾,1.0 mol/L沸硝酸浸提土壤非交换性钾,氢氧化钠710℃提取土壤全钾钾离子浓度采用火焰光度计测定。【结果】两试验点土壤96.4%~98.9%的交换性钾、87.9%~96.7%的非交换性钾和95.1%~96.7%的全钾存在0~50μm粒级复合体中,尤其2μm粒级复合体是三种形态钾素的主要贮存库76.3%~92.3%的交换性钾、45.8%~73.7%的非交换性钾和49.4%~70.6%的全钾集中在该粒级。两试验点NP处理与CK相比,2μm粒级复合体中非交换性钾含量降低5.4~8.3 mg/kg.降低幅度为8.2%~16.3%。施钾肥主要改变2 m粒级复合体中交换性钾和非交换性钾含量进贤NPK与NP处理相比分别增加36.7和9.5 mg/kg,增加幅度分别为64.5%和15.7%;而NPKM处理则较NP处理分别增加147.4和91.2 mg/kg增幅分别为258.9%和151.1%。祁阳NPK与NP处理相比,2μm粒级复合体中交换性钾和非交换性钾含量分别增加52.9和20.3 mg/kg增加幅度分别为104.9%和47.6%;NPKM与NP处理相比分别增加219.5和41.3 mg/kg增幅分别为435.9%和96.9%。长期施肥对两试验点各粒级复合体中全钾含量的影响不大。2、2~10及10~50μm粒级复合体三种形态钾素含量较高,是供给植物生长的主要钾源,其中2μm粒级复合体中交换性钾、非交换性钾含量与产量之间均存在显著正相关关系(P0.05)。【结论】2μm粒级复合体是土壤钾素的主要贮存库。在长期不施钾肥条件下土壤2μm粒级复合体中交换性钾和非交换性钾含量降低,施钾有利于该粒级复合体中交换性钾和非交换性钾积累。旱地红壤2、2~10及10~50μm粒级复合体钾素含量高且与产量之间存在显著的正相关关系是植物钾素主要供源。  相似文献   

土壤钾素研究进展   总被引:89,自引:6,他引:89       下载免费PDF全文
金继运 《土壤学报》1993,30(1):94-101

部分根区干燥灌溉条件下土壤温度和玉米N吸收改善研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil temperature is a major effective factor on the soil and plant biological properties. Irrigation can affect soil temperature and thereby induces a temperature effect on plant growth, which may result in an economic increase due to higher yield and plant nutrition. A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of three irrigation strategies including full irrigation (FI), partial root-zone drying (PRD) and deficit irrigation (DI) on soil temperature and the consequent results on the grain yield and N uptake of maize (Zea May L.). Soil temperature was measured by time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors during the 2010 growing season. Irrigation treatments were applied from 55 to 107 d after planting. The PRD treatment caused soil temperature to be in a favorable domain for a longer period (for over 60% of the measuring dates) as a consequent result of water movement to deeper soil layers compared with the other treatments; the PRD treatment also reduced soil temperature at deeper soil depths to below the maximum favorable soil temperature for maize root growth, which resulted in deeper root penetration due to both water availability and favorable soil temperature. Compared to the FI treatment, the PRD treatment increased root water uptake by 50% and caused no significant reduction in total N uptake, while this was not observed in the DI treatment partially due to the negative temperature effect of DI on plant growth, which consequently affected the water and nutrient uptake. A longer vegetation period in the PRD treatment was observed due to higher leaf N concentrations and no significant reduction in maize grain yield occurred in the PRD treatment, compared with those in the FI treatment. Based on the results, having 15.2% water saving during the whole growing season, the PRD irrigation would positively affect soil temperature and the water and nutrient uptake as a consequent, which thereby would prevent significant reduction in maize grain yield.  相似文献   

Knowledge of K-dynamics in soils can help devise practices for efficient K management in intensive rice-wheat systems. We studied the effect of long-term application of rice straw, farmyard manure (FYM) and inorganic fertilizer on total K and its distribution among different forms in 60-cm soil profile after 14 years of rice-wheat cropping. The exchangeable, the non-exchangeable and the lattice K respectively comprised 1%, 3–10% and 89–95% of total K in surface soil under different treatments. Application of rice straw and FYM positively impacted total K status of soil and its distribution among different forms. The greatest concentrations of total K, lattice K, exchangeable K and NH4OAc-extractable K were observed in plots receiving both rice straw and FYM together and the lowest in inorganic fertilizer treated plots. On the contrary, the non-exchangeable K was the highest in inorganically fertilized plots and the lowest in rice straw amended plots. The exchangeable, the water soluble and the NH4OAc-extractable K decreased with soil depth and did not indicate K movement beyond the rooting zone of the crops. The results showed that incorporation of rice residue in soil, instead of burning, besides reducing environmental pollution led to improved K-fertility of soils.  相似文献   

北方主要土壤钾形态及其植物有效性研究   总被引:50,自引:10,他引:40  
从北方12个省(市、自治区)选取了25个有代表性的土壤样品,将土壤中的钾按其存在形态计为水溶性钾、非特殊吸附钾、特殊吸附钾、非交换性钾和矿物钾。前三种形态钾的总和不超过全钾的2.0%.非交换性钾也仅占全钾的2.7%~9.4%,而全钾的89.8%~96.8%是以矿物态存在的。根据土壤中各形态钾含量,特别是非交换性钾含量分析,可以看出供试25个土壤的供钾能力按取土地点自西向东(西北-华北-东北)有明显降低的趋势。在连续耗竭情况下,不同土壤的植物净吸钾总量的差异十分悬殊,范围为96.3~793.5mg/pot。根据植物净吸钾总量的大小,将供试土壤的供钾能力分为极高、高、中、较低和低5个等级。其结果也表明供试土壤供钾能力控取土地点自西向东呈明显降低的趋势。耗竭条件下植物吸取来自土壤不同形态钾的比例相差很大。以来自水溶性钾的比例为最小.平均为3.1%;其次是非特殊吸附钾,平均为7.7%;再次是特殊吸附钾,平均为10.2%;来自非交换性钾的比例较大,平均为33.3%;来自矿物钾的比例最大,平均为45.7%。本研究区分了非交换性钾和矿物钾对植物吸收钾素的贡献,发现在耗竭条件下矿物钾是植物的重要钾源。  相似文献   

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