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宁夏西北贫瘠沙地养分不足,限制了玉米的生长,利用周边养殖场的奶牛粪肥可有效改善土壤质量,促进玉米的健康生长和产量形成.掌握合理的农田粪污消纳能力,既可促进农田生产能力的提高,又可实现玉米生产的最大效益.以饲料玉米"绿博6号"为研究对象,在水肥一体化滴灌追肥的前提下分别基施3750(T1)、7500(T2)、11250(...  相似文献   

In Belgium, growing silage maize in a monoculture often results in increased soil compaction. The aim of our research was to quantify the effects of this soil compaction on the dry matter (DM) yields and the nitrogen use of silage maize (Zea mays L.). On a sandy loam soil of the experimental site of Ghent University (Belgium), silage maize was grown on plots with traditional soil tillage (T), on artificially compacted plots (C) and on subsoiled plots (S). The artificial compaction, induced by multiple wheel-to-wheel passages with a tractor, increased the soil penetration resistance up to more than 1.5 MPa in the zone of 0–35 cm of soil depth. Subsoiling broke an existing plough pan (at 35–45 cm of soil depth). During the growing season, the release of soil mineral nitrogen by mineralisation was substantially lower on the C plots than on the T and S plots. Silage maize plants on the compacted soil were smaller and flowering was delayed. The induced soil compaction caused a DM yield loss of 2.37 Mg ha−1 (−13.2%) and decreased N uptake by 46.2 kg ha−1 (−23.2%) compared to the T plots. Maize plants on compacted soil had a lower, suboptimal nitrogen content. Compared with the traditional soil tillage that avoided heavy compaction, subsoiling offered no significant benefits for the silage maize crop. It was concluded that avoiding heavy soil compaction in silage maize is a major strategy for maintaining crop yields and for enhancing N use efficiency.  相似文献   

Widely differing cultivations for spring barley, ranging from conventional ploughing to direct drilling and including broadcasting on to undisturbed soil, were examined over two seasons (1979 and 1980), conventional ploughing yielding highest and either chisel ploughing or direct drilling lowest. Yield differences were associated with plant population differences; they were significant only in the abnormally wet season of 1980. Broadcasting before tine cultivation to 50 mm resulted in lower seedbed strength and higher yield than drilling after a similar cultivation. Compaction by the same level of seedbed traffic was greater in a treatment cultivated to 50 mm depth than in the conventional ploughing treatment. Grain milling energy, which is inversely related to endosperm suitability for malting, and grain nitrogen content both decreased with increasing yield. Total nitrogen removed per ha in the grain in 1979 was similar in all treatments (about 72% of applied). In 1980, it was generally lower (about 62% of applied). After allowing for differences in plant populations it was lowest after direct drilling, broadcasting and very shallow tine cultivation (60% of applied), highest after conventional ploughing (70% of applied) and intermediate after rotary cultivating and shallow tine cultivation (65% of applied). Soil water release characteristics were described by logistic equations. Treatment differences were greatest at matric potentials greater than -3 kPa at 10 and 60 mm depth. The porosities of the cultivated soils were similar to each other, and were greater than those of the direct drilled treatments.  相似文献   

The imbibition of corn seeds (Zea mays L.) was examined in a sandy soil compacted to simulate the effect that might be expected from pressure wheels behind a planting machine.Water uptake was found to be exponential and to be the only factor contributing to the increase in volume of the seed during imbibition. Changes in bulk density of the soil over the range from 0.90 to 1.31 Mg cm?3 produced no significant effects on water uptake.It was therefore concluded that the degree of contact between seed coat and soil particles is not an important factor in influencing the rate of imbibition of corn seeds under the specific conditions which were examined.Water flux into the seeds was calculated to be several orders of magnitude lower than bulk soil water flux at all soil water potentials tested. Estimates of seed coat permeability suggest that, for corn, this factor is the major restriction on entry of water into the seed during imbibition.At a field level, the widespread use of pressure wheels behind corn planters as a means of increasing seed/soil contact appears not to be necessary in sandy soils.  相似文献   

Annual changes in stocks of soil organic carbon may be detected by measurement of heterotrophic respiration, but field studies of heterotrophic respiration in long-term fertilization experiments on sandy soils are scarce. Our objectives were to: (1)investigate the influence of fertilizer type on mineralization of soil organic carbon and crop residue, and (2) show how fertilization treatments affect the annual C balance (net ecosystem carbon balance, NECB; negative values indicate a CO2-source) in the sandy soil of the Darmstadt experiment. Treatments were long-term mineral fertilization with cereal straw incorporation (MSI) and application of rotted farmyard manure (FYM), both treatments receiving 14 g N m?2 year?1. This study used δ13C natural abundance after introduction of a C4 crop to distinguish between different sources of respiration. Mineralization derived from C3 sources was similar for MSI and FYM treatments (~270 g C m?2 year?1). The rate of residue mineralization in MSI treatments was higher, resulting in a mineralization of 49 and 37% of initial residue C in the soil of MSI and FYM treatments, respectively. The NECB (g C m?2 year?1) indicated the MSI treatment (approximately ?190) as a stronger source compared with the FYM treatment (~?30).  相似文献   

盆栽研究钢渣用作铁肥对玉米生长和土壤改良的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The feasibility of steel slag used as an iron fertilizer was studied in a pot experiment with corn. Slag alone or acidified slag was added to two Fe-deficient calcareous soils at different rates. Results showed that moderate rates (10 and 20 g kg^-1) of slag or acidified slag substantially increased corn dry matter yield and Fe uptake. Application of steel slag increased the residual concentration of ammonium bicarbonate-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (AB-DTPA) extractable Fe in the soils. The increase of extractable Fe was usually proportional to the application rate, and enhanced by the acidification of slag. Steel slag appeared to be a promising and inexpensive source of Fe to alleviate crop Fe chlorosis in Fe-deficient calcareous soils.  相似文献   

The sequestration of carbon (C) in soil is not completely understood, and quantitative information about the amounts of organic carbon in the various fractions and their rates of turnover could improve understanding. We aimed (i) to quantify the amounts of C derived from maize at various depths in the soil in a long‐term field experiment with and without fertilization using 13C/12C analysis, (ii) to model changes in the organic C, and (iii) to compare measured and modelled pools of C. The organic C derived from the maize was measured in soil samples collected to a depth of 65 cm from four plots, two of which had been under continuous maize and two under continuous rye during long‐term field experiments with NPK and without fertilization. The fractionation procedures included particle‐size fractionation and extractions in water and in pyrophosphate solution. We used the Rothamsted Carbon Model to model the dynamics of the carbon from 13C data. The amounts of C derived from maize in the Ap horizon after 39 years of continuous maize cropping were 9.5% of the total organic C (where unfertilized) and 14.0% where NPK had been applied. Fertilization did not affect the residence time of carbon in the soil. The amounts of C derived from maize in water extracts were 21% of the total organic C (where unfertilized) and 22% where NPK had been applied. The extracts that were soluble in pyrophosphate and insoluble in acid were depleted in C from maize (the amounts were 5% and 7% of the total organic C, respectively). The results of the 13C natural abundance technique were used to model the dynamics of the organic C. Both the total organic C and the C derived from maize in the particle‐size fraction 0–63 μm agreed well with the total and maize‐derived sums of the model pools ‘inert organic matter’, ‘humified organic matter’ and ‘microbial biomass’. The model suggested that 64% (unfertilized) or 53% (NPK) of the organic C in the Ap horizon were inert. Only one of three published equations to determine the size of the inert pool agreed well with these model results.  相似文献   

沙地农田肥水因子对春玉米产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用二次回归通用旋转组合设计方法,对沙地春玉米水肥因子进行了试验研究,结果表明,试验条件下沙地农田土壤相对含水量保持在66.6%。施用尿素量59.4g/m^2时可获得1.13kg/m^2的最高产量,影响春玉米产量形成的关键因子是N肥施用量和土壤相对含水量。春玉米产量(Y)——与土壤相对含水量(X1)、N肥施用量(X2)的关系为Y=4.1 0.54X1 0.46X2-0.23X1X2-0.24X21-0.16X^22。  相似文献   

Nutrient‐rich biochar produced from animal wastes, such as poultry litter, may increase plant growth and nutrient uptake although the role of direct and indirect mechanisms, such as stimulation of the activity of mycorrhizal fungi and plant infection, remains unclear. The effects of poultry litter biochar in combination with fertilizer on mycorrhizal infection, soil nutrient availability and corn (Zea mays L.) growth were investigated by growing corn in a loam soil in a greenhouse with biochar (0, 5 and 10 Mg/ha) and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer (0, half and full rates). Biochar did not affect microbial biomass C or N, mycorrhizal infection, or alkaline phosphomonoesterase activities, but acid phosphomonoesterase activities, water‐soluble P, Mehlich‐3 Mg, plant height, aboveground and root biomass, and root diameter were greater with 10 Mg/ha than with no biochar. Root length, volume, root tips and surface area were greatest in the fully fertilized soil receiving 10 Mg/ha biochar compared to all other treatments. The 10 Mg/ha biochar application may have improved plant access to soil nutrients by promoting plant growth and root structural features, rather than by enhancing mycorrhizal infection rates.  相似文献   

为了考察曝气生物滤池(biological aerated filter,BAF)处理玉米青贮渗出液的效果及其影响因素,重点考察了水力负荷、气水比、有机负荷和滤床高度。结果表明:水力负荷从0.5m3/(m2.h)升高到3.0m3/(m2.h)过程中,化学需氧量(COD)和NH3-N的去除率先升高后降低,当水力负荷1.5m3/(m2.h)时COD和NH3-N的去除率分别达到最大为83.5%、74.9%;增加气水比使得系统中溶解氧充足,可明显提高COD和NH3-N去除率,当气水比为3.5:1时COD和NH3-N的去除率分别达到最大为87.5%、75.2%;低有机负荷不利于COD和NH3-N的去除,当有机负荷为COD2.4kg/(m3.d)时,COD和NH3-N去除率最低分别仅为49.6%、58.5%,有机负荷为COD4.8kg/(m3.d)时去除率最高分别可达80.9%和75.9%,但过高的有机负荷反而对NH3-N去除不利,当有机负荷为COD7.2kg/(m3.d)时,NH3-N去除率降低为61.7%;滤床高度对硝化反应去除NH3-N影响较大,NH3-N生物硝化反应去除行为主要发生在0.6~1.0m区域。试验表明采用BAF系统处理玉米青贮渗出液是可行的,也为类似性质废水处理和改善农村水环境质量提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

A variety of soil properties can directly or indirectly affect nematode community structure. The effects of subsurface clay content (at 20–40 cm depth) on nematodes in the surface layer (0–20 cm depth) of a sandy soil were examined in field experiments in Florida, USA. Plots were established in a site with a relatively uniform sandy upper soil layer (88–91% sand and 5–7% clay at 0–20 cm depth) but with varying levels of clay in the subsurface layer (3–35% clay at 20–40 cm depth). Nematode numbers in the surface soil layer were affected by the amount of clay in the subsurface layer. Population densities of a number of different nematode genera were greater in the surface layer of plots with 35% subsurface clay than in plots with 3% subsurface clay. Indices of nematode community structure were largely unaffected, since effects of subsurface clay were observed across all nematode groups. Most nematodes (70–80% of total numbers) occurred at 0–20 cm depth, although Teratocephalus was more common at 20–40 than at 0–20 cm. Subsurface clay content indirectly affected soil moisture and other environmental factors in the upper soil layer in which most nematodes reside.  相似文献   

不同肥料配比对青贮玉米产量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
强化优质饲料专用玉米种植技术体系,加速扩大制造青贮喂饲规模,不仅可以解决农区、半农半牧区粗饲料季节性不足和质量差的问题,还可以降低饲养成本,提高奶牛产奶量和效益,推进养牛事业的发展和生态农业建设。肥料是对作物产量影响较大的因子,对要求以生物产量为主的青贮玉米影响更大。因此,在施肥方面研究N、P、K合理配比和最佳用量尤为重要。  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》1999,11(1):67-78
The potential for ecological effects to occur after the release of genetically engineered microorganisms is a global concern and the release of biotechnology products must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. In this research, a genetically engineered strain of Klebsiella planticola (SDF20) bacteria was added to microcosms containing sandy soil and wheat plants to assess the potential for effects on soil biota and plant growth. One half of the soil treatments in this study contained wheat plants to compare some effects on growing rhizosphere communities in the experimental system. When SDF20 was added to soil with plants, the numbers of bacterial and fungal feeding nematodes increased significantly, coinciding with death of the plants. In contrast, when the parental strain, SDF15 was added to soil with plants, only the number of bacterial feeding nematodes increased, but the plants did not die. The introduction of either SDF15 or SDF20 strains to soil without plants did not alter the nematode community. No effects were observed on the activity of native bacterial and fungal communities by either SDF15 or SDF20. This study is evidence that SDF20 can persist under conditions found in some soil ecosystems and for long enough periods of time to stimulate change in soil biota that could affect nutrient cycling processes. Further investigation is needed to determine the extent these observations may occur in situ but this study using soil microcosms was the first step in assessing potential for the release of genetically engineered microorganisms to result in ecological effects.  相似文献   

Changes of microstructural properties of a sandy soil from a former sewage farm due to the leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were studied. The leaching of DOC at various pH values was induced using sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid solutions. The removal of DOC altered the pore properties of the remaining solid. The average pore radius measured from water vapor desorption isotherms (micropores range) increased with the increase of the removed DOC under alkaline conditions and did practically not alter under acid treatment. The average pore radius measured by the mercury intrusion porosimetry (mesopores range), decreases, however, for low amounts of the DOC extracted and increases on extracting higher DOC amounts. The mesopores appeared to be fractal. At moderate amounts of the DOC leached the finer mesopores occurred having the higher fractal dimensions than the coarser mesopores.  相似文献   

大中小型拖拉机压实对土壤坚实度和大豆产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
探讨农业机械压实对土壤坚实度和产量的影响规律,对改善作物生产环境、促进农业机械化向质量型转变具有重要意义。以东北典型黑土区耕地土壤为研究对象,依照随机区组试验原理,选择大、中、小3种型号拖拉机进行6种压实处理,同型拖拉机相同压实次数试验重复3次,采用PV6.08型贯穿阻力仪测量压实轮辙截面土壤坚实度。试验结果表明:土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐递增,3种拖拉机压实测试截面浅层均出现明显压实核,且压实核内土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐增大,CASE-210型拖拉机压实对表层土壤坚实度影响程度和范围最大,压实12次时压实核处土壤坚实度达4.0 MPa,JD-280型拖拉机对深层土壤压实影响程度和范围最大,在65~80 cm的土壤深层坚实度的峰值达3.2 MPa;拖拉机压实均导致大豆产量降低,CASE-210、JD-904和JD-280拖拉机压实12次时大豆产量分别降低了21.24%、18.15%和12.38%。  相似文献   

A large number of factors that influence soil surface cracking behaviour in swell‐shrink soils have been studied, but there are few studies on the influence of rock fragments on crack development. Effects of rock fragments have been investigated with reference to the soil pore system but they have mainly been studied indirectly through measurements of water flow and/or bulk density changes. A laboratory experiment was carried out with repacked soil samples that were prepared by adding rock fragments of three different sizes (2–4, 4–8 and 12–16 mm) to a Vertisol at two different rates (10 and 25% by volume). Soil image analysis procedures were applied in order to describe quantitatively the network of surface cracks and the pore system to a depth of 8 cm below the surface, which developed after wetting‐drying cycles. Mean values and standard deviations of surface crack or pore widths decreased with the increase in rock fragment content and the decrease in rock fragment size, while the density of the ‘skeleton’ of the crack and pore networks increased. Rock fragments also induced vertical homogenization of the soil structure. The number of rock fragments was a key factor in determining some crack network characteristics, inducing inverse variations in mean width and skeleton density of the crack or pore network. Overall results suggested that rock fragments acted as triggering points for crack and pore development in Vertisols. The findings of this work provide a contribution to the understanding of the mechanisms of crack network and soil structure development that are induced by stones in swell‐shrink soils.  相似文献   

Predator-prey interactions are of eminent importance as structuring forces for animal communities. The present study investigates if and how strongly the density of soil microarthropods is controlled by top-down forces, i.e. predation by mesostigmate mites (Mesostigmata, Acari). We set up a laboratory experiment running for ten weeks with undisturbed soil cores taken from the field using two densities of predatory mesostigmate mites: (1) ambient density (control) and (2) increased density (addition of seven Pergamasus septentrionalis and eight Lysigamasus sp. individuals). Increased predator density resulted in a decrease in the density of Oribatida, Collembola and Protura whereas the density of other taxa including Astigmata, Prostigmata and Uropodina was not significantly affected. Additionally, the species number of Oribatida was also not significantly affected. Taxa of Oribatida and Collembola were differently affected by increased predator density. Among Collembola, densities of Poduridae and Sminthuridae were reduced, whereas Entomobryidae were not affected. Among Oribatida, densities of Oppiidae and Suctobelbidae were reduced whereas Desmonomata, Poronota and Tectocepheus were not affected. Grouping of Oribatida into different size classes and into classes differing in sclerotization suggests that smaller mites (200-300 μm) and mites with less sclerotization were more heavily affected than larger mites and mites with strong sclerotization. The results indicate that predatory mesostigmate mites have the potential to control the density of certain taxa of soil microarthropods. In particular, small and little sclerotized prey is susceptible to predator control indicating that predator defense is an important component of the life history tactics of soil microarthropods, especially of Oribatida.  相似文献   

For this study penetration resistance (PR) was measured within the profiles of four Oxisols for a wide range of water contents (θ) and bulk densities. Obtained data were utilized to parameterize 23 previously applied regression models. The most promising models were selected to illustrate effects of soil texture on PR. Finally, a new correction method based on normalization of PR with θ corresponding to a matric potential of − 10 kPa was introduced. Evaluation of texture effects revealed that for very wet soils PR was lowest, but increased with clay content. PR at − 1500 kPa exhibited a maximum at clay content of 35% and at − 10 kPa PR was least affected by texture. From all regression models three- and two-parametric exponential and power functions yielded closest matches to measured data. The proposed correction significantly dampened the influence of θ on PR, which allows better comparison for a specific soil or among different soils.  相似文献   

溶氧量及搅拌速率对青贮玉米秸秆微曝气水解效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高秸秆好氧水解的生物可降解性,试验选用切碎揉丝的青贮玉米秸秆,水解液按照体积比为10%的量添加,以水解液溶氧量(1、2、3、4、5、6mg/L)和搅拌速率(50、100r/min)为变化因素,温度控制在35~38℃、总固体为5%,进行优化设计。研究发现,进行8 d,pH值及氧化还原电位(oxidation-reduction potential,ORP)值趋近于稳定;搅拌速率为50 r/min、溶氧量为1~4 mg/L;以及搅拌速率为100 r/min、溶氧量为1~2 mg/L范围内,曝气量的提高,对脂肪酸的积累显著,且搅拌和曝气都可促进乙酸、丙酸和正丁酸的积累;搅拌速率为100 r/min,可溶性需氧量(soluble chemicaloxygendemand,s COD)的浓度整体呈现出高于搅拌速率为50 r/min时的状况;以纤维素降解为例,在搅拌速率为100 r/min条件下,溶氧为2 mg/L时,木质纤维素具有较高的降解率,达到48%。  相似文献   

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