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In the clay‐illuvial horizons (Bt) of Luvisols, surfaces of biopores and aggregates can be enriched in clay and organic matter (OM), relative to the bulk of the soil matrix. The OM composition of these coatings determines their bio‐physico‐chemical properties and is relevant for transport and transformation processes but is largely unknown at the molecular scale. The objective of this study was to improve the interpretation of spectra from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in diffuse reflectance mode (DRIFT) by using thermograms and released ion intensities obtained with pyrolysis‐field ionization mass spectrometry (Py‐FIMS) for a more detailed analysis of the mm‐scale spatial distribution of OM components at intact structural surfaces. Samples were separated from earthworm burrow walls, crack coatings, uncoated cracks, root channels, and pinhole fillings of the Bt‐horizons of Luvisols. The information from Py‐FI mass spectra enabled the assignment of OM functional groups also from spectral regions of overlapping DRIFT signal intensities to specific OM compound classes. In particular, bands from C=O and C=C bonds in the infrared range of wave numbers between 1,641 and 1,605 cm?1 were related to heterocyclic N‐compounds, benzonitrile, and naphthalene. The OM at earthworm burrow walls was composed of chemically labile aliphatic C‐rich and rather stable lignin and alkylaromatic compounds whereas the OM of thick crack coatings and pinholes was dominated by heterocyclic N and nitriles and high‐molecular compounds, likely originating from combustion residues. In combination with Py‐FIMS, DRIFT applications to intact samples seem promising for generating a more detailed mm‐scale spatial distribution of OM‐related sorption and wettability properties of crack and biopore surfaces that may serve as preferential flow paths in structured soils.  相似文献   

The organic matter (OM) in biopore walls and aggregate coatings may be important for sorption of reactive solutes and water as well as for solute mass exchange between the soil matrix and the preferential flow (PF) domains in structured soil. Structural surfaces are coated by illuvial clay‐organic material and by OM of different origin, e.g., earthworm casts and root residues. The objectives were to verify the effect of OM on wettability and infiltration of intact structural surfaces in clay‐illuvial horizons (Bt) of Luvisols and to investigate the relevance of the mm‐scale distribution of OM composition on the water and solute transfer. Intact aggregate surfaces and biopore walls were prepared from Bt horizons of Luvisols developed from Loess and glacial till. The mm‐scale spatial distribution of OM composition was scanned using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy. The ratio between alkyl and carboxyl functional groups in OM was used as potential wettability index (PWI) of the OM. The infiltration dynamics of water and ethanol droplets were determined measuring contact angles (CA) and water drop penetration times (WDPT). At intact surfaces of earthworm burrows and coated cracks of the Loess‐Bt, the potential wettability of the OM was significantly reduced compared to the uncoated matrix. These data corresponded to increased WDPT, indicating a mm‐scaled sub‐critical water repellency. The relation was highly linear for earthworm burrows and crack coatings from the Loess‐Bt with WDPT > 2.5 s. Other surfaces of the Loess‐Bt and most surfaces of the till‐derived Bt were not found to be repellent. At these surfaces, no relations between the potential wettability of the OM and the actual wettability of the surface were found. The results suggest that water absorption at intact surface structures, i.e., mass exchange between PF paths and soil matrix, can be locally affected by a mm‐scale OM distribution if OM is of increased content and is enriched in alkyl functional groups. For such surfaces, the relation between potential and actual wettability provides the possibility to evaluate the mm‐scale spatial distribution of wettability and sorption and mass exchange from DRIFT spectroscopic scanning.  相似文献   

The surfaces of macropores or aggregates can act as hot spots for biogeochemical processes and solute transport during preferential flow. For the characterization of organic matter (OM) at macropore surfaces non‐destructive methods have been applied such as diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT). However, effects of organic components on DRIFT signal intensities are often difficult to distinguish from those of mineral components. Here, DRIFT spectra from intact earthworm burrow walls and coated cracks were re‐evaluated to improve the interpretation of C–H and C=O bands. We compared DRIFT and transmission Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of entire samples that were from the same pedogenetic soil horizon (Bt) but different in mineral composition and texture (i.e., glacial till vs. loess). Spectra of incinerated samples were subtracted from the original spectra. Transmission FTIR and DRIFT spectra were almost identical for entire soil samples. However, the DRIFT spectra were affected by the bulk mode bands (i.e., wavenumbers 2000 to 1700 cm?1). These bands affected spectral resolution and reproducibility. The ratios between C–H and C=O band intensities as indicator for OM quality obtained with DRIFT were smaller than those obtained from transmission FTIR. The results demonstrated that DRIFT and transmission FTIR data required separate interpretations. DRIFT spectroscopy as a non‐destructive method for analyzing OM composition at intact surfaces in structured soils could be calibrated with information obtained with the more detailed transmission FTIR and complementary methods. Spectral subtraction procedure was found useful to reduce effects of mineral absorption bands. The improved DRIFT data may be related to other soil properties (e.g., cation exchange capacity) of hot spots in structured soils.  相似文献   

Structured subsoil horizons are characterized by biopores and shrinkage cracks, which may serve as preferential flow paths. The surfaces of cracks and biopores may be coated by clay‐organic material. The spatially‐distributed organic matter (OM) composition at such structural surfaces was studied at the millimetre scale using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy in the mid‐infrared range (MIR). Intact biopores such as earthworm burrows and root channels, and crack surfaces of nine subsoil horizons were analysed. The samples were from arable and forest Luvisols, one Regosol, one Stagnosol and Cambisols developed from loess, till, mudstone and limestone. For better comparison between soils, the DRIFT signal intensities were corrected for the particle‐size effects. The OM was characterized by the ratio between alkyl‐ (C–H) and carbonyl (C=O) functional groups (C–H/C=O), which represent an index of the potential wettability (PWI) of the OM. The PWI was larger for biopores than for crack surfaces and the soil matrix, indicating a smaller potential wettability of OM at biopore surfaces. The millimetre‐scale spatial variability of OM was especially large for the surfaces of root channels. Samples from till‐derived Luvisols had smaller PWI (with greater potential wettability than surfaces from loess‐derived Luvisols) than other soil types. The mean PWI of the arable Luvisol crack surfaces was less than that of the forest Luvisol samples. The results suggest that the spatial distribution of OM properties at intact structural surfaces may be important for describing sorption and mass transfer processes during preferential flow.  相似文献   

 To study intraspecific and interspecific interactions between different ecological types of earthworm, the burrowing behaviour of two earthworm species (the anecic earthworm Aporrectodea nocturna and the endogeic earthworm Allolobophora chlorotica) was observed in a microcosm. Earthworms were either alone in the microcosm, together with a conspecific earthworm, or with an earthworm of the other species. Observations under red light, including those of the position of the animals and the burrow dug, were recorded 4 times a day for 8 days and provided the data needed to reconstruct the probable trajectories of each earthworm. Differences in movement and burrowing behaviour were observed. Comparisons between the two species confirmed the expected behaviour of each ecological type: A. nocturna reused its burrow system regularly, whereas A. chlorotica rarely did. Moreover, it was shown that A. chlorotica burrowed less and explored a smaller surface when in the presence of A. nocturna. Besides, A. nocturna burrowed less and explored a smaller surface when in the presence of another A. nocturna. If these interactions occur under natural conditions, they could affect the structure of the burrow systems of the earthworm species examined. Received: 15 January 1999  相似文献   


Permeability problems on irrigated soils may be alleviated by root systems that increase water flow by creating macropores. Infiltration rates have been shown to increase where plant roots decay and serve as preferential flow paths. For low‐organic‐matter swelling soil, there is a question whether macropores are able to resist the lateral swelling forces of the soil. The objective of this study was to observe preferential water flow paths in a swelling soil under two cropping systems. A Holtville silty clay (clayey‐over‐loamy, montmorillonitic Typic Torrifluvent) was observed in situ. Two crops, alfalfa (Medicago sativa, L.) and wheat (Triticum turgidum, L.) provided sharply contrasting root systems, with wheat possessing fine, fibrous roots; alfalfa on the other hand, has a taproot system. Macropores were observed after applying soil‐adsorbing methylene blue dye to irrigation water. Shrinkage cracks failed to conduct dye after 10 minutes into a flood irrigation. Earthworm (Lubricus terrestris) channels were also not stable. However, decaying roots of alfalfa produced stable macropores, while wheat produced no such macropores. The influence of alfalfa‐root‐induced macropores was demonstrated by the increase in final infiltration rate during alfalfa cropping which agreed with Meek et al.’s (1989, 1990) findings on sandy loam soils.  相似文献   

Loess tilled surface is the geographical unit for the quantitative study of the soil erosion process. Contour tillage has been proved to be the most effictive measure for soil and water conservation in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Studies on the spatial heterogeneity of loess tilled surfaces will contribute to the understanding of the mechanism of erosion evolution. For this, a laboratory experiment was performed on contour tilled sloping surfaces where the hydrological-erosive processes were simulated. At different erosion stages, point cloud measurements were made using a terrestrial laser scanning system (TLS); then the heterogeneity depending on detrending and directionality were analysed by both the semivariogram method and the rescaled range analysis method. Results showed that: (1) the fractal dimensions DS and DR were equivalent when determined from either the semivariogram method or the rescaled range analysis method, although the semivariogram method appears to be more reliable in identifying the specific stage of the erosion evolution process; (2) the contour tilled microtopographies had an anisotropy behavior depending on direction; (3) the fractal dimension (either DS or DR) in different erosion stages was less than 1.5, which indicates that the microtopography of the sloping surface exhibits characteristics of persistent fractional Brownian motion and positive spatial autocorrelation. Irrespective of tillage measure and slope percentage, the sloping surface can be regarded as having random roughness. The results reveals a quantitative relationship between microtopography and sloping erosion. Also, it may provide guidance for further studies regarding the spatial variability and heterogeneity of various tilled slopes on the microtopographic scale.  相似文献   

Both capacitive indicators derived from the water retention curve and dynamic measurements of the flow‐weighted mean pore radius, R0, were used to assess the soil physical quality of two agricultural areas (cropland and olive orchard) and two natural areas (grassland and managed woodlot plantation) potentially subject to soil degradation. The overall idea of the study was to investigate whether a dynamic indicator quantitatively derived from hydraulic conductivity measurements could be used to supplement the traditionally applied capacitive indicators retrieved from water retention measurements. According to the available criteria, only the surface layer of the cropland site showed optimal soil physical quality. In the grassland and woodlot sites, the physical quality was deteriorated also as a consequence of compaction because of grazing. Overall, the physical quality was better in tilled than nontilled soils. The optimal soil in terms of capacitive indicators had hydraulic conductivity close to saturation that was intermediate among the different land uses, and it remained 1·3–1·9 times higher than that observed in the natural sites even when the largest pores emptied. A depth effect on R0 was observed only when larger macropores were activated. It was suggested that water transmission parameters are more affected by changes in large pore domain. The plant available water content and Dexter's S‐index showed inverse statistically significant regressions with R0. The empirical relationships were physically convincing given that, at increasing R0, the contribution of macropores increases, water is transmitted faster below the root zone and the soil's ability to store water is reduced. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To assess the potential effects of Al toxicity on the roots of young European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), seeds were sown in soil monoliths taken from the Ah and B horizons of forest soils with very low base saturation (BS) and placed in the greenhouse. The Ah horizons offered a larger supply of exchangeable cation nutrients than the B horizons. After 8 weeks of growth under optimal moisture conditions, the seedlings were further grown for 14 d under drought conditions. Root‐growth dynamics were observed in rhizoboxes containing soils from the Ah and B horizons. The concentrations of Al3+, base cations, and nitrate in the soil solution and element concentrations in the root tissue were compared with above‐ and belowground growth parameters and root physiological parameters. There was no strong evidence that seedling roots suffered from high soil‐solution Al3+ concentrations. Within the tested range of BS (1.2%–6.5%) our results indicated that root physiological parameters such as O2 consumption decreased and callose concentration increased in soils with a BS < 3%. In contrast to the B horizons, seedlings in the Ah horizons had higher relative shoot‐growth rates, specific root lengths, and lengths and branching increments, but a lower root‐to‐shoot ratio and root‐branching frequency. In conclusion, these differences in growth patterns were most likely due to differences in nutrient availability and to the drought application and not attributable to differences in Al3+ concentrations in the soil solution.  相似文献   

Shallow soil A horizon (topsoil) caused by soil erosion and soil movement from cultivation is known to reduce soil and crop productivity. The reduction may be related to limitation of root growth. A field study was conducted to investigate the effects of topsoil thickness on distributions of root density and growth. Soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were grown on plots of Mexico silt loam (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Mollic Endoaqualfs) with topsoil thicknesses of 0, 12.5, 25.0, and 37.5 cm above the Bt horizons. Root density was measured 60 and 90 days after planting using a minirhizotron video‐camera system. Root density was significantly reduced as topsoil thickness decreased from 37.5 to 0 cm. Mean density and net change of the density across profile between 30 and 60 days of growth had a linear function of topsoil thickness. The reduction and lower activity induced by shallow topsoil were attributed to detrimental properties in the Bt horizons. Root distribution pattern and rooting depth were not significantly affected by topsoil thickness. The roots appeared to be accumulated on the upper layers of the Bt horizons. Roots growing in thicker topsoil were more active than roots growing without topsoil. High soil moisture content during the growing season may mitigate the detrimental effects of shallow topsoil, inhibit root penetration, and enhance root activity.  相似文献   


Fertilizer recommendations need to be based on reliable soil sulfate determinations. Airdrying samples changes irreversibly many properties of soils with variable charge and might affect the extractable sulfate. In this study, sulfate extracted from air‐dry and field‐moist samples was compared. Two extracting solutions [water and 00.1 M Ca(H2PO4) 2] and two quantification methods (turbidimetry and ion chromatography) were assayed on A and B horizon samples of five Humic Acrisols from southeast Mexico. Air drying increased water‐extractable sulfate in Ah horizons, whereas in Bt horizons, it increased the 00.1 M Ca(H2PO4)2‐extractable sulfate. Airdrying increased dissolved organic carbon contents in all samples and increased soil acidity and oxalate extractable iron in 70 and 60% of the samples, respectively. Results showed larger coefficients of variation in air‐dried samples. Turbidimetry resulted less sensible than ion chromatography. To enhance sensitivity and reproducibility, particularly organic soil samples should be analyzed field‐moist and by ion chromatography.  相似文献   

Roughness of soil fracture surfaces as a measure of soil microstructure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The examination of soil fracture surfaces that are created under tensile stress may reveal a great deal about the internal structural condition of the soil. A simple technique for quantifying the roughness of soil fracture surfaces from a measurement of their topography in cross-section is described. The technique involves calculating the standard deviation of the differences between the measured elevations of soil fracture surfaces and their corresponding running-mean values. The standard deviation, σR, is used as a measure of the fracture surface roughness. Advantages of this technique over others are discussed. Two methods for measuring the topography of soil fracture surfaces are presented: a bisection (single transect) method, and a laser scanning (multiple transects) method. The laser scanning method is to be preferred because it requires no sample preparation and enables greater and more rapid replication. Also, fracture surfaces created by applying direct tension in the hands produced values of σR that were statistically indistinguishable from those created using indirect tension in a loading frame. This result makes the technique of fracture surface analysis usable for both laboratory as well as field investigations of soil structure. An example of the technique is presented to illustrate the role that air-filled pores play in the brittle fracture of unsaturated soil (air-filled pores are closer together in drier soils and further apart in wetter soils.) A strong positive linear correlation was found between the gravimetric water content, w and σR of natural soil clods, which supports the contention that brittle fracture of unsaturated soils under tensile stress occurs at least partly because of the propagation of air-filled pores.  相似文献   


The beneficial action of gypsum in suppressing aluminum (Al) toxicity in Bt horizons of Ultisols is related to the self‐liming effect of the adsorption of sulphate (SO4 2‐) ion. The relationship between SO4 2‐ adsorption by gypsum‐amended soils and some components and properties of 38 surface and subsurface horizons from seven Palexerults in western and central Spain was analyzed. The highest correlations of maximal SO4 2‐ adsorption as determined from langmuir isotherms were with clay, free iron oxyhydroxides (Fedcb), and exchangeable Al contents, and pH. Liming reduces SO4 2’ ion adsorption; consequently, the joint application of limestone and gypsum to the surface of these soils results in increased availability of gypsum for the subsurface horizons.  相似文献   

The podzolization process is studied through lipids in nine characteristic podzol horizons. Organic matter accumulates particularly with aluminium in the Bh horizon, while the hard, cemented Bs horizon below this is formed mainly by iron oxides. The low soil pH seems to have no great influence on the preservation of lipids as reflected by the absolute amounts present and the presence of bacterial lipid markers throughout the profile. Independent of soil pH, lipids accumulate in organically enriched horizons. Albeit, high molecular weight organic compounds accumulate to a relatively greater extent than lipids in these horizons. A lipid signal related to the aerial parts, i.e. leaves and flowers, of Calluna is observed only in the O horizon. This ‘n‐alkane, steroid and triterpenoids’ signal is quickly lost in the underlying Ah horizon due to (bacterial) oxidation. The other total lipid extracts obtained are dominated by root‐derived compounds. In subsoil horizons rich in organic matter, i.e. the Ahb and Bh horizons, root‐derived friedooleanan and steroid compounds dominate the total lipid signal. Degraded horizons, poor in organic matter, i.e. the E2, Bhs, Bs and B/C horizons, are dominated by C22 and C24ω‐hydroxy acids, long‐chain (> C20) n‐alkanoic acids with a strong even‐over‐odd predominance and C22 and C24n‐alkanols. Steroid and root‐derived triterpenoids with a friedooleanan structure have been removed from these horizons through degradation. Based on total organic carbon content and lipid composition, the formation of an E1 horizon has started, but is not yet complete. In the Ahb horizon, a contribution from buried vegetation to the total lipid signal is still present, although degradation and an input from roots have significantly altered the original signal. Overall, lipid data indicate that degradation (microbial oxidation) is an important process that should be taken into account, in addition to leaching, when describing podzolization processes in soils.  相似文献   

Degradation of isoproturon in earthworm macropores and subsoil matrix—a field study The objective is to compare the time scale of microbial degradation of the herbicide Isoproturon at the end of earthworm burrows with the time scale of microbial degradation in the surrounding soil matrix. To this end, we developed a method which allows the observation of microbial degradation on Isoproturon in macropores under field conditions. Study area was the well‐investigated Weiherbach catchment (Kraichgau, SW Germany). The topsoil of a 12 m2 large plot parcel was removed, the parcel was covered with a tent and instrumented with TDR and temperature sensors at two depths. After preliminary investigations to optimize application and sampling techniques, the bottom of 55 earthworm burrows, located at a depth of 80–100 cm, was inoculated with Isoproturon. Within an interval of 8 d, soil material from the bottom of 5–6 earthworm burrows was taken into the laboratory and analyzed for the Isoproturon concentration for investigation of the degradation kinetics. Furthermore, the degradation of Isoproturon in the soil matrix, that surrounded the macropores at the field plot, was observed in the laboratory. Microbial degradation of Isoproturon at the bottom of the earthworm burrows was with a DT‐50‐value of 15.6 d almost as fast as in the topsoil. In the soil matrix that closely surrounded the center of the earthworm burrows, no measurable degradation was observed within 30 d. The clearly slower degradation in the soil matrix may be likely explained by a lower microbial activity that was observed in the surrounding soil matrix. The results give evidence that deterministic modeling of the fate of pesticides once transported into heterogeneous subsoils by preferential flow requires an accuracy of a few centimeters in terms of predicting spatial locations: time scales of microbial degradation in the subsoil drop almost one order of magnitude, in case the herbicides dislocates from the bottom of an earthworm burrow a few centimeter into the surrounding soil matrix. If at all, predictions of such an accuracy can only be achieved at locations at sites where the soil hydraulic properties and the macropore system are known at a very high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

We studied the combined effects of reduced tillage and animal manure on soil structure and hydraulic conductivity (K) in the 2–10 and 12–20 cm layers in a loamy soil. The study was performed at the end of a 7‐yr field trial and included three tillage treatments (mouldboard ploughing until 25 cm depth: MP, shallow tillage until 12 cm depth: ST, no‐till: NT) and two fertilizer application treatments (mineral or poultry manure). Soil structure was assessed through bulk density (ρb), micromorphological and macropore‐space characteristics. K was measured in situ at ?0.6, ?0.2 and ?0.05 kPa. Untilled layers had a vermicular microstructure resulting from earthworm activity, whereas tilled layers displayed a mixture of crumb and channel microstructures. Untilled layers had the highest ρb and twice as much lower total macroporosity area (pores > 240 μm in equivalent diameter) than tilled layers, reflected by the smallest area of macropores 310–2000 μm in diameter and the smallest area of large complex macropores. K under untilled layers was 12–62% lower than that under tilled layers, but differences were statistically significant only at ?0.05 kPa in the 2–10 cm. No significant interaction between tillage and nutrient application treatments was detected for all properties. Compared with mineral fertilizer, poultry manure resulted in a similar ρb but 20% greater total macroporosity area and 30% higher K at ?0.2 kPa. Overall, the sensitivity of soil structure and K to poultry manure were relatively small compared with tillage. We suggest that cultivation practices other than animal manure application are needed to improve physical properties under reduced tillage.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, earthworms are often observed to burrow through compacted soil layers, leading to the general assumption that these animals play a significant role in regenerating compacted soils in agricultural plots. To demonstrate this role under field conditions, the abundance of earthworm macropores inside compacted zones was estimated on plots under reduced (RT) or conventional tillage (CT). Then, different types of compacted zones typically found in CT (plough pan and compacted clods) and RT plots (compacted volume under wheel tracks) were experimentally simulated in wooden boxes, buried in the field and inoculated with different earthworm species. After 6 weeks of incubation, the number of macropores inside the compacted zones was examined. Field observations showed that approximately 10% and 30% of the compacted zones were colonised by at least one macropore in CT and RT plots, respectively. A significantly greater number of anecics was found in RT plots, but we could not conclude that this ecological type of earthworm plays a more major role in the regeneration process in these plots since there were fewer compacted zones and these covered a smaller area in CT. The semi-field experiment provided evidence that earthworm-mediated regeneration of compacted zones is possible and its nature varies between ecological types of earthworm. Lumbricus terrestris, which makes individual burrows that are vertical and deep, was the main species to cross through the plough pan. The other three earthworm species (Aporrectodea giardi, A. caliginosa and A. rosea) did burrow inside the other types of compacted zones (“wheel tracks” and “compacted clods”). In every case, however, macropore density was far greater in non-compacted zones, illustrating that avoidance of compacted soil by earthworms is important and should be taken into account when extrapolating results from laboratory studies.  相似文献   

 The burrow systems of two earthworm species (Lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea giardi) were studied in artificially packed soil columns placed in controlled conditions in the laboratory. At the end of the incubation, which lasted 246 days, the burrow systems were characterized on the undisturbed columns using X-ray computed tomography. This method provided a set of digitized images corresponding to horizontal 3-mm-thick sections. The following parameters were measured using image analysis on each section: number of biopores, their volume, and their individual orientation calculated using an elliptical model of the earthworm channel. The profiles of these parameters through the columns showed that the burrow systems of L. terrestris and A. giardi, which are both anecic species, were very different in terms of total volume, number of burrows, burrow orientation and extension with soil depth. These results led us to conclude that the burrow system of L. terrestris can be considered as a permanent structure whereas that of A. giardi is closer to the burrow system of endogeic species. Received: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary Juveniles of the anecic earthworm species Lumbricus badensis hatch from cocoon chambers, which the adult has excavated at depths between 0.4 and 1.5 m. After hatching the young animals migrate to the soil surface through the burrow of the adult. Juveniles live epigeically in self-constructed horizontal tubes during the first growing season. After hibernating in the soil at depths between 30 and 50 cm, juveniles make U-shaped burrows in the mineral soil. Later a main tube is constructed penetrating into the soil. This tube is split into two branches forming a V near the soil surface, and resembling the burrow of the adult. The burrow of an adult earthworm may reach a depth of 2.5 m and ramifies into 5–7 outlet tubes near the soil surface. The construction of the burrows during an individual's development, together with the transition from the epigeic to the anecic way of life, shows the close relationship of the anecic Lumbricus species to epigeic types. The feeding behaviour of the adult and the construction of the humic wall confirm this close relationship.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. M.S. Ghilarov  相似文献   

The ability to quantitatively and spatially assess soil surface roughness is important in geomorphology and land degradation studies. This paper describes the results of an experiment designed to investigate whether hyperspectral directional reflectance factors can describe fine‐scale variations in soil surface roughness. A Canadian silt loam soil was sieved to an aggregate size range of 1–4.75 mm and exposed to five different artificial rainfall durations to produce soils displaying progressively decreasing levels of surface roughness. Each soil state was measured using a point laser profiling instrument at 2 mm spatial resolution, in order to provide information on the structure and spatial arrangement of soil particles. Hyperspectral directional reflectance factors were measured using an Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec Pro Spectroradiometer (range 350–2500 nm), at a range of measurement angles (θr=?60° to +60°) and illumination angle conditions (θi= 28°–74°). Directional reflectance factors varied with illumination and view angles, and with soil structure. Geostatistically‐derived indicators of soil surface roughness (sill variance) were regressed with directional reflectance factors. The results showed a strong relationship between directional reflectance and surface roughness (R2= 0.94 where θr=?60°, θi= 67°–74°). This fine‐scale quasi‐natural experiment allowed the control of slope, initial aggregate size and rainfall exposure, permitting an investigation into factors affecting a soil’s bidirectional reflectance response. This has highlighted the relationship between fine‐scale variations in surface roughness, illumination angle and reflectance response. The results show how the technique could provide a quantitative measure of surface roughness at fine spatial scales.  相似文献   

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