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固定道保护性耕作限制了机具对土壤的普遍性压实,提高了拖拉机牵引性能,降低了能耗。在北京郊区青云店镇试验区,设置固定道及非固定道保护性耕作对照区。通过播种机开沟器阻力正交试验及牵引阻力测试试验,研究固定道保护性耕作对播种、深松作业的牵引力及油耗的影响。试验表明:在0.05的置信水平下,对比作业速度、深度租土壤坚实度因素,土壤坚实度因素因田间分布均匀性较低,对开沟阻力波动影响最为显著;非固定道保护性耕作因轮胎压实,破坏了表层土壤均匀性,造成作业负荷变动大,加剧燃油消耗;相对于非固定道保护性耕作,按华北小麦-玉米一年两熟地区两年一深松模式估算,固定道保护性耕作仅播种、深松两项作业一年每公顷节省15.7L柴油;固定道保护性耕作因减少了压实面积,从而可以提高拖拉机田间作业的牵引性能,减小机具的作业阻力,降低燃油消耗,达到减少压实、节约能耗的作用。  相似文献   

多年固定道保护性耕作对土壤结构的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决拖拉机作业机组作业时造成的土壤普遍压实,在10a连续固定道保护性耕作试验基础上,研究了固定道保护性耕作对土壤容重、孔隙度、紧实度、水分以及冬小麦产量的影响。试验结果表明,对于作物生长带,固定道保护性耕作可以降低0~20cm土层的容重6.8%,提高0~40cm土层土壤总孔隙度4.6%,降低0~30cm土层土壤紧实度31.5%,提高0~1m土层蓄水能力,在固定道占地20%的情况下,仍能提高冬小麦产量10.8%。因此,固定道保护性耕作是减少土壤压实、改善土壤结构、提高小麦产量的有效耕作方式。  相似文献   

用人工模拟降雨研究保护性耕作下的地表径流与水分入渗   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
采用人工模拟降雨试验研究了保护性耕作控制农田地表径流的效果,重点探讨了表土耕作、秸秆覆盖及土壤压实3种因素对地表径流和水分入渗的影响。试验表明,保护性耕作具有明显的处缓径流,增加水分入渗的效果。在土壤干燥,模拟降雨强度为72mm/h的条件下,传统翻耕比保护性耕作早12-16min产生径流,入渗率降低60.9%,总径流量高11倍。3种试验因素中,秸秆覆盖对径流和入渗的影响最大,压实次之。在本试验中,  相似文献   

深松和压实对旱地棕壤硬度和水分入渗性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过比较分析深松与压实及对照处理棕壤农田土壤的硬度剖面分布和水分入渗曲线变化,研究不同耕作措施对土壤机械物理性质和通透性能的影响。结果表明:(1)深松和压实处理后,0~25 cm土层硬度大小顺序为压实对照深松,25~40 cm土层的硬度为深松压实对照;而这一处理效果随处理后时间的延长而逐渐减弱,但90天后0~25 cm土层处理间差异依然存在,而25~40 cm土层这一差异不明显;(2)菲利浦公式能较好地表达压实、深松和对照处理土壤水分入渗速率随时间的变化过程,且不同处理及各处理重复间的土壤入渗曲线变异性较大;(3)对各处理土壤入渗菲利浦公式做标定处理求得的代表性入渗曲线,其初始入渗速率大小顺序为深松对照压实,而稳定入渗速率则为对照压实深松处理;说明深松和压实对土壤入渗能力影响明显不同,深松不仅能提高前期土壤水入渗能力、还能抑制入渗后期的深层渗漏。  相似文献   

固定道小麦免少耕播种机设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了减少农机作业对农田土壤的压实,改善作物生长环境,加强农机与农艺融合,该文结合固定道和保护性耕作技术要求,开发了固定道小麦免少耕播种机,设计了一种楔刀型开沟器与“Y”型、“L”型刀具相结合的防堵开沟装置,并确定了“Y”型、“L”型刀具等关键部件的参数,田间对比试验表明,所设计的固定道小麦免少耕播种机通过性能良好,各项指标满足免耕播种机设计要求。固定道模式下机具各项性能指标均略优于非固定道,种、肥深度合格率均达到84%以上,且一致性好,种肥间距加大5 mm,合格率达到85.2%,有效减少了烧种现象。固定道免少耕作业实施2年后,与非固定道作业模式相比,作业油耗降低22.01%,节油效果显著。因此,固定道免少耕播种技术能够提高播种质量,降低作业功耗。另外,随着中国土地流转政策地推进,研究成果将对土地规模化种植、高效化管理具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

不同程度压实对土壤理化性状及作物生育产量的影响   总被引:14,自引:13,他引:14  
采用大、小四轮式拖拉机在冬小麦播种地上压地1到10遍,对照为未压实地,测定对小麦生育产量影响;同时进行了不同程度土壤压实后孔隙度为58%,52%,46%和40%的土壤理化性状测定试验。结果表明不同程度压实具有系统累积效应,为免耕、保护性耕作和减免中耕提供了运用依据。  相似文献   

城市土壤压实对入渗率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市区土壤经过大规模压实降低了入渗率,从而导致雨水径流增加。在弗罗里达州北部城市建筑工地上采用双环法研究了不同压实程度下土壤的入渗特征。结果表明:弗罗里达州中北部不同压实程度土壤的入渗能力差异较大;土壤压实越严重,其土壤密度越大、孔隙度越小,土壤入渗率越小;严重压实的土壤中存在水分入渗的限制层,致使稳定入渗率明显降低;土壤初始入渗率与稳定入渗率的差异较大,两者之间存在显著的线性相关关系。尽管压实和没有压实的入渗率有较大的变化,但建筑活动或压实处理后减少了入渗率的70%~99%。城市土壤入渗率的减小导致地表径流系数以及发生洪涝的几率和强度增大。  相似文献   

大中小型拖拉机压实对土壤坚实度和大豆产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
探讨农业机械压实对土壤坚实度和产量的影响规律,对改善作物生产环境、促进农业机械化向质量型转变具有重要意义。以东北典型黑土区耕地土壤为研究对象,依照随机区组试验原理,选择大、中、小3种型号拖拉机进行6种压实处理,同型拖拉机相同压实次数试验重复3次,采用PV6.08型贯穿阻力仪测量压实轮辙截面土壤坚实度。试验结果表明:土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐递增,3种拖拉机压实测试截面浅层均出现明显压实核,且压实核内土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐增大,CASE-210型拖拉机压实对表层土壤坚实度影响程度和范围最大,压实12次时压实核处土壤坚实度达4.0 MPa,JD-280型拖拉机对深层土壤压实影响程度和范围最大,在65~80 cm的土壤深层坚实度的峰值达3.2 MPa;拖拉机压实均导致大豆产量降低,CASE-210、JD-904和JD-280拖拉机压实12次时大豆产量分别降低了21.24%、18.15%和12.38%。  相似文献   

农田土壤受到农业机械田间作业的影响发生压实板结,造成土壤孔隙率降低,容重和紧实度增大,限制水分入渗和根系生长,影响作物产量。随着我国农业机械化水平不断提高,土壤压实对农业可持续发展的影响引起了广泛的关注。本文通过文献调研,总结了土壤压实过程的国内外研究进展,对土壤压缩行为、压缩曲线与预固结压力的计算方法进行了梳理,综述了土壤压实机理和压实模型的发展历程和未来动向,可为推进农田土壤压实研究提供参考。  相似文献   

覆盖混埋耕作主要通过联合整地机对秸秆进行切碎并均匀混入土壤,对降低风蚀水蚀、提高耕层土壤蓄水能力及构建优质种床具有重要作用。为探究覆混耕作中玉米秸秆对土壤水分入渗性能的影响,该研究利用Design Expert软件,根据Box-Behnken试验原理通过室内土柱模拟试验,以覆混耕作中秸秆混埋深度、秸秆混埋量、秸秆长度为影响因素,以渗水量为指标进行三因素三水平二次回归正交试验。通过建立响应面数学模型,分析了各因素对土壤水分入渗性能的影响,并对影响因素进行了综合优化。试验结果表明:对渗水量影响主次顺序为秸秆混埋深度、秸秆长度、秸秆混埋量;当秸秆混埋深度为20 cm、秸秆混埋量为80%、秸秆长度为9 cm时,渗水量达到最优值0.249 L。利用优化后的参数进行试验验证,土壤渗水量为0.247 L。研究结果可为覆混耕作中联合整地机的作业参数调整提供参考和土壤水分入渗性能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Viticulture and fruit culture in Mediterranean areas demand frequent tractor traffic in vineyards and orchards for tillage and for the application of herbicides and pesticides, resulting in soil compaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of soil compaction and its effect on infiltration in vineyards and orchards in an area in southern France, known for its wine and fruit production (Vaucluse). Compaction of both the topsoil and the subsoil was demonstrated with measurements of bulk density, penetration resistance and water retention characteristics. Subsoil compaction was attributed to wheel load, not to tillage, and was alleviated within 5 years after termination of tillage operations in vineyards. No effects of topsoil compaction on infiltration were expected on account of the slight differences in the values of infiltration parameters between wheel tracks and inter-rill areas. Effects of subsoil compaction on infiltration were examined with rainfall simulation tests. Under wet initial conditions and high rain intensities, no effect of soil compaction on infiltration was observed. This implies that the frequent tractor traffic associated with viticulture and fruit culture does not enhance run-off on loamy soils in Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   

This initially high level of soil compaction in some direct sowing systems might suggest that the impact of subsequent traffic would be minimal, but data have not been consistent. Soil compaction is caused by the high traffic intensity and weight of tractor and combines in harvest operations, especially when these operations are carried out on wet soil or with high-pressure tyres. Traffic effects on the yield of soybean and on some physical soil properties were studied over a period of 3 years. After this period, the reduction of traffic intensity from 38 to 15 Mg km−1 ha−1 produced an increase on the yields of 29.2% from the base year improving the incomes by US$134 ha−1 besides the reduction of fuel consumption of 35.5%. With the results obtained in this work it can be assumed that traffic reduction at harvest has a good potential to increase yields and reduce soil compaction under direct sowing system on the Rolling Pampa Region, Argentina.  相似文献   

Introduction of mechanized agriculture induces profound changes in soil characteristics. Soil compaction originating from mechanical land clearing, mechanized cultivation, and continuous cropping is aggravated by crusting and hard-setting phenomena of soils, and widespread occurrence of naturally compacted upland soils and subsoil gravel horizons. Natural and anthropogenically induced soil compaction has detrimental effects on growth and yields of a wide range of crops. Furthermore, compaction can persist for a long time if no adequate measures are taken to minimize or alleviate it.

In humid and subhumid regions of Africa, the no-tillage system with crop residue mulch is an important method of controlling soil compaction, followed in significance, by biological and mechanical loosening where motorized land clearing is the causative agent. Biological methods involve cover crops and alley cropping or agroforestry. Where new land areas need to be opened up, land clearing should be done by the slash-and-burn method, so that most of the nutrients in the vegetation are returned to the soil. Where mechanical land clearing is inevitable, forest removal should be done by the use of shear blade, whereby most of the roots and stumps are left in the ground intact, and the forest litter is not removed.

In semi-arid and arid regions of Africa, alleviation of soil compaction can be done by two methods. One method is to use the controlled traffic tillage system. Controlled traffic results in both a loose-rooting zone and a firmed traffic lane, thereby providing good plant growth and trafficability for timely field operations. The second method is to use mechanical loosening techniques, i.e. ploughing by animal traction or tractor power, chiseling, deep ripping, subsoiling, and tied-ride system. The effect of mechanical loosening, however, tends to be of short duration if the ensuing field traffic is not controlled.  相似文献   

Water repellency can reduce the infiltration capacity of soils over timescales similar to those of precipitation events. Compaction can also reduce infiltration capacity by decreasing soil hydraulic conductivity, but the effect of compaction on soil water repellency is unknown. This study explores the effect of compaction on the wettability of water repellent soil. Three air‐dry (water content ~4 g 100 g?1) silt loam samples of contrasting wettability (non‐repellent, strongly and severely water repellent) were homogenized and subjected to various pressures in the range 0–1570 kPa in an odeometer for 24 h. Following removal, sample surface water repellency was reassessed using the water drop penetration time method and surface roughness using white light interferometry. An increase in compaction pressure caused a significant reduction in soil surface water repellency, which in turn increases the soil's initial infiltration capacity. The difference in surface roughness of soils compacted at the lowest and highest pressures was significant (at P > 0.2) suggesting an increase in the contact area between sessile water drops and soil surfaces was providing increased opportunities for surface wetting mechanisms to proceed. This suggests that compaction of a water repellent soil may lead to an increased rate of surface wetting, which is a precursor to successful infiltration of water into bulk soil. Although there may be a reduction in soil conductivity upon compaction, the more rapid initiation of infiltration may, in some circumstances, lead to an overall increase in the proportion of rain or irrigation water infiltrating water repellent soil, rather than contributing to surface run‐off or evaporation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen from fertilisers and crop residues can be lost as nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas that causes an increase in global warming and also depletes stratospheric ozone. Nitrous oxide emissions, soil chemical status, temperature and N2O concentration in the soil atmosphere were measured in a field experiment on soil compaction in loam and sandy loam (cambisols) soils in south-east Scotland. The overall objective was to discover how the intensity and distribution of soil compaction by tractor wheels or by roller just before sowing influenced crop performance, soil conditions and production and emissions of N2O under controlled traffic conditions. Compaction treatments were zero, light compaction by roller (up to 1 Mg per metre of length) and heavy compaction by loaded tractor (up to 4.2 Mg). In this paper we report the effects on production and emissions of N2O and relate them to soil and crop conditions. Nitrous oxide fluxes were substantial only when the soil water content was high (>27 g per 100 g). Fertiliser application stimulated emissions in the spring whereas crop residues stimulated emissions in autumn and winter. Heavy compaction increased N2O emissions after fertiliser application or residue incorporation more than light or zero compaction. The bulk densities of the heavily and lightly compacted soils were up to 89% and 82% of the theoretical (Proctor) maxima. Higher soil cone resistances, temperatures and nitrogen availability and lower gas diffusivities and air-filled porosities combined to make the heavily compacted soil more anaerobic and likely to denitrify than the zero or lightly compacted soil. Compaction sufficient to increase N2O emissions significantly corresponded with adverse soil conditions for winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) growth. Soil tillage, which ensures that soil compaction is no greater than in our light treatment and is confined to near the soil surface, may help to mitigate both surface fluxes of N2O and losses to the subsoil.  相似文献   

农业机械的过度使用、密集轮作以及不适当管理等都会造成土壤压实。试验研究了拖拉机行走对土壤特性和小麦生长的影响。试验所使用的耕作机械包括轮式、履带式和手扶式三种拖拉机,分析了土壤压实对小麦生长以及土壤结构不连续性的影响。试验数据表明,土壤密度、土壤阻力以及土壤水分一般会随拖拉机行走次数增加而增大。同时,文中给出了小麦根系与秸秆间蕴涵的机理关系。试验数据还表明,小麦发芽率在显著性水平P≤0.05时,不同处理组之间无明显差异。但是,2、4、6、8、10、12、18周以及收割时的小麦秸秆高度在显著性水平P≤0.01时,各处理组之间却存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组高于履带式拖拉机处理组。当显著性水平分别为P≤0.05和 P≤0.01时,不同处理组的小麦根长度和密度间也存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组同样表现出更好的结果。总之,拖拉机行走会显著影响干物质、谷物产量等小麦生长参数。然而,作物产量不仅受土壤压实的影响,同时很大程度上也取决于天气以及土壤初始压实等因素。  相似文献   

To assess the damage done to sorghum production by soil compaction from vehicular traffic, a randomized complete block design of field plots was selected to comprise treatments of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 passes of a tractor with 31 kPa contact pressure in a sandy loam soil. Agronomical treatments were kept the same for all the plots. The soil dry bulk density and penetrometer resistance for each applied load were measured and the yield from each treatment was determined.

Results indicated higher dry bulk density and penetration resistance with increase in the number of tractor passes. Both the head weight and total plant yield of sorghum increased with increases in the number of tractor passes up to a point, and then decreased with further increases and penetration resistance in terms of the number of tractor passes and contact pressure.  相似文献   

As stocking rates on Wisconsin dairy farms continue to increase, one possible nutrient management solution is to haul slurry to nearby grain farmer's fields. Although the nutrient and soil building benefits of manure are well known, many grain farmers are hesitant to apply manure on their fields due to potential soil compaction. Studies were initiated to evaluate the effects of tanker-applied slurry on soil compaction and corn (Zea mays L.) yield. An on-station trial was established to address the issues of compaction caused by manure tankers, repeated traffic associated with field headlands, and the possible ameliorating effect of manure itself on corn yield. In addition, 15 replicated on-farm trials were established to evaluate the impact of single pass manure applications on soil compaction and yield. These predominately fall applications were conducted when the host farmer felt that the soil would support tanker traffic. Due to its portability and instrument sensitivity, compactness was evaluated with a data-logging hand held penetrometer.Results from the on-station trial indicate that multiple passes did increase compactness above single-pass traffic and the check. The slurry itself did not attenuate the effect of traffic on soil compaction, nor on yield. Despite yield reductions estimated from in-track samples in both years of 6% (one-pass traffic) and 22% (six-pass traffic) in this study, whole plot corn yields were not reduced due to compaction. The on-farm trials indicated that manure application technique does affect compaction patterns; with broadcast application resulting in less area trafficked by the tanker than injection application, and therefore less area compacted. The narrower gauge truck tires used at some sites led to significantly higher penetrometer readings compared to the control, but this was not the case at sites with wider tractor tires. As in the on-station work, although compaction led to higher penetrometer readings, whole plot corn yields in compacted plots were not adversely affected compared to the control. These results suggest that, in the first year after slurry application, on predominantly prairie derived soils; well-timed applications of dairy slurry do not cause extensive soil compaction nor a reduction in corn yields. This study did not look at the potential residual effects that may positively (>soil organic matter) or negatively (residual soil compaction) impact subsequent crops.  相似文献   

The main function of primary tillage is to increase the soil's structural macro-porosity, but during secondary tillage operations over these freshly tilled soils, traffic causes significant soil compaction. In terms of soil conservation however, there is evidence that direct sowing is a more sustainable system, even though there is still insufficient information about the rheology of a non-tilled soil under traffic. The objective of this study was to compare the traffic intensity and soil compaction caused by four different tillage regimes currently used by Argentinean farmers (1 direct sowing with a tractor and planter weighing 127 kN and 3 conventional tillage systems with equipment weighing 55.2 kN). The work was performed in the east of the Rolling Pampa region, Buenos Aires State, Argentina at 34°25′S, 59°15′W. Variables measured were: (1) cone index in the 0–450 mm depth profile; (2) bulk density; (3) total soil porosity; and (4) rut depth. (a) Results indicated that in the depth range 0–150 mm with all tillage treatments, bulk density and cone index values generated by tractor traffic were greater than the 1.3 Mg m−3 and 1400 kPa respectively. Similarly in deeper layers these parameters were greater than 1.45 Mg m−3 and 2000 kPa respectively. Measurements revealed that traffic reduced topsoil porosity under direct sowing by an average of 7% and under conventional tillage by 7.6–14.8% confirming that both systems cause both topsoil and subsoil compaction.  相似文献   

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