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龙涛  王磊  孙成 《土壤》2015,47(5):973-978
对硝基氯苯(p-.Nitrochlorobenzene,p-NCB)在东北黑土上吸附不同时间(1天和36天)的样品吸附等温线重合,表明吸附在1天内达到平衡。然而,不同吸附时间的两份样品解吸等温线存在显著差异,推测可能是吸附达到表观平衡后,随接触时间的增加,吸附质(p-NCB)分子和土壤有机质之间发生酶催化反应中的"诱导-契合"作用,从而使二者的结合更加紧密。高浓度p-NCB可能会造成黑土有机质发生结构或形态的改变,造成解吸延滞作用显著。  相似文献   

采用批平衡实验,研究绿麦隆在单一及复合污染体系中的吸附-解吸行为。结果表明,无论是单一体系还是复合体系,吸附等温线均可用Freundlich模型进行良好的拟合。随着阿特拉津浓度的增加,土壤对绿麦隆的吸附作用降低,表明绿麦隆和阿特拉津之间存在竞争吸附,这可能与土壤的有机质类型和绿麦隆、阿特拉津的性质、结构有关。解吸实验表明,随着阿特拉津的浓度增加,绿麦隆的解吸作用增加。吸附过程的拟合指数n值大于解吸过程的对应值,即绿麦隆在不同体系中的解吸作用均存在一定的滞后性。应用Freundlich解吸等温线参数对吸附-解吸等温线的滞后作用进行量化,CT、(CT+0.5AT)、(CT+1AT)和(CT+2AT)处理解吸等温线的滞后系数ω分别为165.200,146.132,94.534和85.945,即随阿特拉津浓度增加,绿麦隆解吸等温线的滞后性降低。  相似文献   

土壤中黑碳对农药敌草隆的吸附-解吸迟滞行为研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用批处理振荡法和连续稀释法分别测定了敌草隆在人工添加黑碳土壤和自然形成的不同有机质和黑碳含量的土壤中的吸附一解吸行为。吸附结果表明,人工添加黑碳的土壤对敌草隆的吸附强度和吸附容量以及吸附等温线的非线性均随土壤黑碳添加浓度的增加而逐步增大;自然土壤的吸附容量和吸附强度随土壤总有机质含量增加而增加,但吸附等温线的非线性则与土壤中黑碳对有机质的相对含量有关,黑碳比例越高,等温线非线性越大。解吸实验结果表明,无论是人工添加黑碳的土壤还是自然土壤,对敌草隆的解吸迟滞作用均随土壤黑碳含量增高而愈明显。  相似文献   

研究了BDE-47在3种不同有机质含量的天然土壤上的吸附行为,包括吸附过程动力学和热力学等温线。结果表明,双室一级动力学模式较单室一级动力学模式更适于描述BDE-47在天然土壤上的吸附过程动力学特征,尤其是在吸附初始阶段(0-49h)。快吸附在自吸附初始到表观吸附平衡的整体吸附过程中占据优势地位,而慢吸附的贡献率则逐渐增加并在97h后达到相对稳定。快吸附达到其吸附容量的时间远快于慢吸附。在吸附开始阶段的3~5h,BDE-47吸附总量的增加主要决定于快吸附,但在后续的吸附阶段,慢吸附的影响逐渐成为主导。因BDE-47水相溶解度很低,在较窄的平衡浓度范围内,线性分配模式和非线性Freundlich模式对BDE-47的吸附等温线都能提供很好的拟合结果。在Freundlich模型结果中,具有较低(0.72%)和较高(7.90%)TOC分数的土样的非线性指数n都明显低于1.0(分别为0.75±0.03和0.74±0.02),表明2种土样在相应的BDE-47平衡浓度范围内表现出一定的非线性吸附特征;而另一TOC分数居中(2.86%)的土样则表现出显著的线性行为,其非线性指数n明显接近1.0(1.03±0.03)。  相似文献   

陕西省几种代表性土壤NH4+吸附、解吸动力学特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛泉宏  尉庆丰  高彦  石辉  曲东 《土壤学报》1996,33(2):129-137
采用连续液流法测定了五种土壤吸附、解吸NH^+4的动力学性质。研究表明:(1)NH^+4吸附、解吸平衡时间及反应速率,平衡时的吸附、解吸量及吸附平衡常数均随土壤粘粒和CEC不同而变化;(2)不同动力学模型及同一模型对不同土壤的拟合性不同。  相似文献   

实验研究了菲在土壤 /沉积物上的吸附 解吸过程。CHL土壤和HFH沉积物中有机质的固相13 CCPMASNMR谱图很相似 ,表明样品中有机质的组成差异不大 ;菲在土壤 /沉积物上的吸附过程表现出明显的非线性 ;线性模型不适合拟合菲的吸附等温线 ,Freundlich模型和双区位反应模型 (DRDM)较好地拟合了菲的吸附等温线 ,其中DRDM模型还清楚地反映菲在低浓度和高浓度下不同的吸附方式 ;另外 ,研究表明菲在土壤 /沉积物上的解吸过程中存在明显的滞后现象 ,这可能和土壤 /沉积物有机质的异质性和土壤胶团微小孔隙的存在有关。  相似文献   

采用室内实验方法,研究了1,1,2,2-四氯乙烷(1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane,1,1,2,2-TeCA)在4种土壤上的吸附和解吸行为,并用一种新型解吸模型——"双元平衡解吸(Dual-EquilibriumDesorption,DED)模型"对其解吸行为进行了预测。结果表明,1,1,2,2-TeCA在4种土壤上的吸附符合传统的线性吸附模型,lgKoc的平均值为1.86;解吸行为则表现出明显的滞后现象,解吸后的lgKo(c平均值约为4.88)显著大于初始值,且与吸附相污染物的初始浓度、土壤性质无相关性。DED模型比传统线性模型能更好地拟合TeCA在土壤中的解吸滞后现象。  相似文献   

选择5种有机质含量不同的天然土壤,采用批量实验方法考察典型多溴联苯醚8DE47的解吸行为,并尝试利用非线性Freundlich模型和线性模型模拟不同初试浓度条件下BDE47的土壤解吸过程。针对较为显著的器壁吸附影像,所有检测数据均进行器壁吸附定量修正。结果表明,BDE47土壤解吸过程总体分为初始的快解吸和后续的慢解吸两个阶段。在初始阶段,BDE47解吸过程表现为线性行为,但非线性特征随解吸时间延长呈现增强趋势。土壤有机质(用TOC表征)释放的溶解有机质是影响土壤中BDE47解吸行为差异的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

按土重的3%和5%向采自海南和广西的3种可变电荷土壤中添加由稻草制备的生物质炭,混合培养30 d后用一次平衡法研究了生物质炭对土壤吸附Cd(Ⅱ)的影响及其与土壤表面电化学性质的关系,旨在阐明生物质炭促进可变电荷土壤吸附和固定Cd(Ⅱ)的机制。结果表明,添加稻草炭显著提高了3种土壤的阳离子交换量(CEC)和土壤pH,并使土壤胶体Zeta电位向负值方向位移。因此,添加稻草炭增加了土壤表面的负电荷量,土壤表面对Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附容量增强,使3种可变电荷土壤对Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附量增加,且Cd(Ⅱ)吸附量的增幅随稻草炭添加水平的提高而增加。Freundlich方程和Langmuir方程可以拟合3种土壤对Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附等温线,但Freundlich方程拟合效果更好,该方程表征吸附容量的常数k也随着稻草炭添加水平提高而增大。研究表明在pH3.0~5.0范围内,稻草炭均增加土壤对Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附量。添加稻草炭提高土壤pH,促进Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附,因为Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附量随pH升高而增加。解吸实验表明,添加稻草炭处理Cd(Ⅱ)的解吸量高于对照处理,说明生物质炭提高了土壤对Cd(Ⅱ)的静电吸附量。  相似文献   

通过等温吸附试验,研究不同磷含量处理暗棕壤对Zn2+的吸附解吸行为,结果表明:(1)随平衡液中Zn2+浓度的增加,3种处理暗棕壤对Zn2+的吸附作用均表现为:低浓度下(0~100 mg/L),吸附量增加迅速,随着浓度升高(100~150 mg/L),吸附量变缓并渐趋平衡,含磷量高的土壤吸附Zn2+的量较高。(2)Freundlich、Langmuir和Temkin方程均能很好描述Zn2+在3种不同磷含量暗棕壤上的吸附等温线,拟合效果依次为Freundlich>Langmuir>Temkin。经参数计算,较高磷含量有利于提高暗棕壤的最大吸附量和土壤对Zn2+的缓冲容量,而磷含量不同对Zn2+在暗棕壤上的吸附力没有太大影响。(3)3种不同磷含量处理暗棕壤吸附量与解吸量关系图形状相似,呈高度线性相关,均表现为暗棕壤对Zn2+的解吸量随吸附量的增加而增加,磷含量较高土壤有利于Zn2+的固定且不易解吸。  相似文献   

王磊  丁浩然  陈樯  祝欣  陈然然  龙涛  王荐  林玉锁 《土壤》2015,47(4):725-732
采用批量平衡实验法研究了四氯乙烯和萘在过氧化氢氧化前后含水层土壤上的吸附。原土经过氧化氢处理后有机质含量明显降低,但是处理前后的土样对四氯乙烯和萘的吸附差别极小。过氧化氢对原土中极性官能团的破坏使原土中的大分子有机质变为小分子的可溶性有机质离开体系,造成土壤有机质含量降低。这些具有极性官能团的大分子有机质对研究的两种化合物的吸附贡献很小。在调节液固比使各种单一体系中的液相浓度差异达到一至两个数量级的情况下,加标解吸体系下的等温线仍表现为非常规的近似水平线,说明液相浓度的降低不足以使土壤中吸附的化合物发生解吸。这一结果从另一侧面说明两种目标物在研究土壤上的吸附是以在致密有机相上的吸附为主,而这部分有机质不会被过氧化氢所氧化。因此,在评估污染土壤对地下水的危害时,需慎重使用通过吸附实验得到并基于有机质总量的分配系数。  相似文献   

Studies on arsenate (As(V)) sorption and desorption have been mainly limited to soil minerals and sorption and desorption reactions in whole soils are poorly understood. In this study the sorption of As(V) by and phosphate-induced desorption from a Chinese red soil were studied in the presence of oxalate and humic acid (HA). Arsenate was strongly sorbed mainly through ligand exchange reactions on the soil. Arsenate sorption decreased in the presence of oxalate or HA. Oxalate and HA influenced As(V) sorption mainly by competing for sorption sites and reducing sorption sites, and oxalate could also decrease sorption through dissolving clay minerals. Oxalate and HA could also facilitate As(V) desorption from the soil. Both sorption and desorption kinetics were two stage processes. Sorption kinetics conducted from 0.2–840 h showed that As(V) sorption increased with increasing residence time. Sorption equilibrium was retarded and the maximum sorption decreased in the presence of oxalate or HA. Phosphate-induced desorption kinetics conducted on the soil with 24 h and 840 h of sorption equilibrium time showed a significant effect of equilibrium time on As(V) desorption. The presence of oxalate or HA during the sorption process resulted in more As(V) desorption. Due to the degradation of oxalate, soil treated with oxalate and with a sorption equilibrium time of 840 h showed no significant difference in desorption kinetics from untreated soil.  相似文献   

The first part of this paper deals with the sorption of Na, Cs, Sr, Ni, Cu and Pb on two humic fractions derived from a soil. The sorption data for individual elements were obtained using the continuous-flow stirred-cell (CFSC) technique, in which the metal sorptive solution is pumped through a cell containing a known mass of the humic acid retained by a filter and the solution emerging from the cell was analysed by either atomic absorption spectrometry (Cu, Ni and Pb) or by the combined use of radioisotope dilution and gamma-ray spectroscopy (Na, Cs and Sr). Sorption isotherms were determined at two flow rates. It was found that, in general, the sorption isotherms for all the metals studied could be described by the Langmuir equation and parameters derived from the fitted line provided information on the metal-humate binding strengths and the maximum amount of metal sorbed per unit mass of humic acid. Caesium showed anomalous behaviour at certain flow rates in both its sorption and desorption behaviour. In the second part of the paper we discuss the sequential sorption and desorption of one metal by another on the same humic fraction, using Na, Cs, Zn and Cd. The aim was to elucidate the nature of the binding process when several metals were competing simultaneously for the functional groups on the humic acids. In addition, at the end of the experiment, the humic material was isolated and analysed by gamma-ray spectroscopy to determine the metals still bound in this fraction. Some tentative conclusions concerning the nature of the metal-humate complexes are made on the basis of these data.  相似文献   

Sorption and desorption of cobalt by soils and soil components   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sorption of Co by individual soil components was studied at solution Co concentrations that were within the range found in natural soil solutions. Soil-derived oxide materials sorbed by far the greatest amounts of Co although substantial amounts were also sorbed by organic materials (humic and fulvic acids). Clay minerals and non-pedogenic iron and manganese oxides sorbed relatively little Co. It is considered that clay minerals are unlikely to have a significant influence on the sorption of Co by whole soils. Cobalt sorbed by soil oxide material was not readily desorbed back into solution and, in addition, rapidly became non-isotopically exchangeable with solution Co. In contrast, Co was relatively easily desorbed from humic acid and a large proportion of the Co sorbed by humic acid remained isotopically exchangeable. Cobalt sorbed by montmorillonite was more easily desorbed than that sorbed by soil oxide but less easily than that sorbed by humic acid. Cobalt sorption isotherms for whole soils at low site coverage were essentially linear and the gradients of isotherms increased with pH. A comparison of isotherm gradients for whole soils and individual soil components supported the suggestion that Co sorption in whole soils is largely controlled by soil oxide materials.  相似文献   

Humic acids and clays are important soil components that influence the sorption and desorption of organic contaminants; however, it is unclear how humic acids influence the sorption of organic contaminants onto clays and their subsequent desorption. Sorption and desorption of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) by and from humic acid-modified K(+)- and Ca(2+)-montmorillonite and -illite were compared with unmodified clays using batch equilibration methods. Commercial humic acid and the humic acid extracted from forest soil were employed in this experiment. The adsorbed amount of 2,4,6-TCP by commercial humic acid was almost twice as large as that adsorbed by the extracted soil humic acid. More 2,4,6-TCP was sorbed onto K(+)- and Ca(2+)-illite than onto K(+)- and Ca(2+)-montmorillonite. K(+) clays were more effective in adsorbing 2,4,6-TCP than Ca(2+) clays. Sorption of 2,4,6-TCP on humic acid-modified Ca(2+)- and K(+)-montmorillonite and -illite increased as compared with unmodified clays. The sorption nonlinearity of 2,4,6-TCP on humic acid-modified Ca(2+)- and K(+)-illite increased remarkably as compared with the unmodified clays. The sorption nonlinearity of 2,4,6-TCP on humic acid-modified Ca(2+)- and K(+)-montmorillonite increased slightly in contrast to unmodified montmorillonites. By comparing sorption and desorption results, we observed hysteresis for all sorbents including humic acids, clays, and humic acid-modified clays. Sorption nonlinearity and hysteresis were dependent on the structure of humic acids. Higher aromaticity of humic acids resulted in greater sorption nonlinearity and desorption hysteresis. In addition, sorption capacity (K(f)') was positively correlated with the humic acid content of the sorbents. These results show that modification of humic acids on clays can not only increase the adsorption ability of clays but also affect the sorption nonlinearity of 2,4,6-TCP, and the desorption hysteresis was probably due to the structural characteristics of humic acids.  相似文献   

王磊  孙成  朱李俊  应蓉蓉  龙涛 《土壤》2016,48(1):139-146
在"固–气–液"三相体系中,通过土壤加标污染物并控制湿度的实验,研究了土壤湿度对p-NCB在土壤及其成分中提取率的影响。结果表明:土壤湿度造成p-NCB在两种土样上的提取率较干燥土样显著减小。土壤成分实验中,高岭石中p-NCB的提取率受样品湿度的影响较大,腐殖酸的存在大大减小了土壤湿度对高岭石中p-NCB老化过程的影响。土壤湿样中p-NCB提取率在反应21天后开始变缓,说明p-NCB在土壤湿样上的老化过程分可为两个阶段:自反应开始至进行到第21天是快速老化阶段,之后为缓慢老化阶段。p-NCB在土壤干样上的老化过程不明显,在实验周期下未发现提取率随反应时间有明显下降。  相似文献   

Liming is a practice commonly used to modify soil acidity, neutralize aluminum, and increase calcium and magnesium in the soil. Liming can change herbicide retention processes and consequently weed control and potential environmental contamination. The effects of liming on the sorption and desorption of hexazinone in different soils were evaluated. Samples from seven Brazilian soils were collected and separated into two subsamples, with and without limestone incubation. Hexazinone was quantified using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography. The sorption and desorption coefficients were determined in soils using Freundlich isotherms. Increasing the pH did not alter the sorption kinetics of hexazinone in the same soil class. The shortest sorption time of hexazinone occurred in soils with higher organic matter (OM) and clay content. Liming reduced the sorption and increased the desorption of hexazinone in the soils, which was caused by the increase in pH and reduction of OM content. Although the application of limestone increased desorption, the rate at which this process occurred was less than the sorption rate of hexazinone in most cases. In alkaline soils, the recommended dose of hexazinone for pre-emergence application should be low to avoid leaching and reduce the contamination of groundwater resources.  相似文献   



Sorption and desorption of butachlor were simultaneously investigated on synthesized pure amorphous hydrated Fe oxides (AHOs Fe), and soils both with and without surface coating of AHOs Fe, with special interest towards how amorphous sesquioxides affect and contribute to butachlor retention in soils.

Materials and methods

The AHOs Fe was artificially synthesized pure materials. Two soils with contrasting physicochemical properties selected for study were black soil and latosol, belonging to permanent charged soil and variable charged soil, respectively. Both soils were further treated using AHOs Fe for detecting the differentiation from native soils regarding butachlor retention produced after the soils were surface-coated by AHOs Fe. A sorption experiment was conducted using a batch equilibrium technique, and desorption was carried out immediately following sorption by three sequential dilution. Hysteresis index (HI) values were calculated to investigate desorption hysteresis by developing desorption isotherms concentration dependent and time dependent, respectively.

Results and discussion

The sorption capacity for butachlor increased in the order of AHOs Fe, uncoated soils, and soils with surface coating of AHOs Fe. The sorption capacity of both soils significantly increased after surface coating by AHOs Fe (p?<?0.01), with a bigger increase achieved by black soil (52.0 %) as compared with that by latosol (45.3 %). Desorption of butachlor was coincidently hysteretic on AHOs Fe, and soils both uncoated and coated, whereas variation in desorption hysteresis was different between AHOs Fe and soils with increasing butachlor sorption loading, indicating different sorption mechanisms were operative for AHOs Fe and soils across the entire butachlor concentration range. Hysteresis of butachlor desorption was weakened after the soils were surface coated by AHOs Fe, as suggested by the changed HI values.


With high specific surface area and highly reactive surfaces, the “active” AHOs Fe originally has a relatively high sorption capacity and affinity for butachlor. While in natural soils, where the inevitable association derived from soil organic matter (SOM) would restrain AHOs Fe from sequestrating butachlor directly, AHOs Fe may likely contribute in a mediator way by coordinating active sites both on and within SOM. This may enhance the availability of sorption domains both on and within soils, thereby achieved an enhanced but more reversible retention for butachlor in soils after their surfaces were coated by AHOs Fe. This study has extended the observations of the role of noncrystalline sesquioxides in retention of pesticides such as butachlor from pure clay mineral systems to natural soils.  相似文献   

Sorption-desorption of the azole fungicide triadimefon [1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2, 4-triazol-1-yl)-2-butanone] on eight soils and a series of single, binary, and ternary model soil colloids was determined using the batch equilibration technique. Regression analysis between Freundlich sorption coefficients (K(f)) and soil properties suggested that both clay and organic C (OC) were important in triadimefon sorption by soils, with increasing importance of clay for soils with high clay and relatively low OC contents. Triadimefon sorption coefficients on soil were not significantly affected by the concentration of electrolyte or the presence of soluble soil material in solution, but they were highly dependent on the soil:solution ratio due to the nonlinearity of triadimefon sorption on soil. Freundlich sorption isotherms slopes were very similar for all soils (0.75 +/- 0.02). Desorption did not greatly depend on the concentration at which it was determined and showed higher hysteresis for more sorptive soils. Results of triadimefon sorption on model sorbents supported that both humic acid and montmorillonite-type clay constituents contribute to triadimefon retention by soil colloids.  相似文献   

铬在土壤中的吸附解吸研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
桂新安  杨海真  王少平  马凯 《土壤通报》2007,38(5):1007-1012
对铬在土壤中的吸附解吸研究进行了综述,土壤中铬的吸附解吸机理包括非专性吸附(离子交换吸附)、专性吸附以及物理表面吸附,分别对pH、氧化还原电位、土壤组分(土壤矿物和有机质)、竞争离子以及离子强度等因素对铬吸附解吸的影响作了论述。文章进一步描述了土壤中铬吸附解吸的数学模型Freundlich方程、Langmuir方程、一级动力学模型、金属-腐殖酸模型(one-sitemodel)和表面络合模型-扩散层模型(DLM)等的研究情况,并对今后的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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