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An estimation of potential nitrogen-fixing activity of various soil types under agrophytocenoses of tea, filbert, peach, and pawpaw which grow in the area of Greater Sochi is given. High indicators of nitrogen fixation activity in the soil in the course of vegetation were characteristic of agrocenoses of pawpaw, peach, and filbert. The lowest level of nitrogen fixation was noted in the soil of a tea plantation. A negative correlation dependence of potential nitrogen-fixing activity on the acidity of the soil solution was established. A study of the seasonal dynamics of the activity of nitrogen fixation of soils of agrocenoses of the subtropical zone of Russia made it possible to distinguish a less active winter and more active spring-summer-autumn periods.  相似文献   

水氮处理对玉米根区水氮迁移和利用的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
为研究灌水和施氮位置对玉米根区水氮迁移和利用的影响,通过春玉米水氮同区、异区隔沟灌溉试验,研究了不同水氮处理根区土壤水氮迁移和水氮利用规律。结果表明同区低水处理和异区高水处理收获时根区土壤硝态氮残留量较大,同区高水处理更容易导致硝态氮的淋失。异区高氮低水处理的籽粒产量最大为9953kg/hm2,并且水分利用效率也最高,为6.70kg/m3,比同区高氮高水处理的水分利用效率提高72.68%。高水处理的水分利用效率小于低水处理的水分利用效率;高氮处理玉米的氮素累积总量大于低氮处理的氮素累积总量,作物的氮素累积总量和施氮量呈正相关;其中异区高氮低水的氮素累积总量最大,同区低氮高水处理的最小。最佳的水氮耦合处理是异区高氮低水。  相似文献   

不同区域土地利用与土壤侵蚀空间关系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在总结土地利用与土壤侵蚀空间关系一般研究方法的基础上,引入并修正了土壤侵蚀强度综合指数和区域土壤侵蚀强度综合指数,对整个中国境内、辽河中下游地区、南水北调丹江口水库水源区湖北部分和广东省惠东县4个区域土地利用类型与土壤侵蚀强度空间关系进行了定量比较分析。结果表明:不同区域土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀序列各不相同,而同一区域不同时期土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀序列不确定;新出现的难利用地比长期闲置的难利用地土壤侵蚀发生率高;草地土壤侵蚀发生率偏高;耕地中旱地的土壤侵蚀发生率高;建设用地建设时土壤侵蚀强度大,而建成后土壤侵蚀强度小。  相似文献   

不同培肥方式黑土腐殖质形态特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对吉林省黑土区存在的土壤有机质下降、耕地质量退化等问题,利用公主岭国家黑土肥力与肥料效益监测基地连续20年的长期定位试验,采用核磁共振波谱分析法(NMR)、红外光谱分析法(IR)等现代分析方法,研究了不同培肥途径耕层土壤腐殖质的组成、形态结构及动态变化趋势。结果表明:不同培肥途径对耕层土壤腐殖质特征影响明显。施用玉米秸秆处理(S+NPK)和施用有机肥+轮作处理(M+NPK+R)均显著增加了土壤胡敏酸中脂肪族结构成分,单施有机肥处理(M+NPK)显著增加了土壤胡敏酸中羟基含量,S+NPK处理游离羧基含量显著增多。S+NPK、M+NPK及M+NPK+R处理,土壤富啡酸的甲基、亚甲基和次甲基结构成分显著增多,游离羧基含量也显著增多。单施化肥处理,浸提的富啡酸中无机碳酸盐和硅酸盐成分明显增多,化肥长期施用导致土壤中游离富啡酸数量显著减少,土壤的耗竭式利用,导致土壤中铁、铜结合态或络合态的富啡酸增加。不同培肥方式对黑土胡敏酸和富啡酸的元素组成影响有较大的差异,但均可引发胡敏酸C含量降低,N含量增加,富啡酸C、N、H含量增加,O含量降低,可通过不同的培肥方式对土壤腐殖质的元素组成进行调节。  相似文献   

采用室内恒温(25℃)培养的方法,研究施用不同用量的柳枝稷茎、叶对土壤有机碳(SOC)和微生物量碳(MBC)的影响,柳枝稷茎、叶在土壤中分解特性。结果表明:柳枝稷茎、叶施入土壤培养90d后,随着柳枝稷茎、叶施入量的增加,SOC和MBC含量明显增加。在柳枝稷茎、叶施用量相同的条件下,施入柳枝稷叶后,土壤微生物量碳的含量高于施用茎的含量,而施用叶的土壤中有机碳的含量低于施入茎的土壤有机碳的含量。柳枝稷茎、叶在土壤中的分解率具有一定的差异,且与施用量有关。在相同的柳枝稷茎、叶施用量条件下,叶在土壤中的分解率高于茎的分解率,表明了茎中的有机碳在土壤中周转期比叶中的长,说明施用柳枝稷的茎可以有效地促进土壤有机碳的累积。  相似文献   

用于浸油的大豆挤压膨化研究   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
研究了大豆挤压膨化系统诸参数(模孔孔径、挤压温度、物料含水率、螺杆转速)对大豆粗脂肪、豆粕残油率、蛋白质含量、及其氮可溶解指数、脲酶活性的影响规律和挤压膨化系统最佳参数。结果表明,只要系统参数选择合适,可使膨化后大豆粗脂肪基本不减少,粕残油小于1%,使原设备浸出能力增加150%。且膨化前后大豆粗蛋白含量基本不变,氨基酸没有损失,膨化后氮可溶解指数和脲酶活性均略有下降。同时省去目前大豆膨化浸油和传统浸油过程的破碎、软化、轧胚、蒸炒等工序。需增加粉碎、膨化工序。  相似文献   

Methodological basics of the study and quantitative assessment of pedodiversity are discussed. It is shown that the application of various indices and models of pedodiversity can be feasible for solving three major issues in pedology: a comparative geographical analysis of different territories, a comparative historical analysis of soil development in the course of landscape evolution, and the analysis of relationships between biodiversity and pedodiversity. Analogous geographic concepts of geodiversity and landscape diversity are also discussed. Certain limitations in the use of quantitative estimates of pedodiversity related to their linkage to the particular soil classification systems and with the initial soil maps are considered. Problems of the interpretation of the results of pedodiversity assessments are emphasized. It is shown that scientific explanations of biodiversity cannot be adequately applied in soil studies. Promising directions of further studies of pedodiversity are outlined. They include the assessment of the functional diversity of soils on the basis of data on their properties, integration with geostatistical methods of evaluation of soil variability, and assessment of pedodiversity on different scales.  相似文献   

钼、硼对大豆光合效率的影响   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
以大豆(Glycinemax)浙春3号、浙春2号和3811等3个品种为材料,设置了不同的钼、硼处理(低钼低硼,施钼,施硼和钼、硼同施),研究了钼、硼对大豆光合效率的影响。结果表明,施钼或硼促进了大豆叶面积的扩大,提高了大豆光合速率和荚的可溶性糖含量,延缓了大豆生育后期叶绿素的衰退,增强大豆的呼吸作用,降低茎和叶的可溶性糖含量,从而提高了大豆的光合效率,且钼、硼同施作用更大。在对大豆光合叶面积、叶绿素含量和呼吸作用的影响强度上,钼的作用于大硼;对大豆光合速率和可溶性糖含量的影响强度,硼的作用大于钼。3个大豆品种对钼、硼的反应存在一定的基因型差异。  相似文献   

The investigation of dilution and decay of petrochemical effluent discharged into big river have been performed. The experimental work on effluent behavior was carried out in Vistula river (P?ock area, Poland). The purpose of studies was selection of optimal location of effluent outfall under criterion of efficient mixing and evaluation of contributions of dispersion and self-purification processes to decrease the effluent concentration in river water at early stage of transport. The tracer method was applied in order to obtain the actual and expected states of effluent dilution. The radioactive tracer was been used as a reference substance to obtain the decay rates of the following components of petrochemical effluent: chemical oxygen demand (COD), phenol and oil product. 82Br in a form of KBr was used as radioactive tracer. Rhodamine and uranine were used as fluorescent dyes. The river reach of the length of 10725 m was subject of investigations. The series of nine tracer experiments was performed. The measurements of distribution of concentration of tracers and selected pollutants along the river width was performed at five measurement profiles marked out on the river reach under test. Two speed boats equipped with devices for detection of radioactive and fluorescent tracers were employed to carry out the tracer experiments and sampling the river water. The results obtained allow to select an optimal location of effluent outfall. The new location selected provides remarkable improvement of dillution pattern. Expected growth of dilution rate is 1.5 times which corresponds to reduction of maximal effluent concentration of 3.85 times at distance of 10725 m downstream of the outfall. Measured values of the decay rate of certain components of effluent discharged constitute he basis for procedure of prediction of impact of petrochemical effluent on receiving river water. The data concerning the dilution and decay rate of petrochemical effluent indicate the multiplex preponderance of the dispersion process over the self-purification in early stage of pollution transport in river.  相似文献   

整秆式甘蔗收割机剥叶机构的作业质量对收获后甘蔗茎秆的蔗叶残留有重要影响,合理的作业参数可有效改善剥叶机构的剥叶质量。该研究通过建立甘蔗剥叶过程仿真模型分析茎秆和剥叶元件的相互作用过程及其应力变化以及茎秆的受力情况,采用单因素仿真试验研究喂入辊筒转速、剥叶辊筒转速及茎秆与剥叶元件搭接长度对茎秆和剥叶元件所受峰值应力的影响规律。在仿真分析的基础上建立甘蔗剥叶作业试验台,采用Box-Behnken试验方案研究关键作业参数对茎秆未剥净率(剥叶后残留蔗叶和叶鞘占剥叶前全部蔗叶和叶鞘的比值)的影响规律并获得最佳作业参数:喂入辊筒转速250 r/min,剥叶辊筒转速540 r/min,茎秆与剥叶元件搭接长度13.9 mm,甘蔗喂入根数1.68根,此时茎秆未剥净率为2.2%。验证试验结果表明,在单根和双根喂入时,甘蔗茎秆未剥净率分别为2.0%和3.1%。通过高速摄像分析叶鞘的剥离过程,并获得最优作业参数下茎秆的输送速度区间为2.3~2.9 m/s。该研究结果为改善甘蔗收割机剥叶效果、提高作业适应性提供参考。  相似文献   

The soil provides a great variety of microhabitats for myriad organisms of different size, physiological activity, behavior and ecosystem function. Besides abundance of participating soil organisms, their species diversity facilitates maximum exploitation of the resources available in the different habitats. At various levels of resolution, species can be categorized into classes performing ecosystem functions and, within each functional class, into guilds of species with similar life course characteristics. Measurement of the diversity and abundance of species within a functional class provides insights into the nature of ecosystem functions and services and to the health of the soil. At higher resolution, species diversity within guilds of a functional class may infer the degree of exploitation of available resources and the complementarity of an ecosystem service; diversity among the guilds of a functional class may indicate successional complementarity of the services. A diversity of guilds within a functional class expands the range of conditions over which ecosystem services are performed while species diversity within a functional class and its guilds contributes to the magnitude of the services. Consequently, diversity of species within functional classes is a key element of the biological component of soil health. In the context of ecosystem services and soil health, the biomass or metabolic activity of species are more useful measures of their abundance than numbers of individuals. Thus, understanding of soil health and ecosystem function requires, besides knowledge of species diversity within functional classes, assessment of the range of functions currently performed in the system and the abundances of organisms by which they are performed. We propose a diversity-weighted abundance product for comparison of the functional magnitude of different assemblages of like organisms.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of climatic and soil salinity characteristics of the deserts of Central Asia, including deserts of the Turan Depression, the Gobi Desert, and deserts of the Dzungar and Tarim depressions was performed. The climatic characteristics—the degree of aridity, the degree of continentality, and the amount and regime of precipitation—are different in these deserts. No direct relationships between the areas occupied by the automorphic salt-affected soils and the aridity of the climate are observed in the studied regions. In the automorphic landscapes of Asian deserts, the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization and the distribution of salt-affected soils are controlled by the history of the particular territories rather than by their modern climatic conditions. The presence and properties of the salt-bearing rocks and the eolian migration of salts play the most significant role. The deficit of moisture in the modern climate favors the preservation of salt accumulations in places of their origin. The specific features of the climate, including the regime of precipitation, affect the redistribution of salts in the profiles of automorphic salt-affected soils. An increase in the degree of climatic continentality is accompanied by the decrease in the intensity of weathering and initial accumulation of salts. A different situation is observed in the soils of hydromorphic desert landscapes, in which the degree of salinity of the surface horizons and the area occupied by salt-affected soils are directly influenced by the modern climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of lead acetate on the characteristics of the algae-cyanobacterial communities of a gray forest soil was studied in a model experiment. The investigation was carried out using the method of water-soil cultures. The advantages and disadvantages of the application of this method for the ecotoxicological experiments are considered. The species of cyanobacteria and algae tolerant and sensitive to heavy metals were revealed. The addition of lead acetate at doses of 750 and 1500 mg/kg to soil caused a decrease in the species diversity and abundance of the cyanobacteria and algae, a reduction of the total content of chlorophyll, and changes in the morphology of individuals, whereas a dose of 300 mg/kg stimulated the development of the algae-cyanobacterial communities. The effect observed is suggested to be due to the double action of the salt: the adverse influence of the lead cations, and the positive influence of the acetate anions and the protective function of the soil. The use of a complex of different parameters of the biological organization of the communities at the cell, organism, and community levels results in the objective and complete assessment of the toxicant effects on the algae-cyanobacterial community of the gray forest soil.  相似文献   

绿水概念是由瑞典斯德哥尔摩国际水资源研究所水文学家Falkenmark于1995年首次提出的,它拓宽了传统水资源的范畴,更新了水资源的思维,引起科学界对水资源概念和水文功能的重新思考。在水资源越来越匮乏的严峻情况下,从绿水概念出发,可以看出"水土保持"概念的全面性,也更加明确了保水的思路和方法,为全面做好水土资源保护提供了理论基础。水土保持中"保水"的对象就是绿水,水土保持工程措施可以增加绿水比例,林草措施可以储蓄绿水,耕作措施可以提高绿水利用效率。应完善保水评价体系,加强绿水资源管理,发展保水技术,完整地宣传水土保持概念,树立完整的水土保持意识。  相似文献   

黄土高原坡沟系统土壤侵蚀研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
坡沟系统是黄土高原重要的流域组成单元,是小流域侵蚀产沙的主要源地,又是控制水土流失、恢复与重建生态环境的基本治理单元,对其侵蚀现象与规律的探究,可为黄土高原地区土壤侵蚀治理措施的优化配置提供重要科学依据.对黄土高原坡沟系统的侵蚀方式、侵蚀形态的垂直分带性、坡沟系统侵蚀泥沙的来源、上方来水来沙对坡沟系统土壤侵蚀的影响、草被覆盖及其空间分布对坡沟系统侵蚀影响、淤地坝在坡沟系统土壤侵蚀研究中的应用等进行综述,指出在今后的研究中需要进一步开展侵蚀垂直分带结果和上方来水来沙对坡沟系统土壤侵蚀影响的定量分析,加强坡沟系统侵蚀泥沙来源、淤地坝对坡沟系统土壤侵蚀影响以及野外原状坡沟系统草被覆盖和空间分布对坡沟系统侵蚀影响的研究.  相似文献   

经济发达地区农村居民点生产居住空间权衡关系解析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
农村居民点生产居住空间权衡关系解析是农村居民点用地内部结构调整和农村人居环境改善的科学基础。社会经济转型期,经济发达地区的农村居民点生产居住空间逐渐多样化,各类空间呈现此消彼长的权衡变化,显著区别于传统农区村庄生产居住空间的废弃和空心化。当前研究多将农村居民点视为一个整体,少有对其内在复杂空间的系统解析。该文引入生态系统服务权衡概念,基于"权衡类型—驱动力—效应"框架系统解析经济发达地区农村居民点生产居住空间权衡关系,并据此提出农村居民点生产居住空间优化的思路。结果表明:1)根据生产居住空间组合关系,将农村居民点生产居住空间权衡类型分为居住—工业空间权衡型、居住—商业空间权衡型、居住-出租空间权衡型、多空间权衡型4类;2)土地利用多功能性是引发农村居民点生产居住空间权衡的前提,农户依据其生产生活需求变化能动的改造农村居民点,直接决定了其生产居住空间权衡类型及变化,而土地利用控制及村庄规划缺位则加剧了农村居民点生产居住空间权衡过程;3)农村居民点生产居住空间权衡提高了农户生计水平和农村发展活力,也引发了各类空间混杂和农村人居住环境恶化等问题;4)将农村居民点视为均质空间的重构模式与农户需求相差甚远,未来应通过农村居民点用地多功能复合及功能优化提升,满足建设用地紧缺背景下农户的多元需求和农村居民点生产居住空间优化的目标。研究提出了农村居民点生产居住空间权衡概念,为农村居民点转型研究提供了新视角,为解决农村空间与人居环境混乱,推动形成科学合理的村庄规划提供了新思路。  相似文献   

A mathematical solution is proposed of the long-discussed problem of accumulation and decomposition of forest humus, and a generalized form of a dynamic mathematical model of energy budgets of a forest humus layer with any number of subhorizons differing in degree of decomposition is presented. Methods of taking measurements of the relevant parameters for the model are also indicated.The model in question has been applied in analysing the results of detailed studies of energy budgets of forest-floor layers in examples of three climax forest ecosystems with three different types of forest humus (mull, moder, mor).  相似文献   

吉林省西部苏打盐碱土改良研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
通过盆栽及田间生物试验,结合室内分析,重点研 究了改良剂硫酸铝和地膜覆盖对盐碱地旱田的改良效果.结果表明:强碱性苏打盐碱土中添 加改良剂硫酸铝后,土壤平衡溶液的pH值明显下降,Ca2++Mg2+、K+及Na+ 离子浓度明显增加,土壤的吸水量和吸水速度、毛管水上升高度和速度明显提高.旱田施用 硫酸铝后,大粒径微团聚体数量明显增多,土壤容重变小,孔隙度增大.盆栽条件下,随硫酸铝用量(0%-0.8%)的增加,作物出苗率及生长状况逐渐变好;田间条件下,施用改良 剂和覆膜对玉米出苗率及苗期生长均有良好作用,但玉米产量则以硫酸铝加覆膜的处理最高.  相似文献   

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