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采取综合配套措施,包括广泛宣传《条例》、《细则》,增强广大人民群众的法制观念;严肃查处典型案例,巩固扩大治理成果;采取果断有力措施,开展毀林开荒大检查,充分利用行政手段,明确和完善具体政策;加强队伍建设,建立乡规民约;建立健全水土保持机构,协调各个方面共同防治人为破坏,近5年来,基本上煞住了人为破坏的歪风。  相似文献   

Dispersed soil clays have a negative impact on soil structure and contribute to soil erosion and contaminant movement.In this study,two typical soils from the south of China were chosen for investigating roles of pH and humic acid(HA) on dispersion of soil clays.Critical flocculation concentration (CFC) of the soil clay suspension was determined by using light transmission at a wavelength of 600 nm.The results indicated that effects of pH and HA on dispersion of the soil clays were closely related to the type of the major minerals makin up the soil and to the valence of the exchangeable cations as well.At four rates of pH(4,6,8and 10),the CFC for the Na-yellow-brown soil treated with H2O2 was increased from 0.32 to 0.56,6.0 to 14.0,10.0 to 24.6 and 26.0 to 52.0mmol L^-1 NaCl,respectively when Na-HA was added at the rate of from 0 to 40mgL^-1,With the same Na-HA addition and three pH(6,8and 10)treatments,the CFC for the Na-red soil was incresed from 0.5 to 20.0,1.0 to 40.0 and 6.0 to 141.0mmol L^-1 NaCl,respectively.Obviously,pH and HA has greater effects on clay dispersion of the red soil(dominated by 1:1 minerals and oxides) than on that of the yellow-brown soil(dominated by 2:1minerals).However,at three rates of pH(6,8and 10) and with the addition of Ca-HA from 0 to 40mg L^-1,the CFC of the Ca-yellow-brown soil and Ca-red soil treated with H2O2 was increased from 0.55 to 0.81,0.75 to 1.28,0.55 to 1.45and 0.038 to to 0.62,0.7to 1.6mmol CaCl2 L^-1,respectively.So,Na-soil claye are more sensitive to pH and HA than Ca-soil clays.  相似文献   

Controlled release fertilizers (CRFs) are a branch of materials that are designed to improve the soil release kinetics of chemical fertilizers to address problems stemming losses from runoff or other factors. Current CRFs are used but only in a limited market due to relatively high costs and doubts about their abilities to result in higher yields and increased profitability for agricultural businesses. New technologies are emerging that promise to improve the efficacy of CRFs to add additional functionality and reduce cost to make CRFs a more viable alternative to traditional chemical fertilizer treatment. CRFs that offer ways of reducing air and water pollution from fertilizer treatments, improving the ability of plants to access required nutrients, improving water retention to increase drought resistance, and reducing the amount of fertilizer needed to provide maximum crop yields are under development. A wide variety of different strategies are being considered to tackle this problem, and each approach offers different advantages and drawbacks. Agricultural industries will soon be forced to move toward more efficient and sustainable practices to respond to increasing fertilizer cost and desire for sustainable growing practices. CRFs have the potential to solve many problems in agriculture and help enable this shift while maintaining profitability.  相似文献   

为研究生物炭不同应用模式对盐碱土水盐调控及小麦苗期生长的影响。通过室内桶栽模拟试验,生物炭以2种物理状态(粉状和杆状)、3个添加量(1%,3%和5%质量百分比)分别作为覆盖和添加物,以不添加生物炭的处理作为对照。结果表明:“干播湿出”条件下,FF(粉状覆盖)、GF(杆状覆盖)处理小麦出苗率分别为对照(CK)的7.33~9.00,3.00~3.33倍;FH(粉状混合)、GH(杆状混合)处理的出苗率较CK分别提高66.67%~166.67%,33.00%~367.00%。FF、GF处理的株高大幅提高,较CK分别提高21.52%~34.55%,24.54%~40.48%;FH、GH处理的株高小幅提高,较CK分别提高-1.35%~12.22%,3.76%~8.59%。不同应用模式的灌后含水率差异明显,FF处理的表层土壤较CK提高0.31%~15.58%;而GF处理的表层土壤含水率较CK下降0.40%~7.65%;FH、GH处理的土壤含水率较CK分别提高7.33%~18.61%,1.33%~18.38%;蒸发后FF、GF处理的含水率较CK分别提高4.34%~45.38%,27.08%~53.22...  相似文献   

A. Islam  R. Mandal 《Geoderma》1977,17(1):57-68
Concentrations of a few organic phosphorus compounds and their hydrolysis products have been determined in a number of Bangladesh soils. The amounts of DNA and its derivatives, inositol penta- and hexaphosphates, ranged from 0.16 to 1.30, and 18.5 to 130.0 ppm, respectively. The hydrolysis products of phospholipids such as choline, ethanolamine and glycerophosphate ranged from 0.36 to 3.29, 0.28 to 2.52 and 0.20 to 1.05 ppm, respectively. Multiple correlation suggested that pH, organic matter, organic phosphorus and total phosphorus were collectively related to the amounts of different organic phosphorus fractions in soil samples. Individually, DNA and its derivatives were found to be significantly related to total phosphorus and inositol penta- and hexaphosphates to organic phosphorus. Choline was significantly related to organic matter, organic phosphorus and total phosphorus; ethanolamine to organic matter and total phosphorus; and glycerophosphate to organic phosphorus.Moisture and lime promoted progressive mineralization of organic phosphorus with time. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, glucose and ammonium sulphate showed rapid initial and final mineralization. In contrast, the application of compost caused an initial luxury immobilization followed by a marked increase in mineralization with time. Maximum mineralization was observed when ammonium sulphate was added to samples in submerged conditions. The least mineralization occurred when lime was added to samples at 50% of field moisture capacity.  相似文献   

我国山区约占国土总面积的70%,自然资源十分丰富。治理和开发山区在国家经济建设中处于重要战略地他,应与重点开发沿海发达地区统筹兼顾,发挥各自优势,互相支援,互相促进,协调发展。山区水土流失严重,是山区贫困的根源,是山区开发的主要障碍。水土保持是防治水土流失,保护和合理利用山区水土资源,改善生态环境,减少自然灾害,发展多种商品经济,脱贫致富的战略措施;是山区交通、工矿等基本建设的根本保证和开发山区的基础。治理开发山区总的方向是:预防为主,治管结合,全面规划,综合治理,以发展多种经营为主,同时不放松粮食生产,尽快脱贫致富;还要把观念和职能,转到以预防为主,治管结合的轨道上来,加强以监督管理和法制来防治新的水土流失。同时还要依靠政策、科学和投入,特别要建立健全全国各级水土保持机构体系,以强化水土保持和山区开发,为我国社会主义现代化建设做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

京津沙源区草场沙退化综合整治模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为尽快落实中央政府关于做好京津周边地区防沙治沙工作,遏制土地继续沙化和沙漠蔓延扩展,加大草原沙化、退化治理力度,减轻风沙对京津周边地区危害的战略布署,开展浑善达克沙地草场沙化、退化综合整治技术试验示范研究,旨在全面了解浑善达克沙地草场沙化、退化形成演化规律,探索解决畜草矛盾的途径和草原生态环境综合整治及水-草-畜持续发展的模式,研究开发和引进一批草场沙化、退化综合整治和水草资源合理利用的技术,并通过治理工程将各种技术组装集成示范推广,使新模式实体化,从而为我国草场防沙、治沙生态保护及区域群众脱贫致富提供决策依据和技术支撑.  相似文献   

The Law of Soil and Water Conservation entitles the administrations of water resources at various level to monitor ecological environment and to proclaim status of soil erosion periodically. Monitoring units of soil and water conservation approved by local governments are obliged to undertake this work. How to develop a monitoring program needs an overall and long-term concept. Particularity and objectives of ecological environment monitoring was discussed. Monitoring at provincial level may be divided into two levels,province-wide and at project level. Those indicators meaningful,sensitive to any disturbances,and simple to measure may be selected to test status of ecosystem stability and health. It makes sense to have an integrated sampling design, to set up permanent observation plots and to collect data, so that to have a relative timely,accurate understanding of ecosystems in the province. A program regarding sampling design, field methods, data analysis, documentation and implementation was detailed.  相似文献   

我国农牧交错带资源环境现状与可持续发展对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阐述了我国东部农区与西部牧区之间生态过渡带———农牧交错带独特资源与环境特征 ,指出该区应打破系统的封闭性 ,引进负熵促进系统从无序向有序、从低级向高级演化 ,调整农业产业结构 ,使农牧业系统良性耦合 ,实现资源优化配置 ,积极扩大对内对外开放 ,获取外源能量流、物质流、价值流和信息流 ,开拓新的经济增长点和就业渠道  相似文献   

Establishing and characterizing exposure-biomarker relationships represent important steps to understanding how exposure to a harmful environmental toxin ultimately leads to disease in human populations. Here, we present a statistical model to characterize a nonlinear exposure-biomarker relationship and use occupational benzene exposures to illustrate the application. We also attempt to estimate the range of linear metabolism of benzene by fitting our model to data from a recent study of biomarkers (benzene-oxide-albumin adducts) measured in a population of Chinese workers exposed to benzene. Estimating the parameters of interest is difficult due to within and between subject variability in exposure and biomarker levels and because of exposure measurement error.  相似文献   

The burgeoning global market for soil microbial inoculants for use in agriculture is being driven by pressure to increase sustainable crop production by managing pests and diseases without environmental impacts. Microbial inoculants, based predominantly on bacteria and fungi, are applied to soil as alternatives to conventional inorganic fertilizers (biofertilizers) or to carry out specific functions including biocontrol of pests and diseases (biopesticides), or for bioremediation and enhancement of soil characteristics. While some soil inoculants such as rhizobia have a long and successful history of use, others have performed inconsistently in the field and failed to live up to their promise suggested by laboratory testing. A more precise understanding of the ecology and modes of action of inoculant strains is key to optimizing their efficacy and guiding their targeted use to situations where they address key limitations to crop production. This will require greater collaboration between science disciplines, including microbiology, plant and soil science, molecular biology and agronomy. Inoculants must be produced and formulated to ensure their effective establishment in the soil and practicality of implementation alongside existing cropping practices. New approaches to strain selection and construction of beneficial microbial consortia should lead to more efficacious inoculant products. Extensive and rigorous field evaluation of inoculants under a range of soil and environmental conditions has rarely been undertaken and is urgently needed to validate emerging inoculant products and underpin successful implementation by growers, especially in a market that is largely unregulated at present.  相似文献   

基于修正SCS-CN模型集雨垄径流预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探寻半干旱区垄沟集雨种植控制水土流失和增产的机理,利用前2年(2012—2013年)日降雨量、实测径流和修正SCS—CN模型,率定集雨垄的径流模型参数CN、λ和α,然后利用后3年(2014—2016年)日降雨量和实测径流资料检验该模型有效性,预测不同覆盖材料(土壤结皮、生物可降解地膜和塑料地膜)和不同垄宽(30,45,60 cm)集雨垄的径流量。结果表明,土壤结皮覆盖集雨垄、生物可降解膜覆盖集雨垄和塑料地膜覆盖集雨垄的CN取值范围分别为82.0~82.9,97.9~98.8,98.3~99.9,λ取值范围分别为0.045~0.071,0.251~0.327,0.189~0.213,α取值范围分别为2.35~2.89,4.21~4.82,3.32~3.99。通过对模型有效性进行评价,土壤结皮覆盖集雨垄、生物可降解膜覆盖集雨垄和塑料地膜覆盖集雨垄的平均相对误差取值范围分别为1.36%~3.41%,1.21%~3.42%,2.48%~5.42%,纳什效率取值范围分别为0.97~0.98,0.97~0.98,0.96~0.98。日降雨量等级对修正SCS—CN模型参数CN、λ和α的影响不明显,不同覆盖材料之间的CN、λ和α差异远大于不同垄宽之间的CN、λ和α差异。修正SCS—CN模型集雨垄径流预测的相对误差满足要求(≤20%),可信度较高(纳什效率≥0.95),可以用于半干旱区集雨垄的径流预测,为控制水土流失和提高降水利用效率提供科学方法。  相似文献   

农业植保社会化服务,是增强农业防灾减灾能力,适应农业绿色发展和提高农作物病虫害绿色防控覆盖率的需要。为了提升农业植保社会化服务能力,规范农作物病虫害防治,基于多年实践和相关文献,在阐述农业植保社会化服务及其现实意义的基础上,分析了华池县农业植保社会化服务现状,总结出了农业植保社会化服务的发展经验:培育服务主体, 提升服务水平;健全管理机制,增强服务能力;扩大宣传,提高农户认识;强化培训,提高服务质量;加大政策扶持,提升防控力度等,以上经验有利于拓展农业植保服务的范围和深度,促进县域农业植保社会化服务快速发展。  相似文献   

陕北沙漠滩区降水入渗与凝结水补给机理试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探明陕北沙漠滩区地下水的主要补给来源和沙漠植物赖以生存的主要水源,通过对榆林西沙地下水的均衡试验站降水入渗资料的分析和凝结水形成机理分析;探明了陕北沙漠滩区不同类型地区的降水入渗特征并推求出凝结水补给的理论计算公式,通过试验对该公式进行了验证;这对该地区地下水的开发利用和水土保持有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The adsorption and binding of amino acids (aspartic acid, cysteine, glycine, proline and arginine), ranging in molecular weight from 115 to 174 and in isoelectric point from pH 2.8 to 10.8, to montmorillonite [M] and kaolinite [K] homoionic to H, Na, Ca, Zn, La or Al were studied in unbuffered suspensions. Aspartic acid was adsorbed and bound on M homoionic to Ca or Zn but only adsorbed to K homoionic to Ca or Zn. Cysteine was only adsorbed on M homoionic to Al and adsorbed and bound on M homoionic to Zn and on K homoionic to H or Zn. Proline was adsorbed and bound on M homoionic to H, Ca or Zn and on K homoionic to H; it was adsorbed but not bound on both M and K homoionic to Al. Arginine was adsorbed and bound on M homoionic to H or Al and only adsorbed on K homoionic to Ca or Zn. Glycine was not bound on any of the clays. The amounts of amino acid adsorbed and bound (measured by the loss of amino acid from solution) and the class (Giles et al., 1974a and b) of both the adsorption and binding isotherms (retention against ultimate washing with water) were dependent on the type of amino acid, the type of clay, the type of cation predominant on the clays and the basicity or the additional function moiety (e.g. carboxyl, thiol, guanido) of the amino acid. The relative values of the non-standard free energy of clay-amino acid complexes that had isotherms of the Giles C-class were dependent on the type and molecular weight of the amino acid and on the exchangeable cation on the clay.  相似文献   

The study of several arthropod groups in high endemism areas (HEA) of Algarve, the Southernmost province of Portugal, has revealed endemic species and species not yet recorded for the Portuguese fauna. The list includes 3 species of Isopoda endemic to Algarve, to Portugal or to the Iberian Peninsula, 2 species new to Portugal and 2 species new to the Iberian Peninsula; 2 species of Pseudoscorpiones not yet cited to Portugal; 11 species of Pauropoda new to Portugal, including one new species probably endemic; 15 species of Collembola endemic to the Portuguese or to the Iberian Peninsula faunas (Gama et al. 1997) and 37 species and 5 subspecies of Staphylinidae endemic to Algarve.With the exception of Collembola, which have been studied by us, the remaining groups have been submitted for study to several specialists.These findings heighten the biological richness of these areas of high endemism in terms of conservation of biological diversity. The authors draw attention to the necessity to preserve or restore the biological value of these areas, encouraging the adoption of protective measures and the creation of research programmes that include the implementation of taxonomic studies and co-operation between taxonomists and ecologists in order to preserve the biodiversity of these areas.  相似文献   

发展广西农业及农村经济的若干对策与建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过首次全国农业普查资料,对广西农业及农村经济的现状及在全国的地位做了说明与分析, 并提出了充分发挥政府功能, 积极发展多种经营, 发挥资源优势, 提高农村从业人员素质, 加快小城镇建设,完善农村市场, 加快农业开放步伐等建议与对策。  相似文献   

论西部地区生态环境的治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期的滥垦、滥采、滥收、滥伐和滥用水资源使西地区的生态环境产生了干旱缺水、植被稀少、水土流失、土地荒漠化、土壤盐渍化及酸化、生物多样性减少、沙尘暴加剧等问题;生态环境平衡被打破,环境变得极其脆样。生态环境的治理是西部大开发中的一项长期、复杂而又艰巨的基础性工程,中央政府和西部地区要有持续奋占百态防护林带、研制木材的替代技术、强化对饮食、医药、皮革等产业的管理、发展生态农业等措施来加强对西部生态环境的治理,为西部经济的起飞创造一个良好的基础。  相似文献   

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