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Lobomycosis is a chronic fungal disease caused by the etiologic agent, Lacazia loboi, in the skin and subcutaneous tissues in humans and dolphins in tropical and transitional tropical climates. An Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) stranded in Kagoshima, Japan, had severe skin lesions characterized by granulomatous reactions and hyperkeratosis that were similar to those of the lobomycosis, but no fungal organism was observed in the skin lesion. In this paper, we report a stranded Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin with lobomycosis-like lesions based on pathological examinations in Japan.  相似文献   

Concentrations of serum lipid components, lipid peroxide (LPO) and α-tocopherol and electrophoretic patterns of lipoproteins in serum samples obtained from captive marine mammals and terrestrial mammals were compared. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol, free fatty acid, and phospholipid in fish-eating animals were significantly higher than those in manatees and cows. Serum LPO and α-tocopherol concentrations in the fish-eating animals were also significantly higher than those in manatees, cows and dogs. Different patterns of densitometric scans of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and a significantly lower percentage of LDL were demonstrated in the dolphins compared with the seals, cow and dogs. The concentration of LPO was significantly correlated with triglyceride and phospholipid concentrations in serum from the dolphins. These results suggest that triglyceride and phospholipid are susceptible to oxidative reaction in fish-eating animals. Evaluation of serum lipids, LPO and α-tocopherol concentrations is needed for nutritional husbandry for fish-eating animals.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to determine uterine, vaginal and placental blood flows by Doppler ultrasound cross-buffalo gestation and to evaluate the relationships among reproductive Doppler parameters and serum metabolic parameters as well as oxidative stress. Uterine (UA) and vaginal (VA) arteries were scanned every month, and placentome was scanned from month 4 till 8 in gestation. Time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMV), pulsatility index (PI), resistance index (RI), systolic/diastolic ratio (SD) and arterial diameter (AD) were used for accessing UA and VA hemodynamics. Time-averaged maximum velocity positively correlated with and AD, and both negatively correlated with their PI, RI and SD in UA and VA. TAMV and AD increased constantly in pregnancy, with maximum increase in months 4 and 9. Pulsatility index, RI and AD of UA decreased between months 4 and 9, while PI, RI and AD of VA decreased between months 5 and 9 and then increased in month 10 in pregnancy. Time-averaged maximum velocity of placentome blood flow increased exponentially from months 4 to 8, but decreased at the last two months in pregnancy. Serum lipids were significantly higher in the first month compared to all other months, while glucose was significantly lower in months 9 and 10. Malondialdehyde increased from month 3 till term, but peaked in month 5 and 10. Glutathione and catalase were highest in the first month and remained after. Time-averaged maximum velocity and AD for both UA and VA negatively correlated with serum lipids, glucose, catalase and glutathione, while positively correlated with malondialdehyde and total protein. Thus, increases in uterine blood flow (UtBF), vaginal blood flow (VaBF) and placental blood flow (PaBF) are associated with increased metabolism and oxidative stress in buffalo pregnancy.  相似文献   

为了在非繁殖季节判断绵羊的发情状况,试验以新疆高海拔地区中国美利奴羊为研究对象,采用酶联免疫测定(ELISA)法测定绵羊血清中雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P4)、促卵泡素(FSH)、促黄体生成素(LH)的含量,研究激素诱导发情羊、发情症状不明显羊、不发情羊体内激素分泌规律的差异。结果表明:激素诱导发情羊的E2含量比不发情羊高,差异显著(P<0.05);但是在P4、FSH、LH水平上,激素诱导发情羊要低于不发情羊,差异不显著(P>0.05)。发情羊与发情不明显羊在4种激素含量上差异不显著(P>0.05),说明公羊试情存在一定缺陷,而通过测定E2含量判定绵羊发情状态将成为未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment programmes that included controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) devices containing progesterone (P4) in improving synchrony of oe- strus, and conception and pregnancy rates in cycling, anoestrous and inseminated dairy cows, using meta-analysis. To describe the difference in response between cycling and anoestrous cows to CIDR-based synchrony programmes.

METHODS: Scientific papers written in the English language between 1989 and 2002 that investigated the effects of treat- ment programmes including CIDR devices on reproductive per- formance in dairy heifers or lactating dairy cows were identified using a computerised literature search. The criteria for inclusion incorporated evidence that treatment allocation was completely randomised; the population studied was lactating dairy cows; and that data were available on submission, conception and pregnancy rates and their associated measures of variability. Re- productive outcomes from 25 synchrony trials (total n= 11,058 cows) were analysed. Summary measures of the effect of treat- ment on reproductive outcome were assessed using fixed- and random-effects Bayesian meta-analysis models.

RESULTS: Treatment programmes including a CIDR device increased the risk of submission in cycling cows (predicted Bayesian RR=2.86, 95% credible interval 1.46–5.67). Compared with controls, synchrony programmes including CIDR devices in cycling dairy cows had no effect on the risk of conception to first service post-treatment (predicted Bayesian RR=1.00, 95% credible interval=0.80-1.24). Compared with controls, synchrony programmes including CIDR devices had no effect on the risk of pregnancy throughout the mating period (pre- dicted Bayesian RR=1.02, 95% credible interval=0.89-1.17). In anoestrous cows, CIDR treatment had no effect on the risk of conception to first service post-treatment and no effect on the risk of pregnancy throughout the mating period, compared with anoestrous, untreated controls (predicted Bayesian RR=0.91 and 0.97, respectively; 95% credible interval=0.68–1.26 and 0.59-1.60, respectively).

CONCLUSION: The results of this meta-analysis showed that synchrony programmes using CIDR devices combined with other hormones reliably enhanced submission rates in lactat- ing dairy cows. The relatively small number of trials with data suitable for analysis and the heterogeneity of results at the indi- vidual trial level limited our ability to confirm either a beneficial or deleterious effect of treatment on conception or pregnancy rates. Further randomised, controlled trials to evaluate the ef- fectiveness of this form of reproductive therapy in commercial dairy farms are needed.  相似文献   

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