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家庭农场已经成为我国农业现代化进程中不可或缺的一部分,对发展我国农业经济、促进我国农业现代化具有十分重要的意义。通过对177个家庭农场经营管理者进行问卷调查,分析不同年龄阶段家庭农场农业技术信息应用的主要特征,指出当前家庭农场的农业技术信息应用存在技术采纳单一、农业技术知识获取落后、农业信息技术推广程度不足等问题,并提出相关建议,以促进家庭农场的发展。  相似文献   

Big data with its vast volume and complexity is increasingly concerned, developed and used for all professions and trades. Remote sensing, as one of the sources for big data, is generating earth-observation data and analysis results daily from the platforms of satellites, manned/unmanned aircrafts, and ground-based structures. Agricultural remote sensing is one of the backbone technologies for precision agriculture, which considers within-field variability for site-specific management instead of uniform management as in traditional agriculture. The key of agricultural remote sensing is, with global positioning data and geographic information, to produce spatially-varied data for subsequent precision agricultural operations. Agricultural remote sensing data, as general remote sensing data, have all characteristics of big data. The acquisition, processing, storage, analysis and visualization of agricultural remote sensing big data are critical to the success of precision agriculture. This paper overviews available remote sensing data resources, recent development of technologies for remote sensing big data management, and remote sensing data processing and management for precision agriculture. A five-layer-fifteen-level (FLFL) satellite remote sensing data management structure is described and adapted to create a more appropriate four-layer-twelve-level (FLTL) remote sensing data management structure for management and applications of agricultural remote sensing big data for precision agriculture where the sensors are typically on high-resolution satellites, manned aircrafts, unmanned aerial vehicles and ground-based structures. The FLTL structure is the management and application framework of agricultural remote sensing big data for precision agriculture and local farm studies, which outlooks the future coordination of remote sensing big data management and applications at local regional and farm scale.  相似文献   

It is well-known that information and communication technologies enable many tasks in the context of precision agriculture. In fact, more and more farmers and food and agriculture companies are using precision agriculture-based systems to enhance not only their products themselves, but also their means of production. Consequently, problems arising from large amounts of data management and processing are arising. It would be very useful to have an infrastructure that allows information and agricultural tasks to be efficiently shared and handled. The cloud computing paradigm offers a solution. In this study, a cloud-based software architecture is proposed with the aim of enabling a complete crop management system to be deployed and validated. Such architecture includes modules developed by using Google App Engine, which allows the information to be easily retrieved and processed and agricultural tasks to be properly defined and planned. Additionally, Google’s Datastore (which ensures a high scalability degree), hosts both information that describes such agricultural tasks and agronomic data. The architecture has been validated in a system that comprises a wireless sensor network with fixed nodes and a mobile node on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), deployed in an agricultural farm in the Region of Murcia (Spain). Such a network allows soil water and plant status to be monitored. The UAV (capable of executing missions defined by an administrator) is useful for acquiring visual information in an autonomous manner (under operator supervision, if needed). The system performance has been analysed and results that demonstrate the benefits of using the proposed architecture are detailed.  相似文献   

农业是国民经济的基础产业,关系到人们的生存和发展,一直以来,我国都非常注重农业方 面发展进步,在当今科学技术不断发展进步的背景下,对于农业经济管理需要进行相应的改革创新, 在信息技术的支持下,应该注重农业经济管理信息化的建设,推动现代农业的发展进步。本文主要围 绕信息化在农业经济管理中的应用进行了论述,以供参考交流。  相似文献   

财政支农对农业经济增长影响效应受到众多因素影响,其中财政农业救济、农业其它支出对农业经济增长有独立直接效应,农业生产性支出、农业科技支出和农业基本建设支出对农业经济增长有溢出直接效应。财政支农支出对农业经济增长的独立直接效应与溢出直接效应呈现非同向性、多样性、非对称性与动态性发展规律,并受经济增长、居民消费、社会投资的约束效应、财政非农支出的间接效应、农业各税冲销效应的影响制约。  相似文献   

豫东平原农业智能化气象灾害预警与防御系统在实现了农业智能化的同时,根据豫东地区地理、气候和农业生产现状,在农业自动化灌排系统的基础上整合了农业气象监测服务系统、天气预报预警灾害防御系统,该系统可以根据气象预报预警信息自动、及时做出农事生产建议,能够自动根据土壤墒情、农作物生长状况进行灌溉、排水等。在不同地区,可以根据需要选用不同类型和功能的气象自动站,因地制宜,方便地进行农业、林业、园艺及灌溉等气象要素的监测,实现耕地园田化、灌排系统化、管理科学化、运行良性化、信息网络化、服务社会化,达到经济、社会、生态三大效益的统一。  相似文献   

目前传统农业逐渐呈现出饱和的态势,在信息技术和各类基础设施的不断发展下,造 成农业经济发展中劳动力水平相对下降,其竞争内容也向着差异化、质量型发展。面对农业经 济转型期,其经济管理模式也应进行变革,以更好地适应新时期的发展需要。本文就转型期间 农业经济的现状以及管理模式变革的有效措施进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国农业领域的科技进步取得了明显的成就。农业科技进步以及科技要素的投入,对区域经济和农村经济的发展提供了强劲的动力,对农村产业发展、农民就业以及农户收入都发挥了促进作用。在农业科技投入带动农村经济发展的系统过程中,农村集体经济组织、牵头企业以及基层农村管理人员都发挥了明显的带动作用。在农业科技进步的同时,农业科技发展并带动农村经济发展过程中,也存在一些问题,例如农技推广、农民科技培训等方面需要进一步完善。在乡村振兴的背景下,围绕如何发挥农业科技作用,进一步促进基层农村经济发展,文章进行了一些思考并提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Precision agriculture (PA) technologies have great potential for promoting sustainable intensification of food production, ensuring targeted delivery of agricultural inputs, and hence food security and environmental protection. The benefits of PA technologies are applicable across a broad range of agronomic, environmental and rural socio-economic contexts globally. However, farmer and land-manager adoption in low to middle income countries has typically been slower than that observed in more affluent countries. China is currently engaged in the process of agricultural modernisation to ensure food security for its 1.4 billion population and has developed a portfolio of policies designed to improve food security, while simultaneously promoting environmental protection. Particular attention has been paid to the reduction of agricultural inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides. The widespread adoption of PA technologies across the Chinese agricultural landscape is central to the success of these policies. However, socio-economic and cultural barriers, farm scale, (in particular the prevalence of smaller family farms) and demographic changes in the rural population, (for example, the movement of younger people to the cities) represent barriers to PA adoption across China. A framework for ensuring an acceptable and accelerated PA technology trajectory is proposed which combines systematic understanding of farmer and end-user priorities and preferences for technology design throughout the technology development process, and subsequent end-user requirements for implementation (including demonstration of economic and agronomic benefits, and knowledge transfer). Future research will validate the framework against qualitative and quantitative socio-economic, cultural and agronomic indicators of successful, or otherwise, PA implementation. The results will provide the evidence upon which to develop further policies regarding how to secure sustainable food production and how best to implement PA in China, as well as practical recommendations for optimising end-user uptake.  相似文献   

精准化管理——我国农业信息化的下一个方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术农业应用的不断发展,农业信息化开始逐步进入新的发展阶段。由于社会的需要和技术的推动作用,精准化管理极有可能成为其发展的新方向。探讨了农业信息技术的发展阶段,提出了精准化管理阶段及其相应的管理技术;论述了精准化管理阶段的必然性,介绍了未来精准化管理的几个应用前景,主要包括宏观决策、对农业生产过程的有效监督、服务农业市场、增加农民收入等;最后,提出了加速农业管理精准化实施的几条建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了精确农业中定位养分管理的实施与应用状况,包括土壤信息的获取及管理等。提出根据国内各地具体情况,研究适合当地经济发展及农业生产水平的养分管理技术,逐步形成一种相对简单但效果明显的精确农业方式。  相似文献   

基于国营农场的作物生产信息管理系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究基于国营农场规模化农业生产模式下作物生产信息管理系统的作用、功能、以及设计和实现方法。【方法】以新疆兵团农场为例分析国营农场的作物生产信息管理特点,合理划分角色和功能,使用BS(Browser/Server)和CS(Client/Server)混合软件结构模式,基于.net技术体系采用面向对象程序设计方法。【结果】开发了适用于国营农场的作物生产信息管理系统并在兵团130团场进行试运行,系统融合RS和GIS技术,提供了信息采集、录入、管理、统计分析等功能,能够满足国营农场生产管理要求,大大提高工作效率。系统采用基于服务的软件结构,将数据访问封装为Web服务,初步提供异构系统数据共享支持。【结论】通过设计和开发基于中国国情的农作物生产信息管理系统,提高了国营农场的管理效率,并为精准农业相关技术在生产中的充分应用提供了数据支持和系统架构上的探索。  相似文献   

As site-specific management evolved into precision agriculture and began to be adopted by producers in the late 1980s and early 1990s, information about precision agriculture emerged in a variety of forms. Much of the information was initially available only in industry guides and popular press articles, such as Successful Farming and Farm Journal. Today, a variety of educational resources for both producers and advisors on precision agriculture has emerged, including books, proceedings of conferences, Extension bulletins, newsletters, industry guides, and multimedia modules. Recently, the Internet has had a significant influence on the production and dissemination of information on precision agriculture. The Internet has been a particularly valuable mode of information exchange due to the rapid evolution of technology and practices associated with precision agriculture, and because many of the early adopters of precision agriculture technologies were also early adopters of electronic communication technologies.  相似文献   

<正> 在论中国式农业机械化一文中,我们论述了必须根据我国的基本特点,走中国自己农业机械化的道路。我国的特点是:人口众多,耕地少;工农业生产落后,底子薄;幅员广大,资源丰富。根据我国的特点,文中提出我国发展农业机械化的途径是:“自力更生,因地制宜,从选择性的机械化逐步地走向全盘的农业机械化。”为了进一步搞清我国的农业机械化发展道路,我们调查并收集了我省四个不同类型地区八个社队发展农业机械化的材料,从中探索其发展农业机械化的途径。  相似文献   

天津市农业信息技术现状及重点研究领域   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
分析了天津市农业信息化现状和国内外农业信息技术发展趋势,提出了天津市农业信息技术研究重点领域,即农业基础数据库系统;农业数字化图书馆系统;农业专家决策系统;多媒体农业实用技术培训系统;农产品市场管理信息系统;农业自然资源监测与速报系统等。  相似文献   

Holt DA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,228(4698):422-427
Modern production agriculture in the United States is becoming so complex and sophisticated that computers may soon be an essential tool of successful farm operation and management. Farmers are vigorously seeking information on relevant computer technology and using it as rapidly as economics and availability permit. Their demand for this technology is, however, price-sensitive under current economic conditions. The agricultural research and development system has a long way to go to provide the large integrated software and hardware packages-including simulators and expert systems interfaced with monitoring and control devices-needed to help American farmers retain their competitive edge.  相似文献   

Heiniger  R. W.  Havlin  J. L.  Crouse  D. A.  Kvien  C.  Knowles  T. 《Precision Agriculture》2002,3(4):309-318
The traditional role of field days and tours has been to introduce growers and agricultural professionals to new technologies and techniques so that the audience could see how these technologies or techniques could be practically used and applied. Based on this concept, the use of field days or tours to demonstrate the radically new technologies and site-specific management techniques behind precision farming is a perfect application of these tools. Indeed, a survey of precision farming field days held in a number of states found that field days were beneficial in showing growers and agricultural professionals global positioning systems, yield monitoring systems, techniques for grid soil sampling, software for geographic information systems, vehicle guidance systems, variable-rate application equipment, and a host of other technologies and processes. In particular, hands-on experiences, such as field demonstrations, guided sampling activities, and combine harvesting demonstrations are extremely well received and valuable. Indoor seminars featuring farmer panels, side-by-side software demonstrations, and demonstrations of geographic information systems have received high marks by participants. The survey found that a field day must be centered on a well-defined objective and a thorough understanding of the needs of the audience. Survey respondents unanimously agreed that precision farming field days and tours will be even more important as future advances in technology and management techniques are discovered. However, future precision agriculture field days or tours must be coupled with other issues or topics where precision agriculture technologies can be used to solve a practical problem and enhance management practices.  相似文献   

农业信息化的发展方向与途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业信息化是指利用现代信息技术和信息系统为农业生产、供销及相关的管理和服务提供有效的信息支持 ,并提高农业的综合生产力和经营管理效率。农业信息化是一个内涵深刻 ,外延广泛的概念。在农业生产、分配、交换、消费的四个环节中。农业信息化通过普遍采用信息技术和电子信息装备 ,更有效、更合理地开发利用各种农业资源 (包括自然资源、人才资源和其它信息资源等 ) ,从而促进农业产业的现代化水平 ,推动农村经济发展 ,社会进步的动态演进过程  相似文献   

对生态农庄发展现代农业的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章指出发展高效的现代农业是传统农业发展的根本出路,分析了作为农业生态系统的市场主体——生态农庄的特点,即生态农庄正通过经济体制的创新、思维观念的提升、市场运作的突破,并以绿色生态为理念、产业化经营为目标、因地制宜为原则、有效管理为手段、科学技术为支撑、优质服务为后盾来发展现代农业。  相似文献   

农业发展的重要性也受到越来越多的关注,落后的经济管理方式已经不能适应农业发展的需求。主要阐明从经济管理方面的加强和具体策略出发,以促进农业全面发展。  相似文献   

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