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运用大体解剖学方法,研究了双峰驼前后脚标本。结果表明,双峰驼指(趾)部的弹性结构上指(趾)枕垫包囊、半月形纤维鞘和指(趾)垫构成。每指(趾)的指(趾)垫由前部的三个脂肪垫和后端的一个弹性纤维垫构成。指热诚在于趾垫。  相似文献   

双峰驼跖趾关节解剖结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用大体解剖学方法,研究了成年双峰驼的8个跖趾关节,并与马、牛、羊、猪、犬等动物的对等器官进行了比较。结果发现,双峰驼跖趾关节的形态结构有以下显著特征:(1)跖骨远端关节面后部有矢状嵴,近趾节骨近端关节面后部有与之相对应的矢状沟,这种结构与跖行动物和趾行动物相类似;(2)籽骨上没有对应近趾节骨近端的关节面;(3)籽骨间韧带只连接同一趾上的2个籽骨,与牛的将2趾的4个近籽骨连在一起的结构不同;(4)轴侧侧副韧带不像牛的那样与对侧的同名韧带共同起始于跖骨远端滑车间切迹,而是分别起始于此切迹的轴侧韧带窝及韧带结节;(5)轴侧侧副韧带仅为1层,而远轴侧侧副韧带分为2层;(6)籽骨直韧带、趾间趾节骨籽骨韧带及趾间近韧带均缺如。  相似文献   

骆驼科均属偶蹄目(双趾蹄),骆驼亚目(脚有肉垫),骆驼科。骆驼科内有多种类型和品种,欧洲骆驼属有双峰驼和单峰驼两种,美洲羊驼属有三种,而小羊驼属只有—种,这可能是适应了各种环境进化的结果。  相似文献   

1指(趾)间皮炎 在没有扩延到深层组织的指(趾)间皮肤的炎症,称为指(趾)间皮炎。皮肤呈现湿疹性皮炎的症状,有腐臭味。不引起急性跛行,蹄部非常敏感。表皮增厚和稍充血,在指(趾)间隙有一些渗出物,有时形成痂皮。初期,与球部相邻的皮肤可发生肿胀,轻度跛行。随后,在球部出现角质分离,跛行明显,在角质和下面的真皮之间有泥土、粪便和褥草等异物进入,使角质和真皮进一步分离。在少数病例,化脓性潜道可深达蹄匣内,严重的可引起蹄匣脱落。  相似文献   

牛蹄叶炎病因研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蹄叶炎是指蹄真皮的弥散性无败性炎症,可分为亚临床性、急性、亚急性和慢性[1],本病最常侵害前肢的内侧指和后肢的外侧趾,其它指(趾)也可发病。据统计,蹄病在牛跛行中占到70%~90%[2~4],而蹄叶炎是引起牛跛行的主要疾病[5~9]。虽然真皮的小叶区...  相似文献   

荷斯坦奶牛蹄真皮和表皮的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用石蜡切片,甲苯胺蓝、HE染色,对奶牛蹄部真皮及表皮的组织学结构进行了观察。结果表明,指(趾)的轴侧、运轴侧和嵴部均有完整的真皮小叶和角质小叶.但无次级小叶。文章首次报道了角小叶远端有横隔存在,随着角化程度的增高,横隔在角小叶中部和基部消失,被角化程度很高的蛋白所取代,这表明角小叶的角化是从顶端逐渐向基部演化的。蹄珠和蹄底无小叶结构,与之对应的组织层次为真皮乳头。真皮网状层内有丰富的血管和胶原纤维。  相似文献   

狮头鹅是我国南方的优良鹅种,它体型硕大,公鹅的头似狮头,前额“肉瘤”发达,啄短,羽毛主要为灰棕、灰白、与淡褐色。本文报道从一群总数为100 余只的狮头鹅中检出13 例趾瘤,检出率13% 以上,患有趾瘤的鹅年龄均大于两岁,趾瘤组织 是在患鹅淘汰屠宰时送检。病料经 100m L/ L 甲醛溶液固定,石蜡切片苏木精-伊红( H E)染色,镜检结合眼观巨体病变所见特征综合判断,证实这些趾瘤是分别处于早期、中期和后期不同的生长阶段。早期病变:眼观见两足足垫皮下形成体积较小的结节状增生物, 其直径大多为 2 ~2.5 cm ,结节颜色灰白,质地硬实,结节顶部均有出血、糜烂;镜检:结节为正常表皮与表皮组织构成,表皮上层组织有薄层角化,部分表皮组织脱落缺损,其周围有充血、出血与多量异嗜性粒细胞浸润,显示发生急性炎症。中期病变:眼观足垫皮下局部已形成较大结节,其直径达到5 cm ,厚度为1.6 cm ,结节的宽度大大超过高度,形状有如烧饼,颜色淡褐色,质地坚韧,表面粗糙,结节中心局部有轻度糜烂;镜检:结节表面为厚层角化组织, H E 染色呈典型的鲜红颜色,以下表皮细胞萎缩,局部组织缺损,缺损部既无角化物质,也不见表皮细胞,但有少量淋巴细胞与异嗜性  相似文献   

试验为6(限饲方式)×2(性别)的完全随机设计,每处理组4个重复,每重复15只鸡。6种限饲方式为:(1)Res-0(自由采食);(2)Res-1(第7日龄禁饲) ;(3)Res-2(第7、14日龄禁饲) ;(4)Res-3(第7、14、21日龄禁饲) ;(5)Res-4(第7、14、21、28日龄禁饲);(6)Res-5(第7、14、21、28、35日龄禁饲)。禁饲指停饲24 h。结果42日龄时处理1、2、3组间鸡体重无显著差异,但第4、5、6处理组体重明显低于1、2、3处理组(P< 0.05)…  相似文献   

双峰驼红细胞免疫功能测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用红细胞C3b受体(RBC-C3bR)花环和红细胞免疫复合物(RBC-IC)花环试验,对33峰双峰驼红细胞免疫功能检测证实,双峰驼红细胞膜上具有C3b受体,RBC-C3bR花环率为2.71±1.72%,RBC-IC花环率为2.33±1.75%。说明双峰驼红细胞具有免疫功能,同时,红细胞免疫系统(RCIS)概念亦适用于双峰驼。  相似文献   

图17母鹅生殖器官1.卵巢2.漏斗部3.蛋白分泌部4.峡部5.子宫部6.阴道部7.泄殖腔8.肛门9.背侧系膜10.腹侧系膜11.盲肠12.直肠图14母鸭的生殖系统1.卵巢基2.发育中的卵泡3.接近成熟的卵泡4.喇叭部5.喇叭部入口6.蛋白分泌部7.峡部8.子宫(内有形成的蛋)9.阴道10.泄殖腔11.直肠12.肛门图15鹅体表部位名称1.上喙2.鼻孔3.肉瘤4.眼睑豁(豁鹅特有)5.颅顶部6.耳7.颈背区8.颈侧区9.颈腹区10.背区11.翼区12.初级飞羽13.尾背区14.腹区15.趾区16.…  相似文献   

The mural suspensory apparatus of third phalanx and its supportive heel cushion were examined in 19 cows with an ulcer at the 'typical' site (Rusterholz ulcer) to gain information on the pathogenesis of sole and heel ulcers. The claws of 17 healthy controls were used for comparison. The left hind claws, frozen at -20 degrees C, were sectioned in one longitudinal and four transverse planes with a band saw. The thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, the corium and the extent of displacement of the third phalanx were measured at defined sites on these sections. In addition, the suspensory apparatus, the tissue layer connecting the third phalanx to the dorsal wall of the horn capsule, was examined histologically. There was a direct relationship between the displacement of the third phalanx and ulceration of the sole or heel; in all the ulcerated claws the third phalanx had dropped and the corium and the subcutis under the bone were thinner than in the controls. The supportive cushions of the cows with ulcers contained less fat tissue. There was no histological evidence of damage to the epidermis or the corioepidermal junction in the ulcerated claws nor were the lamellae elongated. Similarly, there were no morphological changes in the connective tissue layer, the submural dermis.  相似文献   

The digital cushion is important for the dissipation of impact as the foot contacts the ground. If there is inefficient energy dissipation, potential exists for changes to occur in the foot. Although ultrasonic imaging of the digital cushion has been reported, it is unknown if these measurements account for compositional changes that have been reported across age, breed, and between fore and hind feet. Therefore, the objective of this preliminary study was to establish baseline values in mature, stock type horses with adequate body condition score (BCS). To meet this objective, 24 mature, stock-type horses of similar age, height, and weight were used to establish baseline values for the digital cushion thickness in the live horse. All horses were sound at the time of data collection and had no known history of long-term lameness conditions. Digital cushion thickness of the left fore and left hind foot was determined using ultrasound through the transcuneal approach. Data were analyzed using the PROC MEANS and PROC GLM procedure of SAS with a least square means statement. Significance was set at P ≤ .05. Mean values (±standard error [SE]) for age, weight, height, and BCS were 10.7 ± 0.86 years, 476.2 ± 7.75 kg, 153.56 ± 0.90 cm, and 5.6 ± 0.12, respectively. Mean values (±SE) for the digital cushion of the left fore and left hind were 0.96 ± 0.03 and 1.02 ± 0.04 cm, respectively. When comparing the left fore and left hind, there was no significant difference observed. Overall, baseline values of digital cushion thickness for fore and hind feet were established, allowing for future studies to assess the different variables known to affect digital cushion composition.  相似文献   

Pad grafts would be indicated in instances of severe paw trauma when there has been loss of the major weight-bearing pads (ie, metatarsal and metacarpal pads) as well as loss of the digital pads. A practical technique for replacing pad tissue on the remaining paw tissue could avert limb amputation for lack of weight-bearing tissue in the area. Small segmental digital pad grafts were placed in granulation tissue beds in dogs. Although the grafts were from thick pad skin, they healed well. However, intervening wound areas did not become covered with the heavier keratinized epithelium of the pads. The thinner, more rapidly growing, less keratinized epithelium from the wound edges covered most of the wound.  相似文献   

A five-month-old, female Basset Hound was presented for lameness associated with a fused 3rd and 4th digital pad on the left hind limb (simple incomplete syndactyly), and secondary contracture of the deep digital flexure tendon of the 3rd and 4th digit. An onychectomy of the third phalanx of the third and fourth digits was performed. Following the operation, the dog gained good use of the affected limb for one month until intermittent non-weight bearing lameness developed. A second surgery was performed six months later, partially removing the second phalanx of digits three and four. Follow-up reports indicate that the dog is doing well and is without lameness. This is the first report of deep digital flexor tendon contracture and surgical treatment of this complication in canine simple syndactylism.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old, spayed female boxer dog presented to the referring veterinarian with a year-long history of swelling, ulceration and pain in the pawpad of the fourth digit of the right forelimb. Histologically, the pawpad was expanded by a mass composed of small polygonal cells forming broad bands and trabeculae within the lower epidermis that often infiltrated and replaced the overlying keratinocytes and that extended into the dermis. Lobules of eccrine glands within the deep dermis occasionally had one or more eccrine ducts that were lined by neoplastic ductal epithelial cells that formed papillary projections lined by one to two layers of neoplastic cells. Approximately 1 month after amputation of the fourth digit pad, several smaller nodular masses developed in multiple digital pads and the metacarpal pad of the same paw. All of the neoplasms were histologically identical to eccrine poroma (juxtaepidermal acrospiroma), a common benign neoplasm in humans that originates from the acrosyringium and upper dermal duct of eccrine glands. To the authors' knowledge this is the first report documenting an eccrine poroma in a dog.  相似文献   

The interlocking of dermis and epidermis is called the laminar junction or interface. Laminae provide a sturdy junction in between the distal phalanx and the keratinized hoof wall transferring the forces between those structures. Although the horse's weight is imposed on the distal phalanx and the hoof capsule, the laminar junction plays a crucial role in absorbing and dissipating the applied forces both from the weight of the animal and the ground reaction forces. Understanding the morphologic and mechanical properties of the laminar junction is a key to recognizing influencing factors and is paramount to understanding performance and health in horses. This article will present a review of the significance of the morphological and biomechanical properties of the equine laminar junction.  相似文献   

A 2-month-old dog was presented with injuries involving both hind paws. Only the 5th digit and its digital pad were present on the right paw. Following a full-thickness skin graft, the 5th digital pad was transferred distal to the metatarsal bones. The transferred pad permitted weight-bearing on the limb.  相似文献   

The properties of the suspensory and supporting structures of the bovine claw are of particular importance in the pathogenesis of claw lesions since both must function optimally to prevent soft tissue compression and trauma. An essential component is the shock-absorbing digital cushion situated under the distal phalanx. The sound claws of 54 slaughtered cows were dissected. The digital cushion consisted of three parallel pads--axial, middle and abaxial--that ran longitudinally from the heel and underneath the distal phalanx with numerous transverse finger-shaped branches that connected the axial and abaxial pads cranial to the flexor process of the distal phalanx. The middle fat pad frequently ended just at the apical end of the flexor process of the distal phalanx, which may result in an inferior cushioning effect under the distal phalanx and increase the likelihood of ulcers. There were differences in the structure of the digital cushion with age and loose connective tissue in heifers' pads was first replaced by fat which, after the third lactation, was gradually supplanted by collagenous connective tissue.  相似文献   

In family Lemuridae, anatomical variations exist. Considering its conservation status (near threatened) and presence of similarities between strepsirrhines and primitive animals, it was thought to be beneficial to describe the gross osteology and radiographic anatomy of the pelvis and hind limb of ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) as a reference for clinical use and species identification. Radiography was performed in 14 captive adult ring‐tailed lemurs. The radiographic findings were correlated with bone specimens from two adult animals. Additionally, computed tomography of the hind limbs was performed in one animal. The pelvic bone has a well‐developed caudal ventral iliac spine. The patella has a prominent tuberosity on the cranial surface. The first metatarsal bone and digit 1 are markedly stouter than the other metatarsal bones and digits with medial divergence from the rest of the metatarsal bones and digits. Ossicles were seen in the lateral meniscus, inter‐phalangeal joint of digit 1 and in the infrapatellar fat pad. Areas of mineral opacity were seen within the external genitalia, which are believed to be the os penis and os clitoris. Variations exist in the normal osteology and radiographic appearance of the pelvis and hind limb of different animal species. The use of only atlases from domestic cats and dogs for interpretative purposes may be misleading.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document peak vertical force (PVF) and vertical impulse (VI) in the pads of Greyhounds and Labrador Retrievers. ANIMALS: 8 Greyhounds and 8 Labrador Retrievers. PROCEDURE: Velocity and acceleration were restricted to ranges of 0.9 to 1.1 m/s and -0.1 to 0.1 m/s2, respectively. The PVF and VI measurements were collected from digital pad (DP)-2, -3, -4, and -5 and the metacarpal pad (McP) or metatarsal pad (MtP) of each limb in each dog. RESULTS: We found no significant differences between the left and right forelimbs or hind limbs for any pad in either breed. Vertical forces in the forelimb were always greater than those in the hind limb. The PVF in the forelimbs of Greyhounds was greatest in DP-3, -4, and -5 and DP-3, DP-4, and the MtP in the hind limbs. The VI in Greyhound forelimbs was greatest in DP-3, -4, and -5 but greatest in DP-4 in the hind limbs. The PVF in the forelimbs of Labrador Retrievers was greatest in the McP, whereas in the hind limbs it was greatest in DP-4. The VI in Labrador Retriever forelimbs was greatest in DP-3, DP-4, and the McP but greatest in DP-3 and -4 in the hind limbs. Significant differences were detected in load distribution between the breeds. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study confirms that DP-3 and DP-4 are major weight-bearing pads in dogs. However, loads were fairly evenly distributed, and DP-5 and the McP or MtP bear a substantial amount of load in both breeds.  相似文献   

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