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Contribution of sesbania green manure, rice straw, and FYM (farm yard manure) was studied along with that of urea and A/SO4 (ammonium sulphate) for the cultivation of lowland rice and for the residual soil fertility. The results revealed that A/SO4 application resulted in a larger number of productive tillers, higher straw production, and higher grain yield compared to urea. Among the organic manures, sesbania green manure and FYM exerted almost similar effects on the number of productive tillers and paddy yield while the yield increase compared to the incorporation of rice straw. A similar affect of these organic manures on nitrogen uptake by rice straw, grain, and straw + grain was observed. Additional uptake of N due to the application of sesbania green manure, FYM and rice straw amounted to 15, 13, and 2.85 kg ha?1, respectively. Residual N fertility was the highest when of sesbania green manure was applied followed by FYM and rice straw. Residual P fertility was higher in the case of FYM than other treatments whereas the residual K fertility was the highest in the case of rice straw incorporation.  相似文献   

林青  徐绍辉 《土壤学报》2013,50(1):68-74
通过室内土柱出流实验探讨了饱和壤砂土中Cd在SiO2胶体作用下的运移行为,并用对流-弥散方程(Convection-Dispersion Equation,CDE)对实验结果进行了数值模拟.结果表明,土壤中SiO2胶体的存在抑制了Cd的运移,使Cd穿透时间较晚,出流浓度较低,土壤对Cd的吸附以动力学反应为主.耦合Freun-dlich等温吸附的单点非平衡模型(One Site Nonequilibrium Model,OSM)能较好地模拟Cd在壤砂土中的运移,模拟得到的吸附特性参数β较小,表明壤砂土吸附表面的不均一性较强.SiO2胶体的穿透时间较早,耦合沉淀-释放反应的CDE模型可以很好地描述SiO2胶体在壤砂土中的运移.胶体作用下的CDE模型成功地模拟了SiO2胶体存在时Cd的运移;同时,参数敏感性分析结果表明,胶体对Cd的吸附速率系数κamc、κaic越小,解吸速率系数κdmc、κdic越大,越有利于Cd的运移.  相似文献   

通过室内土柱出流实验探讨了饱和壤砂土中Cd在SiO2胶体作用下的运移行为,并用对流-弥散方程(Convection-Dispersion Equation,CDE)对实验结果进行了数值模拟。结果表明,土壤中SiO2胶体的存在抑制了Cd的运移,土壤对Cd的吸附以动力学反应为主。耦合Freundlich等温吸附的单点非平衡模型(One Site Nonequilibrium Model,OSM)能较好地模拟Cd在壤砂土中的运移,模拟得到的吸附特性参数β较小,表明壤砂土吸附表面的不均一性较强。SiO2胶体的穿透时间较早,耦合沉淀-释放反应的CDE模型可以很好地描述SiO2胶体在壤砂土中的运移。胶体作用下的CDE模型成功地模拟了SiO2胶体存在时Cd的运移;同时,参数敏感性分析结果表明,胶体对Cd的吸附速率系数kamc、kaic越小,解吸速率系数kdmc、kdic越大,越有利于Cd的运移。  相似文献   

This paper describes the movement of anions and cations through soils at the regional scale using block‐scale and regional simulations of one‐dimensional ion transport through cultivated soils. The simulations were based on field experiments in a region of about 10 km2 in Lower Saxony, Germany. Transport was modelled with the convection–dispersion equation, and the cation exchange was described using the Gapon equation. We evaluated the spatial variation of cation exchange parameters, obtained estimates valid at the block scale, and simulated the one‐dimensional transport of anions and cations. The movement of anions and cations was simulated over blocks using effective transport parameters calculated from local transport parameters. The approach led to a good agreement between measured and predicted concentrations of Br, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ on four different 1 ha blocks. However, the mean concentrations of K+ in the soil solution in the uppermost horizons could not be described satisfactorily by the model. For the regional simulations, transport and exchange parameters were estimated by block kriging. All variograms of the exchange parameters were spatially structured with correlation lengths varying from 100 m to 300 m. Results of the regional simulations imply that Cl and K+ were transported substantially deeper in the southern part than in the northern part of the area. The transport depth of the ions strongly depended on the pore water velocities. The simulation of solute transport to the water table showed the influence of the depth of water table on the estimated travel times, superimposing the influence of the transport parameters in the region. The results of the regional simulations also emphasize the importance of careful fertilization, especially in regions with shallow water tables such as in the north of the area.  相似文献   

ZHANG Jia-Bao  K. ROTH 《土壤圈》1999,9(4):339-350
Agro-chemical transport processes at different scales are discussed and relevant opening question are identified by literature review to make some suggestions concerning the improvement of research methods for filed scale solute transport by aid of evaluation of existing models,and examining transport behaviors of solute in vadose zones on different scales.The results indicate that present research progess and understanding on field scale solute transport have not yet been enough to guarantee the use of our models for the management of field soulte movement.Much more research work needs to be done,particularly,in aspects of high resolution of spatial structures relevant to the hydraulic and transport properties,explicit numerical simulation of actual structure on field scale and field measurement corroborated with model development.  相似文献   

In many studies on solute transport soil column experiments arc used to obtain the transport characteristics for Convection-Dispersion-Models. Early breakthrough of the solute pulse has been attributed to a non-equilibrium in phase exchange. It is a standard procedure to determine several model parameter values from such breakthrough curves (BTC). This investigation is focused on the physical significance of simultaneously fitted parameter values used in the convection and diffusion-controlled mass transfer model (mobile — immobile phase concept). Saturated column experiments were conducted with solid phases consisting of porous and solid glass beads. One set of model parameter values was obtained from the breakthrough curves by simultaneous optimization and a second set was determined by independent measurements of individual parameter values. Both sets of parameter values described the BTCs equally well but deviated substantially from each other. These discrepancies were analysed in terms of local parameter sensitivities.  相似文献   

In the quest for better understanding of cation movement through undisturbed soils, leaching experiments on 300-mm long undisturbed soil columns of two contrasting soils were carried out. One soil was a weakly-structured alluvial fine sandy loam, the other a well-structured aeolian silt loam. About 2000 mm of solutions of MgCl2 and Ca(NO3)2 of 0·025 M were applied at unsaturated water flow rates of between 3 and 13 mm h?1. Solute movement was monitored over several weeks by collecting effluent under suction at the base. In the sandy loam anion transport was influenced by exclusion from the double layer, whereas in the Ramiha soil anion adsorption occurred. Cation transport was described by coupling the convection-dispersion equation with cation exchange equations. Good simulations of the Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations in the effluent and on the exchange sites were obtained if 80% of the exchangeable cations, as measured using the 1 M ammonium acetate method, were assumed to be active. Local physical or chemical disequilibrium did not need to be explicitly taken into account. About 400 kg ha?1 of native potassium was leached from the alluvial soil, but only about 10 kg ha?1 was leached from the aeolian soil. The convection-dispersion equation coupled with exchange theory was found to describe cation transport under unsaturated flow through undisturbed soil satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions were given for the problem of dissolution and leaching of salts in waterlogged regions with deep and shallow water tables under surface salinization and with account for equilibrium sorption (characterized by a linear exchange isotherm) and the problem of nonequilibrium irreversible sorption (characterized by biological transformation in the soil solution, which follows the first-order kinetics). A method was developed for determining the hydrochemical parameters (mixing step and dissolution rate coefficient of solidphase salts) from the average salt contents of water-saturated soils of given thickness before and after leaching determined under laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

Multi-domain model for pore-size dependent transport of solutes in soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W. Durner  H. Flühler 《Geoderma》1996,70(2-4):281-297
A multi-domain model for the transport of chemicals in soils is developed. The solute flux is related to the microscopic water flux, which is modelled using concepts to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of porous media. The pore space of the soil is divided into an arbitrarily large number of domains each representing an equivalent pore radius. The domains are arranged on a structural coordinate, perpendicular to the direction of mean water flow. Transport in the flow direction takes place in each domain by convection and diffusion with pore-size specific velocities. Solute mixing between the domains is simulated as convective-dispersive transport along the structural coordinate. The model is solved numerically for one-dimensional steady-state water flux under unit-gradient conditions. Required input parameters are the unsaturated conductivity function of a soil and a pore interaction coefficient which characterizes the solute exchange between the pore domains. Simulations show a gradual change from convection dominated transport (isolated tube model) to convective-dispersive transport. The length scale where this change takes place depends on the lateral mixing intensity, pore-size distribution of the medium, and saturation degree.  相似文献   

The U.S. Water Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972 (PL 92-500) has made land disposal of wastewater effluents and residuals a viable and attractive alternative (Thabaraj, 1975; Wright, 1975). Land spreading of wastewater effluents and residuals has many advantages, inclding the addition of plant nutrients, water conservation, improvement of soil physical properties, and increased soil organic matter. Public health risks associated with land disposal of wastes containing human pathogens can be assessed only through a thorough examination of the survival and transport pattern of these pathogens through soils. This topic has been thoroughly covered in recent reviews (Bitton, 1975, 1979; Burge and March, 1978; Foster and Engelbrecht, 1973; Gerbaet al., 1975) and need not be examined any further. In this review, we are primarily concerned with a critical examination of the various methods frequently used to assess soils' potential to retain viruses. Knowledge concerning the transport pattern of viruses through soils can be gained through field monitoring of these infectious particles in wastewater effluents, sludges, soils and groundwater, and/or through soil column experiments. The latter have been criticized and our purpose is to examine these criticisms and suggest, if necessary, some alternate solutions. Furthermore, we will review the practical information gained through soil column studies and examine, with the aid of examples of land application sites across the country, the relationship between laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   

Citrus production in Florida accounts for ≈ 60% of national production in USA. The sandy soil characteristic (> 95% sand) makes water and nutrient management extremely difficult, raising concerns about environmental sustainability as a result of nutrient inputs in citrus producing regions where sandy soils dominate. Thus, laboratory column and field experiments were conducted to better understand the leaching patterns of and ions in Florida's sandy soils. The soil columns were first saturated from the bottom with two pore volumes of simulated Florida rain followed by pumping a pulse of fertilizer mixture at a steady Darcy flux of 14 cm h?1. Nitrate and Cl? appeared earlier in the effluent than in the A and Bh horizons, due to cation exchange of . Essentially identical breakthrough curves (BTCs) for and were observed in the E‐horizon, due to very low sorption of . The convective and dispersive equilibrium (CDE) model simulations were in good agreement with measured breakthrough curves (BTCs) for , , and Cl?. However, the sorption coefficient (KD) values used in the CDE model to simulate the BTCs for were about 10 times less than the batch isotherm KD values. This was attributed to differences in pH, cation composition, and ionic strength between batch (static) and dynamic (leaching) systems. The field experiment showed that under unsaturated flow, improved short‐pulse fertigation systems (drip and microsprinkler) limited and transport beyond the root zone (top 30 cm), which might have promoted nutrient and water uptake in citrus. The column study revealed that under extreme weather events such as hurricanes or storm surge in Florida, saturated soil conditions can trigger N mobility below the root zone to surficial or groundwater aquifers. In the field experiment, the use of judicious, minimal and split applications and accurate placement of N‐fertilizers reduced leaching of N especially during heavy storms in the summer rainy months of Florida. The field experiment demonstrated that it is possible to manage inorganic N forms for optimal residence time for uptake and minimal leaching concerns.  相似文献   


Certain concepts regarding the simultaneous transport of surface ‐salts and water under transient unsaturated flow conditions vere verified for three soils using laboratory soil columns. Treatments included different water application rates (i.e., continuous ponding and controlled rates) and different initial soil water contents. Calcium chloride, spread on the soil surface to simulate a salt‐affected soil or broadcasting of a fertilizer (or other additive), was leached with chloride free water (0.01 N CaSO4). Salt and water profiles were determined by destructive sampling at 2 cm depth intervals at two stages: (i) immediately following infiltration and (ii) after Batching infiltration plus redistribution time.

Immediately following infiltration as well as after matching infiltration and redistribution time, chloride was leached more efficiently and to relatively deeper depths with slower than with faster rates of water application only in sandy and sandy loam soils. The results, thus, show that slower rates of water application nay not increase leaching efficiency over faster rates in heavy‐textured and sodic soils with very poor permeability. Regardless of water application rate, initial soil water content, redistribution time and soil type, salt front (i.e., salt peak) did not coincide with the water front but lagged behind it by a few to several centimetres. That is to say that salt peak did not occur at a depth above which total soil water storage in the profile equalled cumulative infiltration. The higher the initial soil water content, the deeper and more complete was the displacement of chloride during infiltration for a given quantity of water applied at different rates. This trend was not modified during post‐irrigation period in sandy soil, but it was entirely reversed in sandy loam soil.  相似文献   

Knowledge of spatial variation of soil is important in site-specific farming and environmental modeling. Soil particles size and water distribution are most important soil physical properties that governing nearly all of the other attributes of soils. The objectives of this study were to determine the degree of spatial variability of sand, silt and clay contents, and water content at field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP), and available water content (AWC) of alluvial floodplain soils. Data were analyzed both statistically and geostatistically to describe the spatial distribution of soil physical properties. Soil physical properties showed large variability with greatest variation was observed in sand content (68%). Exponential and spherical models were fit well for the soil physical properties. The nugget/sill ratio indicates except clay all other soil physical properties were moderate spatially dependent (37–70%). Cross-validation of the kriged map shows that prediction of the soil physical properties using semivariogram parameters is better than assuming mean of observed value for any unsampled location. The spatial distribution of water retention properties closely followed the distribution pattern of sand and clay contents. These maps will help to planner to develop the variable rate of irrigation (VRI) for the study area.  相似文献   

Steady-state denitrification in aggregated soils: a mathematical model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model is presented which calculates steady-state denitrification rates as a function of more readily-measured soil parameters: the soil moisture characteristic, the probability distributions of aggregate size and oxygen reduction potential, the nitrate concentration, and the moisture tension. The model does not depend on curve-fitting. It indicates that aggregates of intermediate size may be more efficient denitrifiers than very large ones. It provides a theoretical explanation for the reported observation of proportionality between denitrification rate and calculated anaerobic fraction of incubated soil cores. This proportionality extends over some five orders of magnitude and appears to be independent of moisture tension. Calculated whole-soil denitrification rates are affected principally by soil texture, structure and moisture tension, and less so by nitrate concentration. In addition to predicting denitrification rates, the model may be extended to predict the fraction of the gaseous products of denitrification emitted as nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

3,5,6-三氯-2-吡啶醇(TCP)的化学结构稳定、水溶性高、运移能力强,对水体具有潜在的污染风险。在有机质含量低、大孔隙度高、导水性好的紫色土地区,风险更加显著。为研究TCP在紫色中的迁移规律,该研究依据紫色土的典型耕作类型,在中国科学院盐亭国家紫色土农业生态试验站采集3组土样(小麦-玉米轮作的坡地、水稻-油菜轮作的水旱农田和萝卜-白菜套种的菜地),通过批量平衡法研究紫色土对TCP的吸附特征,并采用稳定流场饱和均质土柱的易混合置换试验研究TCP的动态迁移过程,最后对其迁移动态进行模拟。结果表明:紫色土对TCP的吸附特征呈线性,在坡地、水旱农田和菜地中的吸附系数分别为1.94、1.22和1.02 L/kg,且黏土含量和矿物组成是主要影响因子;TCP的出流平衡浓度分别为初始浓度的77%(坡地)、84%(水旱农田)和92%(菜地),相应的平衡时刻分别为2.88PV、4PV和6.5PV,表明TCP对环境的污染风险较高;用非平衡两点对流弥散模型模拟TCP在3种耕作条件下迁移,表明TCP以瞬时吸附为主,其水动力弥散系数和分形系数在坡地、水旱农田和菜地中依次减小,但一阶动力学常数依次增大。研究结果为探索TCP在紫色土壤中的迁移机制和预测防止TCP对环境的污染提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Drainage and intensive use of fens lead to alterations in the physical characteristics of peat soils. This was demonstrated using parameters of water balance (available water capacity) and the evaluated unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Deriving the distribution of the pore size from the water retention curve was flawed because of shrinkage due to drainage, especially at high soil water potentials. These errors became greater as the peat was less influenced by soil‐genetic processes. The water retention curves (desorption) evaluated in the field and the laboratory satisfactorily corresponded. However, the wetting‐ and drainage‐curves obtained in the field differed up to 30 vol.‐% water content at same soil water potentials. These differences were largely due to a wetting inhibition.  相似文献   

Compaction by wheels: a numerical model for agricultural soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A simple, numerical model was developed to predict changes in soil dry bulk density resulting from the passage of wheels. The model uses Söhne's solutions to estimate stress increases, and empirical isotropic stress-strain data to predict soil volume changes. Predicted and measured increases in bulk density, resulting from the passage of various agricultural vehicles, compared favourably at most depths but the model underestimated the compaction of loose soil in close proximity to underlying dense layers. The model may also be used to compare the compaction caused by various types and arrangements of wheels and to assess the contribution made by a particular input variable. Examples of such uses are given.  相似文献   


More than 50% of the irrigated soils in the Sultanate of Oman is in the coastal plains of the Batinah area. Intensive agriculture and groundwater depletion have led to seawater intrusion and soil salinization. As a prerequisite to combat this problem, basic studies on some soil properties were done and are presented. The textural classification ranged from sand and loamy sand to fine‐textured silt loams, and the soil moisture characteristics (0.1–15 bars) revealed field capacities (0.3 bar) and permanent wilting point (15 bars) ranges of 40 to 2%, respectively. The soils are generally calcareous with about 40% calcium carbonate (CaCO3), but low in gypsum [calcium sulfate (CaSO4) content]. The EC1:5 values disclosed the extent of salinization with increasing values of up to 16 dS/m towards the coastal areas of the fine‐textured soils. This was coupled with high sodium (Na) adsorption ratios of up to 30 indicating saline‐sodic conditions.  相似文献   

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