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In this study, the response of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium kraft pulp to different options of ECF bleaching was investigated. Oxygen-delignified pulps of both species having similar kappa number (c.a. 12) were used. Both the pulps were prebleached using conventional ClO2 stage (D0), combined use of ClO2 and O3 (DZ), hot acid treatment before D0 (AhotD0) and hot acid treatment before (DZ) i.e., Ahot(DZ), hot ClO2 treatment (DHT) and Ahot followed by DHT (AhotDHT). All prebleached pulps were finally bleached to 90%+ ISO brightness using D1 option. The overall benefits of other options were not considerable compared to D0 and (DZ). From the ClO2 consumption point of view, for a certain species, the option Ahot(DZ) was the best. Instead of D1 in final bleaching, pressurized hydrogen peroxide (PO) was also investigated in the case of D0 and (DZ) prebleached pulps. (PO)-bleached pulp produced higher brightness stability but lower viscosity compared to D1.  相似文献   

Young trees were harvested to explore non-destructive methodologies to estimate live branch dry weights in young fast-growing Eucalyptus species under different spacing and fertilizer treatments. Branch growth can vary with silvicultural management such as spacing, fertilizing and thinning, and over relatively short periods in response to environmental conditions. Many published regressions based on standard measurements of height and diameter are site, age and treatment specific. The aim of this study was to improve our capacity to predict woody crown dry weight, based on stem measurements, and to minimize (or eliminate) treatment effects on the resulting model. In young trees, branches are temporary support structures for foliage and are often discarded as the base of the green crown rises. As temporary structures they represent an investment of biomass and nutrient elements, and are subject to selection pressures to maximize the return on investment by the tree. Trees were harvested from existing plantation experiments located in south-eastern Queensland for E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden (ranging from 0.28 to 15.85 m in height, to 5 years old) and south-western Australia for E. globulus Labill. (0.10–34.4 m in height, to 10.2 years) in order to examine the impact of spacing, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on early growth. Relationships to estimate crown woody biomass from non-destructive measurements were developed, and these relationships tended to have different slopes and intercepts for trees with predominantly juvenile foliage and those with intermediate or adult foliage. Dry weight of whole-crown live branch wood (Wbranch) was related to heights and/or diameter at breast height (DBH), but the regressions parameters were different, depending on treatment. The relationships became more generic (i.e. less dependent on treatment effects) between Wbranch and stem sectional area at the height of the base of the green crown (SACB), consistent with the pipe model theory (R2 > 0.91 for the two species for trees with intermediate/adult leaves). However, Wbranch was more closely related again to the stem volume above the base of the green crown and treatment effects were not significant (VCon,gc, R2 > 0.93). Branches exit the stem below the green crown, and for E. grandis the best relationship was on stem volume above the lowest live branch (VCon,llb, R2 0.94). Limited sampling from four other species with similar or contrasting crown characteristics indicated that the relationship could be applied quite generally. Individual E. grandis branch woody dry weight was closely related to the conical volume of the main (first order) branch (Vcon,br, R2 0.98). The whole crown equivalent, branch woody dry weight plus stem dry weight above the lowest live branch, was also closely related to the stem volume within the woody crown (VCon,llb, R2 0.97–0.99). While the slope of this relationship was still significantly different between trees with juvenile and intermediate/adult foliage, it had a similar form, suggesting that trees with juvenile foliage allocated a different proportion of their woody biomass within the crown to branches than older trees.  相似文献   


• Introduction  

Tree genetic improvement programs usually lack, in general, pedigree information. Since molecular markers can be used to estimate the level of genetic similarity between individuals, we genotyped a sample of a Portuguese Eucalyptus globulus breeding population—a reference population of 125 individuals—with 16 microsatellites (SSR).  相似文献   

Eucalyptus is very recalcitrant to in vitro culture. In this research, an efficient shoot organogenesis system was developed using 60-day-old plants of Eucalyptus globulus grown in vitro and non-aerated liquid medium to improve shoot proliferation. Cultures were initiated with hypocotyls and leaf segments from plantlets cultivated on semisolid ½ MS modified medium supplemented with 4.44 µM 6-Benzyladenine (BA) and 16.1 µM 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Calli were transferred to shoot induction medium, with either 0.5 or 2.7 µM NAA. Shoot multiplication was carried out on 4.44 µM BA + 0.5 µM NAA medium, and semisolid and non-aerated liquid systems were compared for improving shoot proliferation. Rooting of adventitious shoots was evaluated on medium containing NAA or Indole-3-butyric acid -IBA (5 and 16 µM). Callogenesis was obtained from both types of explants, although shoot formation was only obtained from leaf-derived calli. Shoot proliferation on 4.44 µM BA + 0.5 µM NAA resulted in the most shoots/callus. Non-aerated liquid medium was more efficient in promoting shoot multiplication (53.5 shoots/callus) than was semisolid medium (28.5 shoots/callus). Levels of phenolic compounds were significantly reduced in the shoots cultivated in liquid medium. Efficient rooting (76%) was obtained using 16 µM IBA.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have quantified the responses to vegetation management in Eucalyptus plantations but most publications have reported early responses in tree growth and a gap in knowledge exist about the magnitude and duration of growth responses throughout the whole rotation. We evaluated the long-term response (9 years-old) of E. globulus across a gradient of sites to different intensity levels of free area of competing vegetation around individual tree seedlings. Competing vegetation intensity levels considered free areas ranging between 0 (control) to 2.54 m2 plus a treatment with total weed control. Competing vegetation biomass production during the first growing season was 2.9, 6.5, 2.2 and 12.9 Mg ha?1, for sites ranging from low to high annual rainfall. Across sites, maximum response in stand volume ranged between 58 and 262 m3 ha?1 at age 9 years and was proportional to the amount of competing biomass controlled during the first growing season. Total competing vegetation control showed the largest response in stand volume at sites with 2.9 and 12.9 Mg ha?1 of competing vegetation. However, the 2.54 m2 vegetation control treatment showed the maximum response for sites with 2.2 and 6.5 Mg ha?1 of competing vegetation. The duration of response for vegetation control treatments ranged between 5 and 9 years. However, at the site with the largest accumulation of competing vegetation biomass the response to vegetation control showed a sustained and divergent response. Our results suggest that vegetation control improved site resources acquisition increasing long-term stand productivity by reducing environmental limitations to tree growth differentially at each site.  相似文献   

The success of tree plantings in agricultural landscapes within dry and variable rainfall regions is often below expectations. The aims of this study were to investigate techniques for establishing a local native species (Eucalyptus pauciflora) and an exotic species (E. nitens) in the Midlands of Tasmania, a tree-denuded region that has been grazed for over 100 years in Australia. We established trials at the Sorrel Springs and Woodland Park properties. We compared six establishment techniques: control; understorey nurse planting; spot burn; mulch; tree-guard and; self-watering tree-guard. Three months, 1 and 6 years after planting we measured tree height, health index and mortality. At Sorrell Springs tree-guarded treatments had greater height than other treatments at year one, but there were no effects of treatment at year six on height, health or mortality. At Woodland Park mulch, burn and tree-guarded treatments had greater height 1 and 6 years after planting. At year six tree-guarded treatments had lower mortality than other treatments. At Sorrell Springs height of E. nitens was greater than E. pauciflora at year one but not at year six. At Woodland Park height of E. nitens was generally greater at year six but having almost double the incidence of mortality relative to E. pauciflora. We conclude that expensive tree-guarding is only warranted where high browse pressure is expected and that on such sites species with tough leaves that are resistant to browsing should be considered. Further that in environments marginal for growing trees, best practice establishment technique is generally as effective as additional treatments of understorey nurse planting, spot burning or mulching.  相似文献   

–  • We aimed to better understand the genetic architecture of growth in E. globulus undergoing inbreeding by comparing families from selfing (SELF), open pollination (OP) and unrelated polymix crossing (POL) of common parents. Stem diameter at breast height (DBH) was assessed at 4, 6 and 10 years after planting in a field trial.  相似文献   

  • ? Mean performance and variances were studied in self (SELF), open pollinated (OP) and unrelated polymix (POL) crosses of common parentage in Eucalyptus globulus.
  • ? Inbreeding depression for survival (SURV) and basal area per hectare (BAH) was the highest reported for a SELF eucalypt population, increasing with age to reach 74 and 77%, respectively, over 10 years.
  • ? Inbreeding depression in the OP was 36% for SURV and 32% for BAH at age 10 years, and estimates of outcrossing rate from BAH were stable across ages, averaging 0.56. In contrast, OP inbreeding depression for stem diameter (DBH) of survivors decreased with age and few selfs appeared to survive to 10 years.
  • ? There was more variation in DBH between and within SELF than POL families, with variance ratios consistent with rare and partially recessive deleterious alleles causing inbreeding depression.
  • ? The OP variances were initially more similar to the SELF population but converged to the POL population after 10 years.
  • ? It is argued that when outcrossing rates are low, as in the present case, inbreeding depression will be a significant force countering local adaptation in forest trees.

The problem of salinized soils has become one of the most serious constraints to agricultural and forest productivity. With the purpose of enhancing salt stress tolerance of Populus tomentosa, we transformed this tree species with spermidine synthase (SPDS) genes derived from an apple by an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Four transgenic clones were confu'med by PCR and Southern blot analysis. As well, the expression of introduced SPDS genes was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR.  相似文献   

The effect of herbaceous vegetation on growth and survival was assessed in planted eucalyptus saplings grown under four levels of weed cover. Seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii were planted with 0 (W0), 25 (W25), 50 (W50) and 100% (W100) weed cover. Weed species composition and aboveground biomass was determined. Soil water content was evaluated by the gravimetric method. Seedling leaf area, diameter and height were evaluated at planting and during the 3 months following establishment. Tree height, diameter and stem volume was estimated at 12, 24 and 36 months. First year tree survival was recorded. The ratio of cumulative stem growth under W100: cumulative stem growth under W0 was used to measure competitive performance. Regression analysis was used to determine competition thresholds. Weeds seriously threaten the growth of E. globulus subsp. maidenii. Early negative effects of competition on growth were evident as from the second month after establishment, and both seedlings and 1-year-old saplings were more affected than 2- and 3-year-old ones. A “minimum-response threshold” was determined near 500 kg/ha (corresponding to W25 cover). No clear effect was found between sapling survival and weed biomass.  相似文献   

Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) are considered to be the major insect pests in storage. Essential oils from aromatic plants are recognized as proper alternatives to fumigants. Thymus persicus (Ronniger ex Rech. f.) is one of these plants that have medicinal properties and is indigenous to Iran. The essential oil was obtained from aerial parts of the plant and analyzed by GC and GC–MS. Carvacrol (44.69%) and thymol (11.05%) were the major constituents of the oil extracted. In this experiment, fumigant toxicity of the essential oil was studied against T. castaneum, S. oryzae at 27 ± 1°C and 60 ± 5% RH in dark condition. The adult insects were exposed to the concentrations of 51.9, 111.1, 207.4 and 370.4 μl/l air to estimate median lethal time (LT50) values. The fumigant toxicity was increased in response to increased essential oil concentrations. The LT50 values at the lowest and the highest concentrations tested were ranged from 28.09 to 13.47 h for T. castaneum, and 3.86 to 2.30 h for S. oryzae. It was found that S. oryzae adults were much more susceptible to the oil than T. castaneum. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 values (95% fiducial limit) for T. castaneum and S. oryzae were estimated to be 236.9 (186.27–292.81) and 3.34 (2.62–4.28) μl/l air, respectively. These results suggest that T. persicus essential oil merits further study as potential fumigant for the management of these stored-product insects.  相似文献   

Despite the potential utility of a biogeographical approach to understanding the naturalization of exotic species, studies using this approach are scarce. Eucalyptus globulus is an economically important Australian tree species that has become naturalized in a number of countries where it was introduced. Portugal is an ideal territory to study the naturalization of E. globulus owing to: a long introduction history, the antipodal location compared to Australia and the large cultivated area. Wildling density was assessed in 116 E. globulus plantations in central Portugal through 213 transects established along plantation borders. Boosted regression trees were used to model the influence of plantation-scale variables. Results from this survey were compared with data obtained in plantations from seven Australian regions, where a similar sampling protocol had been used. In Portugal, wildlings were more abundant in plantations that were: located in moist aspects, coppiced, with older tree stems and corresponding to intermediate site growth indexes. The overall density (127 plants ha?1) was 14.9 times higher than in the Australian estate, but this ratio was reduced to 3.1 in a more comparable subset of unburnt, first rotation plantations. A generalized linear model fitted using a dataset combining the two surveys showed that country influenced wildling density, together with plantation rotation and stem age. These results provide insights into the naturalization of a widely cultivated tree species, pointing to a fundamental role of the introduction history, possibly acting along with the biogeographical characteristics of the introduced range.  相似文献   

Cercidiphyllum japonicum and C. magnificum are deciduous tree species that produce large numbers of sprouts. They are found mainly in riparian and/or disturbed areas. C. japonicum is distributed in the montane zone in Japan, whereas C. magnificum is distributed mostly in the subalpine zone of central Japan. However, the two species sometimes coexist, e.g., on the talus slope at the valley head of the Chichibu Mountains. We investigated differences in sprouting traits in these two species by comparing class distributions of sprout diameter at breast height (DBH) and heights of individuals on the talus slope. Sprout DBH and individual height were smaller in C. magnificum as compared to C. japonicum. Moreover, the analysis of the DBH-class distribution of each species indicated that C. magnificum had numerous small sprouts and experienced high mortality, whereas C. japonicum had fewer small sprouts and low mortality. It is likely that the sprouting traits of C. magnificum make it more adapted to severe conditions in the subalpine zone than those of C. japonicum.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus globulus sapwood and heartwood were delignified at 130°, 150°, or 170°C by kraft pulping. Pulp yields of heartwood were lower than those of sapwood (46.5% vs. 50.4% at 170°C). Delignification was modeled using consecutive and simultaneous kinetic models. The modeling was similar for heartwood and sapwood, and either approach could be used, with both yielding good correlations between experimental and model data. The consecutive model identified two delignification phases with similar reaction rates and activation energies for heartwood and sapwood at 150° and 170°C. At 130°C only one phase was identified. Three reactive types of lignin fractions were identified using the simultaneous model, without differences between heartwood and sapwood. Their reaction rates were 0.152, 0.138, and 0.003 min−1 at 170°C, and the activation energies were 132, 119, and 102 kJ.mol−1. The presence of heartwood did not influence the kinetic development of delignification. The negative impact of heartwood in pulping is related to the higher content of extractives (9.8% vs. 3.9% in heartwood and sapwood) and to their influence on the process, namely in the heating-totemperature phase when a substantial mass loss occurs (30% vs. 20% for heartwood and sapwood).  相似文献   

This study evaluated oxalic acid accumulation and bioremediation of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood by three brown-rot fungi Fomitopsis palustris, Coniophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulphureus. The fungi were first cultivated in a fermentation broth to accumulate oxalic acid. Bioremediation of CCA-treated wood was then carried out by leaching of heavy metals with oxalic acid over a 10-day fermentation period. Higher amounts of oxalic acid were produced by F. palustris and L. sulphureus compared with C. puteana. After 10-day fermentation, oxalic acid accumulation reached 4.2 g/l and 3.2 g/l for these fungi, respectively. Fomitopsis palustris and L. sulphureus exposed to CCA-treated sawdust for 10 days showed a decrease in arsenic of 100% and 85%, respectively; however, C. puteana remediation removed only 18% arsenic from CCA-treated sawdust. Likewise, chromium removal in F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes was higher than those for C. puteana. This was attributed to low oxalic acid accumulation. These results suggest that F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes can remove inorganic metal compounds via oxalic acid production by increasing the acidity of the substrate and increasing the solubility of the metals.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We examined the saccharification and fermentation of meals from Acacia mangium wood, Paraserianthes falcataria wood, and Elaeis guineensis trunk. The levels of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and ethanol production were highest for P. falcataria wood and lowest for A. mangium wood. Ultrasonication pretreatment of meal further increased the rates of hydrolysis and ethanol production in meal from P. falcataria wood. Through this pretreatment, hemicelluloses (xylan and xyloglucan) and cellulose were released in the meal from P. falcataria wood. Loosening of hemicellulose associations can be expected to make P. falcataria wood more useful for bioethanol production.  相似文献   

The antitermitic activities of leaf oils and their constituents, taken from three clones of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in Thailand, against Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki were investigated in contact and noncontact tests. The termiticidal mechanism was also examined. Antitermitic tests demonstrated that E. camaldulensis leaf oils were both contact toxicants and fumigants to C. formosanus with LC50 values ranging between 12.68 and 17.50 mg/g by the contact method, and between 12.65 and 17.50 mg/petri dish (100 cm3) by the noncontact method. p-Cymene and γ-terpinene were primarily responsible for the contact toxicity and 1,8-cineole was responsible for fumigation. From the investigation of termiticidal mechanism, E. camaldulensis leaf oils exhibited the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity and showed the common symptoms of a neurotoxic mode of action against C. formosanus. Part of this report was presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tsukuba, March 2008  相似文献   

Competition control is essential for successful eucalyptus plantation establishment, yet few selective herbicides have been identified. Five herbicides, flumioxazin, imazamox, imazapic, oxyfluorfen, and sulfometuron methyl, were evaluated at either pre- or post-weed emergence timing for selective weed control in the establishment of Eucalyptus benthamii, a frost-tolerant species showing promise for commercial plantations in the southeastern United States and southern Brazil. Herbicides were applied at two or three rates and compared to a non-treated control and to near-complete weed control obtained with repeated glyphosate directed sprays. Herbicides were most efficacious when applied prior to weed emergence, at 2 weeks after planting 16-week-old containerized eucalyptus seedlings. Pre-emergence imazapic treatments resulted in broad-spectrum and persistent weed control, with 77–82% bare-ground at 60 days after treatment, but both pre- and post-emergence applications of imazapic caused excessive eucalyptus injury at the highest rate tested. Imazapic, sulfometuron, and imazamox were most effective for grass control. Both timings of flumioxazin were effective for forb control at the early assessment. All pre-emergence treatments enhanced stem volume compared to the non-treated control, but post-emergence treatments did not, suggesting the need for early weed control to facilitate E. benthamii growth. Pre-emergence applications of medium and high sulfometuron, low imazapic, high imazamox, and high oxyfluorfen rates increased stem volume four-fold to six-fold compared to the non-treated control. Repeated glyphosate directed sprays increased stem volume nearly three-fold compared to the control. These results confirm one early report of flumioxazin effectiveness and identify imazamox and imazapic as new selective herbicides for eucalyptus culture.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence was studied in selected 36 genotypes of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. on the basis of seven morphological parameters. The divergence among genotypes was estimated by Mahalanobis method and genotypes were grouped into clusters by Tocher’s method. All the genotypes were classified into seven distinct clusters on the basis of seven morphological traits. Cluster 1 was the largest with 25 genotypes followed by Cluster 2 (four genotypes). Cluster 3, 5, 6 and 7 were the divergent clusters. The D 2 analysis revealed that D 2 value (39.42) between clone 5040 and clone 201 was recorded maximum. The intra-cluster distance ranged from 0.00 (Cluster 3, 5, 6 and 7) to 3.89 (Cluster 1), the Cluster 3 (clone 33) was the most divergent cluster with maximum inter cluster distance (13.97) with the Cluster 7. By the divergence analysis, the parents for hybridization from diverse clusters could be selected for heterotic hybrids.  相似文献   

Generic equations are proposed for stem, branch and foliage biomass of individual trees in even-aged pure stands of Cryptomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Larix kaempferi. Biomass data was collected from a total of 1,016 individual trees from 247 stands throughout Japan, and five regression models were assessed by root mean square error, mean bias, fit index (FI), and AIC. The results show that a power equation using diameter at breast height (dbh) and height is the most suitable for all species and components. This equation is more accurate than the familiar power equation that uses ‘dbh2 height’, and it expresses the greater volume of branch and foliage mass of trees with a lower height/diameter ratio. A power equation using dbh is more reasonable for models with dbh as the only independent variable and more accurate than a power equation using ‘dbh2 height’ for estimating branch and foliage mass. Estimating error for branch and foliage mass is larger than that for stem mass, but the entire aboveground biomass can be estimated with an error of less than 19%, except in the case of small trees with dbh less than 10 cm.  相似文献   

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