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The purpose of this study was to describe the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) (fetlock) joints in clinically sound horses. Scintigraphic images from 29 clinically normal horses were evaluated. All the images were assessed subjectively. The lateral views were assessed quantitatively using vertical line profiles through the center of the joint, and mean ratios of radiopharmaceutical uptake were calculated from regions of interest around the third metacarpal or metatarsal bones, and the proximal phalanx and proximal sesamoid bones. From the vertical line profiles, in the majority of forelimbs (65%) the peak activity of radiopharmaceutical distribution was at the proximal region of the proximal phalanx, with a significantly lower activity within the condyles of the third metacarpal bone. However, in 84% of hindlimbs there was a broader profile peak incorporating the condyles of the third metatarsal bone and the proximal aspect of the proximal phalanx, indicating a more generalized even uptake of radiopharmaceutical across the MTP joint. When the regions of interest were compared between front and hindlimbs, there was no significant difference between proximal phalanx and proximal sesamoid bones, but the distal condyles of the third metacarpal bone of the forelimb had significantly lower radiopharmaceutical activity than hindlimbs (P < 0.04). In lateral images, the mean forelimb ratios tended to be higher in the left MCP joint compared with the right (P = 0.069). In hindlimbs, the mean ratios tended to be higher in the right MTP joint than the left (P = 0.052). There was no significant effect of age.  相似文献   

Using xeroradiographic techniques, both metacarpophalangeal regions of six quarter horse foals were radiographed at 1 day of age and at 2-week intervals until they were 6 weeks old, and then at 4-week intervals until they were 12 months old. Lateromedial and dorsopalmar xeroradiographs of each metacarpophalangeal region were made per examination; dorsomedial-palmarolateral projections of the left metacarpophalangeal joint of foal 6 were also made. The foals were weighed and measured at the withers immediately prior to each examination. Representative xeroradiographs were selected to demonstrate progression of the osteochondrosis (OCH) lesions in two of these foals. Radiographic evidence of osteochondrosis in the metacarpophalangeal region was first detected at 10 weeks and followed through 12 months of age. In one foal the lesions were bilaterally symmetric and involved the dorsoproximal aspect of the sagittal ridge of metacarpal 3; in the other, the left medial proximal sesamoid bone was affected. One of the sagittal ridge lesions progressed to osteochondritis dissecans by 26 weeks; the other sagittal ridge lesion and that of the sesamoid bone healed spontaneously, but residual radiographic evidence of the disease persisted throughout the study in both foals.  相似文献   

Bilateral angular limb deformities of the metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal regions in 2 foals are discussed. Periosteal transection was used to correct the deformity in both foals. In one foal, only the right forelimb was treated because the deformity in the left forelimb did not appear to warrant surgery. Subsequently, an angular limb deformity, which could have been prevented, developed in the left forelimb. A third foal developed a deformity in the proximal phalanx after periosteal transection of the distal third metatarsal bone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantitatively evaluate contact area under 2 loads and subjectively compare contact areas with subchondral bone (SCB) density patterns in intact metacarpophalangeal joints of horses. SAMPLE POPULATION: 6 forelimbs from horses without musculoskeletal disease. PROCEDURES: Computed tomographic scans of intact metacarpophalangeal joints were analyzed to obtain SCB density measurements. Each limb was loaded on a materials testing system to 150 degrees and 120 degrees extension in the metacarpophalangeal joint, and the joint was stained via intra-articular injection with safranin-O or toluidine blue, respectively. Each joint was disarticulated, and the surface area was digitized. Total articular surface area, contact area, and percentage contact area at each angle were calculated for the distal third metacarpal condyles, the proximal phalanx, and the proximal sesamoid bones. RESULTS: Contact area on the third metacarpal condyles, proximal sesamoid bones, and the proximal phalanx significantly increased with increased load. Areas of contact subjectively appeared to have a higher density on computed tomographic scans. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Areas consistently in contact under higher load were associated with increased SCB density. This supports the idea that the SCB adapts to the load applied to it. As load increased, contact area also increased, suggesting that areas not normally loaded may have a high degree of stress during impact loading. Quantifying how contact in the joint changes under different loading conditions and the adaptation of the bone to this change in normal and abnormal joints may provide insight into the pathogenesis of osteochondral disease.  相似文献   

A 4‐day‐old Arabian filly was referred for severe lameness due to a flexurally deformed, open, luxated and infected metacarpophalangeal joint. Arthrodesis was indicated as progressive cartilage destruction and osteomyelitis developed. An alternative arthrodesis technique was employed, which consisted of a loop of cerclage wire running through predrilled holes in a lateromedial direction and dorsal to the central axis of the third metacarpal bone and proximal phalanx, in combination with external coaptation using a half‐limb transfixation cast. Ankylosis was radiographically confirmed after 4 weeks. The foal was discharged from the hospital with a grade 1 out of 5 lameness and a 6–7° valgus deviation of the ankylosed metacarpophalangeal joint. At telephone follow‐up after 18 months, the owner reported persistence of the valgus deviation, soundness at walk, and a slight gait irregularity at trot. The described cerclage wire arthrodesis technique is a relatively simple method for attaining ankylosis that could be considered in similar cases.  相似文献   

A fusion defect of the proximal and middle phalanges of both hindlimbs, osteochondrosis dissecans of the distal interphalangeal joints of the forelimbs, and subluxation of all 4 distal interphalangeal joints occurred in a Standardbred filly. Lameness was the first abnormality noted and was observed at one week of age in the left forelimb and progressed until all 4 limbs were affected by 5 weeks of age. On radiographs of both forelimbs, the distal interphalangeal joints were subluxated with irregularity and lucency of subchondral bone. On radiographs of the distal hindlimbs, there was a subluxation of both distal interphalangeal joints and loss of the proximal interphalangeal joint spaces with fusion of the proximal and middle phalanges. The foal was euthanised. On necropsy, there were focal areas of erosion of articular cartilage in the distal interphalangeal joint of both forelimbs. The proximal and middle phalanges of both hindlimbs were fused. Histopathological examination of the distal interphalangeal joint of the right foreleg showed loss of articular cartilage and degenerative changes in the exposed subchondral bone.  相似文献   

The purpose of the project was to provide a reference for radiographic anatomy of the developing equine foredigit and metacarpophalangeal region. Using xeroradiographic techniques, both foredigits and metacarpophalangeal regions of six Quarter Horse foals were radiographed at 1 day of age and then at 2-week intervals until the foals were 6 weeks old. The foals were then radiographed at 4-week intervals until they were 12 months old. The period from birth to 6 months has been described in a previous report. This paper deals with the period from 6 to 12 months of age. Lateromedial and dorsopalmar xeroradiographs of each foredigit and metacarpophalangeal region and a dorsal 65° proximal-palmarodistal oblique view of the distal part of the digit were made at each examination. Foals were weighed and were measured at the withers immediately prior to each examination. Representative xeroradiographs were selected and appropriately labeled to demonstrate normal radiographic anatomy of these regions. Earliest radiographic visualization of distal epiphyseal ossification in metacarpal 2 and metacarpal 4 was extremely variable and ranged from 4 to 38 weeks. It was not possible to determine accurately the ages at which distal physes of the small metacarpal bones closed. In one foal, three of four of these physes were closed at 26 weeks, while in another foal, none had closed when last radiographed at 54 weeks. Radiographic closure of the proximal physis of the middle phalanx ranged from 18 to 30 weeks (mean = 26 weeks). Radiographic closure of the proximal physis of the proximal phalanx ranged from 22 to 38 weeks (mean = 30 weeks). Radiographic closure of the distal physis of metacarpal 3 ranged from 18 to 38 weeks (mean = 29 weeks).  相似文献   

Medical records, radiographs, and sonograms of 63 horses with metacarpophalangeal joint synovial pad proliferation were examined retrospectively. All horses had lameness, joint effusion, or both signs associated with one or both metacarpophalangeal joints. Bony remodeling and concavity of the distodorsal aspect of the third metacarpal bone (Mc3) just proximal to the metacarpal condyles was identified by radiography in 71 joints (93%); 24 joints (32%) had radiographic evidence of a chip fracture located at the proximal dorsal aspect of the proximal phalanx. Fifty-four joints (71%) were examined by ultrasound. The mean ± SD sagittal thickness of the synovial pad was 11.3 ± 2.8 mm. Seventy-nine percent of the horses had single joint involvement with equal distribution between the right and left forelimbs. Sixty-eight joints in 55 horses were treated by arthroscopic surgery. Sixty joints (88%) had debridement of chondral or osteochondral fragmentation from the dorsal surface of Mc3 beneath the synovial pad and 30 joints (44%) had a bone chip fracture removed from the medial or lateral proximal dorsal eminence of the proximal phalanx. Complete or partial excision of both medial and lateral synovial pads was completed in 42 joints. Only the medial synovial pad was excised or trimmed in 21 joints, and 5 joints had only the lateral pad removed. Eight joints in eight horses were treated by stall rest, administration of intra-articular medication and systemic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Follow-up information was obtained for 50 horses treated surgically and for eight horses treated medically. Forty-three (86%) that had surgery returned to racing; 34 (68%) raced at an equivalent or better level than before surgery. Three (38%) of the medically treated horses returned to racing; only one horse raced better than the preinjury level. Horses that returned to racing at a similar or equal level of performance were significantly younger in age than horses returning at a lower level or not racing (P≤.05). Overall, horses with synovial pad proliferation treated by arthroscopic surgery had a good prognosis for return to racing at a level equal or better than before injury.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis of the metacarpophalangeal joint is common cause of lameness in equine athletes, and is hallmarked by articular cartilage damage. An accurate, noninvasive method for measuring cartilage thickness would be beneficial to screen for cartilage injury and allow for prompt initiation of interventional therapy. The objective of this methods comparison study was to compare computed tomographic arthrography (CTA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) measurements of articular cartilage thickness with gross measurements in the metacarpophalangeal joint of Thoroughbred horses. Fourteen cadaveric, equine thoracic limbs were included. Limbs were excluded from the study if pathology of the metacarpophalangeal articular cartilage was observed with any imaging modality. Articular cartilage thickness was measured in nine regions of the third metacarpal bone and proximal phalanx on sagittal plane MRI sequences. After intra‐articular contrast administration, the measurements were repeated on sagittal plane MRA and sagittal CTA reformations. In an effort to increase cartilage conspicuity, the volume of intra‐articular contrast was increased from 14.5 ml, to maximal distention for the second set of seven limbs. Mean and standard deviation values were calculated, and linear regression analysis was used to determine correlations between gross and imaging measurements of cartilage thickness. This study failed to identify one imaging test that consistently yielded measurements correlating with gross cartilage thickness. Even with the use of intra‐articular contrast, cartilage surfaces were difficult to differentiate in regions where the cartilage surfaces of the proximal phalanx and third metacarpal bone were in close contact with each other.  相似文献   

A male, 10 month old llama with malformation of both front limbs was presented. Both front limbs had one more digit located medially. The distal phalanx of this additional digit at the left front limb reached the ground by the tip of the keratinzed pad and the toenail. The accessory digit at the right front limb was bent in a 90 degree angle caudolateraly. Beside the digital bones of the accessory digits the second metacarpal bone and the first carpal bone could be detected in both front limbs by radiological examination. Secondary a bilateral slight carpal valgus deformity could be seen.  相似文献   

Scedosporium prolificans was associated with arthritis and degenerative osteomyelitis in a 6-year-old Thoroughbred racehorse. The horse was suspected to have an inflammatory lesion of the interosseous tendon, but treatment had resulted in only a minimal response. Shortly after diagnostic arthrocentesis of the left metacarpophalangeal joint was performed, the joint became severely swollen, and radiography of the area revealed lysis of the distal end of the third metacarpal bone, the proximal sesamoid bones, and the proximal end of the proximal phalanx. The horse did not respond to treatment and was euthanatized. At necropsy, severe erosive arthritis and degenerative osteomyelitis of the left metacarpophalangeal joint were seen. Swab specimens of the ulcerated lesions of the articular cartilage were submitted for microbial culture, and Scedosporium prolificans was isolated. Scedosporium prolificans is a newly recognized opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans and animals. In humans, S prolificans typically causes focal locally invasive infections that primarily involve musculoskeletal tissues; most often, infection is a result of penetrating trauma or surgical incision. In immunocompromised patients, fatal disseminated infection can occur. The fungus is resistant to almost all currently available antimycotic agents.  相似文献   

This study involves the evaluation of pre-purchase radiographic studies of South African Thoroughbred yearlings. Radiographic changes were recorded and compared with similar international studies. The study differs from other studies in that a lower prevalence of pedal osteitis (1.26%), dorsal osteochondral fragmentation of the metatarsophalangeal joint (1.60%), distal metacarpal sagittal ridge changes (15.7%), ulnar carpal bone lucencies (8.33%), carpal osteophytes (1.19%), distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joint radiographic changes (9.92%), tarsal osteochondrosis lesions (4.40%) and stifle osteochondrosis lesions (0.4%) was found. The prevalence of dorsal osteochondral fragments in the metacarpophalangeal joint was similar to other studies (1.60%). A higher prevalence of vascular channels as well as irregular borders and lucencies was evident in the proximal sesamoid bones. There was a higher prevalence of palmar metacarpophalangeal and plantar metatarsophalangeal osteochondral fragments (2% and 7.10% respectively). Palmar metacarpal disease, metacarpal supracondylar lysis, proximal sesamoid bone fractures and carpal osteochondral fragmentation were absent in the current study. Additional findings recorded in the current study were proximal interphalangeal joint hyperextension (left front 15.13%, right front 18.91%), the solar angle (right front 2.38 degrees, left front 2.79 degrees), the prevalence of carpal bone 1 (30.95%) and carpal bone 5 (1.59%). Management, nutrition and genetics in the various groups of Thoroughbred yearlings should be further investigated in order to explain the reasons for the differences recorded in the current study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical findings, complications, and outcome of horses and foals with third metacarpal, third metatarsal, or phalangeal fractures that were treated with transfixation casting. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. Animals-29 adult horses and 8 foals with fractures of the third metacarpal or metatarsal bone or the proximal or middle phalanx. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed, and follow-up information was obtained. Data were analyzed by use of logistic regression models for survival, fracture healing, return to intended use, pin loosening, pin hole lysis, and complications associated with pins. RESULTS: In 27 of 35 (77%) horses, the fracture healed and the horse survived, including 10 of 15 third metacarpal or metatarsal bone fractures, 11 of 12 proximal phalanx fractures, and 6 of 8 middle phalanx fractures. Four adult horses sustained a fracture through a pin hole. One horse sustained a pathologic unicortical fracture secondary to a pin hole infec-tion. Increasing body weight, fracture involving 2 joints, nondiaphyseal fracture location, and increasing duration until radiographic union were associated with horses not returning to their intended use. After adjusting for body weight, pin loosening was associated with di-aphyseal pin location, pin hole lysis was associated with number of days with a transfixation cast, and pin complications were associated with hand insertion of pins. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that transfixation casting can be successful in managing fractures distal to the carpus or tarsus in horses. This technique is most suitable for comminuted fractures of the proximal phalanx but can be used for third metacarpal, third metatarsal, or middle phalanx fractures, with or without internal fixation.  相似文献   

An arthroscopic approach to the palmaroproximal or plantaroproximal pouch of the distal interphalangeal joint was developed in six cadaver limbs and seven limbs of three clinically normal horses. The dorsal aspect of the proximal border and the proximal articular margin of the distal sesamoid (navicular) bone, the palmar aspect of the distal articular margin of the middle phalanx, the collateral sesamoidean ligaments of the distal sesamoid bone, and the joint capsule attachments were readily accessible. Distending the joints with fluid gave access to portions of the articular surface between the distal sesamoid bone and the middle phalanx in all joints, and to a small portion of the distal phalanx in two hind distal interphalangeal joints. Two horses allowed to recover from anesthesia were not lame on days 30 and 37, respectively. Problems encountered initially were difficulty entering the joint, hemarthrosis, and minimal iatrogenic cartilage damage.  相似文献   

A 3‐year‐old filly was presented for severe lameness referable to the left front fetlock joint. Radiographs confirmed an osseous cyst‐like lesion and synovial fluid cytology ruled out sepsis. The filly responded poorly to medical management and was subsequently subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examination confirmed an impact fracture of the proximal phalanx, previously undiagnosed in the horse.  相似文献   

Total, full thickness hoof wall avulsion is rare in horses. Sometimes complications such as fracture of the distal phalanx, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis and degenerative joint disease have been reported. Limiting motion at the affected site and hoof stabilisation are essential to obtain a good hoof regeneration. This case report reviews the clinical features including diagnostic techniques (radiographic examination and venography) of a Quarter Horse filly presented with a complete and full‐thickness traumatic hoof capsule avulsion complicated by an open fracture of the third phalanx. A transfixation casting technique was performed followed after one month by 2 short limb casts applied for 2 months each. Twenty‐four months after trauma the foot had completely regrown. The dorsal aspect of the hoof wall appears to be remarkably shorter compared to the heels. From a radiographic viewpoint, the lateral aspect of the left hind foot shows diffuse bone remodelling and a deformed distal phalanx.  相似文献   

The purpose of the project was to provide a reference for radiographic anatomy of the developing equine foredigit and metacarpophalangeal region. Using xeroradiographic techniques, both foredigits and meta-carpophalangeal regions of six Quarter Horse foals were radiographed at one day of age and at two-week intervals until the foals were six weeks old. The foals were then radiographed at four-week intervals until they were 12 months old. This report deals specifically with the first six months of postnatal development. Lateromedial and dorsopalmar xeroradiographs of each foredigit and metacarpophalangeal region and a dorsal 65° proximal-palmarodistal oblique view of the distal part of the digit were made for each examination. The foals were weighed and measured at the withers immediately prior to each examination. Representative xeroradiographs were selected and appropriately labeled to demonstrate normal radio-graphic anatomy of these regions. First radiographic appearance of distal epiphyseal ossification in metacarpal 2 and metacarpal 4 was extremely variable and ranged from four to 38 weeks. Radiographic closure of the proximal physis of the middle phalanx ranged from 18 to 30 weeks (mean = 26 weeks). Radiographic closure of the proximal physis of the proximal phalanx ranged from 22 to 38 weeks (mean = 30 weeks). Radiographic closure of the distal physis of metacarpal 3 ranged from 18 to 38 weeks (mean = 29 weeks). When xeroradiographic physeal closure times were compared with scintigraphic closure times from a companion study, results correlated very well. A crena marginis solearis was observed in ten of 12 forelimbs (83.3%); its first radiographic appearance ranged from four to 22 weeks (mean = 11–12 weeks). A consistent groove in the hoof wall, which formed near the time of birth and moved distally at about 3 mm per week, was noted. The groove's distance from the proximal hoof border may be useful in age estimation of foals less than 18–20 weeks old.  相似文献   

Our aims were to evaluate the pattern of radiopharmaceutical uptake in horses with lameness related to the metacarpophalangeal and/or metatarsophalangeal joint and compare the results with similar information from sound horses. It was hypothesized that there would be a difference in radiopharmaceutical uptake between the lame and contralateral limb in unilaterally lame horses and that there would be a difference between lame and sound horses. Nuclear scintigraphic images of 43 horses with forelimb lameness and 30 horses with hindlimb lameness were evaluated. In all horses lameness was improved by intraarticular analgesia of the joint, or by perineural analgesia of the palmar/plantar (at the junction of the proximal 3/4 and the distal 1/4 of the metacarpal/metatarsal regions) and palmar/plantar metacarpal/metatarsal nerves. All images were assessed subjectively and a quantitative image analysis was performed by drawing a vertical line profile through the center of each joint in the lateral images and using region of interest analysis in both lateral and dorsal/plantar images. Ratios of radiopharmaceutical uptake were compared for each region between lame and contralateral limbs in unilaterally lame horses and between lame and control horses. There was a significant difference in the ratio of radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal aspect of the proximal phalanx between lame and nonlame forelimbs in unilaterally lame horses and in both lame and contralateral limbs of lame horses compared with control horses for the regions of the distal aspect of the third metacarpal/metatarsal bone and the proximal sesamoid bones. However, the profile analysis was of limited clinical value.  相似文献   

A Salter-Harris type-II fracture of the proximal portion of the right femur in a 2-month-old filly was reduced and stabilized with three 6.5-mm-diameter, 100-mm-long cancellous bone screws through a dorsal approach to the right coxofemoral joint. The screws were removed after 11 months because the filly became lame in the affected limb. The surgical wounds dehisced despite preventive measures, most likely because of tightness of skin in the coxal region. Seven years after the original injury, the horse could perform vigorous paddock exercise without any disability. Early internal fixation of proximal femoral physeal fractures in foals can provide a good long-term prognosis.  相似文献   

Traumatic disruption of the suspensory apparatus is a catastrophic injury in the horse. Although this injury has been described in the adult, little information is available in the foal. This paper describes 3 foals with metacarpophalangeal joint instability caused by traumatic disruption of the suspensory apparatus. Two foals had biaxial proximal sesamoid fractures in a single forelimb, and 1 foal had avulsion of the distal sesamoidean ligaments in 1 forelimb plus biaxial proximal sesamoid fractures in the other forelimb. The foals with single forelimb involvement were managed with splints, and the foal with bilateral disruption of the suspensory apparatus was euthanatized. Both treated foals resumed natural exercise at pasture. Both continue to be pasture sound 2 and 3 years after injury and are to be used for breeding. Management of disruption of the suspensory apparatus causing metacarpophalangeal joint instability using external support was effective for salvage of these 2 valuable foals for breeding.  相似文献   

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