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Genotypic differences in potassium (K) uptake and utilization were compared for eight cotton cultivars in growth chamber and field experiments. Four of the cultivars (‘SGK3’, ‘SCRC18’, ‘SCRC21’ and ‘SCRC22’) typically produce lower dry mass and the other four (‘Nannong8’, ‘Xiangza2’, ‘Xinluzao12’ and ‘Xiangza3’) produce greater dry mass in K-deficient solution (0.02 mM). The mean dry weight of seedlings (five-leaf stage) of cultivars with greater biomass was 155% higher than that of cultivars with lower biomass yield under K deficiency. However, all the genotypes had similar dry matter yields in K-sufficient solution (2.5 mM). Thus, the four cultivars with superior biomass yield under low K medium may be described as K efficient cultivars while the inferior cultivars may be described as K inefficient. Although seeds of the studied cultivars originated from different research institutes or seed companies, there were little differences in seed K content among them, irrespective of their K efficiency. Consequently, there were no significant differences in K accumulation in seedlings (4 d after germination in a K-free sand medium) just before transferring to nutrient solutions. However, the K efficient genotypes, on average, accumulated twice as much K at 21 d after transferring to K-deficient solution (0.02 mM). A much larger root system as well as a slightly higher uptake rate (K uptake per unit of root dry weight) may have contributed to the higher net K uptake by the K efficient cultivars. In addition, the K efficiency ratio (dry mass produced per unit of K accumulated) and K utilization efficiency (dry mass produced per unit of K concentration) of the K efficient cultivars exceeded those of the K inefficient genotypes by 29% and 234%, respectively, under K deficiency. On average, the K efficient cultivars produced 59% more potential economic yield (dry weight of all reproductive organs) under field conditions even with available soil K at obviously deficient level (60 mg kg?1). We noted especially that the four K inefficient cultivars studied were all transgenic insect-resistant cotton, suggesting that the introduction of foreign genes (Bt and CpTI) may affect the K use efficiency of cotton.  相似文献   


Potassium (K) deficiency affects cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) growth. Sodium (Na) can substitute K for some non-specific functions in plants. Four cotton genotypes were evaluated for their growth rates and K use efficiency grown at various K:Na. The cotton genotypes and treatments had significant (p < 0.01) effect on biomass production, growth rate related parameters, K use efficiency, and K: Na ratio. Maximum total dry matter (2.57 g plant-1) was accumulated by ‘NIBGE-2’ and minimum (1.91 g plant?1) was by ‘FH-1000’. Maximum K:Na ratio in shoot was obtained by ‘MNH-786’ and minimum was by ‘NIBGE-2’when 1/3rd K was replaced with Na. Genotypes and various treatments significantly (p < 0.05) influenced specific utilization rate (SUR) and K transport rate (KTR). There was a significant relationship (R2 = 0.84, n = 60) between shoot dry matter and K: Na ratio in shoot. Overall, the growth was better when K and Na were added in ratio of 3:1.  相似文献   

Permanent raised-bed is an alternative planting system for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in rain-fed areas. However, this system in monoculture conditions produces lower yields compared with wheat in rotation. Our objective was to estimate these yield differences as affected by nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE). Wheat in monoculture and in rotation with maize (Zea mays L.) was evaluated for eight years (2002–2009) with four N rates (0, 40, 80 or 120 kg ha?1). Yield response to N in monoculture was consistently lower than for wheat in rotation. Yield reduction in monoculture at low and high N rate was 81 and 99% attributed to NUE out of which 70 and 82% was due to the uptake efficiency (UPE) and 30 and 19% to the utilization efficiency (UTE), respectively. Total N uptake proved to be the parameter that needs to be improved to enhance wheat yield in monoculture.

Abbreviations: NUE: nitrogen use efficiency; UPE: uptake efficiency; UTE: utilization efficiency; Ns: nitrogen supply; NDVI: normalized difference vegetation index  相似文献   

The objective of this growth chamber study was to evaluate the effect of adding N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) and dicyandiaminde (DCD) to urea fertilizer, on the physiology and growth of cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.) under normal and high temperatures. Treatments consisted of two day temperature regimes, 30°C and 38°C, and five nitrogen fertilization applications: unfertilized control, 125 kg ha?1 of urea, 93 kg ha?1 of urea, 93 kg ha?1 urea + NBPT, and 93 kg ha?1 urea + NBPT + DCD. The addition of NBPT to urea fertilizer had positive effects on leaf chlorophyll, leaf area, dry matter, nitrogen (N) uptake, and N use efficiency. The absence of a significant interaction effect indicated that N fertilization was not influenced by temperature. Deficiency of N significantly decreased leaf chlorophyll, increased glutathione reductase, decreased protein and increased leaf nitrate reductase. Physiological changes under high temperature included increased plant N uptake, glutamine synthetase, leaf chlorophyll, protein content, plant height and leaf area were due to high N uptake and utilization.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important food crop in the Guinea savannas of Nigeria. Despite its high production potential, drought, Striga hermonthica parasitsim, and poor soil fertility particularly nitrogen deficiency limit maize production in the savannas. Breeders at IITA have developed drought- and Striga-tolerant cultivars for testing, dissemination, and deployment in the region. Information on the response of these cultivars to N fertilization is, however, not available. This study evaluated grain yield, total N uptake (TNU), N uptake (NUPE), N utilization (NUTE), and N use efficiency (NUE) of selected maize cultivars along with a widely grown improved maize cultivar at two locations in the Guinea savannas of northern Nigeria. Maize grain yield increased with N application. The average grain yield of the maize cultivars was 76% higher at 30, 156% higher at 60, and 203% higher at 120 kg N ha?1 than at 0 kg N ha?1. This suggests that N is a limiting nutrient in the Nigerian savannas. Five drought-tolerant cultivars produced consistently higher yields when N was added at all levels. These cultivars had either high NUPE or NUTE confirming earlier reports that high N uptake or NUTE improves maize grain yield. The study also confirms earlier reports that maize cultivars that are selected for tolerance to drought are also efficient in uptake and use of N fertilizer. This means that these cultivars can be grown with application of less N fertilizer thereby reducing investment on fertilizers and reduction in environmental pollution.  相似文献   

烤烟钾素营养特性的基因型差异研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以10个烤烟基因型为材料,进行了离子耗竭溶液培养、土壤耗竭盆栽试验和田间小区试验,研究比较钾素营养特性的基因型差异。结果表明,不同基因型的吸钾速率和耐低钾能力差异显著。吸钾速率以红大和K358最大,耐低钾能力Nc27NF和K358最强,Nc729最弱。10个基因型全株含钾量在低钾水平下变幅为0.87%~1.25%,而在高钾水平下为1.40%~1.94%。高钾条件下,基因型G28、77089-12、Rg11和Nc82的叶片含钾量高于2%;K358、Coker319、K346和Nc27NF有较高的钾素利用效率,K346、Nc729、G28和K358的钾素收获指数大于50%。各烤烟基因型的钾素营养特性在不同供钾条件下无显著相关性。综合比较K346属于钾高效基因型。  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to study the effect of different rates of potassium (K) fertilizer [0, 50, 100, and 150 potassium oxide (K2O) ha–1] in the presence of increased supply of nitrogen (N) (120, 180, and 240 kg N ha–1) on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield and the N and K use efficiencies using the 15N isotopic dilution technique. Potassium fertilizer increased cotton yield, which was significant and more pronounced with the application of N in the high level (N3). The greatest cotton yield (6442 kg ha–1) was obtained in N2K3 treatment with an increase of 14% over the control. In addition, K fertilizer significantly increased N uptake efficiency in the N2 and N3 treatments. The greatest N uptake efficiency (98%) was in N2K3 treatment. The greatest K uptake efficiency (42%) was occurred in N3K1 treatment. In conclusion, the use of K fertilizer could be useful when growing cotton in soils of moderate to high N content to improve N uptake efficiency and consequently increase cotton yield.  相似文献   

Forty six wheat genotypes from different origins were tested at stress (25 μM P) and adequate (250 μM P) levels of phosphorus (P) developed in a modified Johnson's nutrient solution. Response of wheat genotypes for tolerance to P deficiency stress was measured at two growth stages in terms of growth, P uptake, and P utilization efficiency. Substantial differences in shoot and root growth were observed among genotypes at both stress and adequate P levels in the growth medium. Reduction in shoot biomass due to P deficiency varied from >50% to 27%. Similarly P concentration in shoot and root, P uptake, specific absorption rate of P, and P utilization efficiency varied significantly at both levels of applied P. A significant negative correlation between P stress factor and root dry weight (r = ?0.396**), shoot P uptake (r = ?0.451**), and specific absorption rate of P (r = ?0.281**, P < 0.01) suggested that the genotypes with greater root biomass, higher P uptake potentials in shoots, and absorption rate of P were generally more tolerant to P deficiency in the growth medium. Wheat genotypes were grouped according to the ranking order of investigated plant characteristics and shoot dry matter yield per unit of P absorbed. Genotypes Inqlab-91, SARC-II, SARC-IV, Chakwal-86, 90627, 89626, and Parvaz-94 were P efficient, while genotypes Pak-81, Pato, 88042, 88163, 89295, 4072, 89313, and 91109 were P inefficient. All other genotypes were intermediate in P use efficiency.  相似文献   

Sustainable potassium (K) management at different soil sites requires understanding the relationships between crop productivity and long-term K fertilizations on a regional or national scale.We analyzed responses of grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.),K efficiency,and partial balance (difference between K input through fertilizer and K output in the aboveground biomass) during 15-(1990-2005) or 18-year (1990-2008) K fertilizations at five distinctive agroecological zones across China.Compared to the inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization,the inorganic NPK fertilization significantly increased grain yields of wheat (21%) and maize (16%-72%) at Qiyang and Changping,where soils have low exchangeable and non-exchangeable K contents,but not at rmqi,Yangling and Zhengzhou,where soils have a high exchangeable and non-exchangeable K and/or low N/K ratio in crop plants.Compared to the inorganic NPK fertilization,the inorganic NPK (30% N) and organic manure (70% N) fertilization (NPKM) increased grain yields of wheat (14%-40%) and maize (9%-61%) at four sites,but not at Zhengzhou.For a productivity of wheat at 2-5 t ha-1 or maize at 3-6 t ha-1,13-26 or 9-17 kg K ha-1 were required to produce 1.0 t wheat or maize.The NP fertilization resulted in the lowest negative partial K balance and accumulated 52 kg K ha-1 year-1 less than the NPK fertilization,which accumulated 28 kg ha-1 year-1 less K than the NPKM fertilization.A re-evaluation of the site-specific fertilization effects on N/K ratio in crop plants and soil K accumulation under current NPK and NPKM fertilization is urgently needed to increase both crop yield and K use efficiency at different agroecological zones across China.  相似文献   

不同供钾水平下水稻钾素吸收利用与产量的基因型差异   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
通过田间试验研究了不同供钾水平对8个水稻品种钾紊吸收利用和稻谷产量的影响。研究结果表明,两种供钾水平下,水稻的稻谷产量、钾利用效率和各生育期地上部钾积累都存在显著的基因型差异。低钾胁迫显著降低水稻的稻谷产量和各生育期地上部钾积累量,显著提高水稻的钾利用效率。相关性分析表明.低钾胁迫下水稻生育前期(秧苗期+分蘖期)地上部钾积累量以及生育中期(抽穗期)地上部钾积累量呈显著正相关;正常供钾条件下水稻生育前期地上部钾积累量呈显著正相关。因此筛选和培育具有较高钾利用效率和在生育前期具有较强钾索积累特性的水稻基因型可能是缓解南方水稻土钾素严重缺乏的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

农作物N素利用效率基因型差异及其机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同农作物N素利用效率基因型差异主要与N素吸收效率和生理利用效率有关。根系N的吸收动力学、根系形态、吸收时间是影响N素吸收效率的重要因素;N素生理利用效率与N的同化、转运及光合作用、C转运效率等生理过程有关。分析农作物N素利用效率基因型差异机理对提高N肥利用效率,降低N肥损失,充分发挥N肥在农业生产中的作用,降低农业生产成本和保护生态环境,促进农业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Species or genotypes differ in their zinc use efficiency (ZnUE) under low Zn availability in the soil. Organic acids (OAs) synthetized by plant carboxylate metabolism may play a role in Zn‐deficiency tolerance. The main objective of the present work was to assess the response of two species of great agronomic interest such as Lactuca sativa and Brassica oleracea to Zn deficiency focusing on OAs and carboxylate metabolism. For this, L. sativa and B. oleracea plants were grown in hydroponic culture with two different Zn‐application rates: 10 µM Zn as control and 0.1 µM Zn as deficiency treatment. ZnUE parameters, concentrations of OAs and enzymes of carboxylate metabolism were analyzed. L. sativa showed better Zn uptake efficiency (ZnUpE), while B. oleracea demonstrated better Zn utilization efficiency (ZnUtE). In L. sativa, citrate and oxaloacetate concentrations and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and citrate synthase activities increased, while fumarase and malate dehydrogenase activities declined. In B. oleracea no significant response was found in concentrations of carboxylate metabolism or enzyme activity except for a decrease in fumarase activity. These results suggest that a possible factor that induces the tricarboxylic acid cycle could be the low ZnUtE rather than the low Zn concentration under Zn‐deficiency conditions. In L. sativa citrate, oxaloacetate, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, and citrate synthase may play a key role to face Zn deficiency, while in B. oleracea the higher ZnUtE cannot be explained in terms of a rise in OAs synthesis.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) deficiency is one of the main limiting factors in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production. To study the mechanism of high K‐use efficiency of cotton, a pot experiment was conducted. The experiment consisted of two cotton genotypes differing in K‐use efficiency (H103 and L122) and two K‐application levels (K0: 0 g (kg soil)–1; K1: 0.40 g (kg soil)–1). Root‐hair density and length, partitioning of biomass and K in various organs, as well as K‐use efficiency of the two cotton genotypes were examined. The results show that there was no significant difference in K uptake between the two genotypes at both treatments, although the genotype H103 (high K‐use efficiency) exhibited markedly higher root‐hair density than genotype L122 in the K1 treatment. Correlation analysis indicates that neither root‐hair density nor root‐hair length was correlated with plant K uptake. Furthermore, the boll biomass of genotype H103 was significantly higher than that of genotype L122 in both treatments, and the K accumulation in bolls of genotype H103 was 39%–48% higher than that of genotype L122. On the other hand, the litter index (LI) and the litter K‐partitioning index (LKPI) of genotype H103 were 14%–21% and 22%–27% lower than that of genotype L122. Lastly, the K‐use efficiency of total plant (KUE‐P) of genotype H103 was comparable with that of genotype L122 in both treatments, but the K‐use efficiency in boll yield (KUE‐B) of genotype H103 was 24% and 41% higher than that of genotype L122 in K0 and K1 treatments. Pearson correlation analysis indicated that KUE‐P was positively correlated with BKPI and negatively correlated with LKPI, while KUE‐B was positively correlated with BKPI and boll‐harvest index (HIB), and negatively correlated with LKPI. It is concluded that there were no pronounced effects of root‐hair traits on plant K uptake of the two genotypes. The difference in K‐use efficiency was attributed to different patterns of biomass and K partitioning rather than difference in K uptake of the two genotypes.  相似文献   

Shortage of water in arid and semi-arid regions increases the need of applying efficient drip irrigation system. A two-year field study in the semi-arid region of Upper Egypt was carried in randomized complete block design with four replicates. Wheat plants were irrigated by 100 or 75% of water requirements (I100 = 5,370 and I75 = 4,027 m3 ha?1). Irrigation of wheat by I100 increased growth and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compared to low irrigation level. I100 caused 14 and 5% increase in straw and biological yield, respectively, compared to I75. Grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were higher by 20 and 59% in the case of I75 compared to I100. The use of deficit irrigation in drip-irrigated wheat under arid conditions is an effective tool to maximize efficiency of water use; moreover, 4,027 m3 ha?1 is the optimum irrigation rate for maximum WUE and grain yield.  相似文献   

全膜双垄沟不同覆膜时期对玉米土壤水分和产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘晓伟  何宝林  郭天文 《核农学报》2012,26(3):602-608,627
针对甘肃省旱作农业区年降水量少、季节分布不均匀、玉米生产中春旱严重的问题,采用田间试验的方法研究了全膜双垄沟4种不同覆膜时期对旱地玉米生育时期、土壤水分变化、水分利用效率、产量及经济效益的影响。结果表明:秋覆膜优于早春顶凌覆膜、玉米播前覆膜和晚春播种时覆膜,即早覆膜优于晚覆膜。全膜双垄沟秋覆膜增加了降水利用率和水分利用效率,降水利用率为70.21%,产量为10039.34kg/hm2,比播前覆膜8036.67kg/hm2增产24.92%,水分利用效率36.01kg/hm2·mm,比播前覆膜27.10kg/hm2·mm提高32.88%。全膜双垄沟秋覆膜可明显减少冬春季土壤水分的无效蒸发,增产效果明显,是旱作区进一步挖掘降水潜力和高产田创建的有效途径。  相似文献   

在玉米某一生育阶段实施根区局部灌溉,探索其水肥供应模式。通过盆栽试验,研究了在不同氮(N)、钾(K)水平下,苗期拔节期和苗期抽雄期分根区交替灌溉和固定部分根区灌溉对玉米干物质积累、水分利用和N、K吸收的影响。结果表明,与常规灌溉相比,苗期拔节期根区局部灌溉总干物质质量降低不明显或略有增加,而水分利用效率明显增加,且不影响玉米对N、K吸收量; 而苗期抽雄期根区局部灌溉虽降低耗水量31.0%38.4%,但明显降低玉米总干物质质量和N、K吸收量。相同灌溉方式下,中等 N、K水平(N和K2O均为 0.12 g/kg)处理的总干物质质量、地上部和总N、K吸收量比低N、K水平(N和K2O均为0.08 g/kg)的明显增加; 而高N、K水平(N和K2O 均为0.16 g/kg)与中等N、K水平无明显差异。说明适宜N、K水平时在玉米苗期拔节期进行根区局部灌溉效果较好。  相似文献   

A field study conducted for two years (2006 and 2007) at the Research Farm of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India showed that zinc (Zn) fertilization increased yield attributes, grain and straw yield, enhanced Zn concentrations and its uptake and improved kernel quality before and after cooking in basmati rice ‘Pusa Sugandh 5’. A 2% Zn-coating with zinc sulfate (ZnSO4·7H2O) was found to be the best but a 2% Zn-coating with zinc oxide (ZnO) was very close to it in terms of grain and straw yield and Zn concentrations in basmati rice grain and straw under Zn stress conditions. Partial factor productivity (PFP) of applied Zn varied from 984–3,387 kg grain kg Zn?1, agronomic efficiency (AE) varied from 212–311 kg grain kg?1 Zn (applied) and physiological efficiency (PE) of Zn varied from 6,384–17,077 kg grain kg?1 Zn (absorbed). Thus, adequate Zn fertilization of basmati rice can lead to higher grain yield and Zn-denser grains with improved cooking quality in basmati rices under Zn stress soil conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is vital in the production of N containing compounds in cereal crops. Stay-greenness in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is characterized by the plant's ability to retain water and chlorophyll content at maturity. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the genotypic variability between stay-green (BT × 643) and senescent (RT × 7000) hybrids for leaf senescence, dry matter partitioning and N partitioning under three N levels (0.45, 0.90, 1.80 g plant?1). The stay-green hybrid had a higher percentage green leaf area at 120 DAE with a higher residual N in leaves. The chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502) values for the stay-green hybrid during anthesis (75 and 85 DAE) were higher compared to its senescent counterpart. The results indicated that the expression of stay-green phenotype in sorghum was contingent on a minimum N supply of 1.35 g plant?1 and associated with greater N acquisition. Nitrogen use and uptake in the stay-green hybrid were higher.  相似文献   

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