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Both drought and salinity cause nutrient disturbance, albeit for different reasons: a decrease in the diffusion rate of nutrients in the soil and the restricted transpiration rates in plants for drought and extreme soil sodium (Na)/calcium (Ca), Na/potassium (K), and chloride (Cl)/nitrate (NO3) ratios for salinity. The objective of this study was to examine short-term effects of drought and salinity on nutrient disturbance in wheat seedlings. Wheat was grown in a greenhouse in soil under drought and saline conditions for 26 days after sowing. At harvest, shoot biomass and length, and fresh weight and dry weight of the blade and sheath in expanded leaves 3 and 4 and expanding leaf 5 were determined. Mineral elements (K, Ca, magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), Na, sulphur (S), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn)) in leaf blades and sheaths were also analyzed. At harvest, the reduction in plant height, shoot biomass, and accumulative evapotranspiration under drought was similar to that under salinity as compared with control plants. However, drought decreased the accumulation of all ions in the blade of the youngest leaf 5 compared with the control, whereas there was either an increase or no difference in all ion concentrations under saline conditions. The change in concentration for most ions in the blade and sheath of expanded leaves 3 and 4 varied among control, drought, and salinity plants, which indicated a different competition for nutrients between the sheath and blade of expanded leaves under drought and saline conditions. It can be concluded from this study that ion deficiency might occur in expanding leaves under drought but not saline conditions.  相似文献   


Saline irrigation water has a tremendous impact on the yield potential of crops. Distribution of mineral elements in the parts of maize plant in response to saline water and nitrogen (N) nutrition was studied in a pot experiment for six weeks. Plants were irrigated either with tap water or saline water (ECw: 3.2 dSm?1). Nitrogen was applied at the rate of 0, 50, 100 and 200-kg ha?1 denoted as N0, N1, N2, and N3, respectively. Plants were separated into leaf, stem and root and analyzed for N, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), and potassium (K) concentrations. Dry matter production of leaf, stem and root was significantly reduced with saline water. The partitioning of elements in plants was the function of nitrogen and saline water. The N concentration of plant parts varied in the order of leaf > stem > root. A significant decrease in the N content was noted in plants under saline water. The root contained the highest Na content, Ca and Mg were higher in the leaf, whereas K was highest in the stem under saline water. Sodium was highest in the root and the remainder elements were greatest in the stem under tap water. Potassium and Cl were significantly reduced by N level whereas the reverse was true for Ca, Mg and Na content. The Na/K, Na/Ca, and Na/Mg ratios were also higher in salt stressed plant parts due to higher accumulation of Na ion. Among N-fertilizer treatments the Na/Ca and Na/Mg ratios were highest in control whereas Na/K increased with the addition of N. This study indicated that interaction of saline water and nitrogen has mixed effects on the partitioning of mineral elements in maize.  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对寒地水稻籽粒植酸、蛋白质和矿质元素的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究寒地水稻优质栽培的氮肥施用方式,以粳稻品种垦粳7号和垦粳8号为试验材料,通过2年(2017-2018年)田间试验,设置4种氮肥运筹方式:习惯施肥(T1,施氮量150 kg·hm-2,基肥:蘖肥:穗肥=6:3:1)、氮肥后移1(T2,施氮量150 kg·hm-2,基肥:蘖肥:穗肥=4:3:3)、基于T2的减氮施肥(T3,施氮量135 kg·hm-2,基肥:蘖肥:穗肥=4:3:3)和氮肥后移2(T4,施氮量150 kg·hm-2,基肥:蘖肥:穗肥=5:3:2),其中以T1为对照,研究氮肥运筹对寒地水稻籽粒植酸、总蛋白质及组分、矿质元素含量的影响及其互作效应。结果表明,氮肥、品种对水稻籽粒中植酸含量的影响均达显著或极显著水平。与T1相比,T2、T3和T4水稻籽粒中植酸含量平均分别显著降低了31.92%、48.94%和21.28%;T2、T3和T4水稻籽粒中清蛋白、球蛋白、谷蛋白以及总蛋白质含量均增加,且T2作用效果更明显,分别较T1显著提高了0.14、0.10、0.45和0.60个百分点(2017年两品种均值);T2和T3的醇溶蛋白含量略有降低,T4则略有增加,但与T1差异均不显著;T2和T3水稻籽粒中Cu、Mn、Fe、Ca、K、Zn含量均增加,且T2增加更明显,T4水稻籽粒中各矿质元素含量变化则无明显规律。通过分析氮肥运筹下水稻籽粒植酸含量与蛋白质、8种矿质元素含量的相关性可知,植酸含量与总蛋白质、清蛋白、球蛋白、谷蛋白以及Cu、Mn、Fe、Zn、Ca、Mg、K含量均呈负相关,其中与球蛋白含量和2018年Zn和Ca含量呈显著负相关。综上所述,氮肥平衡分配能降低水稻籽粒中植酸含量,增加总蛋白质和矿质元素含量,有效改善蛋白质组分,从而提高稻米营养品质。本研究结果为寒地稻米的优质栽培的氮肥运筹方式提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

在大田条件下,研究了UV-B辐射增强对大麦的生长发育、光合作用、蒸腾作用及其产量构成的影响。结果表明,UV-B辐射增强明显抑制大麦生长,使株高变矮、绿叶数减少、叶面积和干物质量下降,但抑制程度随生育期而异。在UV-B辐射增强条件下,大麦叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率都有不同程度的降低,水分利用率也随之降低。UV-B辐射增强对大麦形态学和生理学上的不利影响,导致了大麦产量下降24.96%。  相似文献   

通过水培实验研究了在10-6、10-5、10-4mol·L-1浓度下,Cd2+胁迫对玉米幼苗抗氧化酶系统、丙二醛(MDA)含量、Cd积累及矿质元素吸收的影响,同时讨论了Cd2+毒害的作用机理。结果表明,中、低浓度(10-6、10-5mol·L-1)Cd2+胁迫下,玉米幼苗MDA含量与对照组相比没有显著变化;高浓度(10-4mol·L-1)Cd2+胁迫后,MDA含量显著升高(P〈0.05)。Cd2+胁迫初期,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均升高;随着胁迫时间的延长,除叶片中SOD和CAT活性略有上升外,其他抗氧化酶活性逐渐下降,高浓度组抗氧化酶活性下降最明显。植物吸收的Cd主要积累在根部,Cd2+胁迫能干扰玉米对Fe、Cu、Zn、Mg等养分的吸收。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究了生物黑炭对大豆根际土壤氮素转化强度及无机氮的影响。结果表明:固氮作用强度在结荚期达到最大值,此后逐渐呈现出降低的趋势。氨化作用强度在开花期、结荚期和鼓粒期有显著差异,5%生物黑炭处理的氨化作用强度均显著高于CK处理。硝化作用强度在苗期、开花期和结荚期,N_2Y_5和N_1Y_5处理下的根际土壤硝化作用强度与CK处理均存在显著性差异;在鼓粒期和成熟期,只有N_2Y_5处理与CK处理存在显著性差异,分别比CK处理提高了58.87%,84.49%。生物黑炭的适量施用提高了根际土壤铵态氮的含量。苗期、花期、结荚期和鼓粒期不同处理之间铵态氮含量存在显著差异,成熟期差异不显著。合理的生物黑炭施用量对硝态氮利用起着关键性的作用,在苗期、花期、结荚期、鼓粒期,5%生物黑炭的处理均显著高于CK处理,在成熟期,N_1Y_5,N_1Y_(10)和N_2Y_(10)处理下的根际土壤硝态氮含量比CK处理显著降低了20.73%,21.04%,22.85%。  相似文献   

水氮调控对设施土壤有机氮组分、全氮和矿质氮的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨水氮调控对设施土壤有机氮组分、全氮和矿质氮的影响,通过膜下滴灌设施番茄田间定位试验,采用灌水下限(W_1、W_2、W_3)和施氮量(N_1、N_2、N_3)的两因素三水平随机区组设计,研究水氮调控对休耕期0—30cm土层土壤有机氮组分、全氮和矿质氮的影响。结果表明,不同水氮调控下,设施土壤有机氮主要是以酸解态氮为主,总体表现酸解态氮大于非酸解态氮含量。土壤有机氮组分在酸解态氮和非酸解态氮中分配比例差异明显。土壤有机氮各组分含量及占全氮比例的大小顺序为氨基酸氮/氨态氮未知氮氨基糖氮。除氨基糖氮,其余酸解态氮各组分和酸解总氮含量及其占全氮比例均随着土层深度的增加而降低,不同土层含量差异显著(P0.05)。土壤全氮、矿质氮和总有机氮含量随土层深度的增加也呈降低趋势,且含量差异达到极显著水平(P0.01)。除氨基糖氮,全氮与其他有机氮各组分、酸解总氮间均达到极显著正相关(P0.01);矿质氮仅与酸解氨态氮及酸解总氮的影响达到极显著(P0.01)和显著正相关(P0.05)。灌水下限、施氮量及水氮交互对设施土壤全氮、矿质氮和总有机氮及有机氮组分影响均达到极显著水平(P0.01)。因此,设施土壤氮素含量的变化与水氮管理模式紧密相关。氨态氮和氨基酸氮是设施土壤中最主要的有机氮形态,是土壤活性氮中的主要组分,亦是土壤供氮潜力的表征。考虑土壤供氮潜力,灌水下限35kPa、施氮量300kg/hm~2为该设施生产下最优的水氮管理措施。  相似文献   


The interactions between salinity and different nitrogen (N) sources nitrate (NO3 ?), ammonium (NH4 +), and NO3 ? + NH4 + were investigated on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea cv. RH30). Treatments were added to observe the combined effect of two salinity levels (8 and 12 ds m? 1) and three nitrogen sources (NO3 ?, NH4 +, and NO3 ? + NH4 +) on different growth parameters and mineral composition in different plant parts, i.e., leaves, stem, and root. Salinity has been known to affect the uptake and assimilation of various essential nutrients required for normal growth and development. Different growth parameters, i.e., leaf area, dry weight of different plant parts, absolute growth rate (AGR), relative growth rate (RGR), and net assimilation rate (NAR) declined markedly by salinity at pre-flowering and flowering stages. All growth indices were less sensitive to salinity (12 d s m? 1) with the nitrate form of nitrogen. It is pertinent mention that a high dose (120 kg ha? 1) of nitrogen in ammonium form NH4 +, acted synergistically with salinity in inhibiting growth. Plants fed with combined nitrogen (NO3 ? + NH4 +) had an edge over individual forms in ameliorating the adverse effects of salinity on growth and yield. Under salt stress, different nutrient elements such as N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K+), and magnesium (Mg2 +) were decreased in different plant parts (leaves, stem, and root). The maximum and minimum reduction was observed with ammoniacal and combined form of nitrogen, respectively, while the reverse was true of calcium (Ca2 +), sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl?), and sulfate (SO4 2?) at harvest. Nitrogen application (120 Kg ha? 1) in combined form had been found to maintain highest concentrations of N, P, Mg2 +, and Ca2 + along with reduced concentrations of Na+, Cl?, and SO4 2 ?. However, reverse was true with ammoniacal form of nitrogen.  相似文献   

丁婷婷  王百群      何瑞清  张燕 《水土保持研究》2014,21(6):72-77
为了研究施用秸秆对土壤可溶性有机碳氮及矿质态氮含量的影响,设置CK(对照),M2,M4,M6共4个处理,处理中每100 g干土中加入秸秆量分别为0,2,4,6 g。在室温为25℃、土壤含水量为田间持水量的70%的条件下进行培养试验,分别在15,30,45,60,105,150 d时,采取各处理中的土壤样品,观测土壤可溶性有机碳氮及矿质氮的动态变化。结果表明:4个处理的土壤可溶性有机碳、氮具有相同的变化趋势,表现为随着培养时间的推移,先增加,再减小,然后经过一段时间的波动后趋于平稳。在培养的整个过程中,M4与M6处理的土壤可溶性有机碳、氮明显高于CK中的含量,表明了施用秸秆可以促进土壤可溶性有机碳氮的累积。在相同时间段内,各处理之间铵态氮含量无明显差异,与对照相比,加入秸秆后,土壤中硝态氮的含量明显下降。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilization play a key role in forage crops and can significantly increase yields of ‘Marandu’ palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. exA. Rich.) Stapf.], one of the most important forage crops in Brazil. This study aimed to identify the concentrations of total N and K, nitrate (NO3?), and ammonium (NH4+), chlorophyll meter readings (SPAD), and nitrate reductase activity (At-RNA) required to maximize yield. Plants were grown in quartz substrate and treated with nutrient solutions that ranged from 2 to 33 mmol L?1 for N and 0.5 to 11 mmol L?1 for K. Dry matter production and At-RNA increased with increasing N and K supplies. SPAD readings correlated strongly with N leaf concentration and dry matter production and can be used to assess the N status of this species. The supply of N and K in the fertilization promoted high yield and adequate N and K concentration for plant metabolism.  相似文献   

我国著名的土地资源及水土保持专家宋桂琴研究员   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宁南地区土壤矿质元素的含量顺序为SiO2>Al2O3>CaO>Fe2O3MgO>K2O>MnO>Zn>Cu,其中硅、铝、铁、钛空间分布较均匀;钙、镁、钾变异较大、空间分布不均匀。硅、钛、铜、锌、锰为残积母质>洪冲积母质>黄土母质;铁、镁、钾为洪冲积母质>残积母质>黄土母质;铝为洪冲积母质>黄土母质>残积母质;钙为黄土母质最高,残积母质很低。从山地洪积扇中上游阶地中下游阶地,硅、铜、锌、锰逐渐减少;铝、镁、铁、钙、钾则不断增加  相似文献   

适宜浓度的硝酸稀土溶液浸种后 ,花生种子的发芽率、发芽势、平均生长势和活力指数得到提高 ,种子出苗期缩短 1~ 2天 ,出苗率明显提高。在干旱条件下 ,经处理后的花生其幼苗抗旱性明显增强 ,根系发达、植株矮化、单株叶面积增大 ,分枝数增多 ;花生幼苗叶片的叶绿素含量和净光合速率也较高 ,细胞质膜透性降低 ,脯氨酸含量增加。硝酸稀土处理后 ,花生幼苗在干旱条件下表现出较强的抗旱性和较好的光合效能。在 5种不同浓度处理中 ,以 5 0 0mg/L硝酸稀土溶液浸种效果更好  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1191-1200

Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl. is a perennial dicot halophytic species that grows in brackish portions of coastal tidal marshes of the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States. It was introduced into Northern Jiangsu, China, by the Halophyte Biotechnology Center (University of Delaware, Newark, DE) as a species with potential to improve the soil and develop ecologically sound saline agriculture. Fifteen major and minor elements [calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), lithium (Li), cobalt (Co), and vanadium (V)] in roots, stems, leaves, and seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica and saline soils were measured in the study. Concentrations of Al, Fe, Zn, Mn, V, and Pb were the highest in soils, whereas concentrations of Na, Li, Cu, Ca, and Mg were the highest in the roots, stems, and leaves, respectively, and concentrations of K and P were the highest in the seeds. Potassium, P, Mg, and Ca were the main constituents in the seeds, and concentrations of Fe, Li, Mn, Zn, and Cu in seeds were relatively high. However, concentrations of Na and Al were very low in the seeds. The K/Na ratio in the seeds was 34.26, and the Ca/P ratio was 0.52, which was less than the maximum tolerable value for the human diet. These proportions were considered to be an advantage from a nutritional point of view. From roots to stems to leaves, increases in K/Na, Ca/Na, and Ca/Mg ratios could mitigate salt stress of the growth habitat of Kosteletzkya virginica. These results suggest that Kosteletzkya virginica is a halophytic species with potential as a rich source of mineral-element supply, and its products could be used for development of food, fodder, health care products and industrial raw materials.  相似文献   

稀土元素对增强UV-B辐照下小麦抗氧化酶的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
盆栽条件下,研究了增强紫外线B(UV-B,280~320nm)辐照对小麦幼苗抗氧化酶的影响以及施用稀土元素后的修复作用。结果表明, 与对照(CK)相比,增强UV-B辐照处理的小麦幼苗过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量显著升高(P<0.05),而超氧歧化酶(SOD)活性有所升高,峰值后移。施用稀土元素后可以抑制由于紫外线辐照所导致的MDA含量及POD活性的增加,且SOD、CAT的活性增强,提高了清除活性氧的能力,减弱了UV-B辐射对小麦抗氧化酶的影响。研究发现,各施用浓度为0.3%、0.1%和0.075%的稀土元素处理下,以0.075%的处理对紫外线B的抗逆效应最好。施用适量的稀土元素可改变小麦的抗氧化酶活性,提高小麦抗逆性。  相似文献   

In nodulated young Inga edulis plants, nodule and plant growth, nitrogen (N) in xylem sap and tissues total contents of amino acid, ureide, and nitrate were determined in response to nutrition with nitrate, ammonium, or no mineral N. Additionally, the amount of soluble sugars in the different plant tissues was quantified. It was found that mineral N improved plant growth in height and diameter especially with ammonium. However, nitrate dramatically reduced nodule dry weight on a root dry weight basis and impaired N organic transport by xylem sap. Additionally, a higher amount of amino acids was observed in the roots and nodules of plants fed with mineral N but sugar levels remained constant. Although nitrate inhibited symbiosis, data support the idea that I. edulis is able to use both molecular and mineral nitrogen during the life cycle.  相似文献   

为了提高氮肥增产效益,减少对环境的污染,通过田间试验研究了施氮量对春玉米产量、氮肥效率及土壤矿质氮的影响。结果表明,施氮量较低时,春玉米籽粒产量随施氮量增加显著增加,当施氮量高于180 kg·hm-2时,产量保持不变或有减少趋势。氮肥农学利用率、氮素吸收效率、氮素偏生产力和氮收获指数均随着施氮量增加显著降低,氮肥表观利用率和氮肥生理利用率均先增加后降低。从苗期到收获期,施氮处理0~60 cm土层硝态氮含量呈现"上升—下降—上升—下降—稳定"的变化趋势,而60~120 cm土层硝态氮在春玉米生长后期有增加的趋势。随着土层加深,土壤硝态氮含量呈波浪式下降,施氮量240 kg·hm-2和300 kg·hm-2处理在60~100 cm土层硝态氮含量均显著高于其他处理。随着施氮量增加,0~120 cm土层硝态氮累积量显著增加,当施氮量超过240kg·hm-2时,土层中累积的硝态氮存在着较大的淋溶风险。综合考虑产量、氮肥效率和环境效应,179~209 kg N·hm-2是本试验条件下春玉米的合理施氮量。  相似文献   

为解决道地药材白术的产地溯源问题,本研究采用稳定同位素比质谱仪(EA-IRMS)和电感耦合等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定了6个产地168种白术中δ13C、δ15N、δ2H、δ18O和δ34S值及41种矿质元素含量,并结合化学计量学对不同产地白术进行鉴别。结果表明,线性判别分析(LDA)可以区分6个产地的白术。基于不同变量共建立7种不同判别模型,其平均交叉验证率分别为:稳定同位与素(88.17%)、矿质元素(98.67%)、常量矿物元素(41.83%)、 痕量矿质元素(99.33%)、稳定同位素与矿物质元素(100%)、稳定同位素与常量矿质元素(91.83%)以及稳定同位素与痕量矿物质(98.83%)。其中,δ18O、 δ34S值以及Li、Dy、Sm、Er等稀土元素是影响判别的主要因素,主要由产地地理位置、气候条件和土壤类型决定。综上,基于稳定同位素、矿质元素和化学计量学的方法可对不同产地白术进行产地溯源。  相似文献   

以宁麦9号为材料,研究施氮量及氮肥基追比例对稻茬小麦土壤硝态氮含量、根系生长、植株氮素积累量、产量和氮素利用效率的影响。结果表明,拔节前0-60cm土层硝态氮含量随基施氮量的增加而显著增加,随生育进程的推进各处理硝态氮显著向下层土壤淋洗;拔节期追施氮肥显著提高了孕穗期0-40cm土层硝态氮含量,且随追施氮量的增加而显著增加,N300和N3/7处理硝态氮显著向40-60cm土层淋洗。根系主要生长于0-20cm土层,拔节前各土层根长密度均随基施氮量的增加而增加,拔节后则随施氮量增加和适当的追肥比例而增加。各施氮处理均以拔节至开花期为小麦氮素积累高峰期。适宜增加施氮量并适当提高追肥比例,有利于提高产量、植株氮素积累量和氮素利用效率。因此,在小麦生产中,适当降低施氮量并提高拔节期追肥比例有利于促进小麦根系生长和植株氮素积累,进而提高小麦产量并减少硝态氮淋洗损失。  相似文献   

新疆自治区南部阿克苏地区是新疆红富士苹果的主要产区。以该区红富士苹果为对象,设置不同水氮处理,利用原子吸收法测定了果实中6种矿质元素的含量,分析了不同施肥、灌溉水平对各矿质元素含量的影响。结果表明,灌水适中条件下增施氮肥量可以提高苹果果实中Ca,Mg,Zn的含量;适度的灌水量和氮肥供应能维持Fe元素含量保持较高的水平,灌水量和氮肥供应过高、过低均不利于苹果果实中矿质Fe的积累。Cu和Mn含量与氮肥施用量呈正相关关系。  相似文献   


Grape tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicon L. var. cerasiform) have recently gained in popularity among consumers because they can be eaten without being cut, they are deep red in color, and their flavor is intense and pleasant. Current nitrogen (N) fertilization recommendations were developed for determinate tomato varieties that have a 3-month long growing season, whereas that of the indeterminate grape cultivars may be up to six months. ‘Tami G’ grape tomatoes were grown on a Lakeland fine sand at the North Florida Research and Education Center—Suwannee Valley, near Live Oak, FL in Springs 2005 and 2006 using standard plasticulture practices under 0%, 33%, 66%, 100%, 133%, and 166% of the current recommended N rate for round tomato (224 kg/ha). Due to a longer growing season in 2006, plants received an additional three weekly injections of 22 kg/ha of N each in the 100% rate, that were also proportionally applied to the other treatments. Tomatoes were transplanted March 24, 2005 and April 4, 2006 and harvested, weighed and graded five (2005) and seven (2006) times. Season marketable yield (SMY) responses to N rates were quadratic (both years P < 0.01) and highest SMY (40,340 and 36,873 kg/ha) occurred with 314 and 280 kg/ha of N in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Fruit soluble solids concentrations ranged from 6.25 to 7.5, and 7.0 to 8.3° Brix in 2005 and 2006, respectively, and were not significantly affected by N rate. These results suggest that N fertilization for grape tomato grown in Spring with plasticulture could be done by incorporating 56 kg/ha of N in the bed, followed by daily rates ranging from 0.5 to 3.5 kg/ha/day. Because the length of the growing season for grape tomato may vary, emphasis should be placed on daily N rates and irrigation management, rather than on seasonal N rate.  相似文献   

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