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疫病成为制约我国畜牧业发展的主要因素,要较好控制疫病必须推行生物安全措施.本文从生物安全概念、推行生物安全必要性、生物安全范围、生物安全难点及养鸡场生物安全措施进行了论述.  相似文献   

动物疫病已成为影响动物和动物产品国际贸易的关键因素,阻碍了我国肉类产品的出口。OIE推行新的动物疫病区域管理措施,即生物安全隔离区,目前已成为控制动物疫病、促进国际贸易的一种重要措施。本文结合出口肉禽贸易的需求,应用国际规则探索在出口肉禽产业链实行生物安全隔离区管理,福建地区初步建立了运行有效的生物安全体系,在开拓国际市场、促进肉类产品出口取得一定成效,可为我国建立切实可行的非疫区和稳定出口肉类基地提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生物安全与动物疫病病原传入、扩散和疫情发生流行有着高度的关联性,提高养殖业生物安全水平,有效防控动物疫病,必须落实免疫、检疫、隔离、消毒、病死畜禽无害化处理等综合防疫措施。为探讨生物安全对保山市动物疫病防控的影响,在分析保山市畜禽养殖业生物安全现状及存在隐患的基础上,提出注重生物安全、提高疫病防控水平的对策和措施,为全市落实防疫措施、加强养殖业生物安全、控制动物疫病提供参考。  相似文献   

现阶段,养鸡行业受到了疫病的强烈冲击,小规模养殖户和小型企业已经或面临着被淘汰,生存下来的规模化养殖场必须重视疫病的防控,才能在行业中有立足之地。规模化鸡场只有充分利用生物安全体系、免疫接种、药物预防这三种措施,并将生物安全体系建设作为防控疫病的第一道防线,才能有效的预防控制疫病的发生。文章从基础生物安全、结构生物安全和运作生物安全三个方面阐述了规模化鸡场生物安全体系的建立方案,对生产有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

我国养殖业生物安全现状与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本首先对生物安全的概念、内容作了阐述,同时从动物疫病的形势与生态环境状况,诸如疫病流行特征变化、养殖模式对疫病流行的影响、混合感染的增多、新病的增多、人兽共患病的增多、兽药管理使用混知己以及生态环境恶化、药残超限严重和动物与动物产品安全低下等方面对大陆地区养殖业生物安全作了介绍和评论。继而提出了一些改革对策,诸如对兽医的再认识、全面改革现行兽医管理体制以建立官方与私人兽医、推行规模化私有制和合作联营制生产经营模式,以及呼吁国家和养殖业要正视动物与动物产品的安全性,促使我国养殖业的持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>根据生物安全水平,FAO将养殖场分为一、二、三、四类,一类生物安全级别最高。在我国,大多数养殖场为三、四类,极少数为一、二类。这说明我国各养殖场的生物安全水平太低,还有很大的提升空间。猪场生物安全即建立完善的猪场疫病防控体系,包括疫病的隔离,传播的控制以及卫生条件的控制。生物安全分为内部生物安全和外部生物  相似文献   

基层兽医实验室作为市、县两级动物疫病防控体系的重要组成部分,承担着样品采集、动物疫病监测、诊断等重要任务,直接从事病原微生物实验活动,生物安全风险隐患较大。实验室位置及实验室功能布局、生物安全警示标识和生物安全设施设备、人员生物安全意识和生物安全防护意识是决定生物安全风险高低的主要因素,对这些风险因素进行分析,提出只有采取加强实验室基础设施建设、加大生物安全设施设备资金投入力度、强化实验室工作人员生物安全管理法规和标准的培训、加强实验室生物安全监督管理等措施,才能防范生物安全风险发生。  相似文献   

规模化猪场生物安全体系是一种综合性的疫病防控体系,它通过一系列的生物安全措施来保护易感动物,避免易感动物与风险因素的接触,从而达到防止疫病发生和阻断疫病传播的目的。它不仅决定猪场疫病防控的成败,还关乎畜产品质量和公共卫生安全。笔者针对目前我国规模化猪场生物安全体系建设中存在的基础设施不完善和生物安全管理不到位的现状,提出了一系列针对性建议。  相似文献   

猪场生物安全管理是完善的猪场疫病防控体系,是在实践基础上总结出来的优化的、全面的用于生猪生产和疫病防控的系统工程,是以切断传播途径为主、预防猪疫病发生的生产管理体系。主要包括用来避免病原体进入猪群或猪场的外部生物安全和当病原体已存在时防止疫病在猪群内或猪场内向未感染猪散布或向其他猪场散布的内部生物安全。加强猪场生物安全管理是实现疫病控制、净化的重要途径。当前,非洲猪瘟、猪瘟、伪狂犬病、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征的控制和净化是我国猪病防控的重中之重,必须依靠严格的猪场生物安全体系建设以及疫苗的强化免疫,同时配合科学的监测才能实现有效控制和净化。  相似文献   

正为了解决畜禽烈性传染病对养殖生产长期的困扰,改变行业中存在的单纯依靠疫苗免疫、药物治疗、普通消毒等控制疾病的局限性思维。生物安全是控制疫病侵袭畜禽养殖的重要举措,本文探究系统防控思维下新生物安全思路、创新产品、评估方法在畜禽养殖的实践。1新生物安全观的内涵1.1新生物安全观产生针对畜禽场频繁遭受重大疫病侵袭的困境,短时期内无有效疫苗和药物应对。生物安全措施是实践证明目前最重要的防控动物疫病的手段。可某些领域传统的生物安全观念存在缺陷,对生物因子及相关因素无法实时归避。新时期生物安全体系的重塑须实现畜禽无法接触病原体,病毒载量无法突破机体防御屏障,进而使疫病无法流行。  相似文献   

完善的猪场生物安全体系是有效控制猪群疫病,保护猪群健康的重要途径。恢复养猪生产,需要有效的生物安全体系作保障。在非洲猪瘟环境下,如何重建生物安全体系,有效评估和实施生物安全措施,并在实施中不断完善,是猪场恢复生产所面对的重要问题。文章分析了目前生物安全体系中存在的问题,阐述了重建及实施猪场生物安全体系的方法,包括现场调查评估、体系文件的完善、设施与设备的改进、员工的培训与执行、效果评估(包含实验室评估)与体系改进等,以此重新建立并逐步完善适合本猪场的生物安全体系,为恢复生产提供坚实的基础保障。  相似文献   

Biosecurity risks are a major threat to the profitability of the industry as well as impacting human and animal health. Livestock producers play a crucial role in biosecurity as the first to notice changes in the health or productivity of their stock and are generally responsible for implementing protective measures. However, uptake of biosecurity measures by producers is variable. We critically appraised the current literature regarding biosecurity practices in Australian livestock industries and highlight aspects that are well understood as well as those where further research or information is needed. Findings from 12 cross-sectional studies suggest that Australian producers' knowledge of biosecurity methods and importance might have a positive influence on their willingness to implement or incorporate biosecurity practices. There is moderate evidence supportive of biosecurity being well understood by livestock producers across Australia. Barriers to producers using biosecurity practices included lack of information or communication from agricultural, veterinary or government organisations. It was found that larger stock numbers were positively correlated with biosecurity implementation and that producers used veterinarians, government and industry agencies as resources for trusted information.  相似文献   

As biosecurity management strategies are developed and implemented to prevent introduction and spread of infectious diseases in cattle populations, it is informative to review principles of biosecurity from another livestock species in which these issues have been considered (e.g., swine) and compare these perspectives to the current situation for cattle. The authors follow a biosecurity risk-assessment model to identify important health hazards, evaluate risks, and present principles for implementing a cattle biosecurity program for important gastrointestinal health hazards of adult dairy cattle, after consideration of a swine biosecurity model.  相似文献   

The bovine practitioner has a critical role to play in promoting biosecurity at both the farm level and the national level. Successful exclusion of exotic diseases, biocontainment of endemic diseases, and emergency preparedness rest soundly on bovine practitioners as part of the national biosecurity team. Bovine practitioners must voice their opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of existing and proposed national biosecurity programs. Healthy debate about national biosecurity programs and consideration of biosecurity issues by national veterinary organizations provide valuable feedback for the continual improvement of the programs and enhance their credibility. The health and productivity of US agriculture depend on national biosecurity.  相似文献   


In recirculation finfish facilities in the United States and Canada, biosecurity utilization is neither consistent nor uniform. Seeking reasons for this situation, we examined the beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes of managers and owners of such facilities about fish disease and biosecurity utilization. A questionnaire was mailed in the fall of 2001 to the managers and owners of 152 finfish-rearing recirculation facilities in the United States and Canada to gather information on their attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions regarding fish disease and biosecurity. The response rate to the survey was 86%. This paper reports on a subset of the overall responses, the responses of managers and owners who identified their facility as a business operation. Although respondents had a positive attitude towards biosecurity utilization, they had different beliefs about which disease types were of greatest concern for their farm. Respondents also had differing perceptions on the risk of disease transmission associated with different activities on their farms. In addition, respondents had various beliefs about the practicality and effectiveness of different biosecurity measures and why the practice of biosecurity was important to their farms. This study gives quantitative evidence that different fish farmers perceive disease and the practice of biosecurity differently. This study indicates that recognition of the human dimensions element is an important first step in the creation of biosecurity policies, strategies, and procedures that will be readily accepted and implemented and consistently applied by fish farmers on their farms. The findings challenge the heretofore traditionally accepted belief that poor biosecurity practice on a farm is primarily related to lack of knowledge about biosecurity.  相似文献   

Risk-based surveillance is becoming increasingly important in the veterinary and public health fields. It serves as a means of increasing surveillance sensitivity and improving cost-effectiveness in an increasingly resource-limited environment. Our approach for developing a tool for the risk-based geographical surveillance of contagious diseases of swine incorporates information about animal density and external biosecurity practices within swine herds in southern Ontario. The objectives of this study were to group the sample of herds into discrete biosecurity groups, to develop a map of southern Ontario that can be used as a tool in the risk-based geographical surveillance of contagious swine diseases, and to identify significant predictors of biosecurity group membership. A subset of external biosecurity variables was selected for 2-step cluster analysis and latent class analysis (LCA). It was determined that 4 was the best number of groups to describe the data, using both analytical approaches. The authors named these groups: i) high biosecurity herds that were open with respect to replacement animals; ii) high biosecurity herds that were closed with respect to replacement animals; iii) moderate biosecurity herds; and iv) low biosecurity herds. The risk map was developed using information about the geographic distribution of herds in the biosecurity groups, as well as the density of swine sites and of grower-finisher pigs in the study region. Finally, multinomial logistic regression identified heat production units (HPUs), number of incoming pig shipments per month, and herd type as significant predictors of biosecurity group membership. It was concluded that the ability to identify areas of high and low risk for disease may improve the success of surveillance and eradication projects.  相似文献   

Constraints to the introduction of enhanced biosecurity systems are rarely considered in sufficient detail when population medicine specialists initiate new control schemes. The main objective of our research was to investigate and compare the different attitudes constraining improvement in biosecurity for cattle and sheep farmers, practising veterinary surgeons and the auxiliary industries in Great Britain (GB). This study was carried out utilizing farmer focus groups, a questionnaire survey of veterinary practitioners and a telephone survey of auxiliary industry representatives. It appears that farmers and veterinarians have their own relatively clear definitions for biosecurity in relation to some major diseases threatening GB agriculture. Overall, farmers believe that other stakeholders, such as the government, should make a greater contribution towards biosecurity within GB. Conversely, veterinary practitioners saw their clients’ ability or willingness to invest in biosecurity measures as a major constraint. Veterinary practitioners also felt that there was need for additional proof of efficacy and/or the potential economic benefits of proposed farm biosecurity practices better demonstrated. Auxiliary industries, in general, were not certain of their role in biosecurity although study participants highlighted zoonoses as part of the issue and offered that most of the constraints operated at farm level.  相似文献   

Following the first ever equine influenza outbreak in Australia in 2007, a study was conducted involving 200 horse owners and managers to determine their perceptions about effectiveness of biosecurity measures and the factors associated with these perceptions. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with horse owners/managers to obtain information about their perceptions of the effectiveness of biosecurity practices, their sources of information about infection control during the outbreak and their horse industry involvement. Two outcome variables were created from horse owners' responses to a 17-item question on the perceived effectiveness of various recommended equine influenza biosecurity measures: (a) a binary outcome variable (Low/High biosecurity effectiveness) and (b) a continuous outcome variable (the proportion of the 17 measures considered 'very effective'). These outcomes were used in binomial logistic and linear regression analyses, respectively, to determine factors associated with perceptions of biosecurity effectiveness. Variables with a p-value <0.05 in multivariable models were retained in the final models. The majority (83%) of the 200 horse owners and managers interviewed believed that more than half of the recommended equine influenza biosecurity measures were very effective for protecting their horses from equine influenza infection in the event of a future outbreak. Interviewees that were more likely to judge on-farm biosecurity measures as effective were those who received infection control information from a veterinarian during the outbreak, did not experience equine influenza infection in their horses, and those on small acreage premises (homes with horses on site). Greater levels of preparedness for a future equine influenza outbreak and greater interest in information about infection control were associated with a better perception about effectiveness of biosecurity measures. This study identified factors associated with horse owners' and managers' perception of effectiveness of biosecurity measures. These findings should be considered in the design of infection control programs.  相似文献   

2018年8月开始,非洲猪瘟在我国快速多点发生,该病是高度接触性传染性疾病,目前无有效的疫苗和药物控制,各大公司和养殖户开始了猪场生物安全体系的升级改造。两年后我国大部分猪场的成功复产,全国生猪出栏量的大幅提升,证明了生物安全措施巨大效力;同时在严格的生物安全措施下创新了精准剔除、快速复产等操作,进一步证明了生物安全措施的有效作用。文章主要介绍猪场生物安全体系中入口(大门)和出口(后门)最为关键防线处的通道设计,方便所有的生物安全操作能够高效落实,切断病原轻易进出猪场的途径。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 759 Australian horse owners to determine their biosecurity practices and perceptions one year after the 2007 equine influenza outbreak and to investigate the factors influencing these perceptions and practices. A web link to an online questionnaire was sent to 1224 horse owners as a follow-up to a previous study to obtain information about biosecurity perceptions and practices, impacts of the 2007 EI outbreak, demographic information and information about horse industry involvement. Ordinal logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine factors associated with poor biosecurity practices. Biosecurity compliance (low, medium, high), as determined by horse owners' responses to a 16-item question on the frequency of various biosecurity measures, was used as the outcome variable in ordinal logistic regression analyses. Variables with a univariable p-value ≤0.2 were eligible for inclusion in multivariable models built using a manual stepwise approach. Variables with a p-value <0.05 in multivariable models were retained in the final model. Two potential confounders - age and gender of participants - were included in the final model irrespective of their p-values. Thirty percent of the respondents had low biosecurity compliance and were performing biosecurity practices 'not very often' or 'never'. Younger people, people with two or more children, those who were not involved with horses commercially and those who had no long-term business impacts resulting from the 2007 EI outbreak were more likely to have lower biosecurity compliance. People who were not fearful of a future outbreak of equine influenza in Australia and those who thought their current hygiene and access control practices were not very effective in protecting their horses also had poor biosecurity practices. In this observational study we identified factors associated with a group of horse owners with low levels of biosecurity compliance. As this cross-sectional study only assesses associations, the identified factors should be further investigated in order to be considered in the design of extension activities to increase horse owners' biosecurity compliance.  相似文献   

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