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The effect of drought on the growth and development of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) was studied in controlled-environment glasshouses in the UK. There were three landraces (S19-3, DipC and UN from Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland, respectively) and two watering regimes; a control that was irrigated weekly to 90% field capacity and a drought treatment with no irrigation from 49 days after sowing (DAS) until final harvest (147 DAS). Bambara groundnut responded to drought by reducing the rate of leaf area expansion, final canopy size and total dry matter (TDM) during vegetative growth. Drought also caused significant reductions in pod dry matter (PDM), pod number, seed weight and harvest index (HI), leading to a decrease in final pod yield that was different between landraces. Across landraces, drought reduced mean pod yield from 298 g m−2 to 165 g m−2, representing 45% yield loss. Despite the reduction in all landraces, the mean pod yield across the droughted treatments that had received no water for almost 100 days indicated the resilience of the species to drought. The three landraces differed in their phenology; S19-3 exhibited a reduced phenology while UN maintained the longest life cycle. The different responses of the landraces reflect their adaptation to their local climates where mean annual rainfall ranges between 365 mm (Namibia) and 1390 mm (Swaziland). We discuss the significance of these results for future breeding programmes on bambara groundnut.  相似文献   

I. Ofori 《Euphytica》1996,91(1):103-107
Summary Direct and indirect effects of components of seed yield upon seed yield and those of leaf number and leaf size upon components of seed yield were examined using path analysis, in bambara groundnut germplasm from Ghana. The number of pods per plant and 100-seed weight had direct positive effects on seed yield, but the two traits were negatively correlated. The number of pods per plant gave the best indication of seed yield status. The number of leaves was more important in determining seed yield in the bunch types, but leaf size was rather more important in the spreading types. Seed size is genetically determined and the genes for seed size may have pleiotropic effects on leaf size. The genes for seed size may also be linked to genes for leaf size. Selection for varieties with high and stable number of pods per plant should improve production level of bambara groundnut.  相似文献   

The sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) crop in southern Europe suffers from intense and frequent periods of water deficit. Minimisation of water loss in response to water deficit is a major aspect of drought tolerance and can be achieved through the lowering of either leaf area expansion rate or transpiration per unit leaf area (stomatal conductance). During three greenhouse pot experiments, leaf expansion (LE) and transpiration (TR) rates were monitored as the soil dried progressively for about 15 days. This study aimed to quantify the response of these two physiological processes to water deficit, expressed as the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW): response thresholds (onset of decline) were estimated on 25 sunflower genotypes from different generations of selection history. From these relationships, the thresholds below which LE and TR started to decrease from the control were calculated: little change was observed until FTSW was close to 0.6 for leaf expansion and 0.4 for daily transpiration. Variability in the response of all genotypes for expansion and transpiration control was better described using specific thresholds for each genotype rather than generic thresholds for sunflower. The ranking of genotypes was found to be unaffected for transpiration rate control, but this was not the case for leaf expansion. Identified response thresholds were not mutually correlated, suggesting that sunflower controls leaf expansion and transpiration rate independently. Neither was correlated with the release date of the genotype, suggesting that these traits were not subject to selection within evaluation environments.  相似文献   

The complex nature of physiological traits associated with drought tolerance and the difficulties associated with their measurements in segregating populations and large number of genotypes inhibited their use in the past in developing water-use efficient genotypes in breeding programmes. With new knowledge of easily measurable surrogates of transpiration efficiency (TE), a trait associated with drought tolerance—specific leaf area (SLA) and soil plant analytical development (SPAD) chlorophyll meter reading (SCMR), it is now possible to integrate TE through the surrogates in breeding and selection schemes in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). As a noninvasive surrogate of TE, SCMR is easy to operate, reliable, fairly stable and low cost. However, in a large-scale breeding program, it is difficult to complete SCMR observations within a specified time. The present study addressed the issue as to what extent the SCMR measurements can be spread over time by evaluating 18 diverse groundnut genotypes for two physiological traits, SCMR and SLA in two postrainy (Nov–Apr) seasons (2002/2003 and 2003/2004) in India. Observations were recorded at different times during and after the release of moisture deficit stress. There was general agreement in genotype and trait performance in both the seasons. Interaction between SCMR and time of observation was significant in only one season (2002/2003) but its variance relative to genotypes and time of observation was very small. ICGV 99029 and ICR 48, which recorded higher SCMR and lower SLA values in both the seasons, will make good parents for water-use efficiency trait in breeding programmes. Other good parents include ICGS 76, TCGS 647 and TCGP 6. SCMR recorded at three different times under differing soil moisture deficit in each season showed highly significant correlation with each other. Similarly, SLA at different times also correlated significantly with each other. SCMR and SLA were significantly negatively correlated with each other and the relationship was insensitive to time of observation. The results of the present study indicated that SCMR/SLA observations can be recorded at any time after 60 days of crop growth, preferably under moisture deficit conditions. This gives groundnut breeders a large flexibility to record these observations in a large number of segregating populations and breeding lines in the field. Thus, making it easy to incorporate these physiological traits associated with drought tolerance in breeding and selection scheme in groundnut.  相似文献   

This research quantifies the influence of seasonal variations in solar radiation, temperature and biomass partitioning on lucerne production in a temperate climate. Above ground biomass (shoot) production of fully irrigated ‘Kaituna’ lucerne was measured in the field over 5 years and 33 regrowth cycles in Canterbury, New Zealand. Shoot production increased linearly (R2 of 0.93 ± 0.07) with intercepted total radiation within each regrowth cycle but radiation use efficiency (RUEshoot, in g DM/MJ total radiation) ranged from 0.29 to 1.09 g DM/MJ. Covariate analysis showed season and temperature both influenced RUEshoot with temperature adjusted decreasing from 1.01 g DM/MJ in September to 0.77 g DM/MJ between October and February, decreasing again to 0.47 g DM/MJ in March and April before increasing back to 0.99 g DM/MJ in May. A second fully irrigated experiment with lucerne plants grown in plastic columns under near field conditions investigated the seasonality of biomass partitioning between shoots and perennial biomass (roots and crowns). The proportion of total biomass partitioned to shoots (Pshoot) was 0.90 in September, 0.67 from October to February but only 0.35 in March and could be related to photoperiod. These Pshoot values were closely correlated with showing seasonal changes in RUEshoot were partly caused by changes in biomass partitioning. Field data for RUEshoot were divided by Pshoot to estimate the RUE for total biomass production (RUEtotal). The RUEtotal increased linearly from 0.60 to 1.60 g DM/MJ as mean air temperatures increased from 6 to 18 °C. These results quantified the effects of solar radiation and mean temperature on total lucerne biomass production and its seasonal partitioning between shoots and perennial biomass. The influence of regrowth duration on this partitioning was also investigated.  相似文献   

This study reports the adaptation of a simple and mechanistic crop growth model for faba bean (FAGS) to growing conditions in the Mediterranean region. The FAGS model was originally developed for small-seeded cultivars grown in the temperate zone under non-limiting water and nutrient conditions. In order to account for the effect of drought stress on faba bean growth, a submodel for the simulation of soil water balance has been included in the FAGS model. The enhanced FAGS model was calibrated using data from field experiments with a large-seeded faba bean genotype (ILB 1814) conducted in 1993–1994 and 1994–1995 at ICARDA's Tel Hadya research station in northern Syria. In both seasons, crops were sown on two dates under different water supply levels. The model was capable of predicting the faba bean phenology, leaf area development, biomass production, and grain yield as well as the soil water extraction using daily climatic data, genotype-specific parameters, and soil physical properties. The calibrated faba bean model was tested against independent experimental data from the 1991–1992 and 1992–1993 growing seasons at Tel Hadya and was able to satisfactorily predict grain yield of crops grown under different drought intensities. Limitations of the model and aspects requiring better understanding to improve model predictions are discussed.  相似文献   

Foliar diseases are the main biotic cause of yield loss in wheat crops (Triticum aestivum L.) in Argentina and other regions around the world. Most of the studies on foliar diseases take a phytopathological perspective, but few studies have analyzed the problem with an eco-physiological approach aimed at the understanding of which crop traits are affected by foliar diseases. The present study was designed to determine the effects of a foliar disease complex (including leaf rust, Septoria leaf blotch and tan spot), on (i) grain yield and (ii) the physiological components of biomass production; intercepted radiation (RI) and radiation use efficiency (RUE), in bread wheat crops growing under contrasting agronomic and environmental conditions (i.e. different cultivars, years, location and nitrogen supply). The experiments were carried out during 4 years in different locations (three in the rolling pampas of Argentina and one in northern of France). Five different commercial wheat cultivars were sown on early (E) and late (L) sowing dates (SD); and two contrasting nitrogen availability and two fungicide treatments (protected and unprotected) were applied. Foliar diseases appeared during the grain filling period and affected both, leaf area duration (LAD) and healthy area duration (HAD) during that period. Foliar diseases reduced both, above-ground biomass at harvest (1533 and 1703 g m−2 for unprotected and protected treatments, respectively) and grain yield (646 and 748 g m−2 for unprotected and protected treatments, respectively) without important effects on harvest index. Biomass reductions after anthesis, due to the effects of foliar diseases, were associated with a reduced capacity of the canopy to absorb solar radiation more than any effect on RUE. However, RUE was consistently lower—when leaf rust was the predominant disease in the crop, suggesting that this biotrophic pathogen could affect the photosynthetic activity at the leaf or canopy level.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (Pm), caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), is one of the most serious diseases for common wheat in many regions around the world. Seeking for new resistance source is urgently required to meet the challenge of the rapid loss of resistance due to the co-evolution of the pathogen’s virulence. Wheat line 07jian126 (Triticum aestivum L.) is highly resistant to the Pm disease prevailing in Sichuan province of China. Previous study showed that a SSR marker Xbarc183 was linked to the Pm resistance in 07jian126, which might be controlled by a single dominant gene, designated as Pm07J126. In this study, two additional F2 populations were used to confirm the linkage between Pm07J126 and Xbarc183. Furthermore, rye chromatin was detected in 07jian126 by molecular analysis of a rye-specific SCAR marker O5 which co-segregated with Pm07J126. This result indicated that Pm07J126 might originate from rye. The reaction patterns to 21 Bgt isolates and molecular marker analysis implied that Pm07J126 might be different from the known rye-derived Pm genes Pm7, Pm8, Pm17 and PmJZHM2RL. Chromosome observation, molecular marker, and A-PAGE analysis suggested that 07jian126 might be a rye introgression line and neither contain 1RS translocation nor secalins gene. Consequently, 07jian126 could be considered as a valuable resource for Pm resistance development of wheat. Besides, the molecular markers Xbarc183 and O5 are useful in marker-assisted selection of Pm07J126 in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

A FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) experiment was carried out on Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) in 1996 and 1997 in an existing vineyard in Italy. Four FACE arrays were used to fumigate adults plants, while two arrays were used as control. Three CO2 exposure levels were used in these arrays (ambient, 550 and 700 μmol mol−1). Dynamics of vegetative and reproductive biomass and grape quality compounds (sugar and acid concentrations) were monitored during the two growing seasons. Chemical analyses of the main wine quality compounds were made after fermentations. Elevated atmospheric CO2 levels had a significant effect on biomass components (total and fruit dry weight) with increases that ranged from 40 to 45% in the 550 μmol mol−1 treatment and from 45 to 50% in 700 μmol mol−1 treatment. Acid and sugar contents were also stimulated by rising CO2 levels up to a maximum increase in the middle of the ripening season (8–14%); however, as the grapes reached the maturity stage the CO2 effect on both quality parameters almost completely disappeared. Wine quality was not significantly affected by elevated CO2. Furthermore, no significant differences were detectable among the plants grown in the two enriched treatments (550 and 700 μmol mol−1), and the effects of elevated CO2 concentration were similar in the two growing seasons. The absence of any further stimulation of the highest CO2 treatment (700 μmol mol−1) on grapevine growth and yield quality (i.e. grapes and wine) may be explained as a result of transport and/or sink limitations. We can conclude that the expected rise in CO2 concentrations may strongly stimulate grapevine production without causing negative repercussions on quality of grapes and wine.  相似文献   

Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum Linn.) fruit cvs. Rongrien and See-Chompoo were stored in low (60–70%) and high (85–95%) relative humidity (RH) environments at 25 °C for 6 d. Changes in weight loss, browning index, phenols content and activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) were measured. By d 6 of storage, browning was severe in the spinterns but slight in the peel of both cultivars. High RH delayed spintern browning but had only a small effect on peel browning. The phenols content and PAL activity in peel from both cultivars were generally higher than in the spinterns. RH had no effect on the changes in phenols during storage but PAL activity increased in the peel but not spinterns of both cultivars at d 4 of storage in low RH. The initial activities of PPO and POD in spinterns of both cultivars were higher than in peel. PPO activity in the spinterns of both cultivars was similar and was not affected by RH. The initial activity of POD was lower in the peel and the spinterns of Rongrien fruit but there were no clear responses to RH during storage. Higher activities of PPO and POD in the spinterns compared to the peel may also be a factor in the higher rates of browning of the spinterns.  相似文献   

Maize inbred lines of different origins were grown in spring (for 2 years at early and usual sowing dates) in northeastern Switzerland (latitude 47°27′ N; 550 and 720 m a.s.l.) until five to six leaves were fully developed. Averaged over all observation periods, the group of inbred lines used in hybrids for cool temperate regions (CT lines) showed better heterotrophic and autotrophic shoot growth and faster development than the group of lines adapted to warm tropical regions (CS lines). The more efficient autotrophic shoot growth of CT lines was expressed by higher rates of relative growth (RGR) and relative leaf area expansion (RLGR) and was related to a higher net assimilation rate (NAR) and a lower leaf area ratio (LAR). CT lines had better radiation use efficiency (RUE), higher rates of net photosynthesis (PN), and lower specific leaf area (SLA) than CS lines. The greater RGR and RLGR of CT line Z 7 as compared to the CS line Penjalinan were related to a higher assimilation rate but not to a better use of carbohydrates; in Z 7 the balance between assimilation production and use resulted in a greater accumulation of soluble carbohydrates and starch. Genotypic variability existed for most growth parameters and was greatest for NAR. Growth responses of inbred lines under field conditions in spring were influenced mainly by temperature. Of all parameters, NAR was correlated best with temperature. Under decreasing temperature, RGR, RLGR, the rate of leaf appearances (RLA) and NAR decreased, whereas LAR, leaf area partitioning (LAP), and SLA increased slightly. The soluble carbohydrate content of Z 7 and Penjalinan also increased. RUE showed the best correlation with the daily minimum air temperature. Within the temperature limits of this experiment, no significant interactions were found between inbred line and temperature.  相似文献   

The legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, is one of the most devastating pests of pigeonpea. High levels of resistance to pod borer have been reported in the wild relative of pigeonpea, Cajanus scarabaeoides. Trichomes (their type, orientation, density and length) and their exudates on pod wall surface play an important role in the ovipositional behavior and host selection process of insect herbivores. They have been widely exploited as an insect defense mechanism in number of crops. In the present investigation, inheritance of resistance to pod borer and different types of trichomes (A, B, C and D) on the pod wall surface in the parents (C. cajan and C. scarabaeoides) and their F1, F2, BC1 (C. cajan × F1), and F3 generations has been studied. Trichomes of the wild parents (high density of the non-glandular trichomes C and D, and glandular trichome B and low density of glandular trichome A) were dominant over the trichome features of C. cajan. A single dominant gene as indicated by the segregation patterns individually will govern each trait in the F2 and backcross generation. Segregation ratio of 3 (resistant): 1 (susceptible) for resistance to pod borer in the F2 generation under field conditions was corroborated with a ratio of 1:1 in the backcross generation, and the ratio of 1 non-segregating (resistant): 2 segregating (3 resistant: 1 susceptible): 1 non-segregating (susceptible) in F3 generation. Similar results were obtained for pod borer resistance under no-choice conditions. Resistance to pod borer and trichomes associated with it (low density of type A trichome and high density of type C) are governed individually by a dominant allele of a single gene in C. scarabaeoides. Following backcrossing, these traits can be transferred from C. scarabaeoides into the cultivated background.  相似文献   

Water is the most important environmental constrain determining plant growth and fruit yield of olive tree plantations. Although olive trees are resilient to water-limited conditions of Mediterranean-type agroecosystems, crop yields may respond positively to any additional water up to a limit. A field experiment on olive trees was carried out with the aim to present guidelines for efficient management of irrigation scheduling, based on the relationship between plant water status and optimum fruit yield. These relationships were monitored during 2 years by analysing the influence of deficit irrigation strategies on vegetative development and yield parameters on mature modern-trained olive trees of cvs. Frantoio and Leccino. Treatments were: a non-irrigated control (rainfed) and three treatments that received seasonal water amount equivalent to 33, 66 and 100% of ETC in the period August–September, from the beginning of pit hardening to early fruit veraison. Atmospheric evaporative demand and soil moisture conditions were regularly monitored. Seasonal dynamics of plant water relations varied among treatments, and responded to variations in tree water status, soil moisture conditions and atmospheric evaporative demand. All measurements of tree water status were highly correlated with one another. Differences in yield between treatments indicated that water availability might have affected fruit weight before flowering or during the early stages of fruit growth rather than later in summer season. Results concerning crop yield revealed that irrigation of olive trees from the beginning of pit hardening could be recommended, at least in the experimental conditions of this study and in view of differences between genotypes.  相似文献   

Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis race 2 is conferred by a single dominant gene, Fom-1 in melon. Here, we identified DNA markers tightly linked to Fom-1 that could be used for marker assisted selection in breeding programs. First, we developed 125 F2 plants derived from the cross between melon lines P11 (fom-1fom-1) and MR-1 (Fom-1Fom-1). Using the F2 population, we constructed a linkage map including 14 SSR markers which had not been mapped previously. Fom-1 was confirmed to be allocated to linkage group 7. Then, we identified four AFLP markers using bulked segregant analysis. The AFLP marker TAG/GCC-470 was completely linked to Fom-1 and other three markers were mapped near Fom-1. TAG/GCC-470 and TCG/GGT-400 were respectively converted to STS and CAPS markers. Usefulness of DNA markers was confirmed in the analysis with several melon cultivars and lines.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) of rice caused by X. oryzae pv. oryzae is a major production constraint in commercial hybrid rice production in the Philippines because most of the parental lines used in hybrid production do not carry resistance genes against the pathogen. In this study, three bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21, were introgressed to a temperature-sensitive genetic male sterile (TGMS1) line. A three-way cross of AR32-19-3-3/TGMS1//IRBB4/7 (PR36944) was made to produce 1,364 F2 plants carrying various combinations of Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21. Individual plants were characterized for reaction to bacterial blight PXO61 (race 1), PXO86 (race 2), PXO99 (race 6) and pollen sterility. Of 144 F2 plants demonstrating resistance against PXO61, PXO86 and PXO99, 22 exhibited highly resistant phenotypes with mean lesion lengths ranging from 0.37–2.97 cm. Analysis of disease reaction identified 20 potential TGMS F2 plants containing Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21 while 78 plants with Xa4 + Xa7. Phenotypic and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses confirmed PR36944-450, PR36944-473 and PR36944-700 as homozygous for Xa7 and Xa21 and highly resistant to all three Xoo races. Fertility of PR36944-450 and PR36944-700 was restored at permissive temperature in a growth chamber. BB-resistant TGMS lines should facilitate breeding two-line hybrids in the tropics.  相似文献   

Field bean planes cultivar Nadwiślański were submitted to soil drought (30 % of field soil water capacity) for 5 days at the stage of pod formation (A) and of rapid pod growth (B) and then exposed for 20 minutes to 14CO2. Radioactivity of leaves, stems, roots, and pods or pod shells and seeds was measured 1, 5, 24 and 48 hours after exposition.
In both stages soil drought reduced by about five times total CO2 assimilation, mainly owing to lower activity of the photosynthetic apparatus and also, though less so, to reduced leaf growth. Photosynthetic activity referred to the dry weight of the leaves dropped to 22-35% of controls. Accumulation of photosynthetates in generative organs was much less depressed than 14CO2 assimilation. 48 hours after exposition to 14CO2 of drought treated plants, the contents of 14C of pods in phase A, and seeds in phase B, amounted to respectively 24% and 36% of assimilated 14C and equalled 91.5% and 74% of the corresponding values for controls.
The progressive decline of radioactivity in leaves and stems after 14CO2 exposition was distinctly correlated to the rise of radioactivity of generative organs both in soil drought treated plants and in controls. Slightly lower values of correlation coefficients in drought treated plants may indicate impairment under drought conditions of synchronization in processes of unloading and accumulation of assimilates.
In plants drought treated in phase A the ability to dissimilate 14C was reduced to about 59% of that in controls, but when drought was applied in phase B, dissimilation rate was about three times as high.  相似文献   

To evaluate genetic diversity in relation to rust and anthracnose disease response, ninety-six accessions were randomly selected from the core collection database of the Germplasm Research Information Network (GRIN) and characterized by a set of 40 SSR markers. The mean value of polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.8228. Two dendrograms were generated from the molecular genetic data and field morphological data, respectively. The genetic dendrogram demonstrates that the accessions can be classified into three main clades and nine subgroups. The branched subgroups correlated very well with the locations where the accessions were collected. Geographical origin of accessions had significant influences on genetic similarity of sorghum germplasm. Out of 96 accessions, only eight accessions were highly resistant to both rust and anthracnose. All the accessions from South Africa and Mali were highly resistant to anthracnose. The information from genetic classification would be useful for choosing parents to make crosses in sorghum breeding programs and classifying sorghum accessions in germplasm management.  相似文献   

Irrigated crops of ‘Grasslands Kaituna’ lucerne were grown for 5 years in a temperate climate at Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand (43°38′S, 172°28′E). From these the response of the components of leaf area index (LAI) to environmental factors was determined. A broken stick temperature threshold with a base temperature (Tb) of 1 °C at air temperatures (Ta) <15 °C and a Tb = 5 °C for Ta ≥ 15 was required to accumulate thermal time (Tt). Using this, the appearance of nodes on the main-stem (phyllochron) was constant in Tt within a re-growth cycle (30–42 days). The phyllochron was 37 ± 7 °Cd but declined from 60 to 37 °Cd as photoperiod decreased from 15.7 to 11.4 h. Branching began at the appearance of the fifth main-stem node with 2.5 secondary nodes produced per main-stem node in spring re-growth cycles but only 1.7 produced in summer. Leaf senescence increased from 0.3 to 1.08 leaves per main-stem node after the appearance of the ninth node. Spring re-growth cycles had a mean individual leaf area of 170 mm2 compared with 400 mm2 for summer re-growth cycles. These results demonstrate systematic variation in LAI components and suggest they need to be considered separately in response to environmental factors to provide a quantitative framework for crop simulation analyses of lucerne canopy development.  相似文献   

Phenological development, leaf emergence, tillering and leaf area index (LAI), and duration (LAD) of spring wheat cv. Minaret, grown in open-top chambers at different sites throughout Europe for up to 3 years at each site, were investigated in response to elevated CO2 (ambient CO2×2) and ozone (ambient ozone ×1.5) concentrations.

Phenological development varied among experiments and was partly explained by differences in temperature among sites and years. There was a weak positive relationship between the thermal rate of development and the mean daylength for the period from emergence to anthesis. Main stems produced on average 7.7 leaves with little variation among experiments. Variation was higher for the thermal rate of leaf emergence, which was partly explained by differences in the rate of change of daylength at plant emergence among seasons. Phenological development, rate of leaf emergence and final leaf number were not affected by CO2 and ozone exposure. Responses of tillering and LAI to CO2 and ozone exposure were significant only in some experiments. However, the direction of responses was consistent for most experiments. The number of tillers and ears per plant, respectively, was increased as a result of CO2 enrichment by about 13% at the beginning of stem elongation (DC31), at anthesis and at maturity. Exposure to ozone had no effect on tillering. LAI was increased as a result of CO2 elevation by about 11% at DC31 and by about 14% at anthesis. Ozone exposure reduced LAI at anthesis by about 9%. No such effect was observed at DC31. There were very few interactive effects of CO2 and ozone on tillering and LAI. Variations in tillering and LAI, and their responses to CO2 and ozone exposure, were partly explained by single linear relationships considering differences in plant density, tiller density and the duration of developmental phases among experiments. Consideration of temperature and incident photosynthetically active radiation in this analysis did not reduce the unexplained variation. There was a negative effect of ozone exposure on leaf area duration at most sites. Direct effects of elevated CO2 concentration on leaf senescence, both positive and negative, were observed in some experiments. There was evidence in several experiments that elevated CO2 concentration ameliorated the negative effect of ozone on leaf area duration. It was concluded from these results that an analysis of the interactive effects of climate, CO2 and ozone on canopy development requires reference to the physiological processes involved.  相似文献   

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