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Methods for determining natamycin content of cheese rind and cheese are presented. Cheese and rind samples are extracted with methanol and the fat precipitated by cooling the sample solution in methanol-water at -15 to -20 degrees C for ca 1 h. Natamycin levels are measured by UV spectrometric detection at absorbance minimum 311 nm, maximum 317 nm, and at exactly 329 nm, or by LC separation over Lichrosorb RP-8 column with detection at 303 nm. For measuring low levels, a concentration step is provided. The method is applicable to natamycin in cheese rind and in the interior of the cheese. Detection limit is 0.5 mg/kg. The method is suitable for controlling a maximum tolerance of natamycin on the cheese rind, at a level of 1 mg/dm2, and for detecting migration of natamycin into the cheese.  相似文献   

A second interlaboratory collaborative study of the determination of phosphorus in processed cheese products by the molybdenum blue method verifies that this method is prone to producing a laboratory-induced systematic error. It would be useless to continue to make minor modifications in the details of the method, which will improve only the within-laboratory precision, until an accuracy control of the final measurement step is incorporated into the method.  相似文献   

A collaborative study of a method for the determination of sterigmatocystin in cheese was conducted by 10 laboratories. The study included control samples and samples spiked at levels of 5, 10, and 25 ppb, in coded blind pairs. Recoveries were 60.0, 90.7, and 59.3%, outliers excluded, for the respective levels. The mean reproducibilities, outliers excluded, were 81.97, 17.13, and 52.77%, respectively. Mean repeatabilities, outliers excluded, were 77.66, 17.13, and 46.40%, respectively. Results of this collaborative study indicate that the method, modified as described in this report, is applicable to the determination of sterigmatocystin in cheese at low levels (5-50 ppb) for the purpose of surveys. With regard to the difficulty with thin-layer chromatography in this study, it is recommended that a more satisfactory determinative step be developed. Recommendation for official first action status is deferred.  相似文献   

Determination of water-insoluble cell walls in feeds: interlaboratory study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A collaborative study was conducted to test a new rapid procedure for determination of water-insoluble cell wall (WICW) content in feeds. In the method, starch is solubilized near boiling temperature with Termamyl, a heat-stable alpha-amylase, and proteins are solubilized at 40 degrees C with sodium dodecylsulfate and Pronase. Then, the organic matter of the residue is determined by incineration. Three hours were required to treat 12 different samples, including solubilization treatments, filtrations, and rinses. Eleven unknown products including 9 common feedstuffs of various origin and 2 mixed diets for poultry were analyzed by 7 analysts in France. Coefficients of variation ranged from 2.3 to 6.1%. The results were compared to those for water-insoluble dietary fiber (WIDF), total dietary fiber, and neutral detergent fiber. Agreement was best with the water-insoluble dietary fiber procedure. For most samples, the ratios of WIDF/WICW ranged from 0.981 to 0.842. The differences between WICW and WIDF values correspond to cell wall protein which is accounted for in WICW, but not in WIDF.  相似文献   

The method developed for developed for determining alkaline phosphatase activity in cheese, in which phenolphthalein monophosphate is used as the substrate, was collaboratively studied. A 7.5% butanol extract of cheese is reacted with phenolphthalein monophosphate; phenolphthalein is released and yields a red solution that is compared visually with a standard (s) prepared from the same extract. Seven collaborators analyzed 8 samples of cheese, in duplicate, by the screening method and Scharer I method. Of the 208 observations returned, only 4 were incorrect. The alkaline phosphatase method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was made to determine alkaline phosphatase in casein samples by the rapid colorimetric test. Six to eight collaborators tested 10 unknown casein samples containing various amounts of residual phosphatase with and without the addition of magnesium acetate. Results indicated that magnesium acetate significantly increased phosphatase activity. The collaborators correctly analyzed 95% of the samples with the added magnesium acetate. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Corn samples spiked at levels of 100, 300, 1000, and 2000 mug zearalenone/kg were sent to 22 collaborators for analysis by the Eppley method. All samples were yellow corn except one white corn sample spiked at 2000 mug/kg. Results from 16 collaborators were statistically analyzed. Only 4 of 16 collaborators detected zearalenone in the sample containing 100 mu/kg, but 11 detected the toxin in the sample containing 300 mug/kg. Average recoveries from all samples were 129% at 300 mug/kg, 101% at 1000 mug/kg, and 88% at 2000 mug/kg. The between-laboratory coefficients of variation were 53.0% at 300 mug/kg, 38.2% at 1000 mug/kg, and 27.0% at 2000 mug/kg. Five naturally contaminated corn samples, one in triplicate, were also provided. The mean level of zearalenone in the naturally contaminated samples ranged from 431 to 7622 mug/kg. The mean coefficient of variation for all samples was 40.5%. Two collaborators measured quantities of zearalenone on thin layer chromatographic plates densitometrically. Their results were not included in the statistical analysis, but the results indicated that densitometric measurement, given proper dilutions of solutions, could be used. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

The official final action method, 42.028--42.032, for determining amprolium in feeds was modified by a change in the preparation of aluminum oxide for chromatography. A premix containing 0.5% amprolium was collaboratively studied by the modified and the official methods. Compared with the modified method, 87.7% of the drug was recovered from the premix by using the official method. The modification makes possible the assay of premixes as well as finished feeds. The official final action method has been modified to incorporate this change.  相似文献   

Ten laboratories participated in a collaborative study of a method for the determination of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in nonfat dry milk. NDMA is eluted with dichloromethane from a mixture of Celite, acidic sulfamic acid, and nonfat dry milk (all packed in a chromatography column), concentrated in a Kuderna -Danish concentrator, and finally analyzed by a GC-thermal energy analyzer technique. Ten samples were studied: 6 were naturally contaminated (NDMA levels 0.38-3.56 ppb) and 4 were spiked with known levels (0.96 and 3.2 ppb) of NDMA. The coefficients of variation (CV) of the complete data for the naturally contaminated samples (excluding the 2 samples containing the lowest levels) were 8.5% and 22.5% for repeatability and reproducibility, respectively. The corresponding CVs for the spiked samples were 14.4% and 20.4%, respectively. The percent recoveries of the added NDMA in the spiked samples (at the 2 levels indicated above) were 101.6 +/- 3.2 (omitting 1 outlier) and 95 +/- 2.1, respectively. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

The determination of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in cheese was collaboratively studied. The sample is dried and ashed and the residue is dissolved in an acidified aqueous solution. Calcium and magnesium are determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and phosphorus is determined by colorimetry. The study was repeated 3 times because of high within- and between-laboratory relative standard deviations (RSDr and RSDR, respectively). Poor precision in the first 2 studies was caused by a number of factors, including use of contaminated glassware, improperly maintained instruments, and impure reagents as standards. In each study, 5 varieties of cheese were distributed as 10 blind duplicate samples along with a practice sample. Thirteen laboratories participated in the third study, which was generally problem-free. The range of results and the average RSDr and RSDR found in the cheeses were: calcium, 608-1107 mg/100 g. 1.5%, 2.6%; magnesium, 23.9-50.6 mg/100 g, 2.8%, 3.8%; phosphorus, 444-695 mg/100 g, 1.2%, 1.6%. The method has been adopted official first action by AOAC.  相似文献   

Seven laboratories collaboratively studied a method for the assay of melengestrol acetate at the 0, 10, and 20 ppb levels in bovine fat, liver, muscle, and kidney. The study included fortification of tissue by each laboratory and analysis of fat samples taken from treated heifers which had endogenous levels of 0, 10, and 20 ppb melengestrol acetate. The multistep cleanup procedure used included extraction, solvent partition, column chromatography, and electron capture gas-liquid chromatographic, determination. Results of the study for muscle, liver, kidney, and fat showed that the method gave satisfactory recoveries and accuracy. In fat, the most critical tissue, recovery was greater than 93%. A statistical comparison of the results reported for fat tissue from treated heifers demonstrated that 5 of the 7 laboratories obtained similar results. The results produced by the method can be expected to be repeatable within and among laboratories. On the basis of the collaborative results the method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

An improved method has been developed for determining internal insect infestation of oat kennels. The method involves alcohol defatting and acid hydrolysis of the cracked oats, wet sieving to remove the acid, transfer to a 2 L Wildman trap flask, deaeration by boiling, and treatment with Tween 80-Na4EDTA. Insects are extracted with light mineral oil. Reports from 6 collaborators showed that recoveries averaged 88.98% for adult insect heads and 97.22% for larvae. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted to determine the total dietary fiber (TDF) content of food and food products, using a combination of enzymatic and gravimetric procedures. The method was basically the same as published earlier (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. (1984) 67, 1044-1052), with changes in the concentration of alcohol and buffers, time of incubation, sample preparation, and some explanatory notes, all with the intent of decreasing the coefficient of variation (CV) of the method. Duplicate blind samples of soy isolate, white wheat flour, rye bread, potatoes, rice, wheat bran, oats, corn bran, and whole wheat flour were analyzed by 9 collaborators. TDF was calculated as the weight of the residue minus the weight of protein and ash. CV values of the data from all laboratories for 7 of the samples ranged from 1.56 to 9.80%. The rice and soy isolate samples had CV values of 53.71% and 66.25%, respectively; however, each sample contained only about 1% TDF. The enzymatic-gravimetric method for determining TDF has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

The method chosen for this collaborative study is a modification of the AOAC method for As residues, 41.009-41.012. The tissue is dry-ashed overnight at 500 degrees C, and then dissolved in dilute HCl. The solution is diluted and an aliquot is reacted with zinc metal to evolve arsine gas. The gas is trapped in AgDDC solution and As is quantitated at 540 nm. Nine collaborating laboratories performed single analyses on 4 blind duplicate pairs of bovine liver samples which were spiked at 0, 4.3, 10.8, or 21.6 mg As/kg liver. A National Bureau of Standards control (SRM 1566 Oyster Tissue, 13.4 +/- 1.9 mg As/kg) and a 1000 mg As/L standard were also submitted to the collaborators. Intralaboratory coefficients of variation ranged from 7.7 to 17.8%; interlaboratory coefficients of variation ranged from 10.9 to 19.0%. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted to determine the insoluble dietary fiber (IDF), soluble dietary fiber (SDF), and total dietary fiber (TDF) content of food and food products by using a combination of enzymatic and gravimetric procedures. The method was basically the same as that developed for TDF only, which was adopted official final action by AOAC, except for changing the concentration of buffer and base and substituting hydrochloric acid for phosphoric acid. These changes were made to improve the robustness of the method. Duplicate blind samples of soy isolate, white wheat flour, rye bread, potatoes, rice, corn bran, oats, Fabulous Fiber, wheat bran, and a high fiber cereal were analyzed by 13 collaborators. Dietary fiber values (IDF, SDF, and TDF) were calculated as the weight of residue minus the weight of protein and ash. The coefficients of variation (CVs) of both the independent TDF determination and the sum of IDF and SDF were better than 15 and 18%, respectively, with the exception of rice and soy isolate. These 2 foods, however, contained only about 1% TDF. The CVs of the IDF were equally good, except for Fabulous Fiber, for which filtration problems occurred. The CVs for the SDF were somewhat high, but these products had very low SDF content. There was excellent agreement between the TDF determined independently and the TDF determined by summing the IDF and SDF. The method for separate determination of IDF and SDF requires further study. The modifications (changes in concentration of buffer and base and the use of hydrochloric acid instead of phosphoric acid) to the official final action method for TDF have been adopted.  相似文献   

Copper sulfate was substituted for mercury as the catalyst in the International Dairy Federation (IDF) Standard 20A:1986 method for the determination of nitrogen content in milk. The substitution was supported by results obtained in an interlaboratory study by 24 laboratories in 12 countries. Each laboratory analyzed 12 test samples of milk as blind duplicates in a double split level design with high, medium, and low nitrogen concentrations. The method protocol requires the concurrent analyses of an ammonium salt solution and a tryptophan solution as internal quality control standards with a minimum nitrogen recovery between 99 and 100% for the former and at least 98% for the latter. The repeatability and reproducibility relative standard deviations are 0.5 and 1%, respectively, for the range 0.35-0.70 g N/100 g. The performance of the laboratories that did not meet the required quality control specifications was clearly poorer than that of those that did meet the specifications.  相似文献   

A proposed method using the fluoride (F) ion-selective electrode has been developed for determining the fluoride ion concentration in tablets and solutions containing sodium fluoride. The method has been subjected to collaborative study. Eight samples consisting of 2 authentic fluoride solutions, 2 commercial fluoride solutions, and 4 commercial fluoride tablets were sent to each of 11 collaborators together with a copy of the method. Single assays on the authentic fluoride solutions known to contain 1 mg F/5 mL were performed with average recoveries of 99.5 and 99.6% and relative coefficients of variation (CV) of 2.11 and 1.91%, respectively. Single assays of 2 commercial fluoride solutions declared at 1 mg F/5 mL gave mean values of 0.994 and 0.990 mg and relative CV values of 1.88 and 2.36%, respectively. Single assays of 2 commercial fluoride tablet preparations declared at 0.5 mg F gave mean values of 0.485 and 0.478 mg and relative CV values of 3.12 and 3.71%, respectively. Single assays of 2 commercial fluoride tablet preparations declared at 1 mg F gave mean values of 0.991 and 0.981 mg and relative CV values of 2.99 and 2.85%, respectively. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A dichromate-spectrophotometric method for the determination of ethanol in wine was compared in a collaborative, matched pair study with the AOAC dichromate-titrimetric method, 11.008-11.011. Both methods require distillation of the sample into dichromate. The titrimetric method measures ethanol by titrating the excess dichromate with ferrous ammonium sulfate after conversion of ethanol to acetic acid; the spectrophotometric method directly measures the reduced dichromate formed after oxidation. In addition to comparing the 2 methods, the collaborative study also compared the use of 2 types of assemblies for obtaining the ethanol distillate: the Scott-type, which is used in 11.008-11.011, and the electric Kirk-type. Results of the collaborative study indicated that the repeatability and reproducibility of the official titrimetric method were generally far superior to those of the spectrophotometric method; therefore, adoption of the spectrophotometric method is not recommended. Comparison of titrimetric method results obtained using the 2 types of stills indicated that repeatability and reproducibility were somewhat better when Scott apparatus was used, but measurements using Kirk-type compared well in the range of ethanol concentrations found in table and fortified wines. The Kirk-type distillation apparatus has been adopted official first action as an alternative to Scott apparatus in the dichromate oxidation method for ethanol in wine, 11.008-11.011.  相似文献   

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