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Low-pH whey protein gels are formulated using a sequential protocol of heat treatment, enzyme incubation, and cold-set acidification. The heat-induced disulfide and enzyme-catalyzed epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine linkages, both at neutral pH, produce a polymerized protein solution. The molecular weights of these samples show an exponential increase with protein concentration. The additional enzyme-catalyzed cross-links cause little change in molecular weight from that of heat-treated samples at low protein concentrations, indicating predominant intramolecular cross-linking. Enzyme treatment at higher protein concentration however causes increase in molecular weight, possibly due to formation of intermolecular cross-links. Acidification of the polymerized protein solutions through glucono-delta-lactone acid leads to gel formation at pH 4. The elastic (G') and viscous (G' ') moduli of gels with and without enzyme treatment show similar frequency dependence, indicating comparable microstructures, consistent with all samples exhibiting similar fractal dimensions of approximately 2 obtained independently using rheology and confocal microscopy. A substantial increase in fracture strain and stress of the gel is achieved by enzyme treatment. However, the elastic modulus (G') is only slightly larger after enzyme treatment compared with heat-treated samples. These results indicate that factors responsible for fracture properties may not be apparent in the gel microstructure and linear viscoelastic properties.  相似文献   

Changes in the acid gelation properties of skim milk as a result of variations in the micelle/serum distribution of the heat-induced whey protein/kappa-casein aggregates, induced by the combination of heat treatment and limited renneting, were investigated. No dramatic change in the zeta potential or the isoelectric point of the casein micelles was suggested, whether the aggregates were all attached to the casein micelle or not. Fluorescence intensity measurement using 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) showed that the heat-induced aggregates were highly hydrophobic. Dynamic oscillation viscosimetry showed that acid gelation using glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) started at a higher pH value in prerenneted milk. However, no change in the gelation profile of skim milk could be related to the proportion of aggregates bound to the surface of the casein micelles. The results support the idea of an early interaction between the serum aggregates and the casein micelles on acidification.  相似文献   

Properties of deamidated gluten films enzymatically cross-linked   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Films were prepared at neutral pH from deamidated gluten by casting with or without enzymatic treatment by transglutaminase in the presence of various concentrations of diamines added to the film-forming solution. Variation in the glycerol/deamidated gluten ratio from 0.2 to 0.5 had a major effect on the film mechanical properties, which is characteristic of a plasticizing effect. A ratio of 0.35, producing a tensile strength of 1.14 +/- 0.12 MPa and an elongation at break of 376 +/- 62%, was chosen for most of the enzymatic modifications. The action of transglutaminase with or without the addition of external diamines induced a simultaneous increase in tensile strength and elongation at break of the films but tended to decrease the contact angle between the film surface and a water droplet. The presence of diamines in the film solution affected the elongation at break more than the tensile strength of the films. These diamines, able to react at their two extremities, probably acted as spacers between gluten proteins. The decrease in solubility was related to the formation of high molecular weight polymers in the film. The film properties were unaffected by the type of diamine added as secondary substrate in the transglutaminase reaction.  相似文献   

低酯果胶的流变学性能研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以商品低酯果胶为研究对象,以AR-500型动态流变仪为主要设备,考察低酯果胶溶液的流变学基本特性,以及温度、剪切速率、体系pH值、金属离子、糖等因素对其流体性能的影响。结果表明,低酯果胶溶液是典型的剪切稀化型非牛顿流体,果胶浓度越高,溶液剪切稀化现象越严重。同时其溶液流体行为受温度、剪切速率、pH值等因素的影响。体系温度和pH值的升高均可导致溶液黏度降低;剪切速率的影响与果胶浓度有关,在低浓度条件下(0.3%),低速率时(0~200 s-1)剪切稀化现象越严重,高速率(400~700 s-1)时转变为胀塑性流体;在高浓度(1%、2%)条件下,随着剪切速率增高,溶液流体逐渐趋向于理想状态的牛顿流体。金属二价离子对低酯果胶溶液有显著的增稠效应,其增稠效果与离子浓度呈正相关。  相似文献   

The pressure-induced gelation of concentrated skimmed milk and milk-sugar mixtures was studied to discover the main components responsible for gelation. The major protein component responsible for gelation is micellar casein. Gelation occurs at similar pressures to casein micelle disintegration in dilute milk, and both can be prevented by inclusion of excess calcium chloride. Transmission electron micrographs show that the protein network is formed from particles with diameters approximately an order of magnitude smaller than those of intact casein micelles. Gelation occurs on decompression and is found to be baroreversible. Concentrations of sugar up to 30% reduce the critical concentration of casein required for gelation, but higher sugar concentrations inhibit gelation. A mechanism of gelation based on the aggregation of casein submicelles formed by pressure-induced disintegration of casein micelles is proposed. Observations on the effect of sucrose on gelation are discussed in terms of the influence of sugars on the solvent quality in aqueous casein systems.  相似文献   

The fraction of sugar beet pectin (SBP) adsorbed onto limonene oil droplets during emulsification has been isolated, and its chemical and physicochemical characteristics have been determined. While the SBP sample itself was found to contain 2.67 and 1.06% protein and ferulic acid, respectively, the adsorbed fraction contained 11.10% protein and 2.16% ferulic acid. The adsorbed fraction was also found to have a higher degree of acetylation, notably at the C2 position on the galacturonic acid residues, and was also found to contain a higher proportion of neutral sugars, which are present in the ramified side chains of the pectin molecules. The thickness of the layer of SBP adsorbed onto polystyrene latex particles was studied by dynamic light scattering and was found to increase with increasing surface coverage. It was found to have a value of approximately 140 nm at plateau coverage, which closely corresponded to the hydrodynamic diameter of the pectin chains. The adsorbed layer thickness was found to be sensitive to pH and the presence of electrolyte. The thickness at a surface coverage of approximately 20 mg/m(2) in the absence of electrolyte at pH approximately 4 was 107 nm and at pH 8.8 was 70 nm, while at pH approximately 4 in the presence of 10 mM NaCl the thickness was found to be 70 nm. It was concluded that the SBP molecules form multilayers at the surface due to electrostatic interaction between the positively charged protein moieties and the galacturonic acid residues. The removal of calcium from the SBP had no effect on the adsorbed layer thickness; hence, multilayer formation due to calcium ion cross-linking was considered unlikely.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical (acid-heating treatment) and enzymatic (microbial transglutaminase, TGase) modification (deamidation) of gluten proteins on their physicochemical and celiac disease-related properties were studied. Ammonia release, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and sample solubility analyses were employed to check the extent of gluten modification. Among different treatments achieved, the acid-heating treatment performed at 90 degrees C for 3 h induced gluten deamidation, paralleling an increase of gluten solubility without relevant proteolysis. Changes in the immunoreactivity of celiac IgA anti-gliadin antibodies (AGAs) to modified gluten proteins were detected by using a competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Chemical deamidation by acid-heating treatment of gluten lowered IgA-AGA immunoreactivity. IgA-AGA immunoreactivity to gliadins was increased when they were submitted to TGase-catalyzed deamidation. The acid-heating treatment of gluten reduced its cytotoxic activity on human colon adenocarcinoma LoVo cell line. These results showed that chemical deamidation of gluten may be envisaged as a way to lower the potential risk for celiac people due to widespread use of gluten as a food additive.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the pectin methylesterase (PME)-catalyzed de-esterification of pectin was studied at 25 degrees C in the presence of sucrose, fructose, maltodextrin (DE = 16.5-19.5), and carboxymethylcellulose at different concentrations and in the presence of maltodextrin and sucrose at different concentrations in a temperature range between +25 and -4 degrees C in subcooled and frozen states. The objective was to determine whether the reaction is diffusion-controlled, to gain insight about the factors determining the diffusion of the reactants, and to determine the effect of the carbohydrates, low temperature, and freezing on the structural conformation of the enzyme. The results indicate that the PME-catalyzed de-esterification of pectin is diffusion-controlled. Nevertheless, the diffusion is not controlled by the macroviscosity of the reaction medium, but rather by the microviscosity experienced by the diffusants. Low temperature in the temperature range studied does not affect the structural conformation of the enzyme, while freezing seems to have some effect.  相似文献   

Whey protein isolate (WPI) gels were prepared from solutions containing ribose or lactose at pH values ranging from 6 to 9. The gels with added lactose had no color development, whereas the gels with added ribose were orange/brown. Lactose stabilized the WPI to denaturation, which increased the time and temperature required for gelation, thus decreasing the fracture modulus of the gel compared to the gels with added ribose and the gels with no sugar added. Ribose, however, favored the Maillard reaction and covalent cross-linking of proteins, which increased gel fracture modulus. The decreased pH caused by the Maillard reaction in the gels containing ribose occurred after protein denaturation and gelation, thus having little if any effect on the gelation process.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the electrophoretic mobility of the polysaccharide pectin in typical capillary electrophoresis (CE) experiments is determined largely by its chain-averaged charge density, irrespective of how that charge is distributed. This was found to be the case for both high and low calcium sensitive sister fractions separated from a mother sample on the grounds of calcium affinity and for blocky methylester distributions generated by a processive demethylating enzyme. The blockiness of the generated intramolecular methylester distribution was substantiated experimentally, also by CE, by observing the oligomeric digest fragments produced by incubation with endo-polygalacturonase II from Aspergillus niger. The conclusion that the CE migration time is largely invariant to the intramolecular methylester distribution supports the idea that the CE peak shapes can be used to give a useful indication of the intermolecular methylester distribution.  相似文献   

Global structure of microwave-assisted flash-extracted sugar beet pectin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The global structure of microwave-assisted flash-extracted pectins isolated from fresh sugar beet pulp has been studied. The objective was to minimize the disassembly and possibly the degradation of pectin molecules during extraction. These pectins have been characterized by high-performance size exclusion chromatography with light scattering, viscometric detection, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Analysis of molecular parameters was performed on 15 and 8 microm size column packings. Samples analyzed with 15 microm packing gave weight-average molar masses that ranged from 532,000 to 1.2 million Da, radii of gyration from about 35 to 51 nm, polydispersities from 1.78 to 2.58, intrinsic viscosities from about 3.00 to 4.30 dL/g, and recoveries from 8.40 to 14.81% of dry weight. Chromatography revealed that a bimodal distribution of high molar mass spherical particles and lower molar mass coils was obtained. AFM images of pectin corroborated this conclusion and further revealed that these strands and spherical particles were integrated into networks. It is demonstrated that microwave-assisted extraction of sugar beet pulp under moderate pressure and at relatively low temperature could extract under acid conditions high molar mass, moderate-viscosity pectin in minutes rather than hours as required by conventional heating.  相似文献   

A protein-binding technique was employed to visualize, using scanning electron microscopy, the soy protein as well as the association between HMP and soy protein fractions. Image analysis indicated that at pH 7.5 and 3.5 soy protein isolate showed a bimodal distribution of sizes with an average [ d(0.5)] of about 0.05 microm, but at pH 3.8 the proteins formed larger aggregates than at high pH. Addition of HMP at pH 3.8 changed the surface charge of the particles from +20 to -15 mV. A small addition of HMP caused bridging of the pectin between soy protein aggregates and destabilization. With sufficient HMP, the suspensions showed improved stability to precipitation. The microscopy images are the first direct evidence of the interactions between soy proteins with high-methoxyl pectin (HMP).  相似文献   

To check the efficacy of potassium in alleviating oxidative stress under salt stress, salt-tolerant (Indent-1) and salt-sensitive (Red Ball) tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) genotypes were exposed to three levels of sodium chloride (NaCl) (0, 75, 150 mM) and two levels of potassium (4.5 and 9 mM) in solution and foliar form. Thirty days of treatments revealed that increasing NaCl stress increased lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde, MDA) and correspondingly the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; and glutathione reductase GR) in both genotypes. However, higher potassium (K) level in solution or foliar spray during the salt-induced stress decreased MDA and antioxidant activity and increased the growth in salt-tolerant genotype than in the salt-sensitive genotype. Decrease in MDA concentration, activity of antioxidant enzymes, and increase in the growth of tomato plants by the application of potassium under salt stress suggest that potassium is an effective ameliorating agent against salt-induced oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Heat-induced gelation of a cold-water insoluble polysaccharide, Curdlan, was investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Curdlan dissolved into NaOH aqueous solutions exhibited a spectral transition around 0.2 mol/L NaOH, which is an indicative of conformational transitions from a single helix at a lower alkali concentration to a disordered chain at a higher concentration. Nevertheless, AFM images of Curdlan solubilized in 0.01 mol/L NaOH revealed the presence of heterogeneous supramolecular assemblies of Curdlan: the majority of the molecules were in the form of microfibrils, the lengths of which were on the order of micrometers and the cross-sectional heights of which were approximately 2-3 nm, whereas single molecular chains, partially dissociated from these microfibrils, were also observed. Heating such a sol resulted in the formation of densely cross-linked microgel networks. Heat-induced gelation of Curdlan appears to be initiated by partial dissociation of single chains from supramolecular microfibrils and followed by cross-linking of microfibrils via hydrophobic interactions among these partially dissociated chains.  相似文献   

Enzymatically modified licorice extract (EMLE) is a natural sweetener, which is prepared with cyclodextrin glucanotransferase. It is used because of its unique properties such as higher solubility and better taste than those of licorice extract. In the present paper, the structures of six major constituents isolated from EMLE were determined, and their sweetness was studied. The isolated compounds were glycyrrhizin (1), 3-O-[beta-D-glucuronopyranosyl-(1-->2)-beta-D-glucuronopyranosyl]liquiritic acid (2), and their derivatives glucosylated at the C-4 position of the terminal glucuronopyranose with additional one (3 and 4, respectively) and two (5 and 6, respectively) glucose moieties. Compounds 1 and 2 are the major and minor sweet constituents in licorice extract, respectively. Compounds 3-6 are new compounds isolated for the first time. Compound 2 was sweeter than compound 1. Interestingly, compound 3, which is a monoglucosylated derivative of compound 1, was sweeter than compound 4. The sweetness of both compounds was lower than that of the parent compounds, while the lingering sweet aftertaste was markedly improved. Compounds 5 and 6, which have two additional glucose moieties, showed only slight sweetness.  相似文献   

The denaturation, aggregation, and rheological properties of chicken breast muscle myosin, beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG), and mixed myosin/beta-LG solutions were studied in 0.6 M NaCl, 0.05 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, during heating. The endotherm of a mixture of myosin and beta-LG was identical to that expected if the endotherm of each protein was overlaid on the same axis. The maximum aggregation rate (AR(max)) increased, and the temperature at the AR(max) (T(max)) and initial aggregation temperature (T(o)) decreased as the concentration of both proteins was increased. The aggregation profile of <0.5% myosin was altered by the presence of 0.25% beta-LG. Addition of 0.5-3.0% beta-LG decreased storage moduli of 1% myosin between 55 and 75 degrees C, but increased storage moduli (G') when heated to 90 degrees C and after cooling. beta-LG had no effect on the gel point of > or =1.0% myosin, but enhanced gel strength when heated to 90 degrees C and after cooling. After cooling, the G' of 1% myosin/2%beta-LG gels was about 1.7 times greater than that of gels prepared from 2% myosin/1% beta-LG.  相似文献   

Field-flow fractionation techniques including sedimentation field-flow fractionation (SdFFF) and flow field-flow fractionation (FlFFF) were applied to investigate hen egg white protein aggregation. The thermally induced aggregation of hen egg white protein was observed at temperatures of 60 degrees C and higher. Particle size and size distribution of hen egg white protein aggregates were characterized by SdFFF to investigate parameters affecting ZnCl 2-induced aggregation of hen egg white protein. At a fixed concentration of 1.0 M ZnCl 2 and an incubation time of 15 min, the mean particle diameters of the aggregates were determined to be 0.43, 0.67, and 0.80 mum for hen egg white protein contents of 5, 6.25, and 7.5% (w/v), respectively. With the incubation time of 15 min, increasing the concentration of ZnCl 2 from 0.5 to 1.0 and to 1.5 M caused the mean particle diameter of the aggregates to grow from 0.37 to 0.42 and to 0.68 mum, respectively at 5% (w/v) hen egg white protein. Upon prolonged contact time, larger aggregates were formed. Furthermore, FlFFF was employed as a novel approach to determine the efficiency of protein utilization for aggregation. The pH values as well as ZnCl 2 and protein concentrations influenced the efficiency of protein utilization for aggregation. With the optimum condition, that is, a protein concentration higher than 2% (w/v) and a pH greater than 5, the efficiency of protein utilization was approximately 65%.  相似文献   

We first developed the method to produce inulin from sucrose using an enzyme from Bacillus sp. 217C-1. Synthesized inulin consists of a linear polymer having beta(2-1) linkages of d-fructose with one terminal glucose. The synthesized inulin has similar properties (pH and thermal stability, Maillard reaction, and in vitro fermentation) to plant-derived inulin. The marked difference is the polydispersity of the inulin chain length. Synthesized inulin with a narrow degree range of fructose polymerization shows better solubility in water than plant-derived inulin. Synthesized inulin (5%, w/w) treatment for 12 weeks reduced the elevation in body weight and serum and liver lipids in rats fed high fat- and high sucrose-supplemented diets, and blood glucose in rats fed a standard diet. Synthesized inulin (15%, w/w) significantly suppressed the elevation in blood glucose of human healthy subjects after dextrin loading. These results suggest that daily intake of synthesized inulin modulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

A protocol has been developed to fractionate sugar beet pectin using hydrophobic affinity chromatography. Three samples eluted from the column using 4 M NaCl as solvent (fractions 1A, 1B, and 1C), two fractions eluted using 2 M NaCl (fractions 2A and 2B), and one fraction eluted using water (fraction 3). The fractions were shown to be very polydisperse, and differences between the GPC refractive index and UV absorbance (214 nm) elution profiles demonstrated chemical heterogeneity. They were found to contain significantly different proportions of protein (1A, 2.79%; 1B, 0.97%; 1C, 0.77%; 2A, 1.41%; 2B, 5.09%; and 3, 5.89%) and ferulic acid (approximately 1A, 0.5%; 1B, 0.5%; 1C, 0.9%; 2B, 1.5%; and 3, 2%). The weight-average molecular mass, M(w), of the fractions also varied (1A, 153 kDa; 1B, 155 kDa; 1C, 306 kDa; 2A, 562 kDa; 2B, 470 kDa; 3, 282 kDa). Three fractions, that is, 1A, 1B, and 3, produced orange oil emulsions with a relatively small droplet size that were stable over a period of weeks. The other three fractions (1C, 2A, and 2B with higher M(w) values) produced emulsions with an initially larger droplet size, and the droplet size increased considerably over time. The increased droplet size may be influenced by the viscosity of the aqueous continuous phase. There was no simple relationship between protein or ferulic acid content and emulsification ability. For example, fraction 1B, which contained the lowest proportion of both protein and ferulic acid, produced stable emulsions of similar droplet size to fraction 3, which contained the largest proportion of protein and ferulic acid. The role of protein in the emulsification process was investigated by measuring the amount of protein in the aqueous phase before and after emulsification. It was clearly demonstrated that proteinaceous material adsorbed at the oil-water interface. It is evident that the emulsification properties of sugar beet pectin are influenced by the accessibility of the protein and ferulic acid groups to the surface of the oil droplets, the proportion of ester groups, and the molecular mass distribution of the fractions.  相似文献   

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