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This paper deals with the second three years (April 1954 to March 1957) of a grazing-management trial in the form of a pilot farm. The whole area of 35.5 acres was run as a self-contained unit with the object of providing grazing for as long a period of the year as possible. A system of rotational grazing was used throughout with strip- and fold-grazing at certain seasons. Excess herbage was conserved as silage and hay and fed back to stock during the winter. Beef-type steers and ewes and lambs grazed the pastures, the saleable products being fat cattle, lambs and wool. Results are presented and discussed in relation to stock numbers, animal health, herbage production and botanical composition, fertilizer application and the levels of production achieved. Over-all average fertilizer dressings per acre for the three years were equivalent to 5 cwt. per acre nitro-chalk, 2 cwt. per acre superphosphate and 1 cwt. per acre muriate of potash. The outputs of utilised starch equivalent in 1954–5, 1955–6 and 1956–7 were 2970, 2850 and 2280 1b. per acre, respectively. On the basis of the six years' results it is concluded that high production can be achieved from a system where the object is an extended grazing season; that broadcast leys can be used for winter grazing and the botanical composition of the sward maintained; that self-fed silage can be a satisfactory feed for fattening cattle; that a grazing plan is a valuable guide to management; and that the pilot-farm method is of value for certain agronomic experiments.  相似文献   

Utilised grass production on ten small farms in North County Dublin has been estimated using (A) the method adopted by the British Grassland Society Sub-Committee on the assessment and recording of the utilised output of grassland, and (B) a live-weight increase method using Woodman's figures.
At the beginning of the grazing season all the grazing animals on each farm were weighed. At the same time the records for method A were begun. Altogether 169 animals and 12 sheep were weighed during March-April. Animals sold during the period of investigation were weighed, where possible.
The results obtained using the two methods have been compared. Average percentage difference on ten observations was 11.3%, with a variation of ± 3.7%. On farms 1–5, where only mature stock were kept, the percentage difference was 9.9%± 2.2%. On farms 6–10, where animals of all categories were grazed, the percentage difference averaged 12.8%± 2.2%. In all cases the live-weight-increase method gave the higher estimated yield.
The techniques used in the estimation of utilised grassland production are discussed. Total output varied between 26.5 cwt. and 9.0 cwt. of utilised S.E. per acre. The significance of the findings is discussed and the value of the methods used is considered.  相似文献   

《Grass and Forage Science》1958,13(4):270-274
Messrs. A. W. Montgomerie and Sons of Lessnessock, Ayrshire, manage their grassland so as to encourage full development of white clover. The method is an adaptation of the system followed in New Zealand. The results are that production in terms of stock output is high, reaching a utilised starch equivalent of 23 cwt. per acre.  相似文献   

Survey data collected during a grassland-recording investigation showed a strong positive correlation between nitrogen input and the output of utilized starch equivalent per acre. At the levels of output covered, sward type was not very important in relation to total yield. Herbage species were important for other reasons and the choice of seeds mixtures should be determined by factors such as earliness and lateness of growth and resistance to disease and drought. The survey showed that well-managed ley and permanent pasture are both capable of producing at a high level. A disturbing feature of the results was the low production of most spring resowings, primarily as a result of poor management. Although the records were obtained from an above-average group of farms, the results have general application. Potential responses to fertilizers may be even greater on less intensive farms, especially with regard to phosphate and potash. However, the level of production of a field will always depend finally on the level of management exercised by the farmer himself.  相似文献   

Grassland recording provides not only a method of measuring output on individual tields but also a means of gaining information about the value of management techniques as they arc applied on the commercial farm, and is helping in the interpretation of the results of field experiments on grassland problems. Responses to nitrogen, phosphate and potash have been demonstrated with the technique.  相似文献   

The practice of'early bite' was surveyed on sixty dairy farms in Wales during the period 1958–60. Assessment in a financial sense was made of the pros and cons of this practice. It was obvious that'early bite' was wasted or misused on many farms.  相似文献   

The parasite-control value of keeping Nematodirus -infested pasture free from susceptible lambs for a complete year was examined in a controlled experiment. The practice was shown to be successful and confirmed previous recommendations, based on a knowledge of the parasite's life cycle
The detrimental quality of Nematodirus infestation was measurable by mortalities, depression of weight gains and the quality of the lambs. In the conditions of the experiment, the effects of Nematodiriasis approximately halved the liveweight production of affected animals.  相似文献   

The results from 10 years of grassland research at the Peatland Experimental Station, Glenamoy, are summarized.
Grass and legume species were introduced by surface seeding, without cultivation or by direct seeding after rotavation, depending on the specific situation. The rate of establishment was dependent on pretreatment and the management of grazing animals before and after sowing.
The most suitable species were Trifolium repens, Lolium perenne, Festuca arumlinacea, Festuca rubra and Holcus lanatus .
A level of fertility suited to the introduced species must be reached initially and subsequently maintained. The requirements (per/ac) for Ca, P, K, N, Cu and Co were: 2240 lb (1016 kg) ground limestone, 36 lb (16 kg) P, 112 lb (51 kg) K, 20 lb (9 kg) N, 20 lb (9 kg) CuSO4 and 2 lb (0–91 kg) CoSO4 at sowing, with 27 lb (12–25 kg) P and 56 lb (254 kg) K annually.
Dry–matter yields of 6000 lb/ac (6720 kg/ha) were obtained from grass–clover swards without fertilizer N, and approximately twice this quantity where 400 lb N/ac (448 kg/ha) had been applied annually. A liveweight gain of 526 lb/ac (589–12 kg/ha) and a starch equivalent output of 2946 lb (3299–5 kg) were obtained with sheep. The relationship between these results and those on peat soils abroad are discussed.  相似文献   

Cu-enriched pig-mannre slurry was applied to grassland at two rates, 5000 and 10,000 gal/ac (56,000 and 112,000 I/ha), on three occasions, supplying a total of 5.4 Ib/ac (6.1 kg/ha) and 10.8 Ib/ac (12.2 kg/ha) Cu, respectively. At the higher rate, soil Cu extractable with EDTA increased from 24 ppm to 7.3 ppm Cu in samples taken to a depth of 3 in. (7.5 cm) and Cu in herhage DM increased from 9.1 ppm to 21.2 ppm Cu (mean of 5 cuts). Much of the additional Cu in the herhage was thought to be derived from external contamination. In other tests, leafy herbage sampled a few hours after applying slurry contained 338 ppm Cu in the DM. Samples of soil and herbage were taken in 1969, 1970 and 1971 from farm grassland that had received Cu-enriched pig-manure slurry each year; levels of Cu increased in the soil, Cu levels in herbage were variable and appeared to be affected by the rate of grass growth. The evidence suggests that there is at present littie risk of Cu toxicity following applications of Cu-enriched pig-manure slurry; the greatest risk to susceptible stock would appear to be by ingesting either grazed or conserved herbage contaminated with slurry. To avoid possible hazards from a build-up of Cu in the soil, a maximum annual application of ahout 8.5 Ib/ac (9.5 kg/ha) Cu is suggested until more is known on the availability of Cu in slurry to crops and grass.  相似文献   

Details are given of the system of grassland management used on the farm of the Hannah Dairy Research Institute in the 5-year period 1958–62, when the aim was to inerease production economically by achieving a balance between the use of grass, grassland conservation products, home-grown cereals and the minimum amount of purchased feeds.
Over the period the number of cows and lst-calf heifers increased from 50 to 53, while the total annual milk production increased from 41,000 to 50,000 gal. The yield of milk increased from 820 to 945 gal. per cow, and from 300 to 380 gal. per acre. Concentrate usage declined from 2.5 to 1.8 lb per gal.
The margin of milk sales less purchased feed rose from £111 to £129 per cow in the 5 years and the net output averaged £59 per acre. The health of the stock was excellent.  相似文献   

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