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口服补液盐《ORS》,首先由美国 Darrow氏于1949年开始,应用在小儿脱水.我国始于60年代初,补充腹泻病人生理消耗.1964年国外有人根据化学载体钠泵理论.发现葡萄糖具有促钠和水吸收作用,提出葡萄糖用泵学说,重点解决了口服补液盐的理论基础.1967年在世界霍乱流行区,应用《ORS》疗法获得成功,1981年我国又引用于儿童临床。到目前为止,  相似文献   

口服补液疗法做为一种独立的治疗方法应用于临床有20多年历史。世界卫生组织推荐的口服补液盐(ORS)技术已被证实是简便、安全、经济、有效的治疗方法。ORS 在畜牧业生产和兽医临床上的应用是最近几年的事。目前已在30多种畜禽群的30多种疾病防治中,单独或配合使用。尽管此技术近二三年发展比较迅速,但是广大兽医工作者还不太了解,深知者则更少,且各地的使用和发展情况很不平衡。为了使广大兽医工作者更好地学习、掌握并运用畜禽口服补液疗法,现将此技术介绍如下:一、畜禽 ORS 在疾病治疗中的作用通过现代医学对腹泻及组织脱水研究的成果和ORS 在兽医临床的应用效果及对细胞膜结构、生理功能及肠炎时粘膜分泌、吸收功能的变化等的研究,认为葡萄糖、钠促进肠粘膜吸收水分的“葡萄糖-钠泵”载体学说是世界生物科学的重要发现  相似文献   

自1964年,发现葡萄糖具有促进胃肠黏膜吸收Na+和水的作用后,研制成口服补液盐(ORS)应用于人医临床纠正脱水。后经联合国世界卫生组织推荐,迅速在90多个国家和地区推广应用。1983年北京农业大学等单位首先用于防治犊牛腹泻脱水,又在鸡、牛、猪和动物园的动物临床上试验应用获得成功,同时,还进行了一系列动物实验及其作用机理研究。1988年召开了第一次全国口服补液盐学术研究与讨论会,之后相继召开了4次学术研究与讨论会,汇集了ORS在临床上的应用和推广使用情况。目前已广泛在兽医临床上应用,并成为了一种常规的补液办法。1ORS的组成和作…  相似文献   

口服补液盐防治家畜应激作用的初步实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过口服补液盐(ORS)对地塞米松驴应激模型防治作用实验,初步证明ORS有防治应激作用。为了更进一步证实其作用,进行了ORS防治4次猪运输和3次羊运输应激实验,结果证明予饮ORS液比常水对猪运输应激发病率减少了10%~18%,发病死亡率减少了0~23.1 %;对羊发病率减少了4.6%~6%。运输前和运输后2个月称重表明,猪羊饮ORS液较常水具有增重快的趋势。  相似文献   

自1964年,发现葡萄糖具有促进胃肠黏膜吸收Na^ 和水的作用后,研制成口服补液盐(ORS)应用于人医临床纠正脱水。后经联合国世界卫生组织推荐,迅速在90多个国家和地区推广应用。1983年北京农业大学等单位首先用于防治犊牛腹泻脱水,又在鸡、牛、猪和动物园的动物临床上试验应用获得成功,同时,还进行了一系列动物实验及其作用机理研究。  相似文献   

采用畜禽口服实液盐(ORS)技术进行育肥肉猪流行性腹泻治疗试验。试验样本为本镇某猪场自然发病病例,随机分成畜禽口服实液盐(ORS)液治疗组、1%食盐水对照组、空白对照组等3组。试验结果表明:畜禽口服实液盐(ORS)液治疗组病猪康复明显,治疗病程短于其他2组,而1%食盐水对照组与空白对照组之间差异较大。  相似文献   

<正>畜禽口服补液盐(ORS)其构成比例为氯化钠3.5g,碳酸氢钠2.5g,氯化钾1.5g,葡萄糖20g,常水100mL。是一种经济实惠的辅助药品,主要有3大功能。一是可补充水份和电解质、维持酸碱相对平衡,调节酸中毒和供给营养。二是促进对钠离子和水的吸收,从而使肠道生理功能和整个机体新陈代  相似文献   

口服补液盐(ORS)做为一种独立疗法大量应用于临床只有二十几年的历史。现在世界各国已广泛应用,证明对各种腹泻引起的脱水都有良好的效果。ORS首先由美国开始应用于小儿脱水。自Philips氏等通过对动物和人的研究,提出萄葡糖、钠促进肠粘膜吸收水分的载体学说。  相似文献   

由世界卫生组织摊荐的口服补液盐(简称ORS)又叫再水化溶液,用于治疗家畜急性腹泻、脱水有优异疗效。该液可治疗任何原因引起的腹泻。本液在人医上已广泛应用,已被人们看作为近代医学的重大进展之一。而在兽医上才刚刚起步,应用该方治疗家畜腹泻症还很少见。口服补液盐(ORS)处方是:氯化钠3.5克,氯化钾1.5克,碳酸氢钠2.5克,  相似文献   

用ORS液治疗家兔腹泻病,治愈率100%(P<0.01),病程短(1—4天),成本低。断奶幼兔饮ORS液后增重20.27%(P<0.01),而且发病率降低50%。繁殖母兔饮ORS液连续4胎窝产活仔数提高16.07%(P<0.01),3周龄窝重提高14.74%(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Two oral rehydration solutions (ORS 1 and ORS 2) were evaluated in isolated intestinal loops of anaesthetised calves, in an experimental model of dehydration in the calf, in calves with experimentally induced diarrhoea and in 164 calves with clinical diarrhoea. The studies in isolated intestinal loops indicated that water absorption was significantly greater from ORS 2 than from ORS 1. After the intraperitoneal administration of hypertonic mannitol combined with intravenous diuretics, the plasma volume of calves was reduced by about 30 per cent, and was more rapidly expanded after treatment with ORS 2 than ORS 1. The plasma volume remained significantly reduced (P less than 0.01) three hours after dosing with ORS 1 whereas after treatment with ORS 2 it was not significantly different from the initial value. Acidosis was corrected to a significantly (P less than 0.01) greater extent after treatment with ORS 2, and peripheral perfusion also returned to normal more rapidly in calves given ORS 2. In newly purchased calves in which diarrhoea was induced experimentally with an E coli challenge, base deficit and diarrhoea were corrected more rapidly in the calves receiving ORS 2. When the solutions were tested in the treatment of 164 clinical cases of diarrhoea and dehydration there was no statistically significant difference in mortality between the formulations, although the overall mortality was 4.8 per cent in the calves treated with ORS 2, compared with 8.6 per cent in the calves treated with ORS 1. It was concluded that ORS 2 performed better than ORS 1 especially in the expansion of plasma volume and the correction of acidosis.  相似文献   

The incorporation of oral rehydration solutions (ORS) into ‘milk meals’ is potentially an effective, time-saving method of treating diarrhoeic calves. Although milk-based ORS are effective in improving the hydration and acid–base status of healthy calves, this effect remains to be confirmed in dehydrated/diarrhoeic animals. In this study, six experimentally-dehydrated calves were fed with either milk replacer (MR) or an ORS prepared in either water (WORS) or MR (MORS). In one experiment, calves were not treated and blood samples were taken before and after feeding. Parameters of hydration status were determined and blood gas analysis was performed.Plasma volumes increased significantly following the intake of a ‘fluid meal’ whereas they remained constant in the absence of treatment. The rate of plasma volume expansion was reduced by the feeding of MR relative to WORS or MORS. In dehydrated calves, the expansion of plasma volume was more pronounced following the intake of WORS but the increase was less and plasma osmolality increased significantly following the ingestion of MORS. The acid–base status of animals improved as a result of fluid absorption, but this effect was less obvious as the experimental protocol resulted in severe dehydration and moderate acidosis. Feeding hypertonic MORS raised the plasma osmolality in dehydrated calves, and may increase the risk of hypernatraemia in diarrhoeic calves, which should therefore have ad libitum access to water when undergoing treatment with hypertonic ORS. Further research is planned to assess whether feeding ORS reconstituted in milk or MR combined with ad libitum access to water offers a practical treatment for diarrhoeic calves.  相似文献   

Isosmolar oral rehydrating solutions (ORS) used to treat diarrheic calves are low in energy. In contrast, hyperosmolar ORS may have a dehydrating effect. This study was designed to compare the net water and glucose absorption from the small intestine of normal calves given isosmolar or hyperosmolar ORS. Six calves were used for the experiment. A reentrant ileal cannula was implanted surgically. Each calf was fed with either the isosmolar or the hyperosmolar solution. The next day, the second solution was given. Both contained chromium EDTA as a nonabsorbable marker. Changes in the hematocrit, total plasma protein, plasma osmolality, plasma glucose concentration, and ileal volume, osmolality, glucose content, and chromium concentration were monitored for 10 hours. The only statistically significant difference was in the post-feeding plasma glucose level: it peaked at the higher level (p less than 0.05) in calves fed the hyperosmolar solution. In normal calves, the hyperosmolar ORS had no effect on the hydration or on the small intestinal fluid composition.  相似文献   

Diarrhea is a common occurrence in neonatal calves. Several veterinary probiotics claiming to prevent or treat calf diarrhea are available, but have not been well studied. This study assessed the capability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG (LGG) to maintain viability in the gastrointestinal tract of calves. We also determined whether LGG can be administered in an oral rehydration solution (ORS) without compromising the efficacy of the ORS or the viability of LGG, and whether LGG produces D-lactate or not. To investigate the intestinal survival of LGG, 15 calves were randomized into 3 groups and LGG was administered orally with their morning milk feeding on 3 consecutive days at a low (LD), medium (MD), or high (HD) dosage. Fecal samples were collected on days 0 (control), 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 and incubated for 72 h on deMan, Rogosa, Sharpe agar. Twenty-four hours after the 1st feeding, LGG was recovered from 1 out of 5 calves in the LD group, 4 out of 5 calves in the MD group, and 5 out of 5 calves in the HD group. To determine if LGG caused the glucose levels in the ORS to drop below effective levels, 1.5 L of the ORS was incubated with LGG for 2 h at 37 degrees C and the glucose concentration was measured every 20 min using a glucose meter. This ORS was then further incubated for 10 h and aliquots analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography to determine if D-lactate was produced by LGG. Glucose concentrations did not change over the 2 h of incubation, and no D-lactate was produced after 48 h. The LGG maintained viability in ORS. Therefore, this study demonstrated that LGG survives intestinal transit in the young calf, produces no D-lactate, and can be administered in an ORS.  相似文献   

In case of diarrhea calves are treated with oral rehydration solutions (ORS), which are known to increase abomasal pH and inhibit milk clotting in vitro. Nevertheless, recent studies have shown that ORS with HCO3 ≤ 62 mmol/L do not interfere with abomasal milk clotting in healthy calves. However, in diarrheic calves, feeding ORS and milk simultaneously may disturb abomasal curd formation and exacerbate diarrhea due to faster abomasal passage of ingesta. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to ultrasonographically examine abomasal milk clotting and diameter after feeding milk and milk replacer (MR) with and without ORS to healthy and diarrheic calves. Abomasal curd formation and diameter in healthy and diarrheic calves were ultrasonographically imaged before and after feeding milk, MR and ORS prepared in milk or MR. Feeding mixtures of milk or MR with ORS did not cause any remarkable differences in the ultrasonographic images of abomasal content. Moreover, abomasal milk clotting was not disturbed due to diarrhea. Statistically significant differences of abomasal diameter after feeding between healthy and diarrheic calves indicated that abomasal emptying is delayed in diarrheic calves. Hence, further studies are needed to determine reasons for decelerated abomasal passage in calves suffering from diarrhea.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the serum concentrations, ovarian presence and expression of anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) in pre‐pubertal, bitches with signs of ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS) and intact bitches. In addition, we aimed to verify the suitability of serum AMH concentrations for diagnostic purposes in sterilized bitches and/or in suspected cases of ORS in the field of veterinary medicine. For this purpose, 36 healthy female dogs divided into six groups: proestrus, oestrus, dioestrus, anoestrus, pre‐pubertal and ORS. Serum AMH concentrations were determined by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay, and ovarian presence and distribution of AMH was confirmed by immunohistochemical and qPCR techniques. According to the results of qPCR, while the expression values of AMH were at the highest concentrations in the proestrus and oestrus, there was a statistically significant decrease in these values at the later stages of the cycle (p < 0.05). According to hormone analysis, the serum AMH values of the ORS group had decreased significantly compared with the proestrus and oestrus (p < 0.05). Although serum AMH levels of ORS group were increased compared with anestrus and pre‐pubertal groups, this increase was statistically non‐significant (p > 0.05). Immunohistochemically, AMH expression was first observed in the granulosa cells of primordial follicles in folliculogenesis. Expression values were the highest in the proestrous and oestrus groups, but values from bitches in later stages of the cycle were statistically significant decrease in comparison with these groups (p < 0.05). As a result, AMH concentration and expression were found to be higher in proestrus and oestrus than in other periods (p < 0.05). In addition, the measurable level of AMH concentration in bitches with ORS is an indication that it can be used in the diagnosis of ORS.  相似文献   

为研制优良稀释液,对3种常用猪精液稀释液和1种自配猪精液稀释液进行保存效果观察试验,并对自配稀释液中所保存的精子进行了配种试验。按10级评分法评定精子的活力,根据活力变化情况,计算有效存活时间、总存活时间、生存指数,结果表明,自配稀释液保存精子的效果优于Kiew液、葡柠液和葡糖液。配种试验结果表明,用自配稀释液中保存的精液对发情母猪进行输精,其受胎率和产仔数达到了生产需求,可在生产中推广使用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the possibility that treatment of diarrhoea with conventional oral rehydration solutions (ORSs) may be detrimental to villus structure by imposing nutrient deprivation and that such detrimental effects may be reduced or avoided by using a nutrient ORS. A conventional WHO-type ORS (W) was compared with two nutrient solutions (N and G) both containing high glucose concentrations and the latter containing glutamine; their effects on enteric structure were assessed by morphometric analysis of samples obtained from diarrhoeic calves after 96h treatment. Comparisons were also made with samples from controls and diarrhoeic calves at the stage where oral rehydration would have begun in the treated groups. As in our previous ORS studies, diarrhoea was induced with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (09:K30:K99). We measured villus length and width, crypt depth and width and calculated villus surface area in proximal, mid and distal small intestine (PSI, MSI, DSI), using standard morphometric techniques. Proximal and distal spiral colon samples (PC, DC) were examined for crypt depth and width; mitoses per crypt were counted in samples from all regions. Non-diarrhoeic calves showed the expected gradient of villus length through PSI, MSI and DSI, hence data for each region are normalized as a percentage of the control value for that region. PSI showed the greatest loss of villus length and surface area (50%) with diarrhoea. In MSI and DSI the villus loss was greater with solution W and N or G, as were increased mitoses and crypt depth. Crypt depth and mitoses also increased in the colon with solution W. Colonic crypt width increased with diarrhoea and conventional oral rehydration but less so with G; there is reason to believe that such changes have functional significance. Crypt changes in colon, MSI and DSI were least with solution G. The changes developing in diarrhoeic calves prior to treatment were thus less apparent in those treated with a nutritional ORS, particularly if it contained glutamine.  相似文献   

A high-calorie oral rehydration solution (ORS) with glutamine (n=11) was more effective in correcting plasma, extracellular fluid and blood volume than solutions without (one WHO-type solution, n=6, and two high-glucose but glutamine-free solutions, n=7, n=12). It was the only solution to improve plasma volume significantly within 48 h and sustain the improvement throughout treatment; similarly, it was the only solution to correct packed-cell volume within 48 h and sustain the benefit to the end of treatment. At the end of treatment, the glutamine-treated calves were the only ones to avoid a significant weight loss compared with their pre-diarrhoeic values. The crucial difference between this solution and those used with glutamine previously is that it gave significant nutritional support whereas WHO type solutions did not. It also had more favourable effects on hyponatraemia and metabolic acidosis than a standard ORS. Use of a high-calorie ORS for 4 days (rather than 2 days of 50:50 admixture with milk replacer) brought additional beneficial effects on blood glucose and body weight.  相似文献   

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