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柴油机是我国农业生产中不可或缺的动力源,农用柴油机种类繁多、经济性好、适应性强。近年来,伴随我国饮食结构调整实施“粮改饲”、“粮改畜”,以肉牛养殖等为主的畜牧养殖业得到大力发展,机械化养殖是现代化肉牛养殖的重要支撑,养殖各环节以柴油机为动力的农业机械得到了大量应用。本文以肉牛养殖为例,阐述农用柴油机在牧草生产、收获、加工、饲喂、废弃物处理环节的配套应用,分析农用柴油机发展中存在的工作稳定性较差、噪声和排放较大问题,进一步提出应用电控高压喷射等先进技术提升农用柴油机性能、做好农用柴油机与专业机具的配套适应性以及加强农用柴油机制造工艺和强化生产过程管理的发展策略。  相似文献   

在智慧养殖研究中,基于深度学习的猪只图像实例分割方法,是猪只个体识别、体重估测、行为识别等下游任务的关键。为解决模型训练需要大量的逐像素标注图像,以及大量的人力和时间成本的问题,采用弱监督猪只分割策略,制作弱监督数据集,提出一种新的特征提取骨干网络RdsiNet:首先在ResNet-50残差模块基础上引入第2代可变形卷积,扩大网络感受野;其次,使用空间注意力机制,强化网络对重要特征的权重值;最后引入involution算子,借助其空间特异性和通道共享性,实现加强深层空间信息、将特征映射同语义信息连接的功能。通过消融实验和对比实验证明了RdsiNet对于弱监督数据集的有效性,实验结果表明其在Mask R-CNN模型下分割的mAPSemg达到88.6%,高于ResNet-50、GCNet等一系列骨干网络;在BoxInst模型下mAPSemg达到95.2%,同样高于ResNet-50骨干网络的76.7%。而在分割图像对比中,使用RdsiNet骨干网络的分割模型同样具有更好的分割效果:在图像中猪只堆叠情况下,能更好地分辨猪只个体;使用BoxInst训...  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of climate change on agriculture is a new challenge for quantitative model-based policy analysis. The impact of climate change will vary strongly across regions depending on pre-existing climatic, agronomic, and political conditions. Most of the present modeling approaches, which aim to analyze the impact of global change on agriculture, deliver aggregated results both with regard to content and spatial resolution. To deliver results with a higher spatial resolution and to produce a more detailed picture of agricultural production, the county-based agro-economic model known as ACRE-Danube was developed. The German and Austrian part of the Upper Danube basin, a study area with great diversity in agricultural landscapes and climatic conditions, was chosen for study. For the analysis, two scenarios of climatic and socio-economic change were derived. The first and more economically and globally oriented scenario, termed “Full Liberalization,” included significant temperature increases. The second and more environmentally and regionally oriented “Full Protection” scenario included a moderate temperature increase. Both scenarios produce different results regarding agricultural income and land use. While the developments in the Full Protection scenario are small, the Full Liberalization scenario yields extreme regional changes in agricultural income, an increase in cereal production and extensive grassland farming.  相似文献   

Choosing the appropriate reservoir water management strategy can be difficult when the water has multiple uses. This study examines this problem for reservoir managers where water use involves irrigation and fisheries. A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model is developed to facilitate reservoir management, using a case study illustration for southern Vietnam. The model includes the response of rice and fish yields to key factors including reservoir water levels, the timing and quantity of water release, and climatic conditions. The model also accounts for variation in rainfall patterns, irrigation requirements, and the demand for low water levels during the fish harvest season. Three production scenarios are examined where the reservoir's water is used for: only producing rice (scenario 1), only producing fish (scenario 2), and producing rice and fish (scenario 3). Key findings are: (1) for scenario 1, adequate water should be released to meet rice growing water requirements and residual water should be stored as a source of water in case of low rainfall, (2) for scenario 2, sufficient water needs to be released prior to the fish harvest to maximize this harvest; and (3) for scenario 3, water should be released prior to fish harvest, but sufficient water should remain to satisfy the water requirements of rice. When the reservoir is managed for joint production of rice and fish, net benefits are 6% greater than when the reservoir is managed solely for rice production. The SDP model developed in this paper could be adapted and applied to other multiple-use resources such as forests, river basins, and land.  相似文献   

近年来我国食品工业保持高质量快速发展,领军企业正借助“工业4.0”物理信息等系统的融合,建立智能工厂,实现多品种、小批量、个性化生产和全过程信息化监测,保障食品安全。我国蔬菜产量居世界前列,多数净菜加工企业设备技术水平低、劳动密度大、工作效率低、标准体系缺乏,难以保障净菜品质,急需自动化、信息化、智能化水平的提升。结合智能工厂建设现状及净菜加工重要企业的智能化发展,为蔬菜现代化生产工厂的建设提供参考。   相似文献   

Simulation models are effective tools to examine interactions between livestock, cropping systems, households, and natural resources. Our study objective was to use an integrated livestock and crop model to assess the outcomes from selected suites of management decisions observed in smallholder sheep-cropping systems of Yucatán, Mexico. The scenarios contrasted specialized systems versus mixed farming, and evaluated the outcomes of increased crop-livestock integration. Mixed enterprise scenarios involving sheep provided more income than specialized enterprises, and capitalized on a lower price of on-farm maize grain, efficient utilization of surplus labor, and availability of common land. Labor and management income was greatest for the unintegrated and partially integrated crop and livestock scenarios. It was more profitable for producers to sell excess grain and maize stover, and use common land to feed the livestock, suggesting that increased integration does not always result in improved outcomes. The results are consistent with a system not yet pushed to the point where integration is inevitable. For all sets of scenarios, the model structure was able to accommodate subtle management differences to produce appropriate biophysical, labor, and economic outcomes. We conclude there is potential to use similar model development methods to describe other crop-livestock systems, thus providing tools for learning, scenario analysis, and impact assessment.  相似文献   

锡林郭勒草原植被覆盖度时空动态与影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以MODIS地表辐射率数据对内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒草地进行研究,分析了2001—2013年生长季(4—10月份)草甸草原、典型草原、沙地草原和荒漠草原4种草地类型植被覆盖度(fv)的时空变化特征,用变异系数(C_v)衡量各类草原f_v的变化程度,并结合气象和放牧数据分析气候变化和人类活动(放牧)对草地f_v的影响。结果表明,在不同年份各类型草原f_v均表现为由东向西递减的规律,同类型草原年际间fv呈不显著波动变化。研究区多年f_v的Cv结果表明有78.66%地区属脆弱和很脆弱水平,其中典型草原和沙地草原属脆弱级别,而荒漠草原属很脆弱级别,只有草甸草原属稳定级别。降水量对f_v的影响较大,呈显著正相关关系;而温度对fv的影响较小,呈不显著负相关关系;牲畜养殖数量对f_v影响较大,锡林郭勒盟草原的适宜综合牲畜养殖数量为39只/km~2(以标准羊计)。  相似文献   

柠条收获机械是柠条更新复壮、平茬收获的专用机械。分析了国内外灌木的种植条件,论述了柠条灌木机械化收获关键技术的研究情况,简述了国内外柠条灌木机械化收获装备的研究进展和发展历程,并结合国情提出了我国柠条灌木联合收获机的发展趋势。   相似文献   

Growing global population figures and per-capita incomes imply an increase in food demand and pressure to expand agricultural land. Agricultural expansion into natural ecosystems affects biodiversity and leads to substantial carbon dioxide emissions.Considerable attention has been paid to prospects for increasing food availability, and limiting agricultural expansion, through higher yields on cropland. In contrast, prospects for efficiency improvements in the entire food-chain and dietary changes toward less land-demanding food have not been explored as extensively. In this study, we present model-based scenarios of global agricultural land use in 2030, as a basis for investigating the potential for land-minimized growth of world food supply through: (i) faster growth in feed-to-food efficiency in animal food production; (ii) decreased food wastage; and (iii) dietary changes in favor of vegetable food and less land-demanding meat. The scenarios are based in part on projections of global food agriculture for 2030 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO. The scenario calculations were carried out by means of a physical model of the global food and agriculture system that calculates the land area and crops/pasture production necessary to provide for a given level of food consumption.In the reference scenario - developed to represent the FAO projections - global agricultural area expands from the current 5.1 billion ha to 5.4 billion ha in 2030. In the faster-yet-feasible livestock productivity growth scenario, global agricultural land use decreases to 4.8 billion ha. In a third scenario, combining the higher productivity growth with a substitution of pork and/or poultry for 20% of ruminant meat, land use drops further, to 4.4 billion ha. In a fourth scenario, applied mainly to high-income regions, that assumes a minor transition towards vegetarian food (25% decrease in meat consumption) and a somewhat lower food wastage rate, land use in these regions decreases further, by about 15%.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2002,72(3):177-196
Widespread deforestation and increasingly intensive use of land to sustain a growing population has increased soil erosion, lowered soil fertility, and reduced agricultural productivity in the hills of Nepal. This has raised concern over sustainability of the hill farming system. There is growing evidence that agroforestry can be a potential solution to above problems. However, the development of agroforestry as a viable alternative for farmers in diverse ecological and socioeconomic conditions has become a very challenging issue. The objective of this paper was to identify factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry by subsistence farmers in the hills, with reference to an agroforestry project initiated by Nepal Agroforestry Foundation (NAF). Necessary information for this study came from a survey of 223 households (82 project and 141 non-project) from Kumpur, Nalang, and Salang villages in Dhading district in 1998. The results showed that male membership in local NGOs, female education level, livestock population, and farmer's positive perception towards agroforestry have significantly positive effects, while the number of children below 5 years of age, number of males aged 10–59 years, male education, female's Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) membership, and respondents' age had significantly negative effects on adoption of agroforestry among project households. Among non-project households, those with more livestock and male membership to local NGOs were found more likely to adopt, while the households headed by males were less likely to adopt agroforestry.  相似文献   

矿区农田土壤重金属分布特征与污染风险研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对渭北旱原矿区130个农田土壤样品的Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn含量进行了测定,结果显示,Cd、Cu、Pb平均含量均高于陕西省土壤背景值,而Cr和Zn含量低于背景值。利用地统计方法得到的土壤重金属含量分布图显示,土壤各重金属含量由西向东呈下降趋势,水泥厂周边土壤重金属含量最高。相关性分析和主成分分析结果表明,5种重金属之间呈极显著正相关,说明其存在较高的同源性或复合关系。第1主成分主要由Cd构成,且主要反映了人为活动的影响,而第2主成分中的Cr所占负荷最高,体现了成土母质的作用,Cu、Pb和Zn含量受人为活动和成土母质共同影响。分别利用污染负荷指数(PLI)法和潜在生态危害指数(PER)法对研究区域土壤污染风险进行了评价,评价结果为煤矿区呈无污染或轻微到中度污染,水泥厂区土壤呈中度污染水平,单一元素污染程度由高到低依次为Cd、Pb、Cu、Cr、Zn。  相似文献   

针对牧场中家畜越界及传统电子围栏难以防止家畜越界的问题,基于改进后的YOLOv5,设计了虚拟电子围栏。首先采用YOLOv5s模型作为基础,并进行了迁移学习和添加ECA注意力模块。然后利用PyTorch框架进行训练,并对模型进行了评估,相比原版YOLOv5s,改进YOLOv5s对黄牛的检测精确率、召回率、mAP分别提升0.2、1.3、0.7个百分点,单帧推理总耗时下降0.5ms。最后将改进后的模型转换为RKNN格式,并部署在带有NPU的RK3588开发板上,加快模型推理速度。结果表明,通过深度学习技术与ROI划定技术的应用,成功设计了家畜虚拟电子围栏,优化智慧牧场的管理体系,提高管理效率,降低管理成本,并具备一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

巢湖流域典型农田土壤重金属污染评价与地理探测分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了分析巢湖流域农田土壤重金属污染特点,选择位于巢湖西部的A村进行了实地土壤样品采集,利用XRay荧光光谱仪对Zn、Cr、Cd、Hg、Pb、As、Cu、Ni 8种重金属元素进行测定,利用污染指数法和潜在生态风险指数法,对土壤重金属污染程度、空间分布和潜在生态风险进行评价。为了进一步分析土壤重金属污染的来源,采用主成分分析和聚类分析对重金属来源进行分类;利用地理探测器,选择高程、距铁路距离、距村庄距离、距公路距离、距水库距离和农用地分类作为变量因子,分析其与重金属污染分布的空间相关关系。研究结果表明,A村主要受到Hg(P_i17.2)、Cd(Pi10.3)污染;Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni主要来自成土母质源,Hg、Cr、Cd、As主要来自人为污染源;农用地类型(PD,H=0.405)和铁路分布(PD,H=0.362)对污染分布的解释力最强,Hg、Cd污染可能来自耕地、畜禽饲养和铁路运输污染,污水灌溉也会一定程度影响重金属污染空间分布。  相似文献   

Water saving technology and saving water in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid expansion of irrigated agricultural and increasing urban demands for water have important implications for the economy of China, especially for the agricultural sector in the northern part of the nation. In response to the water crisis, China's government has begun in recent years to invest in research on techniques to save water in the agricultural sector, although there is a debate about the extent of success in adoption by farmers. Top policy makers have publicly stated they would allocate billions of dollars in funding if they knew it would succeed in saving water. Unfortunately, there has been relatively little research in China on the economics of water saving technology and there is almost no systematic information on the extent to which the technologies have been adopted, if they are appearing to save water, and the characteristics of the communities that have been adopting them. Our goal is to sketch a picture of the state of water saving technology in northern China to increase awareness of past trends and current status. In simplest terms, we seek to establish a set of first order facts about the role that water saving technology has been playing in China's agricultural sector. We pursue three specific objectives: (1) to illustrate progress in adoption over the past two decades, (2) to identify the characteristics of technologies that have been most successful and those that have not, and (3) to explain factors that might be promoting water saving technology and factors that might be holding back adoption. We find that, although water saving technologies have expanded rapidly in recent years—especially those that can be adopted by individual households (as opposed to those that require the collective action of an entire community), there is still considerable room for water saving technology to be expanded.  相似文献   

生猪自动化养殖装备与技术研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
生猪养殖业是我国畜牧业的重要组成部分,持续增长的养殖规模对养殖装备性能要求不断提升,目前我国生猪养殖业正处于智慧畜牧业初级阶段,自动化装备已得到广泛应用,智能化设备正在持续发展。本文分析了当前生猪养殖业中常用的自动化装备和技术,从其在栏体、饲喂、环境控制以及粪污处理方面的技术手段,不同装备的优缺点与适用场景进行对比分析;基于当前发展进程对生猪养殖新阶段的智能装备和技术进行阐述,结合智能感知、物联网、云计算等技术对已有的智能饲喂、环控装备进行分析,并阐述了人工智能技术在生猪养殖设备中的应用,包括机器视觉与语音处理技术在生猪养殖智能检测系统中的应用,以及机器人技术替代人工进行养殖作业的发展。最后总结了当前生猪自动化养殖装备发展的研究重点,并展望了生猪自动化、智能化装备研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

李帅  宋海燕 《农业工程》2022,12(3):47-51
伴随着我国经济的快速发展,二维码作为一项新技术得到较好的发展,同时许多商人开始利用二维码技术进行农产品的售假、掺假、造假。为此,需要设计一个安全便捷的二维码来保障农产品质量安全。将SHA-1加密技术和Reed-Solomon纠错技术结合起来,应用在溯源二维码上,可以有效地提高农产品溯源过程的安全性,减少关键信息被盗用篡改的几率,提升消费者对农产品的信心,为农产品的快速溯源提供一定的帮助。   相似文献   

安吉白茶是浙江省安吉县特色农业的重要支柱之一,探究浙江省安吉县茶园格局动态变化规律有利于区域茶产业的优化调整和可持续发展。基于安吉县2012、2016和2020年土地利用相关数据,运用土地利用动态度指数、土地利用拓展程度综合指数和土地利用转移矩阵等方法,对浙江省安吉县2012—2020年茶园格局进行了动态变化过程和差异性特征研究分析。结果表明,2012—2020年安吉县域茶园格局动态变化存在明显的时空差异。从转移数量和空间分布来看,2012—2016年茶园土地转移数量极少,茶园面积基本稳定,空间分布较为零散;而2016—2020年茶园面积明显增长,新增茶园分布相对集中。从转移过程来看,2016—2020年较2012—2016年更为强烈,转移数量显著增加,转移过程导致茶园空间分布更为集中。从转移类型来看,2012—2016年茶园主要转为耕地,几乎无转入,转移类型较为单一;而2016—2020年,茶园主要转为林地、园地和建设用地,转入主要是林地、耕地和园地,转移类型多样。以上结果明晰了浙江省安吉县2012—2020年茶园格局的时空动态变化特征,为区域茶园时空动态变化研究和未来可持续发展规划提供了数据基础和科学指导。   相似文献   

The actual irrigation water demand in a district in Sicily (Italy) was assessed by the spatially distributed agro-hydrological model SIMODIS (SImulation and Management of On-Demand Irrigation Systems). For each element with homogeneous crop and soil conditions, in which the considered area can be divided, the model numerically solves the one-dimensional water flow equation with vegetation parameters derived from Earth Observation data. In SIMODIS, the irrigation scheduling is set by means of two parameters: the threshold value of soil water pressure head in the root zone, hm, and the fraction of soil water deficit to be re-filled, Δ. This study investigated the possibility of identifying a couple of irrigation parameters (hm, Δ) which allowed to reproduce the actual irrigation water demand, given that the study area was adequately characterized with regard to the spatial distribution of the soil hydraulic properties and the vegetation conditions throughout the irrigation season. The spatial distribution of the soil and vegetation properties of the study area, covering an irrigation district of approximately 800 ha, was accurately characterized during the summer of 2002. The soil hydraulic properties were identified by an intensive undisturbed soil sampling, while the vegetation cover was characterized in terms of leaf area index, surface albedo and fractional soil cover by analysing multispectral LandSat TM imageries. Irrigation volumes were monitored at parcel scale.A reference scenario with hm = −700 cm and Δ = 50% (corresponding to a mean actual to potential transpiration ratio of 0.95) allowed to reproduce the spatial and temporal distribution of the actual irrigation demand at the district scale. The spatial variability of the crop conditions in the considered area had much more influence to assess the irrigation water demand than the soil hydraulic spatial variability. The proposed approach showed that, under the agro-climatic conditions typical for the Mediterranean region, SIMODIS may be a valuable tool in managing irrigation to increase water productivity.  相似文献   

A European irrigation map for spatially distributed agricultural modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a pan-European irrigation map based on regional European statistics, a European land use map and a global irrigation map. The map provides spatial information on the distribution of irrigated areas per crop type which allows determining irrigated areas at the level of spatial modelling units. The map is a requirement for a European scale assessment of the impacts of irrigated agriculture on water resources based on spatially distributed modelling of crop growth and water balance. The irrigation map was compiled in a two step procedure. First, irrigated areas were distributed to potentially irrigated crops at a regional level (European statistical regions NUTS3), combining Farm Structure Survey (FSS) data on irrigated area, crop-specific irrigated area for crops whenever available, and total crop area. Second, crop-specific irrigated area was distributed within each statistical region based on the crop distribution given in our land use map. A global map of irrigated areas with a 5′ resolution was used to further constrain the distribution within each NUTS3 based on the density of irrigated areas. The constrained distribution of irrigated areas as taken from statistics to a high resolution dataset enables us to estimate irrigated areas for various spatial entities, including administrative, natural and artificial units, providing a reasonable input scenario for large-scale distributed modelling applications. The dataset bridges a gap between global datasets and detailed regional data on the distribution of irrigated areas and provides information for various assessments and modelling applications.  相似文献   

Water scarcity is a major factor limiting food production. Improving Livestock Water Productivity (LWP) is one of the approaches to address those problems. LWP is defined as the ratio of livestock’s beneficial outputs and services to water depleted in their production. Increasing LWP can help achieve more production per unit of water depleted. In this study we assess the spatial variability of LWP in three farming systems (rice-based, millet-based and barley-based) of the Gumera watershed in the highlands of the Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. We collected data on land use, livestock management and climatic variables using focused group discussions, field observation and secondary data. We estimated the water depleted by evapotranspiration (ET) and beneficial animal products and services and then calculated LWP. Our results suggest that LWP is comparable with crop water productivity at watershed scales. Variability of LWP across farming systems of the Gumera watershed was apparent and this can be explained by farmers’ livelihood strategies and prevailing biophysical conditions. In view of the results there are opportunities to improve LWP: improved feed sourcing, enhancing livestock productivity and multiple livestock use strategies can help make animal production more water productive. Attempts to improve agricultural water productivity, at system scale, must recognize differences among systems and optimize resources use by system components.  相似文献   

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