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Atypical myopathy (AM) is an acute seasonal rhabdomyolysis seen primarily in equids, caused by the ingestion of sycamore maple samaras containing hypoglycin A (HGA) and methylenecyclopropyl-glycine (MCPG). Toxic metabolites inhibit acyl-CoA dehydrogenases and enoyl-CoA hydratases, causing selective hyaline degeneration of type I muscle fibers. Two zoo-kept Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) with a fatal course of AM had sudden onset of muscle pain and weakness, recumbency, and dysphagia, accompanied by increased serum creatine kinase activity and detection in serum of HGA, MCPG, and metabolites. Medical treatment was ineffective. At postmortem examination, sycamore maple tree material was found within the first gastric compartment of the 2-y-old gelding. Although musculature was macroscopically normal, histologically, monophasic hyaline degeneration was marked within type I fibers of intercostal and hypoglossal muscles of the gelding, and in neck, tongue, and masticatory muscles of the cow. The ingestion of sycamore maple material can cause AM in Bactrian camels, and trees of the Sapindaceae family should be avoided in enclosures.  相似文献   

旨在建立测定双峰驼血浆咪达唑仑浓度的高效液相色谱紫外检测法(HPLC-UV),为后续的特异性探针药物法研究双峰驼CYP3A酶体内活性提供方法学支撑。首先采用乙腈沉淀血浆样品蛋白,离心后经022μm有机针孔滤膜过滤,采用色谱柱为Sigma C18柱(46 mm×150 mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈:001 mol·L-1PBS缓冲溶液=60∶40(V/V),流速为05 mL·min~(-1),柱温为30℃,检测波长为254 nm等色谱条件进行样品检测。结果表明:咪达唑仑的保留时间为1324 min,峰形良好、无杂峰干扰,并在039~25μg·mL~(-1)浓度范围内线性关系良好(r2=0999,n=7)。高、中、低3个浓度的相对回收率与绝对回收率均符合检测要求。因此,本试验建立的测定双峰驼血浆咪达唑仑浓度的HPLC紫外检测方法灵敏度高,稳定性好,分离完全,峰形良好。  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have indicated incidences of 32.9% and 27.8% for rickets and osteomalacia, respectively, in Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus), but there is an increased incidence under drought conditions, sometimes reaching 75%. We have found that concentrations of phosphorus and copper in forage and soil samples in a drought affected area were significantly lower than in a control area or normal reference values (P < 0.01) ; the mean Ca:P ratio in the forages was 50:1. The phosphorus content of blood and hair from affected camels was significantly less than that in controls (P < 0.01) and concentrations of copper in the liver and kidney were significantly lower in affected camels than control animals (P < 0.01); the concentrations of triiodothyronine (T(3)), thyroxine (T(4)) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the serum from affected animals were significantly higher than those from healthy controls (P < 0.01); serum inorganic phosphorus and ceruloplasmin levels were lower than those in the controls (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05); the concentrations of serum alpha-globulin and beta-globulin were significantly higher in the affected camels than in the healthy controls (P < 0.01). The pathological changes seen in camels affected with rickets included porous, brittle, light, osteoporotic bones that were susceptible to fractures and had less resistance to cutting and sawing. Wrist joints were enlarged with an apparent bowing of the long bones in forelimb and with typical broadening of the epiphyses. In adult female camels, many enlarged scars were often seen in ribs indicating earlier fractures. The disease could be cured with supplementary bone meal, phosphate or mineral mixtures and in field investigations clinical signs disappeared within 15 days. Over the same period, the concentrations of phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase in blood returned to normal. The disease may be effectively prevented by use of mineral blocks (block salt licks) or dosing orally with copper, selenium and cobalt soluble glass boluses. We conclude that rickets and osteomalacia are mainly caused by phosphorus and copper deficiencies in the pasture.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi infection among camels and horses in Jordan was studied using thick blood smears and inoculation techniques with mice and rats. A total of 437 camels and 83 horses from four climatic zones were surveyed. In addition, 40 donkeys, 32 cattle and 35 goats in contact with infected camels and horses were also tested in the same way. Clinical disease was evident in 8.2% of the camels (36 out of 437) and in 9.6% of the horses (8 out of 83). Infection was limited only to the Sweama area on the Dead Sea (within the warm desert-climatic zone), with prevalence of 30.5% and 33.3%, respectively, for camels and horses. Donkeys, cattle and goats examined were all free from T. evansi. Clinically affected camels were positive by both, thick blood smear and mouse and rat inoculations. Rat and mouse inoculations revealed (X2=3.2, df=1, exact p=0.07) greater number of positive cases in horses than those revealed by thick blood smears. T. evansi-infected camels and horses showed all the clinical signs known for Surra. In addition, it was observed that 100% of infected camels stared at the sun.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of tripelennamine (T) was compared in horses (n = 6) and camels (n = 5) following intravenous (i.v.) administration of a dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight. Furthermore, the metabolism and urinary detection time was studied in camels. The data obtained (median and range in brackets) in camels and horses, respectively, were as follows: the terminal elimination half-lives were 2.39 (1.91-6.54) and 2.08 (1.31-5.65) h, total body clearances were 0.97 (0.82-1.42) and 0.84 (0.64-1.17)L/h/kg. The volumes of distribution at steady state were 2.87 (1.59-6.67) and 1.69 (1.18-3.50) L/kg, the volumes of the central compartment of the two compartment pharmacokinetic model were 1.75 (0.68-2.27) and 1.06 (0.91-2.20) L/kg. There was no significant difference (Mann-Whitney) in any parameter between camels and horses. The extent of protein binding (mean +/- SEM) 73.6 + 8.5 and 83.4 +/- 3.6% for horses and camels, respectively, was not significantly statistically different (t-test). Three metabolites of T were identified in urine samples of camels. The first one resulted from N-depyridination of T, with a molecular ion of m/z 178, and was exclusively eliminated in conjugate form. This metabolite was not detected after 6 h of T administration. The second metabolite, resulted from pyridine ring hydroxylation, had a molecular ion of m/z 271, and was also exclusively eliminated in conjugate form. This metabolite could be detected in urine sample for up to 12 h after T administration. The third metabolite has a suspected molecular ion of m/z 285, was eliminated exclusively in conjugate form and could be detected for up to 24 h following T administration. T itself could be detected for up to 27 h after i.v. administration, with about 90% of eliminated T being in the conjugated form.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Case records of 450 horses with signs of neurological disease are reviewed. One hundred and nineteen horses with neurological disease due to trauma were examined, of which 60 were due to spinal cord trauma, 47 to brain or cranial nerve trauma and 12 to peripheral nerve trauma. Cervical vertebral fractures/trauma were the most common injury. Basisphenold/basloccipital bone fractures were the most common form of cranial trauma and facial nerve paralysis the most common cranial nerve injury. Eighty-nine horses with neurological disease due to malformation were examined. Cervical vertebral malformation occurred in 83 horses and congenital defects in 6 foals. Neurological disease due to inflammation or infection occurred in 30 horses. The most common disease of this type was meningitis, which occurred in 11 horses and foals. Neoplasms in the CNS caused neurological disease in 8 horses. The final category was miscellaneous neurological disease, which was diagnosed in 204 horses. Diseases in this category included neonatal (28 cases), toxic/metabolic (27 cases), idiopathic (133 cases), degenerative (3 cases) and other neurological diseases (13 cases). The most common condition was idiopathic laryngeal hemiplegia (116 cases).
Where possible, diagnosis relied on a thorough neurological examination with use of ancillary tests in selected cases including rhinolaryngoscopy, radiography, myelography, ophthalmoscopy and cerebrospinal fluid analysis when indicated. In many cases necropsy and histopathological confirmation or diagnosis was necessary.  相似文献   

A history form was sent to owners of 103 horses with trailer problems to determine what types of problems with trailering the horses exhibited, as well as the techniques the owners had used to mitigate the problem. Horses had problems with loading (53.4%) and traveling (51.5%). Of the horses who exhibited problems during travel, most had problems when the vehicle first began to move (53%) or when it went around a curve (47%). Less than half the horses (28.2%) had been cured by the methods the owners used. Breed differences in type of problems, in incidence of multiple problems, and in improvement were compared. There were no statistical differences in breed representation, either overall, or for any one particular problem or combination of problems. Quarter Horses, Thoroughbreds, and Arabians were the most commonly presented breeds and the most common breeds at the time of the survey. No breed was more likely to be cured/improved or not. Orientation in the trailer and association of the trailer with aversive experiences may be important components of the etiology of trailering problems.  相似文献   

Sheep and alpacas of similar age groups (6, 18 and 36+ months) were grazed for 16 weeks on pasture contaminated by lambs. Faecal egg counts, bulked larval cultures, lungworm larvae in faeces, dag scores, liveweight changes and nematode larvae on pasture were measured. Chabertia, Oesophagostomum, Cooperia, Ostertagia and Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus larvae were cultured from both the sheep and the alpacas. For the respective age groups, the alpacas had lower liveweight gains (10, 32 and 47 g/d vs 88, 84 and 120 g/d), peak faecal egg counts (384, 50 and 60 epg vs 1500, 500 and 140 epg) and faecal contamination of the perineum than the same ages of sheep. These results suggest alpacas became less affected with gastrointestinal nematodes than sheep.  相似文献   

Animals are dependent on mutualistic microbial communities that reside in their gastrointestinal track for essential physiological functions such as nutrition and pathogen resistance. The composition of microbial communities in an animal is influenced by various factors, including species, diet and geographical location. In this preliminary study, the population structure of fecal methanogens in Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) from two zoos was studied using separate 16S rRNA gene libraries for each zoo. While methanogen sequences belonging to the genus Methanobrevibacter were dominant in both libraries, they showed significant differences in diversity (p=0.05) and structure (p<0.0001). Population structure analysis revealed that only two operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were shared between libraries, while two OTUs were unique to the Southwick Zoo library and seven OTUs were unique to the Potter Park Zoo library. These preliminary results highlight how methanogen population structures can vary greatly between animals of the same species maintained in captivity at different locations.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine which viruses circulate among selected populations of New Zealand horses and whether or not viral infections were associated with development of respiratory disease.

METHODS: Nasal swabs were collected from 33 healthy horses and 52 horses with respiratory disease and tested by virus isolation and/or PCR for the presence of equine herpesviruses (EHV) and equine rhinitis viruses.

RESULTS: Herpesviruses were the only viruses detected in nasal swab samples. When both the results of nasal swab PCR and virus isolation were considered together, a total of 41/52 (79%) horses with respiratory disease and 2/32 (6%) healthy horses were positive for at least one virus. As such, rates of virus detection were significantly higher (p<0.001) in samples from horses with respiratory disease than from healthy horses. More than half of the virus-positive horses were infected with multiple viruses. Infection with EHV-5 was most common (28 horses), followed by EHV-2 (27 horses), EHV-4 (21 horses) and EHV-1 (3 horses).

CONCLUSIONS: Herpesviruses were more commonly detected in nasal swabs from horses with respiratory disease than from healthy horses suggesting their aetiological involvement in the development of clinical signs among sampled horses. Further investigation to elucidate the exact relationships between these viruses and respiratory disease in horses is warranted.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Equine respiratory disease has been recognised as an important cause of wastage for the equine industry worldwide. It is likely multifactorial, involving complex interactions between different microorganisms, the environment and the host. Ability to control, or minimise, the adverse effects of equine respiratory disease is critically dependent on our understanding of microbial agents involved in these interactions. The results of the present study update our knowledge on the equine respiratory viruses currently circulating among selected populations of horses in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The distribution, size, and appearance of Peyer's patches vary according to species. In order to determine the anatomical characteristics of Peyer's patches in small intestine of Bactrian camel, and age-related changes in the number of Peyer's patches, 40 Bactrian camels of the following four age groups were studied: young (0.5–2 years), pubertal (3–5 years), middle-aged (6–16 years), and old (17–20 years). The exact number of Peyer's patches was recorded, and the appearance of Peyer's patches was described in detail. The results indicated that Peyer's patches of Bactrian camels not only have a particular anatomical location and distinct appearance but also change with age. They were distributed in the whole small intestine and there were four distinct types of Peyer's patches: nodular, faviform, cup-shaped, and cystic form Peyer's patches. However, the nodular and cystic form Peyer’s patches are specific to Bactrian camel, which have not been found in other animals including Dromedary camel. In addition, the distribution density of Peyer's patches in ileum was the maximum, then was jejunum and duodenum. Further statistical analysis showed that the number of Peyer's patches was altered with age. The number peaked in 5-year-old camels and declined subsequently with age. However, there was little change in the size of Peyer's patches in different age groups; no age-related macroscopic variations in the shape or size of the Peyer's patches were found. Results obtained from this study provide the basic information to further study on the gastrointestinal mucosal immunity of Bactrian camel.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the frequency and type of skin wounds encountered by New Zealand veterinarians in their equine patients, the duration and estimated costs of treatment as well as the expected outcomes for these wounds.

METHODS: An online survey was sent to all veterinarians registered with the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association. The survey comprised questions on the location and experience of respondents, the number of wound-related cases in relation to the total equine caseload, the type and anatomical location of wounds treated, the frequency, duration and costs of treatments, the outcome of wound treatment and an estimate of the most common causes of death or euthanasia in their equine patients.

RESULTS: The survey response rate was 110/262 (41.9%). The median number of equine cases seen by respondents was 20 (interquartile range (IQR) 6–60) per month; of these, five (IQR 2–10) were wound related. Wounds ranked third after lameness and respiratory disease for the relative frequency with which respondents encountered them. Of 102 respondents 59 (58%) reported that their clients frequently treated wounds incurred by their horse without consulting a veterinarian. Wounds on the distal limb, whether involving only the skin or also deeper structures, were reported by 86/101 (85%) respondents as the most frequently encountered. Wounds in this location also incurred the longest treatment period and were the most prone to develop complications. Finally, wounds ranked second, after colic, as the most common cause of death/euthanasia in the veterinary respondents’ equine patients.

CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained via the survey indicate that skin wounds, particularly on the distal limb, are a common occurrence in horses in New Zealand and, when they involve structures underlying the skin, are costly and time-consuming to manage and may lead to decreased performance, retirement or euthanasia. Consequently, we recommend that more effort be devoted to the education of equine veterinarians and owners, and that appropriate research funds be allocated to help improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

In a survey carried out on 200 camels (Camelus dromedarius) from different parts of Iran, three cases were diagnosed positive for atherosclerosis on gross and microscopic examination. A sex and age predilection is suspected. The complications of atherosclerosis were not present. To the best of the authors' knowledge this is the first report of atherosclerosis in camels.  相似文献   

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