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围绕高等职业教育人才培养目标,结合民办高职教育的特点和现状,结合杭州万向职业技术学院汽修实训基地建设,探讨和研究生产性实训基地建设内涵、作用和重要性,要达到的近期建设目标和后期发展目标,基地建设的基本原则,基地建设定位的模式和内容,以及保障实训基地建设和发展的条件,实现办学和产业相辅相成,保持可持续发展的目标.  相似文献   

化学农药的使用对我国农业的稳产高产起到了关键性作用,但现有植保机械和化学防治技术的应用,也导致了生态环境恶化和环境污染。现代物理防治技术突破了害虫防治的传统理念和生产模式,减少了化学农药的喷洒和环境污染,有利于发展无公害农林产业,提高农副产品品质和经济效益,保障生态和食品安全,促进生态平衡和生态环境的良性循环。  相似文献   

化学农药的使用对我国农业的稳产高产起到了关键性作用,但现有植保机械和化学防治技术存在诸多问题,导致生态环境恶化和环境污染,给食品安全和人民健康带来了威胁。现代物理防治技术突破了害虫防治的传统理念和生产模式,减少了化学农药的喷洒和环境污染,有利于发展无公害农林产业,保障生态和食品安全,提高农副产品品质和经济效益,促进生态平衡和生态环境的良性循环,是绿色植保的发展新趋势。   相似文献   

食品安全许可证制度是指在食品的生产和流通过程中,为预防和减少食品安全事故,保护公民的生命安全和身体健康,保护国家和人民财产,依法享有食品行政许可监管职能的行政主体依照法律规定的权限和程序,对食品的生产和流通进行干预和控制的行为。然而,我国现阶段的食品安全许可证制度并不完善,导致食品安全事故频发,这已俨然成为关系到国计民生的社会问题。完善食品安全许可证制度,对我国构建和谐社会,创建服务型政府和保障社会公共利益都具有重大意义。  相似文献   

农机人才队伍是农业人才队伍的重要组成部分,做好农机行业职业培训和技能鉴定工作,是各级农机部门的重要职责。农机主管部门应协调农机系统内外部关系和政策,整合系统资源,加大投入力度,统筹规划和部署,确定发展目标和工作目标,落实分管领导、责任部门和人员,纳入考核管理,加强监督和指导,推动农机行业职业培训和技能鉴定工作迈上新台阶。  相似文献   

市场经济持续发展,带动了科技的创新和改革,同时我国的农业发展也得到了很大程度的进步和发展.水稻和玉米是生活中的主要食物,随着人民群众生活品质的提高,对水稻和玉米的需求量也有了持续上涨的趋势.只有采取科学合理的栽培技术才能不断地提高水稻和玉米的栽培质量和产量.目前我国在水稻和玉米的栽培方面也有不少问题,给水稻和玉米的产量...  相似文献   

温生芳 《南方农机》2023,(12):32-34
为了实现对农机作业的实时监控和优化,为农户提供决策支持。笔者以山旱地农机作业数据采集与分析为研究对象,在对智能感知技术在山旱地农机作业中的应用进行阐述的基础上,提出了一种基于智能感知技术的数据采集和分析方法。首先,通过安装传感器和摄像头等设备,实现对农机作业过程中的环境数据和作业数据的实时采集,将采集到的数据通过无线传输技术实时传输到数据中心,进行数据预处理、分析和挖掘;其次,在数据传输和存储方面,考虑了数据传输的安全性和稳定性,设计了合理的数据存储结构,实现了对数据的高效存储和管理;再次,在数据预处理方面,针对采集到的数据存在噪声和异常值的问题,进行了数据清洗、数据去重、数据填补、数据平滑等预处理步骤,以保证后续分析的准确性和可靠性;最后,在数据分析和挖掘方面,采用聚类分析、分类分析、关联规则挖掘等方法,对数据进行深度分析和挖掘,提取出其中的关键信息。实地测试和验证结果表明,通过机器学习和数据挖掘技术,可以实现对农机作业过程中的关键环节进行分析和优化,提高农机作业的效率和质量,验证了本研究提出的数据采集和分析方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

2007年以来,江津供电局局长、党委副书记兼江津供电公司董事长、党委书记秦培兹,以自己的胆识和睿智,心血和汗水,带领江津供电局和江津供电公司两个企业创造了骄人的业绩,赢得了上级领导的肯定和表彰,也获得了社会赞誉。2009年,在“五一”国际劳动节和“十一”国庆节期间,秦培兹先后被重庆市授予“五一劳动奖章”和“劳动模范”殊荣。  相似文献   

介绍了RFID技术和物流配送的概念,完成了水果包装模块和基于RFID的自动配送系统的设计,实现了一套基于RFID的水果包装和自动配送系统。系统可以完成水果分类包装、贴RFID便签,以及识别和跟踪整个获取和供应链的信息,能够大大节省时间和减少人工成本,简化物流配送过程和提高配送效率,具有较强的应用价值。  相似文献   

一、油脂消费量的高低和对品质的要求是衡量一个国家经济发展和人民生活水平高低的重要标志众所周知,油脂是人类食品最重要的成分之一,是人们生活所必需的消费品,是提供人们热能和必需脂肪酸,促进脂溶性维生素吸收,改善食物特有风味和增进人们食欲的重要食物。食用植物油消费的高低和对品质的要求是衡量一个国家经济发展和人  相似文献   

An irrigation district in southwestern Arizona was studied to assess the performance of its water delivery system. Data were obtained through monitoring of lateral canals, examining water order reports and bills, and conducting a diagnostic analysis of the water delivery and on-farm irrigation systems through interviews. A number of differences between official andde facto district operating policies were found. These policies had changed over the years and provided far more flexibility and better service than provided by the original official policy. The canal system, which was designed to be operated under upstream control, was found to be operated under a complex mixture of manual upstream and downstream control that resembled dynamic regulation. Farmers made official (recorded) water orders only about half the time. Deliveries usually occurred within one day of the ordered date, as per district policy, with more late deliveries at the tail end of the system during peak water use periods. On average, the district delivered the rate and duration ordered, but average flow rates for individual deliveries were not accurately estimated due to fluctuating flows. The two biggest shortfalls observed were the lack of water measurement records at intermediate points in the system and lack of thorough water accounting. These shortfalls appeared to have had only a minor effect on overall district objectives.  相似文献   

为了提高拖拉机安全监理工作的科学化、自动化水平,应用多媒体技术和数据库技术在Windows环境下开发了拖拉机监理业务计算机软件系统。系统具有档案管理、档案查询、证卡打印、清册打印、数据统计、档案拷贝、系统帮助、系统维护等功能。推广应用表明,效果良好。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,56(2):209-224
An expert system developed by Ellison et al. (1997) for the management of Botrytis cinerea in Australian vineyards was validated against actual vineyard practices and official recommendations for control of the pathogen, using historical test cases from grapegrowing regions in southern New South Wales and from the Riverland region of South Australia. Performance of the expert system was judged on its ability to reduce unnecessary spray applications in seasons free from disease and to improve the timing of spray applications when conditions favoured disease development. In the test cases where disease did not develop, the expert system recommended between two and five sprays. This was comparable to the number of recommendations by official sources of advice but was excessive compared to actual vineyard practice where no sprays were applied. Reasons for the over-recommendation of sprays by the expert system were proposed. In the test cases where B. cinerea was observed, the expert system recommended a comparable number of sprays to grower practice and fewer sprays than official sources. With regard to timing of spray applications, the expert system was the only source of knowledge where spray recommendations bore any relationship to critical periods in the epidemiology of B. cinerea. Problems encountered in the validation of the expert system are discussed.  相似文献   

易万程 《湖南农机》2009,(6):55-57,66
作为信息化系统的重要组成部分,报表集成了企事业单位日常办公管理中的数据收集、数据处理和格式输出三个环节。针对现行Word报表系统中的模板建模和复杂报表的处理能力不足,通过Word XML(Extensible Markup Language)方案和基于单元格的处理,设计了一个具有良好可视化的Word办公报表系统。该系统有效地提高了报表模板建模的可视化和可操作性,降低了报表的计算复杂度。  相似文献   

建立灌区农民用水者协会的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立农民用水者协会(WUA),国家将支、分渠系灌溉工程的使用与管理权移交给农民,这符合我国政府关于水利工程分级管理的方针政策,对促进灌区工程体制改革,适应社会主义市场经济新要求,实现灌区自我维护,自我发展,经济自立,均具有较大的实践意义。1995年4月,湖北省人民政府办公厅33号文同意在湖北省世行贷款项目区内开展经济自立灌溉区试点工作,并将漳河水库三干渠三分干灌区首批列入试点,在省世行贷款水利项目办公室和荆门市人民政府领导和支持下,通过一年的试点工作实践,先后组建了11个农民用水者协会,并开始试运行。作者就组建农民用水者协会过程中涉及的有关问题从理论上进行了初步总结。  相似文献   

Results are presented of field research on water distribution in the command area, covering 18,200 ha, of a secondary irrigation canal in the Tungabhadra Left Bank Scheme, Karnataka State, India.The official objective of the Scheme and the resulting implications for the water distribution are discussed first. An explanation of the planning and operation of the water distribution follows.The results are based on analyses of the water flows taken from the D36 secondary canal and distributed along the canal to the pipe outlets (inlet structures to the tertiary units), and of the canal section rotation practised along the canal. The analyses concentrate on three dimensions of the water supply:The design flows, according to the official Scheme objectives and criteria;The targets, as set by the system operators before every season;The actual distribution procedures and flows, as observed during the operation.The analyses, supported by flow measurement data, illustrate that the water distribution is not based on consistent and clear criteria and procedures, but that it is the outcome of varying compromises, decided upon pragmatically by the field staff, to bridge the gap between the farmers' demands and the upstream constraints to water availability. This paper explains the widespread phenomenon of head reaches taking too much water, leaving little or nothing for the tail end of the canal.  相似文献   

文双雅  高志强 《农业工程》2018,8(7):142-145
分析了菲律宾近年来官方公布的农业统计数据,了解了菲律宾主要农业支持政策以及发展趋势,对菲律宾农业发展的基本状况进行了总结,并基于“一带一路”倡议,寻找中菲农业合作的潜力,期望能为两国农业合作提供参考。   相似文献   

Responses from questionnaires sent to 29 established projects are presented on the questions of operations and maintenances of existing canal lining and the choice of linings in future project construction. Cost data yielded some important comparisons. Unreinforced concrete was the choice of O&M personnel in frost-free regions with choice in heavy-frost areas dependent on water table and soil type.The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and are not presented as official or unofficial views of the World Bank.  相似文献   

While the modernization of irrigation techniques in recent years has improved water use efficiency, the substitution of open channels by pressurized pipes led to a substantial increase in the energy used in irrigated agriculture. Given the concern for energy savings and sustainability, official administrations have promoted several initiatives to improve energy efficiency in irrigated agriculture, and researchers have developed different tools for the same. Although energy audits have been conducted in irrigation networks managed by Water Users’ Associations, the implementation of energy conservation measures proposed in these audits has not been always successful. This paper, which reviews the energy aspects of irrigation systems modernized in recent decades in Spain and in other countries, considers the characteristics and special features of Water Users’ Associations and proposes an energy management system (EMS) for the same. The stages of the EMS are described, beginning with the definition of energy policy and the establishment, implementation and verification of energy plans, the essential conditions to guarantee the success of the EMS are described, in which energy audits are just a part of a process of continual improvement of energy efficiency. A Strategy for Efficient Energy Management has been implemented in a Water Users’ Association in southeast Spain. The improvement measures proposed in the first energy plan were implemented, and an increase from 60 to 65 % in average energy efficiency was achieved.  相似文献   

Measuring groundwater extractions is central to adequate groundwater management in agricultural basins. Groundwater pumping records are often subject to considerable uncertainties, particularly in the case of arid and semiarid settings where irrigation is the most important water use. In most cases this is due to the difficulties involved in locating and monitoring all wells. We describe the estimation of groundwater pumping by coupling the water table fluctuation method with the groundwater balance equation. This is demonstrated through its application to the Mancha Occidental aquifer, Spain, an area subject to intensive pumping for irrigation since the early 1970s. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to evaluate the effect of relevant hydrogeological parameters, namely specific yield, as well as the most appropriate theoretical semivariogram, to calculate yearly storage variations within the system. Results are validated in the light of official pumping estimates.  相似文献   

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