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This study assessed the effect of immersing striped trumpeter eggs in 0 (control), 200, 400, 800, 1600 or 3200 ppm glutaraldehyde for 10 minutes, two days before hatching. High concentrations of glutaraldehyde (1600 and 3200 ppm) resulted in no eggs hatching and only 1% of eggs hatched after treatment with 800 ppm glutaraldehyde. Hatching success of eggs treated with 0, 200 or 400 ppm glutaraldehyde did not differ (77 ± 6%, n = 3). However, only 2% of larvae from the control treatment survived to day 5 post-hatching, compared to 45 and 69%, respectively of the larvae from the 200 and 400 ppm glutaraldehyde treatment. By day 9 post-hatching, larvae from the 400 ppm glutaraldehyde treatment had significantly higher survival (59%) than larvae from the 200 ppm glutaraldehyde treatment (28%). Thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose agar (TCBS) medium confirmed the presence of bacteria within the seawater medium, on all control eggs and on 83% of eggs disinfected with 200 ppm glutaraldehyde, but no bacterial colonies formed on eggs treated with 400, 800, 1600 or 3200 ppm glutaraldehyde. This study found highest survival of striped trumpeter larvae from eggs disinfected with 400 ppm glutaraldehyde and suggests that increased survival was a result of reduced bacterial loading.  相似文献   

The tolerance of striped trumpeter, Latris lineata (Bloch and Schneider 1801) embryos to ozonated seawater was examined as a possible means of disinfection. The effect of a range of ozone doses and exposures (CT = concentration × exposure time) was tested at different stages of embryonic development. Three-day-old embryos two-thirds developed around the yolk were exposed for 0.5, 1 or 5 min to ozone concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 mg O3 l−1 in a fully orthogonal factorial design. For each treatment there were four replicate 250 ml containers that each received 100 ± 15 embryos. There was no significant difference in hatching success between control-treated embryos or embryos ozonated at 0.5 or 1 mg O3 l−1 for 0.5, 1 or 5 min (P < 0.05). However, hatching success was significantly reduced when embryos were treated with 2 or 5 mg O3 l−1 for 5 min or 5 mg l−1 O3 for 1 min (P < 0.05). The tolerance of embryos to 0, 0.5 or 2 mg O3 l−1 for 1 min at different stages of development (Day 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4), was then examined. An ozone concentration of 0.5 mg l−1 had no effect on hatching success at any stage of development, but a concentration of 2 mg l−1 significantly reduced hatching success on all days except Day 3. A safe and tested hatchery practise is to disinfect striped trumpeter embryos with 1 mg O3 l−1 for 1 min on Day 3 post-fertilisation when the embryo is two-thirds developed around the yolk.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary 22:6n-3 (docosahexaenoic acid, DHA) on growth and survival was determined in striped trumpeter during metamorphosis and the Artemia-feeding period (16–36 days posthatch, dph). Artemia were enriched on one of five experimental emulsions that contained graduated concentrations of DHA and constant 20:4n-6 (arachidonic acid, ARA). We also compared larval performance using a commercial enrichment product high in n-3 PUFA. Final DHA concentrations in Artemia enriched on the experimental emulsions ranged from 0.1–20.8 mg/g DM, while Artemia fed the commercial product had 18.2 mg DHA/g DM. Each of the six diets was fed to larvae in four replicate 300-l tanks. Standard length (range 10.0–11.2 mm) and dry weight (range 1.6–2.5 mg) of larvae at the end of the experiment were directly related to dietary DHA, with the highest growth recorded in the experimental diet with the greatest concentration of DHA (20.8 mg/g DM). Survival at 36 dph was not influenced by dietary DHA and ranged from 20–44%. Mortality increased noticeably, regardless of dietary treatment, when larvae attained a standard length of approximately 9.5 mm. Mortality was related to a nocturnal behaviour where larvae would migrate to the tank bottom during the dark phase. Fatty acid profiles of the larvae were generally correlated to dietary fatty acids. Dietary DHA was found to be important in larval striped trumpeter growth, where enhanced growth probably shortened the critical period of metamorphosis and the window where nocturnal downward migration and mortality occurred.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of striped trumpeter, Latris lineata, embryos to transport was assessed through mechanical shock at four stages of embryonic development, and simulated transport at different densities and durations. Fertilised egg mortality due to mechanical shock was greatest for embryos shocked 3 and 27 h post-fertilisation (48.6% ± 4.1 and 36.0% ± 3.2, respectively; mean ± SE), and prior to blastopore closure. Mortality of embryos shocked 51 and 75 h post-fertilisation, and following blastopore closure, did not differ from un-shocked controls (9.5% ± 0.7). Density and duration of incubation affected the survival of embryos in a simulated transport trial. Embryonic mortality remained below 3% for all density treatments up to 24 h post-fertilisation. Significant mortality of fertilised eggs occurred when incubated at 5,000 embryos l−1 (17.2% ± 6.9) for 48 h and was correlated with a drop in dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. Final DO concentrations decreased with increasing embryonic density and incubation duration. DO of embryos incubated at 5,000 embryos l−1 was significantly lower than those incubated at 500, 1,000 and 2,500 embryos l−1, at all incubation durations. Mortality was prevalent in treatments that had a final DO level less than 72% saturation at 14°C. Transportation of fertilised striped trumpeter eggs in seawater is recommended from 51 h post-fertilisation at 14°C, after blastopore closure and neural keel development and at densities of no more than 2,500 embryos l−1 for 24 h transportation duration.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,84(3):358-367
This paper profiles the reproductive biology of and investigates the resilience of Tasmanian striped trumpeter under different levels of fishing pressure and size at entry to the fishery using per-recruit analysis. The spawning season around Tasmania occurs in the austral spring, with peak spawning activity in September and October. Size at 50% maturity was estimated at 543 mm fork length (FL) for females (estimated age = 6.8 years) and 529 mm FL for males (estimated age = 6.2 years). Striped trumpeter is a multiple spawner with batch fecundity estimates ranging from 205,054 for a 2 kg fish (540 mm FL) to 2,351,029 for a 9.5 kg fish (800 mm FL). At the current minimum legal size limit of 450 mm total length (equivalent to approximately 425 mm FL), yield-per-recruit was estimated to be close to maximum, and spawning biomass-per-recruit (SPR) ranged from 35 to 52% of virgin stock, depending on the mortality estimates used. Although these SPR are at a level considered sustainable, this methodology does not incorporate temporal variability, specifically recruitment variability. Therefore, conservative management measures are recommended until a dynamic model is applied to the striped trumpeter population.  相似文献   

Striped trumpeter, Latris lineata, are being experimentally cultured by the Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute at Taroona, Tasmania. Fish surviving over 30 days post-hatching have frequently developed nervous aberrations associated with a severe granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis. The myxozoan parasite Pentacapsula neurophila sp.n. was revealed as the parasite causing the disease in the striped trumpeter juveniles. Measurements made of isolated spores indicated that the organism was distinct from all previously described Pentacapsula species. This is the first report of a marine myxozoan parasite of the genus Pentacapsula in Australian waters.  相似文献   

The chondracanthid copepod, Chondracanthus goldsmidi is an ectoparasite of gills, inner opercula and nasal cavities of cultured striped trumpeter, Latris lineata (Forster). Whilst often present in high numbers (up to 60 parasites per host), little is known about its effect on striped trumpeter. In this study C. goldsmidi was associated with extensive epithelial hyperplasia and necrosis. Pathological changes were most pronounced near the parasite’s attachment site, with papilloma‐like growths surrounding the entire parasite resulting in deformation of the filament. The number of mucous cells increased near the parasite attachment sites on both the opercula and gills. Mast cells were absent in healthy gills; in contrast numerous mast cells were identified in the papilloma‐like growths. Immunostaining identified piscidin‐positive mast cells in the papilloma‐like growths, presenting the first evidence of piscidin in the family Latridae.  相似文献   

Myxozoan parasites are known pathogens of cultured finfish. Kudoa neurophila n. comb. (Grossel, Dyková, Handlinger & Munday) has historically infected hatchery‐produced striped trumpeter, Latris lineata (Forster in Bloch and Schneider), a candidate species for seacage aquaculture in Australia. We examined the efficacy of four water treatment methods to prevent K. neurophila infection in post‐larval (paperfish) and juvenile striped trumpeter. Treatments included dose‐controlled ultraviolet irradiation [hydro‐optic disinfection (HOD)], ozone with conventional UV (ozone), mechanical filtration at 25 μm and then foam fractionation (primary filtration), and 50‐μm‐filtered sea water (control). In post‐larvae (initially 10.3 ± 2.7 g, mean ± SD, 259 days post‐hatching, dph), the infection prevalence (PCR test) after 51 days was 93 ± 12% in the control, 100 ± 0% in primary filtration and 0 ± 0% in both ozone and HOD. Likewise, in juveniles (initially 114 ± 18 g, 428 dph), prevalence was 100 ± 0% in the control and primary filtration treatments with no infection detected in ozone and HOD. Concurrently, there was a 50–100% reduction in heterotrophic bacteria and 100% reduction in presumptive Vibrio sp. in sea water HOD and ozone treatments. HOD with a dose of ≥44 mJ cm?2 UV was as effective as ozonation at >700 mV ORP for 10 min, in preventing K. neurophila infection.  相似文献   

Egg samples were collected from captive striped trumpeter maintained under phase-shifted and simulated ambient photothermal regimes and incubated at 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 °C. No eggs hatched at 9 °C. Time to hatch decreased from 9.6 to 4.2 days as temperature increased from 10 to 16 °C. Survival to hatch was low at 10 and 11 °C, but similar within the range 12–16 °C. Larval length at hatching was greatest at 14 °C, with no significant difference in yolk volume or muscle depth at vent across the range of temperatures. The results of our study suggest that the optimal temperature for the incubation of striped trumpeter eggs is 14 °C, which is higher than found previously.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of differently enriched rotifers on the early growth, survival and lipid composition of Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua). The enrichments tested were: (i) AlgaMac 2000®; (ii) AquaGrow® Advantage; and (iii) a combination of Pavlova sp. paste and AlgaMac 2000®. Larvae from treatment 3 [1.50 ± 0.11 mg dry weight (dw) and 7.10 ± 0.14 dw specific growth rate (SGR)] were heavier (P = 0.006) and grew faster (P = 0.004) than larvae from treatment 2 (1.03 ± 0.04 mg dw and 6.29 ± 0.04 dw SGR). No significant differences were found in the final weight and SGR among larvae from treatment 1 (1.21 ± 0.07 mg dw and 6.58 ± 0.20 dw SGR) and larvae from treatments 2 and 3. The treatment 3 also resulted in the best survival at the end of the experimental period, estimated to be 3 on a scale from 1 to 5, whereas the survival estimates for the two other groups were 1–2. Larvae from the treatment 3 reached 37 days posthatch with levels of ω6DPA 32‐fold higher than newly hatched larvae. Differences in the larval enrichment of ω6DPA may explain the differences in growth and survival of the Atlantic cod larvae.  相似文献   

To study the effect of dietary supplementation of iodine in Solea senegalensis, larvae were randomly distributed in six tanks. Larvae in three tanks were given rotifers and Artemia enriched with iodine in addition to Rich Advance or Super Selco from 2 days after hatch (DAH) until 31 DAH. Larvae in a second set of three tanks were fed control rotifers and Artemia, enriched only with Rich Advance or Super Selco. Samples were collected at 2, 5, 10, 15 and 31 DAH to determine dry weight, total length, myotome height and thyroid status. Larvae fed the iodine‐enriched diet had significantly higher weight at 31 DAH and higher levels of whole body iodine concentration, compared to control larvae. At 31 DAH, larvae from the control treatment showed typical goitrous thyroid follicles. Thyroid cells of larvae from this treatment appeared columnar or afollicular, with the colloid partly or completely depleted, representative of hyperplasia (goitre). The lower growth rate in fish larvae from the control treatment was possibly a consequence of the hyperplasia, and the iodine enrichment prevented Senegalese sole larvae from developing goitre. This study demonstrates the importance of iodine enrichment of live feed for fish reared in a recirculation system.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding rotifers enriched with taurine on the growth performance and survival of larval amberjack Seriola dumerili was investigated. Rotifers were enriched with a commercial taurine supplement at four levels (0, 200, 400, and 800 mg/l). The larvae were fed the enriched rotifers in triplicate from 3 days post-hatch for 7 days under static conditions. The average taurine contents of the rotifers were 1.5, 2.7, 4.2, and 7.2 mg/g dry matter, respectively. The growth of the fish fed rotifers enriched with the taurine supplement at 800 mg/l was significantly (P < 0.05) improved compared with that of the fish fed the rotifers without taurine enrichment. The survival rate improved proportionally up to a taurine supplement level of 400 mg/l, but no significant differences in survival were observed among treatments. The fraction of the larvae with inflated swim bladders did not vary significantly between treatments. Taurine content in the whole fish body increased with the taurine level in the rotifers. These results suggest that taurine enrichment of rotifers is an effective method of enhancing the growth of amberjack larvae.  相似文献   

采用中心复合实验设计(CCD)和响应曲面方法(response surface methodology,RSM),探讨了温度(18~37℃)和盐度(0~16)对吉富品系尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis miloticus)仔鱼生长和存活的联合影响.结果表明,本实验条件下,温度与盐度的一次与二次效应对特定生长率和存活率均有显著影响(P<0.05),随着温度或盐度的上升,生长与存活均呈先上升后下降的变化.温度与盐度间存在互作效应(P<0.05),温度为18~20℃时,仔鱼的特定生长率与存活率在盐度为8~9时较高;随着温度上升,27~32℃时,盐度为5~7时较高;高温环境时(35~37℃),盐度在4左右,生长与存活率较高.所考察因子与生长和存活率间的二次多项回归方程的决定系数分别达到0.979 6和0.982 l(P<0.01),可用于预测罗非鱼的生长与存活率;温度效应对生长的影响较盐度明显,而对存活率的影响则相反.通过对所建立的两个回归方程同时优化,得到2个因子的最佳组合为:温度29.1℃和盐度5.4,在此最佳因子组合下罗非鱼仔鱼的特定生长率与存活率达到最优,分别为10.08%.d-1和91.34%,其可靠性达0.973.建议罗非鱼仔鱼在本研究中得到的最优因子组合下进行培育,以提高生产效率.  相似文献   

The point of no return (PNR) and disappearance of the oil droplet were measured in Chirostoma estor larvae as a function of the time of first feeding. In a separate trial, growth and survival of larvae fed rotifers enriched with Chlorella sp., cod liver oil and corn oil were assessed. Fatty acid and lipid composition of eggs, oil droplets, egg yolk, feed and larvae were also evaluated. The PNR was found between 7 and 8 days posthatching (dph). Total oil droplet depletion occurred between 7 and 11 dph, depending on the time of first feeding. Best growth and survival were obtained in larvae fed with Chlorella‐enriched rotifers, followed by those fed cod liver oil‐enriched rotifers. In larvae fed corn oil, Chlorella and cod liver oil‐enriched rotifers, total oil droplet depletion took place on days 9, 10 and 11, respectively. There was a direct relationship between presence and duration of oil droplets and the survival of larvae under different starvation conditions. The feed source could prolong the existence of the oil droplet depending on particular dietary supply of essential fatty acids; the time of its disappearance could be a useful indicator of larval vigour and health status.  相似文献   

Fishmeal diets are shown to be unfavourable for successful weaning of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae. Variable fishmeal quality, and/or a possible negative effect of ethoxyquin (EQ) and/or palatability could be the reason for the reduced growth and increased mortality observed. This study weaned wrasse larvae on either a control diet of freeze–dried shrimp and cod fillet, or fishmeal‐based diets with 0, 11 or 44 ppm EQ, for 1 month. Lower final body weight and higher mortality were related to increased inclusion of EQ. Furthermore, fishmeal diets had increased lipid oxidation values with decreased EQ content, whereas the control diet had the lowest lipid oxidation levels. A combined negative effect of oxidation and EQ supplementation could have lowered the palatability of the feeds and be the reason for the unsuccessful larval weaning. Use of EQ is inevitable in large‐scale production of feed ingredients; however, the use of high‐quality ingredients with low EQ inclusion, or its replacement with other antioxidants, may be necessary for successful intensive culture of some marine fishes.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) and Artemia sp. enriched differently on early growth, survival and lipid class composition of Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua). Rotifers enrichments tested were: (1) AlgaMac 2000®, (2) AquaGrow® Advantage and (3) a combination of Pavlova sp. paste and AlgaMac 2000®. The same treatments were tested with Artemia as well as a combination of DC DHA Selco® and AlgaMac 2000® as a fourth treatment. After rotifer feeding, the larvae from treatment 3 [1.50 ± 0.11 mg dry weight (dw)] were significantly heavier than larvae from treatment 2 (1.03 ± 0.04 mg dw). After feeding Artemia, the larvae from treatment 1 were significantly heavier (12.06 ± 2.54 mg dw) than those from treatments 3 (6.5 ± 0.73 mg dw) and 4 (5.31 ± 1.01 mg dw). Treatment 3 resulted in the best survival through the 59 days of larviculture. After rotifer feeding, high larval concentrations of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), arachidonic acid (AA) and ω6 docosapentaenoic acid (ω6DPA) could be linked to better larval growth and survival while after feeding Artemia, high larval DHA/EPA ratios (~3) and high DPA/AA ratios (>1) could be linked to better survival.  相似文献   

The study investigated the combined effect of weaning from live feed to a commercial dry pellet at 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 days posthatching (dph) and co‐feeding for 1, 3 or 6 days on survival and growth of Coregonus peled larvae. Additional groups fed only live Artemia sp. nauplii (ART), and only Biomar LARVIVA ProWean 100 (DRY) were included. A final survival rate of 66.4%–85.5% was observed in groups weaned after 20 dph. Final body weight (BW) and total length (TL) were significantly lower in groups weaned at 10 and 15 dph, regardless of the duration of co‐feeding. Larvae reached 29–37 mg BW and TL of 17.7–19.0 mm in groups weaned at 20, 25 and 30 dph. The recommended minimum duration of feeding with live food, based on these results, is 20 days. Based on the significantly higher yield of larvae weaned after 20 dph irrespective of co‐feeding duration, it can be concluded that abrupt weaning to dry food after 20 days of feeding with live prey can provide adequate production while reducing the effort and costs associated with live feed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Newly hatched Channa striatus (Bloch) were tested for survival and growth under various delayed feeding regimes. Channa striatus larvae were found to be extremely tolerant to the delay in initial feeding. About 9% of the larvae died when initial feeding was delayed by 2 days after yolk absorption. However, mortality progressively increased with further delays in first feeding. Only 26% of larvae took food when it was offered 11 days after yolk absorption.'Point of no Return'was reached only on the 14th day of starvation.  相似文献   

A 16‐day experiment was designed to find the best combination of water temperature (27, 30, 33°C) and daily duration of food availability (12, 18, 24 h) for larval tench (Tinca tinca) growth and survival. Larvae with an initial mean size of 5.7 mm total length (TL) and 0.7 mg wet body weight (BW) were stocked at 15 L?1. Larvae were fed in excess with live Artemia nauplii with the period of food availability lasting 12, 18 or 24 h daily. The largest final larval size was recorded at 27 and 30°C in groups fed for 24 h a day (17.7 and 17.9 mm TL, 76.1 and 77.7 mg BW, respectively). The combination of the highest temperature and the longest daily food availability was the only set of conditions under which final larval survival was affected (95.4% survival; 98.7–99.9% under all other conditions). The combination of water temperature of about 28.6°C and continuous food availability is recommended as the optimum combination for rearing Ttinca larvae under controlled conditions. Providing continuous food supply to fish larvae under aquaculture conditions was also advantageous in helping to mitigate the effects of slower growth relative to developmental progress, which can occur at high water temperatures. However, should one wish to limit the daily feeding period to 12 h per day, the use of a water temperature between 27.4 and 27.9°C would be the best solution.  相似文献   

The effects of different combinations of temperature and salinity on development and survival of Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.), larvae were studied in two experiments. In the period from 57 to 120 d° post hatching, approximately 38% of the larvae died: in both experiments, mortality was significantly related to temperature, but there was no relationship to salinity.Cumulative, chronic mortality during the yolk-sac stage (until 210 d°) was related to salinity. High mortality was observed in both experiments when high salinity (>34%) was combined with incubation at either high (9 °C) or low (3 °C) temperature. The development of head lesions was significantly related to temperature, and for larvae kept at high salinity, increased mortality may have been a result of salinity stress in the injured larvae.Abnormal development of the caudal notochord, sometimes resulting in a 90-degree bend of the tail, occurred during incubation of early yolk-sac larvae in high-salinity water. The occurrence of larvae with locked jaws, and larvae with oedema in the yolk-sac sinus and pericardium, was significantly related to temperature. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

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